Board Member GLS Treuhand eV Dr. Annette Massmann studied History


Board Member GLS Treuhand eV Dr. Annette Massmann studied History
Colloquium in preparation for a Global Social Lab at the Goetheanum
24 – 27 November 2011
List of participants
Annette Massmann Germany
Board Member GLS Treuhand e.V.
Dr. Annette Massmann studied History, Journalism, Media Studies
and German Language and Literature at Ruhr Universität Bochum
and Economics and Latin American History in Santiago de Chile.
Post doctoral she worked for different NGOs in Central America and
played a key role in the foundation and conception of the Institute of
Social Banking – Training and Research.
She is the director of the Future Foundation for Development Aid
(Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklungshilfe), which supports sponsorship for
children as well as social and self-help projects for small farming, crafts people,
cooperatives and women-groups in Peru, Brasil, Kenia, Uganda, India, Nepal and Vietnam.
Currently, the Future Foundation for Development Aid funds 74 projects in more than 20
different countries. She lives with her husband and children in Wuppertal.
Ben Cherry Australia
Originally from the UK and with an MA in Law and the
first part of a degree in Medicine, Ben Cherry has been
active in Waldorf education for more than three decades,
mainly as a class teacher and high school teacher in
Australia. As a young man he encountered the shadow side
of the modern world in a powerful way as a teacher and
then reporter in Vietnam during the war. This set the stage
for a life quest for peace, social justice and the overcoming
of racial and class discrimination. It was this that led him, in South Africa during the rule of
apartheid, after a long journey through many parts of the African continent, to commit
himself to becoming a Waldorf teacher.
Co-author of Of Pandas and Wandering Geese: A Journey through Shadow and Light in
Vietnam, China and Tibet, he has traveled extensively and visited or given courses in
schools in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and the Pacific region. Over the past
fourteen years, he has been increasingly involved with teacher training and mentoring in a
wide diversity of schools and cultures in Asia. He currently devotes most of each year to
the rapidly expanding Waldorf school movement in China, Taiwan and South Korea.
Bijan Kafi - – Germany
Studied German language, political philosophy,
anthropology, and history in Heidelberg and European
Sciences and civil society development in
Louvain/Belgium. Worked as a freelance journalist on
issues of civil society development, as a new media
editor for a German government agency and as a
consultant to charity organisations. From 2003-2004 he was project manager for the
SEKEM University project at the SEKEM Initiative, Cairo. Multiple professional articles
on the Egyptian February revolution. Book publication on the impact of new media on civil
society.Missions in development aid to multiple countries including the DR Congo,
Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Bijan is today working as a freelance consultant
to civil society organisations and as press representative to Europe for the SEKEM
Initiative, based in Berlin.
Birgit Buck – Germany
1962 Pforzheim, Goethe Waldorf School Pforzheim, 1982-1988
studies University Ludwigsburg, 1988-1990 studies at
Anthroposohic Pedagogical Free University Mannheim, 19901998 teacher at Waldorf school Offenburg, 1999-2005 teacher at
Waldorf school Rastatt, since 2006 class tutor at Parzival Center
Karlsruhe, Director of the Administrative Committee, further
training of teachers.
Che Wagner – Switzerland –
born 5.3.1988, currently co-worker at the International YouthSection
in Dornach. Within the end of 12 fully enjoyed years at the Rudolf
Steiner School Birseck (down the hill from Dornach), Che attended
and co-organized the „Connect Conference“ for 12th class students
from all around the world. During this time his love affair with the
YouthSection began, where he felt free to put into action his ideas
without loosing to think about some purpose behind it. After digging
at a workcamp and attending the “Connectivity Conference” 2006 in
Sao Paulo, he realized how much work there has to be done in the
world and how difficult it the question is how to actually change
something. After several visits in Järna, where he feels a strong
connection to the Youth Initiative Program (YIP), a longer journey in the US, a soon-to-bedone Bachelors degree in history and social science and the stepping into his fatherhood,
he’s got still similar questions in his mind and action and currently works on it in the
International YouthSection in Dornach.
