March 2016 - Mayer Lutheran High School


March 2016 - Mayer Lutheran High School
MARCH 2016
MAYER, MN 55360
Congrats Queen Amanda & King Luke
Speech Team Rewards 2
March 21 | 7 PM
MLHS Fine Arts Center
The First Quarter of the Big Game!
By Joel Landskroener, MLHS Executive Director | [email protected]
Dear Friends of Mayer Lutheran High School,
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Last month, you may recall that I wrote about the kickoff for our Prepared to
Build campaign. In case you were one of the few who missed it, the evening
was memorable. Our guests feasted on delicious treats from our very own Lori
Schurmann and barbecue from current parent and alumnus, Justin Bonk (Class of ’92). Members
of the National Honor Society, under the able direction of Senora Adela Alvarez, greeted our
guests, provided tours of our updated campus, and helped with an abundance of tasks, great
and small. Teachers provided tremendous insights as to how they prepare the next generation of
Christian leaders. Seniors Sarah Johnson and Ben Quiram provided inspiring words of what Mayer
Lutheran High School means to them. And, longtime friend and former MLHS teacher, Liz Spletzer
shared exactly why Mayer Lutheran High School matters in our world today.
One of the key points Ms. Spletzer emphasized was the importance of relationships. One of
the many blessings of our school is that it brings so many of God’s people together, from many
locales, churches, and ages for one purpose—to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders.
In fact, those relationships have encouraged three generations of Crusaders! How exciting!
The kickoff has happened. The Prepared to Build campaign is officially, publically underway.
Now what? As a result of the many generous supporters who gave pledges before and at the
event, we have been blessed to raise nearly $700,000! Wow! What a terrific start to reaching
our goal of $2 million, the amount needed before we break ground on the new addition! We are
grateful and thank the Lord for the generous hearts of His people.
So, with the big game now underway, we all need to get to work. Our Prepared to Build
committee is toiling to make our request known to the many souls who have not yet had the
opportunity to contribute to our campaign. If everyone reading this note encouraged a brother
or sister in Christ to share the story of Mayer Lutheran High School and support our ambitious
project with a gift, we will raise much more than $2 million!
Consider the math. We have been blessed with $700,000 from 135 families. At that rate of
generosity spread over just 600 families who have been identified as MLHS supporters, we would
see an additional $3,111,111 added to our project—enough to build with little debt! Certainly,
every person counts in this campaign and every dollar brings us closer to realizing a vision of a
campus that best serves our students, honors our guests, and brings a new generation of families
to our campus to learn about Jesus.
We pray you will join us in making a gift and in encouraging others. After all, this is the
way that the writer of Hebrews describes our life together as Christians: Let us hold fast the
confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us
consider how to stir up one another to love and good works...encouraging one another,
and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (10:23-25)
Indeed, as we enter the first quarter of our campaign, we seek to encourage one another
in love as we bask in the light and warmth of the Gospel. Stirring each other up to love has
accomplished great things in the history of God’s Church and we are confident they will continue
to do so even today; even in Carver County!
Stirring Up In Love for the Sake of the Gospel,
MLHS Music Department Performance
To submit information for publication in
The Crusader, please contact Renae Johnson
at [email protected] or 952-657-2251.
Materials due by the 14th of each month prior
to publication.
Joel P. Landskroener
MLHS Executive Director
P.S. To support our project, you can give online at or give me a call at
952-657-2251 x1007 to discuss your gift!
The Crusader
By Gary Loontjer | [email protected] | 952-657-2251 x1104
FTC Robotics Stellar Season
On January 23, 2016 two Mayer Lutheran robotics teams, Team #4650 &
Team #5713, traveled to St. Peter, MN to take part in their second regional
tournament of the season, competing against 24 teams that day. Team
#4650 had a great day of field competitions and at the conclusion was
chosen to be a part of an alliance of three teams to participate in the
afternoon’s single elimination, best-of-three, tournament. Four such alliances
were formed. #4650 had a great impact on the semi-final and final rounds
to the point that the alliance won both in two matches and neither required
a third. Because of their part in the championship alliance Team #4650 was
invited to the Minnesota state competition in Bloomington.
