March 2010


March 2010
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
March 2010
Main Hall
17/18 Apr
All Halls
A Trio Plus
Transylvania Hofbrau
Mother’s Day Luncheon
Main Hall
Dance Groups
Main Hall
All Halls
Transylvania Hofbrau
6,7,8 Aug
Philadelphia, Pa
Vienese Ball Gala Evening
KW Trachtenfest
Tag Der Donauschwaben
Schwabenhalle Details Tba
Schwabenhalle The Golden Keys
Oct 8-16
All Halls
The Golden Keys/Tbd
Halloween Party
Schwabenhalle The Golden Keys
Ladies Gründungsfest
Main Hall
The Golden Keys
Main Hall
Christmas Show /Choir
Main Hall
Christmas Luncheon
New Year’s Eve
President - Phil Neidert
Vice-President - Monica Anstett
Recording Secretary - Neil Hoffman
Financial Secretary - Walter Marzinko
1st Treasurer - Joe Adam
2nd Treasurer - Nick Lang
Archivist - Kirk Hanke
Cultural Director - Peter Speckner
Communications Director - Wera Dennis
Flag Bearer/Haus und Hof - Ed Ries
Director at Large - Bob Foster
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
[email protected]
Bericht des Präsidenten
Während ich diesen Bericht schreibe und aus dem
Fester schaue, fällt mir der Unterschied zum letzten
Jahr auf. Letztes Jahr hatten wir mehr Schnee als uns
lieb war und dieses Jahr haben wir nicht viel. Nachdem
ich dies nun gesagt habe, hoffe ich nicht, dass ich damit
etwas für den restlichen Winter heraufbeschwört habe.
Hoffentlich nicht!
Die „Valentine’s Tribute Show for Neil Diamond“ am
13. Februar in unserem Klub war ein voller Erfolg.
Total ausverkauft, mit gutem Essen und einem sehr
stilvollen Auftritt durch unseren Star „Neil Diamond/
alias Gerry Armstrong”. Es war wirklich eine erstklassige Aufführung.
Danach feierten wir am 20. Februar unser 79.
Gründungsfest. Wie immer, diese Veranstaltung ist bei
vielen unserer Mitglieder und geladenen Gästen
sehr beliebt. Mitgliedschaftsauszeichnungen
wurden, wie folgt, ausgegeben:
50 Jahre Mitgliedschaft/ 50-Year Member
Georg Edel
Konrad Gruenwald
Anton Sertic
25 Jahre Mitgliedschaft/ 25-Year Member
Bernhard Falkenberg
Kirk Hanke
George Milla
Peter Schlupp
10 Jahre Mitgliedschaft/ 10-Year Member
Hans Schattka
Hedwig Schattka
John Frank
Christopher Grau
Barbara Gruber
Josef Hoedle
Monika Hoedle
Die Klubnadel für vorbildlich geleistete Dienste
erhielten die folgenden Mitglieder and wir danken ihnen allen für ihren Beitrag: Cathy Thompson,
Judy Hanke, Katie Kraehling, Betty Neidert, Andrea
Adam Speckner, Manfred Blum, Wolfgang Kahnke.
Die Bronzenadel unseres Klubs für ausscheidende Vorstandsmitglieder erhielten George
Kraehling und Jennifer Offak und wir danken ihnen
für ihre Dienste als Vorstandsmitglieder.
Die „Golden Keys“ spielten zur Unterhaltung
und wie ich sehen konnte, hat allen der Abend
und die Musik gefallen.
Unsere nächste Veranstaltung ist das
Schlachtfest am 20. März und anschließend unser Landestrachtenfest am 17. und 18. April.
Bitte merken Sie sich diese Daten in Ihren
Kalendern vor und nehmen Sie sich vor, zu diesen Veranstaltungen zu kommen.
Bitte bedenken Sie, dass der „Klub“ aus
„IHNEN“ den „Mitgliedern“ besteht und nicht
dem Gebäude. Es sind die Mitglieder, die mit
ihrem Interesse und ihrer Bereitwilligkeit, ihre
Zeit, Fähigkeiten und Ideen zur Verfügung zu
stellen, die uns dynamisch und stark erhalten.
SIE sind das Herz und die Seele, von denen unser
zukünftiger Erfolg oder Misserfolg abhängig ist.
Abschließend, bzgl.“ Transylvania“, kann ich
nicht viel neues berichten. Sie sind immer noch
in ihrem Gebäude und warten auf einen Käufer.
Ihre Veranstaltungen werden in ihrem Gebäude
und nicht, wie angenommen, bei uns stattfinden. Es wird also weiterhin abgewartet mit der
Hoffnung auf ein positives Resultat.
Das ist es für heute. Bleiben Sie gesund und
ich hoffe, Sie bei einer unserer zukünftigen
Veranstaltungen begrüßen zu dürfen.