Christhopher Chalk – Germany Michael-Gemeinschaft Schweigmat
Cornelius Pietzner
Managing Director of Alterra Impact Finance.
Leading roles for 25 years in social impact enterprises, financial
management, philanthropy and investments. Responsible on Executive
Board (CFO) Goetheanum, General Anthroposophical Society,
Switzerland (2002-2011) for all aspects of finances, with affiliates in
90 countries and approx 8,000 related institutions in education, biodynamic agriculture, medicine, socially responsible business and
banking. Trustee/Advisory Board of various foundations. Founder-
Camphill (life – sharing) Communities/North America. Williams College, MA. Thomas
J.Watson Fellowship.
Eric Hurner - Switzerland -
Born in the Congo, raised and educated in South Africa, studies and
work in Germany and Switzerland in the late 70's, then many years in
the Waldorf schools movement in South Africa, including 8 years with
the Baobab Community College in Alexandra Township,
Johannesburg. Since 2001 in Switzerland, working together with the
Youth Section at the Goetheanum but mainly for Idem – Identity
through Initiative, which is a youth network and undertakes social
initiatives with young people. Activities: Mainly coordinating projects
together with young people in different parts of the world.
Occasionally I go on a workcamp myself to build something. I play guitar and banjo for
relaxation and like to go for walks. Interests: I read, try to keep informed, and remain
spiritually aware to the extent that I can.
Florian Osswald Switzerland -
Born in Basel, Switzerland, he graduated in Process engineering. After
training in Special
Education in Camphill, Scotland, he studied at the Teacher training
seminar in Dornach.
He has been teaching Mathematics and Physics at the Bern Rudolf
Steiner School (Ittigen) fort he last 24 years and has been active in
different countries as a collegial consultant. Together with Claus Peter
Röh he has been leading the Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum,
since January 2011.
Helmut von Loebell Colombia
Born 1937 in Berlin, from the early youth I began to be interested
in social welfare, which finally with some 19 years brought me in
Bogota/Colombia to establish from 1956 onwards several social
projects, among others the actual 17 Colombian SOS-Children´s
Village Organizacion Projects with some seven thousand children
and youths attended and later on the special actual project CESWaldorf, which works in the Bogotá slums under severe vulnerable
conditions of criminality and poverty. Being a member of the Social
Science Section of the Goetheanum I work out of anthroposophy, the
only real force who can sustain this activity. So I attend organizations like CES-Waldorf, I
am President of the Salzburg Rudolf Steiner-School and work with Freunde der
Erziehungskunst, Berlin and Karlsruhe, being my daily work in Salzburg and mainly in
Bogotá follow up of daily tasks in the pedagogical and social fields as well as in
administration, financing und legal matters for the projects I am working with.
Henry Saphir Switzerland
Henry Saphir spent three years in rural South Africa as a "Physics
Ambassador", facilitating a phenomena-based understanding of
human perception, the physics of every day life, and modern
technology. The Nkonjane Trust Schools Outreach Project touched
the lives of hundreds of teachers and thousands of students, and
there have been requests for a follow-up visit. From the social
activist side Ute Craemer and Truus Geraets inspired Henry to do
this work, and from the phenomena-based physics side Georg Maier,
Stephen Edelglass, Hermann von Baravalle, and George Saphir. Henry is excited that
Georg Maier's wonderful book "An Optics of Visual Experience" has now appeared in an
English translation.
Born in the USA, Henry graduated from a German Waldorf School and studied physics,
history of science, eurythmy, and Steiner-Waldorf education in Switzerland, Germany and
the USA. He has taught children and adults in both formal and informal settings on three
continents for many years. He is currently taking a training in social work
(Sozialpädagogik) and is working with handicapped adults. Working on three continents
and with people from very different walks of life has shown him how privileged we are, in
many ways. Teaching farm worker children also gave him a personal perspective on
organic and biodynamic agriculture: Buying non-organic agricultural products causes farm
workers, somewhere in the world, to be exposed to poisonous substances and negatively
affects their children. Henry's preferred mode of interaction is direct conversation.
Dr. Henner Ehringhaus
* Childhood in Germany under influence of war,
hunger, cold and poverty.
