B - Science on Stage Deutschland


B - Science on Stage Deutschland
Main sponsor
Representation of
the European
Commission in
Supported by
Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung
Investition in Ihre Zukunft!
Published by:
Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.
Poststr. 4/5
10178 Berlin
Overall coordination and editing:
Dr. Wolfgang Welz, Vice Chairman
Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.
Stefanie Schlunk, Executive Coordinator
Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.
Johanna Schulze, Assistant
Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.
Picture credits:
The authors have checked all aspects of copyright for the
images used in this publication to the best of their knowledge.
Layout / Cover image:
weber. kreative dienstleistungen
Representation of the European Commission in Germany
THINK ING., an Initiative of the German Association of Metal
and Electrical Industry Employers
Federal Ministry for Education and Research
Technologiestiftung Berlin
Siemens AG
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Heidehof Stiftung
Printed by:
dmp digital- und offsetdruck GmbH, Berlin
Dear Participants,
What keeps Europe moving?
One of the driving forces of Europe is knowledge. The
improvement of living standards, quality of life, health and
the environment all depend greatly on the advancement of
knowledge and its applications. This is why Europe must
become even better at producing knowledge through research, at diffusing it through education and applying it
through innovation.
One of the most important tasks we have is to make
sure our educational system fits the needs of today’s and
tomorrow’s society. In this context, it is sad to see that
many young people turn away from science studies, in spite
of an initial attraction to natural phenomena and the search
for explanations.
Science classes need to become more appealing to students and the image of science and scientists have to become more positive. Therefore, students have to expe­rience
their own learning as authentic and “do science” instead of
having to “learn about science”.
Across Europe, national governments are waking up to
the problem of falling interest among young people for key
science subjects and mathematics. It is being recognised
that the purpose of education is not just about the transfer
of competences – to be able to read and write and count, to
learn about society in which we live and to develop notions
of citizenship – but also to develop the capacity to think
and handle information in a rational and structured way.
But what further action can be taken in Europe to support science education in primary and secondary schools?
An expert group chaired by Mr Michel Rocard and set up
by the European Commission argues strongly for a new ap-
proach to science education that breaks radically with traditional pedagogical methods. It asserts that a reversal of
school science-teaching pedagogy from mainly deductive
to inquiry-based methods provides the means to increase
interest in science.
With the dissemination and use of inquiry based teaching
methods on large scale in Europe, we are aiming at bringing
about a change in the way science is taught in school. Such
change requires movement at various levels: training and
continuously supporting and motivating teachers, helping
them to develop teacher’s networks, and emphasising the
role of third parties such as scientific organisations, universities and cities, while respecting the diversity of national
(and local) contexts.
An intensive and educational week of training activities
conducted by eminent scientists is, for many teachers, an
excellent basis for deploying their ideas and thus contribu­
ting to innovation in science and technology teaching. The
establishment of a (cross-disciplinary) dialogue between
science teachers and researchers has undoubtedly contribu­
ted to the success of the “Science on Stage” festival since
its creation in 2000, and I am sure this national edition of
Science on Stage Deutschland in Berlin 2008 will be no
Janez Potočnik
Member of the European Commission
Education and science are becoming the most important
societal resources as highly developed countries evolve
into post-industrial, knowledge-based social and economic
systems. A society that wishes to be internationally compe­
titive must invest far-sightedly, systematically and effec­
tive­ly in education, training and lifelong learning and must
seek to optimise its science and research systems. The
competition for future opportunities will increasingly be on
an international level – especially, the competition for quality in education and science systems. This is the challenge
that Germany must face.
Education is one of the key factors for our innovative
strength and competitiveness. It contributes significantly
to sustaining the quality of life. Arousing the interest, competence and creative potential of our young generation is
therefore a prerequisite for preparing for the challenges of
the future. Unfortunately, the teaching of science in schools
has in the past been dominated by a methodological monoculture which concentrates on conveying content. Factual
knowledge (“knowing that”) has stood in the foreground,
while procedural knowledge (“knowing how”) and reflexive
knowledge (“knowing why”) have been largely neglected.
In order to arouse a broader public interest in science and
technology issues, we have to change the way in which
these subjects are taught in schools.
“Science on Stage” can be seen as a highly promising
initiative for disseminating innovative educational ideas in
an international context. Its aim is to get more students
involved in relevant and authentic activities in science and
technology. Furthermore, it opens up many new, large­­ly in­
for­mal ways of communicating knowledge. Presenting
­science so as to affect the minds and, even more important,
the hearts of young people is central to promoting creative
talent and establishing a lifelong interest in these important areas.
This is where education meets science and why ‘Science
on Stage’ must be seen as an important actor in the public
understanding of science. Once afflicted with the virus of
knowledge, many young people go on to become young
scientists. They start to produce the knowledge modern societies need, and they face a new challenge: that of presen­
ting results in a way society and ordinary people can handle.
This is what we mean when we talk about public understanding of science.
It may be that all this is well-known in 2008. But when
the Ministry of Education and Research launched the “Years
of Science” campaign in 2000, it was not. Back then, it was
even quite surprising that the Ministry initiated a campaign
to fill society and young people in particular with enthusiasm for scientific topics. “The Year of Physics” marked the
start in 2000 and further years followed: “The Year of Life
Sciences”, “The Year of Geological Sciences” etc. They all had
one thing in common: they presented important results from
highly specialised fields of research in an articulate manner
to show the impact of research and to trace the path from
knowledge to invention and from invention to innovation.
More­over, each “Year of Science” contributed to our goal of
getting more young people interested in science and research.
The year 2008 is the “Year of Mathematics” and it focuses
on topics which are usually considered dry and not at all
en­­­tertaining. We can currently observe that these prejudices are largely wrong. Mathematics is every­where in our
everyday lives. It is in MP3-players, in train times, in architecture and in supermarket checkout lines. We can see it,
touch it and even smell and taste it when eating diet cake
containing artificial sweetener, for instance.
The “Year of Science 2009” will be named “Research Expedition Germany”. It will mark the 60th anniversary of the
founding of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949 and
the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
The “Year of Science 2009” will show how Germany has
de­­­pended on science during its post-war history and how
ideas, inventions and innovation have shaped the country’s
economic rise and welfare, its democratic and social development. Furthermore, it will demonstrate how a democratic society that guarantees the freedom of science can produce strength and creativity of mind - the primary source
of successful research. Thus the “Year of Science 2009” will
mark the transition from a subject-based to a theme-orien­
ted communication of science.
To fill young people with enthusiasm for science is to lay
the corner stone for success in the age of the knowledge socie­
ty. There are different ways to go about doing this. The “Years
of Science” and “Science on Stage” are just two of them.
Dr. Annette Schavan, MdB
Federal Minister of Education and Research
Guiding themes / Workshops at the Science on Stage Festival
Guiding themes / Workshops
Dear participants and guests,
Welcome to the Science on Stage Festival 2008 in Berlin!
Europe is merging – also in terms of youth education.
All countries are increasingly committed to foster a general
education of their children in science and technology in a
way that maintains and supports their natural desire for
discovery and research, strengthens their cerebral powers
and makes our youth fit for a dynamic Europe.
Science on Stage Deutschland e.V. (SonSD) and THINK
ING. are convinced that one good approach is to focus on
teachers and thus look across national borders to see what
European teachers can learn from one another, to challenge
teaching scripts, find inspiration in ‘good practice’ examples
and take the insights gained back home to national teacher
training platforms.
In this festival booklet you find the abstracts of all projects
presented in this symposium. The complete descriptions
are displayed on our homepage www.science-on-stage.de
and can be downloaded to inspire and motivate as many
teachers as possible to improve their science lessons.
We are glad to be able to present such a great number of
stimulating projects from many different European countries – and Canada.
This gives reason to thank all our supporters that helped
us to spread these ideas, above all the National Steering
Committees who organized their own national events to
select participants for our science teaching festival, and the
volunteers who spent a lot of energy and time.
And of course we are very grateful to our financial supporters, especially GESAMTMETALL, the employers’ association for the metal and electrical industry.
We hope that this festival will be a successful kick-off
for a sustainable European exchange in fostering science
Again, a very warm welcome to our Science on Stage
Festival 2008 in Berlin!
Otto Lührs
Wolfgang Welz
Wolfgang Gollub
Chairman SonSD
Vice Chairman
The symposium Science on Stage is structured by six
guiding themes. That means the categories Fair, Workshop/
Round Tables and On Stage-Activities (performances and
presentations) are structured by:
- Science in kindergarten and primary School (1),
- Interdisciplinary teaching (2),
-“Hands-on” experiment to boost motivation and
c­ognition? (3),
- Self-perception in the teaching process (4),
-Are non-formal education initiatives always beneficial?
-Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher ­
of the future (6).
Round Tables/Workshops are a good opportunity to discuss current issues of teaching, to present own teaching
methods or to develop new material.
The process that starts here – necessarily restricted by
the number of the mentioned six guiding themes – will be
continued by the participants in their multiplying function
in 2009/2010. This will contribute to the process of qualifying the German and European level of science education
in a sustainable way. Science on Stage Deutschland e.V. and
THINK ING. will collect the results of the Round Tables/
Workshops and make them available for other teachers to
give their work some stimulation. The continuation of the
Workshops is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
For each of these themes the organisers offer a Workshop/Round Table Discussion, guided by our coordinators:
-Dr. Ute Hänsler, Two 4 Science, Darmstadt; Dr. Gerhard
Sauer, Department for teachers education, SINUS primary
school, Gießen (Workshop 1)
-Russell Hodge, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), Berlin; supported by Pascal Daman, Lycée de
garçons de Luxembourg (Workshop 2)
-Dr. Annette Schmitt, Max-Planck-Schule, Rüsselsheim;
Prof. Dr. Klaus Wendt, Universität Mainz (Workshop 3)
-Jürgen Miericke, lecturer University Nürnberg-Erlangen;
Dr. Wolfgang Welz, Leading Education Authority Officer
(retired), Cologne (Workshop 4)
-Dominik Essing, phaeno Wolfsburg; Prof. Dr. Manfred
Euler, Leibniz Institut for Science Education (Workshop 5)
-Martin Falk, Albert Einstein Gymnasium Buchholz (Secon­
dary school); Prof. Dr. Dirk Krüger, Freie Universität Berlin.
All participants divide into six groups, more or less 50 persons each.
A FAIR A.1 Science in kindergarten and
primary school
A.1.1 What do Plants need?
A.1.2 Potatoes for Schools / Plant a Sock
A.1.3 Kindergarten and primary school project at the
A.1.4 Everything about Electricity
A.1.5 Physics in Kindergarten and Elementary schools 14
A.1.6 Tracking down the Villain –
In the criminal Investigation Lab
A.1.7 Forschergarten (Explorer’s garden) –
Experimental offer for children in Kindergarten
and primary school
A.1.8 Little Scientists: Science 4 kids
A.1.9 My School is a Science Center
A.1.10 Is it really a child’s play?
Teaching science to kindergarten kids
A.1.11 EinSteinchens EinBlick – Little Einstein’s Insight
A.1.12 Equation of unequate educational and social
Opportunities – Strong Children
A.1.13 The Candle under the Water Glass
A.1.14 Discovering Space with Children –
Fascinating Astronomy for the Youngest
A.1.15 Science as a transitional subject in kindergarten
and primary school
A.1.16 Light and Shadows –Shadows Aren‘t Always Black 18
A.2 Interdisciplinary teachinG
A.2.1 The year of astronomy
A.2.2 Astronomy-Architecture
A.2.3 Science in the Schools!
(Wissenschaft in die Schulen! – WiS!)
A.2.4 Human Spaceflight in the Classroom
A.2.5 Out in Space
A.2.6 Tell me about the World
A.2.7 Creative Science chemical stories and a
A.2.8 Scientific Workshop
A.2.9 Learning Enrichment of gifted and interested
Students in natural Science
A.2.10 If Colours become a health Problem –
Coloured T-shirts with Colours of Plants
A.2.11 An eye for an eye
A.2.12 Lights, shadows and... illusions:
tools for understanding our mind
A.2.13 Interior views of the human body using medical
A.2.14 Visualizing Noise
A.2.15 Project oriented interdisciplinary Teaching of
Biology and Physics in the Grades 5 and 6
A.2.16 World-teaching Machines
A.2.17 Modeling – An opportunity to improve pupils’
A.2.18 Smoking Prevention Project
A.2.19 Solar Frog
A.2.20 Taking part in the competitions
„Innovative Technologies move Europe I, II, III“
A.2.21 The trace of the white gold – a interdisciplinary
station work to the topic salt as practice of the
solubility balance
A.2.22 Uranium Mining in Saxony and Thuringia and its
A.2.23 Process of combustion as scientific problem
A.2.24 Sun-oven
A.2.25 Reducing emissions: Planning and building of a
Solar Powered Model Stirling Engine
A.2.26 The wonderful World of the Crystals
A.2.27 Modern and future fuel Alternatives /
5-day Project Week for Students of an 11th Grade 28
A.2.28 Nano-Biotechnology: Experiments for Schools
at the Interface between Nanotechnology and
A.2.29 Nanotechnology and School
A.2.30 Chemistry goes bilingual modules for beginners 29
A.2.31 Science in Cooking
A.2.32 Science as bilingual Subject
A.2.33 How do Plants grow?
A.2.34 Amazing Bats – A bilingual Biology module
for German 6th graders
A.2.35 Using an interdisciplinary approach – a model
railway study group at a girls´grammar school
A.3Hands on-experiments to boost
motivation and cognition?
A.3.1 Green Lab Gatersleben –Science experience
A.3.2 Science & School – together we go for new ways 32
A.3.3 Rumours in the Dark – Bats see with their Ears.
An experimental Workshop
A.3.4 Driving Bats Bananas on Bananas – Observing the
feeding Behaviour of Bats – an experiment-based
didactic Unit
A.3.5 The Bicycle: An Open Book of Physics
A.3.6 A metal wire as measuring element for Measuring
forces and temperatures
A.3.7 Latexmotor
A.3.8 Physics with Bowling Balls
A.3.9 Rubbish Technology
A.3.10 Walking along the Physics Laboratory: What is
Electricity? The hydrogen Fuel of the Future
A.3.11 From rock salt to a high tech product
A.3.12 The Chemist and the Fireman faced with Fire
A.3.13 Model Experiments – Experiments in DVD
A.3.14 Metals in motion
A.3.15 An automatic page turner for disabled People
A.3.16 Lively Bees – Nasty Disease
(Flotte Bienen – fiese Viren)
A.3.17 A Bioinformatics Gene Hunting
A.3.18 Smoking Chemistry
A.3.19 Chemistry and physics in every day life and
practising magic in a circus – 2 become 1
A.3.20 Watt... en wat meer! – Watt... And some more!
A.3.21 Simple experiments in various levels of teaching
A.3.22 Iodine DOES NOT sublimate and other curiosities 38
A.3.23 Olympic Lab
A.3.24 Chemistry is Fun – action-oriented, open Chemistry39
A.3.25 Under Pressure
A.3.26 The spell of candles
A.3.27 Ultrasound in Liquids
A.3.28 Human interference with sand drift
A.3.29 Holography 4 Schools
A.3.30 Science Menu: “à la carte” Experiments among
Pans and Test Tubes
A.3.31 A new method for alpha-particle detection in a
classroom experiment
A.3.32 Change of pressures
A.3.33 Physics experiments with simple material
A.3.34 Experiment to measure and analyze the Motion of
a Pendulum using a programmable Sensor
A.3.36 Italian version of ‘Teaching Science in Europe’
A.3.37 From ESPERIA Mission to simple Experiments aimed
at reproducing some Space Flight Conditions
A.3.38 Hands-on Activities within Science Teaching:
Aspects and possibilities of Assessment
A.3.39 Learning at Workstations: Analysing Methane
A.3.40 Through Experiments to conceptual Understanding44
A.3.41 Students on the Beamlines
A.3.42 Hands on-Experiments
A.3.43 Why Pips don’t sprout in an Apple
A.3.44 Moving Particles
A.4Self-perception in the
teaching process
A.4.1 Biology 2.0
A.4.2 Let’s talk about Earth A.4.3 Writing Pad and Science
A.4.4 How can I draw it!?
A.5Are non-formal education INITIATIVES
always beneficial?
A.5.1 KON TE XIS ‘World of Exploring and Discovering’
A.5.2 Theme Day Molecular Biology –
Theme Day on Nutrition
A.5.3 Undiscovered potentials – Hands-On-Learning
as first step into the occupational world
A.5.4 Molecular Frontiers
A.5.6 Models of Sound
A.5.7 Weather-forecast – Explained by pupils
A.5.8 Open Instruction within the Framework of a
School Astronomy Team
A.5.9 Blue School (Błe˛kitna Szkoła)
A.5.10 Physics in an Amusement Park –
A Modern Approach to Classical Mechanics
A.5.11 Production of natural Gas in Lower Saxony –
students explore hightech in their region
A.5.12 Dynamics of the Catapult
A.5.13 Students’ Science Theatres
A.5.14 Chemistry Games
A.6Solo entertainer or moderator?
The science teacher of the future 53
A.6.1 BCSI-Team (Bio-Chemical-Science-Investigation) 53
A.6.2 Scientific appropriate learning in a multi-discipline
research laboratory at the Biotechnical Gymnasium
A.6.3 Geography Of Europe To Teenagers
A.6.4 O Fortuna velut luna statu variabilis! An alchemistic
Spektacle about Gold, Power and the Fickleness of
BRound Tables / Workshops
B.1 Science in kindergarten
and primary school
B.1.1 What Water can do
B.1.2 Macro and micro Level in Chemistry –
an experimental Field for little Chemists
B.1.3 Science as a transitional Subject in Kindergarten
and primary school
B.2 Interdisciplinary teaching
B.2.1 Influence of new tools (e.g. infrared camera) on
the effectiveness of teaching in natural sciences 58
B.2.2 Even and odd musical rhythms: do people prefer the
first ones?
B.2.3 Think & build Bridges
B.2.4 Regular Forms and their Models
B.2.5 Ring’round the Roses in the Houses of the Sun: to
play with Astronomy
B.2.6 The Educational Role of Science Teaching
B.2.7 Physics at your Hands
B.3“Hands on” experiments to boost
motivation and cognition?
B.3.1 Best of the giants! – Novel and simple hands on
experiments on polymers by pupils
B.3.2 What happens next?
B.3.3 Remotely controlled Laboratories (RCLs) in Physics
B.3.4 The Sunfollower
B.4 Self-perception in the
teaching process
B.4.1 Misconceptions
B.4.2 Instant Profiles
B.4.3 Self-perception in teaching process”
B.5 Are non formal-education
initiatives always beneficial?
B.5.1 Extracurricular learning in science-orientated
projects B.5.2 We make wind!
B.5.3 Science Labs into Schools
B.6Solo entertainer or moderator?
The science teacher of the future 67
B.6.1 The FIT-project
B.6.2 Inner learning level Differentiation on
Comprehensive School – Subject Chemistry
B.6.3 Science for girls
COn-Stage activities 70
C.1 Science in kindergarten and
primary school
C.2.3 Heisenberg and the Turtle
C.2.4 A fantastic Journey
C.2.5 Cellular Dances
C.2.6 Harry Potter and the Secrets of Chemistry
C.3„Hands on“-experiment to boost
motivation and cognition?
C.3.1 C.3.2 C.3.3 C.3.4 77
Daisy Magnets
The glass Insect
Flight Simulator
Imaging of magnetic fields
D.1 Science on Stage Deutschland
Results from “Innovative Technologies move
Europe III”
C.5.1 The hydrogen operated rotary engine
C.5.2 Construction of a solar Boat
C.5.3 Physics and Dance
National acitivities
C.5Are non-formal education initiatives
always beneficial?
National Event 2008
National and international projects and Activities
The Spanish science fair “CIencia en Acción”
C.6Solo entertainer or moderator?
The science teacher of the future 81
C.6.1 Cooperative learning in Chemistry Classes using the
thematic Building Block of Asprin®
C.6.2 Science Quiz
C.6.3 On Search of the Mobile Phone Dead Spot
C.1.1 One day
C.1.2 The NAWIlino-Box: A science exploration kit with
experiments for primary school
C.1.3 Hocus Pocus
C.1.4 Mathematical Number-Stories –
Experimental presentation
C.1.5 Luftikus
C.1.6 The Kitchen of Fractions
C.2Interdisciplinary teaching
C.2.1 Fire and Flame – Theatre with Chemistry
C.2.2 About vortices smoke rings and fire tornados
A.1 FAIR Science in kindergarten and primary school
Science in kindergarten and
primary school
What do Plants need?
Potatoes for Schools / Plant a Sock
(( Arellano-Espitia, Monica
(( CEIP San José de Calasanz, Fraga, Spain
(( Curtis, Amanda
(( Woodfield Middle School, Alcester, Warwickshire, United
‘Plants’ is a Science theme taught in all schools from
a very early age. With this project very young students
will discover many things about plants. They will not
only learn the main parts of a plant, but they will also
learn that plants need soil, water, light and air to grow.
3, 4, and 5-year-olds will do an experiment in which
they will be actively involved by first, helping the teacher
to prepare the experiment, and later, planting their own
They will participate in the activity from the beginning to the end, and they will find out by themselves
what plants need by observing over a period of time
what happens to the seeds planted. They will notice
what seeds do if they do not see the sunlight, if they do
not have soil, or if they are not watered. This project will
help students to learn what makes plants grow in a way
that is easy for them to understand. Besides, these
young children are not only learning Science. As our
school is participating in a Spanish/English bilingual
project (Spanish Ministry of Education/British Council
agreement), they are exposed to the English language
through different subjects (PE, Science, Drama, Literacy
and Arts).
„Potatoes for Schools“
2008 is the International Year of the Potato! In a survey 60% of UK children thought potatoes grew on trees!
So, the British Potato Council launched the “Grow Your
Own Potatoes” project for primary schools.
This is a simple, convenient and fun way to support
primary teaching on how things grow, where food comes
from and the importance of a balanced healthy diet. It is
a flexible hands-on activity centered on growing a potato plant – it is as simple as a large pot in the playground or on the windowsill. Supporting activities range
from identifying parts of plants, investigation and recording results.
„Plant A Sock“
In this project students learn how some seeds travel
by taking a walk outdoors wearing socks over their
shoes. They understand the ways that plant seeds are
spread naturally. (Wind, Water, Wildlife) by performing
their own investigations of plant growth. They plant
their seeds in shoeboxes (or homemade self-watering
containers made from plastic drink bottles) and observe
the resulting plants. Each miniature garden is unique!
A.1 FAIR Science in kindergarten and primary school
A.1 FAIR Science in kindergarten and primary school
Kindergarten and primary school project
at the Landrat-Lucas-Gymnasium
(( Beer, Julia Mareike / Krampert, Thomas
(( Landrat-Lucas-Gymnasium, Leverkusen, Germany
Young children are interested in understanding how
the world works. Their interest focuses on everything
which occurs to them in their environment and in nature. To encourage and to arouse the children’s interest
in natural sciences the Landrat-Lucas-Gymnasium (Secondary school) has set up a working committee that
supports this concern.
The working committee works out experiments on
their own in several small groups. On the basis of these
experiments the young children are supposed to be given an understanding of physics but also of biology and
chemistry. Due to the easy realisation of the experiments the children can try on their own while they are
attended by older pupils who can help them and who
give answers to most of their occurring questions. Lots
of the experiments are based on simple materials used
in every household so they can be reproduced without
any problems. For some experiments special physical
equipment is used. Additional information on the experiments have been worked out in advance and can be
handed over to the accompanying attendants to enable
them to revise the experiments once more with the children. The visiting children are split up into small groups.
In these units they meet different groups of my pupils
who demonstrate experiments derived from different
fields of physics. To ensure the diversity of the experiments the children can do modelling, carry out experiments on their own or just listen to somebody explaining things.
Everything about Electricity
(( Gagnon, Johanne
(( École Perce-Neige, Laval, Canada
This project is taught during approximately six weeks.
I ask one question about electricity per week and the
pupils have to find the answer with a lab or experiment
and to communicate the result to the rest of the class at
the end of each. Every course of 90 minutes starts by
the title and the problem of the day. Then the teams of
4-5 pupils formulate an hypothesis and do the experi-
ment they have chosen to find the answer. At the end,
each team resumes to the rest of the class what they did
and what they found out. When all the teams are done,
I give some scientific information and they finish to fill
out their report. After the five lessons, I use a game
made by the electric company (Hydro Quebec) that
helps to review the skills and involves other disciplines.
pils as providers of ideas and collaborating tutors to
break down barriers and to promote “Learning through
Teaching” is new.
Physics in Kindergarten and
Elementary schools
(( Stetzenbach, Werner and Gabriele
(( Wilhelm-Erb-Gymnasium, Winnweiler, Germany
In an idea for a project which is supported by THINK
ING. and which originated from the Wilhelm-Erb-Gymnasium in Winnweiler preschool and elementary school
children already discover the world of physics together
with secondary school pupils who take care of them as
their guardians. Since educators and elementary school
teachers participate simultaneously in the relevant
events their further education in the field of natural sciences is integrated accordingly.
