nasi - Jack The Ripper Forums


nasi - Jack The Ripper Forums
V.' fl
T$FpggW? uv5f51fgi
idtiia gailij gagle: jitu&ttj pttfrmug,
ben fluitcnplftgen naajj
.fyittifoH'i tiatfefrcter.
beicpioB Monjut usotj
Gin Sultanibam
fen, binuberjufabrcn.
r ifl ein SfttungSmflnn una feinc jimotlj
pfer wurbc gcdjartert unb junaebft nad)
tft 3nianapoli.
SPangani gefdjidt. SIl3jDa
i8oot, l
3er neuertDdblte rdfibent, err $ax
d)e3 om Sdjiffe au eine grofje Strede rifon, biJt fid? bereiti einen ipriDatfefre
SSege3 3urud3ulcgcn batte, fid? bemSanbe
tar erforcn. iluic
ndbertc, bliten au bem am Ufer in ber
rdfibcnt GIcdc-lanDiacbncDien
vyencratabjuiant Sfcbereroitt.
Ueber bie .flataftropbe fclbft fagt 3t5tj:
Man rcid?t2 gcrabe Gurjcro'fcbe Grue
tc bcr Ofnsiant, ber
berum. 3d? fab
auf unferer Seite bebiente, mit berScbuf
fel auf mid? gufam, al3 er urpl5jlicb eine
baftige, gleicbiam ftolpernbe UJeroegung
nad? Dorrodrt macbte, rooburd? bie Sdjfif
fel eine 3ieigung erbielt unb er mir bie
i?eif;e Gruj2 fiber Sdmltern unb ilnfce
gof;. So? war nod? nidjt 3Umirge!om
rad? unb Stop"
men, al3 cin fd?redlid?er
erfolgte, obcr eigentlid? brei Stope ober
brei Momtntc, roic id? mid? beutlid? erin
nere: beim criten Stop Derloren roir ten
Soben be3 2Baggon3 unter ben 5uPen
bcim sweiteu wurben wir ganj fteil Don
liitf3 nad? ber red?ten Seite bc 22aggcn3
geroorfen, beim britten rourben wir Don
bem Sacbe bes 25aggon3 bebedt, unb be
fanben un3 bud?ftdblid? in einem Grabe.
2ie wdbrte emige ?lugenblide. San!
ad?e tcS, 33aggon3
bem fuppelfornugcn
wurben wir nid?t arl gequetfdjt. 2a3
saniDar gctangten,
Sum Sufllano inDftafrtfia.
jJcruaolfiStcn SJcrfmljc ber oeui
cicflfdjcft, iiie SaKucrtonl
iuitg 311 ufccrucljiacu.
2Ibcnbbdmmerung licgenben ipalmenbain
Sdjune, unb fluqcln fdjlugcn linf-- unb
red)t Don ben tnfaffeu fce3 Soote in
SSafjer l"o bafj ftdj bieje genotbigt faben,
unoerritbteter Sade ncd) bem Sampfer
Siefcn Sanbungsfers
fucb ftellt bie brittc uufercr Slbbtlbuugcn
ltebec bte SSorganflc, roeldje fid? bcim
Sluabnid) tc-- j 3tnftanbc qcqcu bie Scuts
ftbcn in Oftafnfa abfpieltcn, enlnebmen
voir lurjltd) cmgctrofjenen iyiatteni foU
gcnbe auafu'nrlidje fPiltttjeilunqcn, be
gleitet ton bcr SSirtlitbJeit eutfptedjenDcn
Eotjn iFalfcr Jtapotron'S
5)a3 SSerhalten be in Songa ftationir
25cti(!)cr unD jum Sor vttvxt
ten SEali ten bort roofynbaften Scamten
tt;ritiir 2R5rtcr.
ber Seutfdjen. CSefcIIfdjaft gegenuber war
.5ier ift baZ iSilb bc fur3lid Pon bem
eit bem 2lugenblid bcr Uebernaljmc ber 5j3ariier $riminalqeridjt jum Sobe er
urtbeiltcu SlaubmorbcrS 5rabo, bcr, roic
man glaubt, mit gutem Mcdjt bebauptct,
ein naturlicber Sobn 9apoleon' III. unb
rPR-reiuer frubcrcn ofbame ber .Raiferin Gu
j.fcii.i ,",
genie 511 fciu. Seine mertrourbige Rax
liere, feinc gallofcn Scbrombelcien unb
7 xJt3&&.
trr StntunnSinilttcn
jtrcujcrS ,300c" lei cnga.
Solltterroaltuiiq burd? bicie lejjtcre in
rabe jrocibcuttg unb Dtiptrauen
Gr roolltc fid?ber jlaggcn
bifjung roibcrfcjcn, inadjtc SAroicrigfct
ten in Scsug an bic Slbrjabe tier
Ijdufer unb nuBcrtc, bafj, fails ein bcut
fd)c tfricgStdnff Ianben tuurbc, cr auf
baiTelbe froiefscn laffen
llutcr bieien Uinjtdnbcn erbat ber S3or
ftanb ber beutfdjcu Station ttn 6du&
bcr in ber DMbe befinblidjen ,,HH6dc",
tocldjc am 2lbcnb bc 5. September cor
bem Drt eriduen unb cine 3oDe an Sanb
fcte, urn i)Jroiant fur bte 23ejatjuug ju
bciorgen. 2a ba 23oot bei bcr Slnndbcs
rung an ta-- j Ufer mtt fdjarfen Sdjuifcn
empjangen uutrbc, lebrte c imDerrid)te
tcr Sadje rciebcr 311 bem Sdifje gmucf.
