october newsletter - Saint Nicholas Cathedral


october newsletter - Saint Nicholas Cathedral
A Diverse Community Connected by the Orthodox Faith
Celebrating 40 Years of Autocephaly
Published by “The Dormition Guild”
Annual Meeting
Repasts are provided by the Dormition Guild free
of charge for long-time members. Only one meal
is provided and the family chooses whether it
will be after a morning or evening service and if a
sit down meal or a reception is preferred.
Remaining food after repasts is offered to the
family. If more than one service is held, any
refreshments for the second service must be
provided by family and friends.
In the last several months we lost two long time
members, Nina Petrovna Soukhanov and Dr.
Gennady Platoff. Memory Eternal!
At the request of the families, Mark Pietrzykoski
has planted a memorial garden in honor of
Mrs.Soukhanov (see picture below). A garden in
memory of Gennady Platoff is being created
around the stone sign on Mass Ave.
On November 13, 2011 Saint Nicholas Cathedral
will hold its Annual Parish Meeting and,
according to the St. Nicholas Parish Bylaws, will
elect new members of the Parish Council.
The purpose of the Parish Council is to assist His
Beatitude and the clergy of St. Nicholas in
fulfilling the task entrusted to the Church by our
Lord Jesus Christ: “Go, therefore, and make
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I
have commanded you” (Mathew 28.19-20).
Serving on the Parish Council requires
dedication, time and energy. The Parish Council
is under the spiritual guidance and authority of
His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, and the Dean
or Pastor. “No activities in the parish can be
initiated without [the Rector’s] knowledge,
approval, and blessing” (OCA Statute, Article 10,
section 4).
As Acting Dean, let me encourage you to
consider becoming a candidate for the Parish
Council this year. I would ask those parishioners
in good standing who are considering becoming
candidates for the Parish Council, to contact me
(e-mail [email protected], phone
202.441.0026), no later than November 1 2011.
We can set up an appointment to discuss your
interest in this important service to the Church.
Also, if you know of someone who, in your
opinion, would be a good candidate, but may not
be considering to run, please contact me,
confidentially, to recommend this possible
nominee. Priest Valery Shemchuk, Acting Dean
New Members: - Welcome !
Ksenia Panomarenko
Alina Abaimova
Many Years!
01 Nicholas Yanowsky - (89)
02 C. Richard Smith
Matushka Anna Danylevich
03 Peter Evans
04 Lillian Blome
06 Paul Lutov (70)
08 Walter Alesevich
10 Juliana Bozhich
11 Denise Curtis
12 Caroline Jarboe
Jo Lu Terrell
16 Sherry Solodkov
19 Susanne Somersalo
Cynthia Patzig
20 His Beatitude Metropolitan +JONAH
Candice Johnson
21 Timothy Keefer
22 George Nartsissov
24 Larry Basalyga
27 Sarah Diligenti Pickup
29 Neonila Winton
30 Jonathan Russin
Memory Eternal
Isabel Elizabeth Pfeifer, mother of Marilyn
Gennady Evgenievich Platoff
Matushka Pauline Warnecke (aunt of Nina
Shafran; twin sister of Nina’s father)
Nikita Moravsky
One year anniversary of the repose:
Helen Daniluck
Sbdn. Michael Shandor
Comings and Goings
Fr. Vladimir Danylevich has joined the nuns
as their chaplain (ROCOR)
Farewell to Tom Fries, choir member, who is
leaving for the next couple years. "I will be a
remote member, thinking of you often as I live
and work in Germany." Tom will return for a
visit Pascha 2012.
“O Lord and master of my life! Dispel from
me the spirit of …..ambition and vain talk!
….let me look at my own sins and refrain
from judging others…” – (The prayer of Saint
Welcome to Nathan Lawrence of Lancaster,
Ohio. Nathan is studying at American
University this semester. Good Luck!
Dn. Gregory Wickes, he will be in residence at
Dumbarton Oaks for the upcoming year. Dn.
Gregory is assigned to St Nicholas Cathedral
for the time at Dumbarton Oaks
Carlos-Jonathan Sosaya
Vadim Finkov
Nicholas Donny Eiden
Richard Tigran Eiden,
in Baptism David
Larisa Smirnova
Natalie Joy Panyutin
Nicole Sofia Sandoval
Welcome home Sharon Osmolovsky!
Please pray for our sick and homebound
Including Daria, daughter of Elizabeth
If you wish to make an extra
contribution for flowers, above and beyond your
weekly donation, please make your gift in a
separate check with "for flowers" on the memo
line of the check. Give it to the person serving
the candle counter or place it in the collection
Congratulations and Much Success to our
Sunday school students and teachers in the new
school year. God Bless and Keep you! There is
still time to enroll your children as well as
volunteer to be Sunday school teachers or aids.
Did you know…..?
