June 4 - Dallas Post Tribune


June 4 - Dallas Post Tribune
2726 S. Beckley Ave • Dallas, Texas 75224
P.O. Box 763939 Dallas, Texas 75376
ISSN # 0746-7303
Serving Dallas More Than 65 Years — Tel. 214 946-7678, 214.946.6820 & 214.943.3047 - Fax 214 946-7636 — Web Site: www.dallasposttrib.com — E-mail: [email protected]
June 4 - 10, 2015
Madison High School
Former Students Will Honor
Original Faculty & Staff
"American Legion Honors Gold
Star Mother"
Madison High School former students will honor five of the original faculty and
staff at the Class of 1966 Program at 2 p.m. June 6 at Madison, 3000 Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd.
The late Dr. Thomas Tolbert was Madison's first principal. The five living honorees
Lt. Col. Reginald Carrington, a U.S. Army veteran.
Dr. Herbie Johnson, a retired DISD principal and administrator.
Oweada Deckard Mapps, who taught Spanish and language for more than 30
Mr. John Nelson, an English teacher and principal at several DISD schools, and
Dr. Clarence Russeau Jr. a 54 year veteran science teacher, principal and administrator at nine DISD schools.
Body Camera Legislation
Nears Passage
Senator Royce West
News Release from The Senate
of Texas District 23
AUSTIN - State Senator
Royce West is optimistic that
Governor Greg Abbott will
give his stamp of approval on
Senate Bill 158 that establishes a statewide policy for body
worn camera by law enforcement. Last Monday's vote by
Representatives moves Senate
Bill 158 by Senator Royce
West (D-Dallas) one step closer to final approval. SB158
passed out of the House on a
vote of 135-4. On April 23,
SB158 passed the Texas
Senate by a final vote of 22-8.
When finally approved, SB158
will also provide assistance for
the purchase of body cameras
through a grant program that
through the governor's office.
Local police and sheriff's
departments will be eligible to
apply for grant funding.
Continues on Page 4A
From July 11th to the 15th, the NAACP will host its
106th Annual Convention in Philadelphia, PA. This
year's convention theme is "Pursuing Liberty In the Face
of Injustice." In the wake of the social and economic
unrest across the country, the NAACP will focus on
building a broad based agenda around voting rights,
criminal justice reform,
health equity, economic
opportunity and education
equality ahead of the 2016
presidential election.
News Release provided by NAACP.org
L-R: Sr. Master Sergeant Shelby Walker ( Post 511), ALA Unit 275 >
Pres. Virginia Perez, 5th District ALA Pres. Myrtle Johnson, Ms.
Kruger, ALA Unit 802 Pres. Dr. Kimberly Walker Brown, and Sr. Master
Sergeant Kennard Bowen ( Post 511).
Members of the 5th District of Texas American Legion and American
Legion Auxiliary (ALA) honored Gold Star Mother Carol Ann Kruger at
the Dallas Laurel Land 70th Annual Memorial Service, Monday, May
25, 2015. Ms. Kruger's son - Lieutenant Colonel Eric J. Kruger died
November 2,2006 while serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom in
Baghdad, Iraq, of injuries suffered when an IED detonated near his
Dallas ISD Proud
Debra Jackson
School: Lincoln High School
Class of: 2016
Activities: Tennis, Teen
Board, Mayor's Rising Star
council, radio/tv communications magnet, junior class
Role Model(s): My grandmother Diann Thompson,
Ms. Thomas
Favorite movie or book: Fast
& Furious 7
Plans after high school: To
attend Baylor University for
athletic training
Why I am proud of my school: I am proud of my school
because we have a rich history that detail what we have
Story provided by Ms. Kibmerly Walker
Dallas City Council Votes To End Bag Fee
The City Council voted Wednesday to
end the 5 cent charge for bags.
Starting Monday plastic bags will be free again.
Dallas ISD News Statement
This afternoon, Dallas ISD terminated the employment of Jessie
Lovelace, recently hired director of transportation services, as a result of
information that has come to light since his hiring last month.
"I take responsibility for the recent employment decision made for
the director of transportation services," said Wanda Paul, chief of operations. "We will learn from this incident, and work with Human Capital
Management to strengthen our department's hiring processes. We don't
want these types of incidents to distract from the work of the district."
Superintendent Mike Miles has asked Chief of Human Capital
Management Karry Chapman to work with the heads of every department to strengthen procedures to ensure these types of incidences are
minimized in the future.
"While we have hired a number of excellent employees in our
Operations Department and this district," Miles said, "this particular hire
does not support the culture of professionalism and excellence that we
are trying to build. We can do better."
The district will begin a search immediately to fill this important role.
