Info Flyer Bikepolo


Info Flyer Bikepolo
geschichte / HISTORY
1999: Hardcourt Bike Polo wurde das erste mal in Seattle gespielt.
Hardcourt bike polo is played for the first time in Seattle.
2003: Manschaften entstehen und Turniere verbreiten sich in den USA.
Tournaments pop up all over the West and Midwest.
2004: Hardcourt Bike Polo kommt nach New York.
Hardcourt bike polo spreads to New York.
2006: Die Welle schwappt nach Europa (London) über.
Hardcourt bike polo spreads to London (in New York they...)
2009: Erstmalige Austragung einer Europameisterschaft in London.
First European Championships held in London (EHBPC 2009)
2010: Greif Masters 2010
2010: Zweite Auflage der Europameisterschaft in Genf.
European championships held in Geneva (EHBPC 2010)
2010: Austragung der Weltmeisterschaft in Berlin.
World Championships held in Berlin (WHBPC 2010)
2011: Europameisterschaft wird in Barcelona, ...
3rd European Championship will be in Barcelona, ...
...die Weltmeisterschaft in Seattle ausgetragen.
...World Championships will be in Seattle this year.
Die Mitgliederzahl der Bikopolo-Gemeinde wächst schnell. / Fast growing number of bike polo players world wide.
Bikepolo heute / present day
Im Juni 2008 zählte man europaweit ungefähr 50 Städte, in denen Bikepolo gespielt
wird. Juni 2010 schätzt man ca. 220 Städte, wobei pro Woche durchschnittlich 2 Städte
neu registriert werden, in denen Bikepolo gespielt wird. Man geht von insgesamt 4.800
aktiven Spielern aus und schätzt die Zahl der gelegentlich Spielenden auf über 20.000.
In June 2008 there were around 50 cities playing hardcourt bike polo as we now know it.
There are now over 220 cities, with an average of two new cities registering a new bike polo
scene every week. We estimate there are currently over 4,800 dedicated bike polo players
globally with around a further 20,000 players that play bike polo less frequently
(last updated: June 2010).
Der Bike Polo Schläger ist maximal 120cm lang und entspricht in der Regel einem
Skistock. Die Individuelle Länge wird dann dem jeweiligen Spieler angepasst.
Die meisten Schläger haben eine Länge, abhängig von der Größe des Spielers,
von 80 bis 110 cm. Der Schlägerkopf ist zwischen 13 und 15 cm breit und hat einen
Durchmesser von ungefähr 63 mm.
The length of the polo mallet is around 120 cm in maximum. the individual length
depends on the players physics. The mallet head is around 13 - 15 cm wide with an
average diameter of 63 mm.
Score and pass Mit der Kopfseite darf gepasst und geschossen werden.
You can pass, shoot and score with the end side of the mallet.
Pass only Mit der breiten Seite darf nur gepasst werden.
You cannot score with the wide side of the mallet. You do, it’s called a shuffle.
spielfeld / COURT
Spieler / Player
Das Spielfeld ist einem Eishockeyfeld sehr ähnlich. Die Größe ist
immer etwas von der zur Verfügung
stehenden Fläche abhängig.
The Court basically is quite similar
to an Ice Hockey Rink.
Tap out
Bevorzugt werden Räder mit Singlespeed oder starrer Nabe.
Most bikes people ride are singlespeeders or fixed gear bikes.
Berührt ein Fuß den Boden, so
muss man den TAP OUT auf der
jeweiligen Seite der Mittellinie
abschlagen um wieder am Spiel
teilnehmen zu dürfen.
Is there foot to ground contact, you
have to TAP OUT at the center side of
the court to to be back in the game.
Ein Team besteht aus 3 Spielern. Das Spiel startet
auf das Kommando: »3 - 2 - 1 - POLO«, worauf ein
Spieler jeder Mannschaft versucht, den in der Mitte
des Spielfeldes liegenden Ball zuerst zu erreichen.
Teams are made up of 3 Players. On command:
»3 - 2 - 1 - POLO« one player of each team goes for the
ball at the center of the court.
Kontakt ist erlaubt, jedoch immer nur Schläger vs.Schläger,
Fahrrad vs. Fahrrad und Körper vs. Körper.
Any contact must be ‘like to like’ (mallet to mallet, bike to bike,
body to body).
Die Spieldauer beträgt in der Regel 10 Minuten und
steigert sich dann vom Viertelfinale bis ins Finale,
welches ohne Zeitlimit so lange gespielt wird bis eine
Mannschaft 5 Tore erzielt hat. Die zeitlich begrenzten
Spiele enden entweder durch ablaufen der Zeit, oder
bis eine der Mannschafte 5 Tore erzielt hat.
Jede Mannschaft besteht aus 10 Spielern. Auf dem Court spielen
immer 3 gegen 3. Spieler können, wie beim Eishockey, beliebig oft
ausgewechselt werden.
Der Mannschaftskapitän entscheidet, wer spielt und wer wann
aus- oder eingewechselt wird.
Gespielt wird 38 Minuten. Das Finale 2 x 30 Minuten.
The games are like regular 3 vs. 3 games, but with rotating players
during the game. Teams consist of 10 players, including one captain.
The captain decides who is on court.
Freitag / friday
Spiele / games
samstag / saturday
8 Spiele am Freitag, 16 am Samstag und 12 Spiele am Sonntag.
8 games on Friday, 16 games on Saturday, 12 games on Sunday:
8:00 - 9:30 Trainingsspiele auf dem Turniercourt.
