St. Athanasius Church Brooklyn, New York


St. Athanasius Church Brooklyn, New York
St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius
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11, 2012
Brooklyn, New York
Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato,
B.A., M.Div., M.S. Ed.
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Ronald D’Antonio, B.A., M.Div.
Rev. Gabriel Toro-Rivas, B.A., M.Div.
Ministerio Hispano/Spanish Apostolate
Deacon Dante Colandrea
Deacon William Kelly
Deacon Jaime Cobhom
The Sisters of St. Joseph
Brentwood, New York
Director of Music Ministries
Mr. Steven LaPlante, M. Mus.
Lay Pastoral Leader
Mr. Joseph Barbieri, B.A., KHS
Mrs. Madelon Vitucci
Mrs. Lucy Acosta-Pugliese, B.A., M.S. Ed.
Mr. Christopher Irizari
Are you a sinner? Have you been away from the church for a long time? Are you divorced or separated? Are you physically or mentally challenged? Are you from a different culture? Are you not
accepted because of your sexual orientation? Are you elderly, a teen or young adult? Are you
discriminated against because of your color? Are you feeling broken? Are you poor or out of work?
Have you been imprisoned? Have you a feeling that you are left out? You are welcome here!
This is your home, and we are your family!
Do you suffer from Celiac Sprue Disease? We are Celiac friendly and, after receiving permission from our Bishop, we can provide you with low gluten hosts and a pyx, in order to enable you
to receive Holy Communion at daily Mass and Sunday Mass. To begin the process, please call Fr.
Ron D’Antonio at our rectory, 718.236.0124 Ext. 13.
2154 61st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569
Tel. (718) 236-0124
Fax. (718) 236-4960
[email protected]
6120 Bay Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569
Tel. (718) 236-4791
Fax. (718) 621-1423
Pastoral Administration:
Mrs. Marie Skroly
Mrs. AnnaMarie Scuteri
Mrs. Lorraine Garone-Tesoro,
M.A., M.S. Ed.
Administrative Assistant:
Mrs. Theresa Simon
The Rectory is also the home of our Parish Priests. We ask you to respect their home
by observing Rectory Office Hours and by calling in advance for an appointment.
Saturday: 5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:30,10:00,11:30 (Choir) & 6 PM
Saturday: 7:30 PM (Lower Church)
Sunday: 10:00 AM (Lower Church)
1:00 PM (Upper Church)
11:30 AM (Lower Church)
Monday-Saturday 8:45 AM
Cluster Director of Youth Ministry
Mr. Kenny Wodzanowski, B.S.
St. Frances Cabrini
1562 86th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11228
Tel. 718.490.4469
Email: [email protected]
Pastoral Associate for the Spanish
Speaking Apostolate
Mr. Alvaro Chavarriaga, B.A.
Oficina de Ministerio Latino
Rectory Basement
To contact our
Pastoral Planning Council
Email: [email protected]
Faith Formation Office:
6120 Bay Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11204-2569
Tel. (718) 331-8811
Fax. (718) 331-2582
Director of Faith Formation:
Mrs. Nicoletta Milo
Our Church is Handicap Accessible.
Saturday after the 9 AM Mass
Mondays after 9 AM Mass
Every Wednesday after 9 AM Mass
CONFESSION (Reconciliation):
Saturdays 4-5 PM or anytime by appointment.
Eve: 7:30 PM (English)
Day: 7, 9 (English)
7:30 PM (Italian) Upper Church
7:30 PM (Spanish) Lower Church
BAPTISM: First & Third Sunday at 2:30 PM.
Parents make arrangements with Deacon.
Both parents & godparents must attend a
Baptismal Instruction Class on last Tuesday of
month in the evening.
FIRST FRIDAY: Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after last morning Mass concluding with
Benediction at 7:30 PM. Italian Mass at 8 PM
MARRIAGE: Couples are to make arrangements six months in advance.
who wish to be anointed or receive Communion at home, call one of the priests to make
arrangements 718-236-0124
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St. Athanasius Church
Sunday, Nov. 11th:
8:30 Bridget & Michael Tuohy
10:00 Holy Name
10:00 Spanish Mass - Lower Church
11:30 PURG. SOCIETY & Fay Cassato and
Joseph Di Mari
11:30 ITAL. - Salvatore Davi
1:00 Spanish Mass - Upper Church
.6:00 Mary Arangio
Monday, Nov. 12th:
9:00 Biagio Fasciano
Tuesday, Nov. 13th:
7:00 Don Bruno Aelai
9:00 Cosimo & Maria Tarzi & Family
Wednesday, Nov. 14th:
7:00 Giuseppe, Mario, Anna Maria Ferrantelli
9:00 Maria Ferraro
Thursday, Nov. 15th:
7:00 Sebastiana Marchese
9:00 Isabella La Fortezza, Anniv.