lm ndcbfteii 2)iorqen faubte bcr itomman
bant ben Sainpfftitter nad) bcr iJufte
imubcT, inn fid) fiber bie Sadjlage 5U
u tcrndjtcn. jtaum war berfclbe im 23c
rud) ber SdjuBracitc, al ton Sicucm on
tzn Cmgebcrenen auf bie 3niQlTen Qt
f. ci?cn wmbc, juglcid) iiberbrad)tcn
cinigc fceutfebe 5flcamte, bie cincn 9iadjen
beUiegen batten, urn fid) an 5orb bcr
t,3JtODe" 511 begebeu, bic Sftacbncbt, bap
bie beuoitcrung cine brofyenbe
li3 journal".
alfcrb ift
G. S.
xroar nicbt in bie
fern Sanbe geboren, fonbern in Gnglanb;
allcin cr fam'febou alSAinb mit fcincnGltcrn
nad? 2lmenta unb l;at mit 2lusnabme einer
fur3en Sett, bie cr in Hamilton, D., su
brad?te, fcit feiucn Buabcniabren in 3u
bianapoliS gelebt. 3Iad?bcm er eine ge
rcobnlidje Sdjulbilbung gcuoffen, lernte
cr bass Scbniticijerbanbrccrt, geigtc fid?
aber fo anftellig unb fdl?ig, bafj er fid?
febr fdjncll emporarbeitcte, bi3 cr Gbef
rebattcur bei bem obengenannten 23latte
tourbe, roelebem er nun mit SluSnqbrac
abren beftanbig feme
Don ein paar
.flrdfte gcroibmet l;at. Gr ftebt fet im
Slltcr Don ungcfdbr funfunbDierjig
reu unb l;at iau unb 2oc)ter.
2iud citt
2cr dnc
&nf;t 6lc 2Scilcr.
olijei oerbaftcte be
Sie Souboner
lamttlid) uor ciniger 3cit ciueu geroiijeu
2r." Xumblctn, einen 2lmenfancr sicm
lid) mpftijcben Urfprung, al bcr rauen
morbe rtcibddjtig, mute ibu aber balb
mieber an Mangel an Seroeiicn cntlaf
fen. .riiir3 oarattf fcbifjte Ttcb bcr angeb-lid- c
2oltor, Lcr cin tcl?r erecntriftber Glja
ratter fetu foil unb in pcrfdjicbcncn Stdb
ten unfercs iiaiibe mofcl befannt ift, uadj
?)orf ein, n?o er or jrenigen Sagcu
cingctroffeu unb, wcnigftcnS im 2lnfang,
olijei fibciroacbt roorben tft, ob
Don ber
wobl bieieloc nicbt glaubt, has er nut ten
eirodbntcn SDlorDtbaten in irgenb toelcber
Skibiubuug ftcbt. 2cr Gruub, bafe
Manege in il;m ben bcificbtigten Jack
the Ripper" feben tuollten, lag bariu, ba
cr doii jebcr grope Slbnctgung, fa a
efcblecb't bef unbet unb
gegen ba3 irciblicbe
Cctltiung tcr TrcTIamaiion fn Sagartctjo tnr$
ten "uicralbccnmldjttgttn tcr 2cutiDt
afnfamceit GcIHd)atf Komul 5Qchfen.
Sufolgebefien lDllbcn nun
mtt eiuigen oicrjig
mebr iluttcr unb
JLIaun befctjt nub uutcr
ubrung einc3
DffoieiS am Sanbc auSgcfdjifft, wdtircnb
bic SdjiffSgefdjuljc cin GJianatjcucr gegen
bic Sluntdnbtid)cn croifnetcn.
Sie fidj
Jdjncli in etne SdSftcnlinie
2JtatrofcnabtI)ctIung poftivtc fid; junadjft
fcjutcr cincr Grb5I)ung am Stranbc, etrea
2W SJtcter ecm (Jcinbe cntfcrnt.
?U3 bcr Icjtcre
bie crfte Slbbilbung.)
trctj bcr on 25oib gefanbtcn Grauatcn
baZ (3erocbi.icucr au$ SnibersSfubfcn mit
mad Sari.'
fr SumBIci.
and) Diel Don ficb reben gemadjt bat, ift
33lad 3art," roeldjcr in
ber bcrucbtigte
JlalM'ornicu cin f&iDuugDolIc3 GefcpdftalS
bctreibt unb 3ttr 2lbwcd)
lung unb Grbolung ben Samcn, bie ibm
bei feincn Gcfcbdftureifcn in bcu SBcg torn
men, jclbftDcrfaistc Gcbidjtc in'S Stamm
bud; icureibt, fie aber nicbt bcraubt. Seine
jPubt'Leit unb UnDcrfrorcnbeit grenjen
an'3 SQbelbafte. Obrcobl cr ftet3 allciu
ift, fibcrfallt er bennreb mit $affagicrcn
oftfutfeben, ftellt erftcrc in
Dicib' nnt Glicb, Derfiebt ftc mit MaSfen,
bcraubt fie ibjer SScrtbfacbcn unb benut
fie oanu cl brobeube Staffage bcim Ueber?
fall be3 Don bcr auberen Dlicbtung lorn
menben 23oftrcagen3, beffen 5paffagicre
bann in bcu Dcrmummtcn Gcftalten Spic9
gcfcllcn bc tubnen 3iduber
unb fub wiberftanb3lo-- plunbcrn laffen.
at cr fcin Slaubioerf Dollenbct, fobcficblt
cr bcu Slusgeraubteu, cine beftimmte 3eit
in ibrcr Stellung 3U Dcrbarrcn, fdjldgt
fid? fclbft fcttrodrtiJ in bic SBfiidje unbfudjt
en anbcie3 gclb fur feinc 5;bdtigteit.