Katherine Collins
School: Woodrow Wilson High
Class of: 2015
Activities: Student government
president, National Honor
Society, Kiwanis Key Club,
Northridge Presbyterian youth
group, teen board, environmental club, yoga teacher training
Role Model(s): Kino McGregor,
Oprah Winfrey, my parents
Favorite movie or book:
Moonrise Kingdom
Plans after high school: To
attend Austin College and major
in neuroscience and potentially
pre-med. Eventually I want to become part of a brain research
tam to work towards a cure for Alzheimer/dementia and neuroplasticity improvement. Why I'm proud of my school: I am
proud of my school it has given me the opportunity to mature
in a diverse environment full of wonderful teachers and endless
Dallas: Too Busy Growing To Hate!
June 4 - 10, 2015
The Dallas Post Tribune
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Credo of The Black Press
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Editorial Board: Vice Chairman - Mrs. Shirley Gray; Consultant - Mrs.
Dorothy Lee; Consultant - Ms. Peggy Walker; Consultant - Mr.
Thomas Wattley; Consultant - Dr. Thalia Matherson; Consultant Ms. Joan Fowler; Consultant - Dr. Alfred Roberts; and Consultant Dr. Ester Davis
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Page 2A
PSALM 93:1-5
My Day: A Jewel in
Hamilton Park
wrath of Almighty God. And
He hath on His vesture and
on His thigh a name written,
King of Kings, and Lord of
Lords" (Revelation 19:1116).
The beautiful psalm
before us has been labeled
as an enthronement psalm
celebrating the reign of
Jesus Christ on earth. This is
a prophetic psalm that
anticipates the arrival of
Jesus Christ, for He will reign
during the Millennium
Kingdom on earth for one
thousand years. The subject
of Christ's reign is a subject
that many prophets spoke
about as they wrote. The
book of Revelation that
details the consummation
of all times reveals that
Christ is coming in splendor
and glory and that He is
coming in judgement to
inaugurate His Millennium
His coming is
described as follows: "And I
saw heaven opened, and
behold a white horse: and
He that sat upon him was
called Faithful and True, and
in righteousness He doth
judge and make war. His
eyes were as a flame of fire,
and on His head were many
crowns; and He had a name
written, that no man knew,
but He Himself, And He was
clothed with a vesture
dipped in blood: and His
name is called the Word of
God. And the armies which
were in heaven followed
Him upon white horses,
clothed in fine linen, white
and clean. And out of His
mouth goeth a sharp sword,
that with it He should smite
the nations; and He shall
rule them with a rod of iron:
and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and
The brilliant age of the
Millennium is described as
an age wherein righteousness reigns and peace will
prevail, for Isaiah 11:5-9
states: "And righteousness
shall be the girdle of His
loins, and faithfulness the
girdle of His reins. The wolf
also shall dwell with the
lamb, and the leopard shall
lie down with the kid; and
the calf and the young lion
and the fatling together;
and a little child shall lead
them. And the cow and the
bear shall feed; their young
ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat
straw like the ox. And the
sucking child shall play on
the hole of the asp, and the
weaned child shall put his
hand on the cockatrice' den.
They shall not hurt nor
destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the
LORD, as the waters cover
the sea."
In verses 1-2, the psalmist
foretold of the marvelous
reign of the Messiah, as He
reigns in glorious power. As
stated in verse 2, "Thy
throne is established of old:
thou art from everlasting,"
through His rule, the whole
world will be firmly established. The majestic might
of the Lord is described in
verses 3-4 as "mightier than
the noise of many waters";
and due to His awesome
power, nature submits to
His unusual power. The raging seas cannot withstand,
nor is it greater than the
power of God.
praised God's awesome
power, the psalmist praises
God's holiness, a wonderful
attribute of God, that filled
His house: "Thy testimonies
are very sure: holiness
becometh thine house, O
LORD, for ever" (v. 5).
May God Bless!
Earlier this year, the Dallas
County Commissioners recognized and commended the
Hamilton Park Community
for preserving their historic
"living" legacy. Thomas
Jefferson, President of the
Hamilton Park Civic League,
and a resident for 57 years,
accepted the resolution in
open court with other outstanding residents attending. Hamilton Park is the
first African American development in the City of Dallas.
It is still viable today due
solely to community leadership, raw pride, the first
homeowners and their will
to preserve their ownership
heritage. A resolution was
adopted, presented and
signed by the county judge
and commissioners.
I think a little bit of
Hamilton Park resides in all
African Americans. The resolution captures the essential
fortitude and says it best.
The resolution appropriately
addresses the name; "The
Hamilton Park Community is
named for Dr. Richard T.
Hamilton, a physician and
African American civic leader.
The community was dedicated in October 1953 and formally opened in May, 1954.
By 1961, Hamilton Park was
completed with 742 singlefamily dwellings, shopping
center, churches, a park with
a playground, swimming
pool, tennis court and baseball diamond".
The initial purchase was a
233 acre site for an African
American middle class community. At this time in our
history African Americans
could not purchase land in
certain parts of American
cities. That was the case in
North Dallas. The Dallas
County Resolution highlights
their courage and vision by
stating: "These determined
African American men and
women, some of whom were
returning to Dallas having
bravely served their country
during World War II, ventured to North Dallas to purchase land and nurture a
family-oriented community
of two-parent households,
with shared values, morals
and traditions (a marriage
certificate was required to
purchase a home in Hamilton
Park)". Most amazing, which
is not in the resolution is a
reflection, filled with pride,
from a devoted community
member, who grew up in the
community that there were
on defaults on mortgages in
this entire community.
