Syllabus "Educational Inequality in Comparative


Syllabus "Educational Inequality in Comparative
University of Zurich, Sociological Institute
Lecture: Educational Inequality in International Comparison (2605)
Wednesdays, 4.15pm - 6pm, Room AND3.06, starts March 21st 2007
Fabian Pfeffer
[email protected]
Office Hours: Wednesdays, 3pm - 5pm, by apppointment
Course Content
In many nations, the „PISA shock“ - that is, the public outcry in reaction to the results
from of the “Program for International Student Assessment” - arose not only from the
documented poor average achievement of students but also the drastic social
inequalities in education as reported by the OECD. As the introductory session of this
seminar shows, unequal educational outcomes of students from different backgrounds
have been the topic of public debate decades before PISA and have been the object of
sociological research for a long time. This seminar therefore provides a sociological
approach to critically assess new results of international, comparative education
research, drawing on empirical data such as, but not exclusively, the PISA study.
Since these data have also sparked much new research in this area, this seminar also
draws on ongoing research project wherever useful.
The lecture begins with a compressed theoretical and methodological introduction to
the study of educational inequality and a brief overview of some basic empirical
findings. Thereafter, the focus is on a sociological analysis of the association between
institutional structures and the degree of inequality in educational opportunities.
Finally, we discuss the potentials and limits of educational policy in reducing
inequality in education.
In sum, this lecture shall give answers to the following questions:
- How do Western countries differ in terms of educational opportunities?
- How can we explain these national differences?
- How and to which degree can policies contribute to the reduction of
educational inequalities?
Course Requirements
Students are expected to do the weekly readings, attend every class, and actively
Introductory readings are marked with a star (). They provide a basic introduction to
the topic of each session and reading them will make it much easier to follow the
lecture. In an effort to increase student interaction and active participation, starting
with week three each lecture contains an interactive component, such as structured
group discussions, guest lectures, conference calls, film presentations and discussion.
You are required to prepare for the interactive elements by consulting the material
marked with the symbol ().
Stand: 12.04.2007
Educational Inequality in International Comparison, Pfeffer, Seite 2
At the beginning of each session, brief lecture notes will be distributed, which list the
session content in bullet points and may contain important figures or tables. These
lecture notes serve as an orientation and shall merely facilitate your note taking. They
may also support your follow-up work after each session. The lecture notes also
contain further references to literature, which can be used for a more in-depth study of
each session’s topic.
Additionally, the following literature is recommended for further reading (books are
available in the course reserve of the institute’s library):
Sadovnik, Alan R. 2007. Sociology of Education. A Critical Reader. London / New
York. Routledge
Becker, Rolf. 2006. Dauerhafte Bildungsungleichheiten als unerwartete Folge der
Bildungsexpansion? S. 27-62 in: Hadjar, Andreas / Becker, Rolf. Die
Bildungsexpansion. Erwartete und unerwartete Folgen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
für Sozialwissenschaften.
Becker, Rolf, and Wolfgang Lauterbach (Eds.). 2004. Bildung als Privileg?
Erklärungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit.
Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Berger, Peter A. / Kahlert, Heike (Hrsg). 2005. Institutionalisierte Ungleichheiten.
Wie das Bildungssystem Chancen blockiert. Weinheim / München: Juventus
Georg, Werner (Hrsg). 2006. Soziale Ungleichheit im Bildungssystem. Eine
empirisch-theoretische Bestandsaufnahme. Konstanz: UVK
The introductory literature, preparation material for the interactive elements, and the
lecture notes are available on the password-protected course homepage:
Educational Inequality in International Comparison, Pfeffer, Seite 3
Schedule of Topics
From Picht to PISA
Public debate about stark inequalities in educational opportunities in German
speaking countries is currently extensive and yet far from new. We trace the origins of
this debate and investigate whether there has been any progress in the equalization of
educational opportunities since then.
