May 2013 - The Gathering of Quilters


May 2013 - The Gathering of Quilters
Pieceful Times
Newsletter of The Gathering of Quilters Guild
The purposes of
The Gathering of Quilters Guild are
P.O.Box 631, Sylvania OH 43560
To promote the development and art of quilting.
May, 2013
To educate interested persons in all aspects of quilting.
Edited by Hattie Kate Howell and Lynette Brown
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Doors open 6pm, meeting begins at 7pm
Epiphany Lutheran Church
915 N. Reynolds Road
(between Dorr Street and Nebraska Avenue)
Program: Champions of Charities
Business meeting and Election of Officers: Vice
President and Treasurer
Challenges: fat quarter challenge and AAQI
Bring: a little money (or more!) for raffles
Fat Quarter: NATURE, quilt shop quality all cotton
Name tag: handmade and readable
Address labels: for raffle tickets
Finger food to share: last names A-F
Pull tabs: from beverage cans, soup, etc. for
Ronald McDonald House
Project Linus: quilts, afghans, comforters, and tops
Show & Tell: What have you had time to quilt this
winter? Remember AAQI challenge!
A friend or so: only $10 (which equals dues for the
remainder of the year)
Champions of Charity
Presenting their charities will be
Jenny Morelock from Wood County 4-H Quilters
Jill Holt of Quilts of Valor
BIllie Szymanski of Project LInus
Debbie Linenkugel from Bundles of Hope
Each will show what their groups do and how we can
become further involved. We also expect some young
guests who participate in 4-H and in Bundles of Hope.
To help Bundles of Hope you are encouraged to bring
in travel - sized toiletries such as lotion, soap, shampoo,
conditioner, and toothpaste.
Project Linus will have kits for you to take home and
a powerpoint-type show of the kinds of blankets Linus
gives away.
Displays, demos, and instruction sheets will be
available for pretty, quick and easy charity quilts.
Co-Presidents’ Letter to
Gathering of Quilters Guild
Season of Challenge, Change
and Volunteers
Spring is upon us, even though the
temperatures may not be as warm as we would
like. There is much to do in the spring, and we’re
sure everyone is staying very busy, preparing for
the season change and the coming warm weather.
The same is true for our guild. There is much to
plan and accomplish in order to be able to have a
September meeting: 1. There is a search for a new
meeting location for the guild. 2. We need to plan
speakers and events for the coming year which
starts in September. 3. We need officers for
Treasurer, Programs, and Publicity for the
upcoming year. We have a volunteer to for
We have reached a critical point: if members do
not step forward and accept these positions, we
cannot continue as a guild. Without a Treasurer to
collect and manage our monies, without a Program
Chairperson to organize and plan our speakers and
events, and without a Publicity Chairperson to
spread word about our guild and meetings we
cannot go on. No one agreed to be the nominating
committee to find available candidates for these
positions. These positions need to be filled at the
May guild meeting.
Keeping the guild functioning is work, but, it is
also fun when members help manage all the
responsibilities. We need to join together and fill
the vacancies so we can continue to share our love
of quilting as a group.
Each guild member makes a difference in our
guild. What you do or don’t do will determine if
our guild continues after May 16, 2013. Active
participation and involvement are needed for us
to survive. It’s up to ALL of us.
As optimists, we sincerely hope that several of
you will step forward and volunteer to help.
Wouldn’t it be terrific if in 2023, we could celebrate
our 40th anniversary?!!