Team #5713 did have some bragging rights on the day even though they
were not chosen to be part of an alliance for the tournament. They were on
the winning alliance the one time that they went head-to-head with Team
#4650 on the same playing field.
Team #4650 had a great weekend of competition against 48 competing
teams at the MN State FTC Tournament at Bloomington-Jefferson High
School. They garnered four wins and one loss in the preliminary rounds
of competition. After the preliminary rounds the team was in 5th place.
During alliance selections for the afternoon finals the team was surprised to
move up to the captaincy of the 4th place alliance and selected two teams
to work with them on the upcoming matches. Unfortunately, some strong
competitors and some electronic snafu’s led to their elimination from the
semi-finals after their two losses in the best of three match. So the season
came to a close but the team felt very good about their finish.
MLHS Robotics thank John Gaida and STEM coordinator Gary Loontjer for
being their mentors and coaches for the season, providing their expertise
and leadership. Special thanks to Martin Wade for his very valuable help in
programming the robots and the new communication system. We also thank
the supportive parents for their time, transportation, and motivation and the
seniors on the team for their support and leadership throughout the season.
Team #4650, front row (L to R): Min Lee, Hailey Jackson, Joel Wacker, Mickey
Venero. Back row: Andrew Pehl, Jon Chapa, Ian Gaida, Grant Cohrs
Team #5713: Eric Telford, Donna Toelle, Andrew Pehl. Not pictured: Charlie
Menke, Josh Jendro, Ian Gaida
By Kristen Baker | [email protected] | 952-657-2251 x1103
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
Speech! Speech!
The Mayer Lutheran Speech Team is off to a great start this 2016 season. Speech members have already
participated in four meets, with three more regular season meets yet to come. Captain Katelyn Stanley
received a Best of Site Award at the Annandale
Speech Tournament on February 4, followed by a
third place finish at the Dassel-Cokato Chargers
Tournament. At the Jordan High School Valentine’s
Invitational, Katelyn took second in Informative Speaking with seventh
grader Amanda Lundgren taking sixth in the same category. Junior
Elliana Martin and sophomore Claire Kelzer both received Honorable
Mentions in the categories of Storytelling and Extemporaneous Reading
respectively. February 20, Katelyn Stanley took first place in Informative
Speaking at the Norwood-Young America Speech Meet. Receiving the
highest score possible in each of her three rounds, Katelyn continues the
speaking excellence she began last year.
With over half the team being new this year, everyone is pleased with
the success that has already occurred and excited to see what the rest of
the season holds.
Ellianna Martin, Katelyn Stanley, Amanda Lundgren
MARCH 2016
By Gerry Thomas, Digital Photography and Image Editing | [email protected] | 952-657-2251 x1650
Semester 1, Digital Photography/Image Editing, class photography projects required students to take
cell phone (or DSLR camera) photos from different angles (high and low), close up (macro), and night
photography (without flash and holding the camera very steady or using a tripod). Students also took
shots looking for patterns in nature, patterns formed by light/shadows, action/motion, reflections, and
backlighting showing detail and structure. Below is a sample of creative solutions captured by students.
Student photos top to bottom, L to R: Hailey Jackson,
Jordan Ludwig, Liv Hendel, Alex Baumann, Karrington Boelke
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
National Lutheran
Schools Week—2016!!
In January, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)
schools across the nation and around the world joined
in celebrating our heritage of educating children
and young adults. Though our schools are diverse in
location and make-up, they share a common focus:
to ensure that every student, every day, learns about
Christ as they gain additional knowledge and skills that
are needed in life.
Mayer Lutheran hosted more than 1200 students,
teachers, parents, and guests as a part of the NLSW
celebration which included the improvisational comedy
of 321 Improv. Laughter filled the Fine Arts Center
when three gentlemen took the stage. The audience
was immediately engaged by the comedic scenarios
that were acted out. Audience suggestions became
unpredictable, hilarious, and fun.
Our time together reminded us that our life together,
as the body of Christ, is meant to be filled with joy as we
daily celebrate what Christ has done for us. This is Good
News that brings great joy—joy to celebrate together.