According to this we succeed in building a bridge bet­
­ween different ages and schools as well as in supporting
educators and elementary school teachers. On the one
hand we promote “Learning through Teaching”, on the
other hand working scientifically becomes a perfect example of the work which embraces all generations. The
experiments are joined in groups due to their contexts
for example “Damaging the eardrums”, “Air is not nothing” – combining the expansion of knowledge with the
orientation in every day life and offering multiple/various
choices of self-discovery and self-activity. On the basis
of a brochure which was produced by us and edited by
THINK ING. an early context oriented and partly playfully
intended access to physics can be put into practice.
Above all the idea of integrating secondary school pu-
Little Scientists: Science 4 kids
(( Magalhães, Carolina / Pombo, Pedro / Veloso, Joao
(( University of Aveiro, Physics Department, Portugal
Tracking down the Villain –
In the criminal Investigation Lab
(( Böhmer-Brinks, Petra / Langenstein, Bettina
(( Abenteuer Naturwissenschaften e.V., Springe, Germany
This is a crime play for pupils (4th grade) at primary
school. The classroom is transformed into a criminal investigation lab, the pupils take over the role of forensic
scientists. The hunt for the suspect begins with the
search for the evidence at the fictive crime scene: a robbery of a jewellery store. Using criminological intuition
and scientific methods evidence is gathered and analysed. Fingerprints are examined, footprints evidence
taken, blood is detected and a mysterious powder is
identified. The project aims to make first contact with
scientific methods in the classroom – a fun and exciting
experience. The investigations challenge boys and girls
to think analytically and logically as well as to work in a
team to solve the case.
Forschergarten (Explorer’s garden) –
Experimental offer for children in
kindeRgarten and primary school
(( Görhardt, Bärbel / Mitlöhner, Rita
(( Gläsernes Labor, Projekt Forschergarten, Berlin, Germany
Even children in the age of four have a great interest
in the phenomenons of nature. It is important for us as
teachers of the ‘Forschergarten’ not to let questions
about the processes in nature unanswered. Thus we let
the kids discover their pleasure in making experiments
by their own as with experiments it is so much easier to
understand the world. In doing so the children also train
their speaking ability, fine motor skills and concentration. With simple household supplies even children in
the kindergarten are able to make scientific experiments
first under instructions of our teacher and later by theirselves at home. Thus, in their early childhood children
come to know how exciting it is to investigate nature’s
phenomenons. There are studies that such positive experiences influence the future choice of profession.
Several science educational researchers point out the
importance of non-formal contexts for science learning.
We believe that science education should be introduced
in an early stage of educational process. Physics is the
ideal scientific topic for introduction of children to experimental sciences. During early educational stages
hands-on activities can be a motivating and important
way to introduce science to young students.
This work presents 4 thematic kits and several handson activities that were developed for science in primary
school. It explores the implementation of the science
program “Little Scientists”. This program involves physics
experiments with simple materials and inquiring behavior
and presents educational strategies with funny ingredients based on challenging activities.
The main goal is to promote physics and science bet­
ween young students and to analyze how non-formal
hands-on activities can improve science learning. The 4
kits developed are related with 8 different physics topics. These kits are called “Little Scientists Kits” and they
explore the following topics: “Air and Water”, “Sound
and Light”, “Electricity and Magnets”, “Materials and
Mechanics”. Each Educational kit contains 30 different
experiments and suggests several home science activities. During this work Educational Kits and all physics
experiments would be presented, non-formal activities
and program implementation would be analyzed and
the results obtained would be discussed.
My School is a Science Center
(( Rocha, Rita / Ferreira, Jorge
(( Mundo Cientifico-Educação e Divulgação Cientifica Lda.,
Oporto, Portugal
The project “My school is a science centre” intends to
create functional science kits and large-scale models inside the primary school buildings pretending to generate
a small scale science centre in every institution. It is proved
that informal contexts of learning can have positive impacts on young people. We try to apply the strategies of
communicating science from science centres and museums in formal learning contexts. The classrooms, the
A.1 FAIR Science in kindergarten and primary school
A.1 FAIR Science in kindergarten and primary school
playground, every place in a school can be friendly environments of ICT, breaking down several barriers to science teaching through contact with science centres and
museums, such as low monetary resources and legal issues related to school trips and school management. We
expect to have different models and different kits in
every school due to different social context concerning.
Through these resources made with simple and low cost
materials every class is like a show room in a real science
centre allowing different subjects to be explored from
curricula. An interesting result of this project will be to
promote a network between schools. In a first stage creating a virtual platform for exchanging ideas and once a
year a face to face Science Fair.
Is it really a child’s play?
Teaching science to kindergarten kids.
(( Metrak, Monika / Huczsz, Julia
(( Copernicus Science Center, Warsaw, Poland
As all teachers know the most basic things are usually the hardest to explain. However we faced this challenge and prepared a series of workshops for kindergarten kids. During this workshops we try to explain to
them how our world works – e.g. why yeast daugh expands, why day follows night, how the electricity reaches
sockets in our households or why we can hear someone
on the phone. All this and many interesting topics more
in a manner easily understandable for children using
short performances, animations, miniatures and of course
real scientific experiments. During the fair on the Science
on Stage festival 2008 I would like to present highlights
of our 6 months work.
EinSteinchens EinBlick –
Little Einstein’s Insight
(( Zieleniewicz, Monika / Meyer, Nina
(( Albert-Einstein-Schule, Schwalbach (Taunus), Germany
Once a month 16 primary school pupils are invited to
take part in the project “EinSteinchens EinBlick” in the
scientific rooms of the Albert-Einstein-Schule in Schwalbach/
Taunus. The overall aim is to give 4th form students an
insight into Mathematics and scientific subjects such as
Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The project lasts for 90
minutes and starts with an introduction (welcome, rules
of conduct, work rules, routing slip) which then leads to
an experimental phase and is rounded off with a consolidation (worksheet) and expansion phase (vocabulary work, wordsearch puzzle, good bye). At 13 stations
the primary school pupils carry out mathematical and
scientific experiments. Students of the 7th form of our
school supervise each experiment and give explanations
whenever necessary. The older students gain experiences
in social skills, their communication skills are promoted
and their professional competence is expanded. Moreover
the English language and its role in science and Mathematics are taken into account; verbs used at the stations
are translated into English and the spelling and pronunciation are practised.
In general “EinSteinchens EinBlick” helps to arouse
curiosity about biological, physical, chemical and mathematical matters.
Equation of unequate educational and
social Opportunities – Strong Children“
(( Netta, Brigitte / Rudolph, Katja
(( Kindertagesstätte St. Michael – Siemens-Schule, Amberg,
Strong children influence the future and stabilize our
society. This way we can meet the demands of our future needs for integration and development. 60 percent
of the children in our day-care centre are part of immigrated families and over 50 percent live at poverty level.
These families are in need of special care. The goal of our
pedagogical work is to create equal chances for education and life. To reach this goal we work in specially designed learning environments (e.g. children’s lab, theatre
workshop…) and projects (nature projects, lab workshops…).
Our concept is designed to enable children to be active researchers, explorers and learners. Individual learning in open spaces as well as learning and development
processes or accepting responsibility build the foundation of our work ethics. They are based on mutuality,
equality and appraisal. Early experiences have a lasting
influence on interests, for instance interest in science.
Children actively experiment in our lab, e.g. by using the
“Siemens Discovery Box” and gain valuable experiences
this way. They learn to specify objects and materials to
describe an experiment set-up or define and check their
own hypothesis. In cooperation with Siemens the children were able to visit a plant where they not only
watched the production of conductors but received
switches to experiment back at their kindergarten. Such
expert knowledge encourages especially disadvantaged
children to develop a positive concept of themselves.
Discovering Space with Children –
Fascinating Astronomy for the Youngest
(( Knaus-Trick, Tatjana / Bäcker, Nicole
(( Kindertagesstätte des Studentenwerks, Heidelberg,
The Candle under the Water Glass
(( Pausenberger, Rudolf
(( Turm der Sinne, Lauf, Germany
The experiment „The Candle under the Water Glass“
is widespread in science- and chemistry lessons. But it is
frequently explained incorrectly based on a misconception which stands in contradiction to a conservation rule.
The real reason for the observed phenomenon is warming
and cooling the enclosed gas. This connection is analyzed
systematically recorded and structured with hints for
the experimental realisation and didactial exertion.
Visitors may do the experiments and analyse and discuss
them to distinguish between correct and wrong concepts.
Looking at the starry sky is an intriguing experience
even for the youngest children. In the kindergarten of
the Studentenwerk Heidelberg the enquiring three to
six year old learn about the universe through play. Using
self-made models of the planetary system we simulate
the configuration and motions of our solar system and
discover the origin of the phases of the moon. We gene­
rate lunar crater landscapes and use self-made star charts
as a first orientation guide to the night sky. The independent investigation of astronomy by the children is
important to us. The children explore phenomena in nature through simple experiments. We foster the children
to open their eyes for their environment, in order to discover, for example, the phases of the moon, the path of
the moon across the sky, or the shadows cast by the
sun. Learning through play is our main focus of our work.
This project was intitiated by the “Zentrum für frühe
naturwissenschaftliche Förderung” of the University of
Education, supported by the foundation Klaus-TschiraStiftung.
Science as a transitional subject in
kindergarten und primary school
(( Schuster, Elisabeth / Spies, Mario
(( Katholischer Kindergarten Landkern, Germany
Sciences have become a primary subject matter in
many kindergartens and primary schools. They are suit-
A.1 FAIR Science in kindergarten and primary school
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
able in order to connect and to improve learning pro­
cesses to link different institutions with each other and
therefore to ease the transition from kindergarten to
primary school for the children.
In the fair stand we will show how the cooperation is
organised and what activities there are between the
kindergarten and the primary school Landkern.
During the 2nd presentation in the workshop (see
chapter B.1.3) experiments are carried out with the
­focus on observation documentation and connectivity.
Light and Shadows –
Shadows Aren‘t Always Black
(( Köhler, Petra / Rümenapf, Antje / Lange, Katrin
(( Grundschule Beerfurth, Germany
Aim of this Scientific Project
- To let the pupils find out how to create shadows in different colours.
First Step
A group of children wanted to stage a shadow play
and needed help. This play is based on the story of “Jim
Button and Luke the Engine Driver“ by Michael Ende. To
realize the shadow play, some problems had to be solved,
e.g. how to create coloured shadows. Having received
this open and problem-oriented assignment all pupils
could start finding solutions in various teams.
Pupils explored shadows created by two white light
sources experiencing the difference between deepest
shadow (central umbra) and penumbra. In the next step
one of the light sources was replaced by a red one. Then
the children were asked to make assumptions about
what would happen when the white, the red or both
light sources would be switched on. Trying out they
could check their results, thus solving the problem of
creating coloured shadows.
Expanding and Transferring the Research-Results
- The metamorphosis of the dragon changing into a
golden dragon.
- Producing a violet shadow using three light sources.
Interdisciplinary teaching
The year of astronomy
(( Authier, Michael
(( HCA-Gymnasium Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany
In this extracurricular project the students choose the
topics which they are interested in by personal affinity
and work in small groups. They get to know the principles of astronomy, cosmology and their relevance for
different world-views in an interdisciplinary way. They
judge and discuss scientific cognitions and religious
mythological world-views critically against the historical
to our students a very easy work: to visit an apartment
shop and to query about the price of apartments of a
concrete building. They will learn that the price of apartments changes depending of their height and orientation. Is it due to a caprice of the seller only?
If there are some differences for paying more to what
these are due?
The relation of Astronomy with Human beliefs and
religions has been also constant along time. God animus
was reflected in the sky. With these beliefs the adoration and preoccupation the fanaticism and fears of men
for Gods induce to place Gods and their symbols in the sky.
The topic “Light and Shadows“ was taught at our
school in form of mixed-age teaching including grades 2
to 4 (7 to 10-year-olds). We chose teaching in mixedaged groups to
ive pupils the chance of working in groups based on
their skills.
rovide support for those teachers who aren’t familiar
with science subjects thus involving all teachers of our
- intensify teamwork in relation to science matters. This
would otherwise be difficult in our small school (80
children in 4 grades).
Before starting the actual project children in grades 2
to 4 covered the following mandatory topics during regular school lessons:
- L ight spreads out linearly.
- How is a shadow created?
- Silhouette and shadowed space
- Multiple light sources create multiple shadows.
(( Bernad Garcés, Elisa / Viñuales Gavín, Ederlinda
(( IES Goya, Zaragoza, Spain
The interdisciplinarity is the most important characteristic of Astronomy. In any subject you have many
probabilities of finding in it some concepts related with
Astronomy. We do not find astronomical concepts only
in Science subjects but in Art, too. Due to the importance
that Astronomy has been playing along all civilisations
connecting with the daily problems and live of people
we can find astronomical concepts in History, Philosophy, Geography and so on. So an astronomical project
can be developed under many different points of view.
In our case we want to work Astronomy under one
aspect close to us but for quotidian unnoticed for students. We want students tour the city and in buildings
and monuments, look for and study the relations that
connect these with some astronomical concept. Also
thinking under a modern point of view we can propose
Science in the Schools!
(Wissenschaft in die Schulen! – WiS!)
(( Fischer, Olaf
(( Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie Heidelberg, Germany
What gets students excited about natural sciences in
general, specifically physics? How do the schools receive
the most up-to-date information? How are subjects connected? How can one motivate students? Possible answers to these questions can be found in the project
“Science in the Schools!” (WiS!).
To explain the main idea of the project “Science in the
Schools!” (WiS!), the father of the idea, Dr. Jakob Staude,
uses the concept of the Trojan horse. In this metaphor,
astronomy is the Trojan horse, and the student’s minds
are the unsuspecting Trojans that must be captured if
they are to be taken to the natural science world of
Jakob Staude was more than a 25 year old chief editor and is now the publisher of “Sterne und Weltraum”
(SuW), the largest astronomy journal published in German, which has been produced monthly since 1962 by
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
active astronomers in Heidelberg (located at the Max
Planck Institute for Astronomy since 1975). The position
of this journal with regard to current research findings is
unique throughout the world.
WiS! has been developed as an extension of SuW and
delivers tools to transport the new and fascinating to
the schools.
Astronomy is unarguably a science that can fascinate
almost everyone, perhaps because it is actually a unique
mix of reality and fantasy. Never mind the question,
“should astronomy be a part of a student’s general education?”; modern astronomical research has its base in
physics and can therefore act as an interesting way for
students to be introduced to physics.
WiS! has developed didactic materials which meet
the needs of schools (initally upper secondary school
levels) while simultaneously staying current with current
news and developments, thanks to “Sterne und Weltraum”
(SuW) who will provide the basis for the materials.
Human Spaceflight in the Classroom
(( Hartevelt, Shamim / Olivotto, Cristina
(( European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Science education needs to be interactive, relevant
and fun. At the European Space Agency (ESA) “Human
spaceflight” provides the exciting theme for our work.
We try to bring these elements into the development of
education materials for primary and secondary schools.
The missions to the International Space Station (ISS)
and the work on science experiments plus the daily life
of the astronauts on board are integrated where ever
possible with relevant material from European curricula.
We hope this can be used as a tool to inspire and motivate young students. Teachers can order these materials for free. The ISS Education Kits and the DVD’s Zero
Gravity series have been and are still being used by
teachers all over Europe. We would like to introduce our
education materials at this venue and welcome feedback from teachers.
Out in Space
(( Patry, Johanne
(( Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board and Collège Bourget,
Vaudreuil-Dorion, Canada
Out in Space addresses science and technology learning using simulated space missions and role play. Pupils
ages 10 to 17 put together scenarios applying experiments related to astronomy, planetology, chemistry or
in this case ‘moonology’.
In the mission presented here students (13-14 and
15-17 years old) are immersed in a problem solving
situation where they have to find a suitable moon in our
solar system similar to terraform since there is no more
room on our own planet to grow food. The pre-mission
is prepared in the classroom. Students are assigned
roles from flight director to astronomer to pilot. Afterwards they put together their exploration scenario to
select the proper moon based on the different characte­
ristics needed to support life and terraform one of four
selected moons. In teams they design and construct pro­
­totypes of measuring instruments needed (e.g.: seismograph barometer etc.). The mission itself lasts three
hours for the roundtrip. The six-students crew of the inhouse spaceship simulator are sent to each one of the
four moons where they measure with their instruments
chosen parameters. The last part of the mission in class
the pupils decide and justify which of the moons is the
most suitable to terraform and how they plan to do it.
From such a project students buils stronger relationships and are more open to science learning. For this
project Dr. Johanne Patry received the Prime Minister of
Canada Award for teaching excellence in math science
and technology.
Creative Science chemical stories and a
(( Krämer, Silke
(( Leibniz School, Dinslaken, Germany
Our aim was to fill pupils with enthusiasm for science
and to pass this enthusiasm on other pupils and teachers. In a chemical writing workshop we wrote the magic
book “Three minutes instead of three weeks – or how to
be a magician” and in a holiday camp we produced a
junk-food-drama. Both products can be presented in a
classroom situation in public or on stage. Moreover the
magic book can be used in the lessons to write more
chapters for the book.
Scientific Workshop
(( Purkert, Evelyn / Bjerre, Barbara
(( Paul-Löbe-Schule, Berlin, Germany
fold ways. Links to different subjects and practical usefulness are hinted at as well. Pupils work and experiment
in this Science Workshop mostly independently. Beginners’ problems are usually easily overcome. The teacher’s role is turned into that of a moderator. The pupils’
self-perception in the learning process is a central factor. Pupils enjoy this way of increasing knowledge. Recognizing links to their every day environment help them
to understand and also enlarge their motivation. The
Science workshop can be adapted to all grades of highschool or comprehensive schools. With adequately chosen experiments and instructions easy to understand it
might even be useful in elementary school or kindergarten.
Learning Enrichment of gifted and
interested Students in natural Science
(( Wilhelm, Margarita
(( Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium, Leverkusen, Germany
Tell me about the World
(( Hannula, Irma
(( Helsinki Aurinkolahti Comprehensive School, Finland
The project consists of activities and methods how to
approach the picture of the Universe from a geocentric
or heliocentric point of view with students. We use the
teaching-learning method called the 5 E-method. The 5
E’s mean Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. The main proposes are to get deeper understanding
of the interconnection between subjects and to work in
co-operation with the teachers of the other disciplines
around this interesting subject. Travelling through space
pupils send information about their experiences. Pupils
are diveded in eight groups each having the own task of
the entire topic.
In our school in Berlin we arranged a workshop “Science”. There are several experiments each set up on a
different table. The experiments are taken from the scientific subjects Physics, Biology and Chemistry but links
to other subjects like Geography or Mathematics can be
found easily. Every experiment represents the same
topic (e.g. water). At each table two pupils experiment
independently and document their results in a “Learning Diary”. At the end the results are presented in mani­
Our project “Learning enrichment of gifted and interested students in natural sciences” can be described as
a programme to support talent development in natural
It is a project which is targeted at students who will
graduate (German “Abitur”) after 8 years of study. The
project is intended to help gifted students enjoy learning
about natural sciences. The full potential of intellectually gifted students shall be taped without making them
leave their familiar social environment.
Students are going to leave their regular classes for
about 4-6 hours a week to work on their own on projects
with special themes. Students will choose a particular
field of study autonomously and work under the supervision of two science teachers. After about half a year the
students will present their results to an audience at school.
The project’s topic for 2008/2009 is “Energy”, it will
be worked on mulitdisciplinary. students from grades
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
8–10 (14 – 16-year-olds) will participate in the project.
The project can be carried out for all age groups and
the field of study may vary. The structure of the project
can be used universally through out all grades.
If Colours become a health Problem –
Coloured T-shirts with Colours of Plants
(( Kühnen, Hannelore / Kunter, Silvia
(( Gymnasium der Stadt Rahden, Germany
Starting point of this project is a newspaper article
which reported on a call-back campaign of children’s
clothing which contained harmful colours. Based on this
article the pupils researched which colours played and
play a role in history and modern times and which colours
could be tried out by them to solve this problem. Depen­
ding on age group and content the various components
can be differentiated (e.g.: Where are the pigments located in the cell? Which criteria have to be considered
when isolating the colours? etc.). The whole project is
intercurricular as the subjects are covered e.g.:
Biology – microscopy; cell structure; location of the
pigments in the cell; differentiation of the family of colours;
chromatography; etc.
Chemistry – planning of experiments; isolating the
pigments and colours; improvement of the isolating
methods especially the influence of the solvent temperature surface area; methods of dying and preserving.
Physics – How doe we see colours? What are colours?
Additive and subtractive mixing of colours.
History – development of dying techniques from history to present i.e. How did our ancestors dye? Did colours
have a certain meaning in certain times?
Art – The meaning of colours nowadays; from the
sketch to the self designed T-shirt. Regardless of the age
group the making of the T-shirts, the finished product
and the creation of their own colours turned out to be
pupil motivating.
An eye for an eye
(( Arenas, Germán / Pérez Grau, José Antonio
(( High School IES San Pascual, Dolores, Spain
The aim of our project is to show how the eye works
as an optic system to illustrate what malfunctions it
may have such as myopia or hyperopia and how we can
correct them. Cornea crystalline lens and the length of
the axe of the eye are crucial in the vision mechanism.
Cornea is a spherical dioptric system with +43D of fixed
optical power. Crystalline is a convergent lens with +19D
that can increase to +14D due to eye adaptation. The
relationship between the optical convergence of the
eye’s lenses and the eye’s length determines whether
the eye is normal, myopic or hypermetropic.
We have made two maquettes. The first one is to
show the cornea-crystalline fitting. We have made our
cornea by sticking together two watch glasses and filling
them with water and our crystalline is made with a rubber ring and two flexible clear plastics in which we can
inject water in order to change its convergence. An image is projected and is focused varying the crystalline
optical power (adaptation). The other maquette is used
to explain visual malfunctions by changing the eye’s length
and/or the optical power of the lens. Three parallel laser
beams are used to explain the process more clearly.
Making models that simulate organs and their functions
is a very suitable pedagogical instrument recommended
for any age and excellent for the study of physical and
biological phenomena because they allow us to understand their connection in a very exact way.
Lights, shadows and... illusions:
tools for understanding our mind
(( Marini, Isabella
(( Liceo Scienitifico “Ulisse Dini”, Pisa, Italy
We often think to optical illusions as fun games but
they are a way to reflect about our perception of the
world and about what are the main elements for a biolo­
gically meaningful information.
In this project we start from anatomy and physiology
of the eye. We made some models of human eye, the
dissection of some animal eyes with a particular attention on biochemistry of lenses and connected eye with
brain vision. Then we analyze some aspect of visual perception and of the other side of vision: its ambiguity. We
proposed a reasoned selection of images and it was a
real surprise to discover how many situations there are
in which the observer deceived himself and it was stimu­
l­ating to look for its causes. We chose experiments
linked to movement, spatial variations of brightness and
spatial variations of color. Finally we related sensorial
systems and biologically relevant information. Our visual
system does not transmit to cerebral centers a faithful
image of our external world but it detects the informations of greater biological meaning. This is a way to reflect about the relation anything but simple between
scientific knowledge and world observation that is based
on senses particularly on vision. Studying sensorial systems allows us to understand that senses were not
evolved to give us a scientific knowledge of the world
but to give us a basic knowledge useful to the immediate
needs of daily life helping us to read the Galilean book of
Interior views of the human body using
medical ultrasound
(( Bornschein, Ulrike
(( Bettina-von-Arnim-Oberschule, Berlin, Germany
This interdisciplinary three-phase project makes students to photographers of their own organs and bones.
The key element of the project is an original medical
ultra­sound system that the students learn to operate on
their own. Thus sonography (i.e. medical imaging by
means of ultrasound) is the context for that interesting
contemporary and inspiring education project. The lessons exemplary procure in an authentic manner that
today’s medical knowledge (e.g. diagnostics) without
know-how in physics is impossible.
Phase I: Introduction of the basic principles. The students prepare abstracts for the topics: Oscillations,
Waves, The sound, Concepts, Appearance and Characteristics;
Phase II: Working on the interdisciplinary contents:
ultrasound technique (physics) and anatomy (biology).
Students are grouped. The groups work on one of six
complex topics.The results will be presented by means
of the didactic method group puzzle;
Phase III: Summarising exercises - role playing games
will be organised. The characters: student of medicine,
professor, physician, patient and ultrasound system
salesman are assigned arbitrarily. During the role playing students test the physical biological and ultrasoundtechnique knowledge.
Visualizing Noise
(( Fussi, Angelika / Rabel, Johanna
(( Hauptschule II and Realschule Feldbach, Austria
230 pupils and 20 teachers take part in this IMSTProject. The science courses Physics, Mathematics and
Biology and the courses Music, Arts, Religion, German,
English, Informatics and Handcrafts participate in a tight
connection for the project “Environmental protection
with Energy and Noise”.
The innovation is a “Three-Phase-Model” in natural
Phase 1: Tie up to well-known contents.
Phase 2: Basics and connections for natural science
and engineering.
Phase 3: Deepening and application.
We propose an education with the orientation towards
products and action. Self-reliant experimental work of
the pupils is emphasized. The pupils realised several
products to the topic of this year “Energy and Noise”,
“Noise Visualisation”: 4 units of a 15-step-Noise-LevelDisplay. The support for developing the product and
manufacturing process comes from the cooperation
with the Institute of Electrical Engineering/University of
Leoben. Electronic building sets: number indicator, chime
operated by photovoltaic power; Art works for the Charity-Action “GehörLOS” as benefit for deaf children; Catalogue for the art exhibition “Sound at an Exhibition”;
Experimental box for electricity for each pupil for their
own; Physics Calendar 2009 “Music Sound and Noise”;
On Stage Production “Sound inside Picture”; Experimental
road of energy and a road of sounds.
