YouPrompt Catalog PDF


YouPrompt Catalog PDF
Andy Warhol, 1928-1987
ON ALLEN GINSBERG, 0:15 sec. / Englisch
American painter, printmaker, and filmmaker who was a leading
figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. He coined the
expression „15 minutes of fame.“
Andy Warhol, 1928-1987
Would Be a Better President than Nixon, 0: 20 min./ Englisch
Warhol worked across a wide range of media. In addition, he was a
highly prolific filmmaker. Between 1963 and 1968, he made more
than sixty films. In the mid 1960s, Warhol adopted the band The
Velvet Underground, making them a crucial element of the Exploding
Plastic Inevitable multimedia performance art show.
Angela Merkel, *17 July 1954
22.Parteitag 2008 1:04 min./ German
Angela Merkel is the current Chancellor of Germany (CDU) since 9
April 2000.
„Liebe Freunde, wenn wir auf die ersten drei Jahre unserer Regierungszeit
blicken, dann sehen wir zweierlei: zum einen erfolgreiche Politik von CDU und
CSU hilft den Menschen in Deutschland. Und unsere Bilanz ist eindrucksvoll.
Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen liegt nach langer Zeit wieder unter drei Millionen.
Damit sind mehr als 2 Millionen Menschen weniger arbeitslos als unter Rot/
Grün. Heute gibt es mehr erwerbstätige in Deutschland als je zuvor... Das ist eine
wirkliche Leistung liebe Freunde!
Angela Merkel, *17 July 1954
25 Jahre Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, 1:10min. / German
Merkel has been the first female German chancellor and the youngest
German chancellor since the Second World War I I. Merkel topped
Forbes magazine‘s list of „The World‘s 100 Most Powerful Women“ in
2006, 2007 and 2008.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, * July 30, 1947
CeBIT 2009 Opening Ceremony / Englisch
is an Austrian bodybuilder, actor, businessman, and politician, currently serving as the 38th Governor of the state of California.
„Hello Everybody, let me say thank you very much to Kanzler Merkel,
for being just a terrific host. I just have the honor of meeting with the Kanzler, we
have wonderful conversation about the environment, about energy about CeBit
Confernence and so on and I tell you what an inspiration leadership she is, the
first female Kanzler in German history. And she is doing an amazing work under
economic crises, Climax change, Human rights and the list goes on and on, and
on...“ 6.
Brian Cox, *3 March 1968
Dr. Brian Cox on BBC Breakfast/ English
Cox is a particle physicist, a Royal Society research fellow, and a professor at the University of Manchester. He is best known to the public
as the presenter of a number of science programmes for the BBC. He
also had some fame in the early 1990s as keyboard player in the UK
pop band D:Ream.
Brian Cox, *3 March 1968
TED TALKS / 1:04 min. / English
Cox has received many awards for his efforts to publicise science. In
2002 he was elected an International Fellow of The Explorers Club
and in 2006 Cox received the British Association Lord Kelvin Award
for this work.
Carla Bruni Sarkozy, * 23 December 1967
Sidaction Maroc 2008 interview avec Bruni / 1:10min. / French
Bruni is an Italian-born, naturalized French songwriter, singer, and
former model. She is currently the First Lady of France, after marrying French President Nicolas Sarkozy in February 2008.
„J’ai decidé de m’engager contre le sida aussi parce que le Fonds Mondial
m’a proposé d’être leur ambassadrice et j’ai accepté, bon, c’est une honneur
pour moi d’être ambassadrice du Fonds mondial, tout d’abord parce que le
Fonds Mondial fait un travail remarquable et que, il ne parle jamais de ce
travail à complet, et ensuite, je me suis decidé plus particulièrement pour
le combat contre le sida transmis de la mère à l’enfant parce que c’est un
combat important.“
Ann Coulter, *1961
Ann Coulter wants Jews „to be perfected“/ English
is an American social and political commentator, author, and
syndicated columnist. She frequently appears on television, radio,
and as a speaker at public and private events. Well-known for her
conservative political opinions and the controversial ways in which
she defends them, Coulter has described herself as a polemicist who
likes to „stir up the pot“
Christian Wulff, * 19. Juni 1959
Christian Wulff CDU im Interview/ German
is a German politician (CDU) and Premier (Ministerpräsident) of
Lower Saxony since March 4, 2003.