Paragraph Five of the resolution says "Hamilton Park
has been a jewel in North
Dallas for nearly 60 years.
Hamilton Park is known as a
quiet, stable and responsible
area with dedicated professionals, educators, clergyman, business owners, entertainers, scholars and blue
collars workers.
It has
enriched this historic community through partnerships
and collaborations with several non-profits, private corporations, and with the support of the Dallas Police
Department to provide a safe
And finally the resolution
concludes with the future;
"In these changing times, the
new generations guided by
the teachings of their parents
and mentors, continue to
serve in a variety of community and civic roles throughout Dallas County and the
"The Ester Davis Show"
with Guest Host Burl
Jernigan, former Dallas
County Constable, highlights
"Police Women"
Fairview Police
P.O. Box 763939 Dallas, Texas 75376
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A Salute to our High
School Graduates
ing the correction/clarification to 214.946.7636.
Articles throughout The Dallas Post Tribune reflect the
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War Between Apple v. Samsung
By Harry C. Alford
NNPA Columnist
On the surface, the
Apple/Samsung trial that
recently concluded appears
to be a minor win for
Samsung in a long-running
patent war. The U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Federal
Circuit cut Samsung's damages payment from $930 million to $548 million, a substantial reduction in penalty.
The legal reasoning behind
the court's decision has, however, validated some of
Apple's most corrosive arguments for the future of design
patent litigation. Worst of all,
these consequences won't
just be limited to technology
conglomerates like Apple and
Samsung; they will percolate
throughout the economy and
affect businesses everywhere,
particularly in our society's
most vulnerable and underprivileged communities.
For consumers, particularly
minorities, the court's ruling
raises questions about innovation and competition.
Patents are meant to protect
companies that innovate and
create. But the court's ruling
places less certainty on design
patent interpretation, and
opens the floodgates for
increased litigation on design
In short, the court ruled
that Apple's complaint over
Samsung's infringement of
certain design features (such
as the "rounded rectangle"
shape of smartphones) was
valid, and that this infringement entitled Apple to damages despite the fact that
these patents are irrelevant
to customers' purchasing
decisions. This is an extremely troubling precedent to set,
as it means that basic elements of design, such as
shapes, can be patented and
used as the basis for extremely costly lawsuits.
If companies can patent
something as straightforward
as "rounded rectangles," and
can potentially sue for the
though the shape is likely
unrelated to the features that
prompt customers to actually
purchase a product, then the
sky is the limit for predatory
litigants. The ramifications
will not just be limited to the
so-called "smartphone wars"
either, but will spread
throughout the economy as a
new breed of patent trolls
race to find businesses to sue
on the pretext of design
patent infringement.
Today, African Americans
own only 5.5 percent of U.S.
businesses 4 percent of hightech enterprises. Many of the
National Black Chamber of
Commerce's 10,000 members
own patents to compete
against other firms that also
hold patents. Becoming
involved in a design patent
war could shutter many
minority-owned businesses.
Even worse, the law now
holds that business owners
found responsible for selling a
product that infringes on a
design patent are also liable
for profits from its sale. This
extreme extension of liability
could cripple a small business.
If a convenience store owner
in an underprivileged neighborhood is found to have sold
a potato chip brand whose
bag violates a design patent,
the resulting penalties could
easily put him or her out of
business. This is totally counterproductive to the pressing
priority of using business and
economic growth to help
uplift underprivileged communities.
This extension of legal culpability also makes no practical sense. Is a small business
owner supposed to validate
that each and every product
he or she sells does not violate design patents? The
answer is obviously no.
Because of the court's
unfortunate ruling, we can
only hope that Congress will
override this damaging interpretation of the law through a
legislative fix. Without this
step, there is a substantial
chance that the very patent
trolls that both the House and
Senate are currently working
so hard to cripple will simply
shift from their current tactics
to design patent litigation. In
fact, if the court's reasoning
stands, design patent litigation will likely be even more
financially rewarding for
unscrupulous patent trolls
than their current practices,
making our problem even
As the NBCC previously
wrote, litigation costs for
companies sued by trolls can
range from $2 million to $8
million. Minority-owned companies struggling to make
ends meet cannot afford
hefty litigation costs, let alone
the threat of more trolls
knocking on their doors and
the potential of owing total
profits on a product they sell.
The court's unwillingness to
define design patent law
interpretation is damaging to
African-American companies,
the consumers they serve,
and the communities they
There is so much more on
the line in this case than the
$548 million that Samsung
owes Apple. The consequences of the Court's ruling
have the potential to permeate every part of the economy
as design patents become the
default crutch for people and
companies willing to twist the
law to make a quick buck.