 Dahrendorf (1966): Bildung ist Bürgerrecht
Theoretical and Methodological Foundations
Theoretical Explanations of Educational Inequality
The sociology of education supplies an impressively wide range of different theories
that can help us understand why educational inequality exists. A review of all of these
could easily take up an entire semester. Instead, we focus on developing a
classification of different theoretical approaches that will be useful for the remainder
of the semester.
 Erikson/Jonsson 1996: Explaining Class Inequality in Education
The Statistical Tool Box of Sociology of Education
In order to understand empirical research - such as that presented in the sessions to
follow - knowledge of appropriate statistical methods is indispensable. The basics of
two widely used statistical models are discussed: logistic transition models and multilevel models. A guest lecture illustrates the latter method with a research project from
the United States.
 Luke, Douglas A. (2004): Multilevel Modeling
Some First Findings from International Comparisons
Sociological Studies
At least since the 1990s, research on the association between students’ social
background and their educational outcomes has frequently taken a comparative
approach. A contribution by Shavit and Blossfeld - by now somewhat of a classic of
the field - provides the starting point for our investigation of how educational
inequality has developed over time. We explore how their basic findings have been
replicated and extended over the last couple of years.
 Bloßfeld, Hans-Peter / Shavit, Yossi (1993): Dauerhafte Ungleichheiten
Educational Inequality in International Comparison, Pfeffer, Seite 4
International Student Assessments
The topic of inequality in education has come back to the center stage of public
attention and policy debate mainly thanks to the PISA studies. In this session, results
from PISA and other international student assessment studies are summarized and
critically discussed. Hereafter, we discuss the general potentials and limits of
international student assessments on the basis of the inaugural lecture of Dr. Urs
Moser (Institute for Educational Evaluation, University of Zurich).
 OECD (2001): Lernen für das Leben
 Moser, Urs (2006): PISA: Bildungsforschung zur Unterhaltung?
Ethnic Inequality
In most cases, the educational outcomes of immigrant students lag behind those of
their native counterparts. We first investigate the immigrant gap in education from a
theoretical perspective and then examine in which countries this gap is greatest. In the
framework of a conference call with Dr. Hyunjoon Park (University of Pennsylvania)
we discuss possible explanations for these national differences.
 Diefenbach, Heike (2004): Bildungschancen und Bildungs(miss)erfolg von
ausländischen Schülern aus Migrantenfamilien im System schulischer Bildung
 Park, Hyonjoon / Sandefur, Garry D. (2007): The Educational Gaps between
Immigrant and Native Students in Europe
Macrosociological Explanations
Institutional Theory
A relatively new branch of theory that has been developed in sociology and
neighboring fields, called New Institutionalism, is of particular relevance for the topic
of this seminar. We study the origins, basic assumptions, and general significance of
New Institutionalist theory for the social sciences in general, and sociology of
education in particular. To wrap up, these theoretical explorations are connected to
practical examples taken from a film presentation.
 Meyer, Heinz-Dieter / Brian Rowan (2006): The New Institutionalism in
 Protocols of additional interviews with educational particioners (not part of the
film sequence shown)
Methods of Comparison
The empirical application of an institutionalist perspective discussed in the preceding
section profits from international comparisons. Therefore, this session provides an
introduction into the most fundamental methods of comparative research. A further
follow-up to the preceding session is provided in a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Tröhler,
director of the Institute for the History of Education at the University of Zurich. With
him, we discuss the challenges to institutionalist theory brought forward by a
historical account of educational systems.
