N Ro-Ro is the market leader particularly in the ro-ro


N Ro-Ro is the market leader particularly in the ro-ro
Trieste is a city in northeastern Italy, situated on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, and still bears the traces of
the Medieval architecture. The reason why this city is featured on our pages is the ambitious investments
made and planned to be made at the port of this adorable city by U.N. Ro-Ro.
‹talya’n›n kuzeydo¤usunda, Adriyatik Denizine k›y›s› olan ve ortaça¤ mimarisinin izlerini tafl›yan bir kent
Trieste. Sayfalar›m›za konu olmas›n›n nedeniyse, son y›llarda özellikle Do¤u Akdeniz ro-ro sektöründe pazar
lideri ve Türk k›sa mesafe deniz tafl›mac›l›¤› operatörlerinin de en büyü¤ü olarak an›lan U.N. Ro-Ro’nun bu
flirin kentin liman›na yapt›¤› ve yapaca¤› iddial› yat›r›mlar.
.N Ro-Ro is the market leader particularly in the ro-ro
sector in the Eastern Mediterranean region in recent years
and the biggest operator in the field of short-sea shipping
in Turkey. The company made its first overseas port investment
by the end of 2013, and announced acquisition of 60% majority
interest in the Samer Seaport Terminal at the Port of Trieste.
Samer Seaport is a long-established company with a history of
approximately 100 years in the maritime industry. Following the
acquisition, U.N. Ro-Ro announced its plans to make total of
Euro 10-12 million investments in the port. We discussed all
.N. Ro-Ro 2013’ün son günlerinde, ilk yurt d›fl› liman yat›r›m›n› gerçeklefltirmifl ve Trieste Liman›’ndaki Samer Seaport
Terminali’nin %60 ço¤unluk hissesini sat›n ald›¤›n› duyurmufltu. Samer Seaport, yaklafl›k 100 y›ld›r denizcilik sektöründe faaliyet
gösteren köklü bir flirket. U.N. Ro-Ro hisse devri duyurusunun ard›ndan limana yap›lacak olan toplam 10-12 milyon euro aral›¤›ndaki
yat›r›mlarla gündemde yerini ald›. ‹lk etapta 2014 y›l›nda gerçeklefltirmeyi taahhüt ettikleri 8.5 milyon euro’luk yat›r›ma öncelik vereceklerini, ard›ndan da kalan yat›r›m›n 2017 y›l›na kadar peyderpey
yap›laca¤›n› söyleyen U.N.Ro-Ro CEO’su Sedat Gümüflo¤lu ile tüm
bu geliflmeleri paylaflt›k.
these developments with Mr. Sedat Gumusoglu, CEO of U.N.
Ro-Ro, who says they will give priority to the Euro 8.5 million
investment committed to be made at the first stage during 2014,
and then continue their investments gradually until 2017.
Uzun y›llard›r çal›flt›¤›n›z bir liman Trieste. Türkiye ç›k›fll› roro hatlar›n›n da Avrupa’ya ana girifl merkezi. Ço¤unluk hissesini alman›zla paralel neler de¤iflecek? Planlar ve yat›r›mlar
nas›l seyredecek?
Trieste is a port with which you worked for many years. It is
the main entry-hub to Europe for ro-ro lines from Turkey.
What will change in parallel to your acquisition of the majority
interest? How will the plans and investments proceed?
