bibliografia sui danni da vaccini


bibliografia sui danni da vaccini
BIBLIOGRAFIA SUI DANNI DA VACCINI Alcuni riferimenti per eventuali approfondimenti (Dal 1926 al dicembre 2009) 1926 Turnbull, H M. Encephalomyelitis Following Vaccination. Brit Jour Exper Path, 7:181, 1926. 1938 Finley, K H. Pathogenesis of Encephalitis Occurring With Vaccination, Variola and Measles, Arch Neur and Psychologist, 1938; 39:1047­1054. 1958 Berg, J M. Neurological Complications of Pertussis Immunization. Brit Med Jour, July 5,1958; p 24. 1960 Aragona, F. Fatal Acute Adrenal Insufficiency Caused by Bilateral Apoplexy of the Adrenal Glands (WFS) following Anti­poliomyelitis Vaccination. Minerva Medicolegale, Aug 1960; 80:167­173. Pathel JC. Tetanus following smallpox vaccine. J Pediatr, July 1960; 27:251­263. Reynolds, E. Fatal Outcome of a Case of Eczema Vaccinatum. Lancet, 24 Sept 1960, 2:684­686. 1961 Apostolov. et al. Death of an Infant in Hyperthermia After Vaccination. J Clin Path, Mar 1961, 14:196­197.
Goetzeler, A. Fatal Encephalitis after Poliomyelitis Vaccination. 22 Jun 1961, Muenchen Med Wschr, 102:1419­1422.
1962 Connolly, J H, Dick, G W, Field, CM. A Case of Fatal Progressive Vaccinia. Brit Med Jour, 12 May 1962; 5288:1315­1317.
Kompier, A J. Some Skin Diseases caused by Vaccinia Virus [Smallpox. Ned Milt Geneesk T, 15:149­157, May 1962.
Perez Diaz R, et al. Post­vaccinal Pericarditis. Report of 2 Cases. Rev Cuba Med, 1:49­54, Jul­Aug 1962.
Provvidenza G. Un caso di benigna atassia acuta del cervelletto nell'infanzia. Arch Ital Sci Med Trop, 43:189­194, aprile 1962.
1963 Katsilambros L. Il fenomeno di apatia in uomini ed animali dopo l'iniezione di virus in dosi molto elevate. Rev Med Moyen Orient, 20:539­546, nov.­dic. 1963. Pialoux, P et al. Vaccinations and Deafness. Ann Otolaryng (Paris), Dec 1963, 80:1012­1013. Weber, G et al. Skin Lesions Following Vaccinations. Deutsch Med Wschr, 88:1878­1886, S7 Sept 1963. 1965 Aubertin J. Diabetes and vaccination. J Med Bord. 1965 Apr;142(4):702­5. Cherry JD, Jahn CL. Concomitant enterovirus infecton, smallpox vaccination, and exanthem. J Pediatr. 1965 Oct;67(4):679­81. Delaveleye R, Filipe­Lourenco A. Neuro­psychiatric sequelae, principally epileptic, of vaccinal and, serological immunizations. Study of 24 cases. Rev Neuropsychiatr Infant. 1965 Jun­Jul;13(6):419­38. Drouhet V, Leventis F, Netter R, Celers J. Multiplication, in the digestive tract, of 3 attenuated poliomyelitic strains (Sabin type) following oral vaccination. Its relation to the preexisting immunologic status and serologic response. Rev Fr Etud Clin Biol. 1965 Apr;10(4):381­93. Dyczkowska M, Szczeklik A. Myocarditis following smallpox vaccination. Pol Tyg Lek. 1965 May 24;20(21):760­2. Germano G, Borselli L. On possible minor neurologic complications of smallpox vaccination. Riv Clin Pediatr. 1965 Jan­Jun;75(1):59­68. Grasser R. Reactions to diphtheria­tetanus­pertussis vaccines and their causes. Arch Exp Veterinarmed. 1965 Apr;19(1):311­5. Hall RD. Reactions to diphtheria­tetanus­pertussis antigen. Public Health. 1965 Sep;79(6):332­9. Hofele U. Abdominal purpura following smallpox vaccination. Arch Kinderheilkd. 