Samsung and Apple are
both multi-billion dollar conglomerates that can afford
hefty legal fees as well as suffer the occasional setback in
court. The Black small business owners who work seven
days a week to barely make
ends meet, however, are the
last people prepared to deal
with a flood of unwarranted
litigation. They will truly feel
the brunt of the mistake that
the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Federal Circuit has made,
not the world's biggest electronics firms.
Harry C. Alford is the cofounder, President/CEO of the
National Black Chamber of
www.nationalbcc.org Email:
[email protected]
It is an honor to congratulate all high school graduates
Congressional District for
successfully completing your
high school education. It is a
significant achievement in
your life, and it represents
another step in your quest
for knowledge. I am certain
that your families and your
teachers are extremely
Many of you will continue
your studies in our nation's
colleges and universities.
Some will become members
of our military service, while
others will pursue training
that will provide you with
skills that are so desperately
needed in our society.
Whatever the path you
have chosen, I urge all of our
graduates to make the
search for knowledge a lifetime quest. Never give up on
your dreams, even during
times of difficulty and
despair. Success will always
be within your grasp.
As students, you have
developed great minds and
determined wills. I urge you
to be relentless in the pursuit
of those things that have
captivated your interests and
your energies. Continue to
conceive new inventions,
and develop new ideas that
will help mold our world, and
the lives of people who live
in it.
Our cities, our states, our
nation and our world are in
great need of your talent,
your compassion, your
determination, your ingenuity and your commitment to
creating a better society. In
years to come, you will be
the leaders in our society,
responsible for making decisions that will affect the lives
of others.
The teachers and administrators in your school have
invested in you because they
know that the future will be
determined by decisions that
you make. I believe that they
are correct, and I have no
doubt that your accomplishments will be great!
This is also a special time
for members of your family
who have loved and guided
you through this phase of
your life. I can imagine the
great sense of pride they
share in your accomplishments. I experienced the
same sense of pride when
my son and grandsons graduated from high school. I was
excited about their futures
and looked forward to the
many milestones they had
yet to experience.
You must continue your
search for academic and personal excellence. Be passionate about your beliefs and
your work. Use sound judgment as you interact with
others, and make certain
that you contribute your special talents to improving our
Page 3A
The Dallas Post Tribune
June 4 - 10, 2015
Greenville Avenue
Church of Christ
Schedules and locations are as
East Dallas (Grace United
Methodist Church-4105 Junius
at Haskell)
Thursdays, June 4;
and June 18
In the month of June, the
Dallas Volunteer Attorney
Program (DVAP), a joint initiative
of the Dallas Bar Association and
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas,
will hold 10 free Legal Clinics for
Dallas County residents who
meet certain financial guidelines. All clinics begin at 5:00
p.m., with the exception of the
Veteran's Clinic, which begins at
2:00 p.m.
South Dallas (Martin Luther
King, Jr. Center-2922 MLK Blvd.)
Tuesdays, June 2; June 9;
and June 23
West Dallas (2828 Fish Trap
Rd., Dallas, TX 75212)
Thursdays, June 11;
and June 25
Garland (Salvation Army-451
W. Avenue D, Garland, TX
1013 S. Greenville Ave
Richardson, Texas 75081
Thursday, June 18
P: 972-644-2335 F: 972-644-9347
Friendship West Baptist
Church (2020 West Wheatland
Rd., Dallas, TX 75232)
Wednesday, June 17
Veterans Resource Center
(for veterans and their families
only)-2:00 p.m.
Friday, June 5
Minister S.T. Gibbs, III
Associate Ministers: •John Bradshaw •Ben
Myers • Patrick Worthey Elders: Harlee
Glover •Fred Green • Raymond Hart
• David Phillips, Jr.
• Johnnie Rodgers, Sr.
The clinics offer free legal
advice and consultation in civil
matters for those who qualify
under Legal Aid's income eligibility guidelines. Applicants are
asked to bring proof of income,
identification, legal papers, etc.
with them to the clinic. For
more information, log on to
Morning Worship 8:00 a.m.
Bible Class 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.
Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Prayer Service 7:00 p.m.
Bible Class 7:30 p.m.
Bible Class 11:00 a.m.
From the Desk of a Laymen: "HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE"
Bro. Gene W. Turner
This article will be displaying
a series of articles over a period
of several weeks. These writings
will be presented in this paper in
order to help someone enjoy and
understand how to really read
the Holy bible with an understanding.
The first thing we must understand is the fact that the Bible is
the greatest book written. In this
book, God Himself speaks to
mankind. The Bible is a book of
divine instructions. The Bible
offers comfort in times of sorrow, guidance in perplexity, and
gives advice for our problems,
rebuke for our sins, and daily
inspiration for our everyday
The Bible is not simply just
one book. The Bible is an entire
library of books covering the
whole range of literature. The
Bible includes history, poetry,
drama, prophecy, biography,
thoughts, philosophy, science,
Another thing many of us do not
understand is the fact that the
Bible has been translated into
more than 1,200 languages, and
every year more copies of the
Bible are sold than any other single book. The Bible is so constructed that it truly answers the
greatest questions that all men of
all ages have asked down
through the ages.