Seine bcu 2amen gemibmeteu Gcbidjte
fcllcu fid? rocnigcr bu'reb Glcganj alo
febrieb cr 3. i!). etner 2ame in'S Stamm
bucb: r,2a3 Sdjroert ber fyraucn ift ibre
unge, unb ie forqen bafiir, bap e3 nidjt
S)cu:i6cn in
Sebiff tfGarola" gcfpicltcn .pmne neben
bcr 3u!tauilaggc auf bem .aufc emeS
rcidjcn obter gcbif;t, nacbbem ber (3c
ncralocDollmccbtigic bcr
roflamatiou in
iloniul Sobfcn, cine
beut'eber, arabu'djer unb bcr Suabcli
(Sicbe bis
Spracbc Dcrlcfcn bottc.
Seitc ftan
jweitc Slbbilbung.) Sbm h
ben bei bicicm rict bcr S3e3iri$ci Saron
d. Graucnreutb, bcr SBalt bc-- Ortc3, ein
2cpatirtcr bc3 Sultan unb btr om
manbant bcr Garola- -. Siacb bcr ii)upg
tcr laije
rourben 21 Scbuf?
worauj tit sScamtcn bie Stabt Derlicen,
toabrenb bie bort ftationtrtcn 2cutfcben
unb ber '8c3irf'id?ef 3urudblicbcn.
2115 nacb emiaen Saacu beunrubtaenbe
Cin TtciMtr tPrattifuS.
apa, c ift bod? fd?abe, ba&
man bie 3gel niebt effen fann 1"
man gleid?
3a, ta
rum benn ?'
bie 3abnftcd?er babei I"
i i9
i&auDtoci'f f d)lc.
&" X &
immer nod? bie
fubnjte Stcbtuug ubcrtreffen fann, baoou
ift ueulid? wieber bcr 23crocis gcliefert
2cbtc ba ieit oielen abrcn in
$l?ilabelpl)ia cin alter, Derfnodjerte:
O &
Sunggefclle, ber e3 fid? augenfdjeinlid? 3m
gemad?t batte, fo oiel Gelb
8 O 5
als moglid?3ufammcii3ufd?arrcn. 3" bie
Mde lebte er fo einfad? al nur
benlbar, war fcin cigener Sdjubwicbfet
unb 3og c felbft bei fd?lecbteni 2Bcttcr oor,
3U ouiJ S geben, anftatt cincn SJMdel fur
Gine .ftcimatl?
gabrgelb aucugebcu.
Ijatte cr nicbt, fonbern icanbeite bejidubig
Don einem itoftl?aii
sum anbern. Sein
ilomptoir, in tt?cld?cm er cfcbafte mit 2iu
bcrn abfdjlofj, mar ein uuaujebulidjeS Sad? fam siemlid? febrdg auf un3 311 lie
3tinmerd?cn unb in einem
gen. 3'D'icn 2Satb
ao tc 2iag
gclcgcn. Jvur, er madjte fur Jllle, bie ibn gou3 batte fid? eine Ocffuung qebilbct,
nicbt udbcr taunteu, iitn Giubrud eiue3 bmd? wclcbe id? bcrauwfrod?; mir folate
Gei3balfc3. 22ie grop roar baber bie bie Grdfm 5lutuioro, auf t bcr ftaifcr;
Uebcrracbung, al co Dor Jlursem be taunt bic .tfaiicriu, fo weit idi mid? entfmue,
fatab U5. ffiilliamion, ber rourbe burcb ba SBaggoitfcnftcr berauS
rourbe, bajj
Dcrmciutiid)e Geisbalv, ten giopten Sbeil gcbobcu.
SSir alle fmb bind? cin SIBuitber
femes DliefcnDcrm5gen nod? bei cbjciteu gcrcttct roorbeu;
su einem 31DCCe ociroanbt feben roollte, jebod? crbicltcn mebrcre Don un3. 5i)ei
roie man fid? folcbcu nicbt grojjavttger unb Sr. Majeudt bem ilaifer roar ba3 filberne
cblcr benfen louutc. Gr' l?at ndmlicb be ?Portccigarc, ba3 er in ber Safcbe gctra
rett3 $3,000,000 bcigcgcbcu fur bic Gr; gen batte, auf ber rcd?ten Sette eiuge
ricbtuug cmer anbiDcrfeid?ule, in rceU brfidt; Ccralabiutaut Stcbcrewm roar
d?cr mct)icre bunbert rviiabcn nidjt nur burd? bie Splitter be3 Spiegel3 am Salfe
lintcrrocifung iu ben oeucbiebenen tftanb
unb an ber liufen Sanb Dcrleut roorbeu,
roerfen, fonbern aucb ficie 3Jerpflegung
bie Generalabjutanten "offjet, Sinorojcro
crbalteu follen. Sic 23aupldnc fmb be unb Martcnoro batten gleid?fal!3 leid?te
reit fcrtig uub e3 fann bal?er obue Scr SJefcbdbigungcn
3ug untcr bcr pcrjonlicben 2luffid?t tit
Don ii?ncn batte, unter bem Giubrude ber
SttfterS mit ber Elnlage be3 gropen 2Ser ifataftropbe, wie geiftesabroeienb, einen
Xa5 Gelb ift in filberneu iloffcl iu feinc Safdje geftedt unb
begouueu merbcu.
ben Sdnbcu etneS
batte ben Stamen fcincS itammcrbiener3,
bcr bei biefer Jtataftropl?e fein fiebcn uer
Siion 2XUen bat am
bcr Don
lor, Dollig rrcrgeffen.