Claus Peymann, * 7. Juni 1937
Die Christian Klar Affäre/ German
is a German theatrical director and currently artistic director and managing director of the Berliner Ensemble.
Dan Ariely, * 1968
Are we in control of our decisions? / English
is an Israeli professor of behavioral economics. He teaches at Duke
University and is head of the eRationality research group at the MIT
Media Lab. As a teenager, he suffered third-degree burns over 70 percent of his body from an accidental magnesium flare explosion.
Ariely was a physics and mathematics major at Tel Aviv University,
but transferred to philosophy when he found the writing involved too
physically taxing
Daniel Kehlmann, *13. Januar 1975
Daniel Kehlmann über sein neues Buch „Ruhm“/ German
is a German language author of both Austrian and German nationality.
His work Die Vermessung der Welt (translated into English by Carol
Brown Janeway as Measuring the World, 2006) is the biggest selling
novel in the German language since Patrick Süskind‘s Perfume.
Ehud Olmert, *30. September 1945
Ehud_Olmert Speech at AIPAC_08 /English
is an Israeli political figure, and former Prime Minister of Israel
having served from 2006 to 2009. Olmert was the mayor of Jerusalem
from 1993 to 2003. In 2003 he was elected to the Knesset and became
a minister and Acting P rime Minister in the government of Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon.
Franz Müntefering, * 16. Januar 1940
Heuschrecken „Wozu brauchen wir dann Demokratie?“
is a German politician. He is Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) since October 18, 2008, a position he already
held from 2004 to 2005. He was Federal Minister of Labour and
Social Affairs, as well as Vice-Chancellor, from 2005 to 2007.
Gerhard Schröder, * 7. April 1944
11 Kalt erwischt/ German
is a German politician, and was Chancellor of Germany from 1998 to
2005. A member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD),
he led a coalition government of the SPD and the Greens.
Gregor Gysi, *16. Januar 1948
zu_Ergebnissen_LINKER_Oppositionsarbeit/ German
is a German attorney and key politician of the Left Party. He played
an important role in the end of communist rule in East Germany
in 1989, and was a main figure in the post-reunification Party of
Democratic Socialism (PDS).
Gesine Schwan * 22 May 1943
Pressestatement / German
is a German political science professor and member of the Social
Democratic Party of Germany. This party has nominated her twice as
a candidate for the federal presidential elections. On 23 May 2004, she
was defeated by the Christian Democrat and current president Horst
Köhler. On 23 May 2009, both competed again for this position and
Horst Köhler won his second term.
Heiko Maas, *1966
Rede anlässlich des Neujahrsempfanges der SPD / German
is a German politician (SPD). Maas is since 1999 Chairman of his
group, and thus the opposition leader in the Saarland parliament.
Hamid Karzai, * 1957
Frost_over_the_world_13_June_08 / English
is the 11th and current President of Afghanistan since December 7,
2004. He became a prominent political figure after the removal of the
Taliban regime in late 2001. In December 2001, Hamid Karzai became
the Chairman of the Transitional Administration.
Helmut Schmidt, *23 December 1918)
Fernsehansprache / German
is a German Social Democratic politician who served as Chancellor
of West Germany from 1974 to 1982. Prior to becoming chancellor,
he had served as Minister of Defence and Minister of Finance. He had
also served briefly as Minister of Economics and as acting Foreign
Minister. He is the oldest surviving German Chancellor and the last
. Ansgar Focke, *22. April 1982
Spitzenkandidat_der_JU_zur_Landtagswahl_2008 / German
is the youngest German politician (CDU) and a member of the Lower
Daniel Richter, * 1962
Interview in seinem Atelier/ German
is a German artist based in Berlin and Hamburg.
