`G SER1ES - Big Dipper Grease Traps
`G SER1ES - Big Dipper Grease Traps
--t 'G SER1ES ConvenientCompliancefor the Removalof KitehenGrease & OperationInstructions lnstallation For G SeriesSystems ModelsG-25-Eand G-35-E G-25-EServicing A Pre-RinseSink G-25-EServicing Sink A 3-Compartment PleaseconsultThermaco,Inc. for specificmodelstested, certifiedand/orlistedby these organizations. Thermaco,Inc. ' P.O.Box 2548 ' Asheboro, NC 27204 Copyright @2010G SERIES@ Toll Free: (800) 633-42O4'Y: (336) 629-4651' F: (336) 626-5739 E-mail: [email protected]' Online: www.big'dipper.com 'vfifffiW, -4. G SERIESPoint Source Big Dipper@ Automatic GreaseRemovalSYstems oo' " o ' ' o' o' oo' ' ' ' ' System Ovgrvigw o "' ! o o "' o' o' o' o " S y s t e m Ma i n tg n a n ce ' "$ TimerOperation " ' o " .. " " " .. " " "$ SystemTroubleshooting...... .. " o ' " "$ How To Reverse lS System OperatioJlr o r . ' ' ' 'l oo" P l u m b i n g In sta l l a ti o n . o. o o o o o..... '8 " E l e C tfi C a l l n S ta l l a ti On .. . . . o o o . o . . . .. . . . . . .lQ SystemWiring Diagram . . . o . o o . . . . . . . . . .l ' l Componentldentification ReplaCement PaftS L im itgd W affantlr o o o o o . . o . . . . . ..l f o o . . o o . o o . . . . . . . . . . .l$ r o... o. o. o. o o o. o. o.....'l $ subjectto changewithoutnotice Pending. Specifications lnc.All rightsreserved. Patented/Patents 02010Thermaco, 2 -GE1000 (336)629-4651 St. 'Asheboro,N. C.27204-2548' lnc. 646Greensboro Thern'aco, -€l. Tjlhetmaco -BIG/ Big Dipper@ G SERIESPoint Source nrypen' Automatic Removal systems Grease Greaseand TheThermaco,Inc.G SERIES@Automatic grease& Oils RemovalSystemremovesfree-floating oilsfromkitchendrainwaterflows.As mostfoodservice facilitymanagers alreadyknow,greasebuildupwithina plumbing drainage Systemis a majorcauseof building's problems Theseproblems line blockages. dueto drain jeopardizenormaloperations as well as createhealth andsafetyhazardswithinthe facilityitself. of a G SERIESSystemcan The properinstallation grease problems. Useof theG SEreduceor eliminate of costly and/orelimination RIESassuresminimization grease& oils. separation andremovalof free-floating andfinesthroughefficient sewersurcharges pumping anddisposal costsassociated ln addition, theG SERIESalsohelpsreduceor eliminate greasetrapsor interceptors.The recoveredgrease& oils are substantially with conventional companies. and/orbiodiesel water-free and are suitablefor recyclingby localrevndering device.As greasykitcheneffluentdrains self-cleaning The G SERIESSystemis an automatic, fromkitchenfixtures,the Systemtrapsthe grease& oils. Theseseparatefromthe effluentand tank. The Systemautomatically skimsthe trappedgrease& riseto the surfaceof the separator container.A timercontrolsthe selfcleaning oils andtransfersthe grease& oilsto a collection waterexitsthe the skimmingwheelat a user-settime. Onlythe "cleaned" operation, activating Systemandflowsintothe facilitydrainlines. The G SERIESautomaticSystemsoperatemost station. sinkor a pre-rinse singlefixturessuchas a 1 to 3-compartment whenservicing efficiently directlyat thesourcewheregrease TheG SERIESSystem'scompactfootprintallowsinstallation requiring problems andoperation originate.TheSystemdesignalsoallowseasymaintenance peakoperating performance. to maintain of dailyandweeklymaintenance onlya minimalamount installation Reversing theSystem flexibility. TheG SERIESSystemdesignallowsfor maximum operationis a simpleas rotatingthe coverassemblyof the System. greasetraps,automaticrecoverySystems,greaseremovaldevicesand Greaseinterceptors, plumbing kitchenflowsfromsinks,floordrains,woksand other devicesreceiving