Vitruvius and antique techniques of plaster work and painting


Vitruvius and antique techniques of plaster work and painting
2nd Historic Mortars Conference HMC2010 and RILEM TC 203-RHM Final Workshop
22-24 September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
Vitruvius and antique techniques of plaster
work and painting
Laura Thiemann1, Stefanie Gerzer2, Ralf Kilian3
Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Restaurierung, Kunsttechnologie und Konservierungswissenschaft, [email protected]
Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Restaurierung, Kunsttechnologie und Konservierungswissenschaft, [email protected]
Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Holzkirchen, Preventive Conservation and Heritage
Preservation, [email protected]
Abstract The current project Vitruv und die Techniken des Raumdekors is focused
on the investigation of ancient plasters and painting techniques in the context of
the specifications of Vitruvius’ De Architecura Libri Decem. A multidisciplinary
group of scientists composed of conservators, architectural historians,
archaeologists and philologists is dedicated to the elaboration of a new German
translation and critical annotation of the technical terms and descriptions of
Vitruvius’ work, particularly books II, VII and VIII. Instructions from the text will
be compared to archaeological proof and experimental archaeology. Research on
the reception of Vitruvius’ descriptions in the Renaissance, both in written sources
as well as in built architecture, is another aim of the project. Here again the focus
is set on plasters and painting techniques.
The new edition and translation of Vitruvius’ descriptions of
art technology
Text and present translations
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (~ 84-20/10 BC), the author of the De Architectura,
was a Roman architect, art historian and engineer in military and hydraulic
construction. Little is known about his life and information is mostly provided by
his own remarks where he relates about his close connection to Imperator
Augustus, whom he dedicated his work. Divided into ten sections or “books”, De
Architectura covers almost every aspect of architecture, from town planning,
materials, decorations, temples to water supplies, etc. His work today represents
the only major antique written source on architecture and building techniques.
Since its “rediscovery” in the beginnings of the 15th century, at the latest since
the first printed edition in the 2nd half of the 15th century, Vitruvius’ work forms
the foundation for any kind of argument with antique architecture, especially for
the Roman culture. His doctrine about proportions and his descriptions of the
orders of architecture henceforth became a central part of modern architectural
theory. Renaissance architects were anxious to employ Vitruvius’ descriptions in
their own work, trying to get as close as possible to classical, and therefore
renaissance, ideals.
The original text version is lost, but the content has been preserved through the
ages by several medieval transcriptions. All of them are faulty and in addition to
the difficulties of interpretation of Vitruvian language and the peculiarities of his
descriptions the understanding is not always absolutely certain. Its singularity does
not allow comparisons to other texts with similar contents. Therefore every edition
and translation cannot be more than a careful attempt to reconstruct the original
text. Despite the long lasting philological tradition in interpreting Vitruvius’ work
there still remain many unsolved questions.
So far De Architectura has been translated into several languages (Italian,
Spanish, English, Dutch, German, Polish, French). The youngest German edition
was published in 1964 [1]. A comparison of various editions points out the
mismatches between them. In context with technological contents this is not
amazing due to the fact, that all existing versions are based only on a philological
approach to the Latin and Greek manuscripts. Considering the cloudy indications
of Vitruvius, augmented by the incomplete written records this is no wonder, even
more due to the fact that the respective references of modern technical literature
provide only inconsistent information.
On the other hand, the different disciplines, which base their researches on
editions and translations of De Architectura, are confronted with a heterogeneous,
in parts simply misplaced professional terminology. In the case of the most recent
German translation from 1964 [1], the terms are partly antiquated.
Interdisciplinary cooperation
philologists and conservators
Besides the linguistic difficulties translating Vitruvius’ texts also the
technological contents are not sufficiently discussed in the existing translations of
De Architectura. The different independent references, which are cited in the
commentaries, can only provide limited information because the references rarely
are based on systematical studies of roman wall paintings. But linking
archaeological-philological and scientific-technological disciplines involves broad
researches of all the single facets and edificial details which are described by
Vitruvius. The result of the investigations is set to enlighten Roman constructions
and decoration techniques parting from the current state of research in order to
provide a new reference for later studies on the topic.
The existing research and discussions in context with the brilliant smoothness
of Roman wall paintings are a good example to demonstrate the difficulties
presented by the interpretation of Vitruvius’ descriptions. Book VII, 3 of De
Architectura is dedicated, amongst others, to the composition of mortars, the way
how to apply them on the walls and how they are to be treated in order to reach the
special shine and firmness which at all times have invited admiration. Comparing
various translations shows the wide range of possible interpretations which result
from a simple translation of the latin texts.
