Enjoy your meal, baby. Mahlzeit, Baby!


Enjoy your meal, baby. Mahlzeit, Baby!
vom Forschungsinstitut
für Kinderernährung
entwickelt mit
Mahlzeit, Baby!
Ernährungstipps und Rezepte für die Beikost.
Enjoy your meal, baby.
Nutrition Tips and Recipes
Nothing but
fresh for us.
Our recommendation for healthy development:
a lot of love and a balanced diet.
For over 50 years, we have been involved in the development of children in
the first years of their lives. Together with midwives, doctors and parents,
we create products that further children in their natural development and
make parents’ lives easier. Healthy nutrition is of particular concern to us,
as the provision of vital nutrients at any time is the best foundation for
growing big and strong.
In this brochure we want to show how you can very easily prepare fresh
and healthy meals for your baby yourself. Together with the Research
Institute of Child Nutrition in Dortmund, Germany (FKE) we have developed recipes that will make it easy to introduce your baby to solid food.
So: pans at the ready, steady, go!
Tried and tested:
the nutrition plan for the first year of life.
The “Nutrition Plan for the First Year of Life”, developed by the Research Institute
of Child Nutrition in Dortmund, Germany, serves as the basis for the recipes in
this cook book. The institute has been dealing intensively with the promotion
of healthy nutrition for babies and children over many years. The plan takes into
consideration the individual development stages of your child as well as the
nutrients required for healthy growth and is endorsed by the National Breastfeeding Committee (NSK), the German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
(DGKJ) as well as the “young family” network .
The recipes were developed for the entire period of solid food. You will find
the right, easy-to-prepare recipes for every stage of your baby’s life.
The precise time when you begin with the first puree and eating together as a
family, is up to you, of course. For all children develop at their own speed and
have their own needs. So the table below only gives time frames or age spans,
within which you can start giving puree and solid food.
Nutrition Plan for the First Year of Life
Milk-based feeds
the family’s
Breastfeed for as long as mother and child wish
Easy-to-prepare meals for your baby.
Children grow up so fast. All of a sudden, just breast or formula milk is no longer
enough for your baby. But what should you give your baby next and how do you
actually make the first puree? With this nutrition plan and the simple recipes,
your homemade meals for your baby will be a success right from the start. And
it is sure to taste so fresh and natural to your little darling right away - much
better than from the jar.
Daily Nutrition
A meal
with bread
Cereal and
Fruit Puree
Breast or formula milk
Milk and
Cereal Puree
Vegetable Potato
Meat Puree
Vitamin K
2 Snacks
A meal
with bread
Warm meal
Vitamin D, Fluoride
“When and how do I start with solids?”
In the first 4 to 6 months of life, your child is sufficiently well provided for with
breast or formula milk. After that, pureed food - the so-called “solids” - enriches
their nutrition. In line with the development and interest of your child in food,
solids should be introduced at the start of the fifth month at the earliest and not
later than at the beginning of the seventh. First of all your child has to get used
to spoon-feeding and vegetables. Carrot puree has stood the test of time here. As
soon as your child has learnt to eat from a spoon, you can introduce other types
of vegetables. Among those that are nutritious and most often easy to digest are
cauliflower, broccoli and courgette. Usually the first few meals with puree will
not satisfy your baby’s hunger, as not more than a few spoonsful will be eaten –
but be patient! Just follow up with a breast or bottle feed.
Tip: freeze small portions. As your child will still only eat very small amounts
of puree to begin with, it is not worth cooking separate meals. Prepare 400 g of
vegetable at one time, then puree and freeze it into small portions, which you can
then defrost one at a time. Or take the vegetables - before you have seasoned them from the food for the rest of your family and puree small portions for your baby.
“What comes after the first vegetable puree?”
After getting your child used to vegetable puree, vegetables mixed with potatoes
and oil is a good transition before going on to vegetable, potato and meat puree.
Vegetable, potato and meat puree is the first full pureed meal that replaces a milk
feed. There are 4 to 5 ingredients in it: vegetables, potatoes, meat, oil and fruit
juice. A little water can also be added to the puree.
“Can I vary the recipes?”
