Danza mexicana pondrá a bailar a San Diego


Danza mexicana pondrá a bailar a San Diego
of Publication
1976 2010
Vol. XXXVI No. 20
It’s Time to
Revoke the
License to Hate
La Prensa Muñoz, Inc. Publications
MAY 18, 2012
Danza mexicana pondrá a bailar a San Diego
By Jim Estrada
It is becoming clear that too many
in our society have reached a level
of comfort with overt expressions of
bias and racial discrimination towards
non-whites, especially among those
who feel those “unlike” them are taking over “their” country. This fear of
invading hordes of those who are different or unknown is rearing its ugly
head in an increasing number of situations.
This form of xenophobia has manifested itself in a variety of ways, including permissive attitudes and actions among members of a declining
white “majority” towards former
“minority” groups that are becoming
the new “majority” in many parts of
the nation. For many xenophobes the
fear of losing their “majority” status
and historical entitlement of dominance is motivating their behaviors.
Their attitudes are frequently expressed by bumper sticker and
placard slogans like “We want our
country back!”
The vehemence of those espousing such expressions is no longer associated solely with white extremist
or supremacist groups. In spite of the
many contributions made to the USA
by citizens of all races, colors and
creeds, these increasing overt acts of
hate and bigotry belie the principles
of our democracy. For generations,
U.S. Americans have supported these
principles — many having paid the
ultimate price to insure “liberty and
justice for all.”
The killing this past November of
68-year-old African-American Marine veteran Kenneth Chamberlain,
Sr., who was fatally shot inside his
apartment by White Plains, NY police responding to a false alarm from
his medical alert pendant; the shooting of unarmed black teenager
Trayvon Martin while returning from
the store to his gated-community
home in Sanford, Florida; the hunting, shooting and killing of Latino immigrants from the U.S. border states
to the Northeastern Atlantic states,
and recent Tulsa, Oklahoma shootings
that left three black men dead and
two more wounded are examples of
the growing public display of disrespect and prejudice visited on nonwhite members across the country.
The recent NCAA basketball tournament game between Kansas State
University and Southern Mississippi
University, where the chant, “Where’s
your green card?” — a reference to
immigrant status — was directed at
K-State player Angel Rodriguez by
supporters of the opposing team.
Rodriguez, born in the U.S. Territory
of Puerto Rico, is a U.S. citizen — a
fact most high school and college students should have already learned in
their geography classes. Some consider such behaviors as aberrations,
actions of the criminal elements or kids
just having fun. But consider the examples parents and other adults are
providing for their children with the banning of ethnic studies in predominant
ethnic school districts, English-language only requirements, voter photo
ID laws, and the passage of anti-immigration laws in many states that
trample the civil rights of U.S.-born
and naturalized Latino citizens.
Add to them the racial invectives
and ongoing challenges to our President’s proof of U.S. citizenship, his
alleged relationship to Muslim radicals, and the public disrespect shown
him by his fellow elected colleagues
— actions that are rationalized as
political differences and the right to
free speech. These aforementioned
cases are but a few examples of the
xenophobic frenzy and overt prejudice that has become too common in
our public discourse. Actions like
Grupos de baile Ballet Tierra Caliente; Wa-kushma (Wa: familia y Kushma: danzante); Grupo Folklórico
Yoneme de la Preparatoria Federal Lázaro Cárdenas y Danzarts participarán en este gran evento.
Por Pablo Jaime Sáinz
La danza mexicana es uno de los
tesoros más preciados del País
Azteca. En gran parte se debe a que
cada región tiene su propia expresión
musical y dancística.
Es por ello que el 19 de mayo a
partir de las 3 p.m., se llevará a cabo
México a través de sus danzas, el
primer encuentro de danzas mexicanas en el Organ Pavilion ubicado
en el Parque Balboa.
El evento es organizado por el
Consulado General de México en San
Diego con motivo de la celebración
del 150 aniversario del 5 de mayo,
fecha histórica para México en la que
se conmemora el triunfo del ejército
mexicano sobre el francés, uno de los
ejércitos más poderosos en 1862.
También, el evento celebrará los 100
años de presencia del Consulado
Mexicano en San Diego.
El encuentro gratuito está abierto
al público en general e incluirá la
participación de los grupos de baile
Ballet Tierra Caliente; Wa-kushma
(Wa: familia y Kushma: danzante);
Grupo Folklórico Yoneme de la
Preparatoria Federal Lázaro Cárdenas y Danzarts, Sabor México, los
cuales ofrecerán una demostración de
danzas representativas de diversos
estados de la República Mexicana,
incluyendo Sinaloa, Baja California,
Jalisco, Oaxaca y Veracruz.
La Cónsul General Remedios
Gómez Arnau indicó que México es
un país con mucha diversidad, como
se refleja en los diferentes bailes
Las danzas regionales son el eje
entorno al cual giran varios elementos,
de la cultura popular, lo cual, tiene
mucho sentido”, señaló la cónsul. “Es
muy importante subrayar que México
es un país plural de profundas raíces
populares, indígenas, mestizas, y que
las expresiones culturales varían
notablemente de una región a otra”.
Para Gómez Arnau, San Diego es
el lugar perfecto para hacer una
muestra de la danza mexicana.
“En San Diego hemos encontrado
los grupos dancísticos de gran calidad,
que nos permiten ofrecer un programa rico y variado, representativo de
ocho estados de la república”, dijo.
José Jaimes, director del Ballet
Folklórico Tierra Caliente, que trabaja
(vea Danza, página 10)
‘Abuse of Power’ at Core of DOJ Lawsuit Against Arpaio
By Valeria Fernández
PHOENIX – Latino activists in Arizona
lauded the news that the Department
of Justice was filing a federal lawsuit against the Maricopa County
Sheriff’s Office for alleged civil rights
The suit, filed Thursday in federal
court, is the latest chapter in a fouryear-long investigation that began
after Sheriff Joe Arpaio started conducting immigration sweeps in Latino
communities, raising allegations of
racial profiling and discrimination.
“The wheels of justice move slow,
but they are still moving. In this case
our community has been waiting
close to four years for today,” said
Daniel Ortega, a civil rights attorney
and chairman of the board of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR).
“The racial profiling continues in this
community despite of what the Department of Justice has done.”
But some activists say the lawsuit
is not enough.
“What we’re asking is for the Justice Department to continue and indict Arpaio on the criminal charges
they are investigating for abuse,” said
Salvador Reza, an activist from
Tonatierra whose case is mentioned
in the lawsuit as a victim of alleged
The federal lawsuit comes as negotiations broke down with the
Sheriff’s office over the DOJ’s requirement to impose a monitor of the
law-enforcement agency, after the
Justice Department released a scathing report in December.
The findings alleged that sheriff
deputies engaged in a “pattern and
practice” of civil rights violations, including racial profiling during traffic
stops, discrimination against Latino
inmates in county jails, and acts of
retaliation against those who criticized
But the DOJ findings went beyond
issues affecting the Latino community.
“At its core, this is an abuse of
power case involving a sheriff, and a
sheriff’s office that disregarded the
Constitution,” explained Perez.
It’s unclear how these allegations
could affect the ongoing separate
criminal investigation into Sheriff
Arpaio’s alleged abuse of power. The
complaint lists a number of critics of
the Maricopa County sheriff – not all
of them Latino – who were allegedly
subjected to acts of retaliation by
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Arpaio and former Maricopa County
prosecutor Andrew Thomas.
The Arizona State Bar recently
disbarred Thomas in connection to his
activities in the Maricopa County
Anti-Corruption Unit (MACE), which
he founded with Arpaio. The bar
claims that Arpaio, Thomas and others engaged in “a concerted effort to
wrestle power” against the Board of
Supervisors, judges and county officials to “instill fear in the hearts of
those who would resist.”
“Nobody is above the law, and
nobody can misuse the legal process
to silence those with different opinions,” said Perez.
No other choice
This week’s lawsuit is only the
second time in U.S. history that the
DOJ has to brought suit against a law
enforcement agency. Normally, the
Justice Department is able to come
to an agreement with agencies to fix
any problems. That’s what happened
in 1997, when the DOJ reached an
agreement the Maricopa County
(see Abuse of Power, page 5)
The Saga of Immigrant Youth — the gap between feeling American and
becoming American on paper
By Gaby Pacheco
Next month, the country’s educational community celebrates the 30th
anniversary of the U.S. Supreme
Court’s landmark decision in Plyler
vs. Doe. In Plyer vs. Doe, the high
court ruled in June 1982 that it was
against the law to prohibit primary and
secondary education to an undocumented student. Although the decision has stood for nearly 30 years,
attaining higher education for undocumented high school graduates has
been, for most, a long, distant dream
— a nightmare, even.
Too often, politics has gotten in the
way of common-sense policy. In
2001, a bi-partisan effort led by Sen.
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Sen. Dick
(see License to Hate, page 4) Durbin (D-IL) resulted in the intro-
duction of the Development Relief for
Alien Minors Act, or the DREAM
This legislation, which many had
hopes of passing, came to a screeching halt after the September 11th
attacks. Since then, officials like Kris
Kobach (the Kansas Secretary of
State, who’s a key architect of
Arizona’s S.B. 1070 immigration bill)
have used fear tactics to fuel antiimmigrant sentiment.
A climate of hate, under the pretense that immigrants are criminals,
have defined the immigration narrative, especially within the extreme
wing of the Republican Party. When
the DREAM Act came up for a vote
in 2010, it was a Republican filibuster and five Democrats that altogether deferred the dreams of
thousands of immigrant youth.
Across the country, students who
were raised as Americans — who
attend public high schools, who seek
to become full-fledged, contributing
citizens of the country they call home
— live in limbo.
As we mark the Supreme Court’s
decision on Plyler vs. Doe, it’s fitting
that the DREAM Act and access to
higher education are again at the forefront of the contentious conversation
on immigration reform. Conveniently
enough, the attention also comes in
an election year, when both parties
seek the Latino vote, which will prove
critical, particularly in swing states.
For two years, the GOP has either
been silent or shown great apathy on
the issue. When asked about the
DREAM Act during the Republican
primaries, Gov. Mitt Romney said, “If
Congress was to pass the DREAM
Act, I would veto it.” But a few
weeks ago, surprisingly, the silence
and apathy was broken by Sen.
Marco Rubio (R-FL).
Rubio picked up the flag left behind in the battle field after the
DREAM Act vote and began talking
once again about education and immigrant youth — and a path to legalization for them.
United We Dream, the largest national organization of undocumented
youth, has not dismissed Rubio’s attempt just yet. We are eager to learn
the details of his upcoming bill. As the
people who are directly impacted by
this issue, we appreciate the senator’s
interest to listen to our stories. We
are thankful for being asked for our
ideas on what the legislation will say,
(see Becoming, page 2)
MAY 18, 2012
México del Norte
Por Jorge Mújica Murias
¡Al Fin
American on
(con’t from page 1)
and are glad to see the Senator reaching out to our longDicen que todas las luchas time champion on this issue,
Senator Durbin.
tienen un principio, y en
To some, this outreach may
teoría también un fin. En el
seem like nothing more than a
caso de los derechos políticos
political calculation for a man
de los mexicanos en el
who has higher ambitions.
exterior, dice la leyenda
Rubio’s name, after all, has
relatada por Arturo
continually topped Romney’s
Santamaría, paisanólogo que vice-presidential wish-list. But
se gana todo mi respeto
it cannot be overstated that
porque por lo menos tuvo la
Rubio, the son of Cuban immidecencia de cruzarse alguna grants and a first-generation
vez la frontera por enmedio
American, understands that the
de los surcos, la lucha
Latino population cares deeply
comenzó en 1928, cuando un about this issue. He also ungrupo de mexicanos de Los
derstands that the country as
Ángeles armó tremendo
a whole wants to find a solupancho para poder votar
tion to this problem.
desde esa ciudad.
Immigrant youth are not
No lo lograron, por
beholden to one party. We’ve
supuesto, porque querían
mobilized, organized and negovotar por José Vasconcelos, tiated with both parties. With
candidato opositor al Partido many risks, we’ve created our
Nacional Revolucionario,
own stage. Now that we have
versión todavía más
antediluviana y dinosáurica
de lo que hoy es el Partido
Revolucionario Institucional,
y en contra del candidato
Por: Paco Zavala
oficial Álvaro Obregón.
Ya en tiempos modernos,
Dentro del desarrollo del
la lucha la retomaron por allá
de la Séptima Temdel año 1980, precisamente
Infantil que
ahí en Los Ángeles una bola
semanalde organizaciones de mexicas
el Insal firmar la Carta de los
Derechos de los
Trabajadores Migrantes,
la Cultura, el pasado sábado 12
donde se establecía
de mayo la Compañía de
claritamente el derecho a
Teatro “De cierto azul” reprevotar desde el extranjero.
Algunos años después, en sentó el montaje de la obra
“Clown Club”.
1994, la retomamos aquí en
Al mediodía del día referido
Chicago después de que al
se realizó la tercera llamada y
Ingeniero Cuauhtémoc
los actores: Paco Mufote, IrCárdenas le pareció buena la
ving Gallegos, Valeria García,
idea. En ese año, con
Ana Red e Iván Becherdz,
tremendo esfuerzo
aparecieron en la escena en la
ciudadano, abrimos una
que fueron dirigidos en esta
docena de casillas donde los puesta en escena por Carlos
mexicanos podían votar
Jiménez e Isaac Aguirre.
nomás con decir que eran
La temática de la obra es la
mexicanos. Sacamos, si no
de denunciar y concientizar
me falla la memoria, 3 mil
sobre las diferentes y múltiples
200 votos. En el 2000 lo
caras con que se presenta el
volvimos a hacer, con 42
actual movimiento social del
casillas, en las que recibimos bulling, en un espectáculo en
poco más de 10 mil votos.
el que se divierte el público y
Les llamábamos “elecciones reflexiona sobre este problema
ciudadanas”, basadas en que y su solución.
constitucionalmente todos los
Los actores participantes y
mexicanos mayores de 18
el público lograron establecer
años pueden y deben votar y una relación íntima que se
convirtió en simpatía en la que
En el 2006 no lo hicimos,
todo fue diversión y buen
porque andábamos un poquito tiempo, disfrutando en todo
ocupado organizando unas
cuantas manifestaciones de
este lado, defendiendo
nuestro derecho ya no
digamos como ciudadanos del
mundo o de un país en
particular, sino simplemente a
ser tratados comos seres
humanos. Eran los tiempos
de la Sensenbrenner, y
levantamos acá la consigna
de “un camino a la
the public’s attention, we are
challenging Republicans and
Democrats and President
Barack Obama.
Four years ago, under the
banner of hope and change, he
promised to take on immigration reform during his first term.
Though the Department of
Homeland Security has offered some failed attempts of
relief, through prosecutorial
discretion, the Obama administration has also deported the
highest number of immigrants
in the history of the United
But Obama can also execute
the power he holds in his hand
— the power to stop the deportation of immigrant youth
and grant them temporary relief, while Congress addresses
the issue in a more complete
and lasting way. After all, the
Obama administration has increasingly been using Executive power under the slogan
“We Can’t Wait.”
