September 2014 - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church


September 2014 - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Volume 3, Issue 7
September 2014
ful for those that have volunteered to
help with all the summer activities.
We have been busy this summer and
at times it was hard to find time to just
relax in the shade for a little bit. We
have, however, made a difference in
our community, sharing Christ
through our service.
Special Points of
• Stephen Ministry,
Mondays, 7:00 pm
• Morning Prayer,
Wednesdays, 8:00 am
• Bible Study,
Thursdays, 10:30 am
• Parson’s Closet
Tuesday, September 9 &
23, 10—1
• Photo Club
Thursday, Sept. 11,
7:00 pm
• W.E.L.C.A.
Saturday, Sept. 13,
10:00 am
• Historical Society
Wednesday, Sept. 17,
7:00 pm
• Bold Café @
McDonalds, Saturday,
September 20, 9 am
• Community Dinner
Friday, September 26,
5—6:30 pm
Inside this issue:
Pastor’s Desk
Christianity 101
Council President
Food Pantry
St. Matthew’s Matters
Serving Schedule
There have been a lot of
things happening this summer: Summer Soccer and Summer Lunch.
Some have been involved in other
activities like showing trains, showing
cows, and showing crafts. We had
the Upper Catskill String Quartet play
a concert here at Zion and there has
been more than our share of funerals
and memorials at both Zion and St.
Matthew’s this summer. This weekend, St. Matthew’s will host the annual ice cream social, with music by
Mary Jane Bianchine and Camille
Grace. I encourage every one to
bring someone because it is always
an enjoyable evening. I am so thank-
Now that summer is over and
the kids begin going back to school, it
means that there are a number of
things routines will go back to normal
– at least for me. Last year we started
family worship on the first Sunday
evening of each month. This is a
practice I would like us to continue,
and to build on. We will start on October 5th. This is a great Sunday to begin, since it the week of St. Francis of
Assisi. It is a day to bless the animals
and all of creation. You are encouraged to bring your pets, and fur babies, to have them blessed on October 5th. If you have an animal that
does not do so well with others, do
From the Pastor’s Desk Cont.ed
not fear, you may can bring a picture – God’s blessing still abounds for them too.
Although we have been somewhat lax over
the summer months with Wednesday morning
prayer, we will begin again in September. Morning
Prayer is a wonderful time to pray for those we know
are hurting, for special prayer concerns, and for
each other. You can come and contribute to prayer
or just sit in the presence of God. We begin around
8:00, and are usually done by 8:20 am. The ministries of our congregation depend on our prayers, and
conversation with the Spirit for direction and support.
I hope you will join us, even if you cannot be at Zion
on Wednesday morning, perhaps you can make
time each week at home or work for this vital time of
Also, our Stephen Ministers will resume their
Stephen Minister training this fall. Originally, we had
planned to finish our first class of Stephen Ministers
in June. However, with changes in schedule, illness,
broken bones, vacations, and weather issues things
did not quite work out the way we planned. No worries though, we will continue our training into the fall
months. The first class of Stephen Ministers will be
ready to be commissioned by the close of the year.
I will also encourage you to participate in Bible Study. Our Thursday Morning Bible Study Group
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is currently looking at the Small Catechism. This is
one of Luther’s primary writings for the teaching of
the Church. He felt that every person, especially parents, should have a solid understanding of the teachings within the Small Catechism, so they could be
shared with children. Luther felt so strongly about
this that he would question parents on the street,
concerning the Catechism. If the parents could not
answer, Martin Luther was known to excommunicate
them. We do live in a different time, now, but we all
could benefit from the teachings of the Catechism.
Who knows, we may even learn something we had
not thought about before.
As always please continue to keep the ministry of Zion and St. Matthew’s in your prayers. As we
move forward with new endeavors and work to
maintain past ones, the Spirit’s guidance in invaluable.
Christianity 101
You shall have no other god. What is this? What does
this mean? We are to fear, love and trust God above
all things. (Luther's Small Catechism)
No other gods. Paul Tillich, an important Lutheran European theologian of the last century, taught us that even
in the 20th century people attach themselves to something which gives their lives purpose and meaning.
What gives your life purpose? Is it family, work, possessions, political theories, economic theories? What and
what are number one in your life? My body beautiful, or
not so beautiful; my having a good time at all costs; buying new things; my good looks; my health; my future
security; my country; my church; my work; my boat; my
sound equipment; my bureaucracy, or my car? All of
these things invite us to have them at the center of our
We should fear and love God above all things. To fear is
to stand before the mystery and wonder of God. To fear
is to stand under the stars at night and consider the
vastness of creation. To fear is to stand by the power of
the ocean waves and understand the power of water
and of the God who stands over and above and for creation. To fear is to stand in wonder over the population
of the world, with its millions, and recognize that God
knows and cares for each person in the same way that
God cares for you.
