Newsletter10th Feb 2012 - Deutsche Schule Taipei


Newsletter10th Feb 2012 - Deutsche Schule Taipei
10th February 2012
The EPC Primary Newsletter
Telephone: +886 2 8145 9007
Volume No: 9
Welcome to the 9th edition of this years Wen Lin Journal - the fortnightly newsletter for the
European Primary Campus.
Inside this newsletter you will find all the latest goings on for the French Section, German
Section, British Infant Section and British Junior Section. We also frequently have articles
from other parts of the school community such as the library staff and PTA.
Inside this week’s journal…
Find out how the British Infant Section Nursery children celebrated Chinese New Year
Explore creativity through British Junior Year 3 Art
The French Section were lucky enough to have 3 visiting Authors come and read
The German Section loved to cook as they celebrated Chinese New Year
We now have beautiful Jan Latta books in the Library. Come in and find out more
We also have…
Our usual letters from Mrs Martin and Ms Corry and contributions from the library staff.
School Website Links
British Infant Section
British Junior Section
French Section
German Section
Dear Parents
It’s good to be back from my business trip to Bangkok and London! I hope you all
missed me while I was away!!
We have a very busy few weeks ahead of us, so I thought it might be useful for
you to have some dates:
Years 1 and 2 Parent Interviews – Thursday 16th February between 3pm and
Nursery and Reception Parent Interviews – Thursday 1st march between 3pm
and 7pm
Maths Workshop – Friday 17th February at 1pm
Book Week – Week beginning Monday 20th February
French Section ‘Carnival’ – Tuesday 21st February—Children to come dressed
as a book character
School closed to students – Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th February
“Wobbles, Wants and Worries” Workshop 2 – Friday 24th February at 1pm
Maths Workshop 2 – Friday 2nd March at 1pm
British Infant Section Open Week – Week beginning Monday 5th March
(details to follow)
“Wobbles, Wants and Worries” Workshop 3– Friday 9th March at 1pm
(provisional date only)
“What is the Foundation Stage?” Workshop – Friday 16th March at 1pm
Year 1 Annual Show—Wednesday 28th March at 1pm (details to follow)
School finishes for Spring Break—Friday 30th March
Hello everyone,
To welcome in the new year the Nursery enjoyed various activities
focused around Chinese Lunar New Year culture and traditions.
The celebrations started off with us watching the dragon dancing in the MPR hall.
The children dressed up in beautiful traditional Chinese New Year clothes and played games during our party. They were delighted with the gifts and stickers they won!
Finally, a BIG thank you to all the parents who helped and contributed to the party, it was a great success!
Happy Auspicious Year of the Dragon 2012
Dear Parents, Students and friends of the School,
‘The Year of the Dragon is associated with the changes of Spring and thus is more like a flowing river, not a stagnant lake, so things happen quickly, earlier in the year. The Dragon marks progression, perseverance and auspiciousness however it may also bring about unpredictable events.’ On reading this it struck me how this relates to
normal life in school - we strive to help children make progress and encourage them to persevere in their learning, however life can be unpredictable and it is an important part of our job to ensure children become equipped
with skills to deal with what life has to offer. We have many events planned for the rest of the term so please see
below for an outline. Have a lovely weekend
Kind regards
Adele Corry
Head of British Junior Section
Parent/Teacher Meetings: These will be held next Wednesday 15th February from 3:30pm-7:30pm. Your
child will be bringing their report for the first semester home today and you will have an opportunity to discuss
their progress and new learning targets with their teachers. If you have been unable to make an appointment because of technical reasons please contact the office by email.
If you have been unable to meet with a specialist teacher because his/her appointments have all been taken please
either contact them directly by writing a note in your child’s Home/Link diary.
Tribe Assembly: Children come to school on Friday 17th February dressed in
their Tribe colours. During assembly we celebrate the Tribe with the most merits so
far this academic year by awarding the Tribe Golden Cup. Merits are awarded
for keeping our Golden Rules. At the end of the year the winning tribe receive a special treat.
Carnival: On 21st February children will come to school dressed as their
favourite book character. There will be a parade, and show which parents
have been invited to. The PSC members and parents are very kindly making
pancakes for the children.
School Closure day 27th February: There is no school for children on this day. All staff will be working together to improve ways of ensuring the curriculum progresses smoothly from Nursery through to the final
years of High School. The following day is a public holiday.