othersimilar odorevolution food bearingsourcesmaygenerateodors. Thereare manyfactorsinfluencing ware kitchenmenu,ambienttemperatures, Theseincluderoomventilation, anddissemination. plumbing grease/oilinput, volume, installation design practices, sanitizers, dailyinputfluid washing frequent bygoodareaventilation, Odorsareusuallyprevented andproductmaintenance/upkeep. proper practices product Additionalsteps, product installation. and maintenance fluidinputs,good maintenance control, improved and additional areaventilation chlorination, including aeration, maybe neededat somesites. @2010Thermaco,Inc.All rightsreserved . Patented/PatentsPending . Specificationssubjectto changewithoutnotice Thermaco,Inc..646 reensboroSt. . Asheboro,N. C. 27204-2548.Phone(336)629-4651 -a- TTIItertnaCo" - - BIG7 nryptf- Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource Automatic Removal svstems Grease G SERIESSystemMaintenance *CAUTION!DISCONNECT POWERTO SystemBEFORECLEANING to preventdamageto the Systemand personalinjury *NOTE: BeforeenergizingSystemafter cleaning,fill tank with water to protect wipers from damage DailyMaintenance: plasticgrease/oils (A) Emptythe translucent collectioncontainer(locatedbesidethe System) priorto its becoming fullonceeachday. The G SERIESrecoversgreaseandoil virtuallywatercontainershouldbe washedperiodic-ally so as freeso thattheycan be recycled.The collection characteristic of the collector. to maintainthe easyviewingtranslucent (B) The internalstrainerbasketshouldbe removedand emptiedinto a garbagecontainerby shakingbriskly.Washthe insideandoutsidesurfacesof the strainerafteremptying. WeeklvMaintenance: Wipeoff anyac(A)Checkthe collection troughandthe wiperbladesfor anysocoversbuild-up. place properly. depositsandassurethatthe wiperbladesare clippedin cumulated (B) Checkthe Timerto be sureit is set and operatingcorrectly. (C) Checkthe thicknessof the greaselayerat the top of the System.Thereshouldbe no apskimming preciable afterthedailyautomatic amountof greaseor oil leftin thetankimmediately cycle. lf thereis morethana 112"(13 mm)thicklayerof greaseafterthe skimmingcycle,this untila indicatesa needto increasethe skimmingtime. Increasethe timersettingsaccordingly guide (A is to the automatic cycle simple is after skimming cleanSystemappearance obtained increasethe "on"time by 30 minutesfor each 1" (25 mm) of greaselayerobservedafterthe cycle). skimming QuarterlvMaintenance: (A) The internalstrainerbasketin the Systemis designedto removeincidentalsocoversfrom of veryfine particlesmaybegin kitchendrainflows. Overa periodof time,sedimentconsisting is lf this build-up to continue,it mayeventuof the System. allowed the bottom to accumulate on removethe coverandstirthe bottom allyblockthe outletbaffle.To preventthisfromoccurring, of the Systemwitha longhandledspatulawhilewateris flowingto flushout the sediment.Ocdrainandcleanthe Systemthoroughly.Properlyused,a wet-vacmaybe appropriate casionally for thispurpose. Pending. Specifications subjectto changewithoutnotice Inc.All rightsreserved. Patented/Patents 02010Thermaco, Inc..646 Thermaco, N. C. 27204-2548. Phone(336)629-4651 St. . Asheboro, 4 MNL.GEIOOO -4. fi7lhermaco" - BIG7 Uryptl- - Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource Removal svstems Automatic Grease I G SERIES@ TO SETTIMER: 1. Pushon/offtabs on the outer ring of timer inwardinto dial at desiredrrON"times. 1 Tab= 15 of one(1)tab minutes.Minimum (15minutes) nottoexceedt hour in a completerun cycle. TabsNOT punched in indicate "OFF"setting Time-of-day indicatorpoint 2. TurndialCLOCKWISE/---1 oneor morecompleterevolutions untilthe presenttime is aligned with the time-of-dayindicator point. 