Richter attended Hochschule für bildenden Künste in Hamburg from
Dan Gilbert, * 1957
on our mistaken expectations/ English
Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says our beliefs about what will
make us happy are often wrong -- a premise he supports with intriguing research, and explains in his accessible and unexpectedly funny
book, Stumbling on Happiness.
Gregor Gysi, *16. Januar 1948
zu_Ergebnissen_LINKER_Oppositionsarbeit/ German
is a German attorney and key politician of the Left Party. He played
an important role in the end of communist rule in East Germany
in 1989, and was a main figure in the post-reunification Party of
Democratic Socialism (PDS).
Günter Grass * 16 October 1927
Günter_Grass_SPD/ German
is a Nobel Prize-winning German author and playwright.
He was born in the Free City of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland). Since
1945, he has lived in West Germany. He is best known for his first
novel, The Tin Drum, a key text in European magic realism. His works
frequently have a strong left wing, socialist political dimension, and
Grass has been an active supporter of the Social Democratic Party of
Halle Berry, *1966
emotional_Oscar__acceptance_speech / Englisch
is an American actress, former fashion model, and beauty queen.
Berry has received Emmy and Golden Globe awards. becoming the
first and, as of 2009, only woman of African American descent to
have won the award for Best Actress. She is one of the highest-paid
actresses in Hollywood and also a Revlon spokeswoman
Hans Rosling, * 1948
is Professor of International Health at Karolinska Institutet and Director of the Gapminder Foundation, which developed the Trendalyzer
software system.
Rosling‘s research has also focused on other links between economic
development, agriculture, poverty and health in Africa, Asia and Latin
America. He has been health adviser to WHO, UNICEF and several
aid agencies
Helmut Schmidt, *23 December 1918)
NDR_Talkshow_Classics_1986/ German
is a German Social Democratic politician who served as Chancellor
of West Germany from 1974 to 1982. Prior to becoming chancellor,
he had served as Minister of Defence and Minister of Finance. He had
also served briefly as Minister of Economics and as acting Foreign
Minister. He is the oldest surviving German Chancellor and the last
surviving person to have been solely Chancellor of West Germany
Jacques Chirac, *29. November 1932
bourre /French
served as the President of France from 17 May 1995 until 16 May 2007.
As President he also served as an ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra and
Grand Master of the French Légion d‘honneur. Chirac was the secondlongest serving President of France
Alors nos amis français ont les même problème que nous!
Je ne parle pas des pays qui ne sont pas candidats. Mais les pays candidats,
honnêtement, je trouve que.. ils se sont comportés avec une certaine légèreté,
car entrer dans l’union européenne, ça suppose tout de même un minimum de
considération pour les autres, un minimum de concertation!
James Brown, 1933-2006
This was an interview conducted after James Brown
was charged after allegedly assaulting his wife. / Englisch
was an American entertainer. He is recognized as one of the most influential figures in 20th century popular music and was renowned for his
vocals and feverish dancing. He is known as „The Godfather of Soul“.
Johnathan Meese, * 1970,
TV Interview / German
is a German painter, sculptor, performance artist and installation artist
based in Berlin and Hamburg. His (often multi-media) works include
collages, drawings and writing. He also designs theater sets and wrote
and starred in a play,
Anna Lührmann * 1983
MdB_Bündnis_90_die_Grünen / German
is a German attorney and key politician of the Left Party. He played
became the youngest-ever member of the German Parliament in
2002, as well as the youngest member of parliament in the world.
She became involved in the party at thirteen and her election came
after a fast career in the youth organisation Grün-Alternatives Jugendbündnis. She belongs to moderate wing of the Green Party.
Andrea Nahles, * 20. Juni 1970
„Es ist ein gemeinsames Land geworden“ / German
is a German politician, a Bundestag representative for Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and past SPD Youth leader. She is known
with in the party for criticizing Gerhard Schröder‘s Agenda 2010 and
thus identified with the SPD‘s left wing.