We will continue to push for
the President to take action.
Sitting through my American
history honors and AP classes,
and learning the basis and
foundation of this country, I’ve
learned that the road to justice,
though arduous, is one that
America has always found.
Immigrant youth, like myself,
fervently ask for an opportunity to adjust our undocumented status so that we can
then serve and participate fully
in our communities.
I graduated college in 2005;
since I haven’t been able to
work because I don’t have
papers, I went back to school
and earned two other degrees,
one of which is in special education. I love children. My
deepest desire is to one day be
in a classroom teaching elementary-school children with
Down Syndrome and autism so
that they too have a voice —
that they, too, matter in this
We are hopeful that the gap
between feeling American and
becoming American on paper
soon becomes a reality. In the
meantime, trendsetters and
pioneers of education in this
country, like Dr. Eduardo
Padrón, President of Miami
Dade College, understand the
importance of ensuring that
immigrant youth, who are part
of the fabric of this nation, have
an opportunity to receive an
Currently there are 14 instate tuition laws that allow
undocumented students to attend college. Miami Dade By Silvana Ordoñez
College, who has opened the SCRIPPS HOWARD FOUNDAdoors to countless undocu- TION WIRE
mented students in Florida, believes that “Opportunity WASHINGTON - As presidenChanges Everything.”
tial candidates target prospecSo do I.
tive Hispanic voters, there is a
new issue, besides immigration,
Gaby Pacheco, editor of Latina
that might get their vote: eduLista’s “American Dream” seccation.
tion, is an undocumented AmeriA study by Beck Research,
can and an immigrant rights
a Washington-based Demoleader from Miami, Florida.
cratic research firm, shows
Since 2004 she has been workthat, after the economy and
ing on the DREAM Act. Her
jobs, education is a main priorpassion for education and imity for Hispanic voters in the
migrant rights prompted her
November presidential elecand three friends in 2010 to
walked 1,500 miles form Miami
“Education is one of the prito Washington DC, to bring to
ority factors in the election,”
light the plight of immigrants in
said Albert Collazo, communithis country, this walk was
dubbed the Trail of DREAMs.
(see Issue, page 3)
Education main
issue for Hispanic
voters, after
economy and jobs
Llevaron a Escena “Clown Club” Obra de Teatro que concientiza sobre el bulling
momento del trabajo y del
desdoblamiento de los actores
en el desempeño de sus roles.
La compañía “De cierto azul”,
es un colectivo independiente,
constituido como asociación
civil, no lucrativa, dedicada a
impulsar y difundir la cultura y
las artes, además de participar
en diversos proyectos.
El Instituto Municipal de
Arte y cultura premió a ganadores del concurso “Carta a
mi madre” certamen que se
verificó como un homenaje a
las mamás con motivo de su
día el pasado jueves 10 de
mayo. Los ganadores fueron:
Gloria Alejandra Espinoza
Gaudiño (8-10 años), Ana
Paulina Abrica Miguel (13-16
años) y Nancy Oregón Pérez
(17 años).
Se acerca la fecha de inauguración de la XXX Feria del
Libro Tijuana Edición 2012,
será el próximo viernes 25 de
mayo y estará abierta hasta el
domingo 3 de junio; en este
evento se reunirán escritores,
habrá conferencias, espectáculos diversos, habrá un Pabellón Infantil y otro Juvenil y
la exposición y venta de miles
de libros. Con toda seguridad
se le rendirá un homenaje al
gran escritor mexicano Carlos
Fuentes, gloria nacional, falle-
Actores de Clown Club obra teatral en la que fueron dirigidos por Carlos Jiménez e
Isaac Aguirre.
cido recientemente en forma del Festival Danza Jazz Fest Centro de Espectáculos, frente
imprevista; esperamos haya 2012, evento que se realizó al Cristo de Los Alamos. Este
tiempo suficiente para orga- los pasados días 5 y 6 de es un espectáculo apto para
nizarlo y llevarlo a efecto.
mayo en la Sala de Espec- toda la familia. La gran vocaMás de 30 academias pro- táculos del Centro Cultural lista mexicana Yuridia, prevenientes de Ensenada, Rosa- Tijuana.
sentará un extraordinario
rito y Tijuana, con sus difeEl dueto de Haash, estará concierto el próximo viernes 8
rentes propuestas dancísticas en Tijuana el próximo viernes de junio en el Audiorana del
participaron en la IV Edición 18 de mayo, en El Volcán, Museo El Trompo.
(vea Ciudadanos, página 10)
La Prensa San Diego
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MAY 18, 2012
Ingeniero egresado
retorna a City College
Joel Valdovinos
Por Pablo Jaime Sáinz
Fue su amor por el fútbol
soccer lo que llevó a Joel
Valdovinos a matricularse en
San Diego City College hace
más de 20 años. Su coach de
fútbol de la high school, Milton
Hidalgo, iba a comenzar a
enseñar en SDCC, así que
Valdovinos decidió seguirlo.
También fue en parte su
amor por el soccer lo que hizo
que en su segundo año en el
colegio decidiera estudiar
ingeniería civil.
“Durante mi segundo año en
San Diego City College supe
que quería estudiar ingeniería
civil ya que la carrera proveía
ciertos componentes que
estaban en mi lista de gustos”,
dijo Valdovinos. “Por ejemplo,
preparar los planes (diseño),
trabajar dentro y fuera de la
oficina, trabajar como parte de
un equipo (como en el fútbol)
y el bono es que es una carrera
muy bien pagada”.
Después de 20 años, luego
de transferirse y graduarse de
San Diego State University, y
después de fundar su propia
compañía, CValdo Corporation, Valdovinos ha recibido dos
reconocimientos de su alma
mater, San Diego City College:
premios por desempeño a un
negocio de minorías.
La CValdo Corporation, con
sede en el Morena District, es
una compañía de ingeniería
civil de plan y diseño con
experiencia en obras públicas,
control de drenaje, calidad de
agua, desarrollo comercial y
Valdovinos trabajó en City
College en un plan de prevención de contaminación de
agua de lluvia. El equipo de
Valdovinos fue reconocido por
su profesionalismo, atención a
los detalles y seguimiento.
“El trabajo fue hecho antes de que yo lo supiera, y fue
completado correctamente.
Recuerdo pensar que desearía
que todos los ingenieros civiles
fueran de esa manera”, dijo
Tom Fine, gerente de proyectos de City College.
Para Valdovinos, recibir
estos premios le han dado “un
sentimiento muy conmovedor
al saber que el esfuerzo y
trabajo puesto en este proyecto ha sido reconocido por
nuestro cliente”.
Dijo que su consejo para los
jóvenes latinos que están
pensando estudiar ingeniería
civil es no tenerle miedo a la
educación superior.
“Lo primero que comparto
es que la universidad es como
la high school, que hay muchas
maneras de pagar por la universidad y que ir a la universidad es una experiencia
única”, dijo Valdovinos. “Sin
mencionar los grandes beneficios que obtendrán al
Valdovinos dijo que su experiencia de trabajar para el
San Diego Community College
District ha sido importante, al
igual que los tres años que pasó
como estudiante y jugador de
fútbol ahí mismo hace más de
20 años.
“Estamos más agradecidos
por la oportunidad y demostrar
que la gente local puede venir
en círculo y regresar a su
comunidad y ayudarla en
muchas maneras”, dijo.
Issue facing Hispanics
(con’t from page 2)
cations director for the Hispanic Council for Reform and
Educational Options, a nonprofit organization dedicated to
K-12 Hispanic education reform that cosponsored the poll.
The poll, also cosponsored
Engineering alumnus gives
back to City College
By Pablo Jaime Sáinz
It was his love for soccer
that made Joel Valdovinos enroll at San Diego City College
more than 20 years ago. His
high school soccer coach,
Milton Hidalgo, was going to
start teaching at SDCC, so
Valdovinos decided to follow
It was also, in part, his love
for soccer that during his
second year at the college,
he decided to major in civil
“During my second year at
San Diego City College I knew
I wanted to study civil engineering since the career provided
certain components that were
in my list of likes,” Valdovinos
said. “For example, prepare
the plans (design), work in and
out of the office, work as part
of a team (just like soccer), and
the bonus was the high paying
More than 20 years later,
after transferring and graduating from San Diego State University, and after founding his
own company, CValdo Corporation, Valdovinos has received
two recognitions from his alma
mater, San Diego City College:
Recognition Award for Exemplary Performance by a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Recognition
Award for Exemplary Performance by a Minority Business
Enterprise (MBE).
CValdo Corporation, based
in the Morena District, is a planning and design civil engineering firm with expertise in public works, drainage and flood
control, water quality, commercial development and residential development.
Valdovinos was recognized
by campus project managers
throughout the SDCCD, and is
honored for his “excellent
work and great attitude” as
part of its first annual Contractor Recognition Program, honoring four small businesses for
exemplary performance, and
four construction management
and professional services firms
for exemplary practices in small
business outreach and engagement.
Brought on to work on a
storm water pollution prevention plan at City College in collaboration with an existing civil
engineer and project design
team, the CValdo team was
acknowledged for its professionalism, attention to detail and
“The work was done before
I knew it, and the task completed correctly. I remember
thinking that I wished all civil
engineers were this way,”
noted City College Campus
Project Manager Tom Fine.
For Valdovinos, receiving
these awards give him “a very
rewarding feeling to know that
the hard work and effort that
is placed on the preparing of
construction documents and
the coordination involved with
the many trades is recognized
by our client.”
The District’s five Recognition Awards for small and historically underutilized businesses (S/HUBE) acknowledge excellence in each nominated firm’s respective discipline or skillset, and in their performance on Propositions S
and N projects. Award recipients demonstrate adherence to
the District’s design, building,
and safety standards, assure
on-time delivery within budget,
and compliance with all regulatory requirements.
“It is always a pleasure to
work with civil engineers that
understand their business,”
said David Umstot, vice chancellor of Facilities Management for the San Diego Community College District.
“CValdo has performed exemplarily on a number of storm
water engineering projects for
us during the past two years.
We are pleased to recognize
them for their ‘can do’ attitude
and contributing to our bond
program infrastructure build
out necessary to support our
educational mission.”
Valdovinos said that, having
graduated from San Diego
High School and then attending San Diego City College, he
is a product of barrio schools.
“I attended the local barrio
schools where studying was
definitely not a priority, but
thank God to my parents that
showed me and my siblings
about respect to others, good
manners, and to focus on completing our homework, that
was a must in our house,”
Valdovinos said. “I strongly
believe this strong background
has carried me to where I am
He said that his advice for
young Latinos who are thinking of going into civil engineering is not to be afraid of higher
“ The first thing that I share
is that college is like high
school, that there are many
ways to pay for college, and
that going to college is a very
unique experience,” Valdovinos said. “Not to mention the
great benefits they will obtain
once they graduate, socially
and financially.”
Valdovinos said that his experience working for the San
Diego Community College District has been great, just like
the three years he spent as a
student and soccer player there
more than 20 years ago.
“We are more than thankful for the opportunity and to
show that our local people can
come all the way around and
give back to our community in
many different ways”, he said.
by the American Federation
for Children, shows that
Latinos support more opportunities and expansion in K-12
education in programs such as
special needs, education
vouchers and scholarships for
low-income children.
“Latino voters recognize
that the key to a prosperous
economy filled with economic
growth and prosperity for all,
lies in the way that we educate our children,” Collazo
The poll found that 58 percent of Latinos want to hear
presidential candidates speak
about education and how they
intend to improve it.
Latinos in the survey supported education reforms such
as increasing teachers’ salaries
to improve school perfor-
The survey sampled 1,050
registered voters by phone in
Arizona, Florida, New Jersey,
New Mexico and Nevada. It
included an oversample of 300
Latinos. The poll has amargin
of error of plus or minus 3.6
percentage points.
Reach reporter Silvana Ordoñez at
[email protected]
MAY 18, 2012
Martinez, Jake
1935 – 2012
Jake Martinez passed away peacefully on May 10, 2012, with his
wife of 53 years near his side. Born February 21, 1935, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he moved to California in 1966 and became
a resident of Poway in 2003.
Jake is survived by his wife Frances, daughter Katherine
Nuernberger and husband Craig, son Jacob and wife Georgia, daughter Denise Kapitzke and husband Peter, son Michael and wife Stephanie; grandchildren Daniel and wife Marissa, Andrew, Brian, Kevin,
David, Kristen, Julie, Scott and Steven; great-grandchildren Max
and Milo; brother Joe and sister Prudence Chavez and husband
Manuel. Services will be held at 2:00 p.m.on Monday, May 21,
2012, at St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church in Poway.
Rolling Back Protections for
Domestic Violence Victims
By Lynn Rosenthal and
Felicia Escobar
Since 1994, the Violence
Against Women Act (VAWA)
has been an essential tool in
helping to protect victims of
domestic and sexual violence. While seeking to improve
criminal justice and communitybased responses to victims of
abuse, VAWA ultimately changed the landscape for those previously left to suffer in silence.
Since then, Congress – on a
bipartisan basis — has repeatedly shown its commitment to
preserving and enhancing the
core goals of VAWA by increasing protections in all subsequent
VAWA reauthoriz-ations. This
was recently demonstrated by
the Senate’s VAWA reauthorization bill (S. 1925) introduced
by Senators Patrick Leahy (DVT) and Mike Crapo (R-ID)
that passed last month on a vote
of 68 to 31, with strong bipartisan support. S. 1925 was introduced after months of input
from a wide range of stakeholders. Unfortunately, Republican leaders in the House have
taken a different approach,
with the introduction of H.R.
4970, a bill authored by Rep.
Sandy Adams (FL-24), that actually rolls back protections for
victims of domestic violence. On Tuesday, on a vote of
17-15, House Republicans
passed this measure out of the
House Judiciary Committee,
without properly considering the
cross-jurisdictional sections that
provide for protections on tribal
lands, in federal housing programs, and on college campuses
around the country.
The Adams bill adds burdensome, counter-productive requirements that compromise
the ability of service providers
to reach victims, fails to adequately protect Tribal victims,
lacks important protection and
services for LGBT victims,
weakens resources for victims
living in subsidized housing, and
eliminates important improvements to address dating vio-
lence and sexual assault on
college campuses. Among the
most troubling components of
this bill are those that jettison
and drastically undercut existing and important, long-standing protections that remain vital to the safety and protection
of battered immigrant victims.
Since its inception, VAWA
has reflected the unique circumstances that immigrant victims
face, and as such, has demonstrated a commitment to offering them protection and addressing the specific issues that endanger the lives of these particularly vulnerable victims. This
commitment includes addressing the problems faced by immigrants married to or in relationships with abusive citizens
or legal residents. In many of
these relationships, abusive partners use immigration status as
a tool to control and further
abuse immigrant victims. Currently, VAWA addresses this by
allowing battered immigrants to
petition for their own immigration status—independent of
their abusive spouses – freeing
them from their spouse’s abuse
and control.
The Adams bill takes a significant step backwards from
the existing law by allowing immigration officials to interview
an alleged offender and consider the information obtained
in making a determination
about the adjudication of a battered immigrant’s petition for
status. This not only undermines the critical protection of
confidentiality relied on by victims to find safety for themselves and their children, it also
allows abusers to manipulate
the immigration process to
cause further harm. Because
the risks of serious injury and
homicide increase when a victim is taking steps to leave an
abusive relationship, this provision puts victims directly in
harm’s way. This proposal guts
nearly 18 years of established
law and undermines the very
foundation of VAWA. Never
before have policy makers re-
treated on the core VAWA
principle of victim safety.
The bill also discourages immigrants from reporting sexual
assault and other crimes by
placing other unnecessary restrictions on the U visa program and fails to provide an
increase in the number of available visas. The U visa is a tool
widely used and supported by
law enforcement officials in
order to help keep our communities safe by prosecuting
criminals. Many law enforcement agencies have called upon
Congress to increase the number of available U visas so that
they can encourage victims to
come forward, report crimes,
and receive the help they need
to be safe.
Finally, the Adams bill will
decentralize the VAWA immigration adjudications process –
bypassing examiners who are
specifically trained in domestic violence and sexual assault
– and mandates additional interviews for battered immigrants, causing unnecessary
burdens on victims. Immigrant
victims often have limited options to escape abusive relationships and the provisions in
the Adams bill contradict the
very purpose of VAWA by putting victims’ lives, health, and
safety at risk.
Our nation’s laws should
continue to strengthen protections for our most vulnerable
populations – not roll back
those safeguards. The long
standing bipartisan commitment to ending domestic violence must continue to be
supported and strengthened to
better protect all victims from
violence, abuse, and exploitation. We urge the House of
Representatives to join with the
Senate in passing a bipartisan
VAWA reauthorization bill that
protects all victims.
Lynn Rosenthal is the White
House Advisor on Violence
Against Women. Felicia
Escobar is the Senior Policy
Director for Immigration.
El Soporte Informativo Para Millones
de Hispanos
Por Luisa Fernanda Montero
¡Claro que se puede!
Hace unos días participé en
la ceremonia de graduación
que decenas de inmigrantes de
18 países celebraron en el
estado de Maryland. Los
graduados eran trabajadores
de todas las edades que invirtieron todo su empeño y
sacaron adelante distintos
cursos para superarse y mejorar sus condiciones laborales.
Verlos sonreír y recibir su
diploma con la esperanza
marcada en el rostro, me hizo
volver a repetir para mis
adentros que sí se puede. Que
es cierto que el país atraviesa
una etapa económica complicada y que la cosa no está fácil,
pero también es cierto que
cuando le ponemos ganas y
decidimos actuar podemos
alcanzar todo lo que nos proponemos.
Durante la ceremonia de
graduación los estudiantes
demostraron sus nuevas habilidades y tuvieron la oportunidad
de reunirse con empleadores
listos a contratar trabajadores
en la feria de trabajo que siguió
al evento.
“Yo personalmente me siento muy orgullosa de haber
tomado este curso de ingeniería de edificios y cerámica”,
dijo Ana Mejía, una de las
estudiantes de origen centro
americano, que se dirigió a la
concurrencia a pesar de su
timidez y de su marcada dificultad para hablar en público,
agregando que todos los conocimientos adquiridos la están
ayudando a mejorar sus posibilidades de empleo.
La joven, hizo un llamado a
todos los hombres y mujeres
para que “aprovechen la oportunidad de educarse y así
puedan contribuir mejor al
desarrollo de este país”.
“Debemos seguir estudiando y trabajando con
honestidad y responsabilidad”,
le dijo a los asistentes Fidel
Motta, quien terminó el
programa de jardinería.
El programa educativo ofrecido por Casa de Maryland,
organización que trabaja en
distintos niveles con las poblaciones inmigrantes, está
especialmente diseñado para
responder a los efectos de la
crisis económica y ayuda a los
estudiantes a enfrentar desafíos como el desempleo, el
subempleo, la falta de habilidades, los malos trabajos y los
pocos conocimientos del idioma
El programa cuenta con la
colaboración de los colegios –
colleges – comunitarios y
representa un modelo recono-
Luisa Fernanda Montero
cido a nivel nacional en el que
los colegios de la comunidad
llevan cursos fuera de sus campus a los centros comunitarios.
En la medida en que trabajemos por superarnos y aprender, estaremos mejorando
nuestras posibilidades de mejorar nuestra calidad de vida.
El conformismo no debe ser
nunca nuestro aliciente. Si
pensamos que satisfaciendo
nuestras necesidades básicas
estamos progresando, nos
estamos equivocando y lo peor,
estamos transmitiéndole a
nuestros hijos – si los tenemos
– un mensaje de conformismo
y mediocridad.
Muy seguramente en su
comunidad existen estas mismas posibilidades. No se quede
de manos cruzadas, averigüe,
infórmese. Busque la forma de
mejorar sus habilidades actuales o de aprender otros oficios,
además de divertirse estará
ampliando sus posibilidades de
ganar más dinero y vivir mejor.
¿Qué espera? Anímese. Usted
también puede.
San Diego Museum Council presents El Dia de los Museos
Sherman Heights community to explore the world of museums for FREE
during the third-annual event on May 20
The San Diego Museum
Council will bring the world of
museums to the Sherman
Heights Community on Saturday, May 20 during the thirdannual Dia de los Museos at
the Sherman Heights Community Center.
El Día de los Museos, or
Day of the Museums, is a free
event presented by the Museum Council and hosted by
the Sherman Heights Commu-
nity Center in Barrio Sherman.
Sixteen local museums will
showcase fun, hands-on activities that reflect their individual
institutions. Visitors of all ages
will experience a world of
ideas through art, science, nature, history and more. Each
child who fills a special “passport” with stamps from participating museums will earn a
“Each year we are able to
reach even more children in the
underserved Sherman Heights
community, and we are looking
forward to further sharing the
museum experience during this
year’s expanded and free
event,” said Anne Marie Tipton,
chairwoman of the Museum
Council’s Education Committee. Saturday, May 20: 1-4 p.m.
Sherman Heights Community
Center, 2258 Island Ave., San
revoke the “License to Hate” Raymond. The San Diego native is
before it contaminates our a former Channel 10 TV news repopulation and destroys the porter, documentarian and corpo(con’t from page 1)
promise of a democracy that rate marketing executive for
was once the model for every McDonald’s & Anheuser-Busch. He
is also the author of “The ABCs & Ñ
these have no redeeming value other society in the world.
of America’s Cultural Evolution,”
in a society that grows more
diverse with each passing day. Jim Estrada is the Founder/CEO of scheduled for publication later this
A collective silence by law- Estrada Communications Group in year. Read his blogs “Pelos en el
abiding and moral citizens in- Austin, TX — a company owned and caldo” at http://jimestrada.post
fers agreement with, and ac- operated by him and his son erous.com/.
ceptance of those whose hate
is based on class, race or religion. Acts of unabashed hatred
and aggression toward one’s
Next to GNC in the Chula Vista Center!
fellow citizens will survives
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MAY 18, 2012
The First Lady’s Let’s Move! Child Care Initiative Selects Neighborhood Marines Create Footprint
House Association for Exceptional Work to Prevent Childhood Obesity Aboard USS San Diego
On May 9 First Lady’s Let’s
Move! Child Care initiative
recognized Neighborhood
House Association (NHA) of
San Diego for exceptional work
to promote young children’s
health and prevent childhood
obesity. NHA was recognized
at the Let’s Move! Child Care
Recognition Luncheon. The
Let’s Move! Child Care Recognition Luncheon Washington,
DC. featured White House Assistant Chef and Senior Policy
Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives, Sam Kass who gave
the keynote speech highlight
NHA’s efforts.
NHA was selected for recognition for carrying out exceptional work to promote and
implement the goals of Let’s
Move! Child Care, including
using creative strategies, engaging families in obesity prevention efforts, and overcoming challenges to get children
moving and encourage healthy
eating in the early care and
education setting. NHA is one
of twenty selected for recognition, including early education
and child care programs and
networks, communities, and
“NHA is honored to be recognized by the First Lady’s
Let’s Move! initiative, and to
contribute in the fight against
childhood obesity,” said
Rudolph A. Johnson III, President and CEO of NHA. “As a
large organization with a passion for preschool nutrition,
NHA believes that it has the
potential to positively impact
others that may want to duplicate our efforts. This recognition solidifies that NHA has
become a model for building a
healthier future for children and
families not just in San Diego,
but across the entire nation.”
Let’s Move! Child Care is a
nationwide call-to-action to
empower early education and
child care programs to make
positive health changes in children that could last a lifetime.
The initiative focuses on five
· Physical Activity: Provide
1-2 hours of physical activity
throughout the day, including
outside play when possible.
· Screen Time: No screen
time for children under 2 years.
For children age 2 and older,
strive to limit screen time to no
more than 30 minutes per
week during child care, and
work with parents and caregivers to ensure children have
no more than 1-2 hours of
quality screen time per day, the
amount recommended by the
American Academy of Pediatrics.
· Food: Serve fruits or vegetables at every meal, eat
meals family-style when possible, and no fried foods.
· Beverages: Provide access to water during meals and
throughout the day, and do not
serve sugary drinks. For children age two and older, serve
low-fat (1%) or non-fat milk,
and no more than one 4-6
ounce serving of 100% juice
per day.
· Infant feeding: For mothers who want to continue
breastfeeding, provide their
milk to their infants and welcome them to breastfeed during the child care day; and support all new parents in their
decisions about infants.
NHA’s efforts against the
prevention of childhood obesity
are primarily driven by a costeffective, groundbreaking preschool menu. The agency
implemented a menu overhaul
that was spearheaded by a
Registered Dietitian and professional chef to provide
healthy meals to over 2,000
children daily. The new menu
was designed to eliminate processed and pre-packaged
foods by including local, fresh,
natural, and organic foods. The
pioneering nutrition program
also partners with Farm to
Preschool to teach children
and parents about local produce, agriculture and the benefits of eating healthy foods.
Abuse of
resonate with claims brought
by another suit that is still pending against Arpaio, which was
filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
The racial-profiling lawsuit is
now reaching its litigation stage
and will go to court on July 19.
The federal court will have
to make a determination of
whether or not the DOJ lawsuit relates to the suit filed by
the civil rights organizations
and, if so, it could be assigned
to judge Murray Snow, who is
handling the other lawsuit. That
means that both cases potentially could be consolidated into
one, according to Perez.
(con’t from page 1)
Sheriff’s Office in connection
with mistreatment in county
jails. Perez said that this time
around they wanted to ensure
they’d have a monitor to avoid
repeating history.
“I can’t think of any other
choice the federal government
could take than file this lawsuit,” said Antonio Bustamente,
attorney and pro-immigrant
The lawsuit addresses allegations of racial profiling
against the Latino community.
According to Perez, Arpaio
wasn’t only responsible for
these abuses; he was also responsible for a culture that “promotes and is indifferent to the
discriminatory conduct of its
law enforcement officers” and
has “virtually non-existent accountability measures.”
The lawsuit describes employees of the Maricopa
County Sheriff’s Office as frequently using derogatory comments to refer to Mexicans
like: “wetbacks” and “Mexican
Some of these allegations
Funding at stake
Maricopa County is now
facing the burden of expensive
litigation to fight the lawsuits.
Even more worrisome for the
sheriff’s office is the possibility that it could risk losing funding if it is found to have violated Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, explained
Mary Rose Wilcox, a Maricopa County supervisor.
One of the conditions it must
meet in order to receive funding is to comply with the title
PHONE: 619-993-5778
FAX: 619-286-2231
By Dottie Fieger,
684 foot amphibious warship
Adjutant, MCL Scuttlebutt that transports Marines and
Det. #886
equipment on missions abroad.
The crew is comprised of 360
Marines will be Marines. naval personnel. This includes
And things happen when you the only three Marines who
unite Marine “plank owners” work in the Combat Cargo Dewith retired and former Ma- partment. Under the leaderrines. The groups embarked on ship of GySgt Ricardo Saldana,
a proud mission to leave a Ma- these Marines designed and
rine footprint to honor the created an impressive plaque
Navy/Marine Corps Team to be mounted on the wall of
aboard the USS San Diego the Chief’s Mess (dining area)
(LPD 22), which will be com- where senior enlisted Marines
missioned at 10 a.m., Saturday, and Navy Chiefs (E-7’s and
May 19th at the Broadway above) will break bread toPier.
“Legacies cost money and
The plaque bears the Mathat’s when our retired and rine Corps emblem of the
former Marines gladly stepped Eagle, Globe and Anchor.
in,” said Detachment Com- “Semper Fidelis” is emblamandant Dan Anderson, of the zoned above the emblem and
Marine Corps League Scuttle- the Marine Corps rank insigbutt Detachment #886. The nias (E-7 to E-9) are mounted
membership of Scuttlebutt De- below the emblem. The words
tachment provided the neces- Semper Fidelis mean “Always
sary funds to help make the Faithful” and characterize the
Marine plank owners’ dream Marines’ pledge of fidelity to
come true.
their country and fellow MaThe USS San Diego is a rines.
Fechas Límites Importantes Para
la Elección del 5 de Junio
Rudolph Johnson, of NHA with the Secretary of Health
and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius
Bolstered by active parent involvement and a comprehensive educational program,
NHA proudly boasts a 96%
meal satisfaction rating among
“NHA has taken numerous
steps to help prevent childhood
obesity,” says Johnson. “The
statistics are alarming, and as
operators of a very large Head
Start program, we are keenly
aware that we have both a great
opportunity and responsibility to
impact the future health and
habits of our preschoolers and
their families. Through our innovative nutrition program, we
have embraced the challenge of
dispelling the myth that young
children will not eat healthy
Let’s Move! Child Care is
supported by public and private
partners, including the Office
of the First Lady, White House
Domestic Policy Council, Administration for Children and
Families, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Health
Resources and Services Administration, Nemours, Child
Care Aware of America and
University of North Carolina.
For more information about
Let’s Move! Child Care, please
visit: www.healthykidshealthy
guidelines, which prohibit “intentional discrimination on the
grounds of race, color or national origin.”
Joseph Popolizio, an attorney representing the Maricopa
County Sheriff’s Office, said
the Justice Department didn’t
simply want to have a monitor
supervise the agency but was
opening the door in many instances for the DOJ itself to
have veto power over the
sheriff’s decisions.
“I’m not going to surrender
my office to the federal government,” said Arpaio during
a press conference. “I will
fight this to the bitter end.”
The day before the lawsuit
was filed, Arpaio released a 17-
page document with new
guidelines to improve the relationship between his agency
and the Latino community.
But activists like Perez see
the document as “an admission
of the existence of a problem
… not a substitute for meaningful reform.”
