Short Curriculum vitae


Short Curriculum vitae
Short Curriculum vitae
Dr. Marc F. Schetelig
Fraunhofer IME
Vector and Pest Insect Control
Winchesterstr. 2
35394 Giessen
[email protected]
2014 – present
Head of Business Unit, Vector and Pest Insect Control, LOEWE Center for Insect
Biotechnology & Bioresources, Gießen, Germany
Consultant for the International Atomic Energy Agency on vector control, Italy
2013 – present
Head of »Fraunhofer Attract« group, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Gießen, Germany
2013 – present
Head of Emmy Noether group, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany
Consultant for the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and
Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (IAEA-FAO), Austria
2008 - 2013
Research Molecular Geneticist at the United States Department of Agriculture and
the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
2004 - 2008
Phd at the Göttingen Centre for Molecular Biosciences (GZMB), Georg-AugustUniversity Göttingen, Germany
Diploma in Biochemistry, University Bayreuth, Germany
Awards and Grants
2013 - LOEWE Center for Insect Biotechnology & Bioresources, Gießen
2013 - Fraunhofer Attract Fellowship, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
2012 - Emmy-Noether Fellowship, German Research Foundation
2012 - International Conference of Entomology (ICE) 2012 Travel Award, Daegu, South Korea
2010 - On-the-Spot award from ARS-CMAVE
2008 - USDA-ARS Headquarters postdoctoral associate fellowship
2006 - DAAD VIGONI 2007/08 exchange program
Professional Societies and Engagement
2013 – present: Fraunhofer Society
2009 – present: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2009 – 2013: National Postdoc Association (NPA)
Curriculum vitae – Dr. Marc F. Schetelig
Press releases and patent
Schetelig laboratory 1 / Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Schetelig laboratory 2 / Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Patent Application on Insect Population Control
Sterile Flies, Version 2.0
Fighting Flies with Flies
Insecticide-free pest control of Medflies
Handler, AM & Schetelig, MF. 2014. Fruit fly transgenesis and applications. In Transgenic Insects (ed.
Mark Benedict). accepted
Meza JS, Diaz-Fleischer F, Sanchez-Velasquez LR, Zepeda-Cisneros CS, Handler AM & Schetelig
MF. 2014. Fitness cost implications of phiC31-mediated site-specific integrations in target-site
strains of the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae). PLoS One, 9(10):
Scolari F, Yuval B, Gomulski LM, Schetelig MF, Gabrieli P, Bassetti F, Wimmer EA, Malacrida AR
&Gasperi G. 2014. Polyandry in the medfly – shifts in paternity mediated by sperm stratification
and mixing. BMC Genetics, accepted
Meza JS, Schetelig, MF, Zepeda-Cisneros CS & Handler, AM. 2014. Male-specific Y-linked transgene
markers to enhance biologically-based control of the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Diptera:
Tephritidae). BMC Genetics, accepted
Hokanson, KE, Dawson, WO, Handler, AM, Schetelig, MF, St. Leger, RJ. 2013. Not all GMOs are
crop plants: non-plant GMO applications in agriculture. Transgenic Research. doi: 10.1007/s11248013-9769-5
Gilles, JR, Schetelig, MF, Scolari, F, Marec, F, Capurro, M, Franz, G & Bourtzis, K. 2013. Towards
mosquito sterile insect technique programmes: Exploring genetic, molecular, mechanical and
Schetelig, MF & Handler, AM. 2013. Germline transformation of the spotted wing drosophilid,
Drosophila suzukii, with a piggyBac transposon vector. Genetica 141(4): 189-193
Schetelig, MF & Handler, AM. 2013. Y-linked markers for improved population control of the tephritid
fruit fly pest, Anastrepha suspensa. In Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology (ed.
Curriculum vitae – Dr. Marc F. Schetelig
Vilcinskas, A). Dordrecht, NL: Springer, doi: 10.1007/10_2013_209
Schetelig, MF & Handler, AM. 2013. A functional comparison of the 3xP3 Promoter by recombinasemediated cassette exchange in Drosophila and a Tephritid Fly, Anastrepha suspensa. G3: Genes,
Genomes, Genetics 3: 687-693.