Even young infants can take a wide variety of vegetables. For example, fennel,
spinach, kohlrabi and green beans are also suitable along with the vegetables
already mentioned. And instead of potatoes you can also sometimes serve rice
or pasta. When it comes to meat, lean pieces of beef are a good choice, as beef is
particularly rich in the important nutrients of iron and zinc. But lean pieces of
pork, lamb or poultry are other good options. Once cooked, meat is easy to puree
with vegetables or on its own. To bring a little variety into the menu, you can replace meat once or twice a week with fish. Oily fish, such as salmon and herring,
is rich in the important omega-3 fatty acids and therefore highly recommendable.
Tip: the food your baby gets to know now will also be eaten later. Offer your child
different types of vegetables right from the start. Children, who have already got to
know different tastes with their first solid food, will more easily accept new types of
food later.
“Which oil is best suited for baby food?”
Thanks to its well-balanced fatty acid composition, rapeseed oil can be highly recommended. But you can also use sunflower, soya or corn oil. Adding some vitamin
C-rich juice to the purees is very important, particularly with vegetable purees, as
it makes absorbing iron from the vegetables easier. Best suited are orange juice or
vitamin C enriched apple or baby juices. To increase the variety of tastes, ring the
changes here too. To be able to process the ingredients and achieve the texture of
puree that is more easily swallowed by your child, you can add a little water to the
puree as required.
“How much can my baby eat?”
In the following table we have put together what you need to prepare a portion of vegetable, potato and meat puree by age. You can find the recipes, which correspond to these
quantities, in this brochure from page 22.
The following table shows how to prepare a portion of Milk and
Cereal Puree.
Milk and Cereal Puree
Vegetable Potato Meat Puree
Age of the Baby
200 g
4-6 Months
7-9 Months
10-12 Months
90 g
100 g
100 g
20 g
Cereal flakes
Stir in
40 g
50 g
60 g
20 g
Mash and add
20 g
30 g
30 g
15 g
20 g
10 g
Rapeseed oil
As required
As required
As required
Add and puree
“What comes after the first puree?”
In the two months after the Vegetable Potato Meat Puree, two other purees are introduced, each of which replaces a milk feed. Normally the Milk and Cereal Puree comes
first and then the Cereal and Fruit Puree comes onto the menu. But the other way round
is also all right.
The Milk and Cereal Puree is made from three ingredients: milk, cereal and fruit.
Pasteurized or UHT milk with a fat content of 3.5 % forms the basis of the puree. The
fat content is important because the fat requirement in the first year of life is particularly high. Wholemeal flakes or semolina without any (sweetening) additives are stirred
into the milk. Oat flakes contain a great amount of iron, but millet flakes, wholemeal
semolina and other types of cereals are also suitable. Fresh fruit that is in season (raw or
stewed) is mashed or grated and stirred into the puree. A variety of tastes here too can
lead to your child accepting new foods more easily later.
Age of the Baby 5-12 Months
For the Fruit and Cereal Puree, you can use the same types of
cereal and fruit as in the Milk and Cereal Puree. Rapeseed oil is a
good choice here. The following table shows the ingredients and
preparation of the Fruit and Cereal Puree. The amount is suitable
for babies from the seventh month on.
Fruit and Cereal Puree
Age of the Baby 6-12 Monate
90 g
20 g
Cereal flakes
Stir in, cook for a short time
100 g
Mash and add
Rapeseed oil
Stir in
The fruit puree described in the recipe book on page 56 can be
used as the fruit ingredient for 5 portions of the Fruit and Cereal
Puree (for babies who already know the types of fruit in the puree).
The quantities of vegetables, potatoes and fruit refer to peeled and cleaned produce. The quantities of pasta, rice and millet apply to cooked, soaked ingredients.
Dry, they would weigh only half as much at most.
The preparation times in the recipes were tested by us and are for pieces approx.
1-2 cm in size. However, they can vary slightly if you use other ingredients. Especially with meat and fish, you should test if they are done before pureeing and
cook longer if necessary.
The amount of water given in the recipes serves as a guide. How much water is
actually required, depends on the consistency of the food and texture you want
the puree to have.
The biggest difference between this puree and ready-made baby food in a jar is
the consistency. Don’t let yourself be confused by this – the homemade puree
will taste really good to your baby!
Tip: spoon not scales. To save yourself having to weigh small amounts for the recipes, switch to spoons. A teaspoonful of oil for example weighs 4 g, a tablespoon of
juice 15 g, a tablespoon of oat flakes 8 g etc.
