mama creole in der kochgarage


mama creole in der kochgarage
mama creole in der kochgarage
Exzentrisches Miami:
ich liebe Dein Credo „um so verrückter,
desto normaler“. Es ist ein kulinarisches Dreieck der
karibischen Kochkultur... mit den für
Miami so typisch snob Kombinationen
wie beispielsweise „white fish“ und
„keys limes“ oder die temperamentvolle
Gewürzmischung aus Chili und
frischem Koriander.
Nur durch meine ungeduldige
Neugier landete ich in einem mir
noch unbekannten jamaikanischen
Viertel, in dem die meisten Menschen
aussehen, als seien sie direkt aus
der Verwandtschaft von Bob Marley
entsprungen. Ich wurde direkt
in eine der unzähligen RaggaeStrandbars eingeladen und lernte
dort glücklicherweise unsere „Mama
Creole“ in der dortigen, wie man sagen
muss sehr lässigen, Küche kennen.
Fasziniert von Ihren hausgemachten
„Jerks“ musste sie mich wohl
oder übel in ihre traditionellen
Küchengeheimnisse einweihen. „Mama Creole“ ist die stadtbekannte
„Kitchen Mum“ der Jamaikaner in
Miami. Ihre Hilfsbereitschaft, Kreativität
und ihr herzliches Lachen machen sie
einfach unvergesslich.
Ich und meine Freundin Isabell
entspannten gerade in Miami am
„Sugar Love Canal“ und fütterten
die fetten und hungrigen Manatis
(einheimische Seekühe) mit knackigem
Salat, während wir auf unser Date mit
der Küchenlegende warteten.
Nach fast einer Stunde des Wartens
fuhr „Mama Creole“ dann auch der
so unvergleichbaren karibischen
Leichtigkeit in einem Jamaika gelben
70er VW-Golf vor, um mit uns
zusammen zum Markt zu fahren.
Der komplette Markt war in karibischen
Flaggen eingehüllt. Dort konnte wir
grüne Calaloo-Blätter, Kochbananen
und die schärfsten Jalapeños in
Hülle und Fülle finden. Mit vollen
Einkaufskörben schlenderten wir
zum Fischmarkt an der Küste, wo wir
schon mit dem frischesten Seafood
erwartet wurden. Im Hinterhof eines
Beach-Restaurants stand ein kleines
Metzgerhäuschen, das nur aus
windigen Wellblechen und ein paar
Holzlatten zusammengehalten wurde.
Und, wir trauten unseren Augen
kaum, hing dort tatsächlich ein ganzer,
grillfertiger Alligator. Etwas skeptisch
durch den Anblick, entschieden wir uns
letztlich doch für das Ferkel und die
sollte dann auch die wichtigste Zutat
für unser „Jerk“ werden.
Erst mit einem Mojito in der Hand
konnte es mit dem Kochen losgehen.
Dorissa hackte die Jalapeños für
das Fisch Ceviche und presste die
Limetten beherzt mit den Händen
aus. Manuela, Mama Creole Enkelin,
frittierte die Kochbananen während
Mama Creole die Zutaten für das
„Jerk“ grob Mörserte. Ramon, der
Gärtner, war für die KokosnussErnte an diesem Tag zuständig. Die
Grünen Kokosnüsse hingen fast
sieben Meter hoch an den Palmen
und mussten mit einem langen Stab
gepflückt werden. Es war reine
Glückssache. wenn er mal keine
Beule am Kopf hatte. Der lange Tisch war gedeckt, das
Essen gekocht und die Jukebox
spielte den 50ies Song „Mambo
No. 5“ in seiner unendlich schönen
Originalfassung. Unsere kreolische
Fiesta konnte also beginnen.
die rezepte
Flor de Jamaica
15 ml Sugar Sirup
15 ml freshly squeezed lime juice
15 ml freshly suqeezed orange juice
60 ml Hibiscus-Infused Vodka
mince leaves
To make the Hibiscus Vodka, take
some fresh or dry flowers and add
these in an Bottle of Vodka. Keep 3
days until use.
Combine the Sugar Sirup, lime juice
and Mince leaves in a mixing glass
and muddle.
Add enough ice to fill a rocks glass,
the orange juice and vodka.
Shake vigorously and pour into
the rock glass. Garnish wiht mince
Ceviche de pescado
8 portions
1 kg sea bass
250 gr red onions, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
1/2 green pepper, finely diced
1 green tomato, finely diced
1 tablespoon aji (chili)
salt and pepper to taste
enough lemon juice to cover
fresh chopped cilantro
Cut the fish into small pieces making
sure that there are no fishbones.