Andrea Nahles, *20. Juni 1970
SPD-Parteivize Andrea Nahles / German
She obtained an MA after studying politics, philosophy and German
studies at the University of Bonn, during which time she was an assistant to a member of parliament
Ich stelle mir eigentlich vor, dass wir beweisen können, auch im Vergleich
zu anderen Gesellschaftsmodellen, autokratischen, sehr kapitalistischen
Systemen, wie zum Beispiel in China, oder sehr wenig Schutz bietenden
Demokratien wie in den USA, dass die europäische Dreifaltigkeit: starke
Wirtschaft, hohes Bildungsniveaus, und hohe soziale Standards,dass diese
europäische Dreifaltigkeit tatsächlich auch das beste Modell ist,
wie Menschen auf diesem Planeten leben können.
Andrea Ypsilanti, * 8 April 1957
Pressekonferenz über MdL Dagmar Metzger / German
is a member of the Hessian parliament and was chairperson of the
Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Hesse from March 2003 to January
2009. Before the 2008 election, Ypsilanti had promised on many occasions to never work together with the Left Party.
Cem Özdemir, *21 December 1965
Cem__Oezdemir__jetzt_aber_GRÜN_/ German
is a German politician. He is the co-leader (with Claudia Roth) of the
German party Alliance ‚90/The Greens.
Ich habe zwei Gründe, warum ich glaube, dass es wichtig ist , dass man zur
Wahl geht, dass man zu jeder Wahl geht: Der erste Grund ist der Grund, dass
man überhaupt wählen sollte. Der zweite Grund ist, dass man die Grünen wählen sollte. Der erste Grund: Es gibt viele Länder auf der Welt, wo es kein Wahlrecht gibt, wo Menschen ins Gefängnis kommen, weil sie sich für ein Wahlrecht
in der Demokratie einsetzen, wo Menschen dafür kämpfen und auf die Straße
gehen müssen und sich große Schwierigkeiten einhandeln. ..
Damien Hirst, *7. Juni 1965
Interviews with contemporary artist /English
is an English artist and the most prominent member of the group known
as „Young British Artists“ and is the richest living artist to date. Hirst
dominated the art scene in Britain during the 1990s and is internationally
renowned. During the 1990s his career was closely linked with the collector Charles Saatchi, but increasing frictions came to a head in 2003 and
the relationship ended.
Hugo Chaves, *1954
calls Bush ‚the devil‘ in his speech at the UN GA. / Spanish
is the current President of Venezuela. As the leader of the Bolivarian
Revolution, Chávez promotes a political doctrine of participatory democracy, socialism and Latin American and Caribbean cooperation.[1] He
is also a critic of neoliberalism, globalization, and United States foreign
Jade Goody, 19981 - 2009
News_of_the_World_interview /English
was an English media personality. She came into the public spotlight while appearing on the third series of the Channel 4 reality TV
programme Big Brother in 2002, an appearance which led to her own
television programmes and the launch of her own products after her
John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963
zu_Ergebnissen_LINKER_Oppositionsarbeit/ German
was the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1961 until
his assassination in 1963. In his inaugural address he spoke of the
need for all Americans to be active citizens, famously saying, „Ask
not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your
country.“ He also asked the nations of the world to join together to
fight what he called the „common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty,
disease, and war itself.“ In closing, he expanded on his desire for
greater internationalism: „Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of
strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.“
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, * 1971
Günter_Grass_SPD/ German
is a German politician of the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU).
On 10 February 2009, he was appointed Federal Minister for Economics and Technology in the Cabinet of Angela Merkel. He previously
held the post as Secretary General of his party. Guttenberg is a member
of the prominent Franconian noble House of Guttenberg.