Marina Sirtis of Star Trek fame, John Stamos
and Michael Chiklis are all Orthodox
We have a new adopted seminarian at St.
Herman Seminary, Kodiak AK, now starting his
first year. (More details to be posted on the
bulletin board in our Fellowship Hall). This is the
fourth St. Herman seminarian whom our parish
has "adopted." Our Cathedral will be sponsoring
this seminarian's 3-year education through
donations to the Michael Shandor Memorial
Fund created last September. (Memory Eternal
on Michael's first year memorial last month). The
fund is earmarked for Orthodox education and
Mr. Shandor was present at the 2005 St. Herman
Commencement Weekend for the graduation of
our first adopted seminarian, now serving at Ss.
Cyril & Methodius Orthodox Church, Kipnuk, AK Fr. Leonty Johnston.
You read about our second adopted seminarian
in last month's newsletter. Fr. Gregory Parker
serves at Three Saints Orthodox Church in Old
Harbor AK where the Kellachow Family traveled
on the OCMC Mission trip this past summer.
Many will remember our third adopted
seminarian whose wife and 6 of their 8 children
lived in the new family housing at St. Herman.
Unfortunately Yako Pavila left seminary in his
final year for the well-being of his family. All our
seminarians have been deeply grateful for St.
Nicholas Cathedral love and support. Next
month's newsletter will include a biography and
photo of our newest seminarian.
The OCA Strategic Plan
As the Body of Christ, the Orthodox Church in
America is committed to bringing the Gospel to
all the people of North America- embracing all
languages, cultures and races.
The Strategic Plan for the Orthodox Church in
America is a guide to help the church in better
fulfilling this mission in North America.
The plan specifically addresses the three
following points:
1. Who are we and where are we
2. What should our ministry priorities
be for the coming decade?
3. How do the Central Administration,
the dioceses, the deaneries, the
parishes and the individual
parishioners work together to
establish and continue these
ministry priorities?
St. Nicholas's ad hoc committee for the AllAmerican Council will meet about three times
between now and the AAC (October 31November 4) to discuss this plan. All
parishioners are invited to attend. By reviewing
and commenting on the plan, your ideas on the
goals and priorities of the OCA will be conveyed,
via our AAC representatives (Fr. Valery, Walter
Alesevich, Barbara Rhenish, and Bill Corcoran
[alternative]) and observers, to the discussions in
To read the full plan go to www.oca.org and look
for Strategic Plan version 5.8 May 23, 2011
From the OCA:
In reflecting on the intervening 40 years
since we have been granted autocephaly,
the Holy Synod of Bishops has affirmed
the following principles:
“1. We understand ourselves to be an
indigenous, multi-ethnic, missionary
Church, laboring to bring Orthodox
Christianity to all citizens of this
2. We affirm that our historical reality
derives from the Russian Orthodox
Church and that we have humbly received
and faithfully maintain the inheritance of
the Russian Mission
of 1794, the Diocese of Kamchatka, the
Kurile and Aleutian Islands in 1840; the
Diocese of the Aleutians and Alaska in 1870
and its relocation to San Francisco in 1872;
the Diocese of the Aleutians and North
America in 1900 and its relocation to New
York in 1905; and the Autocephaly of 1970.
3. As directed by the Tomos, we live as
other self-governing Churches do:
electing our own bishops and Primate,
without confirmation by any other Synod,
maintaining inter-Church
relationships with all other Churches; and
consecrating our own chrism.
4. As envisioned in the Tomos, we believe
that the autocephaly given to us will be
fully realized when the promise of
Orthodox unity in North America is
fulfilled, and the Orthodox Church in
America together with all the Orthodox
faithful in North America become one
united Autocephalous Church of America,
recognized by all other Orthodox
5. We commit ourselves to work within
the Episcopal Assembly in order to
realize the goal of unity.”
Joel and Colette’s Exciting
Bulgarian Road Trip
This summer the Kalvesmaki's took a twoweek trip to Bulgaria while grandma watched
the little ones. The occasion to go was the
22nd International Congress of Byzantine
Studies, which happens every 5 years in a
select country. We decided to go a week early,
rent a car and do a loop around the country,
from Sophia to the Black Sea and back,
celebrating our 10-year anniversary. Our
interests were monasteries, churches,
museums and archaeological sites. We both
were struck by the abundance of the country.
There is a saying that if you plant a dead stick
in the ground it will come back to life.
Obviously it’s true. We were also struck by
how long this area has been occupied by man,
going way back to prehistory. Bulgaria was the
first Slavic culture and country to embrace the
Orthodox faith.
Communism has definitely affected the mood
of the country, with large statues and
blocky buildings to be found everywhere, but
hidden behind trees and mountains or
buildings, or sometimes in the rocks
themselves, were the monasteries and
churches that could not be removed. They
were everywhere. In Nessebar on the Black
Sea Coast, there were around fifty medieval
churches each within a block of another, on a
small peninsula.