Friday, Nov. 16th:
7:00 Anthony Joseph Randazzo
9:00 Mario Del Bianco
3:00 Spanish Wedding
Saturday, Nov. 17th:
9:00 Frank Bruno
10:30 Giovanni Renna, Mem. Mass (Eng/It)
11:30 Giuseppe Cammarata, Mem. Mass (Ital)
5:30 Deceased of the Addolorata Society
Sunday, Nov. 18th:
8:30 Frank Rappa & Vincent Pennisi
10:00 Rosary Society - For Deceased Members
10:00 Spanish Mass - Lower Church
11:30 PURG. Society & Campanello, Demonte Family
11:30 ITAL. - Defunti della Famiglia Sasso
1:00 Spanish Mass - Upper Church
6:00 Giacomo Ocello & Carlo Ocello
Please Turn Off
Cell Phones
November 11, 2012
PASTORAL CARE Please don’t forget to inform us if you are going to be
hospitalized so one of our priests can visit. Provide us with your name,
hospital, room number, phone number and, when possible, how long you
will be hospitalized. If you are unable to attend Mass, due to poor health,
illness or advanced age, please call so a Eucharistic Minister can bring
Communion to you. Anointing of the Sick may be requested because of
scheduled surgery or treatment for a life-threatening illness. Call us prior
to your surgery or treatment. Anointing of the Sick at Mass may be celebrated before you go into the hospital. Directly inform one of our priests or
call one of our Pastoral Administrators.
WELCOME, we’re glad you’re here! If this is the first time you
have been to St. A's, welcome! We promise that if you keep your
heart and mind open to God, you’ll find what you’re looking for.
Would you like to talk to someone? We’re here to listen and help if
we can. Just call us at the Rectory when you’re ready. In the
meantime, remember that you are always prayed for and that it is
our hope to pray with you each week.
Church is open Monday-Friday from 6:30a.m. to 3p.m. Saturday
7a.m. to 7p.m. & Sundays 7a.m. to 7p.m. Feel welcome to kneel at
the communion rail at the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament or sit on
the benches in the Sanctuary.
Memorials for the Week
Hosts: In Loving Memory of Antonio Sigona
requested by The Sigona Family
Altar Wine: In Loving Memory of Maria Agosta by
Mr. and Mrs. Salvano Arezzo
Candles: In Loving Memory of Guy Ateniese requested by Grace Ateniese
Sanctuary Lamp: In Loving Memory of Nellie Muller requested by Mary De Francesco and Rose
Sanctuary Lamp: In Loving Memory of Angelina &
Everett Rednour requested by Children
Knights of Columbus Right-to-Life Rose: In Loving Memory of Michael Petolino requested by
Mary Contini
Baptismal arrangements are made every Wed. evening from 7-8:30 pm in the Rectory basement. Please
bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate when you
come in. Instruction Class is held the last Tuesday of
the month in the evening.
Our Call to Christian Stewardship
Nov. 4, 2012 - $11,596.00
Nov. 6, 2011 - $10,946.00
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St. Athanasius Church
November 11, 2012
From the Pastor’s Desk…
Thank Yous are in order to all you.
 We delivered one school bus full of supplies to the Rockaways.
 We collected $10,500 to help hurricane victims.
 We took into our School two students whose Schools were destroyed by Sandy.
 For the spectacular opening Mass of our 100 Jubilee. Fr. Ron and the committee did a great job.
 To Steven LaPlante and all of our Choirs. The music were superb.
 Bishop Caggiano was so personal and loving.
 The Parish Reception was classy.
 To Andrew Yannotti who coordinated putting up the Jubilee Banners.