1965 Nov;173(2):175­8. Krupina TN. The clinical picture of postvaccinal affections of the nervous system in children. Vopr Okhr Materin Det. 1965 Sep;10(9):23­7. Migdalska­Kassurowa B, Obodowska­Zysk W. Neurological disorders and peripheral blood picture in complications of smallpox vaccination. (Preliminary report). Przegl Epidemiol. 1965;19(2):167­8. Pantazopoulos, PE. Perceptive Deafness Following Prophylactic use of Tetanus anittoxin. Laryngoscope, Dec 1965, 75:1832­1836. Schedifka R. On the disease picture of post­vaccinal brain disease following smallpox vaccination (with special regard to damage compensation regulations valid in the German Democratic Republic. Z Arztl Fortbild (Jena). 1965 Mar 1;59(5):237­42. Stewart, AM, et al. Aetiology of Childhood Leukaemia. Lancet, 16 Oct, 1965, 2:789­790. Zablocka I, Straczkowski W, Furmanowa K. Renal complications after smallpox vaccination in adults. Przegl Lek. 1965;21(11):685­7. Zimmerman, W. Observation of a case of Acute Bilateral Hearing Impairment Following Preventive Poliomyelitis Vaccination (type 3). Arch Ohr Nas Kehlkopfheilk, 1965, 185:723­725. 1966 Anderson JA, Daly FT Jr, Kidd JC. Human rabies after antiserum and vaccine postexposure treatment. Case report and review. Ann Intern Med. 1966 Jun;64(6):1297­302. Andreoni G, Curatolo D, Cervini E, Provvidenza G, Rocchi G, Velli V. Isolation of poliovirus in poliomyelitic patients vaccinated with Sabin vaccine. G Mal Infett Parassit. 1966 Oct;18(10):662­3. Bhagwat SM, Samuel MR. Oral polio vaccine (Sabin): Vaccine­associated poliolike illnesses. Indian J Med Sci. 1966 Dec;20(12):903­6. Calomiirescu A, Lucian M, Mihal I. Postvaccinal reaction in children vaccinated with DPT trivaccine. Microbiol Parazitol Epidemiol (Bucur). 1966 Mar­
Apr;11(2):163­72. Chang TW, Weinstein L, MacMahon HE. Paralytic poliomyelitis in a child with hypogammaglobulinemia: probable implication of type I vaccine strain. Pediatrics. 1966 Apr;37(4):630­6. Checinska Z, Galazka A, Smolik R. A case of diabetes insipidus after smallpox vaccination. Przegl Lek. 1966;22(6):454­5. Collomb H, Rey M, Dumas M, Berne C. Neuro­psychic syndromes during postvaccinal encephalitis (yellow fever vaccination). Bull Soc Med Afr Noire Lang Fr. 1966;11(3):575­86. Copeman, P W. Skin Complications of Smallpox Vaccination. Practitioner, 197:793­800, Dec 1966. De la Plaza N, Isola MB. Infrequent complication of oral anti­poliomyelitis vaccination. Prensa Med Argent. 1966 Jul 29;53(30):1680­3. Duverne J, Volle H, Gogue Y. Hyperergic accidents of the Sanarelli­Shwartzman type caused by DT­polio vaccination in children. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr. 1966 Mar­Apr;73(2):221­3. Duvina PL, Bini R. Reactions caused by the Sabin poliovirus vaccine in infants. (Considerations on 134 cases hospitalized in 1965). Riv Clin Pediatr. 1966 Jul;78(1):400­11. Ekbom K. A case of asthma after vaccination against smallpox. Acta Med Scand Suppl. 1966;464:170­1. Goldman II. Allergic rhinosinus bronchopathy in a patient after the use of dry anti­influenza serum. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1966 Mar­Apr;28(2):98­9. Goldman II. Allergic rhinosinusbronchopathy in a patient after the use of dry anti­influenza serum. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1966 Mar­Apr;28(2):98­9. Goncalves JC. Malignant change in smallpox vaccination scars. Arch Dermatol. 