During a press conference,
Sheriff Arpaio called the DOJ
lawsuit politically motivated,
saying it was simply an attempt
to attract the Latino vote in the
2012 presidential election.
It remains to be seen
whether the new lawsuit will
have an impact on voters in
Maricopa County when they go
to the polls in November to
choose a sheriff.
Fechas Límites para Inscribirse para Votar y para Votar
por Correo
Usted tiene solamente una bibliotecas públicas y oficinas
semana más para inscribirse del Departamento de Vehículos
para votar en la Elección Motorizados. Todas las formas
Primaria Presidencial del 5 de deben ser marcadas por el
junio. Si no está seguro(a) que correo o entregadas al Registro
está registrado(a), revise en Electoral no más tarde de las
internet en el sitio del Registro 8 p.m. del 21 de mayo.
Electoral en, www.sdvote.com
• Martes, 29 de mayo –
“Si se cambió de casa Fecha límite para solicitar
recientemente, cambió su votar por correo: Electores
nombre o su preferencia de pueden encontrar la solicitud
partido necesita llenar una en www.sdvote.com o en la
nueva forma de inscripción”, parte posterior de la boleta
dijo Deborah Seiler, Regis- electoral de muestra y folleto
tradora Electoral. “Si entra a de información para el elector
internet, el proceso es rápido, enviada a cada elector inscrito.
fácil y conveniente”. La forma Usted también tiene la opción
de internet es proporcionada en de enviar una carta al Registro
inglés, español, Filipino, viet- Electoral con su nombre,
namita y chino.
domicilio registrado, el nombre
Aquí hay dos importantes y la fecha de la elección, el
fechas límites que se están domicilio donde la boleta debe
ser enviada y su firma. Envíe
• Lunes, 21 de mayo – las formas a Registrar of VotFecha límite para inscri- ers, 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I,
birse: Los residentes pueden San Diego, CA 92123 o por fax
llenar su forma de inscripción al (858)694-2955. Solicitudes
en www.sdvote.com, impri- deben ser recibidas para las 5
mirla, firmarla y enviarla por p.m. del 29 de mayo. Llegando
correo al Registro Electoral. después aún marcadas por el
Las formas también están correo no serán aceptadas.
disponibles en la oficina del
Para más información
Registro Electoral, oficinas de acerca de la elección del 5 de
correo de los EE.UU., oficinas junio, visite www.sdvote.com
del Secretario de la Ciudad, o llame al (858) 565-5800.
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MAY 18, 2012
Prop. B, Pension Reform???
rop. B is extensive in its wording but in reality it boils down
to a couple of simple points:
the initiative would give most
new employees 401(k)s instead of guaranteed pensions and 2) it attempts to
impose a five-year freeze on employees’
pensionable pay. Pretty simple right? And
with the city of San Diego in deep, deep
financial problems and as most people
are themselves having to face harsh economic times, the initiative resonates
with a lot of folks.
Like Prop. B we could be wordy and
editorialize in length about this measure,
but we will keep it simple: this pension
reform plan will not work and it will not
save the city the millions as promised.
The pension reform will not work because you cannot freeze public employee
pay by vote and the 401(k) plan will only
affect new hires. It does nothing to
change the pensions or the payouts. And
more than likely, if this proposition does
pass, it will end up in court for a long
time before it can be implemented.
This pension reform is not really about
pension reform. It is not the employees
or their pensions that drove the city to
become the “Enron by the Sea.” At the
root of the pension debacle is that
elected officials and private sector corporations started the practice of diverting money from the pension fund to increase the city budget to pay for popular
city initiatives, such as the ballpark, the
convention center expansion, and for the
cost of hosting the 1996 Republican
National Convention.
During good times, when the stock market is booming, those expenses can be
covered. But when stocks crash… well
we all now know the results. The pen-
sion scandal itself arose when the pension board and then the city council voted
to lessen funding requirements and increased benefits (including to several
members of the pension board) and sold
municipal bonds without disclosing the
Nowhere in this $2 billion debacle was
it reported that it was the employees who
created this mess. Yet Prop B backers
want to try and fix this mess on the backs
of the employees by freezing employee
pay, after years of pay cuts, layoffs, and
We are not so naïve to say that there
are no problems with pension payouts
such as the DROP program, again another problem created by politicians.
There needs to be reform. But let us not
fool ourselves and blame the problem
solely on city employees. If there is to
be real interest in fixing the pension
problem the politicians should start by
reforming the pension board.
This pension reform is not about reform but is more of a political philosophical tug-of-war over who will control the city, corporate America or the
workers and their Unions. DeMaio wants
to continue feeding corporate America
and minimize the impact of the Unions
at city hall.
At La Prensa San Diego, we are going
to side with the workers. After decades
of work in the city, they deserve and
earned a guaranteed pension. The work
they do is not glamoures, nor is it high
paying. The rank and file worker are not
the ones abusing the pension system so
let’s not make them scapegoats on this
We recommend a No Vote on Prop. B.
Saving Paul
By Humberto Caspa
“I want to quit smoking,” pleaded Paul Wells
of 23 years of age. He was five when he, his
brother and sister arrived in the United States
from Poland after a long adoption process.
He had it all, a wonderful adoptive mother,
the nation safest city to live in, an excellent high
school in Irvine, new friend and relatives. However, his life took a bad shift when he lit his first
cigarette. It never crossed in his mind that as
teenager he would be so hooked on cigarettes.
Paul began smoking as early as 15 years of
age. Since he put a cigarette in his mouth, his
fingers have not stopped reaching for those
tiny rolled up papers containing harmful substances. He knows cigarettes are bad, but
wishes he had a real choice back then when
he was a teenager.
Without prevention programs against tobacco smoking at schools, teenagers like Paul
are easy prays to Big Tobacco. According to
government sources, each day over 3,800
minors under 18 years of age, smoke for the
first time, and over 1,000 become addicted
for life. “I never saw a prevention class in my
school,” pointed out Paul with disappointment.
In 1998, the tobacco industry agreed on a
monetary settlement with the states after prosecutors successfully proved this industry’s disingenuous portrayal of their product in the market. At the height of the trial, Dr. Victor De
Noble, former researcher at Philip Morris, became a key witness to unveil his former
employer’s unlawful activities. In the end, the
big three, Phillip Morris, RJ Reynolds and
Lorillard, agreed to repay the states $246 billion over 25 years because states had absorbed massive bills from cancer patients and
other people affected with other illnesses related to tobacco smoking.
This year, states are expected to collect 25.6
billion in revenue from tobacco taxes and the
tobacco settlement. Nonetheless, only $456.7
millions (1.8 %) will be allocated in youth prevention and cessation programs. That figure
is about half of what states spent during the
first decade of the agreement. To make things
worse, states cut down another $61.2 millions
from prevention programs last year.
While states are doing less, tobacco moguls have multiplied their resources to lure
teenagers into smoking. According to the Federal Trade Commission, in 2008 they spent
around $10.5 billion in marketing. For every
dollar states spent on prevention, Big Tobacco
used up $27.00 to market its products.
Our youth is Big Tobacco’s primary target.
An addicted teenager insures solid profits for
at least 20 years or more. Adults, on the other
hand, are no longer reliable “markets,” as their
health are beginning to erode, and it is just a
matter of time before some of them seek remedies in public hospitals.
Our state might be in fiscal insolvency, but
our willingness to stop a tobacco onslaught
against our kids is not. Proposition 29 has all
the ingredients to change the dynamics of
smoking. In June 5, voters in California have
an opportunity to add $1.00 to a pack of
cigarette. It would be a major setback to the
tobacco industry. If passed, the state will collect about $835 million per year, which will
be used for cancer research, prevention programs and law enforcement.
High prices on cigarettes have been enemy
number one to Big Tobacco. The more expensive the pack, the less like teenagers will
get one. Even tobacco moguls recognize it.
“When the tax goes up, industry loses volume
and profits as many smokers cut back,”
stressed Ellen Merlo, senior Vice President
of Corporate Affairs at Philip Morris. No
wonder why they have raised nearly $40 million to stop Proposition 29.
For Paul Wells quitting smoking isn’t a personal decision anymore. He understands the
need of a special rehabilitation program to get
through his vice. Proposition 29 will give him
precisely that.
Humberto Caspa, professor and researcher
at Economics On The Move. E-mail:
[email protected]. He is also a weekly
editorial contributor of La Opinion, Spanish daily newspaper.
My Vote for Mayor: Nathan Fletcher
By Raoul Lowery Contreras
The U.S. Marines carefully worked their way
through the Iraqi village on foot towards their
vehicles outside the village. On both sides of
the road shops with metal corrugated roll-up
doors faced the road. Iraqis stood outside their
shops sullenly watching the Marines walk by;
obviously disliking these invaders of their homeland. One of the Iraqi men started loudly cursing the Marines in Arabic. The squad’s interpreter, a United States Marine born in Morocco,
verbally re-acted and their Arabic exchange
grew more intense every second. The Marine
was livid over the insults hurled at the Marines
by the Iraqi.
There is an old Marine maxim: You can insult a Marine but not the Marines. Sergeant
Nathan Fletcher approached the translator and
calmed him down. Once calmed down, Fletcher
started talking – through the interpreter – with
the excited Iraqi man. After some minutes
Fletcher got down on one knee talking to the
man while the translator changed his English
into Arabic. When done, Fletcher stood and the
Iraqi man shook Fletcher’s hand. So says Tom
Montero, the Miami-born Hispanic who was
mayoral candidate Nathan Fletcher’s Commanding Officer in Iraq in 2004. Montero
(CWO 5, USMCR ret.) says he never saw
anything like what Fletcher did that day. Nor
did Fletcher flinch during any of the many actions or firefights Montero said in which
Fletcher was involved.
Montero says Fletcher worked well with him
and the other San Diego Hispanic, Lou Orozco,
in the unit as well as a Filipino American Marine Master Sergeant. In fact when Fletcher
was elected to the State Assembly, Montero
and Orozco flew to Sacramento to observe
Fletcher being sworn into office as the
Assemblyman’s guests.
Montero, a Rancho Bernardo resident is supporting Nathan Fletcher for Mayor.
La Prensa San Diego once asked why
Fletcher waited till now to create a Latino coalition to work with. Interestingly, he has significant Latino/Hispanic support of 25% in a survey released May 14th. His Coalition consists
mostly of young educated Mexican American
business and professional men and women and
it looks to this veteran political observer that
they really like him.
He didn’t need such a coalition to help him in
the old 75th Assembly district that he won twice
because there weren’t that many Latinos in
the district and he won the seat with percentages approaching 60%. Running in the City of
San Diego, however, is a different story.
Unlike his three opponents, Fletcher is acutely
aware that 51.4% of the city’s population is
Hispanic (28.8%), 15.9% Asian and Black
This is proven by his widespread Hispanic sup-
port unlike his opponents; Carl DeMaio whose
television advertising shows but one minority
person out of dozens of supporters talking about
his being “courageous.” Bonnie Dumanis has
little if any “minority” support. Bob Filner has a
cadre of hard-core Hispanic support and some
Filipino support but that is not based on his 20
years in Congress, it is based on his labor union
and Democrat Party support.
Most importantly, “Councilman Carl DeMaio
voted against the (City Council censure on
Arizona’s infamous anti-Mexican SB 1070)…
because ‘We need to speak from a position of
principle and a position of fact as well as a
position of balance,’” DeMaio told the Union/
Tribune, May 3, 2010.
Comparing Bob Filner’s 20 years in Congress
to Nathan Fletcher’s four years in the State
Assembly in Sacramento draws a good belly
laugh. Fletcher has passed more bills into law
in four years than Filner has in 20 years in
Washington D.C. Fletcher has “Chelsea’s Law”
as his shining moment. Bob Filner has what?
What should be clear to San Diego’s 376,532
Hispanics is that Fletcher is the only mayoral
candidate who has worked in stressful situations with Hispanics, life or death situations.
He really knows Hispanics, having put his life
on the line for them and depended on them to
protect his.
He is clear on Hispanics and their place in
San Diego that no other candidate can possibly
have. Fletcher works well with Hispanics as
manifested by Tom Montero. But Montero is
not alone.
“He is well respected in the Legislature for
his willingness to work across party lines to
find thoughtful solutions for California,” Democrat Speaker of the Assembly John Perez told
the Associated Press.
Is there a Democrat alive that can say that
about Carl DeMaio, or Bonnie Dumanis, or is
there a Republican alive that can say that about
Democrat Bob Filner after 20 years in Congress?
The four candidates for mayor each bring
something to the race, yes. But three of them
fall short in knowing Hispanics, in serving Hispanics and in having worked under the most
stressful of circumstances with Hispanics.
The Marine Corps reports that in the Iraq/
Afghanistan wars one in five, 20%, of all Combat Marines were Mexicans and Mexican
Americans. Nathan Fletcher served with them
in Iraq, at the Battle of Fallujah and many other
engagements. He knows Hispanics.
Nathan Fletcher lives today because his back,
literally, was covered by Hispanics and they
live today for the same reason in that they trusted
Fletcher, to cover their backs.
San Diego Hispanics can count on Nathan
Fletcher when he is mayor of San Diego because he knows Hispanics better than most,
maybe even better than me.
La Prensa San Diego’s
June 5 , 2012 Primary Election
United States Senate
Dianne Feinstein
United States Congress, District 53
Susan Davis
United States Congress, District 52
Lori Saldana
California State Senate, District 39
Marty Block
California State Assembly, District 79
Shirley Weber
State of Calif. Prop. 28
State of Calif. Prop 29
San Diego County, Board of Supervisors,
District 1
Greg Cox
City of San Diego, Mayor
Bob Filner
City of San Diego, Prop. A
City of San Diego, Prop. B
City of Chula Vista City Council, Seat 3
Robert Castaneda
City of Chula Vista, Prop. C
MAY 18, 2012
Commentary/Opinion Page
An Illusion Becomes a Delusion: Maybe I am Missing Something
By Rodolfo F. Acuña
I recently relented to pressure of a former
student to go on Facebook. He persuaded on
its usefulness as an organizing tool. Once I got
on FB I could see that I could not break my
classroom habits and I feared that I would come
across as too peachy.
The more I got into the postings the more I
realized that much of the content is based on
touch feely, a highly sociable environment, which
I am definitely not a part of. I am the kind of
person who cannot stay on the telephone for
more than three minutes or talk to someone without multitasking. I even feel uncomfortable with
birthdays and I have walked out of birthday parties given to me by students. I have never seen
any reason to indulge people as they sing “Happy
Birthday” and spit on my cake.
Furthermore, from my perspective there is
disconnect between the various posts, lacking
common themes. I thought about it and concluded that the disconnect was a product of
generational differences. This is a generation
raised with commercials and theme parks – they
live fairyland existences where illusions become
A young girl is enraptured by the illusion of
being Snow White and the delusion is that she
will be a princess. Parents encourage this.
When I was a child my parents would delude
us into believing that I would become like
Popeye, the Sailorman, if I ate my spinach.