FOBISSEA Primary Maths Competition 1st - 3rd March: Ms Bae and four Year Six students will be
attending this competition in Manilla The children have to work together in a team to solve mathematical problems.
14th February 8:10am - 8:40am: B4JM Class Assembly
6th March 8:10am - 8:40am: B6SB Class Assembly
9th March: Please note the race Against Hunger has been postponed to 4th May
13th March 8:10am - 8:40am: B3PJ Class Assembly
16th March 7:00pm EPC Junior Music Concert
19th - 23rd March Year Six residential trip to Southern Taiwan
20th March Year Five trip to Jinguishi
22nd - 26th March Primary FOBISSEA Performing Arts Festival in Jakarta
30th March 8:30 - 12:30 SPORTS DAY
provides a platform to develop individuality, creativity and independence. Through exploration and investigation students become more
confident in using visual and tactile elements to communicate what
they see, feel and think.
Year 6 enjoyed exYear 3 were inspired by Picasso’s blue period when
they created images of bottles.
ploring Pop Art.
All students from Year 3 to
Year 6 collaborated to create a
large mural in cool colours.
Year 4 created exciting clay sculptures.
up. ( Pablo Picasso)
All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up
Le vingtième Salon international du Livre de
Taipei a eu lieu du 1er au 6 février 2012.
A cette occasion, de célèbres auteurs et
illustrateurs sont venus de France, et les
différentes classes de la Section française
Rencontre avec Nathalie Choux,
Avec l’aide précieuse de Nathalie, les élèves se transforment
en apprentis-illustrateurs…
Rencontre avec Taï-Marc Le Thanh ,
Merci à Taï-Marc pour ses lectures et
nos échanges !
Rencontre avec Rebecca Dautremer,
illustratrice ...
CM1 - CM2
… et directrice artistique du film Kerity
Rebecca nous a dévoilé bien des secrets quant à son métier
d’illustratrice puis nous avons pu comprendre ce que signifie
être la “directrice artistique” d’un film d’animation… Quel talent !!!! Merci Rebecca!!
Dreikönigsessen mit den Franzosen
von Larissa Kendzia
Der Dreikönigskuchen (Galette des Rois) ist ein traditionelles
Festtagsgebäck, das zum 6. Januar, dem Festtag der heiligen
drei Könige,gebacken wird. Der alte Brauch des Bohnenkönigs
wurde in den 1950er Jahren wiederbelebt und ist heute vor allem in
Frankreich sehr verbreitet.
Im Dreikönigskuchen, wird eine Münze oder ein anderer kleiner
Gegenstand eingebacken. Wer beim Essen auf diesen Glücksbringer
diesen Glücksbringer stößt, ist für einen Tag König oder Königin und
darf sich ebenfalls einen oder eine Königin aussuchen.
Am 12.01 lud uns die französische Klasse CP von Elodie Fis zum
traditionellen Dreikönigsessen ein. Zur Einstimmung sangen wir den
Kindern ein deutschen Lied, dass vom „Seifenblasendrachen“
handelt und erzählten ihnen die Geschichte.
Anschliessend lasen Elodie und ich den Kindern das Buch vom
„Galette qui roule“ ( Das rollende Gallette) abwechselnd auf
deutsch und franzöisch vor. Sie hörten mit Begeisterung zu und
konnten es kaum mehr erwarten
endlich ein Stück vom
selbstgebackenen Gallette probieren zu dürfen. Bevor es mit dem
Dreikönigsessen losgeht, wird traditionell ein Kind ausgesucht das
sich unter dem Tisch versteckt. Nacheinander werden die Namen
der Kinder aufgerufen, die ein Stück Kuchen bekommen, damit sie
wo der Glücksbringer versteckt ist, denn manchmal ist er schon von außen zu erkennen.
Felix vom Kindergarten, war der Glückliche mit der Münze und er suchte sich Katharina von der
französischen CP Klasse als Königin aus. Ange von den Franzosen hatte ebenfalls das „Vergnügen“
auf eine Münze zu beißen, und suchte sich Kate vom Kindergarten als Königin aus.
