Curriculum Vitae Carsten Eckel


Curriculum Vitae Carsten Eckel
Curriculum Vitae
Carsten Eckel
(September 2011)
Main Areas of Research and Teaching
International Economics
Industrial Organization
Open-economy Macroeconomics
Venia Legendi: Economics, University of Göttingen, 2006.
Post-Doc: Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business
Administration (NHH), Bergen, Norway, 2000-2001.
Ph.D.: Economics, University of Passau, Germany, 2000.
Dissertation (International Economics): Globalization and the Division of Labor (in
German), Advisor: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rübel.
Diploma (~Masters): Economics, University of Passau, Germany, 1996.
Thesis (Economic Theory): Human Capital Accumulation as a Source of Endogenous
Growth (in German).
Professional Experience
PROFESSOR: Department of Economics, University of Munich, 2010-present
PROFESSOR: Department of Economics, University of Bamberg, 2007-2010
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: Department of Economics, University of Göttingen, 2003-2007.
LECTURER: Department of Economics & BA, University of Passau, 2003-2004.
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: Department of Economics & BA, University of Passau, 20002003.
POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW: Department of Economics, Norwegian School
of Economics and Business Administration (NHH), Bergen, Norway, 2000-2001.
RESEARCH AND TEACHING ASSOCIATE: Department of Economics & BA, University
of Passau, 1996-2000.
Research Visits (≥ 1 week)
Michigan State University, USA, 5/2010
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, 8/2000-4/2001, 5/2002.
Oxford University, UK, 2/2008
Pennsylvania State University, USA, 4/2011-5/2011
Princeton University, USA, 10/2009
Rice University, USA, 3/2011-4/2011
University of Bergen, Norway, 4/2010
University of Zürich, Switzerland, 10/2004
University of California, San Diego, USA, 5/2011-6/2011
Curriculum Vitae
Carsten Eckel
Research Network Affiliations
Cege – Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research, Göttingen,
Associated Member, since 2007.
CESifo Research Network, Munich, Fellow, since 2010.
Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP), Nottingham,
External Fellow, since 2010.
MCG – Munich Center on Governance, Communication, Public Policy and Law, University
of Munich, Member, since 2010, Managing Board, since 2011.
VfS Research Committees: International Economics, Regional Science
Grants, Awards and Prizes
Research Grant (Multinationals and Labor Unions), German Science Foundation (DFG),
Research Grant (International Trade and Retailing), German Science Foundation (DFG),
Research Grant (Multi-product Firms), German Science Foundation (DFG), 2006-2011.
E·on Dissertation Prize, E·on & University of Passau, 2002.
Young Economist Competition, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics
(E.A.R.I.E.), 2001.
Training of Mobility of Researchers (TMR) Fellowship, European Commission, 2000-2001.
International Conference Award, German Economic Association, 1998, 2000, 2002.
Various Project Grants (Dr. Hans Kapfinger Foundation, 2002; Institute for Research in
Economics & BA (SNF), 2002; Research Council of Norway, 2001; Universitätsbund
Göttingen, 2004)
Conference Travel Grants (European Science Foundation, 2001; German Science Foundation
(DFG), 2001, 2004)
Journal Articles
"Strategic Privatization in Developing Countries" (with Kjetil Bjorvatn), Review of
Development Economics, 15 (3), 2011, 522-534.
"Tax Competition for Heterogeneous Firms with Endogenous Entry" (with Ronald B.
Davies), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2 (1), 2010, 77-102.
"Multi-product Firms and Flexible Manufacturing in the Global Economy" (with J. Peter
Neary), Review of Economic Studies, 77 (1), 2010, 188-217.
"International Trade, Flexible Manufacturing and Outsourcing", Canadian Journal of
Economics, 42 (4), 2009, 1449-1472.
"Endogenous Sunk Costs, Flexible Manufacturing, and the Productivity Effects of
International Trade", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 111 (2), 2009, 369-386.
"Wage Bargaining and Multinational Firms" (with Hartmut Egger), Journal of International
Economics, 77 (2), 2009, 206-214.
"Globalization and Specialization", Journal of International Economics, 75 (1), 2008, 219228.
"Policy competition for foreign direct investment between asymmetric countries" (with Kjetil
Bjorvatn), European Economic Review, 50 (7), 2006, 1891-1907.
"Trade and Diversity: Is There a Case For Cultural Protectionism?", German Economic
Review, 7 (4), 2006, 403-418.
"Technology Sourcing and Strategic Foreign Direct Investment" (with Kjetil Bjorvatn),
Review of International Economics, 14 (4), 2006, 600-614.
Curriculum Vitae
Carsten Eckel
"Welfare Effects of Capital Mobility with Rigid Wages, Comment: Outsourcing in a
MacDougall-Kemp Framework", Applied Economics Quarterly, 51 (Supplement),
2005, 77-81.