Tips on how to keep puree.
“What should I keep in mind when preparing the
first puree?”
The following recipes need just a few ingredients that are suitable for children
and are quick and easy to prepare.
For each age group (5-6 months, 7-9 months and 10-12 months) 4 recipes are
suggested: some with meat or fish or even just vegetables. They can of course –
by changing the ingredient quantities per portion – also be used for other age
groups. Babies under seven months should still be given finely pureed food. Older
babies, who are already familiar with eating from a spoon and the consistency of
puree, can also eat less finely pureed food. The ingredients should be so soft after
cooking that they can be easily squashed with a fork.
The puree is ready, but there is far too much of it? Or your baby just doesn’t want
carrot today? No problem!
Here are a few tips as to how you can store the prepared puree: you should feed
your child the freshly cooked Vegetable Potato Meat Puree soon after it is prepared and do not leave it out at room temperature. The finished puree can be
kept for 24 hours in the refrigerator. To keep it for a longer time you should freeze
it as soon as possible after cooking. It will keep for a few months at -18°C.
The portion can be defrosted in the fridge overnight and then be warmed up over
a bowl of hot water or in the microwave just before feeding. Stir it well and check
the temperature before giving it to your baby. Once a portion of puree has been
warmed up, it should not be reheated again. Leftovers should be thrown out just
to be on the safe side.
Unsere kinderleichten
Our easy-peasy
Breie auf Gemüsebasis. Vegetable-based Purees.
Karotten mit Kartoffeln und Schweinefilet
Potatoey-Carrot with Pork
Fenchel mit Kartoffeln und Haferflocken
Fennel and Potatoes with Oat Flakes
Blumenkohl mit Kartoffeln und Rinderhack
Cauliflower and Potatoes with Minced Beef
Zucchini mit Nudeln und Rinderhack
Courgettes and Pasta with Minced Beef
Karotten mit Kartoffeln und Lachs
Potatoey-Carrot with Salmon
Grüne Bohnen mit Reis und Pute
Green Beans and Rice with Turkey
Zucchini und Tomaten mit Kartoffeln und Hirseflocken
Courgettes and Tomatos with Potatoes and Millet Flakes
Brokkoli und Paprika mit Nudeln und Kabeljau
Broccoli and Pepper with Pasta and Cod
Kohlrabi mit Kartoffeln und Schweineschnitzel
Kohlrabi and Potatoes with Pork
Tomaten und Mais mit Reis und Hirse
Tomatoes and Sweetcorn with Rice and Millet
Karotten mit Reis und Rinderhack
Carrots and Rice with Minced Beef
Obstbrei. Fruit Puree.
Kürbis mit Kartoffeln und Hühnerbrust
Squash and Potatoes with Chicken
Obstpüree für den Getreide-Obst-Brei
Fruit Puree for the Fruit and Cereal Puree
Viele Köche
verderben den Brei.
Deine Mama nicht.
Too many cooks spoil
the broth. But your
mum doesn’t.
Karotten mit Kartoffeln
und Schweinefilet
1. Die geschälten Karotten in ca. 1 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden
90 g Karotten
und die geschälten Kartoffeln in etwa gleich große Würfel.
40 g Kartoffeln
asser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
20 g Schweinefilet 2. W
Das Gemüse dazugeben. Es sollte fast vom Wasser bedeckt
15 g Apfelsaft
sein. Das Gemüse bei mittlerer Hitze ca. 15 Minuten mit
8 g Rapsöl
geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
2 EL Wasser
3. Das Schweinefilet in 4 kleine Stücke schneiden und zur
Gemüse-Kartoffel-Mischung geben, dann 5 Minuten weiter
kochen lassen.
4. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
Apfelsaft, Rapsöl und ca. 2 EL Garwasser zu den gekochten
Zutaten geben.
5. A lles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­tenz
erreicht ist.
Hinweis: Verwenden Sie mehr Garwasser zum Pürieren, wenn Sie
mehrere Portionen vorbereiten.
Potatoey-Carrot with Pork
90 g carrots
40 g potatoes
20 gfillet of pork
15 g apple juice
8 g rapeseed oil
2 tbsp water
1. Cut the peeled carrots into approx. 1 cm thick slices and the
peeled potatoes into cubes roughly the same size.
2. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the vege­tables.
They should be almost covered by water. Cook the vege­tables
at medium heat for approx. 15 minutes with the lid closed.
3. Cut the fillet of pork into 4 small pieces and add to the vege­
table potato mixture, and continue cooking for approx.
further 5 minutes.
4. Drain the cooking water and place in a container. Add the
apple juice, rapeseed oil and approx. 2 tbsp of cooking water
to the cooked ingredients.
5. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
Note:Use more water to puree the mixture if you are preparing
several portions.
Blumenkohl mit Kartoffeln
und Rinderhack
90 g Blumenkohl
40 g Kartoffeln
20 g Rinderhack
8 g Rapsöl
15 g Orangensaft
2 EL Wasser
1. Den Blumenkohl klein schneiden. Die Kartoffeln
2. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
Das Gemüse dazugeben. Es sollte fast vom Wasser
bedeckt sein. Das Gemüse bei mittlerer Hitze ca.
15 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
3. Das Hackfleisch zu der Gemüse-Kartoffel-Mischung
geben und alles zusammen ca. 3 Minuten weiter
kochen lassen.
4. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
Orangensaft, Rapsöl und ca. 2 EL Garwasser zu den
gekochten Zutaten geben.
5. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist. Zwischendurch umrühren und bei
Bedarf Wasser hinzugeben.
Cauliflower and Potatoes
with Minced Beef
90 g cauliflower
40 g potatoes
20 g minced beef
8 g rapeseed oil
15 g orange juice
2 tbsp water
1. Cut the cauliflower into small pieces. Dice the potatoes.
2. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the
vegetables. They should be almost covered by water.
Cook the vegetables at medium heat for approx.
15 minutes with the lid closed.
3. Add the minced meat to the vegetable potato mixture,
and continue cooking for approx. further 3 minutes.
4. Drain the cooking water and place in a container.
Add the apple juice, rapeseed oil and approx. 2 tbsp
of cooking water to the cooked ingredients.
5. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
Karotten mit Kartoffeln
und Lachs
1. Die geschälten Karotten in ca. 1 cm dicke Scheiben
schneiden und die geschälten Kartoffeln in etwa
gleich große Würfel.
(tiefgekühlt 2. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
oder frisch; Das Gemüse dazugeben. Es sollte fast vom Wasser
ungewürzt und bedeckt sein. Das Gemüse bei mittlerer Hitze ca.
15 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
30 g Apfelsaft
3. Den Lachs in 2 Stücke schneiden und zur Gemüse 8 g Rapsöl
Kartoffel-Mischung geben, dann 5 Minuten weiter
kochen lassen.
2 EL Wasser
4. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen. Apfelsaft, Rapsöl und ca. 2 EL Garwasser zu den
gekochten Zutaten geben.
5. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist. Zwischendurch umrühren und bei
Bedarf Wasser hinzugeben.
90 g Karotten
40 g Kartoffeln
20 g Lachs
Potatoey-Carrot with Salmon
90 g carrots
40 g potatoes
20 g salmon
(deep-frozen or fresh; non-
seasoned and non-smoked)
30 g apple juice
8 g rapeseed oil
2tbsp water
1. C
ut the peeled carrots into approx. 1 cm thick slices and
the peeled potatoes into cubes roughly the same size.
2. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the
vege­tables. They should be almost covered by water.
Cook the vegetables at medium heat for approx.
15 min­utes with the lid closed.
3. Cut the salmon into 2 pieces and add to the vegetable
potato mixture, and continue cooking for approx. further 5 minutes.
4. Drain the cooking water and place in a container.
Add the apple juice, rapeseed oil and approx. 2 tbsp
of cooking water to the cooked ingredients.
5. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
Zucchini und Tomaten mit
Kartoffeln und Hirseflocken
45 g Zucchini
45 g Tomaten
40 g Kartoffeln
7 g Hirseflocken
50 gWasser zum Quellen
30 g Apfelsaft
8 g Rapsöl
1. Die Kartoffeln würfeln.
2. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen. Die
Kartoffeln dazugeben. Sie sollten fast vom Wasser bedeckt
sein. Die Kartoffeln bei mittlerer Hitze ca. 10 Minuten mit
geschlossenem Deckel kochen lassen.