The Crusader
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
Photo top right: Emcees Rhett Kovar and Jeff Otterstatter.
Photo above: SnoFest Royalty. Photo right: Queen Amanda and King Luke
Snofest week began with coronation on Sunday,
January 31. At the Starlight Paradise-themed
evening, Emcees Rhett Kovar and Jeff Otterstatter
crowned Queen Amanda Wade and King Luke McCarty.
Dress up days followed the rest of the week. Monday
was a typical Monday as the kids slept through
classes in their winter pajamas (Long Winter’s Nap
Day). Tuesday brought out many flannels (Awkward
Flannel Friend Day), while Wednesday provided a
sea of colors for the school on class color day (Class
Colors Day). Thursday saw a bevy of grade school
apparel and students dressed like it was the 70s and
80s (Throwback Day), while Friday’s pepfest (Crusader
Spirit Day) provided the Snofest court an opportunity
to play pictionary after the pep band played. The week
wrapped up with a dance on Saturday evening. It was
most certainly a successful Starlight Paradise!
Addie Luehrs
Kenzie Boozikee
Kenzie Boozikee
Mireille Ghassan
MARCH 2016
Student Spotlight On...
Academic Students of the Month
Service Student of the Month
In Geometry, Brendan not only has a
great understanding of the new material,
but he sees the relationship to previous
concepts. He retains the material well
and can explain it to his peers so
that they understand. When we do
Algebra review lessons, it is clear he has
mastered that well and is able to recall
that material. He has started off this
quarter with near perfect work on all
papers and quizzes. —Barbara Hoback
Brendan has been a very thorough student in all of his
assignments and projects for Old Testament. His answers show
depth of thought, not just a mere repetition of information.
The end result of all of his efforts was achieving a 100% on his
semester final exam. —Pastor Wismar
Brendan always stays after class to help in physical
education—very polite young man! —Mrs. Grimsley
Before Christmas break Mrs.
Alvarez and her Spanish III
students found themselves
in a conversation about
the challenges facing law
enforcement officers,
especially the Minneapolis
police force in light of
events that were in the
news at the time. This
conversation led Mrs. Alvarez to
challenge her students to find a way to encourage
and show support for the police officers. Makenna
took the lead and organized the Spanish students
in an effort to bake dozens of cookies for the
Minneapolis Police Department precincts.
In a thank you note sent to Mayer Lutheran
from the 2nd Precinct, it said: “I can tell you from
experience that a simple tray of cookies, letter,
card, or personal “Thank You” from any citizen
(especially the young adults and kids) can make
an officers day. It can revive an officer’s belief that
their job can and does make a difference to others.
It makes them feel good about their job in a time
when the media is saying the opposite.... It was
even better to have been in your students thoughts
and prayers!”
Well done Makenna and Spanish III students!
—Mrs. Lemke
Brendan Feltmann, Katie Schroeder
Katie’s writing has greatly improved this
school year. Her ability to read closely and
present her analysis clearly and concisely
is outstanding. She is always willing
to participate in class discussion, asks
challenging questions, and sets a great
example for her peers in the classroom
and in her assignments. —Mr. Gustin
Katie is a hard worker in the
classroom. She has had many bumps
in the road with knee injuries but
continues to strive and get work in on time. —Mrs. Grimsely
Makenna Taylor
Academics, Arts & Athletics (AAA)
Banquet Honor MLHS Senior
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
MLHS senior, Ben Quiram, represented Mayer Lutheran at the
Region 5A AAA banquet held in St. Cloud. Although he did
not win overall, Ben and the seven other candidates (four men
and four ladies) represented the top percent of students in the
district (8 out of 4,000). The AAA award is given by the Minnesota State High School
League in recognition of students who excel in the Academics,
Arts, and Athletics.
Ben did a fantastic job on his presentation. His picture and
information will be printed on the programs at the Minnesota
State Basketball Tournament.
The Crusader
Thrivent Builds
Nicaragua Habitat for
Humanity Trip
he D
Join in the Thrivent Builds mission trip
opportunity with Thrivent agent Martin Cole
to Nicaragua, November 12-20, 2016. The
cost of the trip will be $990 plus round trip
airfare to Managua, Nicaragua, for Thrivent
members or $1,340 plus airfare for non
members. A $350 deposit is required at
registration with balance due on September
29, 2016.