* In contrast, “golden years” as from the50s and
cosmopolitan experience: studies of law in Freiburg and
Berlin, and of international relations in Bologna/Italy
and Washington DC, management for BASF in Spain
and Brazil.
* Experience with race integration in the US (Kennedy
era) and the transition from dictatorships to democracies in Spain and Brazil.
* Meeting Anthroposophy at the age of 22 after a car accident with a recovery in the
Friedrich- Husemann- clinic.
* After 18 years with BASF, voluntary and meditated move to WWF International (Word
Wide Fund for Nature) in Switzerland.
* Many years on the Boards of Weleda and GLS Bank.
* Today (age 74) : Advisor to the Mahle Foundation and representative for Brazil. Board
Member of New Energies Invest AG (Bank Sarasin, Basel).
Core activity: achieving public recognition of anthroposophic medicine in Brazil through
projects and communication. In memory of my own difficult childhood, support of social
projects with children and adolescents.
Names of organisations: Mahle-Foundation, Monteazul, Save our Seeds, VDW (Federation
of German Scientists) foodwatch, Sarah-Wiener Foundation, Tönissteiner Kreis, and others
Ica Fernandez Philippines
Ica Fernandez is passionate about intercultural
collaboration,innovation and social transformation. Alongside
extensive training and experience as a cultural worker, she has
been working for the Philippine government throughout her
young career--first as a teacher at the University of the
Philippines, and at present, in the service of the executive
branch, specifically in the Peace Process. She currently works
as the focal technical officer for policy for PAMANA, the
Philippine government's convergence program for
development in conflict-affected areas. Ica is driven by the challenge of creating political,
cultural and associative economic platforms towards integral sustainable development.
Jules Ackermann – Switzerland
26.10.1957 After my apprentiship as a forwarding agent I
spent 10 years in sub-Saharan Africa. Out of the experience
working for the international Committee of the Red Cross
for Somalia and at the Mbagathi Rudolf Steiner School in
Nairobi, foundation of the association “Acacia-Fonds für
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit”. Corporation with around 30
projects (mainly Waldorf schools and Demeter initiatives)
in disadvantages communities worldwide and other institutions with similar goals.
Juliana Hepp – the world
has been involved in many international youth projects working with
the questions of modern initiation and is very interested in the role of
storytelling today. She was one of the lead organizers for the
international 900-participant youth conference Connectivity - from
thinking to action, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil in July 2006. Juliana cofounded the international youth network "IDEM - Identity through
Initiative" that empowers young people to become active and start their
own projects to contribute towards a new civilization. She grew up in
Germany and is a registered nurse in Switzerland. During her high
school years she was involved in various youth initiatives like establishing a school circus
and various activist groups. She participated in the founding of Eos, a company for
adventure experiential education in Germany and worked for the Youth Section of the
School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Switzerland since 2001.
( ) She currently lives in Maui, Hawaii with her fiance Dave
Karen Gierlach
Karen grew up in England and Germany where I attended Waldorf schools. I taught for
many years in Waldorf schools in the U.S. Now I am the San Francisco coordinator for the
Los Angeles based organization, reGeneration (formerly Salaam Shalom Educational
Foundation) on whose behalf I have twice travelled to Israel and Palestine. We support the
growth and development of the Arab Waldorf School, Tamrat el Zeitoun, as well as the
Arab Jewish Kindergarten, Ein Bustan. Both are located in northern Israel. We also have
met with interested educators about Waldorf education in Ramallah and Jenin, Palestine.
Karl-Ludwig Hepp –
born in Baden-Baden, Germany in 1951. After high school
he joined the Light Center Bethanienheim in Switzerland
where he was trained as a free missionary for cultural
development. There he experienced that community can
heal, that community is compatible with free individuality,
and that community can protect from evil. In 1975 he
participated in the founding of the Michaelgemeinschaft n
Schweigmatt, Germany, an anthroposophically inspired community working with and
supporting traumatized children and youth from all over Germany. In 1983 he established a
theater and youth seminar there. In 1985 he co-founded the Kaspar Hauser School, a small
school serving traumatized children. Since 1990 he has worked intensively with questions
of rites. After being trained at and working for several years in Kindergarten Auenland, in
Schoppfheim, Germany, he took on the leadership of the kindergarten in 1990. Since 2006
he has also been working with traumatized children and youth within the framework of the
kindergarten, bringing together all his life experience to support their healing and growth.