Men have always asked questions in their minds: Where have
I come from? Where am I going?
Why am I here? How can I know
the truth?
The Bible reveals the truth
about God, and the Bible also
reveals the truth about the origin
of man. The Bible points to the
only way to salvation and eternal
life, and explains the age-old
problem of sin and suffering.
The greatest theme of the
CHRIST, because it explains His
work of
redemption for
mankind. Jesus Christ the son of
God is promised, prophesied,
and pictured in the types and
symbols of the Old Testament.
The Lord Jesus Christ is revealed
in the Gospels; and the full
meanings of His life, His death,
and His resurrection are
explained in the Epistles. His
glorious coming again to earth in
the future is unmistakably foretold in the book of Revelation.
The real and magnificent purpose of the written word of God,
the Lord Jesus Christ. When we
study the Bible there are certain
things the Bible will do for us as
Dr. Wilburn Smith explains
there are seven (7) great things it
will do.
1. The Bible discovers sin and
convicts us
2. The Bible helps cleanse us
form the pollution of sin
3. The Bible imports strength
4. The Bible instructs us in
what we are to do.
5. The Bible provides us with a
sword for victory over sin.
6. The Bible makes our lives
7. The Bible gives us power to
You do not need a whole
library of books to study the
Bible. The Bible is its own best
commentator and interpreter,
because of the Holy Spirits
Christian. With all of the
instructive helps that you have in
the Bible, you have a whole lifetime of Bible study.
Let us not forget to read our
Bibles daily. May God bless you
REAL GOOD and may He ever
keep you in His loving care.
2600 S. Marsalis Ave •Dallas, TX
75216 •214-375-4876
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Wed. 12:00 p.m. Bible Study
Wed 7:00 p.m. Bible Study
“Come and Experience God’s
Love for YOU Each Sunday”
It’s Time to Renew
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One year out-of-State $75.00
Greater New Zion Baptist Church
2210 Pine Street Dallas, Tx 75215
•(214) 421-4119 •Email: [email protected]
Rev. Joe S. Patterson, Pastor
Bible Study
• Tuesdays 11:00am
• Wednesdays 7:00pm
• Sunday School 9:30
• Worship Service 11:00am
Check Number__________________________________
The Dallas Post Tribune welcomes your comments
about published information that may require correction
or clarification. You can submit your comments by emailing our production staff at [email protected] or faxing the
correction/clarification to 214.946.7636.
Rev. Todd M. Atkins, Pastor
The Premise
Love of God,
Love of
Love of Self,
Love of
the Will to
The Dallas Post Tribune
June 4 - 10, 2015
Page 4A
7 Day Weather Forecast for DFW
Thursday, June 4
Saturday, June 6
Friday, June 5
Sunday, May June 7
Monday, June 8
Wednesday, June 10
Tuesday, June 9
Serena Williams eases into
French Open semifinals
AP- Serena Williams overpowered Sara Errani to reach the French Open
semifinals with a 6-1, 6-3 win Wednesday. A two-time champion in Paris,
Williams extended her unbeaten record against the 2012 French Open runner-up to nine matches.
It was a stark contrast to Williams' three previous matches, when the 19time Grand Slam champion got off to sluggish starts and lost the opening set.
Williams broke for a 2-0 lead but dropped her serve in the next game. She
saved a break point in the fifth game and held after hitting a 121 mph (195
kph) ace.
Errani played deeper in the second set but was broken two more times.
If you have some sports information that you
would like placed in the DALLAS POST TRIBUNE
Sports Section e-mail us at: [email protected]
The Dallas Post Tribune's Philosophy is to
"Educate and Elevate"!
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Samuel Bailey, Minister
Continued from Page 1A
"After months of planning, outreach and discussion, we have cleared yet
another hurdle on the way to full passage of body camera legislation in
Texas," said Senator West. "With the passage of the bill from both chambers
now complete the next big step for SB158 is its approval by the governor.
SB158 has been a collaborative effort and we have continued to rely on the
input and energy of the many stakeholders who have helped us to craft what
for now, might be the most comprehensive body camera legislation in the
Beginning in February, Senator West assembled a stakeholder work
group comprised of law enforcement administration and labor organizations, sheriff's departments, city and county organizations, advocacy
groups, prosecutors and defense attorneys. Using the filed version of
SB158 as a starting point, the group discussed issues including open
records, privacy, records retention, local policies, funding and data management concerns. Senator West appreciates the work of Rep. Allen Fletcher in
guiding SB158 through the Texas House. Senator West worked effectively
with Senate leaders, the Lt. Governor, House leadership and the Office of
the Governor to secure $10 million in state funding for the matching grant
The Premise
Love of God, Love of Country,
Love of Self, Love of
Humanity, the Will to Serve.
