Curriculum vitae


Curriculum vitae
Dr. med. Peter Kreuzer
Universitätsstraße 84, 93053 Regensburg
[email protected]
+ 49 (0)941 941 1256
+ 49 (0)941 941 1255
Schulische Ausbildung
1987 – 1991:
Grundschule, Roding
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Gymnasium, Cham
Allgemeine Hochschulreife
sozial-caritativer Auslandseinsatz statt Zivildienst, Aristóbulo del Valle
Studium der Humanmedizin, Universität Regensburg
Ärztliche Approbation
„Die Rolle der Aldosteronrezeptor-Blockade mit Eplerenon salzbelasteten,
Typ-II-diabetischen fa/fa-Ratten im Hinblick auf das Renin-AngiotensinSystem und renale Endorganschäden“
Arbeitsgruppe für Experimentelle Kardiologie der Universität Regensburg,
Prof. Dr. D. Endemann
Beruflicher Werdegang
ab 02/2009
Psychotherapie, Universität Regensburg bei Prof. Dr. Dr. H.E. Klein und
Prof. Dr. R. Rupprecht
Seit 12/2009
PD Dr. T. Kleinjung
Arzt in Weiterbildung, Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie, Universität
Regensburg, Prof. Dr. U. Bogdahn
Zusätzliche Qualifikationen und Interessen
seit 1999
Mitarbeit im Team Psychosoziale Notfallversorgung/Krisenintervention
(PSNV/KIT) Landkreis Cham e.V.
seit 2009
Zulassung als Lehrkraft in der Ausbildung
Psychosoziale Notfallversorgung/Krisenintervention (PSNV/KIT),
Malteser Hilfsdienst, Köln
ab 2012
Dozenten-Tätigkeit am Institut für Bildung und Personalentwicklung,
Bezirksklinikum Regensburg: „Krisenintervention, supportive Verfahren
und Beratung“
Scholarship der European Psychiatric Association, Nizza 2011
Kreuzer PM, Schecklmann M, Lehner A, Wetter TC, Poeppl TB, Rupprecht R, de Ridder D, Landgrebe M,
Langguth B. The ACDC Pilot Trial: Targeting the Anterior Cingulate by Double Cone Coil rTMS for the
Treatment of Depression. Brain Stimul. 2015 March - April;8(2):240-246.
Kreuzer P, Langguth B, Popp R, Raster R, Busch V, Frank E, Hajak G., Landgrebe M. Reduced intracortical inhibition after sleep deprivation: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Neurosci Lett. 2011 Apr
Kreuzer PM, Langguth B, Schecklmann M, Eichhammer P, Hajak G, Landgrebe M. Can repetitive
transcranial magnetic stimulation prolong the antidepressant effects of sleep deprivation? Brain Stimul.
2012 Apr;5(2):141-7.
Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Schecklmann M, Poeppl T, Vielsmeier V, Hajak G, Kleinjung T, Langguth B.
Can temporal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation be enhanced by targeting affective components of
tinnitus with frontal rTMS? A randomized controlled trial. Front Syst Neurosci. 2011;5:88.
Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Husser O, Resch M, Schecklmann M, Geisreiter F, Poeppl TB, Prasser SJ,
Hajak G, Langguth B. Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation: retrospective assessment of cardiac safety
in a pilot study. Front Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 7;3:70.
Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Resch M, Husser O, Schecklmann M, Geisreiter F, Poeppl TB, Prasser SJ,
Hajak G, Rupprecht R, Langguth B. Feasibility, Safety and Efficacy of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve
Stimulation in Chronic Tinnitus: an open Pilot Study. Brain Stimul. 2014 Sep-Oct;7(5):740-7.
Kreuzer PM, Goetz M, Holl M, Schecklmann M, Landgrebe M, Staudinger S, Langguth B. Mindfulness-and
body-psychotherapy-based group treatment of chronic tinnitus: a randomized controlled pilot study. BMC
Complement Altern Med. 2012 Nov 28;12:235.
Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Schecklmann M, Staudinger S, Langguth B; TRI Database Study Group*.
Trauma-associated tinnitus: audiological, demographic and clinical characteristics. PLoS One.