Project oriented interdisciplinary
Teaching of Biology and Physics in the
Grades 5 and 6
(( Geller, Heidrun / Fritsch, Susanne
(( Montanus-Realschule Leverkusen, Germany
We will present classroom-tested interdisciplinary
teaching-units for physics and biology in the grades 5
(optics) and 6 (calorics) which can be implemented at
every secondary school. The innovative aspect in doing
so is that the teaching is carried out by a single teacher
for both subjects which is not common classroom practise in German schools. These units are meant to be a
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
motivation for planning and carrying out phenomenon
based lessons. The teaching units are project- and handson activity-orientated. Due to their set-up they provide
an important contribution to the scientific education.
With their aid scientific reasoning is practised. Classroom practise shows that natural phenomena cannot be
explained by one branch of science alone. We have found
out that the pupils do not experience any problems in
assigning an aspect to a specific branch of science in
case it should be necessary. Our focus is on the practical
activities of the pupils during which central competences
should be achieved. Via their practical experiences the
pupils should put their theoretical knowledge into corre­
lations to form a network. Central objective is a better
understanding of the contents because of that a better
lasting learning effect can be achieved. All materials which
have been used will be presented and the experiments
will be carried out live. Teachers will get useful tips and help
for planning and carrying out phenomenon-based lessons.
World-teaching Machines
(( Lisiewicz, Anna / Kaniewska-Fratczak, Dorota Anna
(( Cultural Center “502”, Łódz, Poland
and of the Polish artist Adam Garnek design three-dimensional objects. The kinetic sculptures can only exist
when the basic laws of mechanical physics are put to
use. By making the interactive moving objects the youth
will be able to create educational props that would be
adjusted to the possibilities of perception of the sightimpended children. Learning of the basic rules of mechanics will be done simultaneously with creating the
forms of the sculptures or their parts. Engaging other
senses beside the sight into the learning process increa­ses
the understanding of the new material. The ability to touch
and manipulate, looking for new solutions gives a chance
to know physics in an attractive unconventional way.
Considering the great interest with the project we got we
have included a group of children without the seeing disorder so the project is not only scientific but also of mainstreaming manner as the children help each other. The
machines as educational props will be presented at the Center for Children with Seeing Disorder in Łódz where they will
be available also to the children with other disorders.
Modeling – An opportunity to improve
pupils’ imagination
(( Rießelmann, Kerstin
(( Lessing-Gymnasium, Berlin, Germany
In the run of the project students worked on and with
selected modeled mono- and disaccharides. The modeled
objects were regarded from a perspective of crafting (in
art classes) as well as from a perspective of appliance (in
chemistry classes). Working with this twofold view of
the model concept strengthened the participants’ ability to understand modeled objects from a perspective of
evaluation additionally.
Smoking Prevention Project
(( Schröcker, Klaus P. / Jaritz, Josefine / Mann, Wolfgang
(( HTL Bregenz, Austria / BG/BRG Carnerigasse Graz, Austria /
Kantonsschule Wettingen, Aarau, Switzerland
The project involves children with seeing disorder
who inspired by the kinetic art of the American artists
The School Smoking Prevention Project by its basic
idea is originated in Science on Stage 2 at Grenoble. It is
a cross-curricular and cross-border initiative to develop
and perform smoking prevention activities by 14 to 18
years old students featuring a very useful device: the
so-called Smoking Prevention Lab. This low-priced
measurement device helps to visualise and impressively
explain the effects of smoking on pulse, blood flow and
blood pressure as well as on the temperature of fingers
without having to smoke. The co-operative development of the Smoking Prevention Lab by 18-year-old
students of the HTL Bregenz (school of engineering),
the Kantonsschule Wettingen (grammar school) and
apprentices of the Julius Blum GmbH as well as the cooperative development of applications by 14–18 years
old students of the BG/BRG Carnerigasse (grammar
school) and the HTL Bregenz with the help of SUPRO
(addiction prophylaxis workshop) is also part of the
Outcomes that other teachers can implement in their
1.) Materials forms of organisation and the Smoking
Prevention Lab for smoking prevention activities performed by 14 to 18 years old students.
2.) Educational projects, topics for final exam or special-focus papers and lab exercises on the Smoking Prevention Lab within the future Smoking Prevention Project.
3.) Make a pulse sensor yourself with your 10 to
14-year-old pupils to promote science and technology
Solar Frog
ciently to trigger a leaping movement! How could it be
able to pull a spring?! A gear transmission with a very
high gear reduction reverses the low rotary power and
the high rotational speed at the motor shaft. The transmission output features a crank that operates the gripping mechanism of the spiral spring. The sudden release
of tension triggers the frog’s leap. Maybe you will see
some other models using solar energy for young students, too. I’m looking forward to a great exchange of
(( Brinkmann, Uwe
(( Gesamtschule Weierheide, Oberhausen, Germany
This project is a result of the competition „Innovative
Technologies move Europe III (2007)” for students and
teachers by Science on Stage Germany e.V. and Lenord,
Bauer & Co. GmbH.
The topic of the whole competition was “Biomimetics”. In the category “Jumper” there was to be built a
small animal that should be able to move without external energy. Very early in the project the students decided to use solar cells due to the minimal weight of this
power source. Connected with an electric “solar” engine
it can be regarded as the power unit. These electric “solar” engines already starts at a very low voltage and
they turn very fast. The power unit should be able to
pull a spring which makes the frog jump. That was the
idea. But the first trials involving solar cells and an adequate motor came up with very disappointing results.
The fast revolving engine can easily be held up by the
touch of a finger tip and cannot tense a spring suffi-
Taking part in the competitions “Innovative
Technologies move EuropE I, II, III”
(( Niehues, Günter
(( Gymnasium Remigianum, Borken, Germany
Since 2005 time every year a group of my school
takes part in the competition „Innovative Technologies
move Europe”. Some pupils out of the 12th and 13th
form work together to solve the challenge. So there are
some who already know the competition and some fresh
one. In the kick-off-meeting the pupils decide which
problem they want to solve. We discuss about subgroups. In the subgroups they solve one aspect of the
problem – the pupils there are on their own.
We meet every two weeks in the plenum. There the
subgroups present their results. In the end the plenum
takes place weekly. Just to be sure to finish in time.
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
We try to get information by visiting institutions, industry and university. Especially the meeting in December in Oberhausen (Lenord&Bauer) and the discussions
with different engineers mean a lot to the pupils.
In the fair the pupils’ contribution to the competitions will be presented by videos, posters and models.
The pupils from my school participated in:
Innovative Technologies move Europe I – 2005/2006
(atomic force microscope)
Innovative Technologies move Europe II – 2006/2007
(movement: rocket car)
Innovative Technologies move Europe III – 2007/2008
(beetle: crawler “Herbie”)
Furthermore we will present videos made while working, contribution posters and critical aspects about the
competition. As many as possible pupils and ex-pupils
will be present to talk to the visitors.
The trace of the white gold –
a interdisciplinary station work to the topic
salt as practice of the solubility balance
(( Frank, Carolin
(( Techische Universität Dresden, Germany
Whether seasoning the breakfast egg or making the
streets save during winter, both actions are connected
to a product without which life has become unthinkable
– salt. Despite its daily usage little thought is given to
the fact that its high availability arises out of an area of
conflict made of scientific principles, technological innovations and economic conditions. By working at separate stations the learner recognizes the coherences concerning the issue of salt and realizes that the chemical
perspective of the issue is not enough to grasp its multi­
dimsionality. Furthermore the concept is designed as a
sequential application to ensure the consolidation of the
solubility balance. Within this concept, the phase of consolidation in chemistry education is realised by interdisciplinary teaching. Doing this the inherent potential of
interdisciplinary teaching as an interface of practice (the
chemical perspective of the issue salt i.e. solubility balance) and formulation (the perspective from outside the
subject area concerning the issue salt) is made useful.
The basic approach to create an interdisciplinary phase
of consolidation can be appropriated. The more precise
concept supplies ideas of how to integrate the approach
of interdisciplinary teaching into everyday education and
to have it more than a highlight of annual project weeks.
Uranium Mining in Saxony and Thuringia and
its Consequences
(( Hack, Dirk / Hauschild, Dirk / Pranke, Sebastian /
Kretzschmar, Robert / Spitzner, Katharina
(( Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
This project aims to familiarise grade eleven students
to the complex topic of Uranium ore mining in Thuringia
and Saxony by means of a “group puzzle”. It encompasses the subjects of chemistry, geography, history
and physics. The combination of social and natural sciences encourages students to think out-of-the-box and
to approach complex problems with an open mind. Contemporary issues, e.g. waste dumps close to settlements
or the enviromental damage caused by mining, provide
a common starting point. From there learners can follow
their own interests and inclinations as they set out to
explore topics as diverse as the discovery of radiation,
the raffination of uranium, regional geography or the
history of the cold war. However, this specialisation demands that students take responsibility for the knowledge
of their peers. As they distill and share the essence of
their findings they contribute to a detailed and holistic
picture of the subject matter. An excursion to a former
Uranium mine and an evaluative discussion conclude
the project.
Process of combustion as scientific
(( Horlacher, Bernhard
(( Kepler-Seminar für Naturwissenschaften, Stuttgart, Germany
Energy is in most cases not available in the required
mode. Most of the consumed energy from fossil fuel is
converted first into mechanical energy and in a second
step in electric power which causes the problems of climate change by emission of greenhouse gases. Up to
now it has been very difficult to demonstrate energy
conversion experimentally. With the device we have developed during the last years we are able to demonstrate several different energy conversion processes.
These experiments are embedded in a total experimental concept.
Construction of a sun-oven and solving some related
practical problems.
Experimentation and baking with the oven.
It is expected that activities, which derive from the
above items, can give the opportunity to pupils to gain
knowledge and skills useful in their life. Last but not
least, the project can contribute to rise the interest and
awareness of those who deal with it, about environment
and its protection.
The clue is that pupils who construct the oven can
make it working on a sunny day. Since under the Sun
the temperature inside arises close to 100° C, they can
bake cookies.
(( Konstantinou, Dionysis
(( 3rd Lyceum of Lamia, Greece
Reducing emissions: Planning and building
of a Solar Powered Model Stirling Engine
(( Weckler, Joachim
(( Internat Lucius, Rockenberg, Germany
Pupils use polystyrene made box with glass made
cover and construct an oven that bakes exploiting solar
energy, in the frame of an interdisciplinary project,
which includes topics such as: The evolution of diet from
Stone Age to our times.
From hunters to farmers, social transformations.
Wheat and other cereals. How is flour received from
wheat? How is it transformed into bread?
Windmills and watermills, use of renewable energy
Role of carbohydrates in our body.
How is energy produced in the Sun? How is it transferred to the Earth?
Constructions that trap the heat, properties of transparent and heat isolating materials.
Green house: How is it designed and constructed? How
does it work? Its advantages / disadvantages in farming.
Green house effect in atmosphere.
Environmentally friendly human activities.
The use of clay in constructing various containers and
in art.
The global warming, mainly caused by fossil energies,
(which also get more expensive because they will be in
short supply), claims, estimated by the WHO 150,000 of
lives a year. So it`s hightime to do something and to
bring this problems to the pupils` awareness. One possi­
bility to produce energy without emissions is a solar
powered Stirling engine. We converted a standard model
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
Stirling into a solar powered one. We powered it with
solar power condensed by a concave mirror constructed
by us: 2 films (one with a reflecting surface) with airpressure between the 2 films become a concave mirror.
At the conversion of the Stirling engine into a solar
powered one, the pupils must know exactly how it works
for only in that case they will cause the desired effect.
When constructing a concave mirror there are a lot of
possibilities. Our chosen realization offers an innovative
(rights at the patent office are applied) and simple construction with low costs for a relative large concave mirror.
The conversion of a suitable Stirling engine into a solar
Stirling is possible for other teachers and their pupils with
simple tools. Also the described concave mirror can be
built by other teachers and their pupils by easy efforts.
The wonderful World of the Crystals
(( Niculescu-Mizil, Elisabeta
(( Liceul C. A.Rosetti, Bucharest, Romania
We, the educators, are considering the pupils like a
geme stone, who needs to be daily polished.
In the project “The wonderful World of the Crystals”
we tried to involve many students who studied and created interesting facts about crystals. The lessons have
started at a Mineralogy Museum in Bucharest. We tried
to improve our knowledges reading books and searching
on internet. After visiting the Musem the students were
divided in groups. Each group of four students chose a
scientific, philosophic or artistic domain to study about
the facinating world of crystals. At the end each group
presented its results and received the appreciation from
their colleagues and from the teacher. One of them realised
CD’s with crystals, others shaped crystals as they could
better, others wrote poems published on the school
journal. Some described the physical or chemical properties of the crystals. Some presented the color and shining
properties. Others studied about chrystalotherapy and
feng shui as medical applications. Some of the students
created models of the crystals using items they found in
their houses or simply drawing the crystals. All the students tried to find some examples, which describe the
beauty of the crystals, in the poetry or prose as well as
in paintings or photography or even in architecture.
Modern and future fuel Alternatives /
5-day Project Week for Students of an
11th Grade”
(( Oelmann, Rico / Berger, Carolin / Hanus, Felix
(( Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Against the background of the increasing shortage
and price increase of crude oil and the resulting increase
in gasoline diesel prices modern and future fuel alternatives are to be thought of and researched and their sustainability evaluated. To find out about the sustainability
of a fuel the students are to consult the production process, a car’s consumption and carbon dioxide emission
per 100 km and the fuel’s costs. The topic is to be worked
out in four groups. At the end each group will have to
give a short presentation about their results on the basis
of which the entire class can create a poster summarizing
the most important facts about the different fuels. The
project week has designed in a way that teachers can
use it for their own lessons. A summary of the material,
a teaching concept as well as the expected results can
be provided for interested teachers.
Nano-Biotechnology: Experiments for
Schools at the Interface between
Nanotechnology and Biotechnology
(( Hausmann, Elda H.S. / Fischer, Sebastian
(( Emil-Fischer-School, School for Nutrition and Food
Engineering, Berlin, Germany
Selective magnetic separation: “A revolution in biotechnological separation techniques?“ This was the headline of an article in 6/2008 issue of CHEManager which
proposed that biotechnology of any kind has become
the key technology of the twenty-first century. Biopharmaceuticals proteins, enzymes and active substances,
manufactured as products of biotechnological processes
are so far still too expensive. If bulk amounts of substances are to be produced by biotechnological pro­
cesses, they must be optimized concerning amount and
cost of the process steps. The principal cost-intensive
processing steps are chromatography, precipitation, (ultra) centrifugation and (ultra- and dia-) filtration which
often run on multiple levels. Each of these processing
steps requires the development of validated cleaning
and sterilization procedures. We introduce a series of
school experiments using the single-celled ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena. The experiments directly guide us
to the cutting edge of biotechnical product-processing.
Innovation potential on the level of separation techniques
and developments in large-scale processing of bio-pro­
ducts is clearly needed. Here we provide insight into
magnetic separation techniques and we hope to give
some food for thought.
Nanotechnology and School
(( Stein, Walter and students
(( St. Michael-Gymnasium, Bad Münstereifel, Germany
The title “Nanotechnology and School” includes four
1.) Nanoreseachers at St. Michael-Gymnasium
2.) P
roduction and proof of carbon nanotubes with
methods that can be applied at schools
3.) Graphene – The thinnest layer of the world!
4.) Photonic crystals - Small spheres really great!
The first project explains in what ways young people
who are interested in and talented for science and technology can be furthered intensively by research work for
the contest “Jugend forscht” (Regional Youth Research
Competition). The three presented projects are examplary works from the field of nanotechnology. Here the
students at the age of 16 years demonstrate their experiments.
They produce single-wall-nanotubes out of carbon and
a field-effect-transistor out of graphene an one-atomthick planar sheet of carbon atoms. They create low cost
and colourful photonic crystals out of latex spheres.
Chemistry goes bilingual –
modules for beginners
(( Franz, Sabrina
(( Cecilien Gymnasium Düsseldorf, Germany
For many years bilingual teaching was limited to humanities. But English is the lingua franca of today esp.
of science and technology and therefore the ultimate
key for studying and carrying out a profession. Starting
in 2006/2007 a form 7 was taught two bilingual modules in their first year of Chemistry.
One could think “Chemistry is so difficult and then in
English, too?” but being taught Chemistry in English
causes less problems than first expected and when it
does German can always be used as help. There is a great
similarity between many English and German words or
students are already familiar with them. Nevertheless,
learning vocabulary is required as well. But one should
not forget that students also have to learn a completely
new “language” in Chemistry which is the same all over
the world: molecular formulas and chemical equations.
A very important role in Chemistry plays observing
and describing experiments. Surprisingly the use of correct, precise scientific vocabulary was better in the foreign language. Students know a lot more words in their
native language which they use to describe e.g. experiments but those terms are sometimes scientifically wrong.
In English they have a rather limited vocabulary but those
terms are correct. Furthermore students who are more
interested in learning languages show a high motivation
in the bilingual modules. As a conclusion it can be said that
the first steps in Chemistry goes bilingual have been
Science in Cooking
(( Grandpré, Caroline
(( Lycee Felix Faure, Beauvais; France
The project “Science in cooking” involved a group of
four 15-16 years old students helped by two teachers,
16 weeks long, 2 hours a week during the school year
2007–2008. It took place in the frame of French TPE
(Framed Personal Work) which uses inquiry and research
process. This project was a mean of experiencing Interdisciplinary Teaching as it involved lots of topics such as
chemistry, biology, mathematics and languages. Indeed
the French group of students chose to answer the question: In cooking where does the blowing of a cake, of
bread, of white eggs or of a mayonnaise come from?
They studied the chemical and biological aspects, did
personal experiments to analyse the different factors
influencing the blowing and wrote a report in French including English introduction and conclusion as a bilingual exercise. Finally they presented their work in a performance of about 20 minutes in French and in English.
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
A.2 FAIR Interdisciplinary teaching
resources, and a pilot run was carried out in a mixed group
of 23 sixth grade students not pre-selected according to
language skills or overall achievement.
The students readily took on the new challenge so
that the interdisciplinary thematic unit could be success­
fully implemented in English as a working language and
subsequently evaluated jointly with the students. A written
exam revealed that all the students had learned the new
biological content well as the introduced scientific terms
and were able to apply them in varying contexts. Ameri­
can test methods proved to be suitable assessment
tools without putting weaker language learners at a disadvantage.
Prerequisites contributing to the successful implemen­
tation of the project were identified and recommendations provided for teachers, teacher training institutions
and state education authorities.
Science as bilingual Subject
(( Krämer, Birgit
(( Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium, Leverkusen, Germany
Science as a bilingual elective subject for grade 8/9
pupils was introduced at the WHG in August 2007 and
has been highly appreciated among pupils. In order to
promote scientific literacy an interdisciplinary teaching
approach is taken (biological and chemical contents)
combined with the use of English as a tool/lingua franca
as well as putting the main focus on teaching the scientific method throughout the entire 2-year course. Consequently ALL stages of the scientific method are stressed
(planning an investigation, taking measurements, data
processing, evaluating data and communication of findings). The curriculum allows for teaching in contexts
meaningful to the pupils. Pupils interested in both sciences and language learning can improve their scientific
literacy. Using English as a communicative tool in the
Science classroom opens up new access to language
learning and prepares for future careers as scientists on
national and international job markets. From a subjectspecific point of view the focus on all stages of the scien­
tific method is innovative.
How do Plants grow?
(( Stahl, Silvia
(( Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium, Leverkusen, Germany
“How do plants grow?” is taught within the subject
Science (Year 8) which focusses on phenomenon-orien­
ted, practical work. Herein the question – was it a fair
test? – is answered to introduce the students to the scientific method. The language applied is English. In the
given example students develop the question “How do
plants grow?” by looking at the historical experiments
of Priestely and Helmont. In experiments they examine
all factors of photosynthesis and are finally able to explain the photosynthesis equation. The students develop
their understanding of photosynthesis largely indepen­
dent­ly. They plan the experiments themselves and test
for all factors of photosynthesis. This way they practice
and apply the scientific method. They also broaden and
apply their knowledge of qualitative tests. They also
train using English as a working language which prepares them for the scientic world. It can be used as a
bilingual modul in Biology or Chemistry. The given worksheets introduce the students to usage of English in the
laboratory. Also, the language-support material helps
students and teachers in doing so. Additionally the experiments can be used in German classes to advance the
understanding of photosynthesis.
Amazing Bats – A bilingual Biology module
for German 6th graders
(( Lubeley, Solveig
(( Martin-Luther-Schule Marburg, Germany
Content and Language Integrated Learning – learning
a subject through the medium of a foreign language –
provides effective opportunities for the new generation
of students to meet the present and future requirements
of an increasingly interlinked, multilingual and multi­
cultural Europe as well as the challenges of the rapidly
progressing economic and social globalization.
The project presented here aimed at testing whether
an early onset of bilingual active learning modules for a
broader range of young learners starting in 6th grade
would prove viable.
In an interdisciplinary approach involving the subjects
Biology and English, a seven-week bilingual biology ­mo­dule
on the topic of Animal Adaptations entitled “Amazing
Bats” was developed primarily based on American teaching
Using an interdisciplinary approach –
a model railway study group at a
girls´grammar school
(( Fock, Erich and students
(( Maria-Ward-Gymnasium, Günzburg, Germany
For eight years we have been planning and building a
big model railway layout in our school. We are the only
girls´ school in Bavaria with a model railway layout. The
idea was to give especially girls a new chance to do
physics and other sciences without doing it only in theory. To work in a team is very important for such big and
long-lasting projects. We use it during lessons for e.g.
measurement in physics, we build sceneries near our
school and do projects and exhibitions. The layout can
be transported. Nevertheless the layout is a remarkable
example of the school and the city. At the festival we
present an eighteen metres long part with the stations
of Günzburg and Neu-Ulm with electrical specialities, actual train traffic, a digital controlling, a timetable and a
brief survey about chances and problems using the layout to answer questions about natural sciences etc. You
will see that it is worth starting such a big project even
in times of a society in constant rush. Our project is well
known in Günzburg and beyond our town. At the Günzburg station you can see photos of parts of our layout.
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
Hands on-experiments to
boost motivation and cognition?
Green Lab Gatersleben –
Science experience
(( Amme, Steffen
(( Green Lab Gatersleben e.V., Germany
In Gatersleben a competence centre of the plant biotechnology in Germany the “Green laboratory” was established. The objective of the “Green lab” is to focus
the interest of the pupils in the natural sciences more
strongly. Further goals are the development to a teacher
training centre as well as the creation of an interface
between schools, economics and science. Experiments
by itself are no guarantee for motivation and success in
learning. The “Green lab” sets on test series with the
purchase around everyday life. Teachers and pupils bene­
fit from new learning forms and methods. We want to
pass our enthusiasm for natural sciences to pupils as
well as to teachers. We want to support teachers for an
application-oriented school, teaching economics and
Science & School –
together we go for new ways
(( Reinholz, Heidi / Eberlein, Falk
(( University Rostock, Institute for Physics, Germany
Jointly we – scientists teachers, parents, students –
look for new ways to take science into the classroom
and beyond. We started various projects on different interfaces between teachers and learners which interrelate and complement each other. By involving future
science teachers in particular we are creating highly
qualified multiplicators of science. Kid’s university in-
vites students of age 8–12 for lectures. They shall experience the flair of a university, learn interesting facts.
Starting from grade 5 students can learn in workshops
(KickMeToScience) how roboters work. For the oldest
school students (grade 11–12) “PhySch” (physics and
school) offers experiments to be done in uni or school
environment which are directly related to the school
curriculum. The institute of physics organizes the Lighthouse competition as part of the annual “Day of Physics”.
During the “Hanse Sail” young and old are welcome at the
“Science@Sail” to explore numerous hands on activities.
All those activities are expected to be housed in a future
Science Center in Rostock. Both sides of the teachinglearning interface are addressed. The teachers learn by
doing and looking for the best methods of teaching. The
learner shall be motivated through work in the projects
so that he/she mediates further in her/his own environment. We would like to take our enthusiasm for the
work on these projects to the stage and hope to reach
out to others.
Rumours in the Dark – Bats see with their
Ears. An experimental Workshop
(( Möller, Antje
(( Noctalis – World of Bats, Bad Segeberg, Germany
The practice-oriented workshop „Rumours in the
Dark” was developed as an experimental learning unit
for children with difficulties in sensory perceptions. The
project covers different aspects of the physical physiological and psychological acoustics and describes the
nature phenomenon of sound and moreover the importance of the sense of hearing, above all in the dark. In
the context of this project different hands-on experiments show the basic principles for formation propagation and reflection of sounds. Acoustic waves are made
visible and tactile. Moreover the perception for different
sound events is trained individually. This tutorial enables
the pupils to design, conduct and reflect the different
experiments almost entirely by their own. Great attention in this tutorial is laid on the echolocation as a very
particular method to perceive the environment using
the sense of hearing. The pupils investigate the ultrasonic orientation by means of experiments, different
educational games and a special „hearing walk“ through
the natural habitats of our domestic bats. For the pupils
the direct meeting with a real dark habitat like the cave
in Bad Segeberg is a fantastic experience and produces
high motivation to deal with the complex nature of
sound and hearing.