1966 Feb;93(2):229­30. Holmgren B, Lindblom U. Neurological complications after smallpox vaccination. Acta Med Scand Suppl. 1966;464:105­12. Kollmannsberger A. Neurological complications following rabies vaccination. Munch Med Wochenschr. 1966 Feb 4;108(5):259­62. Kringelbach J, Senstius J. Hypsarrhythmia after triple vaccination. Nord Med. 1966 Dec 8;76(49):1433­6. Larbre F, Thivolet J, Hermier M, Cotton JB, Gaudin G, Richoux. Fatal acute myocarditis after smallpox vaccination. Pediatrie. 1966 Apr­May;21(3):345­50. Larbre, F et al. Fatal Acute Myocarditis After Smallpox Vaccination. Pediatrie, Apr­May 1966, 21:345­350. Larsen AA. A severe complication of smallpox vaccination. Can Med Assoc J. 1966 Jun 18;94(25):1316­7. Osterland CK, Miller EJ, Karakawa WW, Krause RM. Characteristics of streptococcal group­specific antibody isolated from hyperimmune rabbits. J Exp Med. 1966 Apr 1;123(4):599­614. Polster H. Mastocytosis (Urticaria pigmentosa) and small pox vaccination. Kinderarztl Prax. 1966 Jun;34(6):241­7. Polster, H. Diabetes insipidus after Smallpox vaccination. Z Aerztl Fortbild (Jena), 1 Apr 1966, 60:429­432. Royer P. Problems raised by vaccination in diabetic children. Pediatrie. 1966 Sep;21(6):729­32. Sankale M, Bourgeade A, Wade F, Beye B. Contribution to the study of vaccinal reactions observed outside Dakar. Bull Soc Med Afr Noire Lang Fr. 1966;11(3):617­23. Stickl H, Helming M. Purulent meningitides following smallpox vaccination. On the problem of post­vaccinal decrease of resistance. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1966 Jul 22;91(29):1307­10. Swaak AJ. Local reactions following booster injections with DWTP­vaccine (diphtheria­whooping cough­tetanus­poliovirus vaccine) in children born in 1960 and 1961. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1966 Feb 12;110(7):332­4. Tidstrom B. Eczema vaccinatum. Ugeskr Laeger. 1966 Jan 6;128(1):18­20. Zablocki B, Skalba D. An attempt to induce the production of rheumatoid factor­like substance in rabbits by prolonged immunization with killed bacterial suspension. Bull Acad Pol Sci Biol. 1966;14(1):23­4. 1967 Annamalai A, Shreekumar S, Manoharan V. Neurological complications following antirabies vaccination. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1967;61(6):839­41. Arevalo. Vaccinia Necrosum. Report on a Fatal Case. Bol Ofoc Sanit Panamer, Aug 1967, 63:106­110. Balduzzi P, Glasgow LA. Paralytic poliomyelitis in a contact of a vaccinated child. N Engl J Med. 1967 Apr 6;276(14):796­7. Chandra RK. Reactions following measles vaccination. Indian J Pediatr. 1967 Nov;34(238):423­4. Ebert H. Smallpox vaccination and myocarditis? Dtsch Gesundheitsw. 1967 Dec 28;22(52):2465­8. Fabiani F, Cioffi P. On some neurologic complications during vaccination with the Sabin vaccine. Riv Neurobiol. 1967 Jan­Mar;13(1):127­30. Fedotova AM. The pathogenesis of manifestations of nonspecific allergy during vaccinations. Pediatriia. 1967 Jan;46(1):56­60. Galili S. A mild form of Stevens­Johnson syndrome following measles vaccination. Isr J Med Sci. 1967 Nov­Dec;3(6):903­5. Giovannucci M. Convulsive syndrome following anti­poliomyelitis vaccination (Salk). Riv Sper Freniatr Med Leg Alien Ment. 1967 Oct 31;91(5):1185­94. Kahana D, Berant M. Diabetes in an infant following inapparent mumps. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1967 Feb;6(2):124­5. Kitani Y, Akita J. A case of postvaccinal chorioretinitis. Nippon Ganka Kiyo. 1967 Dec;18(12):1142­6. Matsuki, A. Recent studies on Goroji Nakagawa, pioneer of vaccination in Japan. On the bicentenary of his birth Nippon Ishigaku.Zasshi. 1967, 13 (3): 26­32. Miller H, Cendrowski W, Shapira K. Multiple sclerosis and vaccination. Br Med J. 1967 Apr 22;2(546):210­3. Okinaka S, Toyokura Y, Tsukagoshi H, Kuriowa Y, Araki S. Physical reactions following vaccination against Japanese B encephalitis­­with special reference to neurological complications. Shinkei Kenkyu No Shimpo. 1967 Aug;11(2):410­24. Pathak R, Khare KC. Disseminated sclerosis syndrome following antirabic vaccination, J. Indian Med Assoc. 1967 Nov 16;49(10):484­5. Pazdyga R, Szestakowska­Pazdyga K. General severe postvaccination reactions in pregnant women vaccinated against typhoid fever. Wiad Lek. 1967 Apr 1;20(7):655­7. Petrilli FL, Crovari P. On the possible consequences of the diffusion of the virus after poliomyelitis vaccination with attenuated poliovirus vaccine. G Ig Med Prev. 1967 May­Jun;8(3):313­23. Sedan J. 2 points to emphasize in the matter of vaccinal ophthalmic complications. Ophthalmologica. 1967;153(3):198­9. Strom J. Further experience of reactions, especially of a cerebral nature, in conjunction with triple vaccination: a study based on vaccinations in Sweden 1959­
65. Br Med J. 1967 Nov 11;4(575):320­3. Swanson PD, McAlister R, Peterson DR. Poliomyelitis associated with type 2 virus. Paralytic disease in the father of a recently immunized child. JAMA. 1967 Sep 4;201(10):771­3. Terragna A, Cottafava F. Thrombcytopenic purpura during viral infections. Minerva Pediatr. 1967 Apr 21;19(16):816­25. Trump RC, White TR. Cerebellar ataxia presumed due to live, attenuated measles virus vaccine. JAMA. 1967 Jan 9;199(2):129­30. Trump, R C, White, T R. Cerebellar Ataxia Presumed Due To Live Attenuated Measles Virus Vaccine. JAMA, 1967, 199:165­166. Wilhelm DJ, Paegle RD. Thrombocytopenic purpura and pneumonia following measles vaccination. Am J Dis Child. 1967 May;113(5):534­7. 1968 Albrecht RM. Poliomyelitis from a vaccinee. Lancet. 1968 Jun 22;1(7556):1371. Alter HJ, Scanlon RT, Schechter GP. Thrombocytopenic purpura following vaccination with attenuated measles Virus. Am J Dis Child. 1968 Jan;115(1):111­
3. Ammundsen E. Complications of polio vaccination with Sabin vaccine. Fra Sundhedsstyr. 1968 Mar.25;4(25):337­8. Badalian LO, Krupina TN, Kalinina LV, Sandukovskaia SI. Vaccinal lesions of the nervous system in children. Vopr Okhr Materin Det. 1968 Dec;13(12):54­
9. Bazex A, Dupre A, Christol B. Cancer on a smallpox vaccination scar. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr. 1968;75(6):743­6. Bierschenk H, Knabe J. Psoriasis vulgaris in expert testimony on vaccination damage. Z Gesamte Hyg. 1968 Oct;14(10):768­70. Breton J, Caroff J, Hadengue A, Derobert L. Malignant postvaccinal syndrome: 2 cases. Med Leg Dommage Corpor. 