Some people think that fear of God is the same fear we
feel in anticipation of some danger or pain. But the
word fear, in Hebrew refers to the word yirah, which
means "awe" or "reverence." Yirah includes the idea of
wonder, amazement, mystery, astonishment, gratitude,
admiration, and even worship. The "fear of The Lord"
therefore includes an overwhelming sense of the glory,
worth, and beauty of the One True God. To fear is to
recognize that there is a difference and yet a relationship between the creator and yourself and that you will
not comprehend the mystery of God.
We should fear and love God above all things.
We should love God when we see this mysterious God
revealed in the history of Israel and in the person of Jesus Christ. We respond to God with love as we grow in
understanding of God's deep affection for us and for the
world. This God is the only One. All others are exposed
to be false in the presence of this God. Other gods have
power to tempt, capture and control us.
Volume 3, Issue 7
In Baptism we renounce them:
Do you renounce the devil and all the forces that
defy God?
I renounce them.
Do you renounce the powers of this world that
rebel against God?
I renounce them.
Do you renounce the ways of sin that draw you
from God?
I renounce them. (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Service of Baptism)
It is our lifelong journey.
This reflection was adapted from “Praying The Catechism,” by Donald W. Johnson revised edition, Winnipeg: Augsburg Fortress, 2008.
Parson’s Close†
“I needed clothes and you clothed me.”
Matthew 25:38
Our Parson’s Closet needs your help. Statistics show
that on average we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the
time. So how about looking at the other 80% of your
clothes that you haven’t worn in a long time? The Parson’s Closet is a great place to donate them. All clothes
are given away to anyone that wants to ‘shop’
there. Just like our Food Pantry shelves, our Parson’s
Closet’s racks and shelves are very bare, no pun intended. We accept all good, clean, ready to wear
clothes, all sizes children, ladies and men. Call the
church office to arrange when you can drop them
off. Please do not just leave them outside our
doors. Good clothes need to be given with respect.
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St. Matthew’s Ministry
On July 26, 2014, our Food Pantry served 52 households
(125 individuals). Eight households were there for the first
We had eleven volunteers to help move things along
smoothly. Thanks be to God! Fresh sweet corn, cucumbers, and squash were purchased from Shaul Farms for
Pantry Day.
On August 13, 2014, we picked up 1,209 pounds of food
from the Regional Food Bank truck at Price Chopper parking lot. The cost of $779.10 was reduced by $707.41 from
our HPNAP Grant leaving only $71.69 for Zion to pay.
There is a balance of $415.60 left in the grant.
Our Pantry will be open August 23 from 9—12. Volunteers
are welcome and needed to assist in packing and carry
The next pickup from the Regional Food Bank will be September 24 just before the Pantry Day on September 27.
Sandy Deems,
Food Pantry Coordinator
2014 “Nearly New” Sale
Sponsored by the Friends of the Lutheran Homes
Friday & Saturday, Sept. 26 & 27, 2014
10 am to 4 pm Friday
10 am to Noon Saturday, $3 Bag Sale
Nolte Auditorium in the Adult Home
LutheranCare Campus, Rte. 12B, Clinton
We need items to sell:
Small appliances
Household items
Please do not bring:
Exercise or sports
Curtains or drapes
Metal office furniture
Please bring items in good repair to the Arntsen Building Reception Desk Sept. 15—19, 7 am to 3 pm only.
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The Ministry Board, hereafter referred to as "the MB,"
began its monthly meeting at 6:59 PM on Tuesday, August 5. Almost all members were there. The meeting began with Pastor Sara leading the MB members in prayer.
The first topic for discussion was final details for the August 30 free community-wide Ice Cream Social, to be held
from 6:00 through 8:30 on that Saturday afternoon.
Barb Cousineau was in charge of ordering the ice cream
from Stewart’s; Pam Kostbar-Jarvis volunteered to update our sandwich board with the correct date and time.
The MB put dates for future events on our calendars: our
annual joint Service and Barbecue will start at 10:00 am
on Sunday, September 7. The Pumpkin Auction and covered-dish supper is scheduled for October 25. The community-wide Giving Thanks Service and covered-dish supper will happen on November 22. The Christmas Eve. Service, will, of course, be held on December 24, probably at
5:00 pm. The fate of the annual Christmas program is
uncertain at this point.
There were other miscellaneous topics of discussion as
well. The MB gave John Jarvis the job of buying a gas grill
for the Chapel. He expects to get a good deal on a fall
sale item. Jean Bakkom volunteered to pay for work on
our sanctuary floor. The MB learned that Helen Roberts
wants to read lessons on Sunday mornings. According to
Barb Cousineau, the first bid on painting the Chapel just
came in. The painter must be lead-certified.