Die Kinder hatten viel Spaß mit den französischen Kindern und freuen sich schon auf die nächste
Chinesische Neujahrsfeier im Kindergarten
von Larissa Kendzia
Kurz bevor den chinesischen Neujahrsferien haben
unsere Kindergarten Eltern uns angeboten bei
der Feiergestaltung zu unterstützen. Ein paar Tage
vor der großen Feier wurde tatkräftig vorbereitet.
Der Kindergartenraum wurde mit chinesischen
Basteleien dekoriert. Unter anderem haben
die Kinder in einer Gruppenarbeit unseren
hauseigenen Glücksdrachen „Paul“ aus
recyclebarem Material kreiert.
Wir haben nicht nur einen Drachen gebastelt,
sondern auch einen Drachenkuchen für die Feier
Am Festtag selbst, kamen alle Kinder traditionell chinesisch gekleidet in den Kindergarten.
Die Kinder marschierten zu passender Musik ein paar Runden um den Tisch, verteilten
Süßigkeiten an die Gäste und der kleine Glückslöwe heiterte die Eltern auf.
Anschließend wurde das Buffet eröffnet, mit allerlei
traditionellen Leckereien. Die Kinder und Eltern konnten in festlicher Atmosphäre essen und
chinesischen Tee trinken.
Die Kinder sangen ein lustiges Lied, dass von einem Seifenblasendrachen handelt und
tanzten dazu einen
Zum Abschluss durften alle Kinder eine Wunderbox mit kleinen
Geschenken aufdrücken und Seifenblasen aufpusten.
Dieser Vormittag bereitete allen Beteiligten, und vor allem den
Kinder große Freude. Diese Feier wird uns noch lange in
Erinnerung bleiben.
Vielen Dank,
an unsere äußerst engagierten Eltern!
From the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Department
TES is very proud to have active and well resourced SEN departments in both the primary and secondary
sections to support students with a wide variety of learning needs. We decided to share some interesting
information about SEN with the wider school community through the newsletter.
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
In a nutshell, the brain of people with autism are wired differently and this affects how they perceive and
sense the world around them. Aspergers Syndrome, as discussed last time, is on the autistic spectrum, at
the higher end of the scale and people with this condition can generally function quite independently in
life. In fact, some can be very successful because of their different way of interpreting the world.
However, others with autism can have profound learning difficulties. For example, they may be unable to
speak or communicate their feelings, and may need to be looked after all their lives. It is a very wide and
varied spectrum.
Please take the time to check out this video link about a young girl with autism – It’s guaranteed that it will
change your way of thinking about people with autistic spectrum disorders!
Once again, if you have any links you would like to share in our newsletter, please send them so we can
share our resources.
Misha Lynn, SEN Coordinator, TES Secondary Campus
Mojdeh Burriston, SEN Coordinator TES Primary Campus
Dear Parents,
Welcome back and, though the Lantern Festival just officially ended the celebration of Chinese New Year, here is a little Lantern Riddle which everyone
has to guess the answer in the Chinese Lantern Festival:
Now I am a cub, but one day I will grow;
You will call me a lioness, that much I know.
I like to sleep a lot and doze in the sun,
But when I am awake, I like to run, run and run;
My teeth are very sharp and my tail is very long;
When I grow up I will be big and very strong .
Pass this to your little ones if you don’t have a clue where to start!
On February 6th, children from Year 1 to Year 6 were fascinated with Jan
Latta, a wildlife photographer’s, stories with lively photos, about endangered
animals. Ms Latta gave everyone a unique look into the animals’ lives in their
natural habitat - in Africa, India, Borneo and China, by her exciting power
point presentation. She explained how each book was created and took everyone on wild adventures. The book sale after the whole event was unexpectedly successful, and, to a lot of people’s disappointed, many students or parents went home empty-handed. Weep no more, you can always go to: http:// and discover more about Jan Latta and her books, which
are also available for online order!
Happy Safari!
Primary Library Team
Answer to the Lantern Riddle: LENA THE LION
Diary of a Wildlife Photographer is Jan
Latta’s journal of 14 years of adventures in
Africa, India and China with over 300 photographs she has taken in the wild.
In the True to Life Book series the animals talk to children about where they
live, what they eat, and how the family
lives together. Jan’s photographs tell
the story in pictures, and there are
facts and maps at the back of the
In 2007 the ABC asked Jan to write
Diary of a Wildlife Photographer. This
is a journal of 14 years of adventures in
the wild creating the True to Life Book