The delusion takes over in ordinary life to the
point that we develop a false consciousness.
During 911, for example, many Americans were
convinced that we never violated the sovereignty of another state, although history is replete with examples to the contrary.
Thus, our delusions obfuscate reality. We
don’t know that Donald Duck is not real.
I guess illusions are great if you want to control children by fixating them on the television
tube. But when the illusions become delusions
and create false consciousness we have a problem.
This is how I felt about my last article deal-
ing with the Arizona Democratic Party, criticizing its neglect by not building a core and its
failure to protect the rights and interests of
Latinos within that state. A small sector of readers reacted as if I were criticizing Holy Mother
the Church.
Their defense of the Democratic Party was
delusional. I am accustomed to the excuse,
“Well I vote Democrat because it is better of
two evils.” I can buy that, but to say that the
Party is looking out for the interests of Mexicans in Arizona is a bit much.
The email that bothered me most was from
Luis Heredia, a longtime Democratic Party
operative. Heredia worked for Raul Grijalava
more than a dozen years ago. Since then he
has tied his kite to the official Party bureaucracy. His brother is the head of the Arizona
Mi Familia Vota.
Luis Heredia was appointed Executive Director of the Arizona Democratic Party in 2009
by then Arizona Democratic Party Chair Don
Bivens, a Phoenix attorney, who is known as
Party kingmaker. Bivens is a partner in the firm
that represented ex-state Senator Russell
Pearce, hardly a friend of Mexican Americans.
Heredia has led a number campaigns most
revolving around door-to-door voter contact and
voter registration drives. He has served in several capacities as a State and County Democratic Party Officer. Heredia was named the
Arizona Democratic Party’s Young Democrat
of the Year in 2005.
“Luis is deeply committed to the future of
Arizona, and we look forward to his leadership
and vision as Executive Director, “ beamed
Biven, an endorsement that was like a kiss of
death among many Latino activists.
A Party loyalist, Heredia has written columns
for the Huffington Post that give the illusion
that the Democratic Party is the champion of
progressive causes within the state.
Unfortunately, this is a delusion. The Democratic Party has been almost mute on immigration and has no policy toward SB 1070. Indeed, most candidates that criticize this ethnic
chauvinism don’t make it out of the primaries.
La evolución de Obama hacia el Sueño
Maribel Hastings
America’s Voice
La declaración del presidente Barack Obama
de que apoya los matrimonios entre personas
del mismo sexo se dio tras un proceso de
evolución, según afirmó, y de una cuestión de
principios, agregó.
Es un arriesgado paso político a meses de los
comicios generales que le ayudará con un
amplio e influyente sector de votantes y que
seguramente le afectará con otros. Esas
consideraciones se pesaron en la balanza
política antes de hacer pública su postura.
Pero lo interesante es cómo la presión de la
comunidad LGBT, sin prisa pero sin pausa, orilló
al presidente a cerrar el proceso de evolución
en favor de una postura políticamente arriesgada.
Si tan sólo Obama también evolucionara en
el tema de los Soñadores o DREAMers y ante
la falta de legislación federal les concediera un
amparo administrativo, como grupo, que les
permita estudiar y trabajar legalmente en
Estados Unidos sin miedo a la deportación.
La presión aumenta no sólo de parte de los
grupos pro inmigrantes y de los propios
Soñadores que vienen solicitando el amparo
luego de que la promesa de reforma migratoria
integral se hizo sal y agua. Pero ahora también
crece la presión por la posibilidad de que un
republicano, el senador de Florida, Marco Rubio,
potencial compañero de fórmula del virtual
aspirante presidencial republicano, Mitt Romney, se apreste a presentar su versión del
DREAM Act que el joven senador cataloga
como una “misión humanitaria”.
La medida no contiene una vía directa y especial a la ciudadanía, pero Rubio asegura que
los jóvenes podrán solicitar la residencia legal
por los mecanismos tradicionales.
Que la medida progrese en año electoral está
por verse. Rubio tiene que convencer a sus
colegas republicanos que le han dado la espalda
al DREAM Act, incluso quienes alguna vez
fueron autores o coauspiciaron la medida. Y el
presidente de la Cámara Baja, el republicano
John Boehner, ya advirtió que avanzar el
DREAM Act de Rubio será “difícil por demás”.
De todos modos, la idea de que sea un
republicano quien trate de buscar consenso en
un tema que goza de un abrumador apoyo entre los votantes latinos, debe enviar una señal a
los demócratas en el Congreso, a la Casa
Blanca y a la campaña de reelección de Obama.
Pero mientras el hacha va y viene, ICE no
descansa y la posibilidad de la deportación es
¡Anunciate en
La Prensa San Diego!
As mentioned in the last blog, I found
Heredia’s and the Democratic Party’s support
of Ann Kirkpatrick as the candidate for
Arizona’s First Congressional District very troubling. It is a Democratic-leaning district, which
the Democrats have a good chance of picking
up. It is 40 percent Democrat, 30 Republican,
and 30 percent Independent. Demographically,
it is 22 percent Native American, and 19 percent Latino. It has the highest percentage of
Native Americans in country.
Who is Ann Kirkpatrick? She is a former
Congresswoman who was beaten by a Tea
Party candidate. She has strong ties with
ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), the payday-loan industry, and Corrective
Corporation of America (CCA), none of whom
represent the interests of Latinos.
Ties and campaign contributions from ALEC
lobbyists to Kirkpatrick are well documented.
The most nefarious are her ties to former U.S.
Senator Dennis DeConcini who became a big
time lobbyist once he retired. As a member of
the Senate, DeConcini was part of the “Keating
Five”, the huge banking and political contribution scandal in eighties. DeConcini has donated
heavily to Kirkpatrick’s campaigns.
It is worth noting that DeConcini became a
lobbyist for the Corrective Corporation of
America (CCA) and sits on its Board of Directors. CCA and ALEC wrote SB1070 with
Russell Pearce. DeConcini endorsed and made
robocalls for Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
As a congresswoman Kirkpatrick voted to
keep tax cuts for the rich and supported SB1070,
referring to the U.S. Justice Department’s lawsuit as a “distracting sideshow.” She skipped
the vote on the DREAM Act.
In Tucson, the Democratic Party is controlled
by Blue Dogs, which ally with the Republican
Party. Both are in bed with the Southern Arizona Leadership Council, ALEC’s mini-me.
As Richard Martinez, the attorney in the suit
challenging HB 2281 and the counsel defending the Mexican American Studies program has
said “the Arizona Democratic Party should be
ashamed of their complete lack of any role,
support or action in combating HB 2281.”
Indeed, the Democratic Party has supported
Mark Stegeman, the head of the Board of Trustees of the Tucson Unified School District who
along with Superintendent John Pedicone have
viciously attacked the Mexican American community and students and dismantled the MAS
program, firing almost all of the teachers.
Where does Heredia stand in this?
At one time, I was a member of the Democratic Party. I worked through the Mexican
American Political Association in 1964 registering voters in conjunction with the California
Democratic Council. I tried to change the Party
and was a delegate for Eugene McCarthy during the 1968 California Democratic Party Presidential Primary. However, something called
principles and desire to give back and represent unrepresented Mexican Americans led to
a break. In other words, I grew up.
My delusions became a nightmare in August
of 1983 when the darling of liberals Arizona
Democratic Governor Bruce Babbitt sent the
state National Guard to Morenci-Clifton to
break a strike against Phelps-Dodge. The invasion included tanks and helicopters.
The consequence was that the union was
busted. The Miners that had been a majority
Mexican were now a majority white. Greenlee
County that had been historically Democrat
became Republican.
In ignoring the candidacy of Wenona
Baldenegro, Heredia and other Latino loyalists
are ignoring history. Without the Latino and
Native American vote there is no way that a
Democrat can get elected to the First Congressional District. Heredia is delusional in thinking
that he can sell his delusions to Latinos, Native
Americans and progressive whites.
My criticism of the Democratic Party is
based on principles, not on ambition. Unless, it
recognizes its chauvinism toward Latinos it
won’t be able to correct itself. The truth be
told, there is little difference between the Blue
Dogs and the Republicans.
students) and
other state-funded
Although I agree
Gentle cabrones, my much-promised
with Gustavo that
Taco USA: How Mexican Food
we must keep the
Conquered America has finally hit
faith while the
bookstores! Place your order with your
Congress acts on
favorite local bookstore, your finer online
retailers, your craftier piratas, but place it. the Federal Dream
Act, here in California we at least have
My libro editor has already promised to
deport me from the publishing industry if we something to be proud of and look
forward to.
don’t sell enough copies! And, after this
week, I promise to stop running this
Gracias, Assemblymember Cedillo. If
shameless self-promotion so I can sneak in
only more assemblymembers and state
more questions—so BUY BUY BUY!
senators across the country agreed with you
Gosh, I sound like a pinche public-radio
on this issue…now, back to your regular
station during a fund-drive…
I usually don’t allow anyone to hijack this
Dear Mexican: Why do Mexicans
columna, but an exception must be made
change their names, seemingly at whim?
for California State Assemblymember Gil
For example, Antonio Garcia Rodriguez
Cedillo. He’s been fighting the good fight
is Antonio Garcia on Monday and
for decades, recently trying to get driver’s
Antonio Rodriguez on Wednesday. And
licenses for illegal immigrants and
by Saturday, he might call himself Pedro
ceaselessly support DREAMers. Cedillo
was so moved by the undocumented college Garcia! Is this a plot to confuse whitey?
student who wrote in a couple of weeks ago It’s working, if it is!
No More Nombres
fretting about his future and inability to pay
for community college that the chingón
Dear Gabacho: From the moment a
assemblymember wrote in with this public
Mexican is born until the day he’s seis pies
service announcement:
abajo, a Mexican’s sole goal in life is to
confound gabachos—commanded so by
Unfortunately, Congress has stalled
diosito en el cielo in Leviticus, it is. But the
on passing the Federal Dream Act.
long-winded names Mexicans use isn’t part
However, here in California just last
year. Governor Jerry Brown signed AB of that conspiracy. You can actually find a
version of question in my ¡Ask a Mexican!
130 and AB 131, which allow all
book (BUY BUY BUY in the next week,
students to receive financial aid
and you get a free ¡Ask a Mexican! tote
regardless of immigration status.
bag…or not), but let me reiterate:
Assembly Bill 130 went into effect on
January 1, 2012 and allows students to Traditionally, a Mexican’s full name
receive private scholarships. Currently, constituted four parts: a first name, a middle
nombre, a surname, and the mother’s
there are many organizations, donors
apellido (more than a few Mexis drop the
and colleges raising money for
middle name, and use those initials to create
undocumented students. Just a few
cool belt buckles). This insistence on
weeks ago, UC Berkeley announced
honoring the maternal and paternal sides of
that they awarded approximately $1
the familia, however, wrecks desmadre on
million in scholarships, which was
funded by a combination of private gifts American legal forms, which frequently
mistake the maternal name for the last name,
and endowments, to 140 students. In
a middle name for a surname, or a surname
Silicon Valley, a group of technology
for a middle name. And now you know why
leaders have donated money for
Maribel Hastings es asesora ejecutiva de
far too many Mexis get pulled aside by the
scholarships and resources to
America’s Voice
TSA—oh, and that whole Tío Lenchoundocumented students through an
looks-like-Saddam Hussein thing, too…
organization called Educators for Fair
Consideration. Furthermore, next year, Ask the Mexican Ask the Mexican at
¡Llámanos hoy!
once AB 131 is implemented, students
[email protected], be his fan on
Facebook, follow him on Twitter @gustavoarellano or
Grants, Board of Governor’s Fee
ask him a video question at youtube.com/
email: [email protected]
Waivers (for community college
real a pesar de la discreción ejecutiva que en
teoría se supone haga que los Soñadores no
sean prioridad de remoción. La práctica es más
complicada. A cada rato surgen casos de
jóvenes en el umbral de la deportación y sólo
las campañas a su favor previenen que no se
conviertan en una estadística más.
Entiendo perfectamente la diferencia cuando
se ponderan estas consideraciones políticas. El
lobby de la comunidad LGBT es poderoso,
aportan dinero a campañas y finalmente son
ciudadanos que votan.
Los jóvenes indocumentados ni pueden votar
ni aportar a los cofres de campaña.
Pero se trata mayormente de jóvenes
hispanos que tienen el apoyo de una comunidad
de familiares, amigos o conocidos que sí votan
y que también aportan a las campañas. Un sector de votantes que será clave en los esfuerzos
de reelección de Obama.
Su causa también es una cuestión de
principios. Estos jóvenes que fueron traídos sin
documentos a Estados Unidos no tuvieron ni
parte ni suerte en la decisión de sus padres,
han sido criados aquí, son estadounidenses
excepto por el papel que lo confirma. Sólo
buscan la oportunidad de convertirse en
profesionales y de servir a su nación en las
Fuerzas Armadas.
Este jueves 17 de mayo los Soñadores
conducen un Día Nacional de Acción a través
del país para presionar por una solución a su
dilema y presentar su Declaración de Derechos,
entre esos, el vivir con sus familias y sin miedo.
Ojalá que el presidente entienda la importancia
de buscar una salida administrativa al limbo
migratorio que enfrentan estos jóvenes en
tanto se concreta el esquivo consenso
Ya 22 senadores demócratas le enviaron una
carta al presidente solicitándole que considere
la acción diferida o suspensión de deportación
para todos los jóvenes indocumentados que
serían elegibles para el DREAM Act si el
proyecto se promulgara.
En entrevista con Jorge Ramos en el
programa Al Punto, el líder de la mayoría
demócrata del Senado, Harry Reid, afirmó que
“el presidente hará más administrativamente.
Y eso deberá ocurrir bastante rápido”.
Ojalá y así sea y Obama tenga una evolución
a favor del Sueño de millones de jóvenes
indocumentados de obtener un amparo
By Gustavo Arellano
MAY 18, 2012
~ LEGALS * CLASSIFIEDS * 619-425-7400 *
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Diego will
receive bids for work at the Purchasing and Contracting Department, Contracts Division, 1200 Third Avenue, Suite 200,
San Diego, California, where bids are to be submitted prior to
time specified. Plans and specifications can be obtained from
The City of San Diego’s website: http://www.sandiego.gov/bidscontracts. It is the policy of the City of San Diego to encourage
equal opportunity in its construction, consultant, material and
supply contracts. Bids/proposals from small businesses, minority-owned, disabled, veteran-owned businesses, womenowned businesses and local firms are strongly encouraged.
Contractors are encouraged to subcontract and/or participate in
joint ventures with these firms. The City is committed to equal
opportunity and will not discriminate with regard to race, religion, color, ancestry, age, gender, disability, medical condition
or place of birth and will not do business with any firm that discriminates on any basis.
Contractors interested in proposing for this work must be prequalified. Please contact DAVE STUCY of the City’s Pre-Qualification Program at (619) 533-3474 or [email protected]
to obtain an application.
Sign language or oral interpreting services are available at prebid meetings and bid openings with a 5 business day notice to
the Contracting Division at 236-6000.
