From Exploitation to Sustainability? Global


From Exploitation to Sustainability? Global
From Exploitation to Sustainability? Global Perspectives on the History and Future of Resource Depletion
Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
Herausgegeben von Jörg Hacker, Präsident der Akademie
BAND 114
From Exploitation to Sustainability?
Global Perspectives on the History and
Future of Resource Depletion
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
DFG Research Training Group “Interdisciplinary Environmental History”
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
6 –7 December 2010
Bernd Herrmann (Göttingen)
Member of the Academy
Christof Mauch (Munich)
With 28 Figures and 1 Table
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina –
Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Halle (Saale) 2013
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart
Redaktion: Dr. Michael Kaasch und Dr. Joachim Kaasch
Die Schriftenreihe Nova Acta Leopoldina erscheint bei der Wissenschaftlichen Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart,
Birkenwaldstraße 44, 70191 Stuttgart, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Jedes Heft ist einzeln käuflich.
Die Schriftenreihe wird gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung sowie das Ministerium für
Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt.
Für die finanzielle Unterstützung der Veranstaltung danken wir der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, dem
Deutschen Museum München, der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Clearing the forest for makeshift huts, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Source: Julien Harneis on Flickr.
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© 2013 Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V. – Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften
Postadresse: Jägerberg 1, 06108 Halle (Saale), Postfachadresse: 110543, 06019 Halle (Saale)
Hausadresse der Redaktion: Emil-Abderhalden-Straße 37, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: +49 345 47239134, Fax: +49 345 47239139,
Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Jörg Hacker, Präsident der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina –
Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften
Printed in Germany 2013
Gesamtherstellung: Druck-Zuck GmbH Halle (Saale)
ISSN: 0369-5034
Gedruckt auf chlorfrei gebleichtem Papier.
Mauch, Christof: Introduction .......................................................................................
Opening Speeches
Huber, Bernd: Welcome ................................................................................................
Heubisch, Wolfgang: Address ........................................................................................
Lohse, Martin J.: Welcome Address ...............................................................................
McNeill, John R.: Envisioning an Ecological Atlantic, 1500–1850 .............................
Carruthers, Jane: Vanishing Herds? Transformations in Wildlife Hunting in Southern
Africa, 1830 –2000 ..................................................................................................
Robin, Libby: The Love-Hate Relationship with Land in Australia: Presenting “Exploitation
and Sustainability” in Museums ....................................................................................
Padua, José Augusto: The Politics of Forest Conservation in Brazil: A Historical
View ........................................................................................................................
Chakrabarti, Ranjan: History and Future of Water in South Asia: A Preliminary
Probe .......................................................................................................................
Chibilev, Alexander, and Levykin, Sergei: Virgin Lands Divided by an Ocean: The
Fate of Grasslands in the Northern Hemisphere
(Translated and annotated by David Moon) ...........................................................
Elvin, Mark: Sustainability versus Adaptation: Comments on the Chinese
Experience ............................................................................................................... 105
Melosi, Martin V.: Coping with Abundance Revisited: American Energy Choices ...... 129
Environmental Studies: Research in Progress
Doctoral Dissertations from Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen
Anders, Ulrike: Less Bread—More Stones: Land-Use Change from the Late
Eighteenth Century to the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century. A Regional
Study of Göttingen .................................................................................................. 141
Cammin, Ronny: Analyses of the Utilisation and Protection of Waterways in Lower
Saxony during the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (1350–1650) .... 145
Kieseler, Andreas: Natural Environment and Societal Actions in the West Slavic
Territory: Conditions and Effects of Hillfort Building in the Natural Environment,
Eighth to Twelfth Centuries .................................................................................... 147
Kronenberg, Nicole: Disaster Responses to Floods: A Comparison of Vietnam and
Germany in the Twentieth Century ......................................................................... 153
Lassen, Thore: Famines in Early Modern History: An Environmental Analysis of the
Landscapes in Lower Saxony, 1690–1750 .............................................................. 155
Riesmeyer, Philipp: High and Low Water Events on North German Rivers: Coping
with Hydrological Extremes on the River Weser, 1800–1950. A Case Study ........ 157
Sprenger, Jana: Animal Pests in Agriculture and Forestry: Perception, Damage, and
Control in Prussian Brandenburg, 1700–1850 ........................................................ 159
Szücs, Linda: Changes of the Landscape since the End of the Eighteenth Century in the
District of Göttingen ............................................................................................... 163
Doctoral Dissertations from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
Achermann, Dania: A Case Study on the History of the Atmospheric Sciences ......... 169
Blanc, Julia: How Green is the Church? An Analysis of Subsidiarity in the Catholic
Church in Environmental Policy Debate: A Case Study of Selected European
Countries ................................................................................................................. 173
Blocher, Ewald: Constructing Modern Egypt: Experts, Dams, and the Transformation
of the Nile, 1882–1970 ........................................................................................... 175
Datta, Shrabana: Local Perceptions of Climate Change: An Assessment of Climate
Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in the Area near Gangotri Glacier ................... 177
Hofmann, Rebecca: Perception and Reception of Climate Change in Micronesia ....... 179
Ibeh, Lawrence: The Geography of Civil Conflict on the Oil Frontiers of the Niger
Delta Region of Nigeria: Modelling the Ecological Correlates and Risk of MicroLevel Violent Conflict, 1980s–2010 ........................................................................ 181
Kistler, Sebastian: How Much Equality Is Fair? Social-Ethical Studies on Sustainable
and Fair Climate Protection .................................................................................... 183
Kneitz, Agnes: Econovels: The Concept of Environmental Justice in the Nineteenth
Century Social Novel .............................................................................................. 185
Mauch, Felix: Erinnerungsfluten: The Storm Flood of 1962 in Hamburg’s Civic
Memory ................................................................................................................... 187
Möller, Angelika: “With Recreation for All:” Cemeteries as City Parks in New York
City, 1811–1898 ...................................................................................................... 189
Monajati, Zarrin: Possibilities and Capacities of Islamic Societies to Construct
Environmental Ethics with a Focus on Iranian Society and its Media ................... 191
Roxo, Valentina: Struggle for Oil: An Environmental History of West Siberia, 1970s–
2008 ......................................................................................................................... 193

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