Driving Bats Bananas on Bananas –
Observing the feeding Behaviour of Bats –
an experiment-based didactic Unit
(( Seebens, Antje
(( Noctalis – World of Bats, Bad Segeberg, Germany
During this project pupils investigate experimentally
banana preference of frugivorous leaf-nosed bats kept
at the bat center “Noctalis – World of Bats”. First, pupils
test which banana maturity level they favour themselves. Springing from this self-experiment they develop
a study design to identify the prefered maturity level of
the bats and realize their plan. Banana preference is
tested confronting bats to the different maturity levels
using a feeding machine. Eaten fruit mass and flight approach counts reveal the favoured ripeness level. Together with the scientists pupils work out factors affecting preference through bats. One important factor is the
formula of the differently riped fruits. Immature fruits
contain about 20 % starch, disaggregating into sugar
molecules through maturation. Postmature bananas
provide highly available “quick” energy in contrast to
“long-lasting” energy of immature fruits. Varying starch
content of banana maturity levels is qualitatively proved
using Lugol’s solution. Bats are fascinating animals, attracting pupils, leading to a high learning motivation.
The banana as a familiar fruit in school bags challenges
to scientific experiments. Together with bat experts pupils
get to know scientific thinking and working methods at
an authentic location.
The Bicycle: An Open Book of Physics
(( Araque Guerrero, José Antonio
(( School Cristo Rey, Madrid, Spain
The objective is to get that Physics is present in our
daily life and within the reach of everybody waking up
curiosity. Starting from an element as basic as a bicycle
we try to explain fundamental physical phenomenon related to electromagnetism, the optics and and the thermodynamic. All conjugated with activities that show
these phenomenons and that provide the Physics with a
pleasant and motivating aspect.
Several activities are developed:
The power of electromagnetism like sources of electric
The optics like a source of security in.
The bicycle pressure, heat and temperature in the bicycle.
People will have to use bicycles in the stand and analyse these phenomenon. All the activities are directed to
the public in general. The excellence of the project is
that with a daily element as a bicycle we can develop a
whole course of Physics at level of secondary. During the
course 2006/2007 it was used at school in the subjects
of Physics and Chemistry to initiate students in: electromagnetism (generation of electric current), optics (reflec­
tion and refraction), thermodynamics (pressure, heat)
and kinetics theory.
A metal wire as measuring element for
Measuring forces and temperatures
(( Höhne, Gerhard
(( Hanns-Seidel-Gymnasium, Hösbach, Germany
How does the resistance of a wire by stretching, by
bending and warming change? This is a question in which
students are very interested, especially when you say,
that such changes can be possibly used for electric
measuring of forces and temperatures. To proof the
changes in resistance, the Wheatstone Bridge is introduced, which is very important in technology of measuring. In this case the students regard it as an impressive
invention. It can be shown easily using this bridge, that
the electrical resistance of a wire increases by warming
and stretching and decreases by bending, and that a
wire of constantan is suitable to measure forces in the
range of 10-3 N .
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
The students are very surprised about the reduction
of the resistance by bending because they expect that
this should lead to an increase of the resistance.
Interested students seek for an explanation for the
changes in resistance by stretching and bending, sometimes they wish even a mathematical description. Under
these conditions important topics can be discussed,
which are boring under other circumstances. Combinations of resistances parallel and in series can be investigated.
Many interesting experiments can be executed with
an instrument working with a wire to measure forces
and minimal contractions. For instance, it is possible to
measure the contraction (1/1000 mm) of a piece of
wood, if somebody presses this piece together. You need
12 € to build such an instrument. The author can give
you a fitting circuit-board for 6 € (original costs). You
can find a construction manual under
one. We use their structures, mechanisms and electric
motors whose quality and reliability are usually higher
than the ones provided in scholar materials. From the
electronic rubbish stuff we have designed and built new
devices such as the following ones: mouses that run
away and vibrate when somebody tries to pick them up,
a lift made from a printer, automatic blinds made from a
cd reader, electric generators made from a cd reader and
a film can and robots built from old toys.
and due to the cooling-down of the spokes on the other
side a continuous energy conversion is possible.
Exp. 3 - refrigerating machine I (inversion of the latexmotor, kinetic energy > thermal energy).
This experiment shows that the latexmotor is a reversible process. If the hula hoop runs in guide rolls
(powered by an electric motor) and the axis is in an excentric position the condom-spokes are warm on the
expanded side and cold on the other side. This effect can
be visualized by a thermographic camera.
Exp. 4 - refrigerating machine II (refrigerator-principle,
kinetic energy > thermal energy). A latex loop runs over
two rolls. One of them is powered the other is slowed
down. Thus the latex loop is permanently expanded
(warm) on one side and on the other side permanently
relaxed (cold). Theoretic background: When expanding
the latex the work is partially converted in thermal energy. If the expanded latex is heated the process reverses: The latex absorbs the heat and contracts.
Physics with Bowling Balls
(( Eidenberger, Ludwig / Gollner, Harald / Altendorfer, Florian /
Eidenberger, Christoph
(( Gymnasium Rohrbach, Austria
(( Jarosz, Jerzy / Szczygielska, Aneta
(( University of Silesia, Poland
The “Physics with Bowling Balls” project consists of
five various experiments which can be presented to pupils
in a primary school as well as to the university students.
The level of discussion and explanation of these experiments can easily be fitted to the level of knowledge possessed by the pupils. The experiments illustrate wellknown rules: conservation of energy, conservation of
linear and angular momentum, elastic and nonelastic
collisions, effects and resonance. Watching these experiments supports understanding of transformations and
transfers of energy as well as understanding the rules of
conservation of vectors.
Conversion and conservation of energy in experiments with the material latex.
Exp. 1 - elevator (thermal energy > potential energy).
A latex glove holds a lever with a weight on the other
side and keeps it in balance. A spotlight heats the latex
glove which reacts with contraction thus the glove lifts
the weight.
Exp. 2 - latexmotor (thermal energy > kinetic energy).
A hula hoop with condom-spokes is heated with a
spotlight on one side. The condom-spokes contract and
the centre of mass shifts. Thus the wheel starts turning
Rubbish Technology
(( Gallego Campos, Francisco
(( I.E.S. Jorge Manrique, Madrid, Spain
Many machines thrown away to the rubbish bin have
most of their components in good working conditions.
We reuse electronic devices to create new appliances
whose purpose is completely different from the original
Walking along the Physics Laboratory:
What is Electricity? The hydrogen Fuel
of the Future
(( Palmero López, Lorenzo
(( IES Murgi, Aguadulce, Spain
The experiments shown here allow us to discover
what electricity is and how to produce it without altering
the environment, what Hydrogen is and why it may be
the fuel of the future. Based on the concept of charging
the electric and magnetic field we explain how “elegantly” electricity is produced and how it can be generated
by the so-called renewable energies by helping everyone of us in its production. By storing the surplus energy
by means of the production of HYDROGEN (high energy
carrier) it can become the fuel of the future by combining itself with the O2 in the air of the fuel charger thus
obtaining electricity and H2O.
From rock salt to a high tech product
(( Lenzen, Werner
(( Gymnasium Fabritianum, Krefeld, Germany
Our project “From rock salt to a high tech product”
involving several school subjects focuses on forms 9 to
13 as target groups. The project’s topic serves as a spine
of a complex body allowing independent activities in
various fields and controlling them at the same time.
The main methodological focus is on independent student research and experiments.
The project could be realised because of the Bayer
Science & Education Foundation. It wants to show the
positive effects of a partnership between schools and
the economy which allows a decisive improvement of
the schools’ equipment and therefore the conditions for
experiments. Furthermore this partnership granted our
students insight into working laboratories, the chemical
plant itself and a better orientation in the vocational field.
The Chemist and the Fireman faced with Fire
(( Prada Pérez de Azpeita, Fernando
(( IES LAS LAGUNAS, Madrid, Spain
In Europe 4,000 people die each year because of fire.
A small fire can become a tragedy if people do not know
how to react. The best fire extinguisher is not only prevention but also the knowledge on the different kinds of
fire and combustible and how fire can be extinguished.
The activities have been arranged in two groups. The
first group deals with the basic concepts of the fire (fire
triangle and types of fire and oxidation) from the chemi­
cal point of view; the second one deals with extinguisher
agents and types of fire extinguishers from the point of
view of the chemist and the firefighter. Students have
to put into practice their chemical knowledge in an
amazing form. The project puts into practice through attractive, amazing and safe examples, some basic scientific knowledge related to fire that must be known by
every European citizen for their own safety. The acquired
knowledge can be used to prevent, reduce and extinguish little fires that may cause serious injuries and
­environmental problems. All the proposed experiments
can be done under the teacher’s supervision by the
­students in Physics and Chemistry class of any level. The
reactives and materials used are easy to find and they
do not need too much time to prepare. The contents­
can be related to any subject of any course of general
Model Experiments – Experiments in DVD
(( Márki-Zay, János
(( Vásárhelyi Cseresnyés Kollégium, Hódmez, Hungary
Experiments with paper: Changing the properties of
paper by deformation. Making a paper spring. Consequences of twisting a paper reel. Experiments with paper strips. Márki-Zay-type straw model. Approximetely
50 different experiments and modelling experiments
can be shown using electrically charged straws (including
a DVD). Colourful illustrations of magnetism are given
on a colour TV (supported by a DVD). Illustrating longi-
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
tudinal waves with a magnetic pendulum. Further developments on Bragg-Nye-type bubble model. Modelling
diffusion along the edge of particles. Foam and glue models
of amorphous material fracturing (viscous fingers).
dents only found the Virus in mites, the varroa-free bees
were not affected.
Metals in motion
(( Steiger, Franz
(( KSL, Sempach, Switzerland
Metals in motion (DVD) by Gabrijala Pejic and Franz
Steiger. Burning, popping, exploding, shining, pulsing,
floating, colored, twanging around, growing liquid …
metals on stage.
In a project during one week a class of five girls and
sixteen boys (14 - 19 years old) made short videos of
chemical experiments. They cut the films and underlayed the product with own and foreign music. The result were five films from four to eight minutes. The
product shows the fascination of chemistry.
Chemistry is fun! It’s a film for amusement and relaxing. The direction of the film was by Gabrijela Pejic and
Franz Steiger 2008.
An automatic page turner for
disabled People
(( Quiniou, Michel / Danet, Jean-Luc
(( Collège Saint Joseph Lorient, France
This machine allows to turn automatically the pages
of a book. It is controled by a sound (or a contact). At
present, it makes possible the reading of two different
sizes of books, forward and backward.
A program in the LEGO brick NXT memory provides
remote control which is ensured for part by a few other
legos (motor, microphone, various contacts and assembling). The fact pupils can construct and program by
themselves this system after a few years in the college
robotics club is the most important pedagogical interest
of this system.
Problems are solved experimentally. Therefore, it is a
matter of experimental process: for example, the search
of a ruler to maintain and turn pages, a sticky paper
which is sticky enough but does not tear up pages, ….
Providing a machine with a good reliability under 400 €
(a reasonnable budget, the maximum a disabled person
can afford) is the final aim. This system has to be constructed by the handicapped person himself using the
provided maps.
We have reached the first step. Next year, the work of
a second team will provide a better knowledge of a disabled person’s demand.
Partners for this projects are Mrs Marivain, occupationnal therapist in a rehabilitation service and Mr Duhaut,
robotics searcher in South Britanny University. They have
to be thanked.
Lively Bees – Nasty Disease
(Flotte Bienen – fiese Viren)
(( Steiner, Konrad and students
(( HLFS Ursprung (Higher Secondary School for Agriculture),
A mysterious disease (Colony Collapse Disorder)
which is distributed by a virus and its affecting bees, is
killing off bees overseas. For the time being in Europe the
bees here seem to have been spared. Due to increased
global mobility however it is only a matter of time before local bee populations will be affected as well.
In order to detect the IAPV (Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus) pathogen in time students at HLFS Ursprung developed a molecular biological test on their own for detecting RNA viruses. From searching for specific primers in
the genome of the virus in internet databases to taking
and processing samples to cleaning up, to extracting
RNA transcribing into cDNA to PCR processing the students did everything by themselves. Thirty-two bee
samples were then examined. Fortunately the students
did not discover the vicious IAPV in any of the bees. The
students did not only examine the bees for IAPV but
also for two local viruses: “Acute Bee Paralysis Virus”
(APV) which is closely related to IAPV and the “Deformed Wing Virus” (DWV). The fact that only the bees
in our samples that were found to have APV were those
that were afflicted with Varroa mites awakened the students’ urges as researchers. In order to further explore
the relationship between mites and APV they spent
hours carefully separating the parasites from the bees
using tweezers and microscopes. Amazingly the stu-
A Bioinformatics Gene Hunting
(( Viale, Giovanna / Grazioli, Cinzia / Gritti, Cristina
(( Cus-Mi-Bio, University of Milan, Italy
During a bioinformatics “gene hunting” students learn
how to access genome information from public databases and how to extract and compare information from
nucleotide and amino acid sequences. In this workshop
students are involved in a simulated genetic counselling
activity for a family with a case of cystic fibrosis (CF),
one of the most frequent genetic diseases in western
populations (1/30 heterozygous, 1/3000 born with disease). CF is a serious disease affecting various critical
body functions, including respiration digestion and reproduction. Starting from the results of a simulated DNA
analysis of the proband’s DNA students identify his genotype and are guided in a web tour to collect info on the
involved gene its most common mutations in western
populations and their consequences on the function of
the CFTR protein and to compare 3D structures of normal and mutated forms of the protein. A teacher who
runs this activity in his classroom can address all the
fundamental topics in genetics and cell biology (classic
genetics, gene structure, protein structure and function,
molecular basis of genetic diseases, human physiology
etc). Moreover he is given the opportunity to abandon
theoretical teaching and adopt practical examples to
show the molecular mechanisms underlying cell functions. Most importantly, bioinformatics has opened the
new fields of genomics and comparative genomics which
represent the optimal starting point to discuss the
theme of Evolution.
Smoking Chemistry
(( Bolimowska, Ewelina / Dzieran, Lukasz / Makolski, Lukasz
(( Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
“One cannot trust science which is not understood...”
Chemical shows are an excellent opportunity to discover and understand many phenomenons of chemistry. The clear form appeals to everyone no matter what
is their age, interests and education. We consider chemistry a science which should always be presented experi­
mentally and not only in books and during lectures. During our performances we are trying to make our
spectators more familiar with different areas and aspects of chemistry. We show and explain fascinating
phenomenons which we can sometimes even come
across in daily life. Our reactions are performed according
to all safety rules and with extreme care for our spectators health.
Chemistry and physics in every day life and
practising magic in a circus – 2 become 1
(( Breuer-Küppers, Petra
(( Schule an der Schwalm/Förderschule Lernen (special
school), Schwalmtal, Germany
In this projekt a circus-show was joined by 16 children
(3rd and 4th grade) from ‘Schule an der Schwalm’ a
school for pupils with learning difficulties. My part had
been decoration music and a magic show which I am going to describe. Because of thinking that the magic tricks
which are for sale were not suitable I tried to find scientific experiments easy to do and spectecular enough to
arouse children’s interest in school and at home. During
the lessons we had to organize and discuss the experiments, the children had to think of and write down presenting texts, the room had to be decorated and music
had to be found. At last we connected ten physical and
chemical experiments to a magic show. At the beginning a balloon with jet propulsion came zooming across
the stage accompanied by lightnings of flashlights. The
magician casted a spell on a balloon which did not burst
even though there was a needle in it. A magnetic car
followed the hand of the magician or drove away, a stupid member of the audience was not able to pour water
through a funnel in a bottle (the magician put his magic
stick in the funnel and it worked), matches moved suddenly like ships on the water (with soap at one end), a
goo was also hard and fluid (water with starch), “water”
turned red or green by demand (water of red cabbage
and acid or alkaline solution), an underwater volcano
broke out, flames were yellow, red or green and at last a
candle was extinguished with “nothing” (CO2). End of
the show.
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
Watt... en wat meer! – Watt... And some more!
(( Dendooven, Lieselot
(( Katholieke hogeschool Sint-Lieven Aalst, Belgium
Watt… en wat meer! is a project which tries to make
science more interesting for teenagers (age: 15-18) by
making educative boxes and interactive expositions.
The expositions exist of a set of interactive hands-on
experiments to teach and show pupils more about some
basic aspects of physics and science. The educative boxes
are meant to stimulate the development of scientific
competences such as making a report, completing research, making correct conclusions, critical thinking, …
Examples: do some research about UV and sunscreens; measure, compare and calculate the velocity of
a magnet falling through several copper tubes; …
All material developed by ‘Watt… en wat meer!’ is
about the following subjects: Light (LED there be light);
communication (from tamtam till mobile phones); magnetism (attractive magnetism) and energy (passive
housing). This project is developed with support of the
Flemish government.
Simple experiments in various levels of
teaching physics
(( Drozd, Zdenek
(( Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
In this project a simple method is described how
hands on experiments may be performed in various levels
of teaching physics (from primary school to university
education) and how to achieve new findings obtained
by the analysis and evaluation of these experiments.
The hands on experiments represent a very effective
way how to make physics more attractive for students.
The simple experiments are usually used in primary education and in the secondary schools. In this project it is
proposed how to use them also in university level of
physics education. The design of various aids and simple
apparatus is described. It is based on the commonplace
tools and objects. Practical examples are shown how
this topic which is often considered to be marginal and
only expository in the physics education may be presented in a very interesting way and in active participation of students. The procedure is proposed in which the
students in discussions with the teacher and among
each other, in homework and particularly by suitably di-
rected independent work during classes discover new
findings, introduce necessary physical units etc. Moreover
intersubject relations between physics and other teaching
subjects are developed. The proposed methodology results
in a deeper understanding of the topic and the students
learn the active creative approach to problem solving
­issues. The tips for the tuition specified in this project
were tested by author directly in teaching procedure.
Iodine DOES NOT sublimate and other
(( Fodor, Erika
(( ELTE Trefort Teacher Training School Budapest, Hungary
Do you remember your first love? Yes? And your first
chemistry lesson? No? We should await our students
with astonishing spectacular brain–beating student experiments and demonstrations even at the first meeting.
We should use their creativity to explain the phenomena.
Titles of some experiments: The Magic Pot, Something
from Nothing, Is the Water Combustible or It Only Seems
My „Discover it Yourself” method and its unusual
tools (Hungarian Innovation Award) are succesfully
used in more than 100 schools (age: 8–18 years) and in
the training of teachers in Hungary. With my “Discover
It” method and its practical tools the experiments are
more spectacular and more exciting.
What is dangerous in a test tube or glass bulb is allowed at this method. With these environment-friendly
and rapid experiments a project can also be prepared
(analysis of experiment application of the learnt subject, investigation, gathering new ideas, etc.). With this
project we can rank different PE objects based on their
additive contents. Finally, a NOVUM, with special and little tools I demonstrate that IODINE DOES NOT SUBLIMATE
as it is written in every schoolbook. IODINE IS DRIPPING
as it does not read schoolbooks! Every teacher of chemistry or science can do these surprising, spectacular but
simple experiments with their students if the teacher
himself likes to enjoy the wonders of nature.
Magic? No, it’s Chemistry!
Olympic Lab
(( Noes, Karin / Olesen, Erik Bruun
(( Odense Katedralskole, Denmark
The overall idea of this project is to let students find
out through physics experiments and measurements
what kinds of sport they are best suited for! All experiments presented are anchored in traditional and wellknown physics (energy, formulas of kinematics, Newton’s
laws). First the students will do some measurements of
their bodies to find out if they are small/tall, light/heavy
and if they have a high center of mass. In some sports it
is essential to (be in possession of) have this information.
Some examples:
- If you are tall you will be good at basketball, fencing
and volleyball.
- If you are heavy you will be good at shot put, weight
lifting and goal keeper in ice hockey.
- If you have a high center of mass good at high jump
and hurdling.
They will also find out which sports suit them best by
doing specific experiments/tests.
-Are you good at sprinting? (by using ultra sound or
video analysis)
-Are you strong? (by using a force palte)
-How is your fitness index? (by using a pulse sensor)
-What is your vertical speed at take-off in high jump?
(by using video analysis and a force plate)
-What is your lung capacity? (by using a spirometer)
-What is your reaction time?
-What is your precision when kicking/hitting a ball?
-What is the speed of the ball?
After having made the measurements and tests/experiments listed above the students fill out a scorecard to
find out which sports suit them best.
Chemistry is Fun –
action-oriented, open Chemistry
(( Von Borstel, Gregor
(( Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium Bornheim, Germany
Creative experiments with medical – technical equipment by Gregor von Borstel, Andreas Böhm et. al.
“Tell me and I’ll forget.
Show me and I’ll remember.
Let me do it myself and I’ll understand” (Confucius)
Our goal is to increasingly enable students not only
to follow the way of scientific insight but to walk on it
autonomously. Therefore it is necessary for them to successively learn to plan and optimise experiments.
Air and Combustion, the lime circulation or the principle of “Le Chatelier” serve as an example for proving
that chemistry can be planned and carried out in such a
way that it does not only impart issues and methods,
but is, according to the pupils, also fun.
The main methods of teaching will be the “Egg-Race”
method. To enable even beginners to do this most risk
less we have developed sets for a technique of experimentation which allows break-proof handling on a small
For this purpose we employ a number of medical
technical devices (so called “ChemZ”)
These devices have the following advantages over
conventional glass devices:
-They offer higher safety standards as there is no risk
of breakage of glass.
-They are easier to handle.
-They are cost-efficient.
Equipment and literature for free regarding the subject
and experiments with gadgets used for medical treatment shall help to create a lively image of the ideas.
You will find further informations and a lot of materials below www.lncu.de
Under Pressure
(( Monteiro Carreiró, Luís Miguel
(( Secundária de Nelas, Ervedal da Beira, Portugal
It is sometimes difficult to implement experimental
work at schools due to the high cost of certain equipment or tools and the lack of readily available materials.
In some circumstances these problems may be overcome by means of low-cost educational equipment made
from materials which can be easily found at school and
in our everyday life. As a consequence it is our intention
to present some activities related mainly to the concept
of “Pressure” which are educational applications of the
syllabus contents taught both in the elementary and
secondary education. The approach which was used involved the construction of some easily conceived devices which can be developed in regular classes or even in
the science club.
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
result of the implementation of coastal engineering
structures. Thus we have developed a model that illustrates the human interference with the sand drift. The
model shows the wave refraction near the coastline.
Waves brake on the shore and the reflux is done by the
force of gravity perpendicularly to the coastline. The
sediments are then transported by the waves in a zigzag movement and a process of sand drift alongshore
occurs. Structures as groins interfere with the drift interrupting the flow of sand along a beach. Consequentely beaches upcorrent of groins widen due to sand trap
and beaches downcurrent of groins erode severely.
The spell of candles
(( Nacenta Torres, Pablo
(( I.E.S. Alameda de Osuna, Madrid, Spain
The Project is based on a series of lectures given by
M. Faraday and collected in a book called “The Chemical
History of a Candle”. Looking at the three parts of a candle:
wickfuel and flame, a group of experiments organized in
modules is shown with the idea of approaching physical
and chemical matters within the curriculum of Primary
and Secondary Education. This experiment was undertaken with students and it was shown by the students
themselves in IES Alameda de Osuna from Madrid with
two aims: for the observer to know the methods used by
science; and for the exponent (teacher or student) to
make use of the resources to explain science. Besides, in
April it will be shown by 25 students at the “Madrid is
Science“ exhibition with more than 150,000 visitors.
Wick and capilarity is the aim of the first group of experiments with a double purpose: getting to know the
concept of surface tension and capilarity and verify that
paraffin wax raises by capilarity through cotton wick.
The use of paper film, of aluminium, metal, sieves and
strainers, hand or elbowed glass tubes are the tools to
answer the question: What substances are burnt in the
flame? With a glass tube from an oil lamp the importance of gravity and convection flows in the shape of
the flame is revealed. Let’s play some games with the
candle to understand the nature paramagnetic oxygen
using a neodymium magnet or watch the spectacle of a
chain reaction with the aid of flour.
used in ultrasonic inhalers. They are used for medication
and prophylaxis in case of respiratory tract and lung diseases. If you put the generator deeper in water it still
stirs up without producing fog.
We demonstrate the following effects:
Welding under water,
Ultrafine emulsions of water and oil,
Generation of fog by cavitation,
Coagulation of flour in water.
Measuring the velocity of sound in liquids with stationary ultrasound waves
Visibility of ultrasound current-patterns through aluminium-powder.