3 u v
Ifigelabjutant Sdjeremctfcro gc
litteu. 2ie 5itlScr feincr linfcu .ftanb
roarcn serfebmcttert unb feine Sruft ftarf
feircr 2lbftd?t er
gequctfd?t rooibcn.
icl?cu iDorbeu it,
2cr Officer 2auter,
ba erfubin 2fnbc v4
ber gcrabe ten Jkifcr bebiente unb sur
trad?t fcine l?obcn ;
Seite bcffclbcn ftanb, rourbe mitfammt ber
2Utcr3 bicfer 2luf
Sablette tn'S 53fiffet gejebleubert unb blicb
gabe uid?t mcbr
auf bcr Stelle tobt, cbenfo roie alle bort
Sluroefenbeu tbeil3 ibr Seben perloren,
gall3 bie
tl?eil fd?roer blcfftrt wurben."
ein Grfolg erroci
r r
Cin vyinonjgenic.
tl : Sie fmb mir bie bnen gcliebenen
100 Mart bcreitS brei
abrc fd?ulbig,
cbne ba Sic baran benfen, micb $u be
Sablen. 3 will Sbncn cincn SSorfdjlag
macben: bcsablcn Sic mid? fcgleicb, unb
id erlaffe tyncn funfjig
ro3ent I"
So anitcbinbar Qbr SJridjlag ift, ruIEE id?
3bncu bocb cincn anberen madjen: 5Bar
ten Sic nod? brci 3abre
unb roir fmb
Sag' Gbgar, 3b
war, Gu6 feben urn
10 Ubr gciciabenb ju bicten ! SSte lam
ba3?- BUnftnnl Scr bat 2ir benn
32cb urn 3 Ubrbcben
roir Slat geipielt
Unb roarum fragft
3u Ieute fo tbeilnebraenb barnacb ?"
2amit id? crfabrc, reamx 2u n?icbnod
fiaufc aelamxnzn hUtl"
im S52irt&51jau
Sutb ge3ungen
fcit folltc, roill er bcrfelben nod? toeitcrc
fiebcn Millioncn suroenben; fo bef feinc
Stiftuug fid? alfo auf 3ioolf Mtllionen be
laufeu rourbe.
err SEilliamfon tourbe im Sabre 1803
in fflud3 Gountp in bcr 9Mbe Don l;ila
belpbia geboren, unb begann fcine Ge
febdfttftarriere al3 Gcbulfc in einem
Gountrnftorc". G3 3og ibn aber balb
nad? ber Stabt, ido cr cincn fleinen
Scbuitttoaareniabcu eroffnete. Sein Gr
folg roar bcrart, bap er im Slltcr Don 30
Sabrcu bcreit3 $200,000 fcin cigcu
naunte, cin febr grofjc3 Sermogcn 3U ba
maliger 3cit. Cr 3og fid? bann pom Ges
fcpdft 3uiud unb ucrroenbete jmet 3abrc
au Dleifeu in Guropa, roo cr ba3 Scben in
Dollcn 3figcn genop.
lolicb aber ging
emc mcrlicfirbige SBerdnberung mit ibm
Dor. Gr 3og ficb doii feincn lebensfroben
Sjclnuntcn surfid, cerfaufte feinc foft
fpielige Ginricbtung unb roibmctc fid?
fortou auSfcblieplid? bem Gclbenoerbc.
21llc3 roa3 cr bcrfibrte, fdjien 3U Golb 3U
roerben uub fo bdufte er benn im 'icrlauf
ber al)xt ba3 foloffale Scrmogcn an, ba3
er fct 3U bem Dorbin errodbnten 3rocde
perroenben will.
erT 23il!iamfon bat
ubrigeuu febon Dorbcr 1,500,000 ju wobl
Gr bat
tbdttgeu Sc0011 brgegeben.
jcbenfalU roobl baran getban, feinen cblen
$lan febon jet 3ur 2lu3fubrung 3U brin
gen, anftatt feinc Millioncn nad? femem
Sobe jum SScutcobjclt babgieriger Slboo
latcu roerben 3U laffen.
gic gcIorfc
Stm Salentottcm S Sorcn unS ffhtm
3nJiTtn bti fSoril ergtng.
Gin 2Iugcn3cugebc3Unglfid
bei Serf i,
3ie 23egeifterung,
rintjprud?e bamals ijtxvou
dou ber
d?cn Sfrmee" bracbte.
ZoWtltt SSaljrljfit.
,,2113 jungfl ber Sur
feinen geroobnliocn
SiacbmittagefDasiergang madjte, rourbe er
elbe Don 3wci llnbciaiinten
auf freicm
niiinber, wenn ?br acbt 2age lang ganj
angcbaltcu uub orbcntltcb aeprfigclt. Sie
icib unb nid?t icbreit, fo burft 3br
iu'3 neater I"
2a fmb wir lieber bo3
Idpt, )el?r Did Staub aufgcroirbclt I"
ba3 ift Diel luftigcrl"
unb fd?reteu
germcifter Don 1.
citt StoturfrrutiJ).
Siun, .fterr 25ulberger, wie I?at'3
3bneu benu g'falleu auf ber Scbmitten
,,& lag' 3bcn
tail bequeme mauffabren, ba3 fcbone
otd, bcr ncuc Spciiefalon, ba3 gute
jlaid?enbier, ta feinc Gffcn, bie gute
na, unb bann bie fd?one 2lu
fid?t !"
Malcr Oodcrl
My Uttlo maid with tho Rolclcn head.
Sunbeams pneoned In every hair.
The future years you noed Httlo dread.
Life holds sunshlno for ono so fair.
My little maid with the sweet red Upa,
Curved and dimpled, ft cupW's bow;
For us the world may have cross or whips,
Love 'twill offer you. dear, I know.
My little maid with tho childlike Uugh
Ringing merrily far and wide,
Tho cup of happiness you shall quaff,
llirth and laughter on every side.
lommcn wegen berMietbe? 'Sfcb,
bie l?at Mama Dergeffen bcrau33ulegen l"
2Bober wcipt 2u ba3?"
im Sail Sie fdmen I"
I;at mir gefagt
My little mMd with tho bird like voici
Each tono sweeter than tono before,
Ah' why indeed should you not rejoice?
Life has mtisio for you In fctoro.
My Uttle maid with tho heavenly eye,
Gazing Into tho far away,
lie who is simple is deemed most wisn.
Heaven is coming to you fcosio day!