3. Die Tomaten häuten und klein schneiden, die Zucchini in
0,5 cm Stücke schneiden.
4. Das Gemüse zu den Kartoffelstücken geben und ca. 7 Minuten weiter kochen lassen.
5. Währenddessen die Hirseflocken mit dem Wasser übergießen und quellen lassen.
6. Die gegarten Zutaten und die gequollenen Hirseflocken
zusammen mit dem Apfelsaft und dem Rapsöl pürieren,
bis die gewünschte Konsistenz erreicht ist. Zwischendurch
umrühren und bei Bedarf Wasser hinzugeben.
Courgettes and Tomatoes with
Potatoes and Millet Flakes
45 g courgettes
45 g tomatoes
40 g potatoes
7 g millet flakes
50 g water to soak
30 g apple juice
8 g rapeseed oil
1. Dice the potatoes.
2. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the pota ­­toes.
They should be almost covered by water. Cook the po­ta­toes at
medium heat for approx. 10 minutes with the lid closed.
3. Skin the tomatoes and cut into small pieces. Cut the courgettes into 0.5 cm pieces.
4. Add the vegetables to the diced potatoes, and continue
cooking for approx. further 7 minutes.
5. In the meantime pour the water over the millet flakes and
leave to soak.
6. Puree the cooked ingredients and the soaked millet flakes
with the apple juice and rapeseed oil until the mixture has
the consistency you want. Stir occasionally and where
necessary add a little water.
Bei dir isst nicht nur
das Auge mit. Auch Hand,
Fuß und Nase.
You don’t just feast with
your eyes, but with your
hands, feet, and nose too.
Kohlrabi mit Kartoffeln
und Schweineschnitzel
100 g Kohlrabi
50 g Kartoffeln
30 g Schweine-
35 g Apfelsaft
8 g Rapsöl
2 EL Wasser
1. Den Kohlrabi in kleine Stücke und die Kartoffeln in
etwa gleich große Würfel schneiden.
2. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
Das Gemüse dazugeben. Es sollte fast vom Wasser
bedeckt sein. Das Gemüse bei mittlerer Hitze ca.
15 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
3. Das Fleisch in 3 gleich große Stücke schneiden, zur
Gemüse-Kartoffel-Mischung geben und alles 5 Minuten
weiter kochen lassen.
4. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
Apfelsaft, Rapsöl und ca. 2 EL Garwasser zu den gekochten Zutaten geben.
5. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist. Zwischendurch umrühren und bei
Bedarf Wasser hinzugeben.
Kohlrabi and Potatoes with Pork
100 g kohlrabi
50 g potatoes
30 glean pork (e.g. esca-
35 g apple juice
8 g rapeseed oil
2 tbsp water
1. Cut the kohlrabi and potatoes into pieces of about the
same size.
2. Pour the water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the
vegetables. They should be almost covered by water.
Cook the vegetables at medium heat for approx.
15 minutes with the lid closed.
3. Cut the meat into 3 pieces of the same size, add to the
vegetable potato mixture and continue cooking for
approx. further 5 minutes.
4. D
rain the cooking water and place in a container.
Add the apple juice, rapeseed oil and approx. 2 tbsp
of cooking water to the cooked ingredients.
5. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
Karotten mit Reis
und Rinderhack
1 00 g Karotten
50 g gekochter Vollkornreis
30 g Rinderhack
20 g Orangensaft
8 g Rapsöl
2 ELWasser
1. Reis ohne Salz nach Verpackungsanweisung kochen
oder dem Familienessen entnehmen.
2. Die geschälten Karotten in ca. 1 cm dicke Scheiben
3. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
Die Karotten dazugeben. Sie sollten fast vom Wasser
bedeckt sein. Die Karotten bei mittlerer Hitze ca.
15 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
4. Dann das Hackfleisch dazugeben und 3 Minuten weiter
kochen lassen.
5. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
Reis, Orangensaft, Rapsöl und ca. 2 EL Garwasser zu
den gekochten Zutaten geben.
6. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist.
Carrots and Rice with Minced Beef
1 00 g carrots
1. Boil the rice, without salt, according to the instructions
on the pack or take it from your family’s meal.
50 g whole-grain rice (cooked) 2. Cut the peeled carrots in approx. 1 cm thick slices.