Educational Inequality in International Comparison, Pfeffer, Seite 5
 Goldthorpe, John (2000): Current Issues in Comparative Macrosociology
 Tröhler, Daniel (2007): Neo-Institutionalismus und neo-calvinistische
Erlösungsvisionen. Das lokal verwobene Bildungssystem in der Interpretation
weltgeschichtlicher Entwicklungen
Classifications of National Education Systems
Lazarsfeld’s contributions to the philosophy of social sciences provide some guidance
to the construction of sociological classifications. Early attempts to construct such
classifications for educational systems occured in the 1960s. Only recently, these
attempts have been revived in the work of von Below. Here, we will discuss her latest
project - extending her classification of German federal states to the international case
- in a conference call with Dr. Susanne von Below (University of Frankfurt). This
conference call shall also instill some motivation for a take-home exercise on the
cantonal specificities of the Swiss educational system
 Lazarsfeld, Paul F. (1937 / 1993): Some Remarks on Typological Procedures
in Social Research
 Below, Susanne von (2007): Institutional Contexts and Social Selectivity
Educational Inequality and Institutional Characteristics
In contrast to a ‘holistic’ understanding of education systems, one can also study
single institutional features of the organization of education separately. This session
demonstrates which institutional characteristics are associated with educational
inequality and for his purpose again draws on current research projects. At the end of
the session, we will collect the results of the take-home exercise and analyze the
cantonal differences in the Swiss education system in working groups.
 Kerckhoff, Alan C. (1995): Institutional Arrangements and Stratification
Processes in Industrial Societies
 Instructions and templates for the assessment of cantonal differences
Educational Inequality and its Macro-Economic Context
The distribution of educational opportunities is not only affected by the institutional
structure of education system but may also interact with other societal features. In this
session, we focus on the macro-economic context of educational inequality. Some of
the macro-economic features that may influence educational inequality to be
discussed are a country’s stage of economic development, degree of industrialization,
social inequality in society at large, and the level of educational expenditures. The
influence of specific educational ideologies is also discussed and illustrated in a short
documentary on Cuban education.
 Jencks, Christopher (1973): Chancengleichheit
 Kozol, Jonathan (1978): Children of the Revolution
Educational Inequality in International Comparison, Pfeffer, Seite 6
Educational Policy
Big Tradeoffs?
A common objection to the equalization of educational opportunities is that it may
come at the cost of educational quality on the one side and individual freedom and
family values on the other side. The first of these assumed trade-offs is subjected to an
empirical test and additionally complemented by a discussion of the meaning of
educational credentials. The second assumed trade-off can only be addressed by
drawing on moral philosophy. The central value conflict between educational equality
and the family will be elaborated in reference to early childhood education and further
illustrated with selected film material
 Collins, Randal (1979): The Credential Society
 Kreyenfeld, Michaela (2004): Soziale Ungleichheit und Kinderbetreuung
Educational Policy and Social Policy
At the backdrop of the theories and empirical findings discussed earlier in the
semester, this session demonstrates the potential and limits of educational policy in
reducing educational inequality. We take a detailed look at the relationship between
educational and social policy. In a final conference call with Dr. Stephanie Arnett
(European University Institute, Florence), we also discuss concrete results of existing
educational policies.
 Allmendinger, Jutta / Leibfried, Stephan (2005): Bildungsarmut
 Arnett, Stephanie (2007): Influences of National Education Policies on the
Academic Achievement of High- and Low-Social Status Students
Summary and Discussion
The content of the semester is summarized, critically assessed, and additional
questions are addressed. In a final group discussion, you will be given guidance for
your own research projects on the topic of education.
Educational Inequality in International Comparison, Pfeffer, Seite 7
Interactive Element
Theoretical and Methodological Foundations
Theoretical Explanations of
Educational Inequality
The statistical toolbox of sociology
of education
Guest lecture by Steven E.
Alvarado (University of
Some First Findings from International Comparisons
Sociological Studies
International Student Assessments
Group Discussion: inaugural
lecture by Dr. Moser
Ethnic Inequality
Webconference with Dr.
Hyunjoon Park (University of
Macrosociological Explanations
Institutionalist Theory
Film: Wie Schulen gelingen
Methods of Comparison
Guest Lecture Prof. Dr. Daniel
Tröhler (Universität Zürich)
Classification of National
Education Systems
Webconference with Dr.