He lives in Schopfheim with his wife and has 4 adult children of his own.
Kathy Serafin USA
has been the administrator of Anthroposophical Prison Outreach
program of the Anthroposophical Society in America for over 10
years. Ms. Serafin carries overall responsibility for the APO
Program, including library, outreach and fundraising functions.
She also publishes the Prison Outreach Newsletter, Illuminating
Anthroposophy twice yearly. Prior to her current position Ms.
Serafin was responsible for a Film Media Production Company
for 10 years. Ms. Serafin is a Board Member for the Great Lakes
Branch in Ann Arbor and a member of the Social Science
Section. She has actively been studying anthroposophy for the past 15 years
Lisa Seidel – New Zealand / Germany
born in New Zealand and grew up both there and in Stuttgart. She
studied at Victoria University in Wellington: Bachelor of Arts
(International Relations and Political Science) with a Bachelor of
Commerce (International Business and Commercial Law). She became
involved in the YouthSection originally in New Zealand through
organising conferences and is now part of the YouthSection at the
Goetheanum. Lisa is passionate about cross cultural meetings,
development and international affairs.
Lia Tummer – Argentina
Waldorf pupil in Buenos Aires. German-english-spanish translator, especially of
anthroposophical texts. Co-edition of magazine on Waldorf education and anthroposophy.
Special interest in speech and speech formation. Social self-development and social training
out of anthroposophy in a closed group.
Lisa Devine Australia
Maggie White
- Australia
Melanie Reveriego – Germany
Melanie Reveriego, * 1972 in Karlsruhe, Waldorf school
Karlsruhe, 1978-1998 Studies in Special Education University
Cologne, 1999-2003 Continuing Education in Waldorf pedagogic,
1999-2004 visiting different Waldorf initiatives worldwide, since
1999 class tutor of special education Parzival Center Karlsruhe,
further training of teachers.
Michaela Metzger – Germany
Born in 1977 in Germany. She participated 1995/96 in a Global
Education Programme which led her through eight countries with 180
young people from all around the world. Inspired by those experiences
she studied Cultural Anthropology, Sociology and Comparative
Religion Studies in Heidelberg, Germany. After working at GoetheInstitut/ Max Mueller Bhavan in Bangalore, India she is now
responsible for Public Relation for Voluntary Services and Emergency
Pedagogy at the Friends of Waldorf Education in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Monika Clément Switzerland
Monika Clément currently works as personal assistant to Paul Mackay
and as assistant to the Section for Social Sciences, and is as such
involved in the activities of the section.
During her life she has worked as journalist, run her own advertising
agency and “managed” a family household with four children. She also
volunteered for eight years in the social welfare administration of her
residential community center.
Nicola Cox South Africa
Paul Mackay
born 1946 in Hong Kong, studied economics in Rotterdam and
business administration in Fontaine bleau. After some years of work
in inter national finance, he studied Anthroposophy in Eng land and
Germany (1974 - 1977). From 1977 until 2002 Paul Mackay was
active in anthroposophical banking as co-founder and managing
director of Triodos Bank in the Netherlands and executive director of
GLS Bank in Germany. Both banks are well known for realizing the
concept of social banking in the banking sector. Since 2004 he is a
member and since 2007 chairman of the Supervisory Board of GLS
Bank. Since 1996 Paul Mackay is a member of the Executive
Council of the General Anthroposophical Society. Since 2000 he is also the leader of the
Section for Social Sciences of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in
Dornach, Switzerland. Paul Mackay lives in Dornach, is married and has three sons.