Former Dallas ISD Principals & Central Office Administrators Living Legends
Mrs. Ruby Able
Dr. Frank Alexander
Mrs. Irene Alexander
Dr. Claudus Allen
Dr. Sherwin Allen
Mrs. Audrey F. Andrews
Mrs. Rosita Apodaca
Mrs. Estella Ashmore
Dr. Joseph L. Atkins
Mr. Larry Ascough
Mr. Warren Baker
Mrs. Shirley Barton
Ms. Glenda M. Baylor
Dr. Mary Beck
Mrs. Susie Bell
Mrs. Mary Bolden
Dr. Margie Borns
Mrs. Oneida Bradford
Mrs. Johnnie Brashear
Dr. Donnie Breedlove
Mr. Lincoln Butler, Sr.
Mr. Joseph T. Brew
Mrs. Gwendolyn Brown
Mrs. O'Sheila Brown
Dr. Robert Brown
Mrs. Marilyn Calhoun
Dr. Gwen Clark
Mr. Douglas Cloman
Mr. Pete Cobelle
Mrs. Sylvia A. Collins
Mr. William Cotton
Mr. Robert Craft
Mrs. Marjorie Craft
Mrs. Dorothy Crain
Mr. Johnny Crawley
Mrs. Bettye Crenshaw
Mr. Willie Crowder
Dr. Fred Daniels
Mrs. Bettye Davis
Mr. Eli Davis
Mrs. Precious Davis
Dr. Rina Davis
Mr. Robert Dewitty
Dr. Jackie Dulin
Mrs. Patricia Weaver-Ealy
Dr. Willie Ann Edwards
Dr. Nolan Estes
Mrs. Mary Jo Evans
Mr. Charles Fisher
Mrs. Shirley Fisher
Mrs. Bobbie Foster
Angel Noe Gonzalez
Dr. Carol Francois
Mr. Arthur Gillum
Mr. Ned Green
Mrs. Ruth Harris
Mrs. Selena Dorsey Henry
Dr. Margret Herrera
Mr. James Hugey
Ms. Kay Hunter
Mr. Alva Jackson
Mrs. Anny Ruth Nealy
Mrs. Ruth Jackson
Mr. Fred Jackson
Dr. Georgette Johnson
Dr. Herbie K. Johnson
Mr. Herman Johnson
Dr. Areatha Jones
Mrs. Opal Jones
Mr. William Jones
Mr. Charles Kennedy
Mrs. Irene Kelley
Mrs. Thelma Kelly
Mr. John Kincaide
Mr. Chauncey King
Mrs. Gayle M. King
Mr. James King
Mr. Jimmy King
Dr. Leon King
Mrs. Lois King
Mrs. Bobbie Lang
Dr. Theodore Lee, Jr.
Mrs. Lucila Longoria
Mrs. Sandra Malone
Mrs. Marilyn Mask
Dr. Thalia Matherson
Mrs. Patricia Mays
Mrs. Pricilla McCaughey
Mrs. Fannie McClure
Mrs. Rachel McGee
Dr. Jesse Jai McNeil
Ms. Cherie McMillan
Mrs. Annie I. Middleton
Mrs. Annette Mitchell
Mr. Benny Clearence Mitchell
Mrs. Kathryn Mitchell
Mrs. Verna Mitchell
Mrs. Mae Frances Moon
Mrs. Lorene Moore
Mr. Harold Morgan
Mr. Stacey Mosley
Mr. Herman Newsome
Ms. Shirley IsonNewsome
Mr. Lucious L. Newhouse
Mrs. Juanita Nix
Ms. Barbara Patrick
Mr. Robert Peyton
Mr. Carl E. Pipkin
Dr. Robbie J. Pipkin
Dr. Joe Pitts
Dr. Charmaine Price
Dr. Maxine Reese
Ms. Christine Richardson
Mrs. Margie Riley
Dr. Alfred L. Roberts, Sr.
Dr. Marvin Robinson
Mr. C.C. Russeau
Mr. Arturo Salazar
Col. Joe D. Sasser
Dr. Garline Shaw
Dr. James Sheets
Mr. Bobby Simmons
Mrs. Pamela Skinner
Mrs. Opal Smith
Dr. Roscoe Smith
Mrs. Rubye Snow
Dr. Rosie Sorrells
Dr. Dorothy Square
Mrs. Jaunita Stewart
Mr. Clyde Stokes
Mr. Lawrence E. Stokes
Dr. Allen Sullivan
Dr. Cornell Thomas
Mrs. Janet Thomas
Mr. Robert Thomas
Mrs. Bobbie Thompson
Mrs. Ruby C. Thompson
Ms. Myrtle Tolbert
Mr. Billy Townsend
Mr. Melvin Traylor
Mr. Raul Treviño
Dr. Horacio Ulibarri
Dr. Oscar Valadez
Mrs. Beatrice M. Vickers
Mrs. Pearlie Wallace
Mr. Walan Wallace
Dr. Ora Lee Watson
Mr. Garland L.