"Market Integration and Market Concentration in Horizontally Differentiated Industries",
Economics Bulletin, 6 (16), 2005, 1-6.
"Labor Market Adjustments to Globalization: Unemployment versus Relative Wages", North
American Journal of Economics and Finance, 14(2), 2003, 173-188.
"Fragmentation, Efficiency-seeking FDI, and Employment", Review of International
Economics, 11(2), 2003, 317-331.
Working Papers
My work is listed with RePEc:
Außenhandel und Technologie: Endogene Sunk Costs im Allgemeinen Gleichgewicht
(International Trade and Technology: Endogenous Sunk Costs in General Equilibrium),
Wiesbaden: DUV, 2007.
Verteilungswirkungen der Globalisierung. Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt (Globalization and the
Distribution of Income. Consequences for the Labor Market), Wiesbaden: DUV, 2000.
Book Chapters
"Der Wettbewerb um Direktinvestitionen aus ökonomischer Sicht" (Competition for Foreign
Direct Investment from an Economic Viewpoint), in: Arthur Steinmann, Focke Höhne
und Peter-Tobias Stoll (eds.): Die WTO vor neuen Herausforderungen, Stuttgart et al.:
Boorberg, 2005, 113-116.
"Endogenous Sunk Costs and Multinational Enterprises" (with Gerhard Rübel), in: Gerhard
Rübel und Makram El-Shagi (eds.): Aspects of International Economics, Wiesbaden:
DUV, 2005, 187-195.
"Technological Spillovers and Export Platform FDI" (with Kjetil Bjorvatn), in: Edward
Graham (ed.): Multinationals and Foreign Investment in Economic Development,
IEA/Palgrave-Macmillan Series, Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005,
"International Production and Domestic Labor Demand", in: Gerhard Rübel (ed.): Real and
Monetary Issues of International Economic Integration, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot,
2000, 51-64.
"Beschäftigungseffekte von Produktionsverlagerungen" (Employment Effects of Production
Relocations), in: Michael H. Stierle (ed.): Globalisation: Effects on Enterprises,
Employment and Government (INFER Research Edition; Vol. 1), Berlin: VWF, 1999,
Other Publications
"Wachstumsfaktor oder Mitnahmeeffekt: Der staatliche Wettbewerb um Direktinvestitionen"
(Growth engine or windfall profit? Policy competition for direct investment), in:
uni.vers 15 – Geld regiert! Regiert Geld?, University of Bamberg, 2009
"Ohlin, B.G.: Interregional and International Trade, 1933", in: Herz, Dietmar; Weinberger,
Veronika (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Works in Economics, Düsseldorf: Schäffer-Poeschel,
2006, 373-374.
Curriculum Vitae
Carsten Eckel
"Erhöhen internationale Produktionsverlagerungen die Arbeitslosigkeit?" (Do International
Relocations of Production Increase Unemployment?), CeGE-Report, February 2006, 2.
"Eine Analyse des staatlichen Wettbewerbs um ausländische Investitionsprojekte" (An
Analysis of Policy Competition for Foreign Investment Projects), CeGE-Report, June
2005, 3.
"Subventionen versus Standortvorteile: Wer 'gewinnt' den staatlichen Wettbewerb um
Direktinvestitionen?" (Subsidies versus Locational Advantages: Who wins the Policy
Competition for FDI?), in: Hanns Martin Schleyer Stiftung, X. Kongress "Junge
Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft", 2005, 60-61.
"Braunerhjelm et al.: Integration and the Regions of Europe" (Book Review), Review of
International Economics, 11(3), 2003, 574-575.
"Globalisierung und Wettbewerb: Welche Rolle spielt R&D?" (Globalization and
Competition: The Role of R&D), in: Hanns Martin Schleyer Stiftung, Ehlerding
Stiftung, IX. Kongress "Junge Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft", 2001, 44-45.
Die wirtschaftliche Lage Russlands, Fortsetzung des Niedergangs ohne hinreichenden
Strukturwandel (The Economic State of Russia: Continued Downfall without Sufficient
Structural Change), 5th Report, DIW, IfW, IWH, 1994 (with C. Buch et al.).
Conference Presentations
Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics
(E.A.R.I.E.), 2001, 2002
Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group (ETSG), 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004,
2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011
Annual Conference of the German Economic Association (VfS), 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006,
2007, 2011
Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA), 2000, 2002, 2006, 2007
Annual Meeting of the VfS International Economics Research Committee, 2007, 2008
Annual Meeting of the VfS Regional Science Committee, 2008
CESifo Area Conference on Global Economy, CESifo Munich, 2009
European Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESEM), 2007
Midwest International Economics Meetings, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2010
Nordic Conference on Development Economics, CMI Bergen, 2002
Southeast Economic Theory and International Economics Conference, 1998, 1999
Spring Meeting of Young Economists, 1998
Workshop "International Economics" (Göttingen/Passau), 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Invited Presentations
Workshop "Locations, Regions and Global Competition", Christian-August-Society,
Sulzbach-Rosenberg, 2006
NBER International Trade and Investment Program Meeting, National Bureau of Economic
Research, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 2005
Workshop "Internationalization and Firm Behavior", University of Tübingen/IAW & LMU
Munich, 2005.
