
This assignment covers Thema 1 in your course book.
Cut-off date for TMA 1: 1 December 2005
Make sure you know how to complete and send in your TMA and the PT3 form:
detailed instructions are given in the Assessment Guide for Certificate in
Language courses.
In Rundblick, Thema 1 you were introduced to planning and preparing a journey
through German-speaking countries and you started thinking about learning
German. In TMA 1 you will read a brochure from a language school in Germany
(Part A), fill in a course enrolment form (Part B), listen to fellow students talking
to the school’s receptionists (Part C) and leave a message on the language
school’s answerphone (Part D).
In preparation for this assignment you should read the section on ‘Managing your
time’ in Chapter 2 of your set book Success with Languages. You may also want
to revise Thema 1, Lerneinheiten 1, 3, 4, 7 and 9 of Rundblick.
Please note that you should answer all the questions in each of the four parts of
TMA 1. In this TMA:
• your marks will be based on Parts A and D;
• you will receive feedback and guidance on your performance in Parts B and
C, but no scores.
Part A (Reading)
Read the following brochure from a language school in Munich in the south of
Germany close to the Alps and the Austrian border (Text 1) and read some
welcome messages which include details of people working for the school (Text
2). Then answer the questions on your answer sheet on pages 4.
Text 1
Deutsch in München – Spracheninstitut Dehmel
München: historische Altstadt mit Frauenkirche und Pinakothek,
interessante Kulturangebote (Theater, Oper, Kabarett), wunderschöne
Umgebung (Alpen, Neuschwanstein)
Das Sprachprogramm „Deutsch in München“ (DiM) gibt es seit 20 Jahren.
Das Spracheninstitut Dehmel liegt in München, fünf Minuten von der
Das Spracheninstitut Dehmel in München bietet:
– Deutschkurse für alle Stufen (Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene)
– individuelle Themen
– Einzelunterricht und Gruppen (maximal zwölf Personen)
– Grammatikübungen am Computer (CD-ROM)
– Konversation mit Muttersprachlern und Diskussionsgruppen
– Ausflüge und Exkursionen nach: Regensburg, Nürnberg, Innsbruck,
Salzburg, Neuschwanstein
– Abendprogramm (Konzert, Theater)
Unsere Lehrer sind:
– deutsche Muttersprachler
– qualifiziert (deutsche und internationale Universitäten)
Unser Unterricht ist:
– flexibel und interaktiv
– pädagogisch und effektiv
– immer interessant und relevant
– authentisch und modern
– pro Unterrichtseinheit (1 Stunde):
30 Euro (Einzelunterricht)
24 Euro (Gruppe)
– Abendprogramm: von 50 bis 120 Euro
– Ausflug: von 120 bis 250 Euro
– Drei-Tages-Paket: ab 300 Euro
– Intensivwoche: ab 500 Euro
Abschlüsse und Prüfungen:
– Deutsch in München (DiM)-Zertifikat
– Zertifikat Deutsch
– internationale Zertifikate
Kontakt zu uns:
DiM (Deutsch in München)
Spracheninstitut Dehmel
Brunnstraße 17
D 80331 München
Telefon: 089 211 115 – 0
Fax: 089 211 115 – 13
E-Mail: [email protected]
Text 2
Willkommen in München
Herzlich willkommen…
… bei unseren Sprachkursen. Mein Name ist Roswitha Dehmel. Ich bin
Direktorin des Spracheninstituts Dehmel. Ich komme selbst aus München,
bin hier geboren und kenne die Stadt sehr gut. Unsere Sprachkurse bieten
Ihnen interessante Themen und anerkannte Abschlüsse. Wir verwenden
authentische Materialien und sind sehr flexibel: Es gibt Themen für jeden
Ich bin Walter Bremberger. Ich komme aus Österreich, wohne aber seit
zehn Jahren in Deutschland, hier in München. Ich spreche Deutsch und
Englisch und ein bisschen Französisch. Ich bin Lehrer am Spracheninstitut
Dehmel. In meinen Klassen gibt es viel Humor und viel Spaß. Ich freue
mich darauf, Sie in München zu begrüßen. Ich unterrichte die Kurse für
Guten Tag,
mein Name ist Herta Peretti. Ich komme aus Italien, aus Südtirol, aber
mein Mann ist Deutscher. Ich spreche Italienisch und Englisch und
natürlich Deutsch. Ich bin Lehrerin im Deutschkurs für Anfänger.
die Frauenkirche a historic church in Munich
die Pinakothek a well-known art gallery in Munich
der Einzelunterricht one-to-one lesson(s)
die Abschlüsse (pl) qualifications
Part B (Writing)
You have decided to enrol for a one-week intensive course for beginners at
Spracheninstitut Dehmel. Look at the enrolment form on your answer sheet on
page 5 and complete the form by filling in your own details.