Susanne von Below (Universität
Educational Inequality and
Institutional Characteristics
Working Groups: Canotanl
Educational Inequality and its
Macro-economic Context
Film: Bildungsideologie am
Beispiel Kubas
Educational Policy
„Big Tradeoffs“?
Discussion Session: Early
Childhood Education
Educational Policy and Social
Webconference with Dr.
Stephanie Arnett (European
University Institute, Florence)
Final Group Discussion
Introduction (21.03.2007)
Cooley, Charles C. 1926. Heredity or Environment. Journal of Applied Sociology; Picht, Georg.
1964. Die deutsche Bildungskatastrophe. Olten: Walter-Verlag; Dahrendorf, Ralf. 1966. Bildung ist
Bürgerrecht. Plädoyer für eine aktive Bildungspolitik. Hamburg: Nannen
Theoretical Approaches (28.03.2007)
Boudon, Raymond. 1974. Education, Opportunity, and Social Inequality; Bidwell/Friedkin. 1988.
"The Sociology of Education." in Handbook of Sociology, edited by Neil J. Smelse; Herrnstein,
Richard/Charles Murray, 1994: The Bell Curve. Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life;
Fischer, Claude S. et al., 1996: Inequality by Design; Hauser, Robert M./Min-Hsiung Huang, 1997:
Verbal Ability and Socioeconomic Success: A Trend Analysis. In: Social Science Research 26, 331376 ; Bourdieu, Pierre/Jean-Claude Passeron, 1971: Die Illusion der Chancengleichheit.
Untersuchungen zur Soziologie des Bildungswesens am Beispiel Frankreichs; Lareau, Annette, 2003:
Unequal Childhoods. Class, race, and family life; Breen, Richard/John H. Goldthorpe, 1997:
Explaining Educational Differentials. Towards a Formal Rational Action Theory. In: Rationality and
Society 9, 275-305; Becker, Rolf, 2000: Klassenlage und Bildungsentscheidungen. Eine empirische
Anwendung der Wert-Erwartungstheorie. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
52, 450-474; - Coleman, James S., 1988: Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. In:
American Journal of Sociology 94, S95-S120; Morgan, Stephen L./Aage B. Sørensen, 1999: Parental
Networks, Social Closure, and Mathematics Learning. A Test of Coleman's Social Capital Explanation
of School Effects. In: American Sociological Review 64, 661-681; Heyns, Barbara, 1978: Summer
Learning and the Effects of Schooling. New York / San Francisco / London: Academic Press; Downey,
Douglas B./Paul T. von Hippel/Beckett A. Broh, 2004: Are Schools the Great Equalizer? Cognitive
Inequality during the Summer Months and the School Year. In: American Sociological Review 69,
613-635; Baker, David P./David L. Stevenson, 1986: Mothers' Strategies for Children's School
Achievement. Managing the Transition to High School. In: Sociology of Education 59, 156-166
Methods (04.04.2007)
Mare, Robert. 1981. "Change and Stability in Educational Stratification." American Sociological
Review 46:72-87; Breen, Richard, and Jan O. Jonsson. 2000. "Analyzing Educational Careers. A
Multinomial Transition Model." American Sociological Review 65:754-772; Hauser, Robert M., and
Megan Andrew. 2006. "Another Look at the Stratification of Educational Transitions. The logistic
response model with partial proportionality contraints." Sociological Methodology 36:1-26; Hout,
Michael. forthcoming. "Maximally Maintained Inequality Revisited. Irish Educational Mobility in
Comparative Perspective." in Changing Ireland, 1989-2003, edited by Maire NicGhiolla Phadraig and
Elizabeth Hilliard; Cameron, Stephen V., and James J. Heckman. 1998. "Life Cycle Schooling and
Dynamic Selection Bias. Models and Evidence for Five Cohorts of American Males." Journal of
Political Economy 106:262-333; Raudenbush, Stephen W., and Anthony S. Bryk. 2002.