Keanu Reeves *2. September 1964
emotional_Oscar__acceptance_speech / Englisch
is a Canadian-American-British actor best known for his portrayals
Speed, and Neo in the action film trilogy The Matrix. On January 31,
2005, Reeves received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Joschka Fischer, *April 12, 1948
Bundestagswahl 2005/ German
was German foreign minister and Vice Chancellor in the government
of Gerhard Schröder from 1998 to 2005. He was a leading figure in the
German Green Party.
Es gibt Leute die behaupten allen Ernstes, das wären die entscheidenden Wachstumshemmnisse in unserem Land... der Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit, neue
Arbeitsplätze, wenn wir im Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit gewinnen wollen,
dürfen wir nicht Umwelt gegen Arbeit setzten. Wir haben 1,5 Millionen Arbeitsplätze im Umweltsektor geschaffen. Ich kenne das seid langen, vor Wahlen sind
die Grünen an allen Schuld....
Joschka Fischer, *April 12, 1948
ein zusammenschnitt / German
Fischer has consistently been the most popular German politician,
leading the opinion polls for several years, even among supporters of
other parties.
Die Geschichte begann, ich meine mich zu erinnern, mit einer Wahl des Kollegen
Kinkels. ich meine mich zu Erinnern. Ich weiß auch nicht mehr wo und ich weiß
auch nicht mehr wann. Ich habe einige Bruchstücke, ich würde es Ihnen gerne sagen, wenn ich es noch könnte. Ich kann Ihnen auch nicht einmal mehr sagen, ob ich
mit Steinmeyer darüber gesprochen habe. Ob wir telefoniert oder getroffen haben,
weiß ich gar nicht mehr. Ne, ich kann mich daran nicht erinnern. Also ich bedauere
es sehr , dass es im Kopf keine klare Erinnerungstabelle habe, ...
. Klaus Kinski, 1926 – 1991
Klaus Kinski TV-Interview (1985)
was a German actor, famous for his ability to project onscreen intensity,
and for his explosive temperament. He acted in over 130 films.
Kinski appeared in several German Edgar Wallace movies. His collaborations with director Werner Herzog brought him international recognition. In all they made five films together. Herzog‘s retrospective on his
work with Kinski was released in the United States as My Best Fiend
Klaus Kinski, 1926 – 1991
Klaus Kinski - NDR Talkshow 1984
Fragen sie die Engländer was, was Demokratie ist?
Die wissen das ganz genau. Das ist nämlich nichts anderes als das akzeptieren
eines Spiels. Respektiere mich, alles andere ist Quatsch. Das wissen Sie auch ganz
genau. Und das ist ja auch schon ganz schön was, nicht? Wenn das, wenn das
wenigstens existiert ist das ganz schön.
Moderator: aber bei den Engländern darf jeder aufstehe .
Kinski: Nein, Ja, Moment, nein, nein nicht im Theater das ist nicht wahr. Das ist
nicht wahr was sie sagen. Ich bin ja kein Politiker...
Louis de Funès, 1914 – 1983
Louis und Herr Müller / German
was a French actor who is considered by many to be one of the giants
of French comedy. His acting style is remembered for its high energy
performance, a wide range of facial expressions and an engaging.
Dr. Müller: Ja! s‘il vous plaît! 6 Personen normal, ou eine normale Person, eine
große Person, alors ein Kilogramm Kartoffeln, un Liter Milch, drei Eier, 90
Gramm Butter und Muskatnuss, Muskatnuss. Je repete, Herr Müller:
Ich wiederhole: ein Kilogramm Kartoffeln, 1 Liter Milch, drei Eier, 90ig Gramm
Butter, Salz und- und Muskatnuss, Muskatnuss, Herr Müller!!! Si, c‘est clair,
Monsieur le Commissaire, haben Sie verstanden, Herr Müller?
Larry Lessig, *1961
How_creativity_is_being_strangled_by_the_law/ English
is an American academic and political activist. He is a professor of
law at Stanford Law School and founder of its Center for Internet and Society, and will soon re-join the faculty at Harvard Law
School.[1] Lessig is a founding board member of Creative Commons, a board member of the Software Freedom Law Center and
a former board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.[2]
He is best known as a proponent of reduced legal restrictions on
copyright, trademark, and radio frequency spectrum, particularly in
technology applications.
