

Community Detection
Proseminar - Elementary Data Mining Techniques
by Simon Grätzer
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
What is Community Detection?
Defining a community
Methods to find communities
Overlapping communities
Clique percolation method
Finding a community with query nodes
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
What is Community
Different from traditional clustering
Algorithms use the graph property
Graphs with a „natural“ origin have a
structure that is not random
We try to find these structures by
analyzing the graph
A „perfect“ solution has yet to be
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Communities can represent parts of a larger system
(Like organs in the human body)
Communities can be considered as a summary of
the graph
Communities make it easy to visualize and
understand complex systems
Communities on the web might represent pages of
related topics
Community can reveal the properties without
releasing the individual privacy information
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Defining a Community
There is not exact definition of a community in a
It depends on the application
A general definition:
Separation between nodes in different
Cohesion between nodes in a community
The differences between algorithms come down to
the precise definition
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
For a Graph G = {V, E} and a subgraph C ⊆ G with
|G| = |V | = n and |C| = nc
φint(C) should have a higher value than the whole
graph and φext(C) should be much lower
Local definitions see communities as an
autonomous entity within a larger system
Global definitions see the communities as
essential parts of a larger system
Vertex similarity: compare individual nodes and
group them based on a similarity measure
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Finding overlapping
Clique percolation
method (CPM)
Finding communities
with query nodes
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Clique Percolation
CPM is based on the idea that communities are
likely to consist of cliques
Assumption: Every node in the same community is
connected to nearly every other node
A community is build up by a chain of k-cliques
which are adjacent.
Two k-cliques are adjacent if they share k-1 nodes
The largest possible chain is defined as community
This is a local definition
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Implementation of CPM
The number of possible k-cliques in a graph is
quite high
Implementations search for maximal k-cliques
(NP-hard problem)
We build an clique-clique overlap matrix O
All entries smaller than k-1 are removed
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Parameter k = 3; k = 4
The results of processing the example graph with the CFinder software
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Even if the underlying problem is NP-hard, for
large sparse graphs, this algorithm is reasonably
Some cases lead to useless results:
It looks for cliques not dense subgraphs
It requires a large number of cliques, but not too
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Finding a community
with query nodes
The goal is to find a subgraph H that contains a
given set Q of query nodes and is densely
The function f is maximized among all possible
choices for H
In this case we choose the minimum degree for f
Additionally we add a distance constraint d
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Without size restriction Greedy algorithm
Choose f = f(H) = minimum degree of a node in H
We set G0=G then repeat the steps:
Obtain Gt+1 by removing a node which violates the
distance constraint or has the minimum degree
Terminate if either one of the query nodes has minimum
degree or the query nodes are no longer connected
We choose the component of Gt for which the minimum
degree f(H) is maximized
This can be implemented in O(n+m)
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Q = {1, 2, 3}
The greedy algorithm, without size constraint, applied on the example graph
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Communities with size
A size constraint k makes the problem NP hard (Can be
shown via a reduction to the Steiner tree problem)
But it can be assumed that the size of the result set is
correlated with the distance constraint
The paper proposes two heuristics:
GreedyDist repeatedly executes Greedy and decreases d until the size k‘ of the
graph is small enogh
GreedyFast restricts the graph to the k‘ closest nodes to the query nodes. Then
Greedy is invoked
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
Evaluation with the DBLP dataset
The goal was to find a network of scientific collaboration around Christos Papadimitriou
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
A really broad topic with lots of applications
Each algorithms is build with different problems in
Algorithms are difficult to compare, there is no
standard way of testing
Freitag, 1. Februar 13
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Freitag, 1. Februar 13

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