Beth and Irene
2012-2013 Guild Executive Board
Co presidents
Irene Rose
Beth Rohrbacher
Vice President
Carmen El-Amin
term expires in June, but may be re-elected
Diana Trost
Billie Szymanski
retiring in June
2012-2013 Committee Chairs
50/50 raffle
Fat quarter raffle &
Newsletter editor
Program Guide
Program 2012-2013
Dale Burnett
Ellie Grabarzyk
Ruthie Wood
Candy White
Kathy Hubert
Hattie Kate Howell
Lynette Brown
Pat McLennan
Diana Jacob
Londa Burkett
Nina Riddle
retiring in June
Program 2013-2014 vacant
Candy White
retiring in June
Gracie Pietz
Wanda Dyer
Debbie Linenkugel
Diana Jacob
Web Master Peverly [email protected]
Treasurer’s Report
3/21- 4/18/2013
Beginning Balance before Encumbered Exp
Fat Quarter
Total Current Income $1,671.00
Web Page
Sue Nickels - dinner
Sue Nickels - class
Sue Nickels - speaker
Total Current Expense
$4,344.92 -$4,344.92
Check Book Balance
Petty Cash
Balance before encumbered Exps
Encumbered Expenses
5 months @ $50.00
Total Encumbered Expenses
Ending Balance
Respectfully Submitted Billie Szymanski, Treasurer
Gathering of Quilters Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 21, 2013
• Co-President Irene Rose called the meeting to order
at 7 P.M.
• Carmen El-Amin showed the beautiful guild
kaleidoscope quilt which will be finished and raffled
at the May, 2013 meeting. Tickets are $1.00 each.
• Londa Burkett introduced our speaker Sue Nickels.
Her topic was “Machine Quilting for Today’s Quilts”,
a combination of a power-point presentation and
some of her award-winning quilts.
• Carmen El-Amin moved and Londa Burkett
seconded to approve the minutes of the January 17,
2013 general meeting. All approved.
• Irene announced the guild policy for inclement
weather (published in the Pieceful Times): At a level
2 emergency rating, the meeting will be officially
cancelled. Guild members are urged to use own
discretion at any time.
• Nominations: Irene asked for volunteers to be on the
nominating committee. We need to fill the offices of
vice-president, treasurer, and membership
• Location of meetings for 2013-14:
• Irene explained that the new contract with
Epiphany Lutheran Church was expected to rise
500% (from $50 to $250/meeting).
• We need a search committee for a new location.
• Kathy Kanitz has her information from the last
search and will forward this to the committee.
• Carmen El-Amin and Irene Rose have
volunteered to be on the committee.
• Irene explained that we could possibly relocate
to the cafeteria of the new elementary school in
• Advantages: Free and plenty of parking.
• Disadvantages: May not enter before 6:30
P.M. and may not serve food.
Lyndhorst, Eleanor Grabarczyk, and Kathy
Deanda volunteered to be on the committee.
• Other offices:
• Candy Colleen White has volunteered to be our
• Publicity: Irene will do for May meeting. Then we
need someone to fill this position.
• Newsletter: Lynette Brown will apprentice with
Hattie Kate Howell.
• Sue Nickels donated a book as a door prize.
• Show and Tell, Fat Quarter raffle, door prizes and
50/50 raffle.
• Grace Pietz announced a bus trip to Columbus for
the NQA show on June 29th. There are still some
seats left.
Respectfully submitted,
Diana Trost, Recording Secretary
Original 3/27/2013, Revised 4/2/2013, Approved____
Open Guild Board Positions
Four positions need to be filled on the GOQG Board.
Two positions will be voted on during the May Meeting. Here
are brief job descriptions of those two positions – Vice
President and Treasurer. Also two positions need to be filled
(by appointment), those job descriptions are also shown
below.: Programs Chairperson and the Publicity Chairperson.
Both positions are currently open. If you are interested in any
of the open positions, please contact a board member as
soon as possible. You are needed!!!
Carmen El-Amin, our current VP, and has volunteered to
run again for the 2013 – 2014 term. But, nominations are
open for anyone interested. Billie Szymanski, our current
Treasurer, has done a great job. Her term expires at the June
board meeting. Although she is unable to complete another
term, we appreciate the service she has given the guild over
the past two years.
Vice President
Performs duties of absent president and those assigned
by president
Provides Announcement forms at meetings for
members and collects announcement requests and
submits them to the president
Prepares guild meeting location for meeting
Insures building doors are open prior to meeting and
closed at end of meetings
Arranges for needed equipment for meeting, i.e. tables,
chairs, and arrangement, screens, extension cords, etc.
