Knox Talks


Knox Talks
4738 Confederation Line, P.O Box #81,
Wyoming, Ontario, N0N 1T0
Ph: 519-845-3112 / Fax: 519-845-1404
[email protected]
M o n day,
M ay 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 Matthew 5:16
L et Y ou r L i g h t Sh i ne Theme Verse
Track and Field Day
Thanks to the many helpers who contributed their time last
Thursday and made our local track and field day a successful
event. It was wonderful to see the large number of parents
who came out to watch the students in action. Combined with
almost ideal weather, it was a beautiful day for our school
Welcome Day
Mrs. Robinson is hosting the new JK students at school this
Wednesday morning, May 27.
Two-Pitch Tournament
Students from grades 6-8 will represent our school at the twopitch tournament this Friday in Wyoming. Games begin at 9:45
and conclude just after 2pm.
Wednesday, May 27
Welcome Day for JK
Ska-Nah-Doht Field Trip - Grades 3&4
Munro Apiaries (PM) - Grades 5&6
Friday, May 29
Two Pitch Tournament
Wednesday, June 3
District Track and Field (school closed)
Thursday, June 4
Greenview Aviaries - Kinderstart
Grades 1/2
Monday, June 8
Milk and Pizza Day
Tuesday, June 9
Volunteer Luncheon
Two Pitch Practice
With May drawing to a close, grade eight
thoughts turn to June and graduation. This
year it’s set for Wednesday, June 17 at
Peoples Church at 7:30 pm. It’s a whole
school celebration as we give
encouragement to our graduating students.
There will be practice this Monday, Tuesday
and Thursday at noon hour recess. There
will also be an after school practice on
Tuesday, May 26th. Please pick your children
up by 4:30 pm.
District Track and Field Day
Pizza Day and Milk Day
Due to our District Track and Field Meet
taking place on Wednesday, June 3, we will
have to reschedule Pizza and Milk Day to
Monday, June 8th.
District Track and Field Day is scheduled for
Wednesday, June 3. (Raindate - Friday June
5). A list of participants has been posted in
the school and District Packages have been
sent home to those families. Please read
over carefully and call the school if you
have any questions or concerns.
Relay teams will be having two lunch hour
practices at LCCVI on Thursday, May 28 and
Monday, June 1.
All District participants are encouraged to
practise, practise, practise for their events!!
If anyone is interested in practicing after
school please let the office know. Students
need to be picked up no later than 4:15 pm.
Update for Handbook
New phone number for Kendall and Tracy
VanRooyen 519-330-5513.
Please note: The school will be closed on
Wednesday, June 3 as a large number of
students and staff will be attending this
JKCS Gift Card Sales for the Summer.
Once again this summer we will be offering gift
card sales to you through post dated cheques.
You may post date your cheques for the
following dates during the summer.
July 9th, July 23, Aug 13, Aug. 27.
Please fill out a separate order form for each
date. The cheques will be deposited on those
The deadline for these orders to be in by is
June 4th to allow us enough time to order
sufficient gift cards in, to fill the summer
Your whole order will then be given to you or
sent home on June 18th. This is the last date we
will be selling gift cards this school year.
If you have any questions please contact one of
the voucher committee members. Sarina
DeBoer, Maggie Boersma, Alice Nutma or Karen
Classroom News
kin dersta rt
Mrs. Robinson
Memory Work: Matthew 5:24-27
Bible: The Story of the Lost Son
Jesus Heals Ten Men
Yellow Day! The SK students wore yellow today and
the JK class will celebrate all things yellow tomorrow,
Tuesday, May 26.
Socials: Our unit on caterpillars and butterflies has
concluded and we will begin to look at the five senses
this week. Students are encouraged to bring in show
and tell items that can be associated with the senses.
Check the June calendar to see which sense we are
studying on which day.
F i e l d
Tr i p !
We will
Grades 1
and 2
field trip
Thursday, June 4 to Greenview Aviaries. We will be
travelling by bus and will be gone for the entire day,
returning in time to catch the buses home.
Chaperones are needed. Please contact Miss Sluys or
Mrs. Robinson if you are able to accompany us for the
day. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate
younger siblings on this trip.