Madonna, * 1958
Charity Speech/ English
I would like to welcome all of you here, tonight, and thank all of you for coming.
I would especially like to thank GUCCI and UNICEF for making this evening a
reality for me. I don’t think we’re on the grounds of the United Nations by chance, and there’s something poetic about the fact that we are no longer in America,
but we are on a piece of land that belongs to the world. I decided to investigate
for myself and I ended up going on the journey of a lifetime. In the last two
years, I have witnessed unbearable suffering and loss but I have also witnessed
the resiliency of the human spirit.
Madonna, * 1958
Interview_about_Kurds_and_USA_-_Iraq_war / Englisch
She has been regarded as „one of the greatest pop acts of all time“
and dubbed the „Queen of Pop“ by various sources.She is ranked by
the Recording Industry Association of America as the best-selling
female rock artist of the twentieth century and the second top-selling
female artist in the United States with sixty three million certified
Nina Hagen, *1955
flippt_in_Talkshow_aus/ German
is a singer from East Berlin, Germany. Punk rock, post-pun, New
Nina Hagen, *1955
Nina_Hagen__du__spinnst__quot_ / German
Fischer has consistently been the most popular German politician,
leading the opinion polls for several years, even among supporters of
other parties. This popularity may be attributed to the rise of the green
party as well as to his office as foreign minister of Germany.
Oskar Lafontaine * 1943
is a German politician, former German finance minister, former chairman
of the Social Democratic Party and former prime minister of the state of
Saarland. Currently he is co-chairman of The Left. In the German federal
election of 1990, he was the SPD‘s Chancellor candidate. The party was
defeated due to the national euphoria following the reunification. During the campaign he was attacked with a knife by a mentally deranged
woman after a speech in Cologne. His carotid artery was slashed and he
remained in a critical condition for several days.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier, *5 January 1956
Klaus Kinski - NDR Talkshow 1984
is a German politician who has served as the Foreign Minister of
Germany since 22 November 2005 in the Grand Coalition of Angela
Merkel. On 21 November 2007, he replaced Franz Müntefering as
Vice-Chancellor. In the first half of 2007 he was also President of the
European Council. He is a member of the Social Democratic Party of
Germany (SPD), and on 7 September 2008, Steinmeier was designated
as the candidate of the SPD for the office of Chancellor of Germany in
Petra Pau, * 9 August 1963
DIE_LINKE__Shalom_und_Salam / German
is a member of the Left Party PDS in the German parliament, the
Hier die Juden, da die Palästinenser, das stimmt im wahren Leben auch nicht.
Wer in Israel genau hinhört, wird kritische Debatten erleben, die hierzulande
fälschlich als unkorrekt gelten. Und wer nachdenklichen Palästinensern zuhört,
wird Debatten erleben, die vom überfälligem Frieden zwischen Israel und Palästina beseelt sind. Beide beziehen sich aufeinander, weil sie miteinander nach
einer Lösung suchen. Und so, und so wünsche ich mir zum Beispiel von den
deutschen Medien, dass sie viel mehr die Initiativen unterstützen, die Shalom
und Salam wirklich zusammenführen wollen. ..
Petra Pau, * 9 August 1963
Bekenntnis_zu_Gott_ist_Privatsache/ German
is a member of the Left Party PDS in the German parliament, the
Bundestag. First elected in 1998, from 2002 - 2005 she was one
of just two party representatives. She currently is one of the vice
presidents of the Bundestag and belongs to the reform-oriented
members of her party, actively supporting parliamentary representative democracy. She used to be a leader of the East German
pioneers and an art teacher.
Roland Koch, * 1958
Jugendstrafrecht/ German
is a German politician and acting Minister-President of Hesse. He took
office on April 7, 1999, immediately becoming President of the Bundesrat, completing the term begun by his predecessor as Minister President,
Hans Eichel.
