Platform Manual for PROJECTS


Platform Manual for PROJECTS
Invitation & Empowerment Reader
to use Your Dragon Dreaming
Communication Platform
Manual for PROJECTS
▪ Foreword: Manual for projects
▪ Good to know: About history and purpose
▪ Testserver: let‘s keep quality high
▪ Decentral*central platform structure & language
▪ Access: roles & rights
▪ Access: To register as a project
▪ Overview of functions
▪ Action: Share your Project, step by step instructions
▪ Settings: Your profile name, password
▪ Feedback, finance and our shared responsibility
Manual for project users
You are - or like to become - a PROJECT USER of That means you are interested in Dragon
Dreaming and you like to contribute and make use of the web-platform and Dragon Dreaming community by sharing
your Dragon Dreaming PROJECTS.
If you are beyond that interested to use the page as a TRAINER (to post your trainer profile, events and write in the
blog) or EDITOR (to write [local] page content), or to set up your own regional page as a ADMINISTRATOR, check the
access: „User roles & rights“ in this document. In case you don't know, we now also have the possibility to create a
Trainer Profile even if you haven't yet participated on a TtT. As an active Dragon Dreamer you can create a Trainer
Profile with the status "Dragon Dreamer".
This manual is supposed to enable you to contribute content to the page. We celebrate you by doing this. Without
your contribution, this page would be blank, boring and dead. There is no big team behind this page that produces
texts and news. Your work is so important to make this page alive and wise.
Celebrate and let‘s get started.
Yours Angel, Cat, Ilona, Josef, Manuela & Mattia
Good to know:
About history and purpose
Since Dragon Dreaming Enthusiasts and Trainers around the globe became aware of the powerful role of
Dragon Dreaming for our common future and for each other, they had the strong wish to have a platform to
spread Dragon Dreaming virally, to share ideas, inspiration, AHA-moments, learnings, and connect!
That is the reason, why some Dragon Dreamers in Berlin started to set up this platform: With a general
introduction to Dragon Dreaming, a list of Trainers and Facilitators, a calendar of the next Dragon Dreaming
workshops coming up, a pool of Dragon Dreaming projects and a blog. All this is meant to be used by Dragon
Dreamers to foster and nourish the worldwide Dragon Dreaming community.
As we seek to live Dragon Dreaming, this platform is planned and organized in an empty centered fashion.That
means, that there is no „head of website“, who is „responsible“ for checking the contents etc. It is the whole
community, that is enhancing and guarding this platform – it is you! So please be aware, that it is in your power
to make this platform a great space for information, dreams and sharing.
let‘s keep quality high
If technology is a Dragon for you, we have some good news: There is a testversion of the entire platform existing. Via our TESTSERVER you can access a copy of the original
platform. The testserver provides the original structure and functions of the live-page to play around without
damaging anything. So if you feel insecure, go for it.
When you feel ready working with the public page on the PRODUCTIONSERVER, bear in mind, that we all
together carry the responsibility for content, quality and function. The Admins and Editor team(s) are all
volunteering and maybe also not professional in this field. There is no paid service team and no police watching
content. So let‘s share responsibility together. It is you, who should keep an eye on things, and – if necessary –
get in touch with someone, who might be able to support in revising or improving things. Be mindful and take
action when you see something strange on the live-page.
Access the Testserver here: User : dragondreaming
Password : 7261
Then follow logi-In procedure same as on the regular production server
Decentral*central platform
structure & language
DD for
many decentral pages,
containing own content...
DD for
...running on one
central framework
...and are chaordically merged on the
international page...
The platform has a specially designed
decentral*central structure. Every region (can be country, can be networks)
can have her own regional-page, can have her own regional-page, i.e. for Germany. At the same time they
have all the same basic structure and layout. Also there is an international
page, that collects all content from all regions and can be filled with
international content, too.
Concerning language this means we recommend to write in your local
language on your regional page. The projects/trainers/event/blog-content
from your regional page will be shown on the international page, too. It
will be a littel strange to see content in various languages, but also
reflecting our chaordic system :-)
When you like to reach an international audience, or your region does not
have a own page (yet), you can directly post content on the international
So technically you can access different regional pages and the international
page - this has potential to cause chaos - please support keeping order by
being aware of which page you are working on! We recommend working
from your regional page, as it will feed into intl. anyway but not the other
way around.
User roles & rights
Access via
Everybody who likes to contribute
by sharing DD projects on the
Posting/editing Projects
Self-registration via landingpage,
see at the bottom „REGISTER“
Everybody who has attended a DD Same as „Projects“, plus posting/editing, Self-registration via REGISTER at
Intensive or Train the Trainer and is Trainer Profiles, Events, Blog-Posts &
landingpage, AND additionally
actively working with DD
Comments, Access Intranet
contacting admin team via
[email protected]
(might change, check updates)
Person(s) taking responsibility for
the general content of a regional
Same as „Trainer“, plus posting/editing
Articles and general Page content
Person(s) taking responsibility for
the technical administration of a
regional page
Same as „Editor“, plus changing
technical setting and handing out
Intl. Editor&Admin
Team that takes intl. responsibility
for page structure and administration. Supposed to be
nominated/replaced at the
Technically all rights. Practically
supposed to be there 1st for supporting
the set-up of regional pages and 2nd for
content only related to intl. site.