M. H. In New York Telerram.
(Fin $c(f)V0(tl.
2onnerwcttcr So 'n $cd? fann audi
nur mir suftopcnl Sa finbe icb cine
Mfin3e auf ber Strape unb e3 ift nur ein
Stidel; batte cin 2fnerer ba3 Gelbftfid
gefunben, ware e ratnbeften3 eine Mart
geroefen !"
ttmt tBoKteloflitt.
ier fmb einigc burre
53dume; bie mfiffeu aucb gefdllt roerben!"
2Iber ba3 ift
Steue Gut3berrm:
ja bie reinfte 33erfd?roenbung
tonntc bed? barauf bfirreS Obft erjeu
2fr Unlroftttrfif.
wMeine Hebe 5rcu
iife, geborene
2aufer, roeiche micb boowillig oerlaffen
bat, wirb crfucbt, ju ibrem untrof:hd?en
Gatten surfidjutebren; falls fie aber ge
roillt ift, nidjt roieber ju temmen, bitte id?
fit, ben Scbluffel jvr Speifelammcr, ben
fte mitgeuemmen ba't, jurudjufenben."
Thcro Llfo It a Romance.
The governor of Kumamoto, an old friend,
telegraphed mo to come and visit him
miles away, on tha Gulf of Shima-bac- a,
a beautiful city, and a beautiful provA steam yacht was
ince, that of BLigo
placed at my disposal, id, accompanied by
two of my old Japanese n;rvan, I went
The story of my vuut, if I could tell it, would
read to you hko tho "Arabian yighta." I
was received mow cordially, a palaco appropriated to myself, with two offlcers of the
governor, a lieutenant of tho array and
tbo chief of polico quartered in tho
room on tbo ground floor to look to raj
wants, and four beautiful, Giesba to attend
me night and day. Dinners afUsr tho old
Japanese fashion, and every sort of f oto in
lovely, and hard for
my honor. Ah I it
me to realize that I was not in truth a prince,
so royal waa my entertainment. But I must
tell you there is not a foreigner in that prov-ino- a
I bad been there before. The governor was a Daimio, and my old friend, and I
had formerly introduced Into bis province
several industrial by which they bad profited;
and one, straw braiding, vrbich paid his
people 20,000 a month for thiv years; they
all appreciated this and were gratef uL
One night at a dinner an officer approached
me and said: "General, there is & beautiful
lady, a Giesha, at the other end of the room,
who has been regarding you with great ina foreigner
terest. Sba never beforo
may I bring ber to your At a Japans
everybody sits on the fSocsr, which is covered with matting; I said, MY, bring ber,"
and she came; and inded the was boaotlf ul,
einer Ocb1"0
with the loveliest vote I ever brd, talL
bube: ff2iUeroeil eTcinfpajirt, meir.e rounded and lithe, with eyes like stars and
teth o pearli. I isaid, "Are you airsid of
icr fmb ju feben Ieben
She replied, M"o, though you ore tho
big tie $bmre, bie felt'nen 255gel mit
first foreigner I ever aw; but they tsll m
Scrte, bie you are an iilustriocj zsan and kind and
nie auSftirbt !" Ormnen: Gin
ani good." The governor then cam and sat beside us. I laid to fairs, "How lovely this girl
wurft lad;t tin Cir.trttenfcen aui.)
bora to ray
Isl" That was alL Wlii I
Star nid?t cufbe
(Set ber Sube):
that night, and was crossing tbo gnaX
Sen Setrug ift ba gar feine palace
flop behind
room os satin, I brard
Mztt. Srei Sogel mit MenfcenlJpfen
me. and there was the beaotif ol grL with ber
baben Sie getebtn: 36 bin bcr Scicegel, forehead oa the mat in salutation.
b'rin ift ber SpapDcgel, unb Ste fini bet mydtar, bow can yoa Lersr The governor sent ma to wait en ray tod cocssf'
edjccsel !
and here ends this story. Ahi bowlwiibed
for you, my dear ancle, with your appreea-tio- n
Sat KTTa5f.
of all good things asd your ccagecial
2a companion ship ; and cow, apropos, le ma
Sebrer (ju ben Scbiilerr.):
I have a plan to get you here, that
3wei Sribet,
febr dbr.lid? iaben; fclbft ter Satet ianntt yon also may see and enjoy this banti? bJ
country and delightfsl peoplo and b wjta
fie nicbt auleinanbct- - 2a5 Mutttrber3
oa-Le- Uer
in 3ohC SLvguter.
abet erfennte fie unb fjrrai: 2a ift bet
I'araJrzlns; Ecct.
Gute, ba3 ift bet Habere
"Jobrs said hh wie in th xofddlo cf
tho night, 2 she a.'raiKried with htr
,5arlcen, vxV bift 2a febr vncrtig I nsasl scare, "Tm quite xra there's a
under tha bL
B2lbet, 5apa, rserm kb immer vxC
"Is that toST responded John. s!i?cpilj;
imrcet btau tsire, fcaS x&st fctd ffir Jtn
"well. tbcrre one of your ehys at nun
etbe febrctflid) Janarjeilia!"
dia-nf- tr
Hermann Sanntmann.
Tho marriage and courting customs aro
entirely different from our.. Yum Yum can
furnish no garden gat for her lovers to bang
over, and she ueer knoua tho pleasure of
moonlight drives. She has no gat in. the
first place, and no lover m tbo second. Her
family, if she bo of high birth, arrange, tho
marriage with the family of th grom, and
tb&courting, if there bo any, is done aft.r
the wedding.