BA "Festival of Science", British Association for the Advancement of Science (BA):
Economics Section Presidential Session "Firms and Markets: From Local to Global",
Trinity College Dublin, 2005.
Symposium "International Economics", Eltville, 2005
Curriculum Vitae
Carsten Eckel
Kiel Summer Workshop on Trade and Location, Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel, 2005
68th ARGE Conference "Can Germany Sustain Locational Competition?, ARGE/CEPII,
Berlin, 2005
Graduate Meetings in International Economic Law, University of Göttingen, 2004.
Workshop "Outsourcing and the Labour Market", University of Innsbruck, 2003
GEP Conference on "Trade and Labour Perspectives on Worker Turnover", Leverhulme
Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy, University of Nottingham,
Conference on Competition, Contracts and International Trade, Christian-AlbrechtsUniversity at Kiel, 2003
CEPR/CREI Workshop "Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Corporation",
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2001
Kiel Workshop "Multinational Enterprises, Economic Development and Policies", Kiel
Institute of World Economics, 1999
Annual Conference of the International Network for Economic Research (INFER), Speyer,
Department Seminars
RWTH Aachen (May 2006), Augsburg (December 2007), Bamberg (December 2002), Bergen
(January 2001, April 2010), Bochum (May 2008), Bundeswehr Munich (July 2010), UC
Dublin (November 2003, January 2005, November 2008), Göttingen (November 2003),
Hamburg & HWWA (January 2006), Innsbruck (November 2002), Kassel (July 2002), Kiel
(June 2007) Konstanz (October 2005) Münster (June 2002), Norwegian School of Economics
and Business Administration (January 2000, October 2000, March 2001, May 2002),
Nottingham (February 2009), Osnabrück (December 1999), Oxford (February 2008), Paris
School of Economics (February 2011), Passau (July 1997, February 1999), Penn State (May
2011), Princeton (October 2009), Regensburg (May 2008), St. Gallen (November 2009),
Tübingen (January 2006), UC San Diego (May 2011), WIIW Vienna (April 2006),
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (February 2005), WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
(November 2009).
Professional Activities
Referee for American Economic Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic
Inquiry, Economic Theory, European Economic Review, FinanzArchiv/Public Finance
Analysis, German Science Foundation (DFG), Homo Oeconomicus, International
Economic Review, International Economics and Economic Policy, International Tax and
Public Finance, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Geography,
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Economics and Statistics,
Journal of International Economics, Journal of International Trade & Economic
Development, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of the Japanese &
International Economies, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Public Economics,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Review of
Development Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of International
Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal.
Curriculum Vitae
Carsten Eckel
Initiated the Göttingen Workshop "International Economics" (originally in Passau) in
1999 together with Gerhard Rübel. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers in
the area of international economics and promoting the exchange of ideas. Young
researchers are especially encouraged to participate. The workshop takes place once a
year. Workshop home page:
Teaching Experience
Advanced International Trade (in German/English), Master/ Ph.D. Level
Advanced Macroeconomics (in German/English), Master Level
Development Economics (in German), Master Level
Industrial Organization (in German), Master Level
International Economics (in German), Bachelor Level
Macroeconomics (in German), Bachelor Level
Microeconomics (in German), Bachelor Level
Monetary Economics (in German), Master Level
Open-Economy Macroeconomics (in German), Master Level
Principles of Economics (in English), Bachelor Level
Spatial Economics (in English), Master/ Ph.D. Level
Theory of Multinational Enterprises (in German), Master Level
University Service
Member of Department Board
Department of Economics, University of Munich, 2011-present.
Department of Economic & Social Studies, University of Bamberg, 2007-2010.
Department of Economics & BA, University of Passau, 1998-2003.
Speaker of the Department of Economics (Fachgruppensprecher), Department of Economic &
Social Studies, University of Bamberg, 2008-2010.
Member of the Organizational Committee of "Incentives – Bavarian Graduate Program in
Economics" (BGPE), 2008-present.
Member of Graduate Committee, Department of Economics & BA, University of Passau,
Member of Standing Committee "University Budget and Financial Planning", University of
Passau, 2002-2003.
Member of the University Assembly, University of Passau, 2000.
Helped establish an Economics Curriculum in English at the University of Applied Sciences
in Deggendorf, 1998-1999.