By Self-registration via landingpage,
see at the bottom „REGISTER“,
AND additionally by contacting
international Editor&Admin Team
via email:
[email protected]
To register as a user
Go to your [regional] landing page, by selecting your region on the
upper right corner (1.). At the bottom of your local landing-page, you
can find a button called REGISTER (2.). Hit the button to reach the
form for your registration. Enter your name and your email address.
The website then sends you an email, in which you will find a link to
activate your account. Make sure you register from your local page. If
you don‘t have a local page in your region yet, you can use the
international page OR contact [email protected] to get
instructions for setting up your regional page.
Once you are registered, you log-in by hitting LOG-IN button on the
bottom of the landing page.
In case you feel insecure about working with the page technically, we
recommend you working with our TESTSERVER. More Info on this you
find earlier in this document.
If you like to use the platform as a Dragon Dreaming Trainer or Editor,
refer to the access grid on the previous page of this document.
Overview of functions
What you usually see of the platform is the so called „front-end“. If you are logged in, you
have access to the so called „back-end“. The screenshot besides gives you a quick overview of
the different sections of the back-end:
(1) Choose your language (2) Choose your Country Site (3) Click here to get back to the frontend (4) add, change or delete projects as well as their contents (5) search or upload images,
pdf-files and much more (6) Add or change your profile, password.
Please be careful with all existing content. You are technically able to change or delete
content of other Dragon Dreamers, please do so only, if you talked to them, and they
feedback, that this is okay. Again, please be aware, that you add or change content on the
correct page (i.e. International or regional sites).
Share your Project
Select PROJECTS (1.), hit ADD
PROJECTS (2), a row of MASKS (3.) will
appear, where you can enter your data
and media.
Explanation of masks follows on the
next page.
Action: Project Instructions
Big header title and link-name of your
Title, that appears in summary box,
keep it short
Subtitle, appears below big header
Be as specific and general as possible
with the name of your project type
Select phase of your projects
Name location, where the project is
Action: Project Instructions
Project duration from start to end
Contact for questions, requests and
Your project's contact details
Action: Project Instructions
Name the Dragon Dreaming
Facilitators/Trainers/Moderators here.
[You can also connect the name to the
trainer profile by (1.) marking it and
(2.) clicking on the little chain symbol,
to (3.) insert the direct link, of the page
for your trainer profile (you can find it
in the browser when visiting your
Upload an image from your desktop/
computer that symbolizes the project
somehow. We recommend using an
image with high quality.
Action: Project Instructions
Describe your project. More IS NOT
better. Keep it short and simple and
communicate CHARISMATICALLY at
the same time :-)
Need support? Here you can wish for
almost everything... Don‘t ask, don‘t
get, so don‘t be shy.
Action: Project Instructions
Anything you like to share and you can
offer? Please post this here.
You can share (a summary) of your
Dreamcircle here and any other
experience you made with the Dragon
Dreaming processes with this projects.
Your great AHAs and learnings.
Action: Project Instructions
You can add/upload files you like to
share here. I.e. PDFs, Textfiles and
Action: Project Instructions
INTL. SITE: When you posted the same
project in two languages on i.e. the
regional and intl. site, you can avoid
that it is listed twice on the intl. page
by selecting the project under
IMPORTANT: when you are finished
with writing down your information,
please scroll up and press „PUBLISH“
Your profile name, password
You can change some settings like
your name, password and pre-set
language under PROFILE.
Feedback, finance and
our shared responsibility
Thank you for reading this manual carefully and for contributing to the platform.
Thank you also for treating kindly any mistakes and intermediate solutions we have so far. This platform version is just one
step of a greater dream, to spread Dragon Dreaming virally as community together. And it is one more step towards an
Empty Centered Dragon Dreaming Organisation, with the „purpose to serve Dragon Dreamers around the world, as a living
fractal organism, based on love, trust and agreements, to empower them to do projects following the three core principles
of personal growth, community building and service to the earth.“
We, the current international platform team, are welcoming your feedback via [email protected]. If you feel
there are things to be improved, please feel responsible too, to take any action that helps to implement the feedback. For
example, if you discover spelling errors, send us the corrected text-version in your feedback. If you feel like there might be a
„forum“ missing, where projects can discuss learnings, find out if someone is working on it already, find a group and start
working on this dream by using the methods you have learned.
Most of the work on this platform and all that's connected with it has been contributed freely, and part of it has been paid
for - we managed to fundraise about 20,000 Euros for that purpose in the last two years so far. More investments will be
needed for community and organisation purposes. We kindly ask you to remember to give 10% of what you earn through
Dragon Dreaming back to any project that serves our core principles. If you like the platform created and if you are grateful
for its existence, it would make us very happy if you were to remember your gratefulness when the next fundraising action
comes up, which it will, for sure.
Though, much more relevant than the next future project is to now ground this one and that we are feeling a common
responsibility to bring this platform to live, to nourish it, play with it, share it, enjoy it.
- For the Earth -
Berlin, 20th of January 2014