30 g minced beef 3. Pour the water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the
carrots. They should be almost covered by water. Cook
20 g orange juice
the carrots at medium heat for approx. 15 minutes with
8 g rapeseed oil
the lid closed.
2 tbsp water
4. T
hen add the minced meat and cook for approx.
further 3 minutes.
5. Drain the cooking water and place in a container.
Add the rice, apple juice, rapeseed oil and approx.
2 tbsp cooking water to the cooked ingredients.
6. Puree everything together until it has the desired
Kürbis mit Kartoffeln
und Hühnerbrust
100 g Hokkaido-
1. Die Kartoffeln würfeln. Den Kürbis gut abwaschen und
in kleine Würfel schneiden.
50 g Kartoffeln
2. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
Das Gemüse dazugeben. Es sollte fast vom Wasser
30 g Hühnerbrust
bedeckt sein. Das Gemüse bei mittlerer Hitze ca.
17 g Apfelsaft
15 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
8 g Rapsöl
3. Die Hühnerbrust in 4 kleine Stücke schneiden und zur
2 EL Wasser
Gemüse-Kartoffel-Mischung geben, dann 5 Minuten
weiter kochen lassen.
4. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
Apfelsaft, Rapsöl und 2 EL Garwasser zu den gekochten
Zutaten geben.
5. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist. Zwischendurch umrühren und bei
Bedarf Wasser hinzugeben.
Squash and Potatoes with Chicken
100 g Hokkaido squash
50 g potatoes
30 g chicken breast
17 g apple juice
8 g rapeseed oil
2 tbsp water
1. Dice the potatoes. Thoroughly wash the squash and cut
into very small pieces.
2. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the
vegetables. They should be almost covered by water.
Cook the vegetables at medium heat for approx.
15 minutes with the lid closed.
3. Cut the chicken breast into 4 small pieces and add to
the vegetable potato mixture, then continue cooking
for approx. further 5 minutes.
4. D
rain the cooking water and place in a container.
Add the apple juice, rapeseed oil and 2 tbsp of cooking
water to the cooked ingredients.
5. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
Fenchel mit Kartoffeln und Haferflocken
100 g Fenchel
50 g Kartoffeln
10 g Schmelz­-
35 g Apfelsaft
8 g Rapsöl
6 EL Wasser
1. Kartoffeln und Fenchel würfeln.
2. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen. Die
Kartoffeln dazugeben. Sie sollten fast vom Wasser bedeckt
sein. Die Kartoffeln bei mittlerer Hitze ca. 10 Minuten mit
geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
3. Den gewürfelten Fenchel hinzugeben und alles zu­sammen
ca. 7 Minuten weiter kochen lassen.
4. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen. Apfelsaft, Rapsöl, Schmelzflocken und ca. 6 EL Gar­wasser zu den
gekochten Zutaten geben.
5. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­tenz
erreicht ist. Zwischendurch umrühren und bei Bedarf Wasser
Hinweis: Wird der Brei nach der Zubereitung länger stehen gelassen,
kann es sein, dass vor dem Essen erneut Wasser zugegeben
werden muss, da Haferflocken stark aufquellen.
Fennel and Potatoes with Oat Flakes
100 g fennel
50 g potatoes
10 goat flakes (quick cook)
35 g apple juice
8 g rapeseed oil
6 tbsp water
1. Dice the potatoes and the fennel.
2. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the potatoes.
They should be almost covered by water. Cook the potatoes
at medium heat for approx. 10 minutes with closed lid.
3. Add the diced fennel and cook the entire mixture for approx.
further 7 minutes.
4. D
rain the cooking water and place in a container. Add the
apple juice, rapeseed oil, oat flakes and approx. 6 tbsp of
cooking water to the cooked ingredients.
5. Puree everything together to the consistency you want. Stir
occasionally and add a little water if required.
Note:Oat flakes swell up greatly. If the puree sits a little longer,
some water may need to be stirred into it again before
Wer viel spielt,
muss auch viel essen.
You can’t play on an
empty stomach.
Zucchini mit Nudeln
und Rinderhack
1 00 g Zucchini
60 g gekochte Vollkorn­-
30 g Rinderhack
20 g Apfelsaft
10 g Rapsöl
2 EL Wasser
1. Nudeln ohne Salz nach Verpackungsanweisung kochen
oder dem Familienessen entnehmen.