3. Fill the Systemwith waterby Dialrotates Clockwise turningonthesinkwatertaps,then plugthe G SERIESSysteminto groundedelectrical outlet. 4. TabspushedlN = ON TabspushedOUT= OFF Tabspunchedin indicate"ON"setting ITIOTE:IN CASE OF POWER FAILURE, RESET TIMER. (See SICP2 AbOVE). the G SERIESSystemneedsto be setfor the proper is complete, Afterthe plumbinginstallation operationfor the facility.All G SERIESmodelsare equippedwitha 24 automaticself-cleaning is locatedunderthe coverof the motorhousHour/96Eventtimecontroller.Thistimecontroller Detail" Connection ingsmountedon top of the G SERIEScovers(SeePageslabeled"Electrical sketchesof this location). greaseandoils,the Systemmayneedto be reset Depending uponthe amountof accumulated by to operatemoreor lesstimeto skimall separatedgreaseand oils. Thiscan be determined grease a after layer shortly of the the depth separated observing removingthe top coverand Thislayershouldnotbe morethan112"(13mm)thick.lf thislayer cycleis completed. cleaning thicker,increasethe operatingtimesof the G SERIESlS Systemby 30 minutes is consistently for eachadditional1" (25 mm) of greasenot to exceedt hour in a completerun cycle. lf if thereis any the day. Consequently, run cyclescan be addedthroughout required,additional the long. Decrease SERIES is too grease then the G operating quantityof waterin the collector, inthecontainer. timeby onetab(15min.)at a timeuntilnowateris collected amountof operating Pending. Specifications subjectto changewithoutnotice Inc.All rightsreserved. Patented/Patents Thermaco, @)2010 N. C. 27204-2548'Phone(336)629-4651 St. . Asheboro, lnc.. 646Greensboro Thermaco, MNL.GElOOO 5 -aTlherntaco' - BIe Dqpen- - Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource Automatic Removal svstems Grease (2) Removethe cover and clean away any buildup that may be presenton the wiperbladesor collection trough. Makesurethe wiperblade(s)are properlyin G SERIESSystem overflows (1)Checkto seethattheoutletpipeis notreducedto a placeon the skimmerwheels. Replacewiperblades smallersize,the outletpipingis vented,hasas few 90 whenwornor warped. degreeoutletturnsas possible,and thatl'lo"P"trapis installedon the outlet. Re-plumbthe piping,if neces- (3) Set the timecontrolto the "ON"position& ensure sary. Checkoutletpipingfor clogs. Havea plumber that the skimmerturns. CAUTION:Keepyour hands awayfrommovingpartsto avoidpossibleinjury.lf the cleanthe line,if necessary. skimmermotordoesnotcomeon,the motorassembly place and mustbe replaced. 2) Makesurethatthe socoversstraineris in emptieddaily. (a) Checkfor congealed greasein the System. 3) Checkthe bottomof the greasechamberfor excessivesocoversand silt buildupwhichmay be blocking (5) Somesitesdo not generateenoughgreaseto be the powerand usea long capturedby theskimmingprocess.SetTimerfor minitheoutletbaffle.Disconnect - 1 Tab (15 Min.) instrument to stirthe bottom mumoperation handledspatulaor similar while waterflows throughthe System. lf necessary, drainand cleanthe sedimentfrom the System. To Obiectionableodor preventrecurrence, schedulethiscleaningto be done (1) Makesure grease/oilis beingskimmedproperly on a regularbasis(properlyused,a wet vac may be fromthe System. for cleaningsedimentfromthe bottomof appropriate (2) Checkthe timersettingsfor excessive"on" time. the System). Alsocheckto seeif anywateris collectedin the grease isnolonger timeuntilwater 4) Make sure the flow rate to the Systemdoes not collector.Reduceoperating grease observed in collector. the exceedthe maximumflowrate,whichis shownon the nameplate.lf necessary,have a