Part C (Listening)
While waiting in the queue to confirm your enrolment at Spracheninstitut
Dehmel, you hear other students enrolling for language courses talking to the
school’s receptionists. Listen to your Assessment Cassette and answer the
questions on your answer sheet on page 6.
die Fremdsprachenkenntnisse (pl)
foreign language skills
Part D (Speaking)
Leave a message on the answerphone of Spracheninstitut Dehmel advising them
of your arrival. Record your message in German on a blank Speaking
Assignment Cassette. It should last between 30 seconds and 1 minute (advisory
In your message, make sure you include the following:
• say hello;
• give your name;
• say which country you are from;
• say that you are in Munich at the moment in Hotel Amba;
• say that you are coming to the language school (zum Spracheninstitut)
• give your telephone number (0044 7810857942);
• say good-bye.
When you have finished, make sure that you have included your name and
personal identifier on all answer sheets, and that you have included the labelled
Speaking Assignment Cassette.
Send your assignment and the PT3 form to your tutor, to arrive by the cut-off
Part A (Reading)
Answer the following questions according to the information in Text 1 or Text 2
on pages 00 of this Assessment Book.
1 Which of the following options does the Spracheninstitut Dehmel not offer
(Text 1)? Indicate two answers only with a cross.
(a) lessons for beginners
(b) one-to-one lessons
(c) singing in German
(d) excursions
(e) conversation classes
(f) discussion groups
(g) pronunciation classes
(h) advanced courses
(2 points)
Decide which piece of information (a)–(g) refers to which part of the
language school’s contact details (i)–(vii) in the box below and write the
correct numeral (e.g. (i)) in the right-hand column.
Insert numerals here
(a) München
(b) Deutschland
(c) Spracheninstitut Dehmel
(d) [email protected]
(e) Deutsch in München (DiM)
(f) 089 211 115 – 13
(g) Brunnstraße 17
(i) Sprachprogramm • (ii) Name der Schule • (iii) Straße und
Hausnummer • (iv) Stadt • (v) Land • (vi) E-Mail-Adresse • (vii)
(7 points)
(a) Decide which of the following statements are true or false according to
the brochure (Text 1) and put a cross in the appropriate boxes.
(b) Then correct the false statements by deleting the wrong word(s) and
substituting the correct word(s) in English on the line below.
Here is an example:
Richtig Falsch
Spracheninstitut Dehmel is situated near the Eiffel Tower. ❑
Richtig Falsch
(i) The language school offers conversation classes and grammar practice.
❑ ❑
(ii) There are up to fifteen people in a group.
(iii) Teaching is flexible and effective.
(iv) A course costs between 120 and 250 Euros.
(v) The school organizes evening entertainment such as concerts or trips to
the theatre.
(7 points)
Complete the table in German with the details of the school’s members of
staff given in the welcome messages (Text 2).
unterrichtet …
Deutsch und …
Herta Peretti
Deutsch und …
(9 points)
das Herkunftsland
country of origin
Part B (Writing)
Complete the form in German, using either your own details or fictional ones.
Spracheninstitut Dehmel – Deutsch in München
Leiterin: Roswitha Dehmel
Brunnstraße 17
D 80331 München
E-Mail: [email protected]
Part C (Listening)
Answer the following questions about the students according to the information
in the listening extract for TMA 1.
1 Complete the table in German.
Englisch und
(13 points)
Which of the following phrases did you hear mentioned? Put a cross in the
box next to the correct answers. Select six answers only.
(a) Das ist alles.
(b) Ich komme aus Stockholm.
(c) Guten Tag.
(d) Mein Name ist Fernando Alvarez.
(e) Ich lebe im Moment in München.
(f) Ich komme aus England.
(g) Sprechen Sie Italienisch?
(h) Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch.
(i) Meine Telefonnummer ist 00 44 29 20 68 58 36. ❑
(j) Ich wohne im Hotel in München.
(12 points: 2 per correct answer)
Part D (Speaking)
When you have recorded your message, remember to label the Speaking
Assignment Cassette clearly and return it with this answer sheet.
When you have finished, make sure that you have included your name and
personal identifier on all answer sheets, and that you have included the labelled
Speaking Assignment Cassette.
Send your assignment and the PT3 form to your tutor, to arrive by the cut-off