2. Die Zucchini in ca. 0,5 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden.
3. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
Die Zucchini dazugeben. Sie sollte fast vom Wasser
bedeckt sein. Die Zucchini bei mittlerer Hitze ca. 4
Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
4. Das Hackfleisch dazugeben und 3 Minuten
weiter kochen lassen.
5. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
Nudeln, Apfelsaft, Rapsöl und ca. 2 EL Gar­wasser zu
den gekochten Zutaten geben.
6. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist.
Courgettes and Pasta
with Minced Beef
100 g courgettes
60 g whole-grain pasta
30 g minced beef
20 g apple juice
10 g rapeseed oil
2 tbsp water
1. Boil the pasta, without salt, according to the instructions on the pack or take it from your family’s meal.
2. Cut the courgettes into approx. 0.5 cm thick slices.
3. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the
courgettes. They should be almost covered by water.
Cook the courgettes at medium heat for approx.
4 minutes with the lid closed.
4. T
hen add the minced meat and cook for approx. further
3 minutes.
5. Drain the cooking water and place in a container. Add
the pasta, apple juice, rapeseed oil and approx. 2 tbsp
of cooking water to the cooked ingredients.
6. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
Grüne Bohnen mit Reis
und Pute
100 g Grüne Bohnen (tiefgekühlt oder frisch)
60 g gekochter Vollkornreis
30 g Putenfleisch
20 g Apfelsaft
10 g Rapsöl
2 EL Wasser
1. Reis ohne Salz nach Verpackungsanweisung kochen
oder dem Familienessen entnehmen.
2. Die grünen Bohnen waschen und halbieren.
3. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
Die grünen Bohnen dazugeben. Sie sollten fast vom
Wasser bedeckt sein. Die grünen Bohnen bei mittlerer
Hitze ca. 15 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
4. Das Putenfleisch in 4 Würfel schneiden, zum Gemüse
geben und ca. 5 Minuten weiter kochen lassen.
5. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
Reis, Apfelsaft, Rapsöl und ca. 2 EL Garwasser zu den
gekochten Zutaten geben.
6. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist.
Green Beans and Rice with Turkey
1 00 ggreen beans 1. Boil the rice, without salt, according to the instructions
(deep-frozen on the pack or take it from your family’s meal.
or fresh)
2. Wash and halve the green beans.
60 g whole-grain 3. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the
rice (cooked)
green beans. They should be almost covered by water.
30 g turkey meat
Cook the green beans at medium heat for approx.
15 minutes with closed lid.
20 g apple juice
ut the turkey into 4 cubes, add to the vegetables and
10 g rapeseed oil 4. C
continue cooking for approx. 5 minutes.
2 tbsp water
5. Drain the cooking water and place in a container. Add
the rice, apple juice, rapeseed oil and approx. 2 tbsp
cooking water to the cooked ingredients.
6. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
Brokkoli und Paprika mit
Nudeln und Kabeljau
50 g Brokkoli
50 g gelbe
60 g gekochte Vollkorn-
30 g ungewürzter Kabeljau
10 g Rapsöl
2 EL Wasser
Frische Petersilie
1. Nudeln ohne Salz nach Verpackungsanweisung kochen oder
dem Familienessen entnehmen.
2. Brokkoli und Paprika putzen und in kleine Stücke schneiden.
3. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen. Das
Gemüse dazugeben. Es sollte fast vom Wasser bedeckt sein.
Das Gemüse bei mittlerer Hitze ca. 10 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
4. Den Kabeljau in 3 Stücke zerteilen, zum Gemüse geben und
ca. 5 Minuten weiter kochen lassen.
5. Das Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
6. Die Nudeln, das Rapsöl und 2 EL Garwasser zu der GemüseFisch-Mischung geben.
7. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsistenz
erreicht ist. Zwischendurch umrühren und bei Bedarf Wasser hinzugeben.
8. Petersilie fein hacken und ca. ½ TL unter den Brei rühren.
Broccoli and Pepper with Pasta and Cod
50 g broccoli
50 g yellow pepper
60 g whole-grain pasta
30 gcod (no seasoning)
10 g rapeseed oil
2 tbsp water
Fresh parsley
1. Boil the pasta, without salt, according to the instructions on
the pack or take it from your family’s meal.
2. Clean the broccoli and peppers and cut into small pieces.
3. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the vege­tables.