Roland Koch, * 1958
Hessens Zukunft /German
Koch is seen as a rhetorically gifted politician; critics have accused
him of populism.In the state elections in 1999, the CDU began collecting signatures to document the resistance in the population to plans
of the federal government to make dual citizenship easier for foreigners to obtain. Because some people viewed this action as „collecting
signatures against foreigners“, they tried to portray this campaign
as „xenophobic“.Koch was able to win the election and displace the
incumbent, Hans Eichel.
Romy Schneider, (1938 – 1982)
Romy_Schneider_et_David/ French
was an Austrian-born German actress. Born in Vienna, she also held
French citizenship and died in Paris at the age of 43.
Schneider began drinking alcohol in excess after the sudden death
of her 14-year-old son David on 5 July 1981. David had attempted
to climb the spiked fence at his stepfather‘s parents‘ home when he
punctured his femoral artery. When Romy Schneider was found dead
Romy Schneider, (1938 – 1982)
en interview_ / French
Je veux beaucoup plus me préoccuper de ma vie personnelle, de ma vie privée,
c’est vrai, tourner moins de films qu’avant, et, mais, pour réussir ma vie privée je
ne veux pas être seule, je ne le suis pas d’ailleurs, mais, surtout qu’on me laisse
enfin tranqille. Si on sait, vous savez, ce que certains soi-disant photographes
sont capables de faire, je pense que le public a le droit de le savoir, qu’on sait
qu’ils ont fait pour photographier un enfant mort, qu’il y a une certaine presse
qui achète et publie “à la une”, comme on dit, où est la morale, où est le tact?
Katja Kipping * 1978
Katja_Kipping_zum_Jahresende_2008 / German
She was a town councillor in Dresden from 1999 until 2003, and from
September 1999 to 2004 she was a delegate in the Saxony state parliament as spokeswoman for traffic and energy policy. Since July 2003 she
has been deputy chairman of the PDS. From 2005 she is a Member of the
Bundestag (the German parliament) for the Left Party. She is a proponent
of a guaranteed minimum income.
Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, * 1951
zur_Vorratsdatenspeicherung/ German
is a German politician (Free Democratic Party). She served as Federal
Minister of Justice of Germany from 1992 to 1996. Since December 12,
1990 she is a member of the german Bundestag. In 1995 there was a
broad public discussion in Germany about the invulnerability of the private domain by means of acoustic observation (Großer Lauschangriff,
literally „big listening attack“). In this argument she strongly objected to
expanding the state‘s right to interfer in citizen‘s private domain.
Steve Jobs, * 1955
introduces_iPhone / English
is an American businessman and co-founder, and CEO of Apple Inc.
Jobs is the former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios.
In 1976, Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, with funding from multimillionaire A.C. „Mike“ Markkula, founded Apple. Before Wozniak
co-founded Apple with Jobs, he was an electronics hacker. Jobs and
Wozniak had been friends for several years, having met in 1971, when
their mutual friend, Bill Fernandez, introduced 21-year-old Wozniak to
16-year-old Jobs. Steve Jobs managed to interest Wozniak in assembling a computer and selling it...
Diana, Princess of Wales, (1981–1996)
Princess Diana‘s Speeches / English
was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. Their sons, Princes
William and Henry, are second and third in line to the thrones of
the United Kingdom and fifteen other Commonwealth Realms.
As a parent, I know almost certainly, what won’t work. Telling children not to do
something, or trying to frighten them off, as all parents know, almost certainly
has the opposite effect. Makers of educational films, please take note.
If the immediate family breaks up, problems created can still be resolved; but
only if the children have been brought up from the very start with a feeling that
they are wanted. Hugging has no harm for side effects. If we all play our part in
making our children feel valued, the result will be tremendous.