In a glass bowl mix the fish with the
onions, the garlic, the green pepper,
the tomato, the aji, fresh coriander,
the salt and pepper. Stir thoroughly
with the lemon juice.
Allow to marinate for four hours
before serving.
Tamal de verde
con camarones
6 Personen
2 grüne Kochbananen
1 Tasse Shrimpschalebrühe
80 g Butter
3 Eier
1TL Backpulver
450 g geputzte Shrimps
1/2 rote Paprika in Streifen
1/2 grüne Paprika in Streifen
8 grüne Oliven
1 pürierte frische Tomate
1 Zwiebel
1 gekochte Ei in scheiben
2 Knoblauchzehe
2 EL Erdnussöl mit Achiote
4 große Maisblätter
Salz und Pfeffer
Die grünen Kochbananen sehr
fein reiben und zusammen mit
der Shrimpbrühe und Backpulver
pürieren. Kochen das ganze bis es
etwas dicker wird.
Von der Kochplatte nehmen
Butter zufügen und zu einem Teig
schlagen und kalt werden lassen
3 Eiergelb dazu geben. Salzen und
pfeffern. Die 3 Eiweiß schlagen bis
es zu Eischnee wird und unter der
Butter Teig unterheben.
Das Achioteöl in einer heissen
Pfanne erhitzen und den fein
gehackten Knoblauch, die
gewürfelten Zwiebeln und Paprikas
anbraten.Die gehackte frische
Tomate dazu geben und lassen
es kurz weiter kochen. Salzen und
pfeffern Shrimps rein geben. Ein Mais Blatt nehmen und legen
darüber 3 El von der Bananenpaste.
Danach 2 El von der Shrimpsauce.
Zum Schluss mit den Ei Scheiben
und Oliven belegen.
Rollen Sie das ganze ein und
schliessen sie es wie ein Packet ein.
Dämpfen Sie die Päckchen 30 Min.
Creole Salat
1 Papaya
1 Mango
1 ripe pineapple
1/4 tsp salt
fresh cracked black pepper
clove garlic sliced thin
juice of 1 lime or lemon
tbsp cilantro
1 small red onion sliced (optional)
1/2 habanero pepper sliced thin
(scotch bonnet or any pepper with
some heat)
if you can get shado beni (europe
Parsley), be sure to use that instead
of the cilantro for a true „chow“ taste.
However if you want to enjoy it as a
mild salad, use the cilantro.
Basically all you‘re doing in
combining all the ingredients is a
large bowl, mix thoroughly and allow
to marinate in the fridge for about 15
Stamp and go!
codfish fritters
400 gr dry salty codfish
1/2 egg
4 tbsp Flour
2 small onions
2 carrots
1 Tomato
1 scotch bonnet diced
3 stalks scallions
The fritters are so called because
Jamaicans love to snack on it during
bus trips around the island.
After boiling codfish to remove
excess salt, cool, taste for degree
of saltiness and then pull apart
into small pieces. Begin preparing
the codfish fritters by adding 1
egg, the flour coarsely chopped
the onions, coarsely grated carrot,
tomato chopped, scotch bonnet
diced with half the seeds, stalks
of diced scallions, thyme (not the
whole stalk as with everything else,
but de-stemmed, flour and milk or
half and half with equal water, black
pepper, enough milk to create a
tempura batter. It is good to sit at
room temp. For an 1 or 2 hours.
Cook by deep frying by tablespoonfulls on high heat for max. 2 mins
soft carmel brown colour. If the heat
is right, 30 seconds or so after they
‚float to the top‘, remove and place on
tissue to drain excess oil.
Bonnet Sauce
10 large ripe tomatoes, peeled and
3 white onions, quartered
1 Scotch bonnet peppers, seeded
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp salt
2 cups malt vinegar
Puree the vegetables in a food
processor, then transfer them to
a large saucepan and add the
remaining ingredients. Cook the
mixture over moderate heat, stirring
occasionally, until it begins to boil.
Lower the heat and simmer
for 20 minutes more. Let the sauce
cool and serve it with the Stamp and
Go. You can bottle the remainder
and keep it refrigerated.
Yuca Fritas con
Maracuja Mayo
1 (500 gr) fresh yuca
Vegetable oil for frying
If using fresh yuca, peel the yuca, cut
into large pieces, and remove the
fibrous inner core of the root. Bring
a large pot of salted water to a boil
and cook yuca until it starts to turn
translucent and can be pierced easily
with a fork, about 15 minutes. Drain
for the Mayo:
2 egg yolks
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp powdered mustard
1/8 tsp sugar
Pinch cayenne pepper
750 ml vegetal oil
2 fresh Passion fruit
Beat yolks in a small bowl adding the
oil, drop by drop, beating vigorously
all the while until very thick and pale
yellow. Add salt, pepper, mustard,
sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Cut
the passion fruit take the fruit meet with
a spoon out, slowly beat in the mayo.