Trieste her yönden farkl› bir liman. Neredeyse bizim bo¤az statüsüne sahip. Hiçbir k›s›tlamaya, belgeye, kotaya tabi de¤il. O yüzden
çok iyi bir yat›r›m yapt›¤›m›z› düflünüyoruz. Liman›n belirli terminalleri var. Ro-ro’ya yönelikse 2 terminal mevcut. Biri tek r›ht›ml›,
çok küçük park alan›na sahip olan, di¤eri ise bizim yat›r›m yapt›¤›m›z ve 3 ro-ro gemisinin ayn› anda yanaflabildi¤i Samer Seaport
Terminali. 150 dönüme kadar geri arazisi, park sahas› var. Yapt›¤›m›z anlaflma kapsam›nda, arka tarafta demiryollar›n›n oldu¤u bölümün limanla birlefltirilmesine yönelik ek bir yat›r›m taahhütdümüz de söz konusu. Böylece limanda gemiden inen araçlar›n direk
demiryolu ba¤lant›s› ile tüm Avrupa’ya da¤›labilece¤i, günde minimum 6 tren operasyonu yap›lan bir intermodal tafl›mac›l›k modeli
oluflturaca¤›z. Yat›r›m›n büyük k›sm›n› 2014 y›l› içinde tamamlamay› planl›yoruz. Bununla birlikte de terminalin kullan›m süresini
20 y›l uzat›yoruz, yani 20 y›l için bize kiralanm›fl oluyor.
Trieste is a distinctive port in every aspect. It almost has the same
status as the Istanbul Strait (the Bosphorus) in Turkey. It is not
subject to any limitations, document requirements, or quotas.
Therefore, we believe that we have made a very wise investment.
The port has specific terminals. It has two terminals dedicated to
ro-ro. One of them has one pier, with rather small parking area,
and the other is the Samer Seaport Terminal, which is capable of
accommodating three ro-ro vessels simultaneously, and in which
we have invested. It has a backland and parking area of around
150 thousand square meters. Within the scope of the contract
concluded, we have also undertaken to make additional
investments aimed at combining the back railway area with the
port. Thus, we will create an intermodal shipping model with a
capacity to arrange minimum 6 train operations for direct
distribution of the cargoes all around Europe by means of the
railway network. We plan to complete a majority portion of the
investments within 2014. All these investments will extend the
lifer of the terminal for some 20 years; in other words, the
terminal has been hired by us for 20 years.
What is your method with respect to management?
We held our first Board of Directors meeting in January 2014.
We aim to manage the terminal with full control by the end of
the first half of the year, just as we did at the Pendik Port.
First of all, we appointed a new Italian manager reporting
Yönetimle ilgili nas›l bir yöntem izliyorsunuz?
Ocak 2014’de ilk yönetim kurulunu yapt›k. Hedefimiz ilk yar› bitti¤inde ayn› Pendik liman›nda oldu¤u gibi, tam hakimiyetle oray›
yönetmek. ‹lk olarak buradaki operasyon birimimize do¤rudan
ba¤l› olan yeni ‹talyan bir yönetici atad›k. Zaten otomasyon anlam›nda da entegrasyonumuz var.
Avrupa’da hangi demiryolu a¤lar›yla iflbirli¤i içerisindesiniz?
Birinci noktam›z Avusturya. Avrupa’ya giderken birinci engel Bulgaristan’sa, ikinci engel de Avusturya’d›r. Ama Avusturya demiryollar› ile özel bir anlaflmam›z var. fiu anda tren Welz’e gidiyor.
Ama Salzburg’ta da bir terminal yap›yorlar, 2015 y›l› itibariyle
oraya geçecek. Avusturya, bu treni kullanan araçlara Salzburg’da
trenden indikten sonra, Avusturya’dan ç›kana kadar hiçbir belge
istemeden ç›k›fl izni veriyor. Amaçlar› karayolundaki araç trafi¤ini tamamen azalt›p, maliyet ve zaman avantaj› sa¤lamak.
directly to our operation unit here. Actually, we already have
integration in terms of automation.
Which railway networks do you cooperate with in Europe?
Our first point is Austria. If the first obstacle on the route to
Europe is Bulgaria, the second is Austria. But, we have a special
agreement with the Austrian railways. Currently, the train goes
to Welz. But, they are also building a new terminal in Salzburg,
which will become operational by 2015. Austria issues exit
permits to vehicles using this train without requiring any
documents when they get off the train in Salzburg until they
leave Austria. The purpose is to decrease the road traffic to
achieve cost and time advantages.
Our second point is the Luxembourg terminal, which is again
very strategic. Luxembourg is situated in a very favorable
location. It is very close to Germany and Benelux countries, and
the north of Paris in France. The country is located just in the
middle of these regions, out of coastal routes.
Thirdly, we plan to arrange block trains to Duisburg and
Ludwigshafen stations separately in Germany. If we can do these,
we will already have covered main export points of Turkey.
What is the approach of land transporters?
Very good, for they are very well aware of the fact that we will
never involve in the processes of marketing and securing cargo
contracts in land transportation. There is no such a thing in our
20 years of history. We just want to be a solution partner of
transporters. Let them involve in the sales and marketing aspects
of the business, and we will undertake the operation, and the
task to solve infrastructure problems at low costs. We aim to
enable transporters to collect the cargoes from factories, bring
them to the port, and then re-collect them from the destination
port to take them to the final destination. In short, we provide
efficiency in terms of time and costs.
What are your short-term targets, what are your projections?
Our target is to arrange 6 trains per day at that terminal by the
end of 2014. After completion of this investment, assuming that
we carry 240 trailers per day and that one train carries
approximately 30 vehicles, we can anticipate that, including the
vehicles outbound to Italy, any cargoes from Turkey can be
transported to many points in Europe, using virtually no means
of land transport.
By the way, we also started double-stack container and liquid
container transport businesses in the last quarter of 2013. There
were considerable problems related to capacity and timing in the
sector. The main drive of these businesses was the fact that the
main decks of our vessels are high, consequently, they are
suitable for double stacking the containers. We are now capable
of moving double-stack liquid containers from Turkey to Trieste.
Double-stack containers are slightly different from conventional
20’ and 40’ containers. Our containers are called 45’ High Cube
containers, and they accommodate almost the same volume of
cargo as the trailers. For the time being, we reserved 1/8 of the
total capacity of our vessel for this business for 3 days a week.
‹kinci noktam›z yine çok stratejik olan Lüksemburg terminali.
Lüksemburg çok güzel bir lokasyonda. Hem Almanya ve Benelüks
ülkelerinin, hem Fransa’n›n, Paris’in kuzey bölgesine çok yak›n.
Bunlar›n ortas›nda ve kabotaj›n da d›fl›nda kal›yor.
Üçüncü olarak da Almanya’n›n içinde iki noktaya, Duisburg ve
Ludwigshafen istasyonlar›na ayr› ayr› blok trenler planl›yoruz.
Bunlar› yaparsak zaten Türkiye’nin ana ihracat noktalar›n›n tamam›n› kapsam›fl olaca¤›z.
Karac›lar›n yaklafl›m› nas›l?
Çok iyi, çünkü bizim hiçbir zaman için karayolu nakliyesinin pazarlama ve yük ba¤lama k›sm›na dahil olmayaca¤›m›z› biliyorlar.
20 y›ll›k hikayemizde böyle bir fley yok. Biz nakliyecilerin çözüm
orta¤› olmak istiyoruz. Onlar sat›fl-pazarlama ile u¤rafls›nlar, biz
de operasyonu ve altyap› sorunlar›n› daha düflük maliyetle üstlenelim, çözelim. Nakliyeci mal› fabrikadan al›p limana gelsin, sonra
gidece¤i ülkenin terminalinden al›p son noktaya götürsün. Özetle
maliyet ve zaman aç›s›ndan verimlilik sa¤l›yoruz.
K›sa vadede ne hedefliyorsunuz, öngörüleriniz neler?
2014 sonu itibariyle o terminalde günde 6 tren yapmay› hedefliyoruz. Bu yat›r›m› tamamlamam›z›n ard›ndan da, ortalama gün bafl›na 240 dorse tafl›d›¤›m›z› ve bir trenin yaklafl›k 30 araç ald›¤›n›
düflünürsek, ‹talya içine giden araçlarla beraber neredeyse Türk
nakliyesinin hiç karayolu görmeden Avrupa’da bir çok yere gidebilece¤ini öngörebiliriz.