Assists the Program Chairperson when necessary and
may introduce the speaker
Attends board and general meetings
Maintains clear, concise, and accurate financial
records for the guild in both electronic and paper
Accurately tracks of money received, deposited, and
Manages and balances guild checking account
Deposits guild funds into the account in a timely manner
(within 48 hours of receipt)
Submits reports by Chairpersons/members and
deposits monies into guild bank account (within 1
Completes and files all required tax forms/reports and
non-profit status forms on time
Maintains and pays rental fee for Guild P.O. Box
Brings $40 in cash and change, petty cash, to each
guild meeting
Attends board and general guild meetings
Compiles from committee chairs’ submitted figures
projected budget for board and Members’ review and
approval September yearly
Program Chairperson
For the five guild meetings per guild calendar year,
Plans and organizes speakers and/or activities for guild
general meetings
Contacts possible teachers for guild meeting
presentations and possible workshops, and report to
the board for approval: Fees, Expenses (travel,
accommodations, food, etc.), Teaching topics and
workshops, Available dates
Is the contact person for the Speaker
Attends board and general meetings
Publicity Chairperson
Maintains an Updated Mailing List of Local Quilt Shops,
Community Groups, and Newspapers
Prepares and distributes the Meeting Announcements
and Press Releases for the Guild’s five meetings per
Prepares the annual GOQG Bookmark or post card
Attends board and general meetings
By Beth and Irene
Search for New Meeting Place
Currently, Epiphany Lutheran Church has not sent a
new contract to us, though we have contacted the church
several times. So, staying at the church may not be an
option at any price.
The search committee is checking out locations for a
new “home” for the guild meetings. The committee
members include Carmen El-Amin, Ellie Grabarczyk,
Kathy Deanda, Diana Lindhorst, and Sue Holliday,
and Irene Rose.
Kathy suggested we look at members’ zip codes to
see if we can find a central location. Members were
counted by their zip codes. We found that 63 of our
members live in north Toledo or north of Toledo. Sixtyone of our members live in Toledo, or just east, west, or
south of Toledo.
The survey forms we are filling out for each place we
consider (so we “compare apples to apples”) have
twenty questions and room for comments. Information
we are collecting includes:
Location, parking availability and lighting,
handicap accessibility, and safety of the area
Seating available for 100 people at a meeting,
Permission for food or non-alcoholic drink?
Is there a stage area or working screen and
microphone available
The surveys will not be complete by the
publishing of the newsletter, so we will send a
special notice to all members when they are
completed and compiled. Expect to hear from us in
early May. The options will be presented and voted
on at the May 16 meeting.
So, we are in search of a “new home” for our guild.
The good news is we are finding some options. Wish us
luck, and we’ll be sharing our findings with you soon!
Take care, and enjoy the spring.
By Irene Rose
Guild Stuff
Meeting dates General:, 5/16 Board: 6/20
$25/year, Sept.-June, or $10-Jan.-June,
Guests, $10 except January
Refreshments: 5/2013 brought by A-F
Door prizes: bring your address labels
50/50 Raffle: Bring your money; both the guild and a
member win!
Fat Quarter raffle themes: May: nature
Upcoming meetings; May: Champions of Charity.
We may also have some mini demos.
Report on the Guild Retreat 2013
The Michindoh Retreat was very enjoyable. The
surroundings were beautiful, the hall was spacious, and the
food was exceedingly good. The “Pot Holder Challenge” was
a lot of fun and our winner received a $25.00 gift certificate
for Quilt Heaven.
There are some pictures on Facebook so check them
out, if you haven’t already done so. We are already making
inquiries on a date for next year, so if you couldn’t join us this
year, maybe next year you can!
Retreat 2014 will be at Michindoh
April 11-13, 2013
Save those dates for some fun quilting and
by Diana Jacob
Treasurer for 2013-2015
Treasurer primarily keeps records (half page), writes
checks, deposits income. and turns in half-page
report each board meeting.
Program Chairs
for 2013-2014 and 2013-2015
Some programs are getting lined up for 2013-14, but a
leader needs to make sure all is lined up right. and by
fall it will be time to start lining up 2014-15 programs.
Nominating committee
Contact list is prepared. Bookmarks or post cards need
to be created and distributed with meeting times and
place as well as programs topics. Help is available for
the graphic work. News releases need to be sent, by
email usually, to local guilds, shops and publishers in
time before each meeting.
Guild Survey Q & A’s
March 21, 2013
Have you ever participated in the Fat Quarter
Yes – 29
No – 6
Please suggest some themes for next year’s Fat
Quarter Raffle
Conversational Prints
30’s Fabrics Bright & Wild Bright Solids
Polka dots or Stripes
Pinks Animals
All & Any Reproduction Fabrics – Various Eras
Civil War Reproductions
Have you entered a quilt in the April 2013 Sauder
Quilt Show?
Yes – 11
No – 26
Are you planning to enter a quilt in the Kaleidoscope
XVI Quilt Show?
Yes – 11
No – 17
Maybe – 9
Do you use a thimble when you hand sew?
Yes – 22
No – 11
Both – 2
If yes, what kind?
Metal – 17 Leather – 10
Rubber – 4
Leather Dot – 1 Other – 1 (The Paddle by James
Adkins – Best Thing Ever!)
Do you usually Pre-Wash your fabric?
Yes – 21
No – 12
Sometimes – 1
With Retayne – 1
When you sew, do you listen to:
TV – 19
Radio – 16
A friend – 2
MP3 Player – 3
CD Player – 1
Audiobook – 2
Nothing, I like quiet – 7
What is your favorite quilting gadget?
¼” foot (multiple votes)
Olfa Ergonomic Rotary Cutter (multiple votes)
Klutz Glove for safe rotary cutting
6 ½” Ruler – Use to cut my borders (multiple
Stitch Regulator – Even Stitch Machine Foot
8 ½” & 4 ½” Square Rulers
Bobbin Winder (multiple votes)
Seam Ripper with rubberized ends (multiple votes)
3/8” Ruler
Creative Grid Rulers (multiple votes)
The Paddle by James Adkins for Hand Quilting
The round thing that holds several needles that u
thread for hand quilting
Transfer Paper to mark quilting designs
Clear red ruler
Possible questions for future meetings:
How many quilts have you made?
How do you document the quilts you’ve made?
Do you label your quilts?
Which charities have you made a quilt for?
How old were you when you started to sew?
To quilt?
Who taught you to sew?
To quilt?
Do you hand piece?
Do you hand quilt?
How has your quilting evolved?
Do you quilt in the same way you imagined in the
Where and how do you store your stash?
Compiled by Beth Rohrbacher
More Quilt Shows
Bus Trip to Grand Rapids, MI
AQS Quilt Show
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Sponsored by Village Quilters
Cost is $50 including the show ticket.
Meals are on your own.
Tentative Itinerary:
Leave Archbold, 7:00am
Arrive Grand Rapids: 10am
Leave Grand Rapids: 5pm
Fast Food Supper, eat on the bus
Arrive Archbold: 8pm
Need payment by June 12, 2013
There are 56 seats on the bus, and the trip will
be cancelled if we can not get 32 people.
32 is the break even point so anything over
that will be reimbursed when we leave
Sharon Moore, 202 Misty Lane,
Montpelier, OH 43543 419-485-3365
[email protected]
Elaine Weyandt, 404 N. Lincoln St,
Archbold, OH 43502 567-444-4532
[email protected]
Make checks out to Village Quilters, checks
will not be cashed until after June 12, 2013.
Fiber 577
Perrysburg, Ohio
June 8 & 9, 2013
Juried exhibit showcasing diversity and unique
character of fiber and fiber influenced mixed
media work.
Quilt Camp/Retreat
If you want a week of quilting, fellowship, swimming,
no cooking, check with Hattie Kate about Kirkmont
Center’s Quilt Retreats near Bellefontaine, Ohio (2
miles east of Zanesfield). Retreats are scheduled
for June 9-14 and July 28-Aug. 2. Cost is only $350
and includes all meals Sunday evening through
lunch Friday. [except lunch on shop hop]. Several
others come from NW Ohio and several from Lima,
Greenville or SW Ohio. Historically the camp has
been Presbyterian, but now is a separate non-profit
corporation welcoming those with any or no religion,
and novice and experienced quilters. Their phone is
1-866-496-3214 and website is
Pieceful Times’ New Editor
Welcome Lynette Brown to the guild and newsletter.
Support her with timely articles, reports, and
information. Compliment her for her willingness to learn
a new skill and to become an active participant in the
Gathering of Quilter Guild. New to Sylvania from
Bowling Green and recently retired from school
psychology, she is an accomplished quilter, too.
The Original Creative Festival
June 13-15, 2013
Sharonville Convention Center
Chester Rd, Sharonville OH 45246
Vendor shopping, classes, stage presentations
and quilt art displays. Lecture by Marianne
Fons and classes by Baby Lock designer Joi
A little humor from Facebook and Cafe Press T-shirts
Quilt Foundry
Where friendships are forged
through quilting
234 W. Wayne Street, Maumee, OH 43537
HOURS: Monday-Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday - Saturday 10 am - 4pm
Owners Lisa and Rich Spalding
Sunday noon - 4pm
Everything you need to be a quilt maker!
Quilted Rose Kelly Jackson
I Have a Notion
Irene Rose, 419-481-4366 in Sylvania, Ohio
Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful.
The same goes for quilts
Check out her quilts and quilting at
Quilted Rose on FB
email: [email protected]
25696 Britanny Rd., Perrysburg. OH 43551
Where friendly customer service and great prices are just routine.
“Quilt The World With Love & Comfort”
New Location:
8177 Secor Road, Lambertville, MI 48144
Phone: (734) 568-6607
Email: [email protected]
Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10am - 6pm
116 W. Indiana (back), Perrysburg, OH 43551
Tuesday – Saturday 10-4 and only a phone call away.
Please join the Toledo/Lucas County Chapter
Of Project Linus for the following Work Days:
Saturday, November 10th
10 am - 2pm Living Faith United Methodist Church
We will be putting pre-cut “bricks” together into kits for tops and others
1240 Columbus St, Holland, OH
Saturday, January 12th
1:30 - 3:30
Sonflower Quilts, 6600 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania
We will be putting several varieties of kits together and getting ready for Make a Blanket Day.
We will be cutting fabric for kits as well.
Also - Please mark your calendars for Annual Make a Blanket Day!
Saturday, February 16th
11 am - 3 pm Quilt Heaven, 8177 Secor Rd., Lambertville, MI
A light lunch will be served. We welcome anyone to join us at our work days. If you would like to bring your machine and rotary
cutters, that’s great. We will have blankets to label most work days as well. This is a great opportunity for students in need of
service hours! We look forward to seeing you! Thank you!
Please keep Ellie Grabarczyk and her mom in your thoughts and prayers... Ellie's mom,
Co-Chapter Coordinators: Toledo/Lucas County, Nina Riddle (419) 779-6260 and Billie Szymanski (419) 787-4046
Virginia Grabarczyk, passed away April 15. Her crocheted Linus blankets will be missed.
Also remember member Carol Fleitz whose husband passed away recently.
News from The Quilt Foundry:
Ricky Tims:
May 2-4, 2013 - Rochester, MI
We are a proud Promotional Partner for the upcoming
Ricky Tims Super Quilt Seminar at the Oakland
Christian Church near Rochester, Michigan. It is a
fantastic opportunity for quilters in our region. You can
get more info and read the details on Ricky's website,– to watch the video.
Sauder 37th Annual Quilt Show
Tuesday, April 30 – Sunday, May 5, 2013
Check their website to see this year’s classes and
winners. Our guild has had several winners each year!
Kaleidoscope of Quilts XVI Quilt Show
July 19-20, 2013 presented by Glass City Quilt
Commission at The Exhibition Center at Sylvania
[Tam-O-Shanter] 7060 Sylvania Ave.