Mr. Horace Washington
Mrs. Nellt
Mrs. Mary Watkin
Dr. Robert Watkins
Dr. J.E. Whitaker
Mrs. Ada Williams
Mr. Carl Williams
Mrs. Cheryl Williams
Mr. Don Williams
Dr. George Willis
Mrs. Harnell Williams
Mr. James Williams
Mrs. Robbye Williams
Mr. Wilber Williams
Dr. John Witten
Mr. Chad Woolery
Dr. Linus Wright
B. Darden
Mr. & Mrs. Eli Davis
Mrs. Betty Davis
Ms. Sonya Day
Mrs. Betty Deming
Mrs. Ann Edwards
Bro. Micheal Erby
Mrs. Joan Fowler
Mrs. Sharon Gray
Mrs. Emma Greene
Mr. Robert Greene
Mrs. Dorothy Love-Griffin
Mrs. Kattie Hall
Mrs. Ruth Harris
Mr. Sam Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Hernandez
Mrs. Alma Hunstberry
Donna Hunt Family
Mrs. Joan Fowler & Family
Mrs. E.D. Jackson
Mr. Fred Jackson
Rev. George Jackson
Mrs. Hattie Jackson
Mrs. Ruth Jackson
Ms. Jean Johnson
Mrs. Opal Jones
Kennedy Family
Mrs. Mary Kennedy
Mr. Alexis Lacy
Mrs. Dorothy Lee
Mr. Melvin Lee
Dr. Theodore Lee, Jr.
Mrs. Joyce Lester
Mrs. Patricia Matthews
Mrs. Fannie McClure
Mr. James McClure
Mrs. Priscilla McGaughey
Mrs. Algeria Merrell
Mrs. Larry Mitchell
Mr. James Moore
Ms. Destiny K. Morgan
Mr. Cornell Neally
Ms. Dana Norris
Our Military Service Personnel
President Barack Obama
Mr. Lawrance O’Neal
Sis. Jewel Perrio
Mr. Jimmie Lee Pritchett
Mrs. A. Polk
Ms. Carrenna Polk
Rev. & Mrs. Homer Reagan
Dr. Maxine Reese
Mrs. Ruth Robinson
Dr. C.C. Russeau
1403 Morrell Dallas, TX 75203
Phone (214) 946-4522
Fax (214)946-4522
E-mail - [email protected]
Tele-worship - 1-866-844-6291
Access Number - 1531804#
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Wednesday Night Services 6:30pm
Mr. Robert Yowell
The Dallas Post Tribune Prayer List
Willie Tolliver
Mr. Fred Allen II
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Allen
Rev. Curtis Anderson
Mrs. Sheilah Bailey
Mrs. Mary Batts
Mr. Marshall Batts
The Baylock Family
Mr. Jimmy Bell
Ms. Evelyn Blackshear
Mr. Marcus Bolden
Mrs. Gwen Brewer
Mrs. Merfay Brooks
Mr. Otis Brooks
Ms. Christine Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown
Mrs. Emma Calahan
Ms. Adrienne D. Carr
Mrs. Alavastine Carr
Mr & Mrs. James Carr & Kids
F. Cox
Mr. Terry & Mrs. RueNette
Chambers & Families
Camp Wisdom Church Family
Mr. Chuck Williams
Mr. L.C. Coleman
Theodora Conyers Family
Mrs. Odetta Russeau
Mr. Jose (Joe) Sandoval
Mrs. Joyce Stanifer & Lee Family
Mrs. Standford
Mr. James & Mrs. Jackie Stewart
Mr. Artist Thornton
Mrs. Ruby Arterbrey Thompson
Bro. Willie Tucker
Mr. Arthur Turner
Rev. S.T. Tuston, Jr.
Mr. Michael Vick
Mrs. Peggy Walker- Brown
Mr. Waylon Wallace
Mrs. Loyce Ward
Mrs. Claudia Washington
Mrs. S.W. Washington
Mrs. Mytris Jones-Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Weatherman
Mrs. Ann Williams
Mrs. Barbara Sweet Williams
]Mr. Richard Williams
Mr. Shelder Williams
Dr. George Willis
Mr. Booker T. Woods, Sr.
Mr. Frank Wood
Lawrence & Marder Church
Riverside Baptist Church
To be included of to be removed from the prayer list, write, fax or e-mail ([email protected]) The Dallas Post Tribune P.O. Box 763939 Dallas, Texas 75376-3939 FAX(214) 946-7680
Dr. David Henderson
Crime Stoppers’ Most Wanted
Local Area Law Enforcement reports that on December 26, 2013, these people were wanted on the listed warrants.
Authorities have reason to believe that these people might be in the Dallas area and have requested public assistance in locating them. If you see any of these people, do not approach them. Call Crime Stoppers at 1-877 373-TIPS or visit our website
'ntcc.crimestoppersweb.com'. You do not have to give your name.