LICENSE CLASSIFICATION: In accordance with the provisions
of California Law, the successful construction entity must possess a valid Class “A or C-34 and C-42” license at the time that
a proposal is ultimately submitted for this project. In addition,
all contractors, including subcontractors will be required to secure a City of San Diego license for the work contemplated.
receive SOQ’s from only qualified and experienced Design-Builders who demonstrate significant knowledge of Design-Build construction projects, and extensive experience and
successful performance on public works infrastructure projects
of comparable magnitude and scope.
Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) are due no later than
12:00 Noon on June 19, 2012 at the office of:
City of San Diego
Purchasing and Contracting Department
1200 3 Avenue, Suite 200 MS 56P
San Diego, CA 92101
Attn: Claudia Abarca, Contract Specialist
Meeting will be held on May 30, 2012 from 10:00 A.M. to 11:00
A M., at 600 B Street, 8th Floor, Wada Conference Room, San
Diego, CA, 92101. No admittance will be allowed after 10:00
Al Rechany
Public Works Contracting Group
May 16, 2012
Published: 5/18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
For Special Inspection, Material Testing, and Geotechnical
Engineering Services for Central Plant/Field House/Synthetic
Athletic Fields Projects for the Southwestern College Community College District’s Proposition R Bond program located at
the Chula Vista Campus.
Notice is hereby given by the Southwestern Community College District of San Diego County, California, hereinafter referred to as the District, acting by and through its Governing
Board, will receive up to, but not later than 2:00 p.m. on the
29th day of May 2012, responses to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ)/Proposals (RFP) for Special Inspection, Material Testing, and Geotechnical Engineering Services at Southwestern Community College.
Responses shall be received in the Office of the Director of
Facilities, Operations and Planning, Room 1625, at 900 Otay
Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910, on the date and at the
time stated above.
All responses to this RFQ/RFP shall conform and be responsive to the RFQ/RFP, including its attachments/addenda.
All interested parties may download a copy of the RFQ/RFP
by visiting www.southwesterncollegeproprplanroom.com if assistance is needed to register on the site, please contact Angel
Leano at Professional Reprographics at (619) 272-5600. Any
requests for information may be directed to John Brown, Director of Facilities, Operations and Planning for the Southwestern
Community College District at (619) 482-6320, Room 1625, or
e-mail your request to: [email protected]
Melinda Nish, Ed.D
Secretary of the Governing Board
Southwestern Community College District
of San Diego, California
Published: 5/18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Diego will
receive bids for work at the Purchasing and Contracting Department, Contracts Division, 1200 Third Avenue, Suite 200, San
Diego, California, where bids are to be submitted prior to time
specified. Plans and specifications can be obtained from The
City of San Diego’s website: http://www.sandiego.gov/bids-contracts. A pre-bid meeting and/or pre-bid visit to the work site will
be held, if indicated, at the time and place specified in the contract documents. Prospective bidders are encouraged to attend
these sessions.
It is the policy of the City of San Diego to encourage equal
opportunity in its construction, consultant, material and supply
contracts. Bids/proposals from small businesses, minorityowned, disabled, veteran-owned businesses, women-owned
businesses and local firms are strongly encouraged. Contractors are encouraged to subcontract and/or participate in joint
ventures with these firms. The City is committed to equal opportunity and will not discriminate with regard to race, religion,
color, ancestry, age, gender, disability, medical condition or place
of birth and will not do business with any firm that discriminates
on any basis.
Contractors interested in bidding projects over $50,000 must be
pre-qualified. Please contact DAVE STUCKY of the City’s PreQualification Program at (619) 533-3474 or dstucky@san
diego.gov to obtain an application.
Sign language or oral interpreting services are available at prebid meetings and bid openings with a 5 business day notice to
the Contracting Division at (619) 236-6000.
Bid No. K-12-5646-DBB-3-C. WBS No. B-11062. MANDATORY Pre-Bid Date: June 6, 2012, 2012 @ 10:00 a.m.
Pre-Bid Location: Conference Room, 2nd Floor, 1200 Third
Avenue, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92101. Bid Opening Date:
June 26, 2012 @ 2:00 p.m. Construction Estimate:
$3,500,000. License Requirement: A or C-34.
Al Rechany
Public Works Contracting Group
May 17, 2012
Published: 5/18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: JUN 12, 2012. Time: 8:30
a.m. Dept.: 8.
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: APR 27, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: APR 30, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: GRABIELA MEZA,
filed a petition with this court for
a decree changing names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 6-1-2012. Time: 1:30pm.
Dept.: 7.
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 500 3rd Ave.,
Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: APR 10, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: TEENEACHER CARREON, on behalf of CHRISTIAN
ANTHONY ADRIATICO, a minor, filed a petition with this court
for a decree changing names as
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 06-15-2012. Time: 1:30pm.
Dept.: 7.
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 500 3rd Ave.,
Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: 5-01-2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: EDWIN RIVERA,
filed a petition with this court for
a decree changing names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 06-15-12. Time: 1:30pm.
Dept.: 7.
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 500 3rd Ave.,
Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: MAY 02, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
filed a petition with this court for
a decree changing names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: YONG EON KIM, SU
MIN KIM, filed a petition with this
court for a decree changing
names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 6-15-2012. Time: 1:30pm.
Dept.: 7. Room: 2nd Floor
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 500 3rd Ave.,
Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: APR 16, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: ELENA MURILLO, on
a minor, filed a petition with this
court for a decree changing
names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 6-22-2012. Time: 1:30pm.
Dept.: 7.
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 500 3rd Ave.,
Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: MAY 11, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
PARAOAN AQUINO, filed a petition with this court for a decree
changing names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: JUN 12, 2012. Time: 8:30
a.m. Dept.: 8.
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 320 W. Broadway,
San Diego, CA 92101
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: BERENIS LARIOS, on
behalf of IZAIAH TILLIS, filed a
petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 6-22-2012. Time: 1:30pm.
Dept.: 7.
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 500 3rd Ave.,
Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: MAY 11, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
on behalf of DEN JERICO M.
PADILLA, minors, filed a petition
with this court for a decree
changing names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 6-29-12. Time: 1:30pm.
Dept.: 7. Room: 2nd floor
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 500 3rd Ave.,
Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: MAY 15, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
Petitioner: BLANCA E. GARCIA,
a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
persons interested in this matter
shall appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should
not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a
written objection that includes the
reasons for the objection at least
two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and
must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the
court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: JUN 22, 2012. Time: 8:15
a.m. Dept.: 8. Room: 2nd Flr.
The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County
of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101
A Copy of this Order to Show
Cause shall be published at least
once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set
for hearing on the petition in the
following newspaper of general
circulation printed in this county
La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third
Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
Date: MAY 08, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
SUMMONS - (Family Law) able anywhere in California by rect.
You are being sued.
You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are
served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123)
at the court and have a copy
served on the petitioner. A letter
or phone call will not protect you.
If you do not file your Response
on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage,
your property and custody of
your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the
clerk for a fee waiver form.
If you want legal advice, contact
a lawyer immediately. You can
get information about finding
lawyers at the California Courts
Online Self-Help Center (www.
court.ca.gov/self help), at the
California Legal Services Web
site (www.law helpcalifornia. org),
or by contacting your local
county bar association.
NOTICE: The restraining orders
on page 2 are effective against
both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered,
or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by
any law enforcement office who
has received or seen a copy of
NOTE: If a judgment or support
order is entered, the court may
order you to pay all or part of
the fees and costs that the court
waived for yourself or for the
other party. If this happens, the
party ordered to pay fees shall
be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set
aside the order to pay waived
court fees.
1. The name and address of the
2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without
a n a t t o r n e y, i s : PAT R I C I A
ELENA LUNA, 1101 Chestnut
St., Escondido, CA 92025. (760)
Date: MAR 26, 2012
Clerk, by SIK HICKMAN.
SERVED: as an individual
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
any law enforcement office who
has received or seen a copy of
NOTE: If a judgment or support
order is entered, the court may
order you to pay all or part of
the fees and costs that the court
waived for yourself or for the
other party. If this happens, the
party ordered to pay fees shall
be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set
aside the order to pay waived
court fees.
1. The name and address of the
2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's
attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, is: FRANCISCO MARTINEZ ZUNIGA,
1008 27th Street, San Diego, CA
Date: NOV 02, 2011
Clerk, by S. MIRANDA, Deputy
SERVED: as an individual
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
4268 University Ave., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
The Fictitious Business Name
Referred to Above Was Filed in
San Diego County On: 12/28/
2009, and assigned File No:
Is (Are) Abandoned by the Following Registrant(s):
Nunos Corp, 1190 Zurich Dr.,
San Diego, CA 92154, California
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Joe M.
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 30, 2012
Assigned File No.: 2012-011986
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
You are being sued.
You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are
served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123)
at the court and have a copy
served on the petitioner. A letter
or phone call will not protect you.
If you do not file your Response
on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage,
your property and custody of
your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the
clerk for a fee waiver form.
If you want legal advice, contact
a lawyer immediately. You can
get information about finding
lawyers at the California Courts
Online Self-Help Center (www.
court.ca.gov/self help), at the
California Legal Services Web
site (www.law helpcalifornia.org),
or by contacting your local
county bar association.
NOTICE: The restraining orders
on page 2 are effective against
both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered,
or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by
any law enforcement office who
has received or seen a copy of
NOTE: If a judgment or support
order is entered, the court may
order you to pay all or part of
the fees and costs that the court
waived for yourself or for the
other party. If this happens, the
party ordered to pay fees shall
be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set
aside the order to pay waived
court fees.
1. The name and address of the
FAMILY COURT, 1555 6th Ave.,
San Diego, CA 92101
2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without
an attorney, is: ROSA MARIA
MURADAS, 4352 Cherokee
Ave., Apt. B, San Diego, CA,
92104, (619) 727-1890
Date: MAR 21, 2012
SERVED: as an individual
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
SUMMONS - (Family Law)
You are being sued.
You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are
served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123)
at the court and have a copy
served on the petitioner. A letter
or phone call will not protect you.
If you do not file your Response
on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage,
your property and custody of
your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the
clerk for a fee waiver form.
If you want legal advice, contact
a lawyer immediately. You can
get information about finding
lawyers at the California Courts
Online Self-Help Center (www.
court.ca.gov/self help), at the
California Legal Services Web
site (www.law helpcalifornia.org),
or by contacting your local
county bar association.
NOTICE: The restraining orders
on page 2 are effective against
both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered,
or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforce-
4268 University Ave., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
The Fictitious Business Name
Referred to Above Was Filed in
San Diego County On: 12/28/
2009, and assigned File No:
Is (Are) Abandoned by the Following Registrant(s):
NUNOS CORP, 1190 Zurich Dr.,
San Diego, CA 92154, California
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Jose I
Nuño, President
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 01, 2012
Assigned File No.: 2012-012101
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
7490 Beagle St., San Diego, CA,
County of San Diego, 92111
The Fictitious Business Name
Referred to Above Was Filed in
San Diego County On: 08/19/09,
and assigned File No: 2009024056
Is (Are) Abandoned by the Following Registrant(s):
Roadside Assistance Service,
Inc., 7490 Beagle St., San Diego,
CA 92111, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Julio C.
Zumaya, Secretary
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 07, 2012
Assigned File No.: 2012-012609
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
5302 Dressage Dr., Bonita, CA,
County of San Diego, 91902
Mailing Address: Same
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Anthony Amaya, 5302 Dressage
Dr., Bonita, CA 91902
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Anthony
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 10, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-013053
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
1960 Via Encantadoras, San
Ysidro, CA, County of San Diego, 92173
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Joaquin Espinoza, 1960 Via
Encantadoras, San Ysidro, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and cor-
Signature of Registrant: Joaquin
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 14, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-013383
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
339 Las Flores Terrace, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
Mailing Address: PO Box 741556,
San Diego, CA 92174
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Andres Santos Aguilar, 339 Las
Flores Terrace, San Diego, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Andres
Santos Aguilar
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 15, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-013481
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
821 Kuhn Dr. #208, Chula Vista,
CA, County of San Diego, 91914
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Jesus Campa, 821 Kuhn Dr.
#208, Chula Vista, CA 91914
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Jesus
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 15, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-013544
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
3744 Marlborough Ave. Apt. 9,
San Diego, CA, County of San
Diego, 92105
Mailing Address: 3744 Marlborough Ave. Apt. 9, San Diego, CA
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Marybel Landry, 3744 Marlborough Ave. Apt. 9, San Diego, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Marybel
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 24, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011461
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
455 Park Way, Chula Vista, CA,
County of San Diego, 91910
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Stephanie Bello, 455 Park Way,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Stephanie
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 26, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011738
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
619-425-7400 ~~
Solicito señora para limpieza
quedarse a dormir, experiencia en
cuidado de niños. Must speak
some English. Lunes a Sábado
$225 por semana. Con referencias, comunicarse al 858-4146451.
Seeking individuals to work as
Housekeeping/Personal Assistant Location Celebration
Flexible Hours Must Have Experience English-Speaking And
Love Pets, extremely organized.
Interested candidate should contact [email protected]
5250 Campanile Dr. SD 92182
Job Tape Line # 619-594-5703
EEO/AA/Title IX Employer
MAY 18, 2012
~ ~ ~ CLASSIFIEDS ~ (619) 425-7400 ~ LEGALS ~ FAX ~ (619) 425-7402 ~ ~ ~
Fictitious Business Name:
2820 Hopkins St., San Diego, CA,
County of San Diego, 92139
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Sharquent Delon Webster, 2820
Hopkins Street, San Diego, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Sharquent Webster
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 05, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-009539
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
250 Quintard St. Apt. 38, Chula
Vista, CA, County of San Diego,
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Elia Fonseca, 250 Quintard St.
Apt. 38, Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Elia
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 23, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011208
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
1132 Vista Way, Chula Vista, CA,
County of San Diego, 91911
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Cecilia Armida Macias Salazar,
1132 Vista Way, Chula Vista, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Cecilia
Armida Macias Salazar
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 18, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-010792
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
1607 Arequipa St., San Diego,
CA, County of San Diego, 92154
This Business is Conducted By:
Husband and Wife
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
1. Christian Cadena, 1607
Arequipa St., San Diego, CA
2. Michelle Cadena, 1607 Arequipa St., San Diego, CA 92154
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Christian
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 20, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011181
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
3454 Del Sol Blvd. Apt. #D, San
Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92154
Mailing Address: Same
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Angel Bermúdez Guzman, 3454
Del Sol Blvd. Apt. #D, San Diego, CA 92154
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Angel
Bermúdez Guzman
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 23, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011286
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
1161 Bay Bl. Ste. I, Chula Vista,
CA, County of San Diego, 91911
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Yaniv Dar, 1161 Bay Bl. Ste. I,
Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and cor-
Signature of Registrant: Yaniv
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 24, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011355
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
2555 Faivre St. Suite 2, Chula
Vista, CA, County of San Diego,
Mailing Address: 1226 N. Creekside Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91915
This Business is Conducted By:
Husband and Wife
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
1. Juan Carlos Reyes, 1226 N.
Creekside Dr., Chula Vista, CA
2. Emma Leon-Reyes, 1226 N.
Creekside Dr., Chula Vista, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Emma
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 24, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011430
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
225 3rd Ave. Ste. B, Chula Vista,
CA, County of San Diego, 91910
Mailing Address: 2968 F Street,
San Diego, CA 92102
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Cecilia Caldera, 2968 F Street,
San Diego, CA 92102
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Cecilia
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 26, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011649
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
181 East Orange Ave. A5, Chula
Vista, CA, County of San Diego,
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Juan Israel Muñoz Campos, 181
E. Orange Ave. Apt. A5, Chula
Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Juan I
Muñoz Campos
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAR 28, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-008681
Published: 4/27,5/4,11,18/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
994 A Otay Valley Rd., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
Mailing Address: 1429 Nolan
Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91911
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Juan M Delgadillo Ponce de Leon,
1420 Nolan Ave., Chula Vista,
CA, 91911
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Juan M
Delgadillo Ponce De Leon
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 27, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011878
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
4217 42nd St. Apt. 4, San Diego,
CA, County of San Diego, 92105
Mailing Address: 4217 42nd St.
Apt., 4, San Diego, CA 92105
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Anell Alberto, 4217 42nd St., Apt.
4, San Diego, CA 92105
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Juan M
Delgadillo Ponce De Leon
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 27, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state, The First Day of Business Was:
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011821 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
Jaime Gutierrez, 6011 Alleghany
La Prensa San Diego
St., San Diego, CA 92139
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and corFICTITIOUS BUSINESS
Signature of Registrant: Jaime
Fictitious Business Name:
This Statement Was Filed With
9041 El Dorado Pkwy, El Cajon, Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. ReCA, County of San Diego, 92021 corder/County Clerk of San DiThis Business is Conducted By: ego County MAY 01, 2012
The filing of this statement does
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
This Business Is Hereby Regis- Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
tered by the Following:
Julian Camacho, 9041 El Dorado or common law.
Pkwy. #40, El Cajon, CA 92021 Assigned File No.: 2012-012092
I declare that all information in Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
this statement is true and cor- La Prensa San Diego
Signature of Registrant: Julian
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Di- Fictitious Business Name:
ego County APR 26, 2012
The filing of this statement does 2295 Lemon Grove Ave., Lemon
not of itself authorize the use in Grove, CA, County of San Dithis state of Fictitious Business ego, CA 91945
Name in violation of the rights This Business is Conducted By:
of another under federal, state, An Individual
or common law.
The First Day of Business Was:
Assigned File No.: 2012-011763 N/A
This Business Is Hereby RegisPublished: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
tered by the Following:
La Prensa San Diego
Francisco Xavier Hernandez,
340 Moss St. Apt. C-13, Chula
Vista, CA, 91911
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Fictitious Business Name:
Signature of Registrant: FranSOUTH BAY RESPITE
148 East 30th, National City, cisco Xavier Hernandez
CA, County of San Diego, 91950 This Statement Was Filed With
This Business is Conducted By: Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San DiA Corporation
The First Day of Business Was: ego County MAY 01, 2012
The filing of this statement does
This Business Is Hereby Regis- not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
tered by the Following:
Imperial Valley Respite, Inc., 630 Name in violation of the rights
South Brawley Ave., Suite 2A, of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Brawley, CA 92227, California
I declare that all information in Assigned File No.: 2012-012065
this statement is true and cor- Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Signature of Registrant: Catalina
A. Santillan, President/CEO
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Di- Fictitious Business Name:
ego County APR 27, 2012
The filing of this statement does 4268 University Ave., San Dinot of itself authorize the use in ego, CA, County of San Diego,
this state of Fictitious Business 92105
Name in violation of the rights This Business is Conducted By:
of another under federal, state, A Corporation
or common law.
The First Day of Business Was:
Assigned File No.: 2012-011851 01/10/2010
This Business Is Hereby RegisPublished: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
tered by the Following:
La Prensa San Diego
NUNOS CORP, 1190 Zurich Dr.,
San Diego, CA 92154, CaliforFICTITIOUS BUSINESS
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and corFictitious Business Name:
805 Cooper Rd., Chula Vista, Signature of Registrant: Jose I
CA, County of San Diego, 91911 Nuno, V-President
Mailing Address: 805 Cooper This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. ReRd., Chula Vista, CA 91911
This Business is Conducted By: corder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 30, 2012
A General Partnership
The First Day of Business Was: The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
This Business Is Hereby Regis- this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
tered by the Following:
1. Eddie Amaya, 805 Cooper of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Rd., Chula Vista, CA 91911
2. Hallie Palacios, 805 Cooper Assigned File No.: 2012-011988
Rd., Chula Vista, CA 91911
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
3. Cesar Palacios, 805 Cooper La Prensa San Diego
Rd., Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and corNAME STATEMENT
Signature of Registrant: Eddie Fictitious Business Name:
This Statement Was Filed With 1476 Heatherwood Ave., Chula
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Re- Vista, CA, County of San Diego,
corder/County Clerk of San Di- 91913
ego County APR 30, 2012
This Business is Conducted By:
The filing of this statement does A Limited Liability Company
not of itself authorize the use in The First Day of Business Was:
this state of Fictitious Business 2/12/2009
Name in violation of the rights This Business Is Hereby Regisof another under federal, state, tered by the Following:
or common law.
EPI BOOKS, LLC, 1476 HeatherAssigned File No.: 2012-012011 wood Ave., Chula Vista, CA
91913, Nevada
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
I declare that all information in
La Prensa San Diego
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Lisa
This Statement Was Filed With
Fictitious Business Name:
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. ReEXTATIC PARTY JUMPS
285 Rancho Dr. Unit B, Chula corder/County Clerk of San DiVista, CA, County of San Diego, ego County MAY 02, 2012
The filing of this statement does
This Business is Conducted By: not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Husband and Wife
The First Day of Business Was: Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
This Business Is Hereby Regis- or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012165
tered by the Following:
1. Antonio Gonzalez, 285 Rancho Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
Dr. Unit B, Chula Vista, CA 91911 La Pensa San Diego
2. Lydia Gonzalez, 285 Rancho
Dr. Unit B, Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and corFictitious Business Name:
Signature of Registrant: Antonio J M TOWING
7144 Otay Mesa Rd. Unit M, San
This Statement Was Filed With Diego, CA, County of San DiErnest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Re- ego, CA 92154
corder/County Clerk of San Di- Mailing Address: 4492 Camino de
la Plaza #1385, San Ysidro, CA
ego County APR 30, 2012
The filing of this statement does 92173
not of itself authorize the use in This Business is Conducted By:
this state of Fictitious Business An Individual
Name in violation of the rights The First Day of Business Was:
of another under federal, state, 02/28/1998
This Business Is Hereby Regisor common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011972 tered by the Following:
Jorge A. Estrada Castro, 7144
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
Otay Mesa Rd. Unit M, San DiLa Prensa San Diego
ego, Calif. 92154
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and corNAME STATEMENT
Signature of Registrant: Jorge A.
Fictitious Business Name:
Estrada Castro
963½ 4th Ave., Chula Vista, CA, This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. ReCounty of San Diego, 91911
This Business is Conducted By: corder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 24, 2012
A Corporation
The First Day of Business Was: The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
Jan. 1st, 2010
This Business Is Hereby Regis- this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
tered by the Following:
Radical Classical Recordings, of another under federal, state,
Inc., 963½ 4th Ave., Chula Vista, or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011358
CA 91911, California
I declare that all information in Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
this statement is true and cor- La Prensa San Diego
Signature of Registrant: Jocelyn
Celaya, CEO
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Re- Fictitious Business Name:
corder/County Clerk of San Di- ARS - FINGERPRINTS
ego County MAY 01, 2012
2511 Coronado Ave. Ste A, San
The filing of this statement does Diego, CA, County of San Dinot of itself authorize the use in ego, 92154
this state of Fictitious Business This Business is Conducted By:
Name in violation of the rights An Individual
of another under federal, state, The First Day of Business Was:
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012071 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Published: 5/4,11,18,25/2012
Alva Rosa Lizarraga, 1320
La Prensa San Diego
Surfwood Ln., San Diego, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and corNAME STATEMENT
Signature of Registrant: Alva
Fictitious Business Name:
Rosa Lizarraga
6011 Alleghany St., San Diego, This Statement Was Filed With
CA, County of San Diego, 92139 Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. ReThis Business is Conducted By: corder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 04, 2012
An Individual
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012499
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
3441 University Ave., San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Alma Engelsman, 3441 University Ave., San Diego, CA 92104
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Alma
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 04, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012536
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
4540 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
Mailing Address: 7145 Eckstrom
Ave., San Diego, CA 92111
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Gilma Quintos, 7145 Eckstrom
Ave., San Diego, CA 92111
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Gilma
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 04, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012525
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
555 Broadway, Chula Vista, CA,
County of San Diego, 91910
Mailing Address: 4850 San Jose
St. Apt. #137, Montclair, CA
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
JiaLong Lie, 4850 San Jose St.
Apt. #137, Montclair, CA 91763
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: JiaLong
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 18, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-010863
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
4104 Bonita Road, Bonita, CA,
County of San Diego, 91902
This Business is Conducted By:
A General Partnership
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
1. Sergio A. Fernandez, 512 S.
36th St., San Diego, CA 92113
2. Juan Angel Barraza, 4077 3rd.
Ave. #103, San Diego, CA 92103
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Sergio A.
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 03, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012326
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
8965 Arlingdale Way, Spring Valley, CA, County of San Diego,
Mailing Address: 8965 Arlingdale
Way, Spring Valley, CA 91977
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Enrique Araiza, 8965 Arlingdale
Way, Spring Valley, CA 91977
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Enrique
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 04, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012483
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
733 Fergus St., San Diego, CA,
County of San Diego, 92114
This Business is Conducted By:
Husband and Wife
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
1. Martha Diaz, 733 Fergus St.,
San Diego, CA 92114
2. Gabriel Gutierrez, 733 Fergus
St., San Diego, CA 92114
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Martha
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 01, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012046
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
2015 Birch Rd. Ste. 403, Chula
Vista, CA, County of San Diego,
Mailing Address: 1056 Mountain
Ash Ave., Chula Vista, CA
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Jeong S Kim, 1056 Mountain Ash
Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91914
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Jeong S.
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 30, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012016
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
9651 Airway Rd. Ste. ‘G’, San
Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92154
Mailing Address: PO Box 7956,
Chula Vista, CA 91912
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Luis R. Garcia, 9651 Airway Rd.
Ste ‘G’, San Diego, CA 92154
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Luis R.
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 30, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012014
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
5577 Surfrider Way 143, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego,
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Leroy K. Andrews, 5577 Surfrider
Way 15-143, San Diego, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Leroy K.
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 16, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-010458
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
407 Locdel Ct., Chula Vista, CA,
County of San Diego, 91911
This Business is Conducted By:
Husband and Wife
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
1. Gustavo Marquez, 407 Locdel
Ct., Chula Vista, CA 91911
2. Helibet Marquez, 407 Locdel
Ct., Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Gustavo
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 08, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012812
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
3384 Main St., Chula Vista, CA,
County of San Diego, 91911
Mailing Address: 1129 Ransom
St., San Diego, CA 92154
This Business is Conducted By:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
Maria Montalvo, 1129 Ransom
St., San Diego, CA 92154
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Maria
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 02, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012213
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Jorge
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 07, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-012690
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
853 Paraiso Ave., Spring Valley,
CA, County of San Diego, 91977
This Business is Conducted By:
Husband and Wife
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
1. Ramon Ricardo Gonzalez
Amaya, 853 Paraiso Ave., Spring
Valley, CA 91977
2. Denise del Carmen Duran, 853
Paraiso Ave., Spring Valley, CA
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Denise
del Carmen Duran
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County APR 23, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-011316
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name:
414 Shell Avenue, National City,
CA, County of San Diego, 91950
Mailing Address: 1130 East 26th
Street, National City, CA 91950
This Business is Conducted By:
A General Partnership
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following:
1. Vida Dacanay, 303 Surrey
Drive, Bonita, CA 91902
2. Aurora de Vera, 1130 E 26th
Street, National City, CA 91950
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Vida
This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County MAY 14, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
Name in violation of the rights La Prensa San Diego
of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-013320
Fictitious Business Name:
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
La Prensa San Diego
510 Mariposa St., Chula Vista,
CA, County of San Diego, 91911
This Business is Conducted By:
Fictitious Business Name:
An Individual
The First Day of Business Was:
404 San Alberto Way, San Diego, N/A
CA, County of San Diego, 92114 This Business Is Hereby RegisMailing Address: 303 Surrey tered by the Following:
Drive, Bonita, CA 91902
Laura Nixon, 510 Mariposa St.,
This Business is Conducted By: Chula Vista, CA 91911
A General Partnership
I declare that all information in
The First Day of Business Was: this statement is true and cor06/21/2006
This Business Is Hereby Regis- Signature of Registrant: Laura L.
tered by the Following:
1. Vida Dacanay, 303 Surrey This Statement Was Filed With
Drive, Bonita, CA 91902
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Re2. Aurora de Vera, 1130 E 26th corder/County Clerk of San DiStreet, National City, CA 91950 ego County MAY 09, 2012
I declare that all information in The filing of this statement does
this statement is true and cor- not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Signature of Registrant: Vida Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state,
This Statement Was Filed With or common law.
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Re- Assigned File No.: 2012-012912
corder/County Clerk of San DiPublished: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
ego County MAY 14, 2012
The filing of this statement does La Prensa San Diego
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state, Fictitious Business Name:
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-013319 4065 Hegg St., San Diego, CA,
County of San Diego, 92115
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
This Business is Conducted By:
La Prensa San Diego
A Corporation
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby RegisFictitious Business Name:
tered by the Following:
940 Orange Ave., Coronado, CA, Hegg St., San Diego, CA 92115,
County of San Diego, 92118
Mailing Address: 940 Orange I declare that all information in
Ave., Coronado, CA 92118
this statement is true and corThis Business is Conducted By: rect.
An Individual
Signature of Registrant: Fco.
The First Day of Business Was: Felix Sandoval, President
This Statement Was Filed With
This Business Is Hereby Regis- Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Retered by the Following:
corder/County Clerk of San DiOlivia Serrano, 940 Orange Ave., ego County APR 16, 2012
Coronado, CA 92118
The filing of this statement does
I declare that all information in not of itself authorize the use in
this statement is true and cor- this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
Signature of Registrant: Olivia of another under federal, state,
or common law.
This Statement Was Filed With Assigned File No.: 2012-010563
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Di- Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
ego County MAY 07, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights Fictitious Business Name:
of another under federal, state, SPEEDING AUTO SALES
or common law.