Human interference with sand drift
(( Pereira, Hélder
(( Escola Secundária de Loulé, Faro, Portugal
Ultrasound in Liquids
(( Natschläger, Franz-Josef and students
(( Kollegium Aliosanum und Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz, Austria
We use an inexpensive ultrasonic fogmaker for a series of experiments to make physics come alive. Our
generator works at a frequency of 1.6 MHz and utilizes
electrical oscillation frequencies via ceramic disc’s high
frequencies to create water droplets in the form of a
cool white fog on the surface of water. (A Ultrasonic Humi­
difier is a household appliance that increases humidity
in a single room or in the entire home). Adding a few
drops of eucalyptus-oil to the water will produce an effect
This project was developed to demonstrate that the
human interference with the alongshore sand drift is a
Holography 4 Schools
(( Pombo, Pedro / Nogueira, Filipe / Lopes, Vítor
(( University of Aveiro, Physics Department, Portugal
This work presents 3D theory based on hands-on
strategies for school science. Experiments with low cost
materials for classroom activities will be constructed to
explore topics related with visual perception such as image formation parallax and 3D projection. Some image
processing techniques such as pin-hole photography,
stereoscopy and holography will be analyzed. This work
will be focused on holography theory and some holographic techniques. It involves 3 modules about holo­
graphy and presents different holographic techniques
for schools. 1st module presents an introduction to holography based on hand-drawn holograms and it is dedicated to young students and to science teachers. 2nd
module presents laser optics holography based on reflection, transmission and rainbow holograms and it is
dedicated to high school students and to physics teachers. 3rd module presents hologram visualization setups
based on laser light, white light and large format holograms. Participants will construct several types of holograms: reflection holograms, transmission holograms, color
holograms and simple hand drawn holograms. Optical
holograms will be compared with hand drawn holograms.
Hologram visualization will be performed involving white
light and laser light reconstruction and some spectral
color effects will be analyzed. Finally, educational poten­
tials will be discussed and related to optics topics included in typical physics curricula.
Science Menu: “à la carte” Experiments
among Pans and Test Tubes
(( Realdon, Giulia / Ercolino, Immacolata
(( Liceo Scientifico Statale “Piero Calamandrei”, Naples, Italy
Kitchen has always been the ideal laboratory for applied science. Food preparation has played a role in the
development of science and scientists have contributed
to the development of cooking, since the invention of
pressure cooker to modern “molecular gastronomy”.
As kitchen is well known by students it is useful for
science teachers to use it as a resource to provide them
with various activities which are interesting, informative
and rigorous at the same time.
In this science festival we are presenting a “menu” of
didactical experiments performed with ordinary materials and devices.
General Aims
- Promoting the experimental approach to Chemistry
and Biology even in schools without an equipped lab.
- Encouraging teachers to perform lab activities with
the help of structured and indexed materials.
-Linking the experiment menu to specific topics of ­science
curricula from primary to lower secondary school.
-Stimulating teachers’ creativity and providing them
with a didactical framework for new experimental activities.
Strong Points
-Friendly approach to scientific subjects.
-Integration with science curriculum at different levels.
-Link with various Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth
Science topics.
-Integration with web resources (e-learning).
-Possibility to expand the materials.
A new method for alpha-particle detection
in a classroom experiment
(( Szoboszlai, Zoltán
(( University of Debrecen, Has ATOMKI, Department of
Environmental Physics, Hungary
Radioactivity is invisible therefore it is still a mystic
phenomenon for the public. It is very important to raise
the public awareness of nuclear science. Students will
build more confidence and knowledge in this field if they
conduct experiments on their own which helps to under-
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
stand the origin, type, hazards and safety issues of nuclear
radiation. We tailored such simple experiments with alpha
particles which do not have any radiation risks but cover
a wide scientific area in the nuclear field. Through visua­
lization of alpha particle hits into the detector we approach
the ion-solid interaction via another sense as usually
done by using complex electronic devices. The experimental setup is simple and includes a webcam. As students are familiar with modern information technology
we think that they will be highly motivated to understand these experiments.
This experiment using new type of equipments also
a) to emphasize the importance of the process of scientific investigation as a means of solving problems
in everyday life;
b) to contribute to the students’ general education
by helping them to make sense of the physical environment through scientific inquiry;
c) to develop experimental and investigative abilities;
d) to develop positive attitudes towards physics, science
in general and the environment.
Physics experiments with simple material
(( Walravens, Patrick
(( ZAVO, Lennik, Belgium
(( Ferrazzano Casaburi, Luigina
(( High school Alfano I, Salerno, Italy
At the fair I will demonstrate about 20 experiments
of my collection of nearly 920 experiments. All these are
made with simple and cheap material. Experiments of
following subjects will be shown: magnetism, electrostatics, hydrostatics, Pascal’s law... Some mindteasers
will be shown there, too. See you at the fair!
The school “Alfano I” of Salerno using the Italian version of “Teaching Science in Europe” (Science on Stage
Deutschland e.V., Berlin 2006) has started an experimen­
tation in around 25 schools of every order and degree of
the province of Salerno. Innovative aspects: experimentation in class in English (and sometimes in German)
language of a book born by an international collaboration, introduction of innovative methods in science
teaching, collaboration of teachers from schools of different orders, also using the net. The experimentation
took off from a teacher training seminar held at high
school “Alfano 1” in Salerno which involved about 60
teachers. The training was held by European teachers
who have collaborated on the publication of “Teaching
Science in Europe” by experts on science teaching, by
experts of English as communication language to support
other disciplines (CLIL: Content and Language Integrated
Learning) and by experts on communication network. An
experimentation protocol was discussed and defined. A
large group of teachers used in class hours the book
“Teaching Science in Europe”, documented testing, produced a diary board, sheets of observations, tests, reflections, maintained contact with tutors and other network
colleagues through the platform First Class which was
made available for the project by the non profit centre
INTERMEDIA. It has been achieved a final event in which
were exposed artefacts posters and related multimedia
Change of pressures
(( Varga, István
(( Ajaki ÁMK, Kisvárda, Hungary
I am going to show a set of experiments where small
changes of temperature or pressure of the air or liquid
induce “big changes”, which are easily observable, even
for very young children (primary school). These experiments are very simple. Primary school children can perform them even at home, since they do not need sohpisticated equipment. If the children see them in the school,
usually they go home and repeat these experiments,
show them to their parents and friends. This way they
get more involved in learning physics: Direct measurement of the weight ot the air, Aerodynamic paradox,
How can we bring liquid into a closed field?, The change
of temperature causes changes of volume and pressure
in gases. Atmospheric air pressure presses the water
into a pump. Air blown into a tyre is able to lift up heavy
mass. Experiment to show that the difference of temperature causes the change of pressure also in liquids.
The change of gas-volume dissolved in water causes the
change of pressure. The hot air coming from oxidation
(burning) or sublimation lift up the burning objects.
Experiment to measure and analyze the
Motion of a Pendulum using a programmable
(( Ward, John / Sidla, Oliver
(( International School Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
By using the standard school setup of a pendulum a
state of the art measurement and analysis of the motion can be carried out by using an ultrasound sensor
which is interfaced by a USB card to a PC so that the
data can be graphically displayed and analysed. The
software LabVIEW from National Instruments connected
to the sensor is used to measure the position of the pendulum bob and the data collected can be graphically displayed. This passive action can be extended so that the
student can be interactively involved in the process in
that the type of data collection and how it is displayed
can be programmed by the student using LabVIEW and
the results of such changes to the experiment are immediately utilized and displayed. For example, how the
change in the length of the pendulum affects the period
of the pendulum swing can be investigated and this can
be graphically analysed. This commonly performed experiment has difficulties in accurately measuring the
time period using standard school equipment. However
by using the discussed methodology the experiment
produces reliable and reproducible results.
What is particularly innovative about the approach
discussed is the usage of the graphical development
platform LabVIEW and the freedom it provides to perform the experiment. From the basic level of setting up
the sensor and simply measuring to the more advanced
by completely programming it from scratch allows the
students to develop their experiments to the level of detail they need.
crisis for which the comparison with other models of
teaching will certainly be beneficial. The contents of
“Teaching Science in Europe” provide examples of laboratory activities for all levels of school and propose a
model of dynamic teaching that prefers the involvement
of pupils: an Italian teacher needs these examples. I collaborated with Ing. Adolfo De Sanctis and my colleague
Ernesta De Masi in translating the publication “Teaching
Science in Europe” from English to Italian and revising
the translation. Now we have a provisional version (word
file). We are looking for a sponsor for publication and
the Italian version will look at the end like the English one.
From ESPERIA Mission to simple Experiments
aimed at reproducing some Space Flight
(( Iscra, Alessandro
(( IIS Vittorio Emanuele II - Ruffini of Genoa, Italy
The Italian School was involved in the ESPERIA mission:
some students conceived the SPORE experiment. SPORE
was aimed at testing the effect of the ionizing radiations on samples of spores. The experiment was realized
by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). What are the most
important aspects of this experiment? Why in-orbit tests
are so important? How can we partially reproduce the
zero-G (and other) space flight conditions? A simple
dropping box with a wireless webcam will show the effects of few seconds of zero-G on a flame, on water drops
on little animated toys. A well shielded UV germicidal
lamp and a Peltier cell will permit to show the effects of
these rays and of low temperatures on Arthemia Salina
eggs and bacteria. According to safety rules the effect
of the exposure of a scintillator and a geiger counter to
uranium mineral will be shown.
Italian version of
‘Teaching Science in Europe’
(( Serra, Maria
(( High school Alfano I, Salerno, Italy
This project concerns the translation to Italian of the
English version of the publication “Teaching Science in
Europe” (Science on Stage Deutschland e.V., Berlin 2006)
that was achieved through international collaboration
with the purpose of spreading this work among Italian
teachers of scientific disciplines who often have difficulty in understanding English language and testing it
in Italian schools. The teaching of science in Italy is in
Hands-on Activities within Science Teaching:
Aspects and possibilities of Assessment
(( Geller, Heidrun
(( Montanus-Realschule, Leverkusen, Germany
In modern science teaching hands-on activities are
given a central role. The focus is on the practical activities of the pupils during which central competences are
achieved. Furthermore hands-on activities lead to inde-
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
A.3 FAIR Hands on-experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
pendent learning and carry a high momentum of motivation. Following which criteria can these activities be
assessed? To provide an answer a survey was carried
out among teachers and pupils to find out their ideas
and possibilities about assessment. Teachers and pupils
agree that hands-on activities are an important tool in
science teaching they are vital for learning scientific reasoning. However, due to a high amount of group-work
an individual assessment of the practical skills is hard to
achieve but should be the aim because hands-on activities take up to 50% of the lessons. Classroom practise
shows that assessment is mostly carried out via the
theoretical part of the lessons. The results of the survey
are brought into context with the actual curricula. The
result is that alternatives are necessary in order to give
the teaching aims for hands-on activities the adequate
weight within the assessment. A range of possibilities
will be presented which should enable the individual assessment of the pupils’ performance. These methods
can be carried out regardless of the organisational constraints. A general implementation of these methods in
science teaching has yet to be achieved. Therefore one’s
own teaching situation should be critically reflected.
lyse the chemical composition of meteorites; deduce
chemical contributions to the flavour of honey; determine the effects of acid to chemical composition of soil;
and used infrared light to analyze the location of proteins in the rod cells of toad retina. Collaborations bet­
ween students and research facilities could become a
routine part of learning.
present an interdisciplinary approach to science teaching
(both physics and biology involved in the experiments)
and there are also some surprising physical phenomena
presented that can be solved with the active students
participation with the emphasize on the experimental
procedure. One set of experiments is aimed at human
respiration. These involve model of lungs, experiments
on frequency of breathing, how deep in water one can
breathe with snorkel, how much underpressure or overpressure one can generate with his lungs, how much underpressure one can generate by sucking. All these experiments are realized with the help of common material
and they can also be enhanced by computer-aided mea­
surement. Other sets of experiments are aimed at expe­
rimental demonstration and explanation of non-typical
school phenomena, such as a laboratory model of geyser,
multi balls collisions inside an astroblaster toy, coffee
and tea ring-like stains left when these liquids are spilled
on a solid surface, Kaye effect that occurs when pouring
viscous liquid onto a liquid surface and the formation of
ice bulge that rises out of a free ice surface when water
freezes into ice. Teachers could let their students realize
the designed activities in the class they can be realized
as an individual activities of the students or some of them
are suitable for talented students in non-formal education.
Learning at Workstations: Analysing Methane
(( Jehmlich, Kirsten / Wille-Ihne, Annegret
(( August-Dicke-Schule, Wuppertal, Germany
By means of learning at workstations the pupils develop knowledge self controlled about the chemical
composition and constitution of methane, the chemical
equation of its combustion and the characteristics of
the homologous series of alkanes. This project can be
used for introducing organic chemistry in 5th form or
for recapitulation and enrichement in lower 6th (10.
und 11. Jahrgangsstufe).
Through Experiments to conceptual
(( Ješková, Zuzana / Kires, Marian
(( Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science, Safarik University
Kosice, Slovakia
The project involves several experiments on different
physical and biological phenomena. The experiments
Students on the Beamlines
(( Walker, Tracy
(( Canadian Light Source Inc., Saskatoon, Canada
High school students conducting world class scientific
research - is there a better way to learn? Creating opportunities for students to work with scientists to develop experiments utilizing a state-of-the-art research
facility has proven to be positive for everyone involved.
Students have been able to participate in every stage of
the scientific method including presentation of data
analysis at academic conferences. Students on the Beamlines proves that high school students are able to contribute to research at an academic level and that there is
value in these collaborations to national research facilities. It is a winning situation for all. With participation in
authentic scientific inquiry students appreciate the crea­
tivity and flexibility necessary for research and a much
deeper understanding of curriculum by applying know­
ledge in a research setting. The Canadian Light Source
uses synchrotron light to analyze multidisciplinary samples. Groups of senior students have used x-rays to ana-
Hands on-Experiments
(( Fliegner, Wolfgang
(( TjP e.V./meteum, Berlin, Germany
Presentation of Hands on-experiments like: the “HUImachine”, a very simple electric motor, the obedient
bobbin, lemon battery, lotus effect etc.
Why Pips don’t sprout in an Apple
(( Querton-Parloir,Isabelle
(( European School Brussel 1, Belgium
We know that some plant hormone help the vegetable
growth. But here the different experiments have proven
the presence of a special substance in the fruit flesh that
stops the pip sprouting. The abscisic acid (ABA) is an
inhibitive hormone. It helps the dormin and avoid the
competition between the mother plant and her seeds or
allow the growth during the best season.
Moving Particles
(( Greiner, Josef
(( Experimentierwerkstatt Wien, Austria
This project consists of 4 hands-on-exhibits:
- Scattering-Experiment,
- Photovoltaics,
- Particles and
- Potential-Pot.
These exhibits are part of our hands-on-exhibition on
“Quantum Mechanics and particle Physics” we are working on.
A.4 FAIR Self-perception in the teaching process
A.4 FAIR Self-perception in the teaching process
How can I draw it!?
in the teaching process
Biology 2.0
(( Bossert, Ulrich
(( Liebigschule Frankfurt am Main, Germany
(( Keuthen, Monika
(( Max-Planck-Gymnasium Trier, Germany
Bilateral reflection and self-awareness meet on a second
level of dialogue. The project was realized in an A-level
course (Leistungsfach class 12) biology “genetics” at
Liebigschule Frankfurt Hesse Germany.
The Plan: The basic idea was that all participants including myself reflect each lesson, its course, individual
contributions, achievements success, interest motivation.
The resulting self-awareness should in the long run increase self-confidence and engagement.
Self-Perception of the Teacher: I thoroughly re-analyzed each given lesson and put the result (the course of
each lesson, my postscripts as well as additional material) on my homepage. Next to the help for my students
my reflections had immediate consequences for the following lessons (explanations and supplements, microfinishing of method and the further conception of the
Self-Perception of the Students: I asked the students
to reflect the lessons using the internet pages and to
write comments on an internet forum especially set up
for that purpose. The individual comments in their turn
could be commented on by other students and were
helpful for my own reflections.
Level of Dialogue II: Thus, a second level of dialogue
via internet was created. It had several functions: making use of the medium deepening knowledge, reflecting
contents and individual interests show students´ attitudes and their individual cooperation during lessons.
“Let’s talk about earth” is a geography class project
by final year students at the Max-Planck High School in
Trier, Germany. The students divide the work into groups
and immerse themselves in the diversity of planet earth.
From the USA to Japan, taking trips through Europe
and Russia the journey continues to Africa absorbing
and taking on board everything from unspoiled nature
to politics economics, the local populations and their
mentalities. A computer simulation featuring the Globos
shows how our world continues to grow closer.
What do the students say we should do about it?
The answer: “Let’s talk about earth”. A song.
(( Matejka, Michal / Simunova, Dagmar / Zelenak, Marian
(( Schola Ludus FMFI UK, Bratislava, Slovakia
“How can I draw it!?” is a complex educational modul
belonging to a series of SCHOLA LUDUS non-formal
learning-teaching modules being realized by us at tens
of schools in Slovakia. The modul consists of four complementary programs: science theatre, interactive exhibition SCHOLA LUDUS, discovery-creative workshop and
game-competition. Participants of SoS Festival 2008
can test our modul by taking part in a short creativediscovery workshop - to play with bouncing balls and
water balloons and to visualize running processes there
in order to get scientific values. Presentation will be supported by multimedia materials and videorecordings
showing the whole program in action with pupils.
Writing Pad and Science
(( Laumer, Rita and Thomas
(( Gauss-Oberschule (Secondary school), Berlin, Germany
According to curricular requirements for accumulating
competence “learners are asked to assume responsibility
for their study procedures and success and to arrange
lessons and their own learning activities.” (See Berliner
Rahmenlehrplan 7 – 10 2006 and Rahmenlehrplan for
Gymnasiale Oberstufe p. 6). Continuous work with the
achievements of the learners is required in order to meet
this tusk. Therefore and to foster individual abilities of
singular efficient and less efficient learners direct handling and on the spot evaluation of their written results
in texts graphs and diagrams within the class assembly
are best feasible with this My Note Premium Pad.
A.5 FAIR Are non-formal education INITIATIVES always beneficial?
A.5 FAIR Are non-formal education INITIATIVES always beneficial?
Are non-formal education
INITIATIVES always beneficial?
project’s start is set for the 2nd semester in grade 5 covering the topic “Plants and animals in their habitat”. It
continues in grade 6 on the “Basic elements air and water” and finishes on “Solar energy”. Students discover
observe, describe, develop questions, make experiments
and analyse, evaluate, confirm, record. Instructors can
be trained or adapt already existing projects.
Molecular Frontiers
KON TE XIS ‘World of Exploring
and Discovering’
(( Bisanz, Manfred
(( tjfbv e.V. / Projekt KON TE XIS, Berlin, Germany
The project KON TE XIS of Technischer Jugendfreizeitund Bildungsverein e.V. introduces re-usable concepts
ideas for projects games experiments and models dealing with the subject ”Exploring and Inventing“. KON TE XIS
presents its range of action (networking learning platform training courses workbooks etc.) and pictures extracurricular activities of exploring discovering and inventing.
Theme Day Molecular Biology –
Theme Day on Nutrition
(( Geyer, Tobias
(( Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, Germany
Since its founding in 1912 the German Hygiene Museum has been considered one of the world’s most un­
usual cultural and scientific institutions. Today it is a “Museum of Man”, a forum for a dialogue between science and
society, arts and culture. The permanent exhibition “The
Human Adventure” focuses on Man, the human body
and human health. At the same time the Museum’s ren­
owned special exhibitions and interdisciplinary events deal
with current social and cultural issues and with topics in
the world of science. The German Hygiene Museum is
firmly established in Dresden’s educational sphere as an
appealing place for extramural learning. Since 1999 the
museum’s Transparent Lab has enabled the public to experience biology at work. The Lab’s one-day programmes
allow young people to carry out advanced experiments
in molecular biology and bioengineering on their own
with experienced scientists on hand to supervise and
support them. The modular programmes cover many topics
from the curriculum of school biology classes. Applying
dialogue-oriented teaching methods to the everyday labo­
­ratory environment is a key component of the Transparent Lab’s work. Teaching in the laboratory benefits from
the Museum’s rich experience in education. The objective
is for students to learn actively and to experience interdisciplinary, socially responsible thinking.
Undiscovered potentials –
Hands-On-Learning as first step into the
occupational world
(( Kruse, Maren / Wolthaus, Petra
(( Mitmachlabor EMA Reinbek/Wentorf, Germany
Our project will support regional and community
schools in Schleswig-Holstein in their task to prepare
pupils of 5th and 6th grade for the occupational world.
They learn to independently investigate in occupational
fields (scientific disciplines) and to experiment practically
in common operational sequences of scientifically oriented occupations. Due to the early possibility to test
themselves and to discover their own talents, interests
and gifts they can take the chance to qualify for the content and demand of jobs that require training. This will
be achieved through Hands-On-Learning and newly
gained insights. The project offers at an early stage in
life the possibility to test abilities in scientific subjects.
Pupils are enabled to acquire key qualifications and authority in respect to the requirements in the occupation
world. The occupational preparation with added environmental aspects decreases the discrepancy between
requirement and reality of occupational internships. The
hands-on and minds-on way. Educational focus is on
concept of modeling. SoS participants can follow the key
moments of the educational process through hints questions tasks and hands-on models. They can also take student’s working sheets and look for they own solutions
of tasks in a position of students. There are presented
the most common student’s answers and suggestions.
The educational unit “Models of sound” represents a
part of a complex program originally built up for a summer camp. Afterwards the program was transformed to
the needs of formal education, too – to a teaching module for 14–15-year-old students.
(( Ljungström, Sten
(( Universeum, Skärhamn, Sweden
Molecular Frontiers is a global effort to stimulate the
interest for molecular sciences and to encourage young
people to pursue scientific curiosity. The purpose is to
follow the development in modern science, inspire curiosity, spread knowledge, demonstrate ways to explain
unusual phenomena as well as everyday events and
show how scientific discovery can be done. Molecular
Frontiers has the unique feature of a Scientific Advisory
Board of thirty leading scientists, nine of them Nobel
laureates, interacting with young scientists pointing out
to young people essential scientific goals and other
guidance for reaching them. On its website MoleClues
young people are engaged in a scientific discussion.
They are encouraged to send in questions about molecular science and receive replies from a Mentor - a dedicated young scientist from the worldwide Molecular
Frontiers network. On the local plane i.e. on the west
coast of Sweden we have started a subproject “Molekul”
(meaning to have fun with molecules) where a young
active scientist and a science center pedagogue together and equipped with expensive scientific instruments
pay visits in schools to do workshops with teachers and
experimental work with school children in order make
an input in the way of teaching science in early ages.
The first topic is a CSI theme.
Models of Sound
(( Blahutová, Martina
(( Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of mathematics,
physics and informatic, Slovakia
A conception of teaching and learning of the properties and propagation of sound is presented in simple
Weather-forecast – Explained by pupils
(( Laumer, Rita and Thomas
(( Gauss-Oberschule (Secondary school), Berlin, Germany
Weather is a local phenomenon. Pupils have learned
about the work of meteorologists on the spot: From
their observations through to the weather news output.
Now they explain the establishing of a weather forecast
to younger pupils at school and to interested visitors in
the Night of Sciences at the observation tower of the
Free University of Berlin.
Open Instruction within the Framework of a
School Astronomy Team
(( Stinner, Peter
(( Kopernikus-Gymnasium Wissen, Germany
Astronomic phenomena offer an ideal frame to open
school with respect to different dimensions and thereby
connect the contents of the school subjects astronomy,
physics, geography, mathematics and philosophy. In this
context of opening school in respect of content, of methods and of institution we have organised many projects
in the framework of a school astronomy team at mainly
out-of-class learning locations. Examples are various
climatic-geographic and photographic experiments at
three central solar eclipses and at the Venus-transit. In
addition we offer astrophysical practical training in cooperation with the Argelander Institute for Astronomy
of Bonn university at the observatory „Hoher List“. We
provide comprehensive material and detailed manuals
for an interdisciplinary experimental project in the
A.5 FAIR Are non-formal education INITIATIVES always beneficial?
A.5 FAIR Are non-formal education INITIATIVES always beneficial?
framework of astronomic phenomena, at class excursions or project days, and for an astrophysical CCD-photometry project. Our students organise events for groups
from kindergartens and schools. They open the school
observatory for all interested people when there are
special occurences. Three series of regular public events
in the observatory has been established to satisfy the
large interest in astronomy in all classes of population.
These events are samples for the opening of school in
respect of institution. Thereby the students exchange
their role as learner for the role as teacher: They impart
their knowledge and experience and last but not least
their enthusiasm.
“Seminarfach” in year 12. First, the organisational
framework is set. Both partner organisations have
named contact persons with ample expertise so that organisational problems could be quickly resolved. Double­
staffing (two teachers) has proven to be very useful. In
a business placement the responsible teachers acquire
the necessary expertise and talk about organisational
details with company members. The whole student
group visits the company, one third of the students does
research with the help of a company mentor, one fifth
works at the company for their project papers. The results are presented in written form (paper), as a digital
presentation and on a poster. The cooperation has had
positive effects on different areas of GS. With the help
of the partner company contacts to universities have
been improved so that students can be better informed
about engineering study courses. One student has chosen such a course, several others are thinking about
choosing one after their final exams.
Blue School (BłE˛kitna Szkoła)
(( Tubaja, Alicja / Dudziak-Grabarek, Anna
(( II LO in Kwidzyn, Poland
Our classes with extended biology, chemistry and
physics syllabus take part in Blue School project and go
to the seaside once a year. They have biology, chemistry,
physics and astronomy classes there. Some classes are
conducted by university teachers from Gdańsk University, other classes are conducted by us. Students have a
chance to use their school knowledge in practice, which
allows to improve their skills and abilities. They may carry
out some measurments and observations that are impossible or difficult to do during regular school classes.
Astronomy classes are a new element for the students as few of them are equipped with proper devices
enabling them to observe the sky. They are really
amazed to find out that to make some observations
they do not need any special equipment such as e.g. the
telescope. Before looking at the sky, they learn about
star constellations and sky maps. Each student is given
basic sky maps to make the first observations. They
learn how to make the simplest measuring device used
for measuring the hight of stars. They are surprised to find
out that an ordinary protractor with properly attached
rope may work as a scientific device. We start our observations in the first evening of our stay here. We go out
to look for the Big Bear and Cassiopea. Next, the students measure the star heights within the Big Bear and
try to find the Polar Star. After the measurments has
been taken, they place their observations out their observation sheets.
Physics in an Amusement Park –
A Modern Approach to Classical Mechanics
(( Heintz, Verena / Pfeil, Eva
(( Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
The project elucidates an approach to connect the
experience-driven non-formal education site “Amusement Park” with teaching physics. During a motivating
visit in a park the students autonomously take data with
acceleration sensors. The interpretation of the observed
forces in respect to the own physical experiences and
the data analysis in general are topic of associated school
lessons. An amusement park provides important links
for numerous aspects of the curriculum on classical mechanics on higher level (German Sekundarstufe II). Riding
free-fall-towers e.g. serve to focus on gravity, merry-gorounds, Ferris wheels or loop-the-loops cover circular
motions, all fulfil conservation laws.
Production of natural Gas in Lower Saxony –
students explore hightech in their region
(( Knispel, Friedrich / Wilhelmi, Wilhelm / Hinrichs, Melanie /
Meier, Kristina
(( Gymnasium Sulingen, Germany
Gymnasium Sulingen and ExxonMobil Production have
been checking possibilities of cooperation. The project
framework can be applied to all cooperations between
school and companies. The phases of the project deve­
lopment can be used as a general guideline: checking
the basic conditions, especially the partners’ means and
resources; adaptation of subject-matters; realization of
project with students; feedback by presentation of results. The platform for our cooperation is offered by the
Dynamics of the Catapult
(( Serafini, Francesco
(( ITIS E. Mattei Urbino, Fermignano, Italy
Can an instrument as old as the catapult help students
study the physics of Newton?
Yes, if the catapult becomes a creative game made by
students. The students were invited to make their own
model catapult with the only condition of using materials
which existed in the past: wood, iron, stone. They made
catapults gathering ideas from internet, books and CD
Roms to which they had access. The catapults made
were decidedly interesting and repropose the mechanisms of the onager, the ballista and the trebuchet
which are mainly distinguishable for the type of force
used: the onager uses torsion force, the ballista uses
elastic force and the trebuchet uses weight force. The
historic models allowed us to talk of important Italian
engineers e.g. Francesco di Giorgio Martini who worked
in the dukedom of Urbino Roberto Valturio who worked
in the dukedom of Rimini and the more famous contemporary Leonardo da Vinci. These models were brought to
class and used by the students to study parabolic movement and its characteristics, various forces and the type
of force used by each catapult, the catapult arm was
studied as a lever, describing the type of lever and calculating its advantage. This “problem solving” brought
the students’ creativity to the classroom. In this context
they were not only asked to follow lessons of theory
which sometimes seem distant from their interests but
were also invited to create make and then study their
own object with the cognitive instruments of physics.
Students’ Science Theatres
(( Horváthová, Jana
(( Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of mathematics,
physics and informatic, Slovakia
The method of student’s science theatres and its using
in teaching and learning of an acoustics theme is presented in poster and video shots. Educational focus is on
development of creativity, communication and learning
competencies. The key moments of the educational
process are presented by tasks hints and information
sheets for children. Results of student’s activities are
shown by samples of student’s worksheets scenarios
and video shots of student’s presentations. Proposed
activity – student’s performances are part of a complex
program originally built up for a summer camp and was
also modified for schools - to the teaching module for
14-15-years old students.
Chemistry Games
(( Salerno, Gabriella
(( Instituto Tecnico Commerciale C. Cattaneo, San Miniato, Italy
The main objective of this project is to present chemistry in a different and more exciting way than usually
taught at school taking advantage of the combination
of playing and learning. To achieve this goal I created
three games: Chemistry Tombola, Chemistry Dominoes
and Chemistry Cards. Chemistry Tombola is inspired by
the traditional Italian game of tombola (bingo) and has
the same rules. The teacher has a board with chemical
elements that have atomic number between 1 and 90
and a container filled with cards representing the same
elements. Students have one or more cards composed
of 3 rows each of which has five numbers from 1 to 90.
In the game Chemistry Dominoes same chemical formula
are divided into two parts and each dominoes piece has
one of the two halves. The purpose of this game is to
recognise chemical formula and to know how to rebuild
them properly. The pieces are distributed among the
players in equal number. The first player begins to order
A.5 FAIR Are non-formal education INITIATIVES always beneficial?
A.6 FAIR Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
the first two cards that reconstruct a formula on the table then the turn passes to the person to the left: they
can add a card to one of two already on the table so as
to compose a different formula. Chemistry Cards are 54
playing cards showing the elements of the Periodic Table with atomic number between 1 and 54 and their
main periodic properties. The purpose of this game is to
deepen knowledge of these characteristics the study of
which is the prerequisite for this game.
Solo entertainer or moderator?
The science teacher of the future
(( Centner, Peter
(( Otto-Hahn-Schule, Hanau, Germany
At the Otto-Hahn-School Hanau (MINT-EC- and Europaschule) the “BCSI-Team” (BioChemical Science Investigation) project accomplished professional high-level
scientific research within regular science lessons. Besides
the enhancement of the students’ social and scientific
competences the project led to a sustainable network
between scientific institutes, universtities and companies. Within the (now six) BCSI Teams questions of fundamental biochemical research are investigated in several
interdisciplinary projects by the students of grade 9 to
10. For the first time (at the OHS) the project resulted in
the students excitement for the “hard natural sciences”.
Our poster will show the project principles, results of the
research in progress and the experiences of the science
teacher. For further information have a look under
Scientific appropriate learning in a
multi-discipline research laboratory
at the Biotechnical Gymnasium (BTG)
(( Fischer, Silke / Friedl, Heike
(( Christiane-Herzog-Schule, Heilbronn, Germany
From the different science disciplines at the BTG corresponding contents will be brought together into a new
additional discipline (expermential laboratory) whereby
the focus is the application and integration of the
knowledge science elements through a theme-oriented
instruc­tional syllabus. In class a complex scientific problem will be presented. The students plan and evaluate
solution approaches independently using their chosen
scientifically appropriate methodology. Small class
groups supported by an instructor team make possible
hereby the individual support of the students. As part of
the evaluation the objectives are regularly checked and
the approaches updated.
Geography Of Europe To Teenagers
(( Kuisma, Merja
(( Teacher Training School of Tampere, Finland
This elementary course is designed for 14–15-yearold students. The students learn the basic information
of Physical and Human Geography of Europe with the
help of educational dialogue, progressive inquiry, and
information and communications technology. They will
also build their knowledge through a pair work of an European country which helps them apply the geographical information and increases their understanding.
The students started the pair work by choosing a picture I had put on the Moodle environment. Firstly they
described the scenery of the picture: nature as well as
the man made constructions. They also wondered what
it would be like to live there and why. Secondly, they
were asked to figure out what would they like to know
about this country – what would a scientist of Geography search for. They wrote their notes on the Moodle for
everyone else to be read and commented on. I could as
a teacher tutor them to find out deeper geographical information. The students also shared the best information resources such as websites with each other with the
help of the Moodle.
The teacher’s role during this course was a lot of a
tutor who triggers the students to ask themselves questions that a scientist of Geography would be interested
A.6 FAIR Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
A.6 FAIR Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
in. The teacher also helps the students to understand
the variety of different kinds of information sources in
the field of Geography: the textbooks, newspapers,
magazines, tour guides, internet and local people.
O Fortuna velut luna statu variabilis!
and the Fickleness of Fortune.
(( Lenski, Michael
(( Ulrich-von-Hutten-Gymnasium, Berlin, Germany
2. Caetano meets at a state fair in Munich a bunch of
quacks who are also trying their hand at demonstrating their tricks. He drums up these sidekicks
and some equipment so that he can establish himself as an alchemist at court and live a pleasant life
at the duke’s cost.
3. Count Ruggiero teaches Max Emanuel the art and
conception of alchemy while his sidekicks are allegedly producing “gold”. Max Emanuel gets enthu­
siastic and invests more money in the imposter.
4. Alchemists throwing a party at Nymphenburg
Palace: Once again the bunch of quacks make their
appearance at the duke to impress him with a variety of “transmutations of matter”. But they are
pushing their luck and the duke gets angry. He
warns them that he is only interested in gold.
­Caetano has to summon up all his trickery to put
the duke off one more time and coax him into investing even more money in his swindle. However
finally he is trapped: Caetano ends up at the gallows in Prussia.
The story – based on historical facts – consists of ima­
ginary episodes revolving around the life of the famous
imposter Domenico Emanuele Caetano Count Ruggiero
who claimed to be able to make gold by the power of
1. Caetano Count Ruggiero an Italian visitor of exalted
rank arrives at Duke Max Emanuel II of Bavaria’s
court at Nymphenburg Palace pretending to be a
master of alchemy. Max II. desparately needs money for the extension of his Baroque palace.
B.1 Round Tables / Workshops Science in kindergarten and primary school
Science in kindergarten
and primary school
Round Tables /
What Water can do
(( Rathmann, Inken
(( Pablo-Neruda-Schule, Leipzig, Germany
The children experiment to get familiar with simple
physical interrelationships among the states of water.
They are made familiar with the key terms and can explain the water cycle. The link between temperatures
and the changing states of this substance are elucidated. Children are taught to handle a small flame and hot
objects with care. They can understand and follow written instructions. Pupils are taught to work with one another and cooperate in small groups. Their skills of expression are expanded in individual descriptions and
arguments. The children can independently explore the
different properties of water. This allows them to make
understand their everyday experiences with the substance and explains them in terms of science. They also
have the opportunity to act as scientists and discover
something new and interesting about water and comprehend the interrelationships.
Macro and micro Level in Chemistry –
an experimental Field for little Chemists
(( Schmidt, Pia Katharina
(( Lise-Meitner Oberstufenzentrum, Berlin, Germany
Science education includes more than introducing
children in facts about the natural world. Science education means doing science: doing experiments, building
concepts and making experiences with the phenomena
in our natural world.The experimental field Macro and
Micro Level in Chemistry consists of six different experiments. Every experimental station provides a model.
The model is introduced to help children to interpret
their experimental observations. The children are free to
build up own models as well.
Science as a transitional Subject in
Kindergarten And primary school
(( Schuster, Elisabeth / Spies, Mario
(( Katholischer Kindergarten Landkern, Germany
Sciences have become a primary subject matter in
many kindergartens and primary schools. They are suitable in order to connect and to improve learning processes to link different institutions with each other and
therefore to ease the transition from kindergarten to
primary school for the children. The participants will get
to know how the cooperation is organised and what activities there are between the kindergarten and the primary school Landkern. During the workshop experiments are carried out with the focus on observation
documentation and connectivity:
-How can experiments be designed for a defined age
-How is a development of competences established
and continued?
-How can a planning of sequences that are developed
for different age groups be carried out to be used for
work in kindergartens and primary schools?
-How can instruments be designed with the task of
controlling the lastingness?
-Does it make sense to work with models as an explanation in the kindergarten?
A short film informs about scientific work in the every­
day life of the kindergarten.
B.2 Round Tables / Workshops Interdisciplinary teaching
B.2 Round Tables / Workshops Interdisciplinary teaching
Interdisciplinary teaching
Hobbies (guitar, violin, singing) become laboratory’s experience at school to open a new way of thinking about
science through music. Some steps are: statistic survey,
the sound, the pendulum, the monocorde reading from
Galileo, the voice, the Greek, musical rhythms.
Influence of new tools (e.g. infrared
camera) on the effectiveness of teaching
in natural sciences
(( Dobkowska, Maria / Los, Miroslaw
(( Zespol Szkol Integracyjnych nr 62, Warszawa, Poland
During this workshop participants will learn about infrared thermal imaging as a valuable tool in science education at all school levels. The thermovision can help to
visualize and thereby enhance understanding of biolo­
gical and environmental processes and physical and astronomical phenomena from mechanics, thermal physics,
electromagnetism, optics and radiation physics, qualitatively as well as quantitatively.
As an element of the classroom practice, we propose
an educational use of the images and movies recorded
by an infrared camera, particularly if traditional methods,
ways and tools of teaching science subjects are ineffective and are not helping students to overcome educational barriers. Energy is one of the most abstract topics
for the students therefore use of the infrared movies
becomes a very helpful tool in education that enables
them to visualize energy. Our series of movies is depicting the situation during an experiment through parallel
pictures recorded with the video and the infrared camera.
In our workshop, composed with miscellaneous experi-
ments, we are presenting the energy changes and energy
losses. One can observe how the infrared camera is giving
a chance to display the proper places where energy is
being absorbed, how the heat is being transmitted etc
We hope that teachers will use this type of movies
during the lessons on the heat and energy topics, and
give their students interesting educational tool for a
better understanding how energy is changing the form
but is not disappearing.
Even and odd musical rhythms:
do people prefer the first ones?
(( Fiore, Rosa
(( Liceo Classico Galileo Galilei, Pisa, Italy
Starting from initial curiosity a statistic research allows
us to collect different knowledge: mathematics, physics,
biology and history, philosophy, greek (“metrica”, “ethos”).
The interdisciplinary approach also aims to exploit the
strong (yet undervalued) link between scientific inquiry
socio-cultural, history and artistic-aesthetic expression.
then of physical phenomena related to its structure. Depending on the age of the students different tools and
models were used with the aim to extrapolate problems
related to disciplines that allow a theoretical solution
and a operational verification following an iterative sequence like this: theoretical model, verification of effectiveness of the model, new model revisited.
Regular Forms and their Models
Think & build Bridges
(( Giannini, Linda / Nati, Carlo
(( IC don Milani Latina, Italy
Think & build bridges is a path which draws its origins
from the project Teaching Science in Europe. We did not
explain students aged 3 to 16 years what a bridge is but
we have been watching how they have built bridges
while playing and what their idea of bridge was.
The survey upon the idea of bridge was also addressed to several adults of different nations aged bet­
ween 20 and 70+ Among the materials used plastic
blocks, wood sticks, simulation software, 3D environments chat and Kit Lego Mindstorm. The idea on which
the learning experience was based tends to rely on experimential dimension that is often overlooked during
daily activities especially when it comes to technical and
scientific phenomena which are kept in the abstract
case studies contained in textbooks. To directly experiment the problems associated with a bridge we started
the representation from the personal concept to motivate students on the objective observation of items and
(( Kasten, Ingrid
(( Annette von Droste Hülshoff Gymnasium, Münster,
Three dimensional bodies with regular forms often
appear in nature technology and architecture. Models of
these bodies are necessary for demonstrations in science:
cube spherical surface pyramid.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide the parti­
cipants with the practical knowledge of two different
methods to produce models with lowest costs:
Edge models formed by tubes (cotton tips) and wire
sliceform models formed by pieces of paper.
I would like to present models made by the students
of my school (football model of the surface of troubled
First of all teacher can use the models to capture the
attention of the students and to introduce and explain
geometrical concepts. On the other hand students have
to connect experiences, competences to the structuring
of the space with the power of mathematical ideas and
conceptions when they produce their own models. You
can see how easy the production of some models can be.
From the concrete medium, from its conception to its
construction problems leads to numerous interdisciplinary activities. The main objectives: mathematical principles for construction, motivate active learning and a
genuine appropriate of knowledge, introduction to science
and culture in respect of structures and bodies. The
project ‘Models’ aims to encourage students to find links
between mathematics and reality to help them to realise
the use and importance of science.
B.2 Round Tables / Workshops Interdisciplinary teaching
B.3 Round Tables / Workshops “Hands on” experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
Ring’round the Roses in the Houses of the
Sun: to play with Astronomy
(( Palici di Suni, Cristina
(( SIS Specialization InteUniversity School, Torino, Italy
Subjects: the constellations, the horizon, the apparent
movement of the sun.
Keyword: Zodiac.
Material: handbooks with astronomical pictures and
tables, cardboards, coloured pencils and … imagination.
With this activity we might approach cinematics of
Sun-earth-zodiac belt system amusing in a play that
teachers can reproduce with their students (8-12 yearolds). Let us see what the astronomers have to say different from astrologers! The sky we observe slowly
changes. Fifty thousand years ago for instance the constellation of Cassiopea which is now recognizable like a
W or a M looked very different and will be different again
after fifty thousand years. For the same reason the sky
belt crossed by the sun changes in the years so we might
have a new constellation crossed. From the table we use
for our playing we see the period in which the sun is in a
constellation. In the first part of the workshop we comment this topic. The second part is a work stage in class:
thirteen placards are made of a length, proportioned to
the staying of the sun in the constellations: in the Scorpion the sun stays only seven days (from the 23rd to
the 29th November ), in the Cancer it stays three times
longer: 21 days; we draw on each of them the zodiacal
sign with its main stars reproducing the drawings of a
manual. Then in the courtyard forming a circle to reproduce the Zodiac belt. We understand in a sort of simulation play what the fact means that the Sun is inside a
The Educational Role of Science Teaching
(( Schäfer, Gerhard
(( Hamburg University, Faculty of Education, Germany
Discussions on education today mainly deal with
questions around knowledge and skills and largely ignore
affective components of education (except the usual
comments on “fun at school”). A new approach to general education through science teaching is demonstrated here aiming at a threefold shifting of accents:
1. From peripheral subject-bound science concepts to
inter- and transdisciplinary basic concepts.
2. From knowledge to general skills and
3. From knowledge + skills to affective components of
education like positive attitudes towards science
as well as basic scientific attitudes.
By training basic scientific attitudes such as honesty,
preciseness, respect for nature, curiosity about nature,
rationality, objectivity, empirical attitude and formalization attitude science teaching is supposed to contribute
essentially to modern “value education”. It will be shown
by some concrete teaching examples how on the “back”
of scientific knowledge as a vehicle such attitudes can
be communicated to young people.
“Hands on” experiments to
boost motivation and cognition?
Best of the giants! – Novel and simple hands
on experiments on polymers by pupils
Physics at your Hands
(( Schembri, Christopher
(( St. Paul’s Missionary College, Naxxar, Malta
Physics at your hands: The objective behind this project
is to present Physics as approachable to students as
possible. The target group of students is 13-15 years old
and the name of the project is: Physics at your hands.
I have been working on this project for the last three
years experimenting with the various methodology: the
5E’s (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate) – an
idea that have been illustrated excellently in the Programme “Teaching Science in Europe” – an initiative
taken by SOS Deutschland throughout the last three
years. In order to achieve this I have connected theoretical Physics with popular topics.
Here are few examples:
1.) Physics and Sports
2.) Physics and Music
3.) Physics and Flight - Astronomy
4.) Can Physics save the world- The Oil crises?
(( Brückmann, Jutta / Arndt, Elisabeth / Freitag, Dorothea /
Gerhards, Michael
(( KÖLNER MODELL connected with the Institutes of Chemistry of Cologne University, Germany
Plastics are an essential part of every day life. Therefore they need to be treated in modern naturalistic
chemistry classes and – for better motivation of the pupils – as experiments done by themselves called “handson experiments”. We would like to recommend this work­
shop for chemistry teachers of any kind of secondary
school. The event is executed by the team “Experiments
on polymers” working according to the KÖLNER MODELL
which is an amalgamation of chemistry teachers, chemistry lecturers of Cologne University and the chemical
industry. During nearly ten years our research group has
compiled and applied in lessons more than fifty very
simple pupil experiments on polymers (synthesis properties and applications, recycling, analysis). Our experiments replace standardized experiments on poly­mers
which used uncommon sometimes even hazardous substances. Furthermore our experiment instructions take
care of an easy access to chemicals used considering officially permitted pupil experiments safety standards.
The experiments can be used in a sensible didactical
manner with all age groups due to the sufficient competent explanations to every experiment. During the workshop a selection of those experiments can be conducted
by participants themselves. The script containing experiment instructions and background workshop participants will receive free of charge.
What happens next?
(( Featonby, David
(( Institute of Physics, UK
The workshop offers a series of simple experiments/
demonstrations are begun and students are asked to
decide and explain what will happen next. Several of the
experiments are unusual in that they have discrepant
outcomes. This strategy which can be adapted to ALL
ages (from 4 years to 18 years and beyond) and abilities
has led to increased motivation and involvement of students. Teachers comment that it helps identify misunder­
standings. Students can work individually or in groups
and can subsequently make their own presentations.
Materials used are such that the demonstrations can
also be taken home and parents involved with the work/
fun. Participants will have access to details of 60 or more
experiments which could be used throughout the year and
it is envisaged that more will be added as more teachers
become involved.
Remotely controlled Laboratories (RCLs)
in Physics Education
(( Gröber, Sebastian / Schmitz, Thomas
(( TU Kaiserslautern, Landesmedienzentrum Rheinland-Pfalz/
Regionale Schule Kaisersesch, Germany
Remotely Controlled Laboratories (RCLs) are real expe­
riments (no simulations) which can be performed over
the Internet by means of a web browser. The web portal
of the project (http://rcl.physik.uni-kl.de) provides teachers
and learners with approx. 15 RCLs including teaching and
learning environments in English and German free of
charge. Besides other features RCLs have similaries with
B.3 Round Tables / Workshops “Hands on” experiments to boost motivation and cognition?
B.4 Round Tables / Workshops Self-perception in the teaching process
hands-on experiments that is quick to access from any
location easy to use and activation of cognitive learning.
RCLs can be used as homework assignments for students
in order to practice experimental skills. The aim of the
workshop is to introduce remote experimentation for inclass teaching and that teachers will become familar with
remote experimentation in various teaching/learning en­
vironments. The workshop includes a brief introduction
in RCLs, a brief report of a teaching proposal and a brief
discussion of different methods for teaching purposes.
The participants will have the opportunity to work
hands-on with the various RCL to discuss advantages as
well as disadvantages. A preview of a teaching proposal
in the case of RCL “Rutherford scattering” can be found at
Some more examples are available at the workshop.
The SunfOllower
(( Jeanjacquot, Philippe / Jeanneaux, Alain
(( Lycée Charlin Chaplin Décines, France
The project was created in a scientific workshop with
a team of students. The scientific goal is to see if the efficiency of the solar cells increases if they follow the motion of the sun. The pedagogic goal is to teach physics,
mathematics, engineering, sustainable development
and astronomy with a scientific approach. The students
find by themselves, with the help of their teacher, their
own experiments and calculations. The students learn
how to communicate and to value their project. They
imagine, realize and also anime workshops with middle
school and primary school students in different European schools. They are also stimulated to innovate and create
their own solar tracker: “The SunfOllower”. This special
tracker follows the Sun motion without any engine, it uses
only dilation and gravity properties. It lasts two years to
obtain this experiment. In their approach, they build
other experiments:
- A gnomon (some kind of simple sundial) with a web­
cam to measure and save the position of the sun
during a day.
- A prototype of solar follower with an equatorial
- A testing ground used to measure the power produced by the solar cells according to the angle bet­
ween the solar rays and the cells.
They do also a very simple calculations to compare
the energy received between the fixed and the following solar panels.
All the experiments can be easily duplicated. Some of
them can be used with primary and middle age school
Self-perception in the
teaching process
Instant Profiles
(( Debusschere, Marc
(( DPB Gent, Belgium
(( Gutschank, Jörg
(( Leibniz-Gymnasium Dortmund, Germany
“Misconceptions” in science teaching. Synergy from
pictures experiments and scientific vision.
Many young people have problems with understanding ideas which science gives them. Many times they
think different about physics than we believe. Conflicts
arise and logical wise they say that physics is difficult,
dull and not easy to understand. Scientific research
shows that the process begins with the understanding
and the manner in which way the person has the chance
in reorganising his personal ideas by expressing them
and by speaking himself. Doing only experiments to
have their attention is not enough; there must be room
to discuss and to experiment themselves so that they
can find out themselves with discussion! It is obvious
that the scientific theory must be given combined with
the experiment. In classroom for teachers it is not always
so easy. In project misconceptions there is given a method
for teachers which has been useful in many classrooms
in Belgium. In the workshop or the fair teachers can eva­
luate the method and see for themselves the value of
the didactic method.
[email protected], www.scienceonstage.be
In the course of a meeting in Potsdam (Teaching Science
in Europe) we identified “knowledge and controlling of
oneself” as an essential quality in the teaching process.
The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) is one
possible way to create personal profiles of teachers as well
as students. With the help of these profiles we would be
able to change our teaching in order to adress also those
students who have a profile different from the teachers
profile. However professional HBDI profiles are time consuming and expensive. As a tool which can be helpful to
European teachers we want to create instant profiles which
do not claim to be real HBDI profiles but quick checks.
Self-perception in teaching process
(( Serrano, Antonio
(( IES La Asunción, Elche, Spain
One cannot see himself: he needs a mirror.
A teacher in the same way needs sign of response
which shows him how he works. In this case the students are the ones who show him how to develop the
lesson in the class room. The student makes the teacher
and the teacher makes the student (to a certain extent).
A demanding student group forces the teacher to grasp
well the lesson; otherwise passive students group without questioning make the teacher relax.
There is a feedback progress. There is also the subjective impression of the teacher when the lesson ends.
Year after year this impression is more well-aimed, both
B.4 Round Tables / Workshops Self-perception in the teaching process
B.5 Round Tables / Workshops Are non formal-education initiatives always beneficial?
satisfactory or frustration. The evaluation sessions are
advantaged opportunities to the self-perception: comparison among incomes of different colleagues might
serve to correct possible deviations. The mark’s examinations can be a way in order to countercheck the professional attitude of a teacher. Usually, a big number of
suspenders use to be anomalous. This is caused by the
low quality of the teacher who thinks that the more students who fail, the better, of greater quality are his lessons and the contrary. All in all a teacher on his own
cannot self-evaluate and the best response to the selfperception process, next to permanently feed-back, is the
formation of liables juicious and qualified students.
Are non formal-education
initiatives always beneficial?
Extracurricular learning in
science-orientated projects
(( Beez, Sandy
(( tjfbv e.V. / Projekt KON TE XIS, Berlin, Germany
Pedagogues know that children and youths do not only
learn by reading books or in a classroom. New impulses
are necessary to keep track of pedagogical basic experiences. In the framework of science-orientated projects
KON TE XIS presents places of extracurricular learning to
allow new perspectives on the process of learning. Extracurricular learning has specific characteristics. No matter
the type (field trips, explorations etc.) all activities have
one thing in common: They seek the contact with the
environment and the reality out of usual learning places.
Due to the fact that there is a focus on individual exploring
and discovering the process of learning attaches great
importance – not the results. In this workshop especially
the chances and potentials of extracurricular learning are
illustrated by presenting three examples of science orientated projects including extracurricular learning places.
KON TE XIS wants to inspire participants to use and to try
shown ideas by their own and to develop new projects
in own classes. Furthermore KON TE XIS works with practical elements such as experiments, games and models
at the workshop and wants to arouse enthusiasm for and
to have fun with scientific themes. The third part of the
workshop is concerned with didactics. This is to provide
a guide for planning, organizing and realizing projects
with a special focus on the course of projects.
We make wind!
(( Send, Wolfgang
(( DLR_School_Lab/ANIPROP GbR, Göttingen, Germany
The key abilities of flying animals and airplanes are
demonstrated by several experiments: How comes that
one can move forward in air without falling down? It is
the question of the forces lift and weight, drag and
thrust. A particular role plays the wind. Without wind
flying like birds is not possible.
A simple explanation of the foundations of flying is
offered, which reflects the experimental results as well
as the theoretical basis. Many teachers feel insecure
teaching the subject flying though they would like to do
so. The lecture aims at giving more confidence in a convincing approach. The physics of a 3D lifting surface
with its tip vortices is made accessible for being taught
at school.
Getting in on the subject flying is suggested via a historic experiment showing the best shape. The approach
rests on a professional basis and, nevertheless, is easily
to be understood. The forces lift and drag follow as the
next step. The proof of the thrust force with an artificial
bird is widely unknown. The blueprint being used for the
wind tunnel may be found on the author’s website.
Science Labs into Schools
(( Wasmann-Frahm, Astrid
(( Klaus-Groth-Schule, Neumünster, Germany
In science lessons German students have little opportunity to practice natural science to explore scientific
thinking or to use scientific knowledge in context. We
B.5 Round Tables / Workshops Are non formal-education initiatives always beneficial?
B.6 Round Tables / Workshops Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
should not be surprised unless young people decided to
work in scientific laboratories. Due to the lack of young
scientists university laboratories opened their doors to
schools. Universities invite students to experimental
work at their labs. The central question of this contribution is whether the roundabout via universities to more
practice makes sense. Science labs have to go into schools!
There they render a continuous practical science learning
possible by examples students learn how to use a microscope, how to hold a test tube but also how to treat scientific questions and how to find an answer, how to
structure an experiment. Why do not we open our science
rooms for more practical and inquiring science learning?
The collection of science material schools usually provi­
ded which covers an enormous potential for science labs
at schools. I propose to install science labs at schools not
at universities. The science labs at schools should play a
central role for science education.
Solo entertainer or moderator?
The science teacher of the future
The FIT-project
Inner learning level Differentiation on
Comprehensive School – Subject Chemistry
(( Beissmann, Regine / Decker, Werner and students
(( Gymnasium Haus Overbach Jülich, Germany
Academic education and furtherance of children in
the sciences sector apply much too late. The FIT-Project
deals with the implementation of simple scientific experiments in class five. Normally one teacher has to control and help more than 30 pupils when they are doing
experiments. The crux of the FIT – Project is that older
pupils (age 14–16) can help as co-teachers. The older stu­
­dents task is to supervise 2-3 experiments with younger
pupils at grouptables so that up to 20 experiments can
be carried out explained and minuted simultaneously
disciplined and in an appropriate atmosphere. The
teacher is moderator or “the last resort”. Provided the
governing body of the school approves the project could
be easily applied in every secondary school. FIT stands
for: “Forschung – innerschulicher Transfer” what means
“Research – internal academical transfer” and shows the
young participants “Forschung ist top!” (Research is great!).
After the summer holidays in 2007 the project continued
on a “FIT work group” basis. It soon became clear that a
new offer meeting the demands of the MIST sector (mathe­
­matics, information technology, science and technology)
could be positioned. The option of an upgrading to primary school remains because at the habitat Haus Overbach a “Science College” emerges within the scope of the
international (Belgium, Netherlands and Germany) “Eu­re­
­gionale 2008” since April 2008. Surely that would lead
to further possibilities for the FIT-Project as an innovative place.
(( Wendel, Lutz
(( Gesamtschule Barmen, Wuppertal, Germany
The main goal of inner learning level differentiation is
to educate pupils of two learning levels together in one
group emphasizing a more and more individual learning
progress. Building 4 courses out of 3 classes guides to
smaller learning groups more effectiveness and more
safety during experimental work. Grouping the pupils
bases on pedagocical considerations not on the isolation
of students with lesser learning abilities like it is usually
done. Action oriented learning methods enable and motivate pupils to resolve problems on their own. In this
circumstance changing the teachers role from instructor
to moderator was not a goal of our project but a necessity.
It is not thinkable to reach individualisation of students
learning progress with the teacher in a guiding role trying
to take all pupils at the same time to one learning aim.
Because of this we almost exclusively planned studentand action-oriented methods for the “new” chemistry
lessons. In case of lessons with a high rate of practical work
this means mostly working at stations. To enable the
students to solve problems without the assistance of the
teacher they get so called “gradual learning steps”.
­Lessons with a higher quantity of theoretical input such
as “material property of noble gases” or “atomic models”
are based on cooperative teaching methods like the Jigsaw
method or webquests. Such high level methods are supplemented by action oriented methods like placemat or
B.6 Round Tables / Workshops Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
B.6 Round Tables / Workshops Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
Science for girls
(( Wolf, Claudia / Tomczyck, Alexandra
(( Städt. Mädchengymnasium Essen-Borbeck, Germany
Encouraging girls in natural sciences and technology.
The goal of the project is to raise the interest of parti­
cularly female pupils in natural sciences, computer sciences and technology. The characteristic of this project
is the broad encouragement accompanying the entire
education of the children from kindergarten over elementary school to secondary school. Regular instructions at
school do not emphasize on an independent and project
oriented approach to work on scientific and technical
problems. Additional manifold courses focussing on explorative and project-oriented learning are offered to
increase the interest in these topics and to strengthen
the self-confidence of the female pupils. The frequently
reserved attitude of girls to natural sciences is decreased
by a tailored approach increasing self-confidence. This will
raise the interest to eventually start a scientific or technical career. The project includes the following elements:
Encouragement in kindergarten, elementary school
and secondary school: workshops and experimental lessons with simple experiments related to everyday phenomena in physics, chemistry and biology.
ROBERTA programming courses for the Lego-Mindstorm robots, integrating ROBERTA projects into the
regular science lessons.
Solar energy: courses with experiments in photovol­
taic and solar thermal power.
Girls teach girls: pupils from advanced classes develop
ideas to get younger girls enthused about natural sciences.
C.1 On-Stage activities Science in kindergarten and primary school
Science in kindergarten
and primary school
One day
The NAWIlino-Box: A science exploration kit
with experiments for primary school
(( Bartnik, Danuta / Broda, Urzula
(( N. Copernicus High School, Cieszyn, Poland
Molecules of water describe where and when water
came into being and places where water is found in nature. They also teach ecology and describe physical phenomenons connected with water: diffusion, superficial
tension, capillarity; which can be observed during the
presentation. Those phenomenons occure during normal
house activities in a family (while making breakfast, dinner
in the bathroom etc.) in one day of their life. Also little
Mary teaches her parents about ecological behaviours
and physical phenomenons.
(( Bröll, Leena
(( University of Education Freiburg, Department of Chemistry,
The NAWIlino-Box: A science exploration kit with experiments for primary school.
Based on the fact that many teachers in primary school
do not feel competent to teach science the NAWIlino-Box
was designed at the University of Education in Freiburg as
part of a current thesis project. Especially pupils in primary
school are interested in scientific topics. The NAWIlino-Box
picks up this interest and illustrates scientific coherence
with conceptually clear experiments. Pupils can use the
NAWIlino-Box during their whole primary school time.
Key content like sustainability is just as important as the
ability to inspire children for scientific experiments. With
this portable learning laboratory pupils get the possibility to expose themselves to science for longer periods so
that they can explore and encourage their own skills. Although the choice of experiments implemented had originally been geared towards the curri­culum of the state of
Baden-Württemberg, the NAWIlino-Box has no features
barring its use on a national level as shown by a compa­
ri­son of federal curricula in Germany. To complement each
experimental unit I developed individual solution sheets
C.1 On-Stage activities Science in kindergarten and primary school
C.1 On-Stage activities Science in kindergarten and primary school
and didactical and methodical advice for integration of
the material in class.
facts. The kindergarten performance takes 25 minutes.
At primary school it takes 45 minutes.
Our pedagogical objectives are:
This show is presented by participants of the mathematics remedial teaching. The self-confidence of these
pupils will increase. Their knowledge of fraction will be
Today many families are never cooking and eating
together. We teach the spectators basic facts like ‘an
eighth of a litre’, ‘a fourth of a tomato’ or ‘half a kilogram’.
Our spectators will have less difficulties and less fear
of contact with the fractions on their start at secondary
There is a chance to discuss the missing basic terms
with kindergarten and primary school teachers. Innovative about our project is the idea to bring into play for
teaching the younger children even the pupils with bad
math results. We make connections to kindergartens
and primary schools in the sphere of our school where
exist some social flashpoints in order to reduce the
starting problems at the secondary school.
Hocus Pocus
(( Hoffmann, Markus and students
(( Gymnasium Bad Nenndorf, Germany
At markets and fairs in the middle ages magicians
were a big highlight and amazed the audience with
seemingly unfathomable experiments. Today most of
these phenomena can be explained and demonstrated
with scientific methods. A day of projects with regards
to the Siemens media collection “Water – humanity’s
project” inspired pupils to develop a theatre play to
demonstrate the difference of knowledge in the middle
ages compared with today.
Some of the children play the magicians of the middle
ages and another group acts as present day scientists.
On one half of the stage the magicians show their magic
and on the other half the little scientists demonstrate
and explain the same experiments using todays state of
To combine scientific experiments with historical aspects and stagecraft encourages the scholarly interest
in science. The playful handling of the topic appeals to
kindergarten kids as well as pupils at secondary level.
Especially the interdisciplinary aspects of this project
are of interest. The concept combines elements of science,
art, media, history and descriptive play. Pupils experiment
with scientific phenomena and are significantly responsible for their success.
matical themes at the age of two, kids will become interested and efficient learners, if they could imagine the
concrete mental picture of numbers and sums. Optical
and sensous impressions will support cross-linked thinking.
Also new ideas for interdisciplinary teaching methods
(involved disciplines German/English - also as a foreign
language - and Art education) will be practical. Motivate
children and their families to be conscious of the high
relevance of mathematics in their daily routine.
Discover your own mathematical talents!
(( Stammler, Georg
(( Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät Chemie, Germany
„Luftikus” as a composition of openly conducted
puppet theatre and science show is an introduction for
day-care children to the world of chemical and physical
phenomenons with all senses. Before the puppet show a
training day takes place where the educators overcome
their reservation towards chemistry and physics and
get to know the experiments that the children conduct
themselves after the performance.
“Luftikus” is a composition of an experimentation show
and a puppet theatre. The play was developed in colla­
boration with the professional puppet player Dagmar Selje
from the puppet stage of the same name in Bielefeld.
The plot and the experiments pick the children up in
their environment with familiar things like a balloon or a
chocolate marshmallow and take them on a journey to
the magic world of the phenomenons of chemistry and
Mathematical Number-Stories –
Experimental presentation
The Kitchen of Fractions
(( Löhe, Nora
(( Kindergarten Im Wiesaztal, Reutlingen, Germany
(( Redetzky, Kerstin and students
(( 35. Mittelschule Dresden, Germany
Mathematics (and interdisciplinary subjects) in kinder­
garten and primary school:
Lateral thinking and research needs a lot of correlation.
These skills developing best if cognition will be acquired
sensous. With cuisenaire material (coloured rods) and
the new didactic method - Mathematical Number-Stories – you can attract children’s attention for the exciting
subject Mathematics. Starting with elementary mathe-
The Kitchen of Fractions is a project sponsored by the
full-time education offer of the 35th Secondary Modern
School in Dresden. Based on the popular shows on television three pupils (aged 10 to 12) prepare a vegetable
salad and a sweet dessert for their audience. Two pupils
act in the foreground as presenters. The third one quiet­
ly finishes the foods. In the background processes a
PowerPoint presentation to illustrate the mathematical
C.2 On-Stage activities Interdisciplinary teaching
C.2 On-Stage activities Interdisciplinary teaching
tures through a fog devil in two dimensions. We could
even measure wind speed and the very low pressuredifference of only 1 mbar inside the smoke rings.
Interdisciplinary teaching
Heisenberg and the Turtle
(( Lambauer, Helmut and students
(( International Bilingual School, Graz, Austria
Fire and Flame – Theatre with Chemistry
About vortices smoke rings and fire tornados
(( Czieslik, Wolfgang and students
(( Gymnasium am Mühlenberg, Stockelsdorf, Germany
(( Hoffmann, Dieter and students
(( Main-Taunus-Schule Hofheim a. Ts., Germany
With the story “Fire and Flame” we show how to inte­
grate chemical experiments into the story of a play.
In this play the experiments:
- have a function closely connected with the contents,
- are a component of the respective role just like the
accompanying text the movements and gestures of
the actor or actress,
- are carried out by actors and actresses on stage and
not on an extra experimental table.
All experiments must be arranged in such a way that
they are well visible to the audience and that they are
perceived as an essential part of the accompanying
scene as well. The development of a Chemistry stage
production offers many possibilities for creative work
not only for people who are interested in Chemistry but
also for those who are more interested in acting. During
the rehearsals of a play it became clear to all participants that the selection and the realization of the chemi­
cal experiments belong together in a play. The actors on
stage must also keep an eye on the experiments which
do not belong to their own role and technical assistants
should not only care about a technically correct realisation of their experiments but must also think about an
appropriate integration of the experiments in the play.
Working in the Chemistry theatre group gives the students the chance of developing specialised competence
as well as social and communicative competence. We
expect that the attitude towards chemistry can be influenced positively for the members of the theatre.
and Fine Arts. This project shows how to “feel” Mathematics through two marvelous geometrical expressions:
the Golden Ratio and the Bee Colony. To “feel” the Golden
Number we present (and give as a gift) simple compasses
that can be used on pictures of Fine Arts, the human
body small living beings and other ordinary objects thus
showing how some of their important dimensions relate
through this wonderful proportion. To “feel” the Bee colony we present (and also provide as a gift) a developing
copy of a bee cell where it becomes apparent how bees
through millions of years of evolution have managed to
store a large volume of honey by means of a minimum
surface. All this is brought to the classroom by a question and answers game which involves other disciplines
such as Biology, Languages, History, Technology etc.
thus producing a true interdisciplinary teaching subject.
You are invited to come along in our fantastic trip from
the Sea bed to the Stars in a simple and beautiful adventure of individual development and learning.
Vortices are a fascinating part of the theories of hydrodynamics. You can see them nearly everywhere from
water running through a drain to tornado-like forest fires
and waterspouts. We have picked three different aspects
of vortices for our studies. We constructed an In-DoorFire-Tornado-Machine which can produce fog tornadoes
too. With our selfmade laser-scanner (toothbrush + mirror + laserpointer) we can cut beautiful twocoloured pic-
“Heisenberg and the turtle” is a play for 8 actors/actresses which explores the question of the infinitesimal.
In front of an ancient Greek stadium Alexis Zorba the
Greek invites us to see the famous race between Achilles
and the turtle which is the content of one of Zeno’s para­
doxa and that is about to take place. Before the race the
Philosopher Zeno, Isaac Newton and Werner von Heisenberg meet and get into an argument about the infinitesimal. The main point is to try to understand the process
of overtaking. The three men argue based on their diffe­
rent levels of understanding mathematics and phyics. A
reporter and a bookmaker are also present and the three
wise men get involved in bets on the outcome of the
race. Finally, after all arguments have been presented all
the money has been placed and all songs (to motivate
the participants of the race) have been sung, the real race
starts. Both Achill and the turtle race as fast as they can.
But who will be the winner?
Cellular Dances
(( Spencer, Richard
(( Bede Sixth Form Billingham, Stockton Riverside College,
Billingham, United Kingdom
The aim of this project is to inspire science teachers
to invent their own dances to enhance student under-
A fantastic Journey
(( Martinez Cebolla, Alberto
(( IES. Arcipreste de Hita, Guadalajara, Spain
Geometry is a fascinating nexus between Mathematics
and one of the world’s most beautiful expressions: Nature
C.2 On-Stage activities Interdisciplinary teaching
C.3 On-Stage activities „Hands on“-experiment to boost motivation and cognition?
standing of complicated biological, chemical or physical
Simple dances can be used to bring complicated to­
pics to life and to help students learn about cellular
processes which they might otherwise find difficult, dry
or hard to remember. In this on-stage performance you
will experience three of Richard Spencer’s innovative
dances – the “Mitosis Mamba”, “Meiosis in A Minute”
and the “DNA Boogie”.
The dances are more than a fusion of art and science –
they are also a blend of fun and serious biology!
Harry Potter and the Secrets of Chemistry
(( Tebartz, Karin / Raschke-Ziegler, Gudrun and students
(( Main-Taunus-Schule Hofheim, Germany
This presentation based on themes from Joanne K.
Rowling is a multidisciplinary project derived from a cooperation between an advanced chemistry course (6th
form = Stufe 13) and a basic drama course. Spectacular
chemical experiments including colourful and luminescent effects, fire and explosions are integrated into a plot
written by the pupils themselves.
Only a part of the original version (45 min) is shown
here. The experiments are based on standard school
chemistry instruction including an explanation of the
theoretical basis. The explanations were left out of the
performance to enhance the magical atmosphere.
Content: Students are returning to Hogwarts School
of Witchcraft and Wizardry from their holidays. Harry’s
arch enemy Malfoy proves with his blue blood that he is
a “Pureblood” from a true family of wizards.
In the lesson with Prof. Snape the students brew magic potions with various colourful effects. The teacher
presents a potion generating a green flame.
„Hands on“-experiment to boost
motivation and cognition?
During the lunch break the pupils create beer, cook
up a pink coloured dessert and make water burning.
In the subject “Defence against the Dark Arts” Prof.
Lupin teaches the students how to protect themselves
against terrifying Boggarts. Neville´s Boggart looks like
the hated Prof. Snape. Neville manages to make him ridi­
culous by transforming his clothes into those of Neville’s
grandmother. Finally the students learn to create huge
fire balls as a powerful protective spell against the horrible Dementors.
Daisy Magnets
magnets analogous to these inspired J.J. Thomson’s
“plum-pudding” model of atom about a century ago.
(( Cerreta, Pietro
(( IIS A.M. Maffucci, Calitri, Italy
The glass Insect
(( Kühmstedt, Joachim
(( Oskar-von-Miller-Gymnasium, Munich, Germany
A nice “daisy” can be made putting together a ferrite
magnet ring and five or more little ferrite magnet cylinders arranged as a corolla around the ring. If you turn
one of the little magnets on the right part it will stay
attached on the rim of the ring. The same happens to
the other little magnets, too; if you attach them one by
one. This way you obtain a delicious scientific gadget.
Let’s begin with one magnet on the rim: move the hand
and let the magnet run around it. It gives the idea of a
planetary motion with a central force. Increasing the
speedy of your movement the “satellite” magnet reaches
escape velocity. Attaching two little magnets a Mickey
Mouse shape appears. Touching its “ears” you experience
some vibrant magnetic collisions and observe two resonant
pendulums. No one can resist touching them. Beautiful
natural – magnetic and gravitational – symmetries will
appear to you with three and more magnets. With five
or more magnets by flicking one of them every other
one feels the impulse immediately. So it can be taken as
a model of electrons in an electric current. I have projected this gadget starting from a basic work of Paul
Doherty of The Exploratorium. Moreover I have found
that round magnets were present at the early scientific
steps toward the interpretation of the structure of matter. In fact A.M. Mayer’s symmetries made with floating
Within the chapter “Insect anatomy and physiology”
generations of students had to learn terms like system
of tracheae, open circulatory system, tubular heart, com­
pound eye … But they never had the chance of getting a
real impression of their structure and function as the
terms were taught in theory and – in best case – supported by some pictures a model or worksheet.
The “glass insect” – i.e. the larvae of Chaoborus spec.
– can be taken as a living model to view all the organs
mentioned above like a beating heart or a working diges­
tive system and they are shown in a live transmission in
real time and in a non-invasive way.
Flight Simulator
(( Ruiz Galvez, Jesús
(( IES Dionisio Aguado, Madrid, Spain
Complex system of mechanics, electronics and computer. It does not use commercial pieces of high techno­
logy. It simulates the movement of a plane. Our flight
simulator or cock-pit allows the pilot to take off land
and fly over cities as well as notice the pitch and bank
movement obtained thanks to an electronic-pneumatic
system of pistons and electro-valves. It was built by 150
students who were inserted in a programme of educa-
C.3 On-Stage activities „Hands on“-experiment to boost motivation and cognition?
C.5 On-Stage activities Are non-formal education initiatives always beneficial?
tional quality improvement. Its aim is to help not only in
the rehabilitation and adaptation of the students who
suffer from backwardness or lack of motivation but also
immigrants with a very poor level of the Spanish language. This workshop of science has been working for
10 years and it has developed projects on astronomy,
technology and mechanic in our school. Automatic prototypes can be made with simple material, electronics
technology and basic mechanics. For example: the simulator is moved by pistons activated by electro-valves. A
piston costs 120 €. Well, we have made ours with PVC
tubes, old tyres, screws, tuming rods, connectors and ...
they work!
Can science be made with less resources?
The pupils are in charge of spreading the experiences
to other educational centres and exhibitions. The aim of
our flight simulator is not only flying but also knowing
how to design and develop the incredible manufacturing
process with short resources ... and make it work!
image of a magnetic field. Furthermore not only the field
around a magnet can be visualized but also the field
Are non-formal education
initiatives always beneficial?
The hydrogen operated rotary engine
(( Buschhüter, Klaus / Rothkrantz, Joseph and Thomas /
Engels, Michael
(( Inda-Gymnasium, Aachen, Germany
Imaging of magnetic fields
(( Von Lucke-Petsch, Martina
(( Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
The forces of magnetic fields fascinate children and
grownups as well. So it is reasonable that we not only
want to understand their nature but also to make magnetic fields visible. School education offers different
possibilities to illustrate magnetic fields: we can disperse iron filings around a magnet and observe compass
needles to introduce the model of magnetic field lines.
We can bring a magnet close to a TV tube and observe
the electron deflection: according to the Lorentz force
on the TV screen one visualizes not the magnet field itself but its 90° rotation image.
Magnetic surfaces can be investigated using the
magnetooptic Kerr effect: when linearly polarized light
hits a ferromagnetic material the polarisation plane is
rotated and magnetic domains can be studied. The mentioned methods are useful to illustrate magnetic forces.
However, up to now it was not possible to visualize the
magnetic field of a magnet directly. This has changed
recently: researchers of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
made use of unique properties of neutrons as a tool for
investigating magnets and their fields. Since neutrons
have a magnetic spin they re-orientate when penetrating
a magnetic field. By analysing the neutron’s spin orientation the researchers could derive a three dimensional
in the idea of the driving concept from “RX-8 Hydrogen”
(Mazda) and thought of building their own hydrogen
powered rotary engine.
What you will learn: You will learn how to create hightechnique projects to realize teaching dreams.
What you will see: You will see plans to build a hydrogen powered rotary engine by getting detailed information and see it working.
What you will feel: You will feel that our daily energy
consumption is really stupid.
The performance has two parts: Project planning /
Drive performance.