Sedat Gümüflo¤lu
We should manage the
supply. The services we
provide have a quality.
We cannot compromise
on it. Regardless of
whether we carry
containers, busses, or
trucks, existence of U.N.
Ro-Ro in a line and the
quality of services offered
are highly important.
Arz› yönetmemiz laz›m.
Yapt›¤›m›z iflin bir kalitesi var. Bunu asla afla¤›
çekemeyiz. Konteyner de
tafl›sak, otobüs de tafl›sak, kamyon da tafl›sak
U.N. Ro-Ro’nun açt›¤›
bir hatta varl›¤›, verdi¤i
servis kalitesi çok önemli.
We will further plan it depending on the demand. We develop
projects that are not competing with the truck transport market.
Of course, meanwhile we invest in cranes for handling of
containers. We will purchase two train stackers capable of
handling 4 trains simultaneously and also having one unloading
unit on a fifth rail line. Additionally, we also invest in container
handling vehicles called reach stacker.
Do you also have plans to invest in container ro-ro vessels, if
the demand increases?
We do not have any such investment plans in the short term.
Vessels called Con-Ro are capable of handling approximately
500 containers and 200 trailers. These are vessels that serve at
very specific points in the worlds, and they require longer port
dwell times. Consequently, it is not in our plans.
Another investment you were planning to make was to
extend the lengths of your vessels to increase the capacity.
What is the current progress of this plan?
Considering the projected growths in the Turkish and European
markets by the end of 2019 and their reflections on the foreign
trade, we can see that we will have additional capacity
requirements at a certain point. The most efficient and prompt
solution for this is to extend the length of the vessels. We have
already carried out required engineering studies and we will
initiate negotiations with a shipyard within the first quarter
of this year. We will begin extending the length of our vessels
as from 2015.
How do you evaluate 2013 shortly?
Even though the final 2013 data have not been published yet, we
think that the total market has grown approximately by 2-3% in
2012. However, there is around 3-4% contraction in our
transport volume. The main reason of this situation is that our
biggest customer, accounting for around 9-10% of our total
volume in 2012, has started carrying their own cargoes on board
vessels they chartered. There has been a decrease in our volume
as a result. But, we have managed to cover the deficit to a
specific extent with new land and sea lines, and as a result of
increase volumes of our existing customers.
Have you achieved the expected improvements in terms of
operations, when you compare your 5th generation vessel
named UN Istanbul with your other vessels?
As a matter of fact, we have achieved significant benefits. This is
also the reason why we included the idea to extend the lengths of
vessels in our short-term plans. UN Istanbul has a capacity for
40 more vehicles compared to others. We use her for our
services arranged on Saturdays, the busiest day of the week, and
the vessel is always full. Thus, we have increased customer
satisfaction by offering higher capacity at high times.
Furthermore, UN Istanbul is equipped with a different type of
engine offering flexible vessel speeds. Other types of engines
need to operate under a specific load. Otherwise, vessels
consume high amounts of bunker. &
Bu arada 2013’ün son çeyre¤inde çift kat konteyner, likit konteyner ifllerine de bafllad›k. Sektörde kapasite ve zamanlamayla ilgili
büyük sorunlar yaflan›yordu. Gemilerimizin ana güvertesinin yüksek
olmas›, dolay›s›yla çift kat konteyner yüklemesine uygunlu¤u bizi bu
konuya yöneltti. Art›k likit konteynerleri, hem de çift katl› olarak
Türkiye’den gemilerimizin ana güvertesine yükleyip buradan Trieste’ye götürüyoruz. Çift katl› konteynerler, bildi¤imiz 20’lik, 40’l›k
konvansiyonel konteynerlerden biraz farkl›. Bizimkine 45’lik hight
cube diyorlar ki bunlar neredeyse kamyon dorsesiyle ayn› ölçekte
yük al›yor. fiimdilik sadece geminin 1/8 kapasitesini, haftada 3 gün
için bu ifle ay›rd›k. Talebe göre flekillendirece¤iz. Kamyon pazar› ile
rekabet etmeyen ürünlere iliflkin projeler gelifltiriyoruz.