Nirmala, X, Schetelig, MF, Yu, F & Handler, AM. 2013. An EST database of the Caribbean fruit fly,
Anastrepha suspensa (Diptera: Tephritidae). Gene 517 (2): 212-217
Ogaugwu, CE, Schetelig, MF & Wimmer, EA. 2013. Transgenic sexing system for Ceratitis capitata
(Diptera: Tephritidae) based on female-specific embryonic lethality. Insect Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology 43: 1-8
Schetelig, MF & Handler, AM. 2012. A transgenic embryonic sexing system for Anastrepha suspensa
(Diptera: Tephritidae). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 42: 790-795
Schetelig, MF & Handler, AM. 2012. Strategy for enhanced transgenic strain development for
embryonic conditional lethality in Anastrepha suspensa. PNAS 109 (24): 9348-9353
Schetelig, MF, Milano, A, Saccone, G & Handler, AM. 2012. Male only progeny in Anastrepha
suspensa by RNAi-induced sex reversion of chromosomal females. Insect Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology 42 (1): 51-57
Schetelig, MF, Nirmala, X & Handler, AM. 2011. Pro-apoptotic cell death genes, hid and reaper, from
the tephritid pest species, Anastrepha suspensa. Apoptosis 16: 759–768
Schetelig, MF, Ogaugwu, CE & Wimmer, EA. 2011. Development of a transgenic sexing system based
on female-specific embryonic lethality in Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). In Proceedings
8th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance. Valencia, Spain, 2010, pp.
Schetelig, MF and Wimmer, EA. 2011. Insect Transgenesis and the Sterile Insect Technique. In Insect
Biotechnology (ed. Vilcinskas, A), pp. 169-194. Dordrecht, NL: Springer
Schetelig, MF, Götschel, F, Viktorinová, I, Handler, AM, Wimmer, EA. 2010. Recombination
technologies for enhanced transgene stability in bioengineered insects for the Sterile Insect
Technique. Genetica 139: 71–78
Schetelig, MF, Scolari, F, Handler, AM, Kittelmann, S, Gasperi, G & Wimmer, EA. 2009. Site-specific
recombination for the modification of transgenic strains of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis
capitata. PNAS 106 (43): 18171-18176
Schetelig, MF, Caceres, C, Zacharopoulou, A, Franz, G & Wimmer, EA. 2009. Conditional embryonic
lethality to improve the sterile insect technique in Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). BMC
Biology 7-4
Schetelig, MF, Schmid, BGM, Zimowska, G & Wimmer, EA. 2008. Plasticity in mRNA expression
and localization of orthodenticle within higher Diptera. Evolution & Development 10 (6): 700 –704
Scolari, F, Schetelig, MF, Gabrieli, P, Siciliano, P, Gomulski, LM, Karam, N, Wimmer, EA, Malacrida,
AR & Gasperi, G. 2008. Insect transgenesis applied to tephritid pest control. Journal of Applied
Entomology 132 (9-10): 820-831
Scolari, F*, Schetelig, MF*, Bertin, S, Malacrida, AR, Gasperi, G & Wimmer, EA. 2008. Fluorescent
Sperm Marking to Improve the Fight against the Pest Insect Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann;
Diptera: Tephritidae). New Biotechnology 25 (1): 76-84
Curriculum vitae – Dr. Marc F. Schetelig
Schetelig, MF, Scolari, F, Handler, AM, Gasperi, G & Wimmer, EA. 2008. New genetic tools for
improving SIT in Ceratitis capitata: embryonic lethality and sperm marking. In Proceedings,
Symposium: 7th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, 10-15
September 2006, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Malavasi, A (ed.)
Schetelig, MF, Horn, C, Handler, AM & Wimmer, EA. 2007. Development of an embryonic lethality
system for transgenic SIT in the fruit pest Ceratitis capitata. In Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests:
From Research to Field Implementation (eds. Vreysen, MJB, Robinson, AS, Hendrichs, J), pp 8593. Dordrecht, NL: Springer