Construction of a solar Boat
(( Müller, Guido
(( Gymnasium Nonnenwerth, Germany
At every school in Europe there are parents or persons
who have tight relations with industrial companies. Furthermore every school lies in the catchment area of a
university or a technical college. During the previous
years there has been an opening of these institutions in
academic directions with the aim to win new blood in
the technical- natural scientific domain. This means that
there is in general a strong readiness to aid schools with
technical- natural scientific oriented projects. Certainly
every habitat has its own specific condition – but in
general the conditions for the before mentioned projects
are similar. Thus, it is feasible to enforce time-consuming projects which matches with the complexity of the
development of industrial work and which possess a
high degree of motivation for the pupils.
The idea of the project: During lessons of physics
studying hydrogen fuel cells two pupils were interested
Students (age 15) plan and build a real solar boat for
three people in cooperation with the university and industrial sites.They calculate the lifting power and use a
professional CAD-Software to design the specific boat.
In the last step the students finish the construction at a
local dockyard. The project contains elements of different scientific topics like mathematics, physics and computer science.
C.5 On-Stage activities Are non-formal education initiatives always beneficial?
C.6 On-Stage activities Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
Physics and Dance
(( Tomé Escribano, Juan / Cruz, Ibarra Blanco
(( IES Jaranda, Jarandilla de la Vera, Cáceres, Spain
Rhythm and movement make the basis of dancing.
There is a lot of Physics related to periodic phenomena
which makes the basis of rhythm. There is also a lot of
Physics of movement. So, there are a lot of Physics related to dancing.
This is a show (a humorous monologue) including
some demonstrations about rhythm and motion, especially dancing. The show has three scenes.
The first one is called “Dancing the puppets”. In this
scene a sheep is swinging to the rhythm of the waltz
and a little doll dance to the rythm of rock’n roll.
The second scene is called “People dancing”. In this
one, two ballroom dancers show how Newton’s laws of
motion can be a valuable source of ideas for dancers.
The last scene is called “Dancing is moving” to the
rhythm but it is also feeling. This scene adds a bit of
emotion to the show. A Milonga (a very emotional Argen­
tinian dance) is danced by two people. The main objetive of this show is to present an attractive way that
combines the emotion of dancers with the physics of
Solo entertainer or moderator?
The science teacher of the future
Cooperative learning in Chemistry Classes
using the thematic Building Block of Asprin®
(( Gröschel, Stefan / Haas, Liane
(( Kooperative Gesamtschule Moringen and Staatl. Studienseminar für das Lehramt an Gymnasien Göttingen,
Cooperative learning, constructivism, pupil-oriented
chemistry classes, enhancement of competences.
Since its introduction by the Bayer company in 1899
Aspirin® has been the brand of the most well known
anal­gesic of our days. Due to its medial presence in commercials as well as its application in self-medication of
all age groups it has a very high importance in the everyday life of pupils. Its high thematical diversity which
combines the subjects of chemistry and biology can also
be used to integrate it as a reasonable complementary
element into regular high school science classes. Acquiring process and content related competences by the pupils
makes the realization of pupil-oriented chemistry classes
a prerequiste. This can be achieved by cooperative learning.
While the pupils enhance their competences the teacher
has to take the role of a learning companion rather than
that of an instructor. In accordance with the constructivism approach the teacher arranges adequate learning
surroundings (e.g. lab logistics access to literature search,
media of presentation, phases of discussion, reflexion of
learning process) so that pupils can extend their competences in the social strategic and cognitive field as a
consequence of their own learning activities.
Science Quiz
(( Klaes, Alexandra
(( BBQ Berufliche Bildung gGmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
The “Engineering Academy for Pupils” is cooperation
between schools, universities and the economy. SIA supports pupils interested in natural and technical sciences
shows perspectives in careers in engineering sciences
the themes work methods as well as contacts to professors and professionals delivers an insight into university
studies and careers. Participation in SIA helps making
founded decisions for the occupational future.
On Search of the Mobile Phone Dead Spot
(( Rauch, Sebastian
(( Ziehenschule Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Modern communication is based on an over all accessibility. The use of mobile phones is thus an integral part
of our life (see Siemens’ media collection). The shady
side of this communication often can be seen even in
adult circles: misuse with criminal implication as well as
“only disturbing” background noise in public areas or
permanent low power electromagnetic radiation (without any knowledge about the risks). Problems caused
by mobile phones in schools are serious but – and this is
the aim of our project – mobile phones also open a wide
variety of possibilities which could be used in project based
education. These could be art projects or – as shown in
this presentation – physical projects (even with socioscientific concern). Particularly in our project mobile phones
have been used as simple measuring set-ups. A group of
15 pupils was formed and after a short introduction
these pupils used their own mobile phones for investi-
C.6 On-Stage activities Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
C.6 On-Stage activities Solo entertainer or moderator? The science teacher of the future
gations of the appearance of dead spots. The strength
of mobile phone networks in selected areas was investigated by means of the network intensity indicator of
the mobile phones. Whereas a public place possessed no
dependence of the network strength, the inner of a carpark shown a totally different behaviour. With increasing
shielding in the lower levels of the building a decreased
availability was observed. The project will critically be
discussed regarding improvement opportunities as well
as transferability on other situations.
D.1 National reports Science on Stage Deutschland
Science on Stage Deutschland
(( Johanna Schulze
(( Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.
Innovative Technologies move Europe III
Europe is moving closer together, and education is no
exception. It is the inventiveness of young Europeans
that is the potential not only for shaping our increasing­
ly complex environment in ways that will benefit all of
humanity, but also for the sustainable use of its resources.
That is good and sufficient reason for teachers to make
sure the lessons they give are innovative, fascinating
and practical.
We would like our competition to promote the international exchange of ideas about the concepts and methods
of science teaching and also to encourage the participants
to solve problems creatively and in an inter­disciplinary
A further objective is to strengthen the bond bet­
ween students and engineers, in order to give those still
at school a practical insight into the scientific and technological professions.
The final event of our European teacher-studentproject “Innovative Technologies move Europe III” took
place 11th of April 2008, in Oberhausen, Germany.
The participants came from seven schools from North
Rhine-Westphalia, one from Bavaria and four from other
European countries (Czech Republic, United Kingdom,
Belgium and The Netherlands). Lenord, Bauer & Co.GmbH
from Oberhausen, Germany, as a company whose speciality is automating motion, was responsible for all the
technical aspects and provided the necessary financial
resources for the competition. Science on Stage Deutsch­
land is responsible for the scholastic and pedagogical
aspects of the initiative and for liaising with schools,
teachers and students.
The 13 teams from five countries presented their
project results about the topic “biomimetics”:
- something, that crawls,
- something, that jumps, or
- something, that flies.
D.1 National reports Science on Stage Deutschland
D.2 National reports Science on Stage Austria
A jury had award prizes to the best projects for each
of the three tasks.
This year in 2008/2009 the fourth edition of this
competion is about to come. The topic is “Potentiometers – use your potentials”. The teams are supposed to
build a model which modu­late frequencies of light or
You find further information under
We are looking forward to exciting results!
Teaching Science in Europe
The project focuses on the exchange between European
teachers since 2004 concerning differences, analogies
and difficulties in the process of teaching and learning.
Different methods and points of view, especially due to
cultural reasons, should be discussed and subsequently
employed to solve one‘s own problems. The language
aspect is playing a motivating and qualifying role in
“Teaching Science in Europe”. By orienting on the process
of the project, participants should be enabled to get
their “own” profit. Science on Stage Deutschland e.V.
would also appreciate achieving results on the “metalevel” which means not only collecting best-practice
­examples but also documen­ting how the work groups
did achieve these results. The target group of the project
are teachers and pedagogues from European countries,
persons respon­sible for teacher education, and people
working in the field of didactics and educational policies.
The results of these workshops 2004–2006 are published
in “Teaching Science in E­ urope 1”.
The new edition “Teaching Science in Europe 2” with
the results of the workshops concerning the topics
­Science in Kindergarten and Primary School, Self-Evaluation of Teachers and Interdisciplinary Teaching (scientific
and non-scientific subjects) will be introduced at the
Science on Stage Festival 2008 in Berlin.
Interested teachers can order both booklets free of
charge or download them as PDF-files from www.scienceon-stage.de.
Science on Stage Austria
National Event 2008
(( Christian Gottfried
(( Science on Stage Austria
Our Western Society, being so dependent on science
and technology, cannot remain indifferent to the fact
that a next generation qualified in fundamental sciences seems to be non-existent. Science on Stage 3 tackled
the root of this problem by motivating researchers and
teachers to participate in a competition with ideas
aimed at young people. The contributions were to be
highly adapted to draw the attention of children and
adolescents to scientific topics, in order to ensure that
the appropriately gifted would choose a scientific career
in later life.
The project started in July 2007 with recruiting sponsors and competition participants. Presentation and
evaluation of the contributions were to take place on
April 28, 2008 in the Oval Hall and the Foyer of the
Wiener MuseumsQuartier. Personal contacts, website,
posters, flyers and a ministerial decree led to the registration of 25 participants. A further ministerial decree
and personal contacts ensured the visit of school classes, so that a minimum of 300 pupils could be expected
to visit the event.
At 6 a.m. on April 28 work started in the Oval Hall
and the Foyer of the MuseumsQuartier in order to prepare a stage for the 25 competition participants. Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. the contributions were presented to the audience and the jury. There were live
experiments with ultrasound, microwaves, light, energy-transformation, with the hydrostatic paradoxon, a
wind channel, a geyser-model, a spark chamber and
other phenomena. Short talks dealt with the effects of
climate change on vegetation, the meaning of stem cell
research and its ethical requirements, with ACCORD (a
collaboration between schools and a research institute
for the measurement of cosmic radiation), and a “Smoke
Prevention Project” which allowed to measure the nicotine content in the blood of the visitors. Some pupils
even dared to present the theme of quantum physics in
a play. Details on all the contributions can be seen on
Of the almost 500 visitors 370 pupils and 50 teachers participated in the evaluation of the contributions,
and since they were the actual target audience, their
feedback was taken into proper consideration. That an
acceptable balance between jury and audience existed
is shown in the winners of place 1 to 4, where jury and
audience agreed in two cases, the vote of the audience
was decisive in the third and the vote of the jury in the
fourth case.
The winners, who were invited to the Science on
Stage Festival in Berlin, were the authors of the contributions “Latex Motor”, “Ultrasound in Fluids”, “MiniWind Channel” and “Particles and Energy”. All the other
participants received, apart from the assistance during
the preparation of their projects, a certificate in recognition of their contribution signed by Mrs. Margit Fischer,
chairwoman of the Science Center Network.
D.2 National reports Science on Stage Austria
D.3 National reports Science on Stage Belgium
Science on Stage Belgium
National acitivities
In one of these festivals His Royal Majesty Prince Philip
of Belgium showed a real enthusiasm and he performed
several experiments himself in spite of the protocol.
(( Marc Debusschere
(( President Science on Stage Belgium
SCIENCE ON STAGE BELGIUM is part of Science on
stage which has started with the seven international research centres of Europe.
The visiting pupils were immensely interested in
what biologists, stem cell researchers, tissue engineers
and the representatives of the ACCORD project had to
say and to show. In the latter project researchers of the
Institute for High Energy Physics and the Austrian Academy of Sciences collect data of cosmic radiation at school
locations. These are evaluated in collaboration with the
institute, with the involvement of several school subjects, thus furthering the interest in research in schools.
As an illustration of such a research, pupils could observe traces of particles of cosmic radiation that permanently bombard us in a spark chamber displayed in the
Oval Hall.
Research can indeed set a precedent, as soon as scientists realise that p.r. is a must and they undertake to
make the significance and content of their research accessible for adolescents. This can not only be achieved
with well prepared lectures, but also by introducing
young people into research.
What did we realise in Belgium?
1) We organised a post-Science on Stage congress in
Zaventem called “Playful Science 2” in which we presented experiments and ideas from our presence in Grenoble. We did it for teachers of secondary schools, professors and students of high schools. We had 200
participants, that was the maximum capacity, all subscribers got a parcel with experiments with value of 10 €.
The subscribers were very pleased to receive such a
present. They know that it is for direct use in the classroom. For more details you can look at our website
What did we present?
Supercomet with Wim Peeters
Sound Capture with Marc Debusschere
Experiments in IR with Bernadette Anbergen
Game of experiments with Patrick Walravens
The zero G experiment with Johan Vanbeselaere
The box of Borromimi with Jan Delanghe
Energy experiments with Lieselot Dendooven
Experiments with students of TW and Opitec
Road experiments with Rienske Defrijn
A chemical show with Luc Van Meervelt
2) We were also present in many other science festivals in Leuven, Brussels, Gent, Aalst and Mons … where
we had a stand to present different experiments…
In the presentations where we are present the aim is
to attend a broad public. In our own presentations we
aim to attempt the science teachers.
We can’t do anything without the help of our sponsors. You can find them on the website. Till now we work
with volunteers and idealists but we want to have more
structure, we hope that with the support of the Belgian
government we can stay present on the field. Science is
In Berlin we are present on the fair with the following
- Misconceptions with Marc Debusschere
- A variety of homemade experiments with Patrick Walravens
- What is watt? Experiments with Lieselot Dendooven
- Biology experiments with Isabelle Querton
We hope that you will enjoy it and use it in your classroom so that we can have a real European science education in two ways, both experimental and theoretical.
www.scienceonstage.be, [email protected]
D.4 National reports Portugal
D.4 National reports Portugal
as a result of a close collaboration with the Spanish
Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).
International projects and collaborations
Ciência Viva has participated in several projects supported in the 6th Framework Programme, namely the
NUCLEUS Education Initiative:
- SCIENCEDUC (www.etwinning.net/ww/en/pub/xplora/
-Science on Stage (National Steering Committee)
National and international projects
and Activities
(( Mónica Lobo
(( Ciência Viva Portugal
Ciência Viva is the Portuguese Agency for Scientific
and Technological Culture, created to promote public
awareness of Science and Technology. Since 1996 it
supports and stimulates hands-on science education
projects at school, placements for secondary school students in research laboratories during the holidays, a
­Science and Technology Week and summer science acti­vi­
­ties for the general public. There is also a network of inter­
active Science Centres throughout the country, created
in collaboration with universities and local authorities.
Ciência Viva and Science Education
One of the main fields of Ciência Viva’s action is within the schools. There are several regular activities and
projects during the whole school year, often with the
support of scientific institutions. Contests and special
events are also organised in areas such as Robotics,
Space Exploration, Engineering and renewable energies.
Since 1996, there were 6 national calls for projects
and more than 4.000 projects have been funded. Until
now, over 3.000 schools, 7.000 teachers and up to
600.000 students were involved.
Science in the Holidays for Young People: the first
experience of scientific work
During the summer holidays, short placements in scientific laboratories provide secondary students with an
opportunity for first-hand contact with the reality of
scientific research work. Students take part in projects
in research laboratories for one week or more, where
they are given specific simple scientific tasks, sometimes
including field work, under the supervision of researchers and experts. The topics are as diverse as mathematics, biotechnology, robotics or cancer research. Several
of the best Portuguese scientific institutes across the
country participate in this activity on a regular basis,
and both students and researchers have found it a very
positive experience.
Since 1997, more than 5500 secondary school students participated in this initiative. On the last two editions, placements in Spanish Universities were included,
Some of the international projects that Ciência Viva is
presently taking part in are:
-Pollen (http://www.pollen-europa.net/?page=​
-L’Europe des decouvertes (http://lamap.inrp.fr/
-VOLVOX (http://www.eurovolvox.org/)
Ciência Viva is also one of the Portuguese representatives in the Maths, Science and Technology Cluster, a
high-level workgroup created by the European Commission, through the Directorate General for Education and
Culture, to exchange best-practices in the promotion of
MST amongst the European countries.
Ciência Viva is currently organising a Forum that will
be held in November 2008, where all its activities and
projects will be presented. It will be an opportunity for
teachers, researchers and other professionals that regularly collaborate with Ciência Viva to meet and exchange
ideas for new science and technology awareness
Further information: www.cienciaviva.pt
National Call for Science Education projects in schools
Ciência Viva provides support to educational projects
that develop practical activities and promote science and
technology culture in basic and secondary education
schools. The projects are generally developed in partner­
ship with research institutions, local authorities and scientific associations.
D.5 National reports SPAIN
D.5 National reports SPAIN
The SPAnish science fair “CIencia en Acción”
(( Rosa M. Ros
(( Ciencia en Acción, Spain
A new edition of “Ciencia en Acción” took place in
Valladolid (Spain) last September from 19th to 21st. In
this case the final event was organised in the Museo de
la Ciencia de Valladolid.
“Ciencia en Acción” (the Spanish edition of “Science
on Stage”) is organised every year by CSIC, FECYT, RSEF,
RSME and UNED and in this case with the local support
of ”Ayuntamiento de Valladolid”, “Junta de Castilla y
León” and “Federación de Universidades de Castilla y
León”. Every year the quality and number of projects
presented increase.
Materials on paper and on digital support, Outreach
Works on paper and on other supports, Sustainability,
Values of Science and Engineering, Performances and
Science Films).
Within the festival the final event of the Spanish contest “Adopt a Star” related to the international “Catch a
Star”. The project involved groups of secondary and primary school students and teachers who prepared a report
about an astronomical object. The winners were invited
to visit the “Calar Alto” Observatory of the Instituto
­Astrofísico de Andalucia (IAA).
In order to promote that everybody enjoy science the
organisers offered a very special experiment named
“Simulador de Vuelo”. There were two general lectures
to the general public and also to participants, which
were integrated in the festival. Dr. Jose Luis Fernández
More than 80 projects from primary and secondary
schools and universities have been presented to all the
visitors in three days. Participants from all the Spanish
regions, Portugal, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Perú,
Salvador and Uruguay show their proposals for a weekend distributed in 14 categories (Physics Demonstrations,
Chemistry Demonstrations, Mathematics Lab, Biology
and Geology Lab, Science and Technology Projects, Didactic
from “Universidad Autonoma de Madrid”, in talked
­“Giacomo Casanova and subprime mortgages” mixing
economy and mathematics. The second speaker was­­
Dr. Miguel Angel Alario from “Universidad complutense
de Madrid” “Why is water different?” in a very active
way showing the main interest of water for our lives.
Gallego Campos, Francisco
Geller, Heidrun
Knispel, Friedrich
Köhler, Petra
Gerhards, Michael
Konstantinou, Dionysis
Geyer, Tobias
Krämer, Birgit
Giannini, Linda
Krämer, Silke
Gollner, Harald
Krampert, Thomas
Görhardt, Bärbel
Kretzschmar, Robert
Grandpré, Caroline
Krüger, Dirk (coordinator)
Grazioli, Cinzia
Kruse, Maren
Greiner, Josef
Kühmstedt, Joachim
Gritti, Cristina
Kühnen, Hannelore
Gröber, Sebastian
Kuisma, Merja
Gröschel, Stefan
Kunter, Silvia
Gutschank, Jörg
Altendorfer, Florian
Daman, Pascal (coordinator)
Lambauer, Helmut
Amme, Steffen
Danet, Jean-Luc
Haas, Liane
Lange, Katrin
Araque Guerrero
Debusschere, Marc
Hack, Dirk
Langenstein, Bettina
Arellano-Espitia, Monica
Decker, Werner
Hannula, Irma
Laumer, Rita and Thomas
Arenas, Germán
Dendooven, Lieselot
Hänsler, Ute (coordinator)
Lenski, Michael
Arndt, Elisabeth
Dobkowska, Maria
Hanus, Felix
Lenzen, Werner
Authier, Michael
Drozd, Zdenek
Hartevelt, Shamim
Lisiewicz, Anna
46, 49
Dudziak-Grabarek, Anna
Hauschild, Dirk
Ljungström, Sten
Bäcker, Nicole
Dzieran, Lukasz
Hausmann, Elda H.S.
Löhe, Nora
Bartnik, Danuta
Heintz, Verena
Lopes, Vítor
Beer, Julia Mareike
Eidenberger, Christoph
Hinrichs, Melanie
Los, Miroslaw
Beez, Sandy
Eidenberger, Ludwig
Hodge, Russell (coordinator)
Lubeley, Solveig
Beissmann, Regine
Ercolino, Immacolata
Hoffmann, Dieter
Luís Miguel
Berger, Carolin
Essing, Dominik (coordinator)
Hoffmann, Markus
Bernad Garcés, Elisa
Euler, Manfred (coordinator)
Höhne, Gerhard
Magalhães, Carolina
Bisanz, Manfred
Horlacher, Bernhard
Makolski, Lukasz
Bjerre, Barbara
Falk, Martin (coordinator)
Horváthová, Jana
Mann, Wolfgang
Blahutová, Martina
Featonby, David
Huczsz, Julia
Marc Debusschere
Böhmer-Brinks, Petra
Ferrazzano Casaburi, Luigina
Marini, Isabella
Bolimowska, Ewelina
Ferreira, Jorge
Iscra, Alessandro
Márki-Zay, János
Bornschein, Ulrike
Fiore, Rosa
Martinez Cebolla, Alberto
Bossert, Ulrich
Fischer, Olaf
Jaritz, Josefine
Matejka, Michal
Breuer-Küppers, Petra
Fischer, Sebastian
Jarosz, Jerzy
Meier, Kristina
Brinkmann, Uwe
Fischer, Silke
Jeanjacquot, Philippe
Metrak, Monika
Broda, Urzula
Fliegner, Wolfgang
Jeanneaux, Alain
Meyer, Nina
Bröll, Leena
Fock, Erich
Jehmlich, Kirsten
Miericke, Jürgen (coordinator)
Brückmann, Jutta
Fodor, Erika
Ješková, Zuzana
Mitlöhner, Rita
Buschhüter, Klaus
Frank, Carolin
José Antonio
Möller, Antje
Franz, Sabrina
Monteiro Carreiró
23, 43
Centner, Peter
Freitag, Dorothea
Kaniewska-Fratczak, Dorota Anna
Müller, Guido
Cerreta, Pietro
Friedl, Heike
Kasten, Ingrid
Christian Gottfried
Fritsch, Susanne
Keuthen, Monika
Nacenta Torres, Pablo
Cruz, Ibarra Blanco
Fussi, Angelika
Kires, Marian
Nati, Carlo
Curtis, Amanda
Klaes, Alexandra
Natschläger, Franz-Josef
Czieslik, Wolfgang
Gagnon, Johanne
Knaus-Trick, Tatjana
Netta, Brigitte
Niculescu-Mizil, Elisabeta
Serafini, Francesco
Niehues, Günter
Serra, Maria
Noes, Karin
Serrano, Antonio
Nogueira, Filipe
Sidla, Oliver
Simunova, Dagmar
Oelmann, Rico
Spencer, Richard
Olesen, Erik Bruun
Spies, Mario
Olivotto, Cristina
Spitzner, Katharina
Stahl, Silvia
Stammler, Georg
Palmero López, Lorenzo
Steiger, Franz
Patry, Johanne
Steiner, Konrad
Pausenberger, Rudolf
Stein, Walter
Pereira, Hélder
Stetzenbach, Werner and Gabriele
Pérez Grau, José Antonio
Stinner, Peter
Pfeil, Eva
Szczygielska, Aneta
Szoboszlai, Zoltán
15, 41
Prada Pérez de Azpeita, Fernando
Pranke, Sebastian
Tebartz, Karin
Purkert, Evelyn
Tomczyck, Alexandra
Tomé Escribano, Juan
Tubaja, Alicja
Quiniou, Michel
Varga, István
Rabel, Johanna
Veloso, Joao
Raschke-Ziegler, Gudrun
Viale, Giovanna
Rathmann, Inken
Viñuales Gavín, Ederlinda
Rauch, Sebastian
Von Borstel, Gregor
Realdon, Giulia
Von Lucke-Petsch, Martina
Redetzky, Kerstin
Reinholz, Heidi / Eberlein, Falk
Walker, Tracy
Rießelmann, Kerstin
Walravens, Patrick
Rocha, Rita
Ward, John
Rothkrantz, Joseph and Thomas
Wasmann-Frahm, Astrid
Rudolph, Katja
Weckler, Joachim
Ruiz Galvez, Jesús
Welz, Wolfgang (coordinator)
Rümenapf, Antje
Wendel, Lutz
Wendt, Klaus (coordinator)
Salerno, Gabriella
Wilhelmi, Wilhelm
Sauer, Gerhard (coordinator)
Wilhelm, Margarita
Schäfer, Gerhard
Wille-Ihne, Annegret
Schembri, Christopher
Wolf, Claudia
Schmidt, Pia Katharina
Wolthaus, Petra
Schmitt, Annette (coordinator)
Schmitz, Thomas
Zelenak, Marian
Schröcker, Klaus P.
Zieleniewicz, Monika
Schuster, Elisabeth
17, 57
Seebens, Antje
Send, Wolfgang
17, 57
Palici di Suni, Cristina
Pombo, Pedro
The non-profit organisation Science on Stage
Deutschland (SonSD) establishes a network for
German science teachers, promoting exchange
with pedagogues from other European countries.
It organises workshops and training programmes
to disseminate interesting experiments and new
teaching concepts from all over Europe in Germany.
The organisation invites teachers working on
particularly interesting projects to participate in
the international education festival “Science on
Stage”. The organisation promotes scientific and
technical education in Germany and in Europe.
Join in!