Peter Guttenhoefer Dr. phil. - Germany
born 1940 in Hamburg, living in Kassel, Germany, teacher for
literature, history, history of arts, co-founder of the teacher training
center for Waldorf pedagogics in Kassel, member of the Pedagogical
Research Institute in the "Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen
Deutschlands", teachertrainer and counselor for Waldorfschools in
many countries (Germany, Brazil, Chile, Russia, Italy, South Africa,
Namibia) since 30 years. Father of 6 children
Rose Nekvapil Sweden
Rose is one of the cofounders, board members and oganizers of the
International Youth Initiative Program (YIP). After pursuing an
illustrious career in hospitality management, she found the emptiness
in the material chase for happiness, and made the decision to study
Anthroposophy to find meaning and purpose. With this her life turned
full circle, traveling to England, she completed the Foundation Year
and the first year of the Biographical Counseling training at Emerson
College. She has been actively involved in the International Youth
Section and a cofounder of the Australian Youth Section, and successfully raised a basic
income that supported her during her volunteer work for the YouthSection Dornach and the
pioneer stages of her work with YIP.
Rose is a very active member in the Initiative Forum Network and Mentors many young
people in their initiatives and their striving to develop themselves and their work towards a
new possible future. YIP – The International Youth Initiative Program (Sweden)
Tho Ha Vinh Vietnam / Switzerland
Ha Vinh Tho has a Vietnamese and French background, he is a
Eurythmist and curative eurythmist, and has earned a PhD in
Psychology and Education from Geneva University.
He has worked and live for many years with his family in a
camphill Community : Perceval St.Prex
Together with his wife Lisi they have created an NGO : Eurasia
Foundation developing curative education and social therapy in
Vietnam. They are the founders of the Peaceful Bamboo Family,
the first Camphill Community in Vietnam : a village and vocational
training center for youngsters living with disabilities that is also pioneering Biodynamic
agriculture. For the last seven years, Tho has been the Head of the Training Department at
the International Committee of the Red Cross ; an impartial, neutral and independent
organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of
victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with
assistance. Tho has writte several books and numerous articles on adult education and
Buddhist psychology.
Thomas Kraus Germany
He was born in 1966 in Bern/Switzerland. His youth was spent as an
extreme rock climber. In 1990 he completed his civil service working
in a hospital. From 1991 to 1993 he participated in the Waldorf
Teacher Training in Dornach, and in 1994 moved to to Berlin, working
and living in the Stadtgemeinschaft Berlin (City Community Berlin), a
life-sharing community for people with special needs. From 1995 to
1998 he studied to become certified in social pedagogy, and from 1999
to 2010 he worked as a director in the Stadtegemeinschaft Berlin,
where he was responsible for 100 adults. After the bombing in
Serbia/former Yugoslavia he began several anthroposophical initiatives there in 1999. He
was also part of the organization of five European congresses for people with special needs
in 1996, “In der Begegnung leben” (living within the meeting), Up to 700 participants from all over the world gathered in 1998 in Berlin, 2001 at
the Goetheanum, 2005 in Prague, 2008 in The Hague and 2011 in Vienna.
In 2009 he was part of organizing “Worldwide Congresses for People with special needs”,
with the first Congresses taking place in the Balkans, Russia, Brazil and the Caucasus. In
2012 the third Congress in Brazil, the second in Russia and the first in Thailand took place.
Several other locations are in preparations for the future. The main objectives are to bring
the impulse of people with special needs around the world and to create paintings.
Since 2001 Thomas has been a member of the Council for Curative Education and Social
Therapy in Dornach, and since 2009 he has been a board member of the European
Cooperation for Curative Education and Social Therapy (ECCE). He has given training
courses mainly in Eastern European countries.