1510 A Heritage Rd., San Diego,
Assigned File No.: 2012-012661 CA, County of San Diego, 92154
Mailing Address: 1160 Volmer
Published: 5/18,25,6/1,8/2012
Peak Ct., Chula Vista, CA 91913
La Prensa San Diego
This Business is Conducted By:
A Corporation
The First Day of Business Was:
Fictitious Business Name:
This Business Is Hereby Regisa. LITE COMPANIES
tered by the Following:
Cachanilla Enterprises Inc., 505
Emerson Ave. #A, Calexico, CA
2151 Fort Stockton Dr., San Di- 92231, California
ego, CA, County of San Diego, I declare that all information in
this statement is true and corMailing Address: Same
This Business is Conducted By: Signature of Registrant: EspeAn Individual
ranza Villarreal, President
The First Day of Business Was: This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. ReThis Business Is Hereby Regis- corder/County Clerk of San Ditered by the Following:
ego County MAY 08, 2012
Moses Marquez Simonet, 2151 The filing of this statement does
Fort Stockton Dr., San Diego, CA not of itself authorize the use in
this state of Fictitious Business
I declare that all information in Name in violation of the rights
this statement is true and cor- of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Signature of Registrant: Moses Assigned File No.: 2012-012801
Marquez Simonet
This Statement Was Filed With Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Re- La Prensa San Diego
corder/County Clerk of San DiFICTITIOUS BUSINESS
ego County APR 13, 2012
The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in Fictitious Business Name:
this state of Fictitious Business MJ BUILDERS INC
Name in violation of the rights 3245 University Ave., San Diof another under federal, state, ego, CA, County of San Diego,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-010337 Mailing Address: Same
Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012 This Business is Conducted By:
A Corporation
La Prensa San Diego
The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby RegisNAME STATEMENT
tered by the Following:
Fictitious Business Name:
versity Ave., San Diego, CA
92104, California
I declare that all information in
this statement is true and corc. ACCESS LOCKSMITH
d. CHULA VISTA LOCKSMITH Signature of Registrant: Manuel
679 Brightwood Ave., Chula Jimenez, President
Vista, CA, County of San Diego, This Statement Was Filed With
Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. ReMailing Address: P.O. Box 6082, corder/County Clerk of San DiChula Vista, CA 91909
ego County MAY 08, 2012
This Business is Conducted By: The filing of this statement does
An Individual
not of itself authorize the use in
The First Day of Business Was: this state of Fictitious Business
Name in violation of the rights
This Business Is Hereby Regis- of another under federal, state,
tered by the Following:
or common law.
Jorge Sanchez, 679 Brightwood Assigned File No.: 2012-012802
Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in Published: 5/11,18,25,6/1/2012
La Prensa San Diego
MAY 18, 2012
San Diego will move to Mexican dance
By Pablo Jaime Sáinz
Mexican dance is one of the
most precious treasures in the
Aztec country. That is due to
the fact that each state has its
own musical and dance expressions.
That is why on May 19, starting at 3 p.m., the first festival
of Mexican dance, “México a
través de sus danzas,” will take
place at the Organ Pavilion in
Balboa Park.
The event is organized by the
Mexican General Consulate in
San Diego to celebrate the 150
anniversary of Cinco de Mayo.
It also celebrates the 100 year
history of the Mexican Consulate in San Diego.
The free festival is open to the
public and participating dance
troupes include Ballet Tierra
Caliente; Wa-kushma (Wa:
family y Kushma: dancer);
Grupo Folklórico Yoneme de la
Preparatoria Federal Lázaro
Cárdenas and Danzarts, Sabor
México, which will offer a
showcase of representative
dances from eight Mexican
states, including Sinaloa, Baja
California, Jalisco, Oaxaca, and
(con’t de página 2)
Aunque de Segunda…
De hecho, en los dos países
seguimos fregados. De este
lado no nos dan más que el
camino pa’ nuestra casa, y
mientras no regresemos, de
allá no recibimos mucho más.
En el 2006, además de la
marchas, ya no hicimos
nuestro famoso “ejercicio
ciudadano” porque ya había
voto desde el exterior para los
mexicas. Cortesía del PRI y el
PAN, México recuperó
algunos ciudadanos.
Apenas 54 mil mexicanos
en el exterior mandaron ese
año su solicitud de registro en
el Padrón Electoral del IFE,
para votar por presidente
desde el extranjero. El IFE
tuvo a bien rechazar a 14 mil
de ellos, yo entre ellos, por
quien-sabe-qué problema con
la papelería.
De los aceptados, unos 40
mil, solamente 30 mil votaron,
de los cuales 28 mil lo hicieron
desde Estados Unidos.
Este año el IFE recibió un
total de 61 mil 687 solicitudes
de registro desde más de 100
países, un mísero aumento de
5 mil comparados con el 2006.
Aún no se sabe a cuántos
hayan rechazado, aunque un
sistema de corrección de
errores debe reducir el
porcentaje de casi 20 por
ciento en el 2006.
En aquél año, entre Felipe
Calderón y Andrés Manuel
López Obrador se llevaron el
91 por ciento de los votos
desde el exterior. Dicen que
por el Peje votaron 11 mil y
por Calderón 19 mil, aunque
dado el fraude de esas
elecciones nunca se sabrá en
realidad. Supuestamente mil
360 votaron por el PRI.
Esta semana llegaron los
paquetes electorales para los
afortunados que el IFE aceptó
para registrarlos en el Padrón
Electoral. Y ya comenzaron
las denuncias de que faltan
muchos, de que el correo no
ha dejado los avisos para irlos
a recoger a la oficina cuando
el destinatario no está en casa
y demás.
Por supuesto, sigue siendo
un voto mocho y ciego. Es
mocho porque solamente
permite votar y no ser votado,
solamente por presidente y no
por otras autoridades. Es
mocho porque aún no se
puede sacar una credencial
del IFE en el exterior. De
hecho, negarnos la credencial
es una forma de negarnos la
ciudadanía, porque solamente
el ejercicio del voto nos hace
ser ciudadanos. De otra forma
Mexican Consul Remedios
Gomez Arnau said that Mexico
is a diverse country, as reflected in its traditional dances.
“Regional dances are the
center from which several elements circulate, including
popular culture,” she said. “It
is very important to point out
that Mexico is a pluralistic
country with deep popular, indigenous, mestizo roots, and
that cultural expressions vary
from one region to another.”
Jose Jaimes, director of Ballet Folklórico Tierra Caliente,
which works with youth in
Vista, in North County, said that
dance is a perfect way to celebrate Mexico.
“Since the Mexican community in San Diego is huge, it is
very important to promote our
roots through dance, to identify
ourselves and present us as we
truly are: A strong, united,
multicultural community,” Jaimes said. “This event not only
celebrates our roots, but it
opens many artistic and cultural
doors in our community.”
Fernando Lopez Maldonado,
teacher and director of Grupo
de Danza Yoneme de la Preparatoria Federal Lázaro Cársolamente somos “nacionales”
de un país, pero no
ciudadanos. Y es voto ciego
porque el paquete trae las
plataformas de los partidos,
pero absolutamente
insuficientes, y sigue estando
prohibido hacer campaña en el
Como quiera que sea,
suponiendo que mi voto por
Andrés Manuel López
Obrador se cuente el primero
de julio, ese día volveré a ser
ciudadano mexicano.
Aunque de Segunda…
De hecho, en los dos países
seguimos fregados. De este
lado no nos dan más que el
camino pa’ nuestra casa, y
mientras no regresemos, de
allá no recibimos mucho más.
En el 2006, además de la
marchas, ya no hicimos
nuestro famoso “ejercicio
ciudadano” porque ya había
voto desde el exterior para los
mexicas. Cortesía del PRI y el
PAN, México recuperó
algunos ciudadanos.
Apenas 54 mil mexicanos
en el exterior mandaron ese
año su solicitud de registro en
el Padrón Electoral del IFE,
para votar por presidente
desde el extranjero. El IFE
tuvo a bien rechazar a 14 mil
de ellos, yo entre ellos, por
quien-sabe-qué problema con
la papelería.
De los aceptados, unos 40
mil, solamente 30 mil votaron,
de los cuales 28 mil lo hicieron
desde Estados Unidos.
Este año el IFE recibió un
total de 61 mil 687 solicitudes
de registro desde más de 100
países, un mísero aumento de
5 mil comparados con el 2006.
Aún no se sabe a cuántos
hayan rechazado, aunque un
sistema de corrección de
errores debe reducir el
porcentaje de casi 20 por
ciento en el 2006.
En aquél año, entre Felipe
Calderón y Andrés Manuel
López Obrador se llevaron el
91 por ciento de los votos
desde el exterior. Dicen que
por el Peje votaron 11 mil y
por Calderón 19 mil, aunque
dado el fraude de esas
elecciones nunca se sabrá en
realidad. Supuestamente mil
360 votaron por el PRI.
Esta semana llegaron los
paquetes electorales para los
afortunados que el IFE aceptó
para registrarlos en el Padrón
Electoral. Y ya comenzaron
las denuncias de que faltan
muchos, de que el correo no
ha dejado los avisos para irlos
a recoger a la oficina cuando
el destinatario no está en casa
y demás.
Por supuesto, sigue siendo
un voto mocho y ciego. Es
mocho porque solamente
Danza Mexicana
denas, in Tijuana, said that this
event will promote cultural exchanges between both sides of
the border.
“Most likely it will start a interchange relationship that’s
more constant, in addition to offering people a variety of folkloric dances from different regions from our country,” Lopez
Maldonado said.
Jaimes said that what makes
Mexican dance unique is its
“Mexican folkloric dance
stands out because it is a collage of many countries, includ-
ing European and African,
which make it different and rich
in styles, musical sounds, and
dress,” he said.
More than anything, Jaimes
said, Mexican dance is a way
to teach people about Mexican
history through dance and music.
“Dance is a way of telling our
country’s history and of showing that we’re a very rich culture,” he said.
To learn more about “México
a través de sus danzas,” please
call (619) 308-9950 or visit
(con’t de página 1)
con jóvenes del área de Vista,
en el norte del condado, indicó
que la danza es una excelente
manera de celebrar a México.
“Ya que en San Diego la
comunidad mexicana es muy
grande, es muy importante el
dar a conocer nuestras raíces
por medio de la danza, el lograr
identificarnos entre nosotros y
presentarnos como lo que
somos: una comunidad fuerte,
unida y multicultural”, dijo
Jaimes. “Este evento sirve no
sólo para celebrar nuestras
raíces, sino pera abrir muchas
puertas artísticas y culturales
en nuestra comunidad”.
Fernando López Maldonado,
profesor y director del Grupo
de Danza Yoneme de la Preparatoria Federal Lázaro
Cárdenas, en Tijuana, recalcó
que este evento unirá aún más
el intercambio cultural entre
ambos lados de la frontera.
“Seguramente dará inicio a
una relación de intercambio
más sistemática, además de
que con la participación de los
cinco grupos (incluyendo el
nuestro) se ofrecerá al público
un variado mosaico de danzas
folclóricas de diferentes
regiones del país”, señaló
López Maldonado.
Jaimes resaltó que lo que
permite votar y no ser votado,
solamente por presidente y no
por otras autoridades. Es
mocho porque aún no se
puede sacar una credencial
del IFE en el exterior. De
hecho, negarnos la credencial
es una forma de negarnos la
ciudadanía, porque solamente
el ejercicio del voto nos hace
ser ciudadanos. De otra forma
solamente somos “nacionales”
de un país, pero no ciudadanos.
Y es voto ciego porque el
paquete trae las plataformas de
los partidos, pero absolutamente
insuficientes, y sigue estando
prohibido hacer campaña en el
Como quiera que sea,
suponiendo que mi voto por
Andrés Manuel López
Obrador se cuente el primero
de julio, ese día volveré a ser
ciudadano mexicano.
Sabor a Mexico.
hace única a la danza mexicana es su diversidad.
“La danza folklórica mexicana se caracteriza por ser
una amalgama de muchos
países entre ellos los de Europa
y Africa, que es lo que la hace
diferente y rica en estilos,
sonidos musicales y vestuarios”, indicó.
López Maldonado comparte
esa opinión.
Hay un reconocimiento internacional en el sentido de que
la nuestra es una de las danzas
más ricas y variadas del mundo
ya que la idiosincrasia, la forma
de ser del mexicano, se manifiesta de muy diversas
maneras en las diferentes
regiones del país; tenemos
poblaciones que viven en zonas tropicales, desérticas,
costas, valles, en grandes
ciudades o pequeñas ciudades,
donde el contexto histórico local y social son factores que
inciden en las expresiones
culturales que con su diversidad
enriquecen nuestro mosaico
Más que nada, aseguró Jaimes, la danza mexicana es una
manera de instruir al público
acerca de la historia de México
a través del baile y la música.
“La danza es una forma de
contar la historia de nuestro
país y de demostrar que somos
una cultura muy rica en muchos
aspectos”, dijo. “Con la danza
uno puede instruir a la audiencia
los distintos eventos más impactantes de nuestra República
Mexicana, desde lo prehispánico, la conquista, la época
porfiriana, la Revolución
Mexicana, sólo por mencionar
Datel Systems is seeking qualified DVBE to participate in the
“Cabling for Data,Phone,Cable
Television, Intercom and Lcd
Projector Installations” as a subcontractor or a supplier. Awarding department is the Chula Vista
Elementary School District.
Please reference Bid# 11/12-3 .
Work is to be performed in San
Diego County. Length of bid is
July 1st 2012 through June 30th,
2013with options thru June 30th
2014. Please contact Heidi
Groves at [email protected],
5636 Ruffin Road, San Diego
92123. Phone# 858-571-3100
Fax# 858-571-0452 Please respond before 05/28th/2012.
Published: 5/18,25/2012
La Prensa San Diego
The San DiegoMetropolitan
Transit System (MTS) is
STRIPS, for a five-year period.
Bid documents will be available on
or about May 15, 2012 from:
Marco Yniguez
Contract Officer
MTS Procurement Department
1255 Imperial Avenue, Suite 1000
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: 619-557-4576
Facsimile: 619-696-7084 Email:
[email protected]
In accordance with MTS'
specifications, bids shall be
submitted on the bid forms
furnished by MTS, enclosed in a
sealed envelope, plainly endorsed
with the bidder's name and
MTS DOC. NO. L1074.0-12
June 19, 2012
Sealed bids will be due on June
19, 2012, at 2:00 p.m., Prevailing
Local Time, unless otherwise
amended, at Metropolitan Transit
System, Procurement Dept. 1255
Imperial Avenue, Suite 1000, San
Diego, California 92101. Bids
received after that time or at any
other place other than the place
stated herein will not be
MTS hereby notifies all bidders
that in regard to any contract
entered into pursuant to this
Business Enterprises (as defined
in 49 C.F.R. Part 26) will not be
subject to discrimination on the
basis of race, color, sex, or
national origin in consideration for
an award.
This project is subject to a capital
assistance grant between San
Diego Metropolitan Transit System
(MTS, and the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Transit
MTS reserves the right to reject
any and all bids and to readvertise
for bids.