

Videos 2002–2015
Dominik Stauch ist einer der Pioniere interaktiver,
webbasierter Kunstprojekte ( und arbeitete in den letzten Jahren an einer konsequenten «Erweiterung» seiner Malerei, indem er unterschiedlichste Medien (Ölmalerei, digitale Prints,
Computeranimationen, Installationen oder Skulpturen) kombinierte; dabei aber den Farb- und Formtheorien stets treu blieb. Kunstgeschichte, Literatur und
Musiktheorie des 20. Jahrhunderts bilden das nötige
Fundament, um seinen Arbeiten die vielschichtige
Tiefe zu geben. Nicht durcheinander wirbelnde Effekthascherei ist sein Thema, sondern wohlüberlegte, durchkomponierte Umsetzungen einer Idee.
Seine Videos bestechen einerseits durch klar durchdachte Geometrien und eine «genial-einfache»
Formensprache, andererseits durch zitierende, oft
ironische Sequenzen, in denen er selber als Hauptperson agiert. Oft unterstützt er die Arbeiten mit
Sound, etwa durch selbst komponierte und gespielte Musiksequenzen. Die Arbeiten werden so zu
optisch-akustischen, rhythmischen Umsetzungen
von geometrischen oder inhaltlichen Konzepten.
Manchmal sind sie ruhig und meditativ, manchmal
aggressiv oder nachdenklich stimmend.
Dominik Stauch, one of the pioneers of interactive, webbased art projects (, has also put rigorous
effort into expanding the medium of painting. When
combining different media (oil painting, digital prints,
computer animation, installation or sculpture), he nevertheless remains true to theories of colour and form.
Art history, literature and 20th century music theory
constitute the essential components from which his
works draw their complex depth. Stauch is not interested
in causing higgeldy-piggeldy sensations, rather his main
concern lies in pursuing and implementing carefully
considered and composed ideas.
His videos captivate, on the one hand, by their well
thought out geometrical structures and ingeniously
simple vocabulary of forms, but also by sequences that,
often ironic-ally, make use of quotation and in which the
main character is played by the artist himself. Often his
works are accompanied by sound, for example sequences
of music Stauch composes and plays himself. His works
thus become optical-acoustic and rhythmic realisations
of geometrical as well as content-oriented concepts. Sometimes these are calm and meditative, sometimes aggressive and thought-provoking.
Bernhard Bischoff
Bernhard Bischoff
The Same But Different, 2015
Video HD, 26‘ 04‘‘, Ed. 7,
concept and animation Dominik Stauch, sound by ‹Still› Wolfgang Zwiauer & Dominik Huber
Walking with Richard, 2014
Video HD,, 21‘35‘‘, Ed. 7
animations, camera, editing, sound-sampling, guitar, synthesizer, performance and vocals Dominik Stauch
Picture Yourself, 2014
HDV, 3‘44‘‘, Ed. 3
concept and animation, Dominik Stauch, camera Sabine Portenier and Dominik Stauch,
keyboards & sound programming Samuel Blaser, vocals Dominik Stauch
Winning and Losing comes in streaks, 2013, installation view
art within architecture, gym technical college Brig (Schulsporthalle Brig der Berufsfachschule Oberwalli)
Winning and Losing comes in streaks, 2013
HDV, 01‘00‘44‘‘, Ed. 1, concept and animation, Dominik Stauch
Milestone, 2012
DVD, 01’ 00’’ loop, Ed. 3
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Milestone, exhibition view,
‘Dominik Stauch, Rhinestones’, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner, Bern , 2012
Hard Edge Ride, 2011
DVD, 05:11, loop, Ed. 3
animation and sound collage Dominik Stauch
Vera Molnar à L’ordinateur: Love Stories, 2011
DVD, 04‘28‘‘, loop, Ed. –
text Jacques Mayer, animation und sound Dominik Stauch
A Brief History of Time, 2010
DVD, 01‘36‘‘, loop, Ed. 3
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Hustler, 2010
DVD, 02‘00‘‘, loop, Ed. 3
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
The Cross (for Ljubomir Micic), 2009
DVD, 01‘04‘‘, loop, Ed. 3
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
The Cross (for Ljubomir Micic), exhibition view, Kunsthalle Bern, 2009
Tinkerbell, exhibition view
‘Felicità – Freude, Glück und Emotionen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst’,
CentrePasquArt, Biel, 2010
Tinkerbell, 2009
4-channel video installation, 4 DVDs, each 00‘36‘‘, loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Smallville 2009
DVD, 03‘00‘‘, loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Urban Walkabout, 2008
DVD, 00‘32‘‘, loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)