Hierarchical Linear Models. Applications and Data Analysis Methods. Thousand Oaks / London / New
Delhi: Sage Publications.
Sociological Studies (11.04.2007)
Burzan, Nicole. 2004. Soziale Ungleichheit. Eine Einführung in die zentralen Theorien. Wiesbaden:
Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften; Wright, Erik Olin (Ed.). 2005. Approaches to Class Analysis.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Treiman, Donald J. 1977. Occupational prestige in
comparative perspective. New York: Academic Press; Duncan, Otis Dudley. 1961. "A Socioeconomic
Index for All Occupations." Pp. 109-138 in Occupations and Social Status, edited by Albert J. Reiss.
New York: Free Press; Hauser/Warren. 1997. "Socioeconomic Indexes of Occupational Status. A
Review, Update, and Critique." Sociological Methodology:177-298; Treiman, Donald J. 1970.
"Industrialization and Social Stratification." Pp. 207-234 in Social Stratification. Research and Theory
for the 1970s, edited by Edward O. Laumann. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill; Meulemann, Heiner.
1992. "Expansion ohne Folgen? Bildungschancen und sozialer Wandel in der Bundesrepublik." Pp.
123-157 in Entwicklungstendenzen der Sozialstruktur, edited by Wolfgang Glatzer. Frankfurt: Campus
Verlag; Breen/Luijkx/Müller/Pollak. 2005. "Non-Persistent Inequality in Educational Attainment.
Evidence from eight European Countries." in Meeting of Research Committee 28 (ISA). Los Angeles;
Rafter/Hout. 1993. "Maximally Maintained Inequality. Expansion, Reform, and Opportunity in Irish
Education 1921-75." Sociology of Education 66:41-62; Hout, Michael. forthcoming. "Maximally
Maintained Inequality Revisited. Irish Educational Mobility in Comparative Perspective." in Changing
Ireland, 1989-2003, edited by Maire NicGhiolla Phadraig and Elizabeth Hilliard; Lucas, Samuel R.
2001. "Effectively Maintained Inequality. Education Transitions, Track Mobility, and Social
Background Effects." American Journal of Sociology 106:1642-1690; Shavit/Arum/Gamoran (Eds.).
forthcoming. Stratification in Higher Education: A Comparative Study. Stanford: Stanford University
International Comparisons (18.04.2007)
Allmendinger, Jutta / Hans Dietrich. 2004. "PISA und die soziologische Bildungsforschung."
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 7:201-210; Jahnke, Thomas / Wolfram Meyerhöfer. 2006.
PISA&Co. Kritik eines Programms; UNICEF. 2002. A league table of educational disadvantage in
rich nations. Innocenti Report Card No.4, Florence: Innocenti Research Centre; Brown, Giorgina /
John Micklewright. 2004: Using International Surveys of Achievement and Literacy. A view from the
outside. UNESCO, Institute for Statistics; IBrown, Giorgina et al. 2005: Cross-National Surveys of
Learning Achievement. How Robust are the Findings? Southhampton Statistical Sciences Research
Institute, Applications & Policy Working Paper A05/05; Publikationen des Schweizer PISAKonsortiums;
Ramseier/Brühwiler. 2003: Herkunft, Leistung und Bildungschancen im gegliederten
Bildungssystem. Vertiefte PISA-Analyse unter Einbezug de kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten. Revue suisse
des sciences de l‘educacion 25 (1)
Ethnic Inequalities (25.04.2007)
OECD (2006): Where immigrant students succeed. A comparative review of performance and
engagement in PISA 2003; Auernheimer, Georg (2006): Schieflagen im Bildungssystem. Die
Benachteiligung der Migrantenkinder. Vs Verlag; Stanat, Petra (2006): Schulleistung von
Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund. Die Rolle der Zusammensetzung der Schülerschaft. In:
Baumert / Stanat / Watermann (Hrsg.): Herkunftsbedingte Disparitäten im Bildungswesen.