The Yum Yum of Japan thus leads a much
le&s eventful life than tho young girl of
America. Sho thinks she has fun, because
sho knows no better, and her chief employment, if bbe Ikj one of the poorer cUvee. u
the toting of ber baby brother and sister upon
her back. It is thus tiiat Uer mother took
care of her, and tbo cradle for all tho httl
Japanese babies is tho human back. Almost
as soon as tho baby is bora it 1 tied to the
back of the children next iu age, and tho moment a mother begins to expect tho advent
of a stcond baby sho trains ber little
daughter in preparation for it. At Ilns
placed on tho baby a
a light doii i
back, then a heavier 0110 is substituted, and
.ncrcaed imtil it
thus tho weight
that if a baby I saw last week a
child carrytug u dog strapped to
its back iu this way, and as tho baby Mug
gered along with It tt met a child of the
same ago w ho had a bab Ued on it back,
and the two sat don n ou thoir bttlo
played togotuor in the mud. Tb onbtos did
tlw innot eoeni to mind it la tho Inut,
than do our
fant Yum Yuma hero cry
littio American babies.
As .a infant, Yum Yum dresses lite her
mother, and the girU of Japan sjoiul lesj
upon clothes than do tho-.- r American hWters.
Spring bonnou thoy never got, fer ail
womanhood here goes baro headed. Shirts
they do no umj, ami tho long ktoci:mgs and
tho high heolcd shoe never clasp their tow
and calves. Tho Jupancsu girl wears no
gloves aud Kho never loses her hoe buttonor.
Hr shapely little feet clatter over tho
two inches
in wooden
and sho holds tlcw) on by
a whito cord which, tied to tho wood between
her first two toes, crosse the foot aud is fn.teued to tho sandal at the iieeL In pkice of
stockings sho has foot mittens, and
a ' finger" for her great too, and they do not
come higher than her ankle on tho leg. Above
this coms Ler dress, and if the weather le
wet sho will think nothing of pulling it up to
her knees anil w abbling nloug with her baro
calves bhowtng at the buck.
This dress, however, is a curiosity. It has
no pms nor hooks and ejeu to Ucop it together,
and as for buttons, they aro a foreign invention. It consists of a long robe uiado of silk
crcpo or cotton, and this U opon at the front
liko a long jacnet. When worn, one oido of
it folds o ror tho other at tho front, and it is
held in placo by a widr belt or obb This bait
is tho finest jwrt of Yurn Yum s toilet, and it
forms her girdle and bustio all in onn. It U
four yards long, and it material U as rich as
her circuHMtancea will warrant, Sometimei
it is made of magnificent stiff fabrics and
loaded with embroidery
It u tied in a big
butterfly bow at tbo back, and, though not u
pin is used, it kep its pi&ou and bold the
dresa perfoctly.
piel 3U ioftbar !u
ba3 mad?t nicbt3, yrdulein ! 3$ bols
errn ioldje Sou
a ft aQc 2age fur ben
quct im Slumcnlaben unb rnu
iagen: 3cr 2Ilte bc3ablt nad? ber ipod?
3eit ben gansen Sd?winbcl 1"
gerufen baben follen, fd?cint aber nad?
bca unldngft erfolgtcn 2fu3lafjungen ber
balboffiatofcn 3citungen ber beibcnDieid?e
cbenfo rafd? wie bie Sirfung be3 bei jener
Gelegcnbeit getrunlenen GbarapagncrS
terpegen 3U fein. 3ebenfall3 merit man
niit acb oiel baoon.
rodre fur mid?
Sienftmann: wO,
teilt in feinera 5Be
ofmaler 3t
rtd?te an ein ruffifd?c3 Slatt unter 2fn
bercm aucb mit, roie bie Mitglieber ber fai
S:$l gucr tS fsnccc:f!t Gfata "
Un5 Sabtn cn ilrttbccculcur,
fcrlicbcn Safel gruppirt warcn, al3 bie
hl6irfec ctuntcre Sacn,
DerbdngntpDolIs ifataftropbeficb ercignete,
lint SauUlnr. nris wd nc5r.
roeldjc bem frnben Magic ein fo jdbe3 unb
antb Ciitrantnt
Gnbe bereitete.
2a Unjiulb ltten Saiar,
3eicbnung fammt bem folgenben Stamen!
Unb tern in erfufitn Eanttn
DerjeicbniB Derauf6auli6t bie3 in flarer
fr act.
S?rtna,t rB taS
SBctfe unb gewdbrt aucb cincn Ginblid in
edift nattr irt6ta cS Sttcn
Sntfii Ca soil unidnt s
bie Ginricbtung bc3 taiferlid?cn Speife
Scc nxT;jntnc bat cicr. atfeben
6icn jKsaii ' sctEtn e 1
S)er Scicbnung 3ufoIge gefialtete fid? bte
Mittaastafcl felgcnbennapen:
3 Set edtatc
1. 2er tfaifer Sllcranber; 9.
Sebrer: Br wanble mir Scbwur
bie Jlaiicrin;
2. Staat3bame Grafin abl"
5 r i : .Scbwur, Gefdjwur,
ScbercmctfeD; 3. Generalabjutant Si
nowjew; 4. Jy ugelabiutantScberemttftw;
(Bfflflitfa ria gcrriitcn
5. effrdulen: Grafia .Hutufow; 6. Gene
ralabjutant liicbter; 7. GroEfurft Gcorg
rGine Sdbrotcgcrmutter unterfebeibet
Slleranbrcwitfcb; 8. 2eibar3t 2r. irfd?; ficb cor. einem iigez bait!) bai f6cneie
ofijet; 11. bet ge2 be3 ie?teren l"
10. Generalibjutant
Sbronfolgcr Gifarewitfcb ; 13. Grdfin ilu
tufew; 13. Maler 3id?n; H. General
Graf Scrcnjcw Sajcblowj
SonntagSjager (ber enblid? einen
15. Generalabjutant
Martcnow; 16. bie Safen gefebeffen): .errgctt, Bean icb
17. jet run tineii SSen batte I
Groifurftin i'enta 2lieianbrcwna;
treucn 2iater."
Srdutigam, ber Straup
?HItt ofTtnljfrjiB.
unb tcutftn
liltn boi I
will with wonder.