“Sed et liaculorum subactionibus fundata soliditate marmorisque candore firmo
levigata, coloribus cum politionibus inductis nitidos experiment splendores.”
[1, 3, 4]
“[…] sondern sie werfen auch, wenn sie mit Stöcken dicht geschlagen und mit
hartem Marmorstaube geschliffen, zugleich aber beym Poliren mit Farben überzogen
werden, einen schimmernden Glanz von sich.”
„Wenn aber der feste Verputz infolge der Bearbeitung mit Liacula noch verdichtet
und mit hartem festem Marmorweiß (Marmormehl) geschliffen ist, werden die Wände,
wenn die Farben zugleich mit dem Putz aufgetragen werden, einen schimmernden Glanz
„Mais lorsque leur solidité, assureé en profondeur par la pression des taloches, aura
de surcroît acquis par le lissage la blancheur éclatante du marbre, les murs, grâce aux
coleurs étendues avec la couche de finiton, jetteront un brillant éclat.“
„Ma una volta che la loro compattezza è stata consolidata, strofinandola con
spianatoi, e levigata con il marmo lucente e duraturo, le pareti irradieranno la piú
smagliante lucentezza dopo che, assieme alla rifinitura finale, vi saranno spalmati i
„But once the durability of such revetments has been ensured by being worked over
with plasterers’s floats and polished with bright and stable marble-powder, they will be
brillantly luminous when the colours have been applied with the final surface.“
The differences between the single translations are obvious: depending on the
function of marble in context with shiny wall surfaces the interpretation of the
sentence leads to completely diverse meanings. On the one hand marble forms the
material used to polish a plastered surface and on the other it has a metaphoric
meaning describing the intended effect. From the technical point of view the cited
translations involve completely different working processes not to forget the
different associations concerning the used tools.
At the same time scientific approaches have been undertaken in order to clear
the problem parting from built evidence. Several theories explaining the workingprocess can be found in literature:
1. The earliest theories focus on the technique of Roman encaustic. During a
grand dispute amongst experts at Munich about 100 years ago, there were two
different positions: The first position, represented by Berger, thought the secret
of smoothing techniques of mortars would be the „Ganosis“, i. e., the treatment
of the painted walls with hot wax – this theory reverts on an interpretation of a
quote of Vitruvius about the treatment of cinnabar colour coats with the help of
wax (book VII, 9). The second position was represented by the so named
„fresco theorists“ Keim, Donner von Richter, Laurie, Raehlmann and Eibner.
The latter ruled the debate in 1926: he primarily described the antique wall
painting technique as a fresco technique in his book „Entwicklung und
Werkstoffe der Wandmalerei vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit“ [6]. As to Eibner,
there is no proof to outline the use of encaustic techniques regarding various
chemical studies on original and untreated fragments of antique wall paintings.
2. The assumption that protein glues could assist in the smoothing process of wall
painting surfaces is mentioned very often, Klinkert [7] for example supposes
the use of animal glues for fresco wall paintings. In this context he quotes
Vitruvuis’ remark on the mixing of animal glue with carbon black in order to
paint plastered walls (book VII, 10).
3. In 1984 Mora and Philippot [8] brought a new aspect to the discussion which
presumes the addition of clay minerals into the upper mortar painting layers in
order to relieve the smoothing process. Proven findings of yellow and red ochre
with a high content of aluminates and silicates as well as white pigments based
on clay minerals like kaolin used in painting- and plastering layers, supported
by the fact that Vitruvius himself describes the use of yellow ochre in order to
smooth surfaces of wall paintings, are confirming this theory (book VII, 7).
All attempted explanations have in common being associated with the opus of
Vitruvius at the one hand and with several independently conducted analytical
studies on the other. The described theories coexist until now and for every one of
them new evidences could be found in the recent past. For example the encaustic
theory, which seemed to be disproved on since the final publication of Eibner in
1926, has again been picked up by Augusti during the 1960ies [9] and in the last
few years further articles about the application of wax to wall paintings, proved by
natural scientific studies, have been published [10, 11].
The approaches on the problems, which arise in the context with the smoothing
process of antique roman wall paintings, show the necessity of more extensive
studies relative to the topic. Against this background the current research project
intends to create a new German edition of De Architectura, focussing on wall
decoration techniques, especially in respect to its technological contents. For the
first time an interdisciplinary interpretation will be possible by linking an
archaeological-philological analysis on the one hand with scientific-technical
examinations on the other, supplemented by experimental reconstructions to
definitely verify the on-site findings.