They should be almost covered by water. Cook the vege­tables at
medium heat for approx. 10 minutes with the lid closed.
4. C
ut the cod into 3 pieces, add to the vegetables and continue
cooking for approx. further 5 minutes.
5. Drain the cooking water into a container.
6. Add the pasta, rapeseed oil and 2 tbsp of cooking water to the
vegetable fish mixture.
7. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
8. Finely chop the parsley and stir approx. ½ tsp into the mixture.
Tomaten und Mais mit Reis
und Hirse
50 g Tomaten
50 g Mais
60 g gekochter Vollkornreis
30 g gekochte Hirse
20 g Apfelsaft
10 g Rapsöl
1 EL Wasser
Etwas Oregano
1. Reis und Hirse ohne Salz nach Verpackungsanweisung
kochen oder dem Familienessen entnehmen.
2. Tomaten häuten und klein schneiden.
3. Wasser in einen Topf füllen und zum Kochen bringen.
Die Tomaten und den Mais dazugeben. Sie sollten fast
vom Wasser bedeckt sein. Bei mittlerer Hitze ca.
10 Minuten mit geschlossenem Deckel kochen.
4. Garwasser abgießen und in einem Behälter auffangen.
Reis, Hirse, Apfelsaft, Rapsöl und ca. 1 EL Garwasser zu
den gekochten Zutaten geben.
5. Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist. Zwischendurch umrühren und bei
Bedarf Wasser hinzugeben.
6. Mit ein wenig Oregano würzen.
Tomatoes and Sweetcorn
with Rice and Millet
50 g tomatoes
50 g sweetcorn
60 g whole-grain
rice (cooked)
30 g millet
20 g apple juice
10 g rapeseed oil
1 tbsp water
A little oregano
1. Boil the rice and millet, without salt, according to the
instructions on the pack or take it from your family’s
2. Skin the tomatoes and cut into small pieces.
3. Pour water into a pot and bring to the boil. Add the tomatoes and sweetcorn. They should be almost covered
by water. Cook at medium heat for approx. 10 minutes
with the lid closed.
4. D
rain the cooking water and place in a container. Add
the rice, millet, apple juice, rapeseed oil and approx.
1 tbsp of cooking water to the cooked ingredients.
5. Puree everything together to the consistency you want.
Stir occasionally and add a little water if required.
6. Season with a little oregano.
Nach dem Kochen
kommt das Vergnügen.
First cook,
then enjoy.
Obstpüree für den GetreideObst-Brei (5 Portionen)
80 g Apfel
220 g Pfirsich (oder anderes Obst der
60 g Banane
80 g Apfelsaft
30 g Orangensaft
1. Apfel und Pfirsich in ca. 2 cm große Würfel schneiden
und grob pürieren.
2. D
ie Bananen vierteln und mit den Säften dazugeben.
Alles zusammen pürieren, bis die gewünschte Konsis­
tenz erreicht ist.
3. Das Obstpüree unter den Getreidebrei mischen.
Hinweis: Je mehr Saft Sie zugeben, desto leckerer wird der
Fruit Puree for the Fruit and
Cereal Puree (5 portions)
80 g apples
220 g peaches
(or another 1. Cut the apples and peaches into approx. 2 cm cubes
and puree until coarsely mashed.
in-season fruit)
60 g bananas
80 g apple juice
30 gorange juice
2. Q
uarter the banana and add together with the juices.
Puree the entire mixture until you have the consistency
you want.
3. Mix the fruit puree into the cereal puree.
Note: T he more juice you add, the tastier the smoothie will
Die Küche: dreckig.
Mama: verschmiert.
Du: oberglücklich.
The kitchen: dirty.
Mum: smeared.
You: overjoyed.
Diese Broschüre haben wir gemeinsam mit dem Forschungsinstitut für Kinder­
ernährung (FKE) entwickelt.
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NUK ist eine eingetragene Marke der MAPA GmbH/Deutschland.
We developed these recipes in conjunction with the Research Institute of Child
Nutrition in Dortmund, Germany.
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Tel: +49 (0)4281 73-0 · Fax: +49 (0)4281 73-241 · [email protected]
Geschäftsführer/Managing Director: Michael Frankenstein
Handelsregister/Trade Register: Tostedt HRB 120049