(rittc gute ilodiin.
ebcrmaun crinnert ii) nod? ber Soafe,
rocld?e bei bcr Slnroefenbeit .Haifcr SBtl
belm'3 in 3Bien bie jweiSouDerdne gegen
feitig auf ibre unb bie 23affenbrfiberfd?aft
ibrer $eere au3brad?ten. S)a3 beigefitgte
23ilb Deranfcbaulicbt ben 2lugcnblid, al3
tfaifer gran3 Sofepb bie SSorte fprad?:
Unferc preupifd?en unb bcutfeben Jlame
raben lebcu b.od?l" rocrauf bcr bcutfd?e
Jlaifer cin brcimaligc3 od? auf bie KRa
weldjc biefe
2a Wil fie Scforotn-Gin- e
ditere 2ame mit unbeiiDetrunben
ben Mienen wfinfebt ben errn 5Jaron 3U
fpredjen. 2iencr: w2cr gndbige crt 5HE IS DIFFERENT FROM THE REP!ann Sie leiber nidjt empfangen; bet
3rjt bat ibm baSSprecbcn untcrfaqt."
2am e: 2a3mad?tinbiefemgal!e
As a Child She Is Trotted Around oa
ntd?t5. Steben roerbe id? I"
Her Sister's Kaci Some of tho
of Her Dress Trinket on Her
&Mt fiil'd gUIOi (jcSasflt,
9Da3 toftet bie gabrt nad? tcm $Iauen
fd?en Gruub?"
wiceren Se, met' lute
The giddy girls of gay Japan arc ail about
errcben, e3 gibt Se ncmlicb 3roce me. Their houses arc open and their almond
93retfe; roeun Se ecne 2our fabren, eyes twinkld a welcome as I pass along tht
Bah with his dozer
toftet'3 Se brci Mart; nut nad? ber3eit streets. There is no Pooh my
footsteps, and
different ofSces to dog
i3 c bbetrcr
ba mfiijen Se pier Mart can give you borne pictures of Yum Yum nti
jablen !"
2anu roerbe id? bie billigcre home. Sho is as pretty here a she ever apfyabrt wdblen I"
2a3 t)ab' id? met peared on the American stage. I lite her
rich, cream colored complexion,
i hao
nemlid? gleid? gebadjt 1"
fallen in lovo with her Jet black eyes,
which, though they shine through lids not
half as wide apart, as thereof Mrs. Langtry or
Gin reicber, junger Mann ill angeflagt, of Mrs. James Brown Totter, are quite as
ein gan3 rei3enbe3 Mdbdjcu gegen ibrcn full of soul and quite as bcauifuL I like the
Si id? ter: ilowmg drapery of her costume, and I have
Sillen getfipt 311 baben.
to the abence of tho
Sie fmb oerurtbeilt, al3 Strafe 60 Marl become accustomed
and to tho decollete display of tha bust
in bie 2lrmcnfaje 3U sablen !"
I admiro her modest tas:j u colors, and the
n bie 2lrmentaffe? I soft grays and blues of her dress seem to harger Mann:
(ilfipt bic 2ame roicberbolt.) SJcrjeiben monize with her surroundings. Tbo paint on
aber fur fo emen eblcn 3wcd jabl' her lower lip I can even approve of, aud tb
structure of her oily, jet black hair Clls my
id? gern ba3 Soppelte l"
2lud tincin Gtr.nnnbuc!).
Sticbte Semen 5Jhd allscit auf
mcin lieber, ciiigcr Sol?u,
grfible nie lauge fiber bte SEergangenbeit;
jcber Menfd? ntacbt tm Seben 3um wenig
ften emc grope Sunmil?eit; beute bet'm
fieicn biefer 3eiIeu te(bt 0ll an Scikcii
iJcben-oaufgab- c
2icip nidjt
Saronin: (,Sie glauben gar nicbt, ba, Gila?"
err Siatb, wie oicle Mfibe cs un3 jeben ba3 rotrb Mama erft nod? beftimmen !"
Slbenb toftet, meinen itleinen su iBctt 3U
bringen. 2)er wirb gewip etnmal 2lftro
2enfen Sie fid? cine
Si a t b : i6ber aud? Stad?twdd?
nom l"
gldfeme ilugel
ba3 beifet, c3 braudjt
ter I"
fie braud?t and?
teine flugel 3U fein
nicbt Don Gla3 3U fein.. .. I"
a- - nebmen
Sie ft fyxanS,
(jrau :
2nd effete.
$epi I Seir gansen yormtttag unange
jogen unt unfrifirt, $)x Gelb Deruafien,
auf bcr Strape l?crumlaufen unb tlatfd?en
unb lcbltepltd? nod) Sd?ulbcn madjen
glauben Sie benn, Sie fmb eine gndbigc
Sic tciictt Zoaftc
Sa feben Sie 'mal, Meifier, wa Sie
fur eine Slrbeit gelicfert baben ! Sic
Soblen fmb nod? roie neu, unb d?on bricbt
.ftm, bm,
allentbalben ba3 Dberleber I"
fa, ja, ba muj id? bait ba3 ndebite Mal
etroa3 fd?wdd)ere3 SobQeber nebnien l"
PeTi-Uariti- es
bie SBirflicbfcit
groDartigen SScrbredjen, bencn er mit bem
DJiorbe unb bcr Scraubuug ber Marie
2lguctan, cinc SraucnsimmerSberSemi
monbe, bic Jlrone auffctjtc, fmb in ben
Scituugcn bcrcit aufubrlid? mitgetbeilt
tuorben, roir mollen babcr bie ilefer nidjt
mit einer SBiebcrbolung bebelligen.
eftfjent ciucd ftjarfatnrtt 3nfl
(jcftUen uon funfunBodjtjio 3J)n-Sa- p
cfuljl oft in febr braftifeber SEcife
2lusbrud aegeben l)at. SBobcr er titn
Sottortitcl bat, tDeifj DTicmaub, unb cbenfo
ratbiclbaft ift el, ioie er fid? bie reicben
elbmittel peifdjafft, fiber bie er beftdn
big Dcryugt.