plumberinstallan approvedflow controlto restrictthe inlet flow to the (3) lf excessivesedimenthascollectedon the bottom specifiedlevelor installa properlysizedG SERIES of the System,cleanthe Systemas describedin item 3 in "G SERIESSystemoverflows." for the application. G SeriesSystemTroubleshooting Excessivewater observed in the greasecollection (4) Cleanthe socoversstrainerand greasecollection containermoref requently. container "on" time. Systemwill 1) CheckTimerfor excessive pickup incidental waterafterall greaseis removed. (5) Grease interceptors,greasetraps, automaticrecovery Systems,grease removaldevicesand other 2) Makesurethat the waterflow to the Systemdoes similarplumbingdevicesreceivingkitchenflowsfrom woksandotherfoodbearingsources not exceedthe ratedflow and there are no drain line sinks,floordrains, generate may Thereare manyfactorsinfluencodors. from the System. clogsdownstream Theseinclude ing odorevolutionand dissemination. room ventilation, kitchen menu, ambient temperatures, No grease is collected in the container practices, grease/oil input, ware washing daily input (1) Checkto besurethepowerisonandthetimecontrol plumbing design fluid volume, installation sanitizers, is set correctly.The "on"timeshouldbe no lessthan product and maintenance/upkeep. Odors are usually 15 minutesper day. Thereis a PowerlndicatorLight frequentfluid inunderthe Timerwhichindicatesthat Poweris reach- preventedby good area ventilation, puts, product practices good maintenance and proper power is not Red, light is not lf this ing the System. product Additional including aeration, installation. steps, reachingthe System. chlorination, improvedareaventilation and additional maintenance control,may be neededat somesiteg. Pending. Specifications subjectto changewithoutnotice Inc.All rightsreserved Patented/Patents O2010Thermaco, N. C. 27204-2548. Phone(336)629-4651 St. . Asheboro, Thermaco, lnc.. 646Greensboro MNL-GElOOO 6 'Yfffifrpncn' -4. Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource Automatic GreaseRemovalSystems *ALWAYSUNPLUGSystemBEFOREREMOVING COVER *SystemWILLNOTOPERATE UNLESSCENTERMODULElS lN PLACE =9 JO EO (rQ frS -.g- - 1) Unscrewthe knobson the Systemcover. Pull the side wings outward. sr6 FI dq) Lrr o,o O' 2) Lift the centermoduleup off of the System,ensuringclearancefor the System. 4) 3) -t -t 3) Rotatethe centermodule 180". 180". 4) Lowerthe centermoduleback down on top of the System. Movethe two side wings back into place & fastenall knobs. 02010 Thermaco,Inc.All rightsreserved . Patented/PatentsPending . Specificationssubjectto change withoutnotice 10007 Thermaco,Inc. . 646 GreensboroSt. . Asheboro,N. C. 27204-2548'Phone(336)629-4651 -€l- TjlherznacO' - BlGi DfryR- - Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource Automatic Removal svstems Grease G SERIESqlS SystemPlumbinglnstallation Locatingthe System Ventingthe Outlet To minimizegreasebuild-upin piping,a G An outletventor approvedvacuumbreakerof SERIESSystemshouldbe locatedas close at least112thediameterof the System'soutlet as possibleto the fixtureit is serving. The connectionmustbe presentas closeas posSystemshouldbe visibleand easilyacces- sibleto theG SERIESoutlettopreventpossible problems.Failureto providea vent and inspection.The siphonage sible for maintenance Warrantyfor position. for the SystemvoidsThermaco's Be sure Systemmustbe in a level to check the SpecificationSheet for your the Svstem. model for the exact clearancesneededfor installation. lf the Systemis locateddirectly For Hioh Head Heiqht Aoplications on the floor,the bottomshouldbe sealedto OverSix (6) Feet(1.95m) the floorwith