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften; Buchmann, Claudia / Emilio A. Parrado (2006):
Educational Achievement of Immigrant-Origin and Native Students. A Comparative Analysis informed
by institutional theory. In: Baker, David P. / Alex Wiseman: The Impact of Comparative Education
Research on Institutional Theory; Vellacott / Hollenweger/ Nicolet / Wolter (2003): Soziale
Integration und Leistungsförderung. Bildungsmonitoring Schweiz; Heath, Anthony / Yael Brinbaum
(im Erscheinen): Special issue of Ethnicities (Explaining ethnic inequalities in educational
attainment); Marks, Gary N. (2005): Accounting for immigrant non-immigrant differences in reading
and mathematics in twenty countries. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(5), 925-946; Dronkers / Levels /
Kraaykamp (2006): Scholastic Achievement Differences of Immigrants in Western Countries. A
Cross-National Study on Origin, Destination, and Community Effects. Discussion Paper EF2006-7/7,
European University Institute; TIES: “The Integration of the European Second Generation” (aktueller
internationaler Forschungsschwerpunkt, siehe
Institutionalism (02.05.2007)
Berger, Peter / Thomas Luckmann (1970): Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit .
Frankfurt: S. Fischer ; Esser, Hartmut (2000): Soziologie. Spezielle Grundlagen. Band 5:
Institutionen. Frankfurt: Campus; Brinton, Mary / Victor Nee (1998): The New Institutionalism in
Sociology. New York: Russel Sage Foundation; Jepperson, Ronald (2002): The Development and
Application of Sociological Neoinstitutionalism. In: Berger, Joseph / Morris Zelditch: New Directions
in Contemporary Sociological Theory. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield; Meyer, John (1977): The
Effects of Education as an Institution. American Journal of Sociology 83: 55-77; Meyer, Heinz-Dieter
/ Brian Rowan (2006): The New Institutionalism in Education. New York: State University of New
York Press; Baker, David / Alexander Wiseman (2006): The Impact of Comparative Education
Research on Institutional Theory. Elsevier; Hillmert, Steffen (2004): Soziale Ungleichheit im
Bildungsverlauf: zum Verhältnis von Bildungsinstitutionen und Entscheidungen. In: Becker, Rolf /
Wolfgang Lauterbach: Bildungs als Privileg? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
Methods of Comparison (09.05.2007)
Brochmann/Engelstad/Kalleberg/Leira/Mjøset (1997). Methodological Issues in Comparative Social
Science. Greenwich / London: JAI Press; Kenworthy, Lane (2007). Toward improved use of
regression in macro-comparative analysis. Comparative Social Research 24:343-350; Ragin, Charles
C (1987). The Comparative Method. Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. Berkley:
University of California Press; Ragin, Charles C. (2000). Fuzzy-Set Social Science. Chicago:
University Of Chicago Press; Lieberson, Stanley (1991). Small N's and Big Conclusions. An
Examination of the Reasoning in Comparative Studies Based on a Small Number of Case. Social
Forces 70:307-320; Sica, Alan (Ed.). 2006. Comparative Methods in the Social Sciences (sehr
umfassendes Nachschlagewerk in 4 Bänden); Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2005). When Less is More.
Selection Problems in Large- N and Small- N Cross-National Comparisons. International Sociology
Classification of National Education Systems (16.06.2007)
Turner, Ralph T. (1960). Sponsored and Contest Mobility and the School System. American
Sociological Review 25:855-867; Hopper, Earl I. (1968). A Typology for the Classification of
Educational Systems. Sociology 2:29-46; Below, Susanne von (2002). Bildungssysteme und soziale
Ungleichheit. Das Beispiel der neuen Bundesländer. Opladen: Leske + Budrich
Institutional Effects (23.05.2007 & 06.06.2007)
Buchmann, Claudia, and Ben Dalton. 2002. "Interpersonal influences and educational aspirations in
12 countries. The importance of institutional context." Sociology of Education 75:99-122; Buchmann,
Claudia, and Hyunjoon Park. 2005. "The Institutional Embeddedness of Educational and
Occupational Expectations. A Comparative Study of 12 Countries." in Meeting of the Research
Committee on Stratification (RC28) of the International Sociological Association. Los Angeles;
Pfeffer, Fabian T. 2007. Intergenerational Mobility in Comparative Perspective. CDE Working Paper
No. 2007-09; Gorard/ Smith (2004): An international comparison of equity in education systems.