Msgr. Cassato
100th Jubilee Events
Saturday, December 8, 2012
6:30pm - Tree Lighting with a Special Guest
Sunday, January 20, 2013
11:30am - Mass & Reception
Nun’s Reunion - Sisters of St. Joseph
All the Sisters that were assigned here or entered from here to be
honored for their service to our Parish
Saturday, February 23, 2013
5:00-8:00pm - International Supper - Food & Music
Mon.– Thur., March 11-14, 2013
7:30pm - Jubilee Mission
Mass & Homily by Former Priests of the Parish
Sunday, April 7, 2013
11:30am Mass - Welcome Home Sunday-Divine Mercy Sunday
Former Parishioners - Refreshments Served
Thursday, May 2, 2013
7:00pm Feast of St. Athanasius - Trilingual Mass & Reception
June 2013
Youth Event - TBD
July 2013
Parish Trip to the Tomb of St. Athanasius
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Ministry Sunday
Sunday, October 27, 2013
11:30 am Mass - Closing of the Jubilee Year
November 17, 2013
2:00pm - 9:00pm - Dinner Dance Gala at El Caribe
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St. Athanasius Church
November 11, 2012
Remember When?
As our parish grew, “The Little Church”
couldn’t accommodate all of our parishioners for
Mass. It became necessary to celebrate Mass in
the school auditorium. Its large windows and
brick walls were very different from the Church
but most people liked it because it was bright and
had an open feel to it. Every Mass was standing
room only. Sacraments such as First Holy Communion and Confirmation were celebrated in the
auditorium. Do you remember your First Holy
Communion? It really was a memorable experience. Rows of girls dressed in white on one side
and boys dressed in blue on the other. This was
the first big celebration of our childhood and we
were eager to receive Communion for the first
time and felt like we were truly a part of the
As early as the 1950’s, everyone spoke
about the building of the new Church. The Sisters would talk about it and draw diagrams on the
blackboard long before construction actually began. This was a very exciting time for our Parish.
There was a large field on Bay Parkway and 60th
street which many believed would inevitably be
the site of the new Church. Monsignor Purick
however, had other ideas. He gave the land to
the Diocese and it became the site of Bishop
Kearney High School. Just a block away, on the
corner of 61st street, there was a small gas station which to everyone’s surprise would eventually be the location of our new Church.
Bus Leaves St. Athanasius at
4:00 p.m.
$160. per person
Deacon Dante Colandrea
In 1961, construction finally began for St.
Athanasius Church. The structure went up and
everyone watched and waited in anticipation for
the end result. This Church would be big enough
for everyone. It would have an upper Church,
lower Church and a choir loft. The Church was
completed in 1963 and it was truly worth waiting
for. Monsignor Purick had a vision for the new
Church and he did not disappoint.
Next week: The Church Interior
ROSARY SOCIETY - meets on Sunday, 11/18
after the 10:00 a.m. Mass in the School Auditorium. All are welcome to attend.
If you would like to share your memories, please
contact me at (347)-554-0831 or leave your
ideas at the rectory. Thank You.
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St. Athanasius Church
Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato, Pastor
Rev. Ron D’Antonio, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Gabriel Toro, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Dante Colandrea
Deacon Bill Kelly
Mrs. Marie Skroly, Pastoral Administration
Mrs. AnnaMarie Scuteri, Pastoral Administration
Mr. Steven LaPlante, Music Ministry
Mr. Joseph Barbieri, Lay Pastoral Leader
Mr. Alvaro Chavarriaga, Pastoral Associate
Mrs. Michele DeStefano, Secretary
Ext. 11
Ext. 13
Ext. 14
Ext. 23
Ext. 44
Ext. 10
Ext. 19
Ext. 25
Ext. 24
Ext. 12
CHRISTMAS WREATHS: the Knights of Columbus will be selling wreaths & grave blankets in
front of the Church on the following Sundays.
Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9, and 16. We will also accept
orders in advance which we can deliver locally.
If interested in placing an advance order please
call (347) 393-7102 or log onto All proceeds from
the event go towards our charitable deeds.
If you are interested in joining the Knights please
contact us at (718) 259-5080 or at
Home Companion Services
Call us for companionship and care. We have
Italian & English speaking companions. We can
provide low cost, hourly or live-in companions to
assist with cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry
& accompanying to doctors appointments.
Call Joanne at Italian Board of Guardians Inc.
(718) 232-4242
November 11, 2012
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
2012 Annual Catholic Appeal
486 Families pledged $109,797.00
Received as of 10/29/12 $ 95,792.00
All money collected above the goal
returns directly to St. Athanasius
Join us for an evening of good food, drinks and music
with Armonia Band. Donation $60 per person. Tickets can be purchased before or after the 11:30am
Mass in lower Church. Freddie Felleti 718-614-9683,
Maria Perniciaro (718-351-4764)
Our Rosary Society will hold their annual Arts &
Craft Fair on Sunday, December 9th from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. in the School Auditorium.