Miami Tuna Sandwich
1 can of tuna in oil
3 tbsp of fresh coriander cut finely
3 tbsp of red onion cut finely
3 tbsp of mayo
1 small spoone mustard
3 tbsp of lemon juice
any kind of white bread
for garnish:
1 ripe tomato finely chopped
1 Avocado
fresh lettuce leaves
Strain the tuna from the can. Crush the
tuna with a fork. Mix all the ingredients
an stuff the bread with the mix. Garnish
with Tomato slides, lettuce and ein
slide Avocado.
Shrimp Gazpacho
3 cups Vegetablestock
3 cups tomato juice
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 yellow pepper, diced
1/2 red pepper, diced
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and diced
1 stalk celery, diced
1/2 medium onion, diced
2 tsp fresh tarragon or 1 teaspoon
dried tarragon
4 drops Tabasco sauce
salt and freshly ground black pepper to
12 cooked shrimp, peeled and cut in
little pieces
Combine the ingredients, except the
shrimp, in a large bowl. Taste for
seasoning, adding more Tabasco,
salt, or pepper as needed. Serve in
individual bowls and float the shrimp
pieces in each bowl.
Spicy Shrimp with
Mango-Salat &
Avocado butter
8 large green shrimp
1 cups orange juice * cup lemon juice
1 oranges, grated rind
1/2 cinnamon sticks
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp salt
Shell the shrimp and devein them by
making a slit along the back or outside
the shrimp, lifting out the black vein,
and discarding it. Rinse.
Combine the fruit juices, grated rind,
cinnamon sticks, sesame oil, and
seasonings in a stainless steel or
enamel saucepan and bring to a boil.
Cool. Strain into a bowl. Add the
shrimp. Let marinate at least l hour.
Avocado Butter
2 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted
1/2 small red onion, diced
1/2 red pepper, diced
2 tbsp chopped cilantro
1 lime, juiced
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 teaspoon salt
pinch of cayenne
Combine the ingredients in a large
bowl and beat with a wooden spoon
until nearly smooth, or use an electric
mixer equipped with a paddle. If not
using immediately, scrape into a bowl
and cover the surface directly with
plastic wrap. Refrigerate for no more
than 2 hours.
Fish in Bananen
for the Marinade
1 cup safflower or corn oil
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
2 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 small bunch fresh cilantro
6 black peppercorns
2 bay leaves
2 large cloves garlic, halved
Combine the ingredients and let steep
for at least l hour to blend the flavors
before using. Pack the fish in the
Leasves and grill for 40 Min.
Cinnamon Plantains
2 Plantains
1/4 cup flour
2 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tbsp freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp oil
Peel the plantains and cut into diagonal
slices about 1/4 inch thick. Mix the flour
with the cinnamon, salt, and pepper.
Dredge the plantains in the flour,
tapping off any excess. Heat a
large saute pan and add the clarified
butter. Saute the plantains until golden
brown on each side.
Remove from the pan and sprinkle with
salt and pepper. Set aside.
Tacos de Jamaica
2 cup Hibiscus flowers (fresh or dry)
2 tbsp vegetal oil
1/2 tsp Salt
3 tbsp fine chopped cilantro
1/2 cup fine chopped red onion
1 Scotch bonnet peppers, seeded
and fine chopped
1 tbsp sojasauce
2 tbsp lime juice
12 mais flour tortillas
2 avocado in slides
fried im hot oil the onions, scotch
bonnet pepper and the hibiscus
Salt and pepper. Add the rest of
ingredients and fill the tortillas.
Avocado for garnish.
Curry Powder:
4 tsp ground coriander
4 tsp ground turmeric
4 tsp ground ginger
4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
l tsp ground cardamom
l tsp ground cinnamon
l tsp ground fenugreek
Mix all ingredients together.
And roast them shortly in a pan
Chicken Curry
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 medium onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 Scotch bonnet or jalapeno pepper,
seeded and chopped
1 (2-3 pound) chicken, cut up
Curry Powder
4 cups water
hot sauce
Heat the oil in a large skillet over
medium heat. Add the vegetables
and saute until tender, about 5
minutes, then add the chicken
pieces. Add the curry paste and cook
for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the water and the hot sauce to
taste and stir.
Reduce the heat to low, cover, and
cook until the chicken is tender, about
45 minutes, uncovering the
skillet for the last 15 minutes to allow
the sauce to thicken. Remove the
chicken pieces from the skillet and
cut the meat off the bone. Continue
cooking the sauce until thickened,
then return the meat to the
skillet. Stir to heat the mixture
through. Spoon the curried chicken
onto the wraps, roll up, and serve
warm, accompanied by the hot
sauce. Chicken Roti is served with
slices of firm avocado,
tomatoes and cucumber. In Jamaica
they will often squeeze lime juice on
top of the vegetables to bring out
their flavors.
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Pinch of salt
4 ripe bananas, peeled
1 tsp lime juice
1 large egg
3 tbsp granulated sugar
1/4 cup vegetable oil for frying
Powdered sugar
Combine the flour, baking powder
and salt in a small bowl. Mash the
bananas in a medium-size bowl and
stir in the lime juice. Beat the egg and
the granulated sugar in a large bowl;
stir in the bananas, then the flour
Heat the oil in a large skillet
to 180°C. Gently drop the batter, a
few heaping tablespoonsful at a time,
in the hot oil. Fry the fritters
until brown and crisp, then drain on
paper towels. Sprinkle the fritters with
powdered sugar before serving.
Saute of chatrou with
tomatoes, sweet herbs
and lime
2 kg small chatrou (octopus)
3 tablespoons sunflower oil
3 limes
1 spring thyme, finely chopped
1 spring flat-leaf parsley, finely
2 spring onions, finely chopped
1 red onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
4 large ripe tomatoes, chopped
1 tablespoon tomato puree
1 Scotch bonnet chile (chili)
salt and black pepper
Clean the chatrou; remove the ink sac
and the suckers, and clean again.
Squeeze the juice of 1 lime over the
meat; chop finely and set aside. Heat
the oil in a heavy-based saucepan and
gently saute the chatrou pieces.
Increase the heat to high for 2 to 3
minutes more, stirring constantly, then
add the thyme, parsley, scallions,
onion, two-thirds of the garlic, the
tomatoes, the tomato puree and the
whole chile . Season to taste with
salt and pepper and cover with water.
Cover and cook over medium heat
for 30 minutes. Reduce heat and add
more water if necessary. Stew for 5
minutes more, until the sauce thickens.
Remove from heat and add the juice
of the remaining 2 limes and the
remaining garlic.
Pork Cheek Stew
Browned with
Caribbean SpiceS
1 kg pork cheek, cut into chunks
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
1 Teaspoon superfine (caster) sugar
2 tablespoons arome patrelle oder
maple syrup
1 sprig flat-leaf parsley, chopped
2 onions, chopped
4 scallions (spring onions), chopped
2 shallots, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
a grating fresh ginger
1 sprig thyme, leaves removed and
2 cloves
1/2 tablespoon quatre epices*
2 bay leaves
1 small piece Scotch bonnet chile*
1 tablespoon chicken bouillon granules
(powdered poultry stock or one chicken
stock cube, crumbled)
1 teaspoon cornstarch (cornflour)
*quatre epices: You can mix all these
four spices with the same amount:
white pepper, nutmeg, ginger,
2 gloves garlic, chopped
pinch ground cumin
2 tablespoon white-wine vinegar
1 tablespoon sunflower oil
Place the pork in a bowl. Add the
marinade ingredients then knead them
into the meat with your hands. Marinate
in the refrigerator for about 8 hours.
Heat the oil and sugar in a heavybased saucepan. When the sugar
has caramelized, add the meat then
the arome patrelle. Cook gently for 5
minutes until the pork is well browned
on all sides. Mix in the parsley, onions,
scallions, shallots and garlic. Add
the ginger, thyme, cloves and quatre
epices. Season to taste with salt and
Continue to brown the meat over high
heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly
and occasionally adding a few drops
of water. At the end of the 10 minutes,
add enough water to cover the meat.
Add the bay leaves and the small piece
of chile. Dissolve the bouillon in a little
water and pour into the saucepan.
Simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.
If desired, thicken the sauce by mixir.g
the corn-starch with 3 tablespoons of
water and adding this mixture to the
pan. Serve hot.
WOK fried Chilli
1 Ananas
1 Chili
3 Cilantro roots
3 tbsp Palmsugar
2 tbsp vegetal oil
Peel and cut the Ananas in 1 cm
thick slices.
Hot oil in a Wok and add chilli and
cilantro roots. Add the ananas and
fried. Fried for another minute
Caramelize with the palmsugar.
Serve with Coconut Eiscream.