Besides the better knowledge of antique working progresses of wall paintings,
the project will illuminate further unexplained questions. The planned
chronological, geographical and sociological studies on antique architecture will
also provide new insights into the significance of Vitruvius and De Architectura in
ancient times. Because of the lack of comparable antique sources a correlation to
other literary works is not possible and today’s interpretation of De Architectura is
not easy to achieve. It becomes even more complicated due to the fact, that hardly
anything can be said about the authors life. What we know is that Vitruvius did
only rarely supervise building measures as an architect himself. Therefore, the
bigger part of his opus is not based on his own experience, but on other sources.
For example, 1. his education by different masters, 2. own observations and 3. the
profound knowledge of various writings from primarily Greek authors.
Against this historical and sociological background currently it appears highly
desirable to find out how much De Architectura does represent antique building
techniques and in which way Vitruvius writings were adapted from the ancient
world. Thus, the question how much Vitruvius’ descriptions are based on real
ancient traditions should be discussed in a widespread way.
Project status
In addition to broad research on literature analyses on roman buildings are the
main pillars of the project. The results of the studies on buildings and mortars will
then be verified within workshops. Main topics will be mortar components and
techniques of surface treatment. All samples will be available for subsequent
analytical research.
In this first stage of the project Augustean wall paintings on the Palatine are of
main interest for further examination. Parting from the fact, that Vitruvius had
close relations to Imperator Augustus, the probability of finding implementations
of Vitruvian techniques in these buildings can not be dismissed. Researches on
these archaeological sites may provide new information to solve linguistic
problems of the Latin standard text and in addition provide crucial evidence for
the understanding of the role De Architectura played in antique times.
During the project several work stays in Italy are planned – the first one took
place during May 2010 for one month. Besides the comprehensive studies at the
libraries of Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro (IsCR) and
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural
Property (ICCROM) we had the opportuniy, with the kind permission of the
Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, to visit buildings with
wall paintings of the augustean period on the palatine (Casa di Augusto, Casa di
Livia, Aula Isiaca) and other archeological sites in Rome (Villa di Livia).
In addition to the results achieved in May ongoing research promises crucial
findings. They are to be published altogether in the near future.
Within the studies about the reception of Vitruvius’ descriptions in the
Renaissance the focus is laid on specific buildings in Munich (St. Michael church,
the Antiquarium at the Munich residence and the arcades of the Hofgarten) and
Bavaria (Stadtresidenz Landshut, Schloß Wetzhausen). Future research will
expand the topographical emphasis to Italy, where the Renaissance had its origin
and from where many travelling artists communicated stylistic but also technical
Workshops for experimental reconstruction of antique roman plaster-techniques at the studio for
stucco-works at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich (Photo: Kilian)
The research project „Vitruv und die Techniken des Raumdekors“ is funded by the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the period of three years (1st July 2009
– 30th June 2012). It is directed by the Lehrstuhl für Restaurierung, Kunsttechnologie und
Konservierungswissenschaft of the Technische Universität of Munich (Prof. Emmerling) and
developed in co-operation with the Fraunhofer Institut for Building Physics, Holzkirchen (IBP),
the Institut für Klassische Archäologie of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich (Prof.
Schneider) and the Lehrstuhl für Baugeschichte, Historische Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege
of the Technische Universität of Munich (Prof. Schuller).
1. Vitruv Zehn Bücher über Architektur, translation and commentary by Fensterbusch C (1964),
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt
2. Des Marcus Vitruvius Pollio Baukunst, translation by Rode A (1796), Georg Joachim
Göschen, Leipzig
3. Vitruve. De l’Architecture, translation and commentary by Liou B, Zuinghedau M, Cam M-T
(1995), Livre VII, Les Belles Lettres, Paris
4. Vitruvio De Architectura, translation and commentary by Corso A, Romano E, Gros P (ed)
(1997), Giulio Einaudi, Torino
5. Vitruvius On Architecture, Translated by Richard Schofield with an Introduction by Robert
Tavenor (2009), Penguin Books, London
6. Eibner A (1926) Entwicklung und Werkstoffe der Wandmalerei vom Altertum bis zur
Neuzeit, München
7. Klinkert W (1960) Bemerkungen zur Technik der Pompeianischen Wanddekoration. In:
Curtius L (ed) Die Wandmalerei Pompejis, Darmstadt
8. Mora P, Mora L, Philippot P (1984) Conservation of wall paintings, London
9. Augusti S (1967) I colori pompeiani. Studi e documentazione, Roma
10. Sciuti S, Fronterotta G, Vendittelli M, Fiorini C (2001) A non-destructive analytical study of
a recently discovered Roman wall painting. In: Studies in Conservation 46/2, London
11. Ardovino A M (2002) Tecnica pittorica nel santuario repubblicano di Brescia. In: Nuove
ricerche sul Capitolium di Brescia. Scavi, studi e restauri. Atti del Convegno di Brescia 2001,