Wooldrige, Jimmy
Hayes, Kevin
Age: 23 Race: W
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Charged With:
Age: 36 Race: B
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 150
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Charged With:
Violation Evading
Arrest with
Vehicle, SBI
Alvarez, Jose
Goodall, Jannie
AKA: Bush, Jewell
Age: 39 Race: H
Age: 47 Race: W
Height: 5'05"
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 150
Weight: 200
Hair: Brown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Probation Violation
Probation Violation
Possession Controlled Aggravated Assault
with Deadly
Age: 30 Race: B
Height: 6'06"
Weight: 160
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Charged With:
Assault Impede
Age: 54 Race: H
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 210
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Charged With:
Probation Violation
DWI 3rd or more
June 4 - 10, 2015
Page 5A
The Dallas Post Tribune
Jerco Sales Lock and Key Sales
3200 S. Lancaster Rd. Ste, 414
Stanley’s Catfish & Chicken
3146 Cedar Crest Blvd.
Eva’s House of Barbeque
2320 Martin Luther King Blvd.
CT’s Real Deal Bar B Que
Barber &
Beauty Shops
2901 S. Lancaster Rd.
Prosperity Bank
3515 W. Camp Wisdom Rd.
8035 E. R.L. Thornton Fwy.
New Touch Barber & Beauty Salon
4410 Marsalis Ave.
Qumy’s African Hair Braiding
8989 Forest Ln. Ste. 138
Rock-N-J’s Brisket & BBQ Soul Food
1223 E Red Bird Lane
Lott’s Mortuary, Inc.
2434 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Jefferson Place
3430 South Marsalis Ave.
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Celebrate Your
The Dallas Post Tribune
For details contact:
Mrs. Veronica Zambrano
Tel. 214.946.7678
2015 Edition of
Yes We Served!
If you were not featured
in the 2014 Issue.
If You Served in the
Army, Marine Corps,
Navy, Air Force or
Coast Guard
Please e-mail
your Photo and information to The
Dallas Post Tribune
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The Dallas Post Tribune
June 4 - 10, 2015
R e v. D r. C . J. R .
Phillips, Jr
Page 6A
S a i nt P h i l l i p s
B a p t i st C h u rc h
6000 Singing
H i l l s D r i ve
D a l l as , T exas
7 52 4 1
2 1 4 . 374 . 6 6 3 1
E m a i l A d d res s :
st p h i l l i p s m b c @ att . n et
R e v. D r. C . J. R . P h i l l i p s , J r. ,
Pasto r
2431 S. Marsalis Ave.
Dallas, Texas 75216
S c h ed u l e o f A c t i v i t i es
Office: 214-941-2531
Fax: 214-942-9646
S u n d ay
E a r l y M o r n i n g W o rs h i p - 8 A M
C h u rc h S c h o o l - 9 A M
M o r n i n g W o rs h i p - 1 0 A M
Sunday School/ Children’s Bible Study 9:00 AM
Men’s Focused Bible Study 9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM
Children’s Church School (4th Sunday) 10:30 AM
Praise in Motion 1:30 PM
Word on Wednesday (Bible Study) 7:00 PM
Saturday Higher Praise Rehearsal (Saturday) 11:00 AM
Come Worship and Study with Us!
Bible Study
8:45 AM
Morning Worship
10:00 AM
Children’s Bible Hour 10:00 AM
Evening Worship
5:30 PM
Bible Class 10:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Bro. Lamont Ross, Senior Minister
BE KIND! Never speak
harsh words. Be kind
and gentle with your
tongue. For it has
been said that the
tongue can be like a
sword. Think long
before you criticize
your neighbor. Your
tongue can be nasty.
Living is one of the
most beautiful things
in the world. But the
tongue can kill!
The Premise Of Love
Love of God,
Love of Country,
Love of Self,
Love of Humanity,
the Will to Serve.
The Premise
Amor a Dios, Amor Al Pais,
Amor A Uno Mismo, Amor
a la Humanidad,
y el querer servir.
O Divine Master,
Pastor Freddie Orr
Sr. Pastor Glen Oaks UMC
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Grant that I may not so
much seek To be consoled,
as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To
be loved as to love. For it is
in giving that we receive; It
is in pardoning that we are
pardoned; And it is in dying
that we are born to eternal
life. Amen.
Saturday, June 13, 2015, 12-4 pm
Beckley Saner Park • 114 Hobson Ave, Dallas, TX 7554
"A Church of Christ in the Heart of Dallas with Dallas at Heart"
Jonathan W. Morrison
Ministering Evangelist
KHVN (970 A M Radio)
8:00 a.m.
Bible Class
8:45 a.m.
Children Worship
10:00 a.m.
Worship Service
10:00 a.m.
2134 Cedar Crest Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75203-4316 •(214) 943-1340 •
Fax (214) 941-3305 "All services are interpreted for the Deaf"
There will be food, entertainment, music, and
Lots of FUN! Lankford Avenue and Marsalis Avenue MBC.
For more information call214.854.6309
Vendors, choirs, Love walkers welcome
Visit us online at: www.dallasposttrib.com