Thank you! Although it was a bit chilly, we had a
great picnic in Mr. and Mrs. Jagt’s backyard. Many
thanks go out to Mr. and Mrs. Jagt for hosting us and
to the family members who joined us there and
helped to supervise and serve lunch.
Schedule Note: There is no SK on Wednesday, May
27th due to the Welcome Day for the 2015/16 JK
Looking Ahead: The June Calendar will be coming
home this week.
Classroom News
Grade 1
Grade 2
Miss Sluys (am)
Mrs. Hoogland (am)
Sight Words:
any, let, may, walk, take
Word Wall Words:
brown, upon, away, huge, does
Math - We hope to finish our unit on Statistics
and Probability this week.
We continue reading a variety of Fairy Tales.
Students have been noticing adjectives and
interesting “action words” as they read. This week
we begin written retells.
AR - Three weeks to our test taking deadline Friday, June 12.
Reading - We’ll conclude our unit on Celebrating
Traditions and begin our final unit on Biographies.
Field Trip! We will be joining Kinderstart for a
field trip on Thursday, June 4 to Greenview
Aviaries. We will be travelling by bus and will be
gone for the entire day, returning in time to catch
the buses home. Chaperones are needed. Please
contact Miss Sluys or Mrs. Robinson if you are able
to accompany us for the day. Unfortunately, we are
unable to accommodate younger siblings on this
In Math we have been conducting probability
experiments using spinners. Students are learning
to predict the outcomes based on previous
experiments and write about the results.
I will be away at a workshop on Tuesday and we
welcome Mrs. V., to the class.
Grade 1 & 2
Miss Sluys (pm)
Memory Work:
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
Mon - Paul in Athens
Tues - Paul in Corinth
Wed - Artemis of the Ephesians
Fri - Farewell to Ephesus
Science: This week we’ll look at fruits and seeds as well as the plant classification. We have a unit test
scheduled for Tuesday, June 2. A review sheet will be coming home tomorrow.
French: Test on La Famille next Friday, June 5. A review sheet will be coming home tomorrow.
Classroom News
Grade 3 & 4
Welcome to the last week of May!
Mrs. Noorloos
Memory Work: is for Friday from Psalm 24: 9,
10 ESV. (A sheet went home last week.)
Bible: We have a Bible test scheduled for
Thursday on the reign of Solomon. A peach
coloured sheet went home last week.
Math: Both grade three and four will continue
working on parallel and intersecting lines,
congruent, similar and different shapes, and
naming the net. Students should look over their
own mad-minute carefully to see what
multiplication table they should study to move
on. Gr. 3 has a multiplication and division quiz
on the four timetables for Friday.
Current Events: Friday (May 29th) Jacob S.,
Karissa H.
Friday (June 5th) Kailey S., Haley K.
Science: We will be taking a closer look at our
ears and how we receive sound.
Class Trip: We are looking forward to our class
trip for Wednesday morning to Ska-Nah-Doht!
We will be leaving shortly after the buses have
arrived. Thank you to all those who have offered
to drive or accompany us that morning. We
should be returning around 1:00 pm. Students
brought a green sheet home Friday with a little
more info. for that day.
Mrs. Tamming
Lesson activities are due by Thursday, test is
on Friday.
Gr. 3: don’t, didn’t, I’ll, I’m, it’s, let’s,
they’re, we’re, doesn’t, o’clock, won’t,
wouldn’t, its, can’t, that’s
Gr. 4: multiply, imagination, favourite,
computer, citizenship, invisible, undercover,
enjoyment, discussion, America, unusual,
e x a m p l e , m e l o d y, t e m p e r a t u r e ,
understanding, experiment, explanation,
Reading and Writing:
This week we are starting our novel studies.
Grade 3 will be reading “The Bears on
Hemlock Mountain”, by Alice Dalgliesh, and
Grade 4 will be reading, “The Loner” by
Ester Wier. Both grades will be writing
journal entries and reflections on their
readings, as well as comprehension questions
and new vocabulary words.