exhibition view
‘Fashion LA’, Ace Gallery, Los Angeles, 2010
Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black), 2008
DVD, 01‘36‘‘, loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
On The Road (Going De Stijl), 2007
4-channel video installation, 4 DVDs, each 00‘36‘‘, loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
On The Road (Going De Stijl), exhibition view
‘Dominik Stauch, Daniel Hausig, Drive-In Arena’, Forum Vebikus, Kulturzentrum Kammgarn, Schaffhausen, 2007
Revolver, 2006
DVD, 01‘04‘‘, loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Revolver, exhibition view
‘Dominik Stauch, Watching the River Flow’, Kunsthaus Grenchen, 2008
Black Mountains, exhibition view
‘Dominik Stauch – A Tribute to Hank’, Marks Blond Project, Bern, 2007
Black Mountains (Shades of Light and Dark in Random Balance), 2005
DVD, 00‘48‘‘, loop, ED 3
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Don‘t Let Me Down, 2006
DVD, 04‘20‘‘, Ed. 6, Regie, camera and editing Peter Eberhard
concept and performance Dominik Stauch
Study for a Billboard, exhibition view
‘Dominik Stauch, Watching the River Flow’, Kunsthaus Grenchen, 2008
Study for a Billboard, 2006
DVD, 01‘04‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Shooting Stars, 2004/05 – A Hommage to William Burroughs
DVD, 06‘05‘‘, in collaberation with the shooting club Grosshöchstetten (Schützen Grosshöchstetten), Ed. 6
photographer Christian Helmle, guitar and vocals River Henry & Jela Star, video editing Dominik Stauch
Requiem #1 (Caught in a Cage), 2005, Random Composition for 4 Voices & 8 Colours, 03‘15‘‘
Requiem #2 (Without Pause), 2005, Random Composition for 4 Voices & 4 Colours, 01‘57‘‘
Requiem #3 (Club Version), 2005, Random Composition for 2 Voices & 1 Colour, 01‘21‘‘
Requiem #4 (Back in the Cage), 2005, Random Composition for 4 Voices & 4 Colours, 03‘49‘‘
DVD, 10‘22‘‘, Ed. 6, animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Rise & Fall, 2005
DVD, 09‘36‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Broadway Breakdance, 2005
DVD, 04‘12‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Rat Race – 400 Requests in Random Sequence, 2004
CD-rom, 400 clips in random order, 06‘40‘‘ / endless, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Alan Smithee goes De Stijl), exhibition view
‘I Need You – zum Zusammenspiel zwischen Kunst und Publikum’, CentrePasquArt, Biel, 2004
Alan Smithee goes De Stijl, 2004
CD-rom, interaktive project, Ed. 6
Radar Love, 2004
DVD, 02‘20‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation Dominik Stauch, drums Tom Beck
Radar Love, exhibition view
‘Dominik Stauch – Plunge when you win’,
Museum Liner Appenzell, 2005
Cowboys & Indians, exhibition view
‘‘Dominik Stauch – Plunge when you win’,
Museum Liner Appenzell, 2005
Cowboys & Indians, 2004
DVD, 03‘30‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Fall Back, 2003
3-channel video installation, 3 DVDs, each 03‘30‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation and guitars Dominik Stauch
Fall Back, exhibition view
‘Dominik Stauch – Plunge when you win’, Museum Liner
Appenzell, 2005
Tracking a 12 Pointed Star, 2002
DVD, 01‘12‘,‘ Loop, Ed. 6
animation and guitar Dominik Stauch
Tracking a 12 Pointed Star, exhibition view,
‘Dominik Stauch’, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, Thun, 2003
Made To Measure, exhibition view
‘Dominik Stauch – Plunge when you win’, Museum Liner Appenzell, 2005
Made To Measure, 2002
DVD, 02‘10‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
Broken Stars, 2003
DVD, 02‘14‘‘, Loop, Ed. 3
animation Dominik Stauch
Broken Stars, exhibition view
‘Dominik Stauch, Watching the River Flow’, Kunsthaus Grenchen, 2008
Great Plains, 2002
DVD, 09‘00‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation und guitars Dominik Stauch
DIG, 2002
DVD, 04‘35‘,‘ Loop, Ed. 6
animation and sound Dominik Stauch
DIG, exhibition view
‘In Between – Bildmedien im Dialog’, Kunsthaus Langenthal, Langenthal, 2002
My Personal Colour Field, 2002
DVD, 02‘54‘‘, Loop, Ed. 6
animation and morphing Dominik Stauch, guitar Boris Pilleri, bass Roland Sumi, sound engineering Mat Calahan
Dominik Stauch
Trafohaus, Scheibenstrasse 8
CH-3600 Thun, Switzerland
[email protected]
Galerie Bernhard Bischoff & Partner
Progr_Zentrum für Kulturproduktion
Waisenhausplatz 30, Postfach 6259, CH-3001 Bern
[email protected]