Thomas Stöckli,
He has been working as director and lecturer in the Swiss
Teacher Training College in Dornach for over two
decades. Parallel to this he has been engaged in national
and international educational research projects. He was
also the founder of the Regional High school in Solothurn
20 years ago. Professional Responsibilities
- Coordinator and Faculty Member of the ROJ High
school’s campus Solothurn, (1992 - present)
- Director of the AfaP Campus Solothurn College for teacher training in Switzerland for
Waldorf pedagogy (1995 - present)
- Co-Founder and director of the institute for practice based research (2009 - present)
Truus Geraets USA
She was born in Holland in a family that embraced
Anthroposophy. She studied Curative Educaton in Eckwälden,
Eurythmy and Therapeutic Eurythmy in Dornach. She worked in
Holland, Scotland and Germany, then started her own Children's
Home for Time-damaged children in Germany. In 1974 she moved
to the US where she worked predominantly with 'black' children,
also doing Eurythmy with African American males in a prison. She
was married to a person who spent 33 years in prison. Her book
Love in Action tells about that ongoing connection. In 1984 she
moved to South Africa where she co-founded two Waldorf schools,
one in the biggest Johannesburg slum, the other far up north in a mountain village. Both
schools are operating successfully. She returned to the US in 1993, where she raises funds
for Africa, while doing Therapeutic Eurythmy in two schools in Southern California.
She has been advocating over many years the need to recognize the amazing social work,
being done all over the globe and is bringing to the Colloquium a booklet with an overview
of 55 such projects.
Ulrich Rösch Germany
was born in 1951, in Germany at the border to Switzerland.
He completed scholastics in Philosophy, Pedagogy, German
Literature and Social Sciences. Active at the International
Cultural Centre in Achberg/Lindau, Germany, in particular at
the Institute for Social Development Research. He has mainly
researched on alternative economic and social forms and
development of organisations. Fellow research worker of
Joseph Beuys, Wilfried Heidt, Leif Holbaek-Hanssen and
Wilhelm Schmundt.He co-founded the Waldorf School in
Wangen in the Allgäu and was the principal teacher there. Together with his wife
Cornelia he established a textile company which manufactures clothes in South-India
using bio cotton. Participant at the World Social Forum in Mumbai and Porto Alegre.
Lectured at several colleges and universities. Lecturer at the “Studiengang Soziale
Plastik” in Wangen/Achberg. From 1999 till easter 2011, working as a social scientist
at the Goetheanum in Dornach/Switzerland. Now looking for a new challenge.
His publications include: 'From Social Science to Social Art', 'An Elucidation of
Joseph Beuys’ Concepts of Money and Capital', 'Another World is Possible-Elements
for a Post-Materialistic Understanding of Globalisation',. Vision and action for another
world. Powerful ideas and inspiring practical approaches.
Ute Craemer
Born in Weimar in1938, her childhood was spent during the war and as
a consequence saw emigration to Yugoslavia, Egypt and Pakistan. For
45 years Ute has been involved in social-educational work, mainly in
Brazil. In 1975 she was part of founding the community empowerment
work in Brazilian slums,, based in
anthroposophy and has done consulting for many Latin American
social projects since then.
She has published books in German, Portuguese and ebooks in
Spanish, English and Japanese about her experiences living and working with people in
slums of Brazil. She has also done editing of pedagogical and social-learning materials. Ute
is an active member of the anthroposophical society and of the Federation of Waldorf
Schools in Brazil. She is a co-founder of the Alliance for Childhood in Brazil
(, Argentina, Chile, Japan and New Zealand, as well as the
Pindorama Network (, studying the folksoul of Brazil. She is also an
active member of the Mahle Association in Brazil.
Ute has been decorated with the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Order of Merit of the Federal
Republic of Germany), and as a citizen of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Volker von Bremen Germany
grew up in the Ruhr-Valley (melting pot of heavy industry) in Western Germany. He
studied anthropology, philosophy, sociology, and economics in Marburg and Berlin. Since
1979 he has been working with indigenous peoples in Southamerica with a regional focus
on the Gran Chaco (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brasil) doing research on traditions and
challenges of hunter-gatherer and small scale farming peoples in rural areas, working on
topics of land rights, environment and land-use . As consultant, he works with indigenous
communities and local organizations on regional networking and exchange, organization
development, intercultural and transcultural conflict management and mediation with an
emphasis on cultural diversity. In Europe and on international levels, he works as
consultant with institutions of development cooperation in the fields of policy-development
related to indigenous peoples. - Focus and motivation that keep him driving are the constant
search and curiosity for existing, but very often hidden values and knowledge of local
peoples and the amazing discoveries of their skills, their strength and wisdom, as potentials
and contributions for human and world development.
And some more