Comparative Education 40:15-28; Hanushek/Wößmann (2006): Does Educational Tracking Affect
Performance and Inequality? Economic Journal 116: C63-C76; Vandenberghe (2005): Achievement
Effectiveness and Equity. The role of Tracking, Grade Repetition and Inter-school Segregation.
Applied Economics Letters; Ammermüller (2005): Educational Opportunities and the Role of
Institutions, ZEW Discussion Paper, No. 05-44; Brunello/Checchi (2006): Does School Tracking
Affect Equality of Opportunity? New International Evidence. IZA Discussion Paper No. 2348; Oakes
(2005): Kepping Track. How Schools Structure Inequality. New Haven: Yale University Press;
Gamoran/Mare (1989): Secondary School Tracking and Educational Inequality. Compensation,
Reinforcement, or Neutrality? American Journal of Sociology, 94(5); Gamoran (1992): The Variable
Effects of High School Tracking. American Sociological Review 57 (6); Gamoran (1995): Curriculum
Standardization and Equality of Opportunity in Scottish Secondary Education: 1984-90. Sociology of
Education 69(1); FOR YOUR OWN RESEARCH PROJECT: Eurydice. Database on Education Systems in
Europe:; OECD. Education at a Glance. Paris: OECD; Postlethwaite, T.
Neville (Ed.). 1995. International encyclopedia of national systems of education. Oxford / New York:
Pergamon; Robitaille, David F. 1997. National Contexts for Mathematics and Science Education. An
Encyclopedia of the Education Systems Participating in TIMSS.
Cantonal Comparison (06.06.2007)
Forschungsgemeinschaft PISA (2005): PISA 2003. Kompetenzen für die Zukunft. Zweiter Nationaler
Bericht; Forschungsgemeinschaft PISA (2005). PISA 2003. Analysen für Deutschschweizer Kantone
und das Fürstentum Liechtenstein; Bauer/Riphahn (2006): Timing of School Tracking as a
determinant of intergenerational transmission of education. Economics Letters 91: 90-97; Holzer,
Thomas (2005): PISA 2003. Einflußfaktoren auf die kantonalen Ergebnisse. Bundestamt für Statistik /
BFS Aktuell 15
Macro-Economic Context (06.06.2007)
Treiman (1970): Industrialization and Social Stratification. In: Laumann (Hrsg.): Social Stratification.
Research and Theory for the 1970s; Treiman/Yip (1989): Educational and Occupational Attainment in
21 Countries. In: Kohn (Hrsg.): Cross-National Research in Sociology; Müller/Karle (1993): Social
Selection in Educational Systems in Europe. European Sociological Review 9:1-23; Jencks et al.
(1972): Inequality. A Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in America. New York:
Basic Books; Hega/Hokenmaier (2002): The Welfare State and Education. A Comparison of Social
and Educational Policy in Advanced Industrial Societies. German Policy Studies 2: 1-29; Kozol
(1978): Children of the Revolution. A Yankee Teacher in the Cuban Schools. New York: Delacorte
Press; Bowles/Gintis (1976): Schooling in Capitalist America. Educational Reform and the
Contradictions of Economic Life. New York: Basic Books; Brighouse (2000): School Choice and
Social Justice. Oxford University Press; Henig (1994): Rethinking School Choice. Limits of the
Market Metaphor.