Guild: incorporate fabrics from each of the fat
quarter themes into a quilt 30” x 30” or smaller. When
you bring a fat quarter each month save one for
yourself. Due at the May meeting. The themes of the
fabrics are: Pink, Holiday, Nautical, Pastels, Nature/
landscape. The prizes will be gift certificates: $75,
$50, and $25, to local quilt shops!
Guild Co-Presidents’ Can this guild make at
least 100 miniature quilts for Ami Sims fundraiser for
Alzheimer's? The quilts must be 9”x12” for the AAQI,
Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative. Each time you want to
try out a new technique or pattern,or challenge with
expensive fabric, make a 9”x12” miniature and
embellish it to make it special. Due at the May
meeting. Check the website for quilt of the month
Sauder With the theme of “Veiled in Mystery” and
the Stonehenge fabrics, create a wall hanging
between 24”x24” and 36”x36”. For more info, stop by
at Quilts of Tradition in Archbold OH or check their
website. These wall hangings are displayed together
in the lobby.
Kaleidoscope Celebrate Glass City Quilt
Commission’s 16th Kaleidoscope show, the theme is
“Sweet Sixteen”. Use 16 design elements and 16
fabrics for this quilt. For more details check:
Opportunities to Quilt for Charity
Project Linus: Kits are usually available at Guild
meetings to take home to sew.
Monthly sewing bees are held the first Friday
10am-2pm at Holland Living Faith United Methodist
Church at 1240 Columbus Street. Bring your favorite
sewing tools, with your address label on them.
Billie will be attending the national Project Linus
convention in June.
Nationally we delivered over 5000 quilts last week!
Thank you!
Chapter Coordinator for Toledo/Lucas County, Billie
Szymanski (419) 419-861427 or email:
[email protected] .
Quilts of Compassion: For current information
of meeting times and places, contact Janice Grimes at
[email protected] or check their
Facebook page. The mission is ongoing and
undergoing some adaptations.
Blue Skies: Blue Skies Quilting & Gifts is making
personalized quilts, celebrating the life of each child
and adult in the Newtown Massacre, and we
especially need people who are willing to quilt a size
approximately 60” x 70?”. Everyone is welcomed to
drop by the shop to cut kits, iron or sew on Tuesdays
through Friday 10 - 4 or Sat. 10-2. Oh, we moved
across the alley so please note our new address:
116 W. Indiana Ave. Perrysburg, OH 43551
AAQI: This is the last year for this charity, because it
has been so successful. See challenge article for
website and further information. Browsing through
photos of those mini art quilts for sale is great fun and
inspiration. If you are planning to do one of the
challenges, practice in miniature: 9”x12”.
Epiphany Quilters (at our current meeting place)
The Epiphany Quilters meet weekly to tie quilts for
Lutheran World Relief. They also make some of our
"cloth sandwiches" for the Sparrow's Nest and the
Linus Project. They welcome helping hands, as well
as fabric, yarn, and cash donations. Fridays: Coffee
and devotions at 10:00 a.m., sack lunch at noon, done
at 2:00 p.m.
Bus Trip
44th ANNUAL N.Q.A. QUILT SHOW - - Please join us
for a day of fun and information. Saturday, June 29,
2013, Bus will leave from the Bedford Senior Center
for the Columbus Convention Center, Columbus Ohio.
Cost $50 includes transportation, driver's tip,
admission to the show, snacks, and on board games.
Please contact Margie Stone 734-854-2381 for
additional information, or you may send your check to,
and made payable to, the Bedford Senior Community
Center, 1623 Samaria Road, Temperance, MI 48182.
Top Quilting Myths by Russ Clelland
1. MYTH: Polyester thread wi!! cut my cotton fabric.
TRUTH: Polyester thread will not cut any fabric. This myth
came about when polyester thread was first put on the
market and used in clothing. The original polyester thread
was not much more than fishing line covered in cotton.
When stress was applied to a seam, the thread would not
give, but the fabric would rip to relieve the pressure.
Today's polyester thread is the same strength as today's
2. MYTH: Polyester batting will bunch up inside or beard
through my quilt and cotton batting doesn't.