Gin aabcrcr Maun, ber fcit ciniger 3cit
(FrVcnon3qcdjo7en reciter uutcrbiclt unb
auf cincr Slnljobc, ail lucldjcr baS &au&
be SL'aii ftanb, cine Jlanoue nadj bem
Sdjifr genduct wurbc, lief; ber ftiibrer
bcr 2JiatioKJt
tiflel frurmcu
n?arf mittclit beftigen Sdjncllfcutr
SIrabcr 3111 ucf.
Sci bcr barauf angcs
auicr, au3
ftcilten Surcbiua)ung bcr
benen gcfdjojjeu tcorbcu, icurben jebu
Ciugcbcrcnc getBbtet, bic ftcb mit bcroafj
nctcr .ftanb toibcrjont batten. 2er Sali
Ionntc md?t aunnbtg gemacbt lrcrbcn, cr
tuar mtt ben 2lrabcrn lanbeinrodrt? gc
Pudjtct unb lebttc audi nad? bcr Slbjaljrt
bcr 2)ibuc" nicbt surficf.
S7acbbcm fica bie S!anbungabtl)cilung
an S3crb ber 3Jioe" surudgcjpgcn batte,
tfcrlicf; bicfc trnn Jiafcn, urn ibre aiuci
Scrnjuubcteu nad? Sanfibar 3U fibcr
n Sagamco tmube bie 3Iaggc bcr
(DefeHjdjait unter ben
Xildngcu cincr con ber itapeUe Sr. 271a.
fur cine
JpstjemTxer 3D
So6 furfttitfjf
io bat aud?
bei bic
S arrifon
Tsis?S'x fern toicbtigen $0
ften eincm Sot5
naliflen ben $or
3ug gcgeben. 2cr
ncuernannte 'Qxu
Datfcfrctdr ift Gli
fab 50.
wn-n- t
now tus rorr.TO cinxa runr.
Yum Yum, however, dx not want hir
dre&a spread out liko tbo tail of tho peacocx.
Sho runs rather to tho pullback and tbo
looso folds of tho unstarched stuff which
wrap themselves ulx)ut tbo form, showing its
every outline. Thoy Impede tho walking of
tho ladles, and tho remit is that tho Japatiot
girl totters along in a half plgoon U"d faab-icoff in
and when fiho tries to run sho go
a gait liko a cow. Tbo dress in summer U
or'o at thv neck, and Yum Yam dwi not
wif niodo a
know what a brwastpin ts.
girl in tho country, who bad done ber a
favor, a present of one and pinned It at Iwe
neck. Tle girl wsj diiigatcd with tbo present, but she at once rinovl it from her
neck and fastened it to ber girdlo in thn
region of tbo hurtle. The Japan) guU
nover wear earrings, and their only
are on this belt. The belt is Ih-- t cc0
and I have
liest part of the
which, I am told, cofct as bigb as tlOO and
upward. Tbo cheaper coo go as low a a
few dollars, and somo can bo bought which
aro xnado of cotton or bright colors, a&d
which cost only a few cents.
Tha drwa for winter u much tlw same,
savo that tho tu2i aro wadded and tha 5
moro underclothes of the sarao shape arn
used. Tho slcvct probob.y pinch tiut arms
a bttlo tigbtur than in tho totasvr, aod still
hiui appearance.
they have tho some
Yum Yum1! tlevi are htr pocketn. In them
(bo keeps Ler lunch and bcr paper pockt
handiercbirf, and in them, u a littio girl,
eh came ber playthings. Tby bang txij
a yard down from th wrUti and they form
one of ber most uaf ul inxrumnta of flirtanot cm the fan for this, bub
tion. Bbe do
sho has a langsaga of guttcres which will
tell a love story m ber waves of th hand.
too, but never wink. Tho
Bh csea ber
somo meaning is conveywl by tbo rollioj of
the eybaIU or tho twtic&ing d th kf J
corner cf th mouth. 6b h& do langu&g
of th Laadkvrchif, iod tw don ucA Lraz
HW can
hex shooldars If
bcr xMtty howrrvr, with quiVi as usch ccorn
Tork Debt, and cho can ccrl
as can a
rftd ojrjrr Irp to tta
br littleabove
8h b
til things titerilj ad gvid
nAttzred, and h will gigU azxi langb at th
least provocatoa.
Jafjsie wocktj cr rather tbm
young worsen havo very good
TL7 era a fall boul ahcrVsr than
Atnttizsa woman, but
stays crosneta
pluzeptr, and tboir
terzx to bev prods oed a better buZdertlap-tnfiTbey
sbghtly to tb frcst a
walk, asd is old ae they bcosa roerd
tboaldyi. I brieve hmt th
qsicJur ber tsan wti at This ipa4aliT
FVask C. CuvscUS.
so is tb lawtr
Acres.: fsvonj wjih oor graadswtbert
was th ks3CG ltly. wish iM starry, odsrwai
was r!cgxtsd to ite roadxida, Lat Jt 5 sxnr
rwvsrgd to fat or od offered to tbe pblio
or as
ttndar Ii bctaniol sane,
prs-nla- l
tea goldo illy, and ts a
It I rallj oo of t2 hrfmhtaZ af Ut
arly t&czzzxr ftowcrs, pxeef ol la sfcp o
rqiiit ccicr and rich oUtr. u moz'.ie.
tho lawn wj;h hs gold9 Lioness, aod is &
fMcAaHf stsplcd to a nrastioa when a sunt
Tb lmp
laao Itko
of cekr i
iesvr. to Tividly grws, m ercasRtal tnn