Peter Sloterdijk, * 1947
Philosophisches_zur_Krise/ German
s a renowned German philosopher and a professor of philosophy and
media theory at the Karlsruhe School of Design. Sloterdijk‘s philosophy
strikes a balance between the firm academicism of a scholarly professor
and a certain sense of anti-academicism (witness his ongoing interest in
the ideas of Osho, whose disciple he became in the late seventies)[2].
Notwithstanding the criticism that some of his thoughts have provoked,
he refuses to be labeled a „polemic thinker“, describing himself instead
as „hyperbolic“. His ideas reject the existence of dualisms—body and
soul, subject and object, culture and nature, ...
Tom Tykwer, * 1965
Hessens Zukunft /German
is a German film director best known internationally for directing
Run Lola Run (1998).
Ursula von der Leyen, * 1957
Ursula_von_der_Leyen_Brigitte_interview/ German
She studied economics and medicine at the universities of Göttingen,
Münster, the London School of Economics, Hannover, and Stanford
University. From 1987 to 1992, she worked as assistant doctor at the
medical university of Hannover.
Von der Leyen joined the CDU in 1990. From 2003 to 2005 she was a
minister in the state government of Lower Saxony. In 2005 she was appointed Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women
and Youth in the cabinet of Angela Merkel.
Ulrike Meinhof, (1934 – 1976)
en interview_ / French
was a German left-wing militant. She cofounded the Red Army Faction
(Rote Armee Fraktion)
Von den Bedürfnissen der Kinder her gesehen ist die Familie der stabile Ort. Ja,
ist die Familie, ist die Familie der stabile Ort, stabilen menschlichen Beziehungen, notwendig und unerlässlich. Schwer, unheimlich schwer, ja ist Schwer, ist
unheimlich schwer. Eh, das ist natürlich viel einfacher wenn man ein Mann ist.
Und wenn man also eine Frau hat, die sich um die Kinder kümmert, und das geht
in Ordnung- und die Kinder brauchen ja wirklich stabile Verhältnisse und Einen
der möglichst viel Zeit für sie hat.
Gerhard Schröder * 7 April 1944
Katja_Kipping_zum_Jahresende_2008 / German
is a German politician, and was Chancellor of Germany from 1998 to
2005. A member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), he
led a coalition government of the SPD and the Greens. Before becoming
a full-time politician, he was a lawyer, and before becoming Chancellor
he was Minister-president of the German state of Lower Saxony. Following the 2005 federal election, which his party lost, after three weeks of
negotiations he stood down as Chancellor in favour of Angela Merkel of
the rival Christian Democratic Union.
Wolfgang Schäubl * 1942
zur_Vorratsdatenspeicherung/ German
is a German politician. He is a member of the Christian Democratic
Union (CDU). He presently is Minister of the Interior of the Government of Germany.
Alle diejenigen, die verantwortlich für diese Arbeit sind: die Präsidenten von
Bundeskriminalamt, wie Präsidenten von Verfassungsschutz, Generalbundesanwälte, alle Fachleute sagen, die Terrorristen kommunizieren immer stärker mit
Hilfe des Internets und auch dadurch dass man auf Computer Zugriff hat, das es
geht ja gar nicht mehr mit Emails wie man das sich vorstellt, und das man deswegen diese Möglichkeit braucht in eng begründeten Ausnahmefällen auch auf
dem Computer Zugriff zu haben .
Steve Jobs, *28 January 1955
Sarkozy au G8/ French
is the 23rd President of the French Republic
Je vous demande de bien vouloir excuser mon retard qui est dû à la longueur du
dialogue que je viens d’avoir avec Monsieur Putin!
Qu’est-ce que vous préférez que je réponds aux questions, alors : Y a-t-il des
questions… par ici? Ah oui! C`était franc! Nous avons évoqué tous les sujets, la
Tchétchénie, la journaliste, les droits de l’homme, les droits des homosexuels,
nous l’avons fait calmement, sereinement, mais, je l’ai fait sans aucune aggressivité, mais nous avons échangé, j’ai trouvé un home ouvert au dialogue, acceptant
la discussion sur ces sujets complexes.