Schecklmann M, Landgrebe M, Poeppl TB, Kreuzer PM, Männer P, Marienhagen J, Wack DS, Kleinjung T,
Hajak G, Langguth B. Neuronal correlates of tinnitus duration and distress: A positron emission tomography
study. Hum Brain Mapp. 2013 Jan;34(1):233-40.
Vielsmeier V, Buergers, Kreuzer PM, Langguth B. Tinnitus with temporomandibular joint disorders - a
specific entity of tinnitus patients? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Nov;145(5):748-52.
Vielsmeier V, Strutz J, Kleinjung T, Schecklmann M, Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Langguth B.
Temporomandibular joint disorder complaints in tinnitus: further hints for a putative tinnitus subtype. PLoS
One. 2012;7(6).
Frank E, Schecklmann M, Landgrebe M, Burger J, Kreuzer P, Poeppl TB, Kleinjung T, Hajak G, Langguth
B. Treatment of chronic tinnitus with repeated sessions of prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation:
outcomes from an open-label pilot study. J Neurol. 2012 Feb;259(2):327-33
Resch M, Bergler T, Fredersdorf S, Griese DP, Weil J, Kreuzer P, Brunner S, Riegger GA, Luchner A,
Endemann DH. Hyperaldosteronism and altered expression of an SGK1-dependent sodium transporter in
ZDF rats leads to salt dependence of blood pressure. Hypertens Res. 2010 Oct;33 (10):1082-8.
Resch M, Schmid P, Amann K, Fredersdorf S, Weil J, Schach C, Birner C, Griese DP, Kreuzer P, Brunner
S, Luchner A, Riegger GAJ, Endemann DH. Eplerenone prevents salt-induced vascular stiffness in Zucker
Diabetic Fatty rats: a preliminary report. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2011, 10: 94
Schecklmann M, Lehner A, Poeppl TB, Kreuzer PM, Hajak G, Landgrebe M, Langguth B. Cluster analysis
for identifying sub-types of tinnitus: A positron emission tomography and voxel-based morphometry study.
Brain Res. 2012 Nov 16;1485:3-9.
Langguth B, Schecklmann M, Lehner A, Landgrebe M, Poeppl TB, Kreuzer PM, Schlee W, Weisz N,
Vanneste S, De Ridder D. Neuroimaging and neuromodulation: complementary approaches for identifying
the neuronal correlates of tinnitus. Front Syst Neurosci. 2012;6:15.
Lehner A, Schecklmann M, Landgrebe M, Kreuzer PM, Poeppl TB, Frank E, Vielsmeier V, Kleinjung T,
Rupprecht R, Langguth B. Predictors for rTMS response in chronic tinnitus. Front Syst Neurosci. 2012;6:11.
Burger J, Frank E, Kreuzer P, Kleinjung T, Vielsmeier V, Landgrebe M, Hajak G, Langguth B. Transcranial
magnetic stimulation for the treatment of tinnitus: 4-year follow-up in treatment responders--a retrospective
analysis. Brain Stimul. 2011 Oct;4(4):222-7.
Frank E, Landgrebe M, Poeppl TB, Schecklmann M, Kreuzer PM, Prasser J, Rupprecht R, Eichhammer P,
Hajak G, Langguth B. Antipsychotic treatment with quetiapine increases the cortical silent period. Schizophr
Res. 2014 Jun;156(1):128-32.
Poeppl TB, Frank E, Schecklmann M, Kreuzer PM, Prasser SJ, Rupprecht R, Hajak G, Langguth B,
Landgrebe M. Amygdalohippocampal neuroplastic changes following neuroleptic treatment with quetiapine
in first-episode schizophrenia. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 Jun;17(6):833-43.
Schecklmann M, Landgrebe M, Langguth B; Vielsmeier V, Kleinjung T, Lehner A, Kreuzer PM, Poeppl TB,
Figueiredo R, Azevedo A, Binetti AC, Elgoyhen AB, Rates M, Coelho C, Vanneste S, de Ridder D, van de
Heyning P, Zeman F, Koller M.. Phenotypic characteristics of hyperacusis in tinnitus. PLoS One. 2014 Jan
Zeman F, Koller M, Langguth B, Landgrebe M; Tinnitus Research Initiative database study group. Which
tinnitus-related aspects are relevant for quality of life and depression: results from a large international
multicentre sample. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2014 Jan 14;12(1):7.
Lehner A, Schecklmann M, Kreuzer PM, Poeppl TB, Rupprecht R, Langguth B. Comparing single-site with
multisite rTMS for the treatment of chronic tinnitus - clinical effects and neuroscientific insights: study
protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2013 Aug 23;14:269.
Schecklmann M, Lehner A, Poeppl TB, Kreuzer PM, Rupprecht R, Rackl J, Burger J, Frank E, Hajak G,
Langguth B, Landgrebe M. Auditory cortex is implicated in tinnitus distress: a voxel-based morphometry
study. Brain Struct Funct. 2013 Jul;218(4):1061-70.
Lehner A, Schecklmann M, Poeppl TB, Kreuzer PM, Vielsmeier V, Rupprecht R, Landgrebe M, Langguth B.
Multisite rTMS for the treatment of chronic tinnitus: stimulation of the cortical tinnitus network-a pilot study.
Brain Topogr. 2013 Jul;26(3):501-10.
Prasser SJ, Schecklmann M, Poeppl TB, Frank E, Kreuzer PM, Hajak G, Rupprecht R, Landgrebe M,
Langguth B. Bilateral prefrontal rTMS and theta burst TMS as an add-on treatment for depression: A
randomized placebo controlled trial. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2015 Jan;16(1):57-65.
Poeppl TB, Frank E, Schecklmann M, Kreuzer PM, Prasser SJ, Rupprecht R, Hajak G, Langguth B,
Landgrebe M. Amygdalohippocampal neuroplastic changes following neuroleptic treatment with quetiapine
in first-episode schizophrenia. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2014 Jun;17(6):833-43.
Schlee W, Schecklmann M, Lehner A, Kreuzer PM, Vielsmeier V, Poeppl TB, Langguth B. Reduced
variability of auditory alpha activity in chronic tinnitus. Neural Plast. 2014;2014:436146.
Übersichtsarbeiten und Case Reports
Langguth B, Kreuzer PM, Kleinjung T, De Ridder D. Tinnitus: causes and clinical management. Lancet
Neurol. 2013 Sep;12(9):920-30.
Kreuzer PM, Vielsmeier V, Langguth B. Chronic tinnitus: an interdisciplinary challenge. Dtsch Arztebl Int.
2013 Apr;110(16):278-84.
Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Vielsmeier V, Kleinjung T, De Ridder D, Langguth B. Trauma-Associated
Tinnitus. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2013 Aug 26.
Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Frank E, Langguth B. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the
treatment of chronic tinnitus after traumatic brain injury: a case study. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2013 SepOct;28(5):386-9.
Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Wittmann M, Hajak G, Schecklmann M, Poeppl TB, Langguth B. Hypothermia
associated with antipsychotic drug use. A clinical case series and review of current literature. J Clin
Pharmacol. 2011 Sep 28.
Kreuzer P, Landgrebe M, Wittmann M, Hajak G, Schecklmann M, Poeppl TB, Langguth B. Hypothermia
under olanzapine treatment: clinical case series and review of current literature. Nervenarzt. 2012
Kreuzer P, Landgrebe M, Hajak G, Burger SJ, Langguth B. A Case of Severe Hypothermia Following
Single-Dose Administration of Olanzapine: A Case Report. J Clin Pharmacol. 2011 Feb 22.
Kreuzer PM, Landgrebe M, Wittmann M, Rupprecht R, Langguth B. Hypothermie unter Neuroleptika.
NeuroTransmitter. 2012. 4:58-63
Kleinstäuber M, Langguth B, Kreuzer PM. Aktuelle Therapieansätze bei chronischem Tinnitus. Der
Neurologe und Psychiater (DNP). 2013
Brain Stimulation; Psychiatry Research; J Clin Pharmacology; Brain Research; Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy; J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry; Pharmacopsychiatry; Health Services Insights;
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment; J Head Trauma Rehab.; J Clin Pharmacology, Current
Neuropharmacology; Neurology and Neurophysiology; Neuromodulation; Neuropsychiatric Disease and
Treatment; Neurocase; PLOS One; JAMA Otolaryngology; J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci; Therapeutics
and Clinical Risk Management, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience;

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