8:00am – 9:30am: Pickup-games at the court
13:00 - 19:00: 8 Spiele (38 Minuten)
1:00pm – 7:00pm: The first 8 (38 min.)
20:00 Essen und Trinken im KAP (Kapellenstraße 68)
8:00pm: meet for some food & drinks at „kap“ bar. They’ll
have special offers for all players.
9:30 - 20:30 16 Spiele à 38 Minuten
9:30am – 8:30pm: 16 (38 min) tournament-games
Gespielt wird 38 Minuten. Round Robin.
Games: 2 x 20 min, round robin
Punkte / Points
sonntag / sunday
Sieg: 3 Punkte, Unentschieden: 1 Punkt, Niederlage: 0 Punkte
Bei gleichem Punktestand entscheidet das Torverhältnis.
Points: Won game = 3, tie = 1, loss = 0.
In case of even points the goal difference will decide.
8:00 - 9:30 Trainingsspiele auf dem Turniercourt.
8:00am – 9:30am: Pickup-games at the court
Finale / final
Die beiden besten Teams spielen in einem 2 x 30 Minuten-Finale
The 2 best teams will play in a 2x 30 min final.
9:30 - 18:00 12 Spiele à 38 Minuten
9:30am – 6:00pm: 12 (38 min) tournament-games
18:00 FINALE | 6:00pm: Final (2 x 30 min)
19:00 SIEGEREHRUNG | 7:00pm: Award Ceremony
1 indoor court with ankled edges. Built from soccer-walls. Size: 32 x 20m
(27m goal to goal distance)
Goals will be real-goals with a net. Size: 180 x 80 x 40cm
You can ride any bicycle you like, handlebars must be plugged and you must
have at least one brake. A fixed drivetrain equals a brake. Wheel covers are
allowed but any defense oriented frame additions are not.
Referee will have the final say in mallet safety. Mallet heads should not be made
of metal or any material that is sharp and/or could obviously chip, shatter or
splinter. The handle end of the mallet shaft must be securely plugged.
Teams will consist of 10 players. 3 players per team will be playing on court at
the same time.
Start of the Game:
Players will start from behind their goal-line, back wheels touching the back
walls of the court, with the ball placed at court centre. At the referee s shout of
3,2,1, Polo! (or on the whistle) teams can charge the ball for possession. If there
is a left-handed player willing to charge, he is only allowed to do so if the other
team agrees.
Scoring Goals:
A goal can only be scored hitting the ball with the end of a player s mallet head.
Goal is called when ball entirely passes the goal-line. A Shuffle is hitting the
ball with the broadside of the mallet head or when the ball is being shoved with
the player s mallet. An offensive shuffle does not count as a goal.
If the ball is shuffled into the goal by the offensive team, the defensive team
gets possession of the ball. If an offensive player actively deflects the ball
(including using his bike or body) into the goal, it will not be called a goal (other
than a passively reflected shot). If a team puts the ball into their own goal in
any way, it is a goal for the opposing team.
Ball Joint and Lobs:
It is legal to lob the ball ( throw the ball with the mallet) and/or to travel with
the ball using the ball joint cupping style of carrying the ball (with any part of
the mallet head) but you can not score with either method. If ball is cupped up
to goals, it has to be passed once before scoring.
Switching players:
The Captain can switch players at any time during the game. There will be a
changing zone , the player that goes on the court has to wait in that area till
the player leaving the court is also in that area. All players that are switching
must not purposefully obstruct play.
After a goal is scored/resetting the game:
After a goal is scored, both teams must return to their own half and cannot
cross center court until the ref calls game-on (or on the whistle) to allow the
captains to switch players. A player is not required to tap out for a foot-down
after a goal has been scored. Time will not be stopped.
Players must not touch the floor with their feet. Each time a player does footdown, that player is out of play until tapout has been succeeded. The player
must immediately tapout and not purposefully obstruct play. Intentionally
obstructing play after foot-down or while switching players will be punished
with a double tap out. A possible goal that is blocked by a player out of play due
to foot-down is not a goal. Leaning on the goal while playing goalie is not
allowed, you have to tap-out. Throwing your mallet is not allowed at any time
and will be punished with a time penalty. Overly aggressive behavior such as
unnecessary elbowing, grabbing, pushing, punching with hands, pushing or
kicking with feet, and head-butting will be punished with a time penalty.
Like contact that is allowed:
Non-aggressive body to body, mallet to mallet, and bike to bike. Apart from
the fouls listed above. Players are allowed to tap goal keeper s mallet.
Non-like contact that is allowed:
Body to ball is allowed if the player is sat on saddle, feet on the pedals, hand
holding mallet, other hand on bars. If the ball becomes trapped within a players
bike or person, let player drop the ball.
Referees and Penalties:
Above all, the players have the responsibility to keep legal play on the court.
In the case of disputes there is a referee that will be appointed per game.
The referees duties will be: Call goals. Determine what is and is not a foul that
can result in a penalty and what the penalty is for such foul. Keep track of score.
Call Game on after a goal was scored. Keep track of time. Keep track of fouls
of players during games. Call injury time outs for major injuries.
Respect refs final call.
Penalties can be:
First accidentally foul = tap out
- Second accidentally foul or first purposely foul = double tap out
- Second double tap out = Time penalty
A time penalty means being removed from the game for a set time (1 min without
substitution) or even permanently (substitution allowed after 1 min).
Tap out in the middle of the court (Both sides)
Ball Possession:
- After any kind of foul (except a foot-down), the fouled team gets possession
of the ball.
- If the ball gets outside the court, the team of the player who touched the ball
last will be in defense, the other team gets possession of the ball.