Table reservations call:
Eleanor D. (718) 331-0450
Eleanor M. (718)-256-4321
Volunteers Needed!!!
Once again it is time to decorate St. Athanasius for
Christmas. If you would like to help call:
Joey Orlando (646) 210-2919
Vincent Fiordimondo (718) 510-2436
In your kindness please pray for those who are sick
Santo Ammirable, Nina Amico, Vivian & Antoni Antonelli, Patricia Aurigemma, John Bernard, Al Bergen, John Bernard, Mary Bidmead, Joseph Biuso, Jr.,Stacy Bono, Alfred
Brancaccio, Catherine Broderick, Brenda Burns, Christopher Canale, Robert F. Cannone, Anthony Caputo, Ann Centorrino, Carmela Colandrea, Robert Colosini, Josephine
Como, Rosemarie Costagliola, Thomas Cronin, Diana D’Alessandro, Josephine D’Auria, Salvatore Davi, Anthony De Fino, Anthony De Luco, Rachel De Pinto, Laura D’Antonio,
Craig De Lullo, Alex De Marco, Jr., Alex De Marco, III, Joan Demeyer, Jacqueline Di Palma, John Domanico, Elaine Esposito, Tina Esposito, Vincent Esposito, Patricia Farenga,
Anthony Felicito, Stanley Fishelson, Lauren Fevola, , Mary Fumai, Gracie & Theresa Garritano, Edward Gironachan, Gary Golemi, Barbara Hale, Helen Hauser, William Horgan,
Carlo, Diana Ingravallo, Aldo Inguanti, Julie Inzerillo, Cerina Jimanez, Neil, Paul & Stephen Kelleher, Rose, Keith & Elicia Klein, Herb Levin, Catherine Linde, Jillian Lasinsky,
Richard & John Liberti, Sara Marie LoCicero, Lo Piano Family, Eileen Lucchese, Ellen MacDougall, Maiya Macko, John Malloney, Katherine Mami, Linda Mark, Grace Martino,
Paul Mezzo, Andrew Mirabella, A & M. Mohamed, Lucia Montella, Lucy Napoli, Lisa Neglia, Roger Nilsen, Frank Nitto, Joe P., John Palmiero, Jean Palombo, Rafael Pellez, Clara
Pezza, Cathal Quigley, Felicia Randolph, Joseph Riccardi, Margaret Rizzi, Ida Russo, Judy Sabatini, Rosemary Sabatelle, Margaret Sammarco, Angelina, Jenna, Dina Scarponi,
Mickey Sasko, Jada Sciacchatano, Antoinetta Selicchi, Matthew Settanni, Concetta Sigona, Alecia Sirico, Jared Speroni, Marie Stokes, Suzanne Taranto, Dorothy Thoelen, Peter
Tarulli, Lori Taub, Helen Umhasuser, Vasta Family, Rita Venezia, Nicole Villorola, Carla Vitucci, Angelina Vonelli, Leonard Walder,Josephine & Robert Wise, Jr., Nelson Yates,
Martin Zukowski
Please help us keep this list current. If you know of someone who has passed away, please call the rectory.
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St. Athanasius Church
November 11, 2012
Bollettino Settimanale
Messa in Italiano ogni Domenica alle 11:30am (Chiesa di giu’)
Riflessione del mese di novembre
Per metterci in cammino con Gesù dobbiamo imitare i suoi
primi discepoli, che amavano ascoltare la sua Parola e le
spiegazioni che dava loro su come vivere il quotidiano alla
luce del Vangelo. Il laboratorio della fede è un momento per
imparare a conoscere, a ri-scoprire e approfondire le verità
della nostra fede, contenute nel Catechismo della Chiesa
Cattolica e nei Documenti del Concilio Vaticano II. E’,
questa, un’occasione per incontrarsi, ascoltare, dialogare,
confrontarsi e crescere insieme: è una scuola della fede
cristiana nella Chiesa Cattolica.
“L’uomo ha bisogno di Dio, oppure le cose vanno bene
anche senza di Lui?”. E’ la questione del primato di Dio. Da
questa domanda dipende il significato dell’Anno della fede.