Martin Cole commented, “This was truly
a life changing trip for me and we hope
for a great team to attend in Nicaragua in
Please contact Martin at 952-442-8461
with questions or to register.
Prom Dresses • Like New
April 8, 2016
4-9 pm
Mayer Lutheran High School
Fine Arts Lobby
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
This community-wide sale benefits the
More Than Pink™ organization!
the Ritz”
AY 6!
305 Fifth Street NE | Mayer MN 55360 | | 952 657 2251
All MLHS Minnesota Conference activities
and practices are now on our website
Mayer Knights, open gym times, and other
non-high school activities are ONLY listed at
We are still in the process of fine-tuning
the Activities Calendar. It’s a great idea to
visit the MLHS page on mnriverconference.
org and scroll through the list of activities,
checking each box for items you want to
“subscribe” to. After clicking “view” you are
given the option to receive notifications and
to import those calendar feeds to your own
calendar. This site is not part of the MLHS
website, however it is a very useful tool.
MARCH 2016
crusaders for a cure
Coach of the Year
Mayer Lutheran is
proud to announce
the honor awarded
to MLHS Head
Dance Coach Kristie
Nelson by the MN
River Conference.
Kristie was named
Jazz Dance Coach of
the Year. This is Ms.
Nelson’s first year at
Mayer Lutheran where she leads the
co-op team between Mayer Lutheran
and Watertown-Mayer High Schools.
Congratulations, Kristie!
The Kramer
benefits Mayer
Lutheran Sports
On February 19, the Mayer Lutheran girls basketball team hosted their sixth annual
crusaders for a cure evening. The Crusaders hosted the Raiders from
Norwood Young America. The night was filled with lots of exciting activities, including a
bake sale, a sponsor-the-free-throw-shooter event and a shooting contest. The support
from Mayer Lutheran students and the community at large was outstanding. This year we
raised $4,453.00. Our six year total is over $25,000!
Many thank yous are needed for this event. Thanks to all of the sponsors who donated items
and/or cash to the event. Thanks to those who were in attendance that evening and participated by
making a donation or by taking part in the night’s events. Thank you to Ridgeview Medical Center for allowing us to partner
with them in their Pay It Forward program. Finally, and most importantly, thank you to our Lord and Savior, who clearly blessed
this event. The success of crusaders for a cure and the generosity of our community is truly a testament to
the work of the Holy Spirit. To God all praise and glory!
Sixth Annual
3 on 3 Basketball
May 21, 2016
Mayer Lutheran
High School
Mark your calendar
for this fun event!
Start Organizing Teams
3rd Grade–Adult
(Sorry, no same day registration.)
MLHS-Watertown Mayer Varsity Dance Team: Front
row (L to R): Amanda Wade, Sarah Johnson. Back row:
Kendra Tufte, Lanie Lundgren, Lexi Eggers, Carly Stramer
Email [email protected].
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
Watch for tournament info and
registration in early April at
The Crusader
SADD in Action
SADD stands for “Students Against Destructive Decisions.” This year, MLHS
students turned this phrase into “Students Applying Desirable Decisions.”
During the course of the school year, Mayer Lutheran students heard
various topics covered through chapel and other presentations about what
it means to make destructive decisions. The objective of Mayer Lutheran’s
SADD organization is to equip students to not only understand destructive
decisions but to encourage them to choose positive decisions.
Over the past few months, many of our students applied their
knowledge and did some awesome things! Some chose to do exercise,
some helped feed the homeless and make them blankets, while others
joined in sharing the love of Christ through the mission trip to Mexico.
There were many more examples of students making positive, intentional
decisions throughout the school year. We ‘applaud’ our students on their
great decisions!
Counselor’s Corner
By Debra Kelzer, Guidance Counselor
[email protected] | 952-657-2251 x1012
I am currently scheduling
classes for next year with our
current juniors, sophomores,
and freshmen. If you have
any concerns or questions
about the course direction
that your child is taking,
please don’t hesitate to ask.
The national AP tests
are coming up in May. The
deadline to register is in March. I will be visiting
all the AP classrooms to see which students will
be taking the test(s), and distributing booklets to
help them prepare.
A letter will be mailed soon to all senior parents
in regard to their child’s college acceptance
and all offers for financial aid. Please fill it out
questionaire and send it back to me with all
pertinent information. This will be very helpful in
MLHS recruitment. Your information will remain
Don’t forget to check the Daily Blast and Email
Extra for many scholarship opportunities. We have
also added a link on Mayer Lutheran High School’s
website, Click on “Students”
to view all current and new scholarships that
are offered. Many local scholarships are coming
through so encourage your senior to stop by
my office and pick up a list. There is a lot of
money available, so make sure to check out the
information and encourage your senior to apply.
(Some scholarships are also offered to underclassmen and are noted specifically for your
Enjoy the spring as God continues to remind us
that everything starts fresh and new!
Upcoming ACT Dates:
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
April 9 (register by March 4)
June 11, MLHS campus (register by May 6)
If an online ACT preparation option is not
right for your child, consider MLHS Media
Center supervisor, Sarah Burdick, for a
personal approach to ACT prep. Mrs. Burdick
is licensed English teacher, and an ACT study
skills teacher for 5 years. Contact her for more
information regarding how she prepares
students for the ACT at sarah.burdick@ or 952-250-7634.
MARCH 2016
Signing Day
at MLHS!
On February 3, 2016, two Mayer Lutheran
High School seniors signed letters of intent
to play college football. Kaden Lilienthal,
from Plato, MN, will attend Minnesota
State University in Mankato and play on
the offensive line for the Mavericks. Samuel
Schlueter, from Victoria, MN, signed to play
for the University of Minnesota at tackle on
the Gophers’ offensive line.
Lilienthal is the third of four sons of Dennis
and Roberta Lilienthal. He grew up on a
farm in Plato, MN and is a longtime member
of 4H. At Mayer Lutheran, in addition to
playing football, Kaden has competed on
the basketball team for four years and
is a thrower on the track team. While at
Minnesota State, the 6'6", 275 lb. offensive
lineman plans to major in Law Enforcement.
Schlueter, the youngest of three children
of Dan and Wendy Schlueter of Victoria, MN,
played football since his grade school years.
The 6'7", 285 lb. offensive tackle will major
in Business at the University of Minnesota.
Schlueter was a First-Team, Associated Press
and USA Today All-State lineman, Minnesota
candidate for “Mr. Football,” a KARE11
All-Metro Team recipient, and a member of
the Vikings All-State Team. “It’s fantastic,”
Schlueter told KSTP. “It’s great to finally have
the feeling that it’s official. It’s an unbeatable
program. It feels like home to me.”
Ac ro ss M y De sk ...
by Joe l Lan dsk roe ner
The following note was received
in our office by MLHS Alum Jake
Christopherson (Class of 2004).
I just wanted to send out a quick note
to let you all know that I’ve
officially been selected to be a part
of the Ford Motor Company 30 Und
30 inaugural class! That means I’ll
be spending a good chunk of 201
learning about leadership within the
world of non-profit and charitable
organizations, and working with a
group of 29 other individuals (und
the age of 30) to come up with inno
vative ways to make an impact
on solving issues like hunger, basic
need and poverty. This is a huge
opportunity and I’m very excited to
be a part of it...and I owe you all a
huge thank you for helping me get
One of the elements considered
in the final class selection was the
number of votes received during the
video contest that took place this
past December. With help from May
er Lutheran, I was able to finish in
18th (of 50). Thank you all so muc
h for voting and spreading the wor
to staff, students and alumni. I real
ly do appreciate it and I’ll keep you
posted on everything throughout
the program.
Jake Christopherson
Fords Motor Company’s Thirty Under 30
Program is a new humanitarian initiative
leadership course in which 30 young empl
oyees were selected to share insights with
nonprofit organizations while learning civic
engagement skills. Using innovation, techn
and adaptability participants worked toge
ther to create twenty-first century solutions
will appeal to twenty-first century leade
rs and shape the new face of philanthro
py in the
In the next 5 years a major percentag
e of the workforce will be made up of mille
who are self described as individuals who
value volunteering, prefer to support chari
with time rather than money, provide high
levels of adaptability and can produce inno
approaches to business, and are “high-tec
h” savvy with “high-touch” community
Ford Motor Co. aims to be on the forefront
of this wave as it applies to philanthropic
endeavors by creating a “Best in Class” Com
munity Engagement Initiative—Thirty Unde
r 30.
Kaden Lilienthal signs to play for MN State University–Mankato
Sam Schlueter signs to play for the University of Minnesota
hters Addison (5 years) and Olivia (almo
st 2 years).
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
Jake with his wife, Elisabeth, and daug
The Crusader
Mayer Lutheran High School Drama Presents:
Born a perfectly bright, healthy
child, Helen Keller is now blind
and deaf due to a serious illness
as a toddler. Locked in her
silent world, she is frustrated,
aggressive, and spoiled by her
parents to keep her calm. In
desperation the Keller family
hires Anne Sullivan to attempt
communication and education for
Helen. Once blind herself, Anne is
determined to find the key that
will open the potential in Helen.
Through her persistence, love, and
sheer stubbornness she hopes to
finally break through Helen’s wall
of silence and bring her into the
world at last.
The Miracle Worker is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.
Helen Keller: Kiya Bakken
Anne Sullivan: Clara Snow
Captain Keller: Riley Thomas
Kate Keller: Katelyn Shipler
James Keller: Alex Telford
Dr. Anagnos: Jon Chapa
Viney: Sarah Johnson
Aunt Ev: Makenna Taylor
Percy: Jack Heinlein
Martha: Michaela Wilaby
Jimmie: Jimmy Switch
Doctor/Asylum Doctor: Andrew Pehl
Servant/Asylum Worker: Josh Marlatt
Blind Girls/Asylum Patients:
Jessica Peterson, Carly Stramer, Megan
Thomas, Esther Kelzer
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
Youth Activities Outreach of
Mayer Lutheran High School
The 8th grade girls Mayer Knights team took first
place this past February at the Waconia Cupid
Classic. The girls participated in 9 tournaments this
season with 22 game wins and 7 losses. They will
close out the season at the MYAS State Tournament
March 5-6.
Knights Summer Camps registration is now open.
Go to and click on Knights to
register! Contact Barb Christopherson, Mayer Knights
Coordinator, at 952-657-2251 x1010 or barb.
[email protected] with questions.
Thanks for supporting the Knights!
Mayer Knights 8th grade girls basketball team. Front row (L to R): Anna Karels, Riley Corrigan, Emma
Bjurstrum, Lexi Schermann. Back row: Coach Jon Schermann, Anna Wachholz, Hannah Zellmann,
Brooke Paulsrud, Lauren Osborn, Coach Craig Wachholz. Not pictured: Claudia Stahlke, Paige Stahlke,
Olivia Tjernagel.
MARCH 2016
Mayer Lutheran High School is looking for
a part-time mathematics teacher for the
2016-2017 school year. Certification to
teach mathematics at the high school level is
preferred. Applicants are required to submit a
cover letter, resume, and references. If interested
in this position or for more information, contact
Kevin Wilaby, Principal, at 952-657-2251 x1008
or [email protected].
MLHS is seeking a Director of Grounds and
Maintenance. This full-time position is a key
element of the physical stewardship of our
campus. The job description is posted at
MLHS is seeking an individual to help prepare
the next generation of Christian leaders by
serving as the Director of Alumni Relations.
This part-time position is generously funded
by a two-year grant from Thrivent Financial.
The job description is posted at mayerlutheran.
org. Please call Executive Director, Joel
Landskroener, at 952-657-2251 x1007 for more
Two female student applicants from Spain are
waiting to be a part of the Mayer Lutheran
student body but we can’t commit to them
without having host families identified.
Host families experience an exciting cultural
exchange and broaden their perspectives
on the world. Their guidance and love
provides international students unforgettable
experiences, not only by sharing their lives, but
also by sharing God’s love.