At St. Matthew’s Chapel there is much more to be thankful for than just combined worship services, ice cream
socials and lead-free paint. Thanks be to God!!
John Jarvis,
MB Recording Secretary
W.E.L.C.A. Circle
There was no meeting in August. Our next regular meeting
on Saturday, September 13, 2014 in Zion’s Assembly Hall
from 10:00 am to Noon.
Sandy Deems,
WELCA Leader
Events Committee
The Events Committee met on August 21 to discuss our
up and coming happenings at Zion and St. Matthew’s
• September 7 — 10 am. Joint service and picnic at St.
Matthew’s Chapel. Please bring a side dish or dessert, St. Matthew’s will provide hamburgers and hot
• September 26 — 5—6:30 pm. Community Dinner
with St. Christopher’s Church. Menu: beef stew,
salad, roll, and dessert. (If you would like to make a
crock-pot of stew to help us out, talk to Eilene.)
• October 5 — Blessing of the Animals
• October 26—Reformation Sunday. Service at 4:00
pm, Diversifest at 5:00 pm
October 31—Halloween. Hot dogs and games from
4:00 — 7:00 pm
Holiday Parade — December. The float this year will
be nativity-themed. As part of the float, we would
like to dress our kids in costumes that look like animals! We need your help. Consider pledging an animal costume at a suggested price of $20. Please put
your animal pledge in your offering envelope with a
notation for “animal”. Also, we are looking for white
“net” lights for our float...the more the better!! We
need to be seen.
A HUGE Thank-You to all those who helped
support Zion’s Summer Lunch Program by
donating food and money, helping with the
food preparation and distribution, and
leading the crafts. We couldn’t have been
successful without you!
Volume 3, Issue 7
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Tom Collins
Pam Kostbar-Jarvis
Jean Bakkom
Barb Cousineau
Karl Graulich
Pam Kostbar-Jarvis
Pam Kostbar-Jarvis
Omer Cousineau
Barb Cousineau
Lara Graulich
Suzanne Collins
Barb Cousineau
Joan Jozifek
Allen Graulich
Monthly Serving Schedule for September 2014
Omer Cousineau
John Jarvis
John Jarvis
Allen Graulich
Omer Cousineau
Allen Graulich
Barb Cousineau
Barb Cousineau
Karl Graulich
Communion Assistant
Pam Kostbar-Jarvis
St. Matthew’s Chapel
Bell Ringer
Henry Mau
Deb Nadeau
Judith Warner
Eilene Fisher
Rich Churchill
Charlotte Litzner
Vern Hall
Brian Swanhall
Teddy Beaver
Sandy Deems
Emma Litzner
Eilene Fisher
Ava Philipp
Judith Warner
André Nadeau
Brian Swanhall
Rich Churchill
Rose Keller
Zion Lutheran Church
Ally Prezorski
Henry Mau
Communion Assistant
Bell Ringer
Eilene Fisher
Joint Service with
St. Matthew’s
Altar Guild
Morning Prayer 8 am
Bible Study 10:30 am
Bible Study 10:30 am
Pastor’s Sabbath Day
Pastor’s Sabbath Day
Pastor’s Sabbath Day
Bold Café 9:00 am @
W.E.L.C.A., 10:30 am
Morning Prayer 8 am
Photo Club, 7 pm
Bible Study 10:30 am
Food Pantry 9—12
Morning Prayer 8 am
Community Dinner,
5—6:30 pm
October 4
October 3
Pastor’s Sabbath Day
October 2
Bible Study 10:30 am
Bible Study 10:30 am
October 1
Morning Prayer 8 am
Historical Society 7 p
Morning Prayer 8 am
September 2014
Parson’s Closet 10—1
7 pm
ion 7:30pm
Parson’s Closet 10—1
Ministry Board 7:00
Zion Lutheran Church615 E. Main Street, Cobleskill, NY 12043 518-234-3381
August 31
Labor Day
Office Closed
St. Matt’s Svc. 9 am
Zion Svc. 11 am
Joint Zion/St. Matt’s
Service & Picnic,
10:00 am
Stephen Ministry
Boy Scouts, 7 pm
Am. Legion Aux.
Am. Legion Aux. 1—4
Stephen Ministry
Boy Scouts, 7 pm
Stephen Ministry
Boy Scouts, 7 pm
St. Matt’s Svc. 9 am
Zion Svc. 11 am
Church Council,
2 pm
St. Matt’s Svc. 9 am
Zion Svc. 11 am
St. Matt’s Svc. 9 am
Zion Svc. 11 am
Stephen Ministry
Boy Scouts, 7 pm
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
with St. Matthew’s Chapel
615 E. Main St.
Cobleskill, NY 12043
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