Tabii bu arada, konteyner elleçlemesi için vinç yat›r›m› da yap›yoruz. Train stacker denen ve tren raylar› üzerine oturan, ayn› anda
4 treni elleçleyip, bir tane de yan tarafa boflaltabilme özelli¤inde
olan 5 hatl› vinçlerden 2 adet alaca¤›z. Ayr›ca reach stacker denilen, tekerlekli konteyner tafl›ma arac›na da yat›r›m yap›yoruz.
Talebin artmas› durumunda konteyner ro-ro gemilerine yat›r›m yapmak da planlar›n›z dahilinde mi?
K›sa vadede böyle bir yat›r›m gündemde de¤il. Con-ro denilen gemiler yaklafl›k 500 konteyner ve 200 dorse elleçleyebiliyor. Dünyada
çok spesifik noktalarda hizmet veren ve daha uzun liman kal›fl süresi gerektiren gemiler bunlar. Dolay›s›yla planlar›m›z dahilinde de¤il.
Kapasite art›fl› ile paralel yapaca¤›n›z bir di¤er yat›r›m da gemilerde boy uzatma planlar›n›zd›. Bu konuda ne durumdas›n›z?
2019 y›l› sonunda Türkiye ve Avrupa pazar›ndaki büyümelerle bunun d›fl ticarete yans›malar›n› dikkate ald›¤›m›zda, belirli noktada
kapasite ihtiyac›m›z›n olaca¤›n› öngörüyoruz. Bunu en verimli ve
h›zl› flekilde halletmenin yöntemi de gemilerin boyunu uzatmak.
Konuyla ilgili mühendislik çal›flmalar› yap›ld›, bu y›l›n ilk çeyre¤i
içerisinde de tersane ile görüflmelerimizi yap›yoruz. 2015’den itibaren gemilerimizi uzatmaya bafllayaca¤›z.
2013 y›l›n› k›saca nas›l de¤erlendiriyorsunuz?
2013’ün son verileri yay›nlanmamas›na ra¤men, toplam pazar›n
2012 y›l›na göre yaklafl›k %2-3 oran›nda büyüdü¤ünü öngörüyoruz.
Bizim tafl›ma adetlerimizde ise %3-4 civar›nda daralma var. Bunun
temel sebebi, 2012 y›l›n›n bafl›nda flirketin %9-10 civar›nda hacmini
sa¤layan en büyük müflterimizin kendi kiralad›¤› gemilerle operasyonlar›n› yapmaya bafllamas›. Dolay›s›yla orada bir hacim azalmas›
oldu, ama bu a盤› hem karadan, hem yeni açt›¤›m›z hatlarla, hem de
mevcut müflterilerimizin ifllerini artt›rmas›yla belli ölçüde kapatt›k.
5. nesil geminiz UN ‹stanbul’la di¤er gemilerinizi karfl›laflt›rd›¤›n›zda operasyonda bekledi¤iniz farkl›l›klar› sa¤lad›n›z m›?
Asl›na bakarsan›z çok büyük fayda sa¤lad›k. Zaten o yüzden gemileri
uzatma fikrimizi k›sa vadeli planlar›m›z aras›na ald›k. Bir kere 40
araç daha fazla kapasiteli. Onu cumartesi günü gibi yo¤un bir güne
koyduk ve gemi her zaman dolu. Böylece en yüksek zamanda, daha iyi
bir kapasite sunarak müflteri memnuniyetini artt›rd›k. Ayr›ca UN ‹stanbul’da esnek h›z yapabilece¤imiz, de¤iflik bir makine kullan›yoruz.
Di¤er makinelerimizin belirli bir makine yüküyle çal›flt›r›lmas› gerekiyor, aksi takdirde çok yüksek yak›t harcamak zorunda kal›n›yor. &