1968 Apr;1(2):172­6. Briantseva VV. On vaccine reactions in children. Vopr Okhr Materin Det. 1968 Sep;13(9):87. Colon, VF, et al. Vaccinia Necrosum as a Clue to Lymphatic Lymphoma. Geriatrics, Dec 1968, 23:81­82. Egorova NB. Anaphylactic reaction and antitoxin titer following aerosol and subcutaneous immunization against tetanus. Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 1968 Apr;45(4):63­8. Feldman RA, Kamath DK, Christopher S. Oral poliovaccine and paralysis. Indian Pediatr. 1968 Oct;5(10):475­8. Gathier JC, Bruyn GW. Peripheral neuropathies following the administration of heterologous immune sera. A critical evaluation. Psychiatr Neurol Neurochir. 1968 Jul­Aug;71(4):351­71. Goldman, A. Ocular Vaccinia: A Case Report and Review of Treatment. Med J Aust, Nov 30, 1968, 2:921­922. Hartstock,. Post­vaccinial Lymphadenitis: Hyperplasia of Lymphoid Tissue That Simulates Malignant Lymphomas. Apr 1968, Cancer, 21(4):632­649. Hugoson, G et al. The Occurrence of Bovine Leukosis Following the Introduction of Babesiosis Vaccination. Bibl Haemat, 1968, 30:157­161. Iakunin IA, Iampol'skaia EI, Sysoeva IM, Kipis SL. Nervous system complications in children after preventive vaccinations. Pediatriia. 1968 Nov;47(11):19­
26. Ivanus IA. On disorders of the nervous system after vaccination. Voen Med Zh. 1968 Mar;3:67­8. Jimenez EL, Dorrington HJ. Vaccination and Henoch­Schoenlein purpura. N Engl J Med. 1968 Nov 21;279(21):1171. Kuwert E, Klosterkotter W, Linzenmeier G. Neurological complications following rabies vaccination. Med Klin. 1968 Aug 23;63(34):1326­8. Linchevskii GL. Effect of immunization with whooping cough­diphtheria­tetanus vaccine on the condition of several factors of blood coagulation in children. Pediatriia. 1968 Jun;6:30­3. Marmelzat WL. Malignant tumors in smallpox vaccination scars: a report of 24 cases. Arch Dermatol. 1968 Apr;97(4):400­6. Maszkiewicz W, Penar S. Neurological complications in children of the Wroclaw district following smallpox vaccination during the 1963 epidemic. Przegl Lek. 1968 May 31;24(5):476­8. Morse LJ. Poliomyelitis from a vaccine. Lancet. 1968 Jun 15;1(7555):1312­3. Nedar P R, and Warren, R J. Reported Neurological Disorders Following Live Measles Vaccine. 1968, Ped, 41:997­1001. Park­Dincsoy, H et al. Lymphoid Depletion in a case of Vaccinia Gangrenosa. Laval Med, Jan 1968, 39:24­26. Patan BD. Postvaccinal severe diabetes mellitus. Ter Arkh. 1968 Jul;40(7):117­8. Piriatinskaia RG. Vaccination eczema in a child. Vestn Dermatol Venerol. 1968 Aug;42(8):73. Reed CE. Pertussis sensitization as an animal model for the abnormal bronchial sensitivity of asthma. Yale J Biol Med. 1968 Apr­Jun;40(5):507­21. Reed WB, Wilson­Jones E. Malignant tumors as a late complication of vaccination. Arch Dermatol. 1968 Aug; 98(2):132­5. Rudenko MI, Koldoba LG, Velichko VP. Disorder of the nervous system and the heart following smallpox vaccination. Vrach Delo. 1968 Mar;3:134­5. Scolari R. Unexpected vestibulopathy caused by a vaccine. Riv Otoneurooftalmol. 1968 Mar­Apr;43(2):213­22. Silina EM, et al. Some diseases of the kidneys in children during the 1st year of life, following primary smallpox vaccination and administration of pertusis­