TRUTH: All battings regardless of what fiber it is can
bunch up or beard. The bunching up of a batting is
caused by not following the guidelines for density of
quilting. The bearding can be caused by a dull or too
large quilting needle, thread which is too thick, poor
quality bat or fabric and pressing seams open.
3. MYTH: My sewing machine is so accurate; it never sews
TRUTH: Regardless of how expensive or deluxe a
machine is, we still have to tell it what we want done. We
are the creators of our projects and the sewing machine is
just one of the tools we use.
4. MYTH: I need to have quilting, topstitch, and universal
needles to quilt by sewing machine. TRUTH: Most
needles are identical. Schmetz quilting and topstitch
needles are the same needle, just in different packages.
What matters most about the needle is the size (70,80,
90, and 100). Use a topstitch needle the size
recommended for the thread you are going to sew with;
the smaller needles (70) for very fine threads.
5. MYTH: I don't have to measure and cut my borders (or
sashing or backings); I can just sew and trim off the
TRUTH: This is the number one reason for a quilt to have
tucks or ripples when quilted. When we place a quilt top
on the longarm, we stretch the fabrics to make sure we
don't Introduce any tucks, but fabric can only stretch so
far. If your blocks are small and your borders are large,
we can't make the borders lay flat. If the back doesn't lie
flat, quilting won't make it lay flatter, it will just have tucks.
6. MYTH: All border seams have to be bias or made on the
TRUTH: I have yet to see a bias or diagonal seam that is
perfect (even mine are slightly off). Why would anyone
introduce a seam that is 40% longer into a border? If I am
trying to disguise my seams, there are other tricks I use. If
I am concerned about pattern match (always buy lots of
extra fabric) I match my patterns with straight seams and
then cut my border pieces.
7. MYTH: Fabric is ALWAYS wound on the bolt straight.
TRUTH: Fabric is wound on a bolt by machine with the
machine just pulling off the roll. When fabric is cut off the
bolt, it may not be "grain straight" and can cause
problems with pieces (when sewn) being wavy or
"crooked". Remember when fabric was ripped off the bolt
or roll? This was the way for the salesperson to make
sure that you got the correct amount of good fabric.
8. MYTH: Clothing fabric (even non-cotton) is great for
TRUTH: There are many different types of fabrics today
that can be used in a quilt. My guideline for putting
clothing into a quilt is to use fabrics that are similar fibers,
weights and quality together. A beautiful silk patch against
a denim patch is going to show wear along that seam in a
short time. Also remember to use a LIGHTWEIGHT
stabilizer on anything that stretches before you cut.
9. MYTH: The pattern or book is always correct.
TRUTH: We all know that statement is a myth. How many
times have you seen a pattern that calls for width of fabric
strips to be cut for a quilt without additional description of
the actual size to be cut for each piece? How many times
have you bought the exact fabric for a project only to find
you are missing a piece when you cut it out? The best
advice is to read the pattern over carefully (I use a
calculator as I do) and ask others if they made this project
without any problems. As sad as I am to burst bubbles,
we are all human and we all make mistakes. The actual
trick is to learn from our mistakes as we practice to
become better quilters.
10. MYTH: I have a quilt I want long armed a certain way
and my long arm artist says it cannot be done.
TRUTH: Most long arm artists (LAA) have things that they
enjoy doing more than others. They also know what their
and their machines capabilities. It may be that the LAA
doesn't want to quilt it your way, or what you are asking
for is beyond the capabilities of their machine or
themselves. Deciding on a design for quilting is a
collaborative effort between you and the LAA. The most
important thing to remember is time equals money.
Always think, "If I had to do this for this amount, would I
be happy?" Most LAAs work on others quilts because we
LIKE to.
Quilting Links from Kathy Hubert
Mary Frances Sewing Book Adventure Among
Thimble People; This a cute children's book about online here:
A nice resource by Ruby Short McKim 1931:
Fun patchwork designing tool:
Quilting is a Sport!
It involves: Batting, Running stitches,
Pumping Iron, Rowing, Hunting for Fabric,
Hooping, and Ditching.
Yay! I’m Athletic!
Wish upon a Quilt, from Facebook!