Phil Neidert
President’s Report
As I am writing this report and looking out the
window, I am thinking, what a difference from
last year. Last year we had more snow than we
could handle and this year very little. Now that
I have said this, I hope that I haven’t jinxed us for
the balance of the winter. Let’s hope not.
On February 13th, a Valentine’s Tribute Show
for Neil Diamond at our Club was a complete
success. A sold out house, good food and a
very classy performance by our “Star” Neil
Diamond/aka Mr. Gerry Armstrong. This truly
was a first class act.
Next up, was our 79th Anniversary on February
20th. This celebration as always was enjoyed by
many of our members and our invited guests.
Club service awards were presented to the members seen on the left.
The Club pin for exemplary service was awarded
to the following members and we thank them for
their contributions: Cathy Thompson, Judy Hanke,
Katie Kraehling, Betty Neidert, Andrea Adam
Speckner, Manfred Blum and Wolfgang Kahnke.
The Club’s bronze pin for outgoing committee
members was presented to George Kraehling
and Jennifer Offak. We thank them for their contribution on our Board of Directors.
The “Golden Keys” played for our enjoyment
and from what I saw, everyone enjoyed their music and all had a good time.
Next up will be our “Schlachtfest” on March
20th and then our”Landestrachtenfest” on April
17 and 18. Please mark these dates on your cal-
Come Dance With Us...
3 - 8 years old
Practice is Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30 pm
9 - 14 years old
Practice is Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30 pm
No Experience Necessary!
Schwaben Club
For more information, email Lisa Schaadt,
President of both groups, at: [email protected]
endar and plan to come.
Please remember “the club” is “YOU” our
Members and not the building. It is members
that care and give of their time and talents and
ideas that will keep us vibrant and strong.
YOU are the heart and soul that will spell success
or failure, as we go about our future.
In closing if any of you are wondering about
“Transylvania”. I have no news; they are still in
their home and are patiently waiting for a buyer.
Their functions are as planned at their place and
not here as we thought. The waiting game is still
on, and they are still hopeful that a favourable
outcome will come along.
That is it for now. Keep healthy; see you at one of
our upcoming club events.
Philip Neidert
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”
Winter has been good to us so far this year. The
parking lot hasn’t had the piles for snow taking
up parking spaces and causing big snow removal
costs like the last couple of years. We have been
busy for January and February this year. The
Neil Diamond Valentines Dinner and Show was
our first sold out tribute show we’ve had and
it was very gratifying to see that people are really enjoying these shows here. The Schwaben
Club is becoming the place to go to enjoy these
types of events; let’s hope this trend continues,
as we are working on a couple more shows that
promise to be crowd pleasers. I will tell you more
about the next shows, as they come together and
when we get closer to the dates. Thank you for
your continued support of the club and I hope
that everybody is enjoying all the good times we
are having at the Club. When you’re at the Club
pop into my office and say “hello”, it’s always
nice to see you.
Don Egley
Geburtstage Für März
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat März Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Geimer, Robert
Schwander, Benno
Nowak, Robert
Hamburger, Peter
Lipp, Barbara
Weiner, Josef
Gehrs, Helen
Watchorn, Jeff
Stickel, Josef
Grundwald, Konrad
Putschli, Magdalena
Putschli, George
Schade, Frieda
Groh, Joe
Offak, Eric
Becker, John
Stankowitsch, Anna
Dennis, Ken
Zimmerman, Gloria
Schuster, Josef
Hayer, Michael
Zuzan, Richard
Ries, Edmund
Bruckler, Mary
Demko, Catherine
Bekiroski, Hannelore
Szierer, Henry
Nemeth, Frank
Galanti, Giesela
Chapman, Brandy
Gerber, Paul Sr.
Gehrs, Heinrich
Obert, Paul
Nana’s Spaetzle Maker Ltd.
Toll-Free: 1-866-868-2820
Phone: 250-868-2820
Fax: 1-250-868-2817
E-mail: [email protected]
Happy Birthday Schwaben Club!
That’s right. On February 20, 2010, the Schwaben
Club celebrated it’s 79th birthday, and what a party it was. It all started with a cocktail hour in the
Schwaben Hall for invited guests. This gave everyone a chance to socialize with others they may
not have seen in a while. It also gave everyone
their first real chance to meet and talk with our
new Miss Schwaben, Mishi Savulescu.
After the cocktail hour, the invited guests joined
our guests in the other hall. Miss Schwaben said
Grace; it was time to eat. The kitchen staff really outdid themselves this time. Dinner started
with both Caesar and House salads, a fact not
lost on anyone. Then came the entrée: Schnitzel,
Roast Beef with Horseradish, Roasted Potatoes,
Schwaben Beans, and Baby Carrots. Boy, I’m getting hungry again just thinking about it. Dinner
was finished off with a delicious berry torte. The
meal was without a doubt exceptional.
The entertainment began immediately after dinner. The Kindergruppe performed first, and
they were adorable. Lead by Andrea Speckner
and Jade Adam, the kids danced up a storm; the
audience loved them. A bonus during their performance was a brief glimpse of members of the
new Jugendgruppe. Although they didn’t dance,
it was great to see the older children. We’ve
been told they might perform at Schlachtfest definitely something to look forward to.
After the first performance it was time for the
speeches and the pin presentations. VP Monica
Anstett gave a poignant speech about the future
of the club, followed by anniversary pin presentations for members hitting the 50yr, 25yr and 10yr
marks. Then the Volunteer Appreciation pins
were awarded. These went to members who volunteered large quantities of their time to helping
out the Club in various ways. The presentations
ended with Brandy Chapman (Miss Schwaben
2007) receiving her official picture.
The Golden Keys played throughout the evening,
interrupted only by dance performances by both
the Donau and Schwaben Dancers. Although
the Donau Dancers only had 3 couples (due to
injury, vacation and other hiccups), they still put
on a great show, performing their new and very
lively dance. The Schwaben Dancers also performed well, ending with a rousing performance
to Anton aus Tirol by DJ Ötzi.
It was a lovely evening, and couldn’t have been
a better celebration of the Club’s 79th birthday.
The good part about getting the 79th out of the
way though, is knowing that you are that much
closer to the bigger 80th celebration coming next
year. As noted by one of our speakers, it is only
21 years until the Schwaben Club’s 100th birthday. See you then!
Peter Speckner
Cultural Director
Mary & John Hild
on their 50th Wedding Anniversary
They were married Feb 4.1962.
They had a lovely celebration at the Club
with family and friends on Feb 5, 2010.
Kindergruppe and
January finished off with a performance at
Sunnyside Nursing Home. It was a great success as everyone enjoys seeing the children and
their dancing! Afterwards we were able to socialize with the residents which made this event
even more rewarding for everyone!
Our final celebration in February was at our
Club’s 79th Anniversary. This year one of things
most noticeable to me was how many youth
were participating. It was amazing to witness
and a very memorable night for me as President
of the groups.
Our Jugendgruppe (ages 9-15) has been practicing eagerly for the past couple weeks and plan
to make their debut at Schlachtfest on March
20, 2010. The pressure is on for our dancers
and their instructors Brandi Chapman and Kirk
Hanke. They are practicing now twice a week
to be ready in time. I was out to watch as they
are working so hard to come together for this
event. They are doing extremely well and I am
very proud of all of them. Thank you to the
Heffner Lexus, Heffner Toyota ... moving forward ...
our family continues to grow,
Be a part of it!
instructors, dancers and parents for making this
happen! Our group has grown to four couples
registered with even more interested. We are always welcoming new dancers!
Lisa Schaadt
Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President
[email protected]
Diamond Cut
The music of Neil Diamond
has been popular for 40
years. The sell-out Neil
Diamond tribute show at the
Schwaben Club on February
13, 2010 did his music justice
and demonstrated that the Club knows how to
put on a good evening.
Gerry Armstrong perfectly portrayed Neil
Diamond. The Sault
Ste. Marie native was
spotted by an agent performing Neil Diamond
hits such as America,
Sweet Caroline and I Am, I Said in Toronto about
eight years ago. Armstrong, 46, has since staged
more than 200 shows appearing as the American
pop singer. We were amazed at how much Gerry
sounded and looked like Neil Diamond. Janet
Gregor’s interpretive dance with Gerry added a
unique concept although it was quite distracting.
The music was great; the food was excellent; the
audience was happy....the evening was a success!
Catherine Thompson
Proudly Partnering with our community since 1960
C. Gerber $10.00
Vielen Dank für die Spende.
Neue Mitglieder/New Members
3121 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario
N2A 1B1 (519) 748-9666
Ein herzlich willkommen.
Joe Henn and Rose Henn
Tim Beckett and Kathy Beckett
First I would like to congratulate our President
Mary Hild and her husband John on their 50th
Wedding Anniversary Feb 4! We wish them
many more years together. As everyone probably knows we are celebrating a milestone in
November. Our 75th Anniversary! For this occasion we will be doing a Frauengruppe group
picture. Please stay posted for more info. It will
probably be in May at our meeting or birthday
meeting. Every year we like to make a donation
to the community. Once again this year the hospitals and local radio station were recipients
Don’t forget the Schlachtfest is here in March.
Come out and enjoy the homemade Krapfen.
There is also a cookbook in the works. Please
bring your favourite recipes to the March or
April meeting. Spring is almost here!
Susan Cook
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1