diphtheria­tetanus vaccine. Vopr Okhr Materin Det 1968 Mar; 13(3):79­80. Article in Russian. Zelickson AS. Basal cell epithelioma at site and following smallpox and vaccination. Arch Dermatol. 1968 Jul;98(1):35­6. 1969 Anatomo­clinical study. Acta Neurol (Napoli). 1969 Mar­Apr;24(2):248­58. Bondarev VN, Dadiomova MA. The changes of the nervous system in children after vaccination. Pediatriia. 1969 Jun;48(6):20­4. Candeias JA. Isolation and subtype identification of poliovirus strains following the administration of Sabin vaccine. Rev Saude Publica. 1969;3(2):183­201. Casteles­Van Daele M. Vaccination and Henoch­Schoenlein purpura. N Engl J Med. 1969 Apr 3;280(14):781. Cesario TC, Nakano JH, Caldwell GG, Youmans RA. Paralytic poliomyelitis in an unimmunized child. Apparent result of a vaccine­derived poliovirus. Am J Dis Child. 1969 Dec;118(6):895­8. Del Campo A. Physiological changes of the vaccinated organism: a basis for the interpretation of the clinical complications due to prophylactic vaccines. Prog Immunobiol Stand. 1969;3:280­4. Farkas E, Nyerges G, Kiss S. Late dermal complication of smallpox vaccination. Orv Hetil. 1969 Jul. 20;110(29):1690­2. Feyling T, Hestetun S. Thrombocytopenic purpura after smallpox vaccination. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 1969 May 15;89(10):725­6. Franczak T. Diabetes following virus hepatitis. Pol Tyg Lek. 1969 Oct 3;24(44):1705­6. Gold JA. Arthritis after rubella vaccination of women. N Engl J Med. 1969 Jul 10;281(2):109. Goswamy BM. Neurological complication after smallpox vaccination. J Assoc Physicians India. 1969 Jan;17(1):41­3. Holtzman CM. Postvaccination arthritis. N Engl J Med. 1969 Jan 9;280(2):111­2. Hopkins CC, Dismukes WE, Glick TH, Warren RJ. Surveillance of paralytic poliomyelitis in the United States. 1966 and 1967 cases, and 1965­1967 cases associated with oral poliovirus vaccine. JAMA. 1969 Oct 27;210(4):694­700. Katz SL. The effect of live attenuated measles­virus vaccine on the central nervous System. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol. 1969;36:Suppl:125­33. Kitamura I, Hirai S, Kurashige T. Poliomyelitis from a vaccine. Lancet. 1969 Mar 1;1(7592):465. Koval'skaia SI. Anaphylactogenic properties of ADT­, PDT­and APDT vaccines under experimental conditions. Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 1969 Jan;46(1):65­71. Lane JM. Vaccination and Henoch­Schoenlein purpura. N Engl J Med. 1969 Apr 3;280(14):781. Lorentz IT, McLeod JG. Post­vaccinial sensory polyneuropathy with myoclonus, Proc Aust Assoc Neurol. 1969;6:81­6. Monnet P, Lauras B. Acute thrombopenia in the child. Pediatrie. 1969 Dec;24(8):885­909. Myking OL. Myocarditis after smallpox vaccination. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 1969 Jan 15;89(2):87­9. Nicolopoulos D, Matsaniotis N, Kattamis C, Athanassiades T. Post­vaccinial complications. Report of 45 cases. Helv Paediatr Acta. 1969 Aug;24(4):378­89. Poser CM. Disseminad vasculomyelinopathy. A review of the clinical and pathologic, reactions of the nervous system in hyperergic diseases. Acta Neurol Scand. 1969;:Suppl 37:3­44. Sourreil P, Battin JP, Beylot C. Postvaccinal erythemato­purpuric acrodermatitis. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr. 1969;76(1):79­80. Supino V. Critical episode of an epileptic nature as complications of antipoliomyelitis vaccination with Sabin oral vaccine. Acta Neurol (Napoli). 1969 Jan­
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