Phys Ed.: Our new unit is on baseball. If you
have a ball glove at home, please bring it on
Tuesday and Thursday for Phys. Ed. class.
Classroom News
Grade 5 & 6
Miss C. Nienhuis
Fractions quiz this Wednesday. Make sure you
understand how to add, subtract, multiply,
divide and simplify fractions. Refer to your
notes in your notebook or be sure to ask for
further explanation!
Our plays are coming along nicely! This week we
will be performing for our classmates and
discussing possible improvements.
Our mannequin drawings will be due Friday.
20 Minutes Recorder practice due Friday. Our
hymn study assignments are also due Friday. All
written assignments must be handed in Friday.
(If you are part of the baseball tournament
taking place Friday, please take your absence
into account and either hand it in early or
before you leave Friday morning). Presentations
will begin Friday as well. Be prepared to
showcase your musicals skills!
Mr. Boersma
Bible: We finish up our current unit on the
gospels this week - that means a test!
happens on Thursday.
Memory Work: Luke 12: 11, 12. Please know
for Thursday this week.
Spelling: Another spelling challenge this week
as we combine spelling and vocabulary; we’ll
mix things up with a spelling bee and some
other word games. Little quiz on Thursday.
Social Studies: We focus this week on
completing the research for our presentations.
Students will also produce two artifacts for our
“Museum of America”. Research and artifacts
should be completed by Friday but absolutely no
later than next Tuesday, June 2.
Grammar: We can’t let the year slip by without
some serious grammar review. We’ll go over all
the key concepts from the year and practise
them on a series of exercises. Most of this will
be done in class.
Writing: As part of our grammar review,
students will write a short dialogue featuring a
conversation among three people. Class time
will be set aside for this; some polishing may be
needed at home. It’s due on Thursday.
This Week:
Field Trip: This Wednesday afternoon the class will travel by bus to Alvinston and visit Munro
Apiaries. We’ll see a hive in action with hard-working bees, learn about honey (with a taste test),
and be part of a discussion on the impact of pesticides on the bee population.
Wednesday, May 27 - Fractions Quiz, Field trip in the afternoon
Thursday, May 28 - Bible test; memory work; spelling quiz; writing exercise.
Friday, May 29 - Mannequin drawings due, hymn study assignments due, recorder practice
Tuesday, June 2 - American Neighbours presentation due.
Classroom News
Grade 7 & 8
Mr. Eisen
Warrior's Cavity: We are heading into the final four of the Warrior's Cavity. In the West,
Brooke's Anaheim Ducks are even with Lauren's Chicago Blackhawks. While in the East, Luke's
Tampa Bay Lightning are a game ahead of Grace's New York Rangers. Best of luck to all!
Exams: Math Exam-Friday, June 5th
Literature Exam- Tuesday, June 9th
Memory Work: Tomorrow's memory work comes from Revelation 5:10. Next Tuesday's memory
work comes from Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Math: Both grades are currently investigating Volume and Surface area with different
polyhedra. This brief unit will conclude with a test next Monday, June 1st.
Literature: Our Media Producers Assignment is set for Tuesday, June 2nd. Our reflection essays
will be introduced next week and are due for Monday, June 8th.
Geography: Our final project on the deserts of the world is set for next Monday, June 1st.
Grade 7 French: Having finished unite 7, our vocab quiz for unite 8 will take place next
Monday, June 1st.
Book Reports: Our final book report for the year will be introduced and is due Monday, June
Graduation Proofs:
Please remember to return your proof package to the school by tomorrow, Tuesday, May 26. The
original proof package needs to be returned by this due date, even if you are not ordering or if
you ordered on line. Thank you!
JKCS Grocery Vouchers:
Voucher sales take place every Thursday from 1:30 –2:30 p.m. in the Front Entrance.
NAME: _____________________ PHONE #___________________
_____x $50.00
______X $100.00
________x $250.00
_______X $50.00
_______X $100.00
_______x $250.00
________x $10.00
________X $20.00
________x $50.00
________x $25.00
________x $50.00
________X $100.00
**All Vouchers Subject to Availability**
CHEQUE TOTAL $ ________
Please make cheques payable to J.K.C.S. Vouchers
$ ________