an approvedsiliconetype seal- G SERIESSystemsare equippedwith an ant. Makesurethe heightabovethe lnternal internalflow regulatorlocatedinsidethe inlet Straineraccesscover is enoughto remove end of the System. Verifyits locationand the strainerbasket. placementprior to connectingthe inlet piping. lf your code requiresa verticaltype flow Piping InleVOutlet regulator, an approvedcontrolwith a flow ratrequire ing matchingthe System'sflow rateshouldbe Theinletandoutletpipingconnections flexible sleevepipecouplings.Keepoutletpip- used. Note:Whena G SERIESis servicing ing as straightas possible.Useonly "sweep" multiplefixtures,somecodesrequireseparate Do notreducethe pipesizingon flow controlsfor each fixture. See following connections. piping. Do notinstall"P"trapon out- page for suggestedhigh head heightflow theoutlet let connection of System. (Note:The System regulation installation. alreadyhasa internalgastrap) Flow Controls Do NotUseWithFoodGrinders,Potato Peelersor WasteDisposalSystems withaninternal lf the Systemis connected areequipped G SERIESSystems to a WasteDisposal flow controllocatedinsidethe inletend of the System,GarbageGrinderor PotatoPeeler, prior Thermaco's System.Verifyits locationandplacement Warranty willbe void. the inletpiping. to connecting Note: Drawing for referenceonly. Equipmentmust be installed in ing Power G SERIESSystemsMUSTbefilledwithwater compliancewith allapplicablelaws, beforeenergizingthe powerto the System. regulations and codes, includAny elementsdamagedbecauseof running ing plumbingcodes. Installation the Systemwithoutwaterwill NOTbe replaced should be performedby a qualified Warranty. underThermaco's plumber. Pending. Specifications subjectto changewithoutnotice Inc.All rightsreserved Patented/Patents c)2010Thermaco, . .646 L-GEIOOO B (336) 629-4651 St. Asheboro,N. C. 27204-2548.Phone Inc. Thermaco, tt-tA. Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource TjTlterntaco - BIG/ DIryER' Automatic Removal Grease systems G SERIES@ G SERIESModels ElectricalPanel (NOTSUPPLTED) G SER|ESModels utilizeone24 hourtimecontroller. Thetimer islocated underthehingedcoverof themotorenclosure on topof thecoverof G SERIES(SeeTimerOperation Instructions). The G SERIESshould only be pluggedinto a properlygrounded3-prong230VACoutlet. lf possible, the powersupplyoutletfor the G SERIESshouldbe connectedto anelectrical circuitcontrolled bya groundfaultcircuitbreaker. Thereis a PowerlndicatorLightthatwillglowRedif poweris being fedto theSystem.lf thislightis off,poweris notreaching theSystem. Note: The G SERIESSystemwill not operatewhen the cover is removed. 230VACCircuit, FromGroundFault CircuitBreaker (NOTSUPPLTED) PowerIndicatorLight (Hidden) SocketOutlet NOTSUPPLTED) Timer (UnderHinged Cover) G SERIESElectricalRequirements 0.5Amps@ 230VACSOHz(100Watts) Note: TimeClockSuppliedwith System. Drawingfor referenceonly. Equipmentmust be installedin compliance with allapplicablelaws,regulationsand codes,includingelectricalcodes. lnstallationshouldbe performedby a qualifiedelectrician. Pending. Specifications Inc.All rightsreserved Patented/Patenls subjectto changewithoutnotice 02010Thermaco, N. C. 27204-2548. Phone(336)629-4651 lnc.. 646Greensboro St. . Asheboro, MNL.GEIOOO 1 -4. Tlhertnaco" - BI G , - ry- Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource Aut omatGic Removal syste ms rease WiringDiagramFor G SERIESModels G-25-Eand G-35-E o t o o J (L (L f a tr lrJ = o (L FULLYINSULATED QUICKCONNECT GREEN TO GROUNDSTUD RINGTERMTNALS ON MOTORMOUNTBRACKET NOTE: Systems) 220-240VSystems(lnternational wirecolorchanges: havethefollowing CORD: OnthePOWERSUPPLY The BlackWirebecomesBrown Blue TheWhiteWirebecomes Yellow/Green TheGreenWirebecomes Pending. Specifications subjectto changewithoutnotice Inc.All rightsreserved. Patented/Patents O2010Thermaco, N. C. 27204-2548'Phone(336)629-4651 St. . Asheboro, lnc.. 646Greensboro Thermaco, MNL-GE't000 11 -€l. Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource Automatic GreaseRemovalSystems ryftUifirryen' o o o = gEg HE; ,g .9) o 5 (E J ,9 !t E r+F E $ o o3 o o. \ I / T o F LrJ $t t (g g Pending. Specifications subjectto changewithoutnotice Inc.All rightsreserved. PatentediPatents O2010Thermaco, N. C. 27204-2548. Phone(336)629-4651 St. . Asheboro, Inc.. 646Greensboro Thermaco, M N L € E1 OOO 12 -A- Big Dipper@ G SERIESPoint Source Tlherntaco - BIG| ry' Aut omatGic Removal rease syste ms G SERIES@ Hinged Skimming Wheel Cover Motor/Electrical Timer Cover StrainerBasket Cover PowerIndicator Light G SERIESCover Components(WithWheelCover Removed) SkimmingWheelAssembly Part#PDA-3 SafetySwitch(UnderMotor Cover) Part #MSS-7 WheelDriveSprocket Part#WDS-3 WheelWiperAssembly Part #WWA-4 Pending. Specifications 02010Thermaco, Inc.All rightsreserved Patented/Patents subjectto changewithoutnotice . . MNL-GE1OOO 13 Thermaco,lnc. 646 GreensboroSt. Asheboro,N. C. 27204-2548.Phone(336)629-4651 -vflfffifrry' -a- Big Dipper@ G SERIESPointSource Automatic GreaseRemovalSystems G SERIES@ SystemComponentldentification TimerCover Part#MTC-I ElectricalEnclosureCover Part#REE-l WheelCover Part#MSC-I WiperAssembly WheelDrive Part#WDS-3 Wheel Part#WSS-2 Skimming Wheel Part#PDA-3 Pending 02010Thermaco, Inc.Allrightsreserved Patented/Patents subjectto changewithoutnotice St. . Asheboro, N. C. 27204-2548. Phone(336)629-4651 Inc.. 646Greensboro Thermaco, MNL-GEIOOO 14 -a- Big Dipper@ G SERIESPoint Source TjIltetmaco - BIG/ DI+E|?- Automatic Removal systems Grease Parts SystemReplacement G SERIES@ SOOoversSTRAINERBASKET FORMODEL# G.zs-EANDG-35-E USEPART# 3T-61 TIMER(UnderCovefl FORALLMODELSUSEPART#ETC-1 NOT SHOWN: MOTOR PART#M.58 INTERNALFLOW CONTROL PART#MFC-25FOR G-25-E PART#MFC-35FOR G-35-E Cover GASKET PART#RG-7 WHEELWIPERASSEMBLY PART# WWA.4 WHEEL DRIVESPROCKET PART#WDS-3 ER CONTAIN LS COLLECTION GREASE/OI FORG-25-EAND G-35-EUSE PART#GC-7 SKIMMINGWHEELASSEMBLY PART#PDA-3 Pending Specifications subjectto changewithoutnotice @2010 Thermaco, Inc.All rightsreserved. Patented/Patents . . .646 MNL-GElOOO 15 reensooro Asheboro,N. C.27204-2548 Phone(336)629-4651 Thermaco,Inc. wififffrrrysn' -& Big Dipper@ G SERIESPoint Source Automatic GreaseRemovalSystems G SeriesLimitedWarrantyand Remedy manufactured by it delivered withthiswarranty shall Inc.warrants to theoriginaluserthatthe products Thermaco, period for and materials a 12 months from the date of invoice to the in workmanship of free from material defects be purchaser (if (if the distributor) or date of invoice sold directly by an Thermaco to the sold by authorized distributor production fromThermaco's facility. Thermaco, lnc.),butin no eventlongerthan15 monthsfromdateof shipment at 646 Greensboro NC 27203promptlyafter Street,Asheboro, Anyclaimmustbe madein writingto Thermaco period. product warranty w ci l rcl i l r,y The r i l u must i l ruD t delivered, rJvi l vursu, prepaid, r.u Therwithin w[ill| t the u tu applicable ctPp ilu cluru be uu of u t the u t u defect u Etu u t and a a ilu discovery ut :iuuvtsity P E rrl Ju. P rrrP ci l u, to P ruuuur. theserialnumberfromwhichtheitemwasremoved anda returnauthorizamaco,together withproofof purchase, uponexamination is defective lf Thermaco determines thatthe component and tionnumberissuedby Thermaco. purchaser's met, Thermaco's sole obligation under this warranty, and the sole and warranty conditions are thatthe parts at Thermaco's option,of the defective component, including remedy,is the repairor replacement, exclusive point shipment. furnished F.O.B. of lf Thermaco determines that the component replacement will be andlabor.The arenotmet,thenanyreturnof suchpartto thepurchaser of thiswarranty is notdefective or thattheotherconditions purchaser's cost. shallbe at coveredproducts resulting or indirectly from:(i)failure directly Thiswarranty shallnotcoveranydefectin otherwise procedures, product properly in accordance with Thermaco's instructions and install,operateor maintainthe to rated flow, operation without improper electrical service, timercontrol, including, withoutlimitation, usein excessof (ii) fails comply with to applicable laws,regulations or codes; damfatsandoilsor usethat useto removeemulsified (iii)modifications, adjustments, repairs, or alterations madeby unauthorized or installation; agein transit,handling persons; Thermaco or materials. shallnotbe responor (iv)othercausesnotarisingoutof defectsin workmanship pumping sewerlineback-up, fromvaultflooding, or liftstationfailure,ambient resulting siblefordamageto products doesnotcoverequipment or partsnotmanufactured waterflowor othersourcesof waterdamage.Thiswarranty packing, adjustment, removal, repair, or otherwise incurred costsrelating to anyservice, byThermaco.Purchaser's for warranty arethe responsibility of purchaser. withrespectto thedefectpriorto submission to makeanywarranty statements on behalfof Thermaco salespersonor otherpersonis authorized Nodistributor, products of warranty supersedes any Thermaco otherthanas setforthin thiswarranty.Thisstatement regarding products. quote,brochure, withrespectto warranty of Thermaco or document or otherstatement INC.MAKESNO REPRESENTATIONS, WARAS EXPRESSLY SET FORTHABOVE,THERMACO, EXCEPT EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ASTO EITHER ORGUARANTEES, RANTIES PURPOSE, WHETHEROR NOTTHERMACO HAD MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESSFORA PARTICULAR REQUIREMENTS ODOR PARTICULAR OR NEEDS, ORWITHRESPECTTO OF PURCHASER'S KNOWLEDGE TO USEOFTHEPRODUCT. RELATING OROTHERINCIDENTALS GENEHATION remedywithrespectto thiswarrantyanyotherclaimrelatingto defectsor anyotherconThesoleandexclusive products, howevercaused,and whethersuchclaimis baseduponwarranty, contract, ditionor useof Thermaco laboror of the product,excluding or anyothertheory,is LIMITEDto the repairor replacement tort,strictliability price. lN option,repayment of the purchase anyothercostto removeor installsaidthe productor,at Thermaco's INCONTRACT, TORT(INCLUDING INC.BE LIABLE, WHETHER WARRANTY NOEVENTSHALLTHERMACO, LTAB|L|TY tNDEMNTTY ORANYOTHERLEGALTHEORYFORTNCIDENTAL ORCONSTRTCT NEGLTcENCE), TYPE.UNDERNOCIRCUMDAMAGES, OR FORANYOTHERLOSSOR COSTOFA SIMILAR SEQUENTIAL FORANYCAUSE OFACTION RELATEDTOTHE LIABILITYOFTHERMACO WILLTHEAGGHEGATE STANCES THENETPURCHASE PRICERECEIVED BYTHERMACO FORTHE HEREBY EXCEED PRODUCTS COVERED productsmustbe brought againstThermacorelatingto Thermaco Any actionor suitby purchaser PRODUCTS. referenced above.Theexclusions setforthhereinare andlimitations withinone(1)yearof thedateof theinvoices mayhavehereunder fromany remedies whichpurchaser and shallbe givenfullforce separate and independent purpose. shallbe deemedto havefailedof theiressential andeffectwhetheror notanyor all suchremedies Pending. Specifications without subject to change notice lnc.Allrightsreserved Patented/Patents 02010Thermaco, Thermaco,lnc. .646 St. . Asheboro,N. C. 27204-2548.Phone(336)629-4651