It seemed as if every family had their own
church! Some of them were still functioning,
most were museums. Outside of Varna was a
famous rock monastery located in the
face of the rock, straight up maybe eighty feet
(how they got up there is another story).
Several large and small rooms were carved
into the rock. Inside I could see the soot from
the candles on the ceilings and faded icons
painted directly onto the rock. There was a
small chapel gated off, with modern icons
inside lit by burning candles and coins tossed
on the floor by pilgrims. People took their
prayers and put them to paper, rolling them
and forcing them into tiny holes in the rocks.
We visited many monasteries that were
reaching out to modern culture by having the
front area open to the public, while the monks
lived in the backcourt yard areas.
In the public area they gave away bottles of
holy water (reported to have healed many),
sold books and icons, and accommodated their
immediate surroundings: street vendors, food,
and rides for the kids. Many monasteries sat
right in the middle of these cities and were
integrated into the daily religious and secular
life of the people.
What impressed me the most was a small
church in Sophia called the Rotunda of St.
George. This Church dates back to the fourth
century and sits in front of an older Roman
bathhouse. I could see all the various layers of
brick that told its troubled story. Yet here
it was, still functioning continuously (despite a
brief period as a mosque under Ottoman
rule). There are layers of interior medieval
frescoes which had been covered over by the
Ottomans but was recently uncovered. The
face of the angel is famous. Many miracles
happened here and many saints are associated
with this church. To be there in these places
reminded me of just how ancient our faith is
and how we are a link of this faith in modern
time. What a privilege it is to carry on this
Why we……
Blanket Campaign
Role of the deacon
The deacon is a major order in the Orthodox
Church. His duty is as an assistant first to the
Bishop and second to the Priest.
In addition to reading the Gospel and assisting
in the administration of Holy Communion, the
deacon preaches, censes the icons and people,
calls the people to prayer, leads the litanies,
and has a role in the dialogue of the Anaphora.
In keeping with Orthodox tradition he is not
permitted to perform any Sacred Mysteries on
his own, except for Baptism in danger of death,
conditions under which anyone, including the
laity, may baptize.
Diaconal vestments are the sticharion
(dalmatic), the orarion (deacon's stole), and
the epimanikia (cuffs).
As far as street clothing is concerned,
immediately following his ordination the
deacon receives a blessing to wear the Riassa,
an outer cassock with wide sleeves, in addition
to the Podraznik, the inner cassock worn by all
orders of clergy. According to the practice of
the Greek Orthodox Church of America, in
keeping with the tradition of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate, the most common way to
address a deacon is "Father". Depending on
local tradition, deacons are addressed as
either "Father", "Father Deacon."
We will be collecting gently used blankets
throughout the month of November. They will
be donated to Friendship Place. The blankets
are distributed to the homeless who stop by
for a shower and a meal. Please remember;
when you are in you warm bed that there are
hundreds of people who will be sleeping on
the streets this winter – they need our help.
Also, if you can donate $1.00 towards food for
the homeless you will be feeding your spirit as
well as their bodies. There will be a basket on
the candle counter. Thank you in advance.
Thank you to everyone who baked delicious
cookies. The marchers loved them! Thank you
to Father Valery for keeping the church open
and giving tours as well as explaining
Orthodoxy. People coming out of the church
exclaimed:” this is a hidden gem! As beautiful
as anyplace we saw in Russia.”
The Carlton Coon family has donated an
antiques icon to our church. The gift comes as a
thank you for the kindness our church showed
them during the recent rain storm.
For more information call Emily at
(202) 503-2964
Are you ready ?
October 15 - 16
Elevation of the True Cross
Michele Smith, chairperson of this year’s bazaar,
with every-year’s helper, Sasha.
Bulgarian Road Trip
Varna Cathedral
On The Road Again . . .
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Tom Bruni from the facilities committee now
working in Iraq. Tom, stay safe!
Saturday, October 1,
9am Liturgy (E,S) The Protection of our Most
Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin
Mary (New Calendar), 5pm Vigil (E,S).
Sunday, October 2, 9am Liturgy (E), 10:45
Liturgy (S).
Saturday, October 8, 5pm Vigil (E,S).
Sunday, October 9, 9am Liturgy (E), 10:45
Liturgy (S).
Thursday, October 13, 7pm Vigil (S).
Friday, October 14,
10am Liturgy (S) The Protection of our Most
Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin
Mary (Old Calendar).
Saturday, October 15, 5pm Vespers (E,S).
Sunday, October 16, 9am Liturgy (E,S)
Saturday, October 22, 5pm Vigil (E,S).
Sunday, October 23, 9am Liturgy (E), 10:45
Liturgy (S).
Saturday, October 29, 5pm Vigil (E,S).
Sunday, October 30, 9am Liturgy (E), 10:45
Liturgy (S).
The schedule is subject to change! Check for
updates on the Cathedral website calendar:

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