Please contact Kevin Wilaby at 952-657-2251
x1008 or [email protected] for
more information.
The registration fee for Mayer Lutheran
students for the 2016-17 school year is $585
and due on or before May 1, 2016.
Registration fees submitted after May 1 pay
$685. The non-refundable registration fee
covers technology, textbooks, instructional
costs, teaching supplies, communications,
student admission to school events, and
Best Kept Secret
Have you ever been drawn into a conversation with the
words, “I’ve got something to tell you, but if I tell you,
you can’t tell anyone.” People begin certain conversations with this type of a
restriction for many reasons. Whatever the reason this statement tends to pique
interests and draw people in, often due to the conjecture and gossip contained
in the conversation.
Why do we forget or find that we lack interest in news that is missing
“juicy” information? There are so many positive and edifying events within any
community that should be celebrated and shared. Here are three wonderful and
edifying stories that you are encouraged to share:
Mayer Lutheran’s girls basketball team is having a terrific season. Their record
is 18-5. Three of their losses occurred while they were missing several players
who were serving families in Anapra, Mexico on Mayer Lutheran’s mission trip.
They received the #2 seed in their section and they tied for conference title.
This team of hard working and enthusiastic girls is exciting to watch. With the
post season just around the corner, it would be great for them to play before
energized Crusader fans. Spread the word.
One of Mayer Lutheran’s two robotics teams made it to the state tournament.
This student-driven team put in many hours designing and printing parts on
Mayer’s 3D printer, programming and assembling the robot, and testing it
against the tasks it must be able to complete. This program doesn’t get the
publicity it deserves. Tell someone about this state caliber program at Mayer
Lutheran! (See page 2 for details on MLHS Robotics!)
What about Mayer Lutheran itself? A great education that keeps Christ at
the center is eternally valuable. Dedicated Christian teachers work hard to
teach, develop life skills, and minister to students in relevant ways. Coaches
and advisors give of their time and talents to provide opportunities for students
to get involved and practice leadership skills. Students, terrific young Christian
adults, respond to the opportunities they receive at Mayer Lutheran by growing
in knowledge, faith, and through service. Yet, there are families that have not
heard about us. Families outside of the Lutheran school and church circle would
love to have their children educated and nurtured in ways that are not possible
in the main stream of American education. Mayer Lutheran needs to stop being
a well-kept secret. It is the word-of-mouth testimonials that come from Mayer
Lutheran’s community that are most effective in reaching out to the community
at large. (For more information about how you can help promote the vital
ministry of Mayer Lutheran, contact Mr. Dan Perrel, Admissions Director, at dan.
[email protected].)
Remember that as Christ’s disciples we are called to go and make disciples of
all nations. This directive is not about
keeping secrets, but is about sharing
mayer luth
eran high
the Gospel message with the world.
Christ’s redemptive work is for all
people and this good news must be
shared. In fact, the Gospel of Jesus
Christ is the greatest and “juiciest”
news that there is to share. What
er a n .o rg
an honor it is to know that the Holy
m a y er lu th
Spirit works through His people to
bring salvation to the lost—that is
through you and me.
M AY E R L U T H E R A N . O R G
By Kevin Wilaby, Principal
[email protected] | 952-657-2251 x1008
Mayer Lutheran High School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its policies, financial aid program or other school-administered programs.
Do you have a prom dress that is
in good condition taking up space
in your closet?
Consider sharing that special dress
with a new friend.
es to the Dr
Donated dresses will be sold to the
public at the “Say Yes to the Dress”
event, April 8, 2016 from 4-9 pm at
Mayer Lutheran High School.
Profits benefit the More Than Pink™
organization. Thank you!
Dresses should be cleaned, no rips or tears,
and purchased within the past 5 years.
March 21 | 7 PM
MLHS Fine Arts Center
Donations being accepted at:
Mayer Lutheran High School
305 Fifth Street NE, Mayer
March 28–April 1 & April 4–7 | 9 am–3 pm
Celebrate with the MLHS Concert Choir,
Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band with sacred
and uplifting music.
Clearwater Clothing
132 South Olive Street, Waconia
March 28–April 7 | 10 am–5 pm