Il Papa ha il coraggio di rispondere con chiarezza e semplicità: “se l’uomo dimentica Dio, perde sempre di più la vita,
perché la sete d’infinito è presente nell’uomo in modo inestirpabile. L’uomo è stato creato per la relazione con Dio e
ha bisogno di Lui”. La fede è necessaria all’uomo più del
cibo e dell’aria che respira. Il desiderio dell’uomo è quello di
“bucare le nubi”, di “conoscere il cielo”. L’uomo cerca una
risposta alle domande eterne, con tutto se stesso: Chi
sono? E’ un bene la vita o una pura casualità senza valore
alcuno? Da dove vengo? Dove vado? Cosa c’è dopo a
morte? Chi è Dio? Questa ricerca dell’uomo è come una
scalata su di una montagna impervia. Il Catechismo della
Chiesa Cattolica ricorda che l’uomo è l’unica creatura
“capace di Dio, perché il desiderio di Dio è inscritto nel suo
(Rabindranath Tagore)
La morte non è
una luce che si spegne.
E' mettere fuori la lampada
perché è arrivata l'alba.
NOSTRA PARROCCHIA chiediamo a tutti i parrocchiani di
mostrarci qualsiasi vecchia fotografia che avete della nostra
chiesa o scuola che ricorda eventi del passato della nostra
parrocchia. Cortesemente fateci ottenere una copia delle
vostre foto ricordo oppure portatele nell’ufficio parrocchiale
dove possiamo noi fare le copie. Grazie.
NOSTRA SCUOLA. Ci sara’ cibo caldo e bevanda su
ogni tavola. Il prezzo del biglietto e’ di $60 a persona.
La serata sara’ allietata dal complesso Armonia. I
biglietti si possono acquistare prima e dopo la Messa
Italiana. Telefonare a Freddie Felleti 718-614-9683,
Maria Perniciaro (718-351-4764).
9 DICEMBRE 2012 – come ogni anno The Rosary
Society terra’ l’annuale fiera dalle 9am alle 4 del
pomeriggio nella sala riunione della nostra scuola.
Ottima occasione per comprare regali di Natale. Per
prenotare un tavolo per vendite 718 – 331- 0450
oppure 718 – 256 – 4321.
sabato, primo dicembre – 7pm – Christmas
Oldies Concert – concerto natalizio – offerta
$55 a persona – biglietti in vendita ogni
domenica iniziando dal 9 settembre. 347- 6715556.
Sabato, 8 dicembre – alle 6:30pm cerimonia
annuale su Bay Parkway – si accendono le
luci agli alberi di Natale.
mercoledi’, 19 dicembre – grande concerto a
Carnegie Hall con i tenori Daniel Rodriguez,
Michael Amante e Andy Cooney. Spettacolo
e pranzo $160.
Lunedi’, 31 dicembre - Capodanno a San
Atanasio – dinner dance nel auditorium della
nostra scuola. $75 a persone. Prenotazione
e biglietti al piu’ presto possibile.
Domenica, 20 gennaio 2013 – 11:30am –
riunione delle sorelle di San Giuseppe che
hanno servito la nostra parrocchia.
Sabato, 23 febbraio 2013 – 5:00 – 8:00pm
festivale internzionale – cibo e musica.
Luglio 2012 – viaggio in Italia sulla tomba di San
DA LUGLIO 21 a LUGLIO 29, 2013 il Santo Padre
Papa Benedetto XIVI convoca tuti i giovani del mondo
di riunirsi a Rio de de Janeiro in Brasile. Partenza da
New York il prino luglio con ritorno a New York il 29
luglio. Questo viaggio non e’ soltando per i giovani ma
per tutti quelli che vogliono vivere quest’esperienza
bellissima. Primi due giorni, prima dell’arrivo del
Papa, visita panoramica alla citta’ di Rio. Per
informazioni contattare Kenny al seguente indirizzo di
posta elettronica [email protected]
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St. Athanasius Church
November 11, 2012
Dios no mira la cuantia del don Sino el Corazón y la situación del que da. La viuda que por
amor suyo se priva de todo lo que tiene , da mucho mas que los ricos que ofrecen grandes
sumas sin sustraer nada a su comodidad. Su gesto no tiene mas explicación que una Fe inmensa , mayor aun que la mujer de sarepta. Por que no se esta apoyando solo en un profeta
sino en Dios y obra sin mas movil que el de Servirle con todo el Corazón. La verdadera religion es honrar a Dios de Corazón en Espiritu y en Verdad al igual que servir a Dios en el projimo con la Caridad que no se calcula en base a lo que nos sobra sino a lo que le hace falta al
otro, dandonos en verdadero sacrificio, tal como el mismo Cristo lo hizo, que vino al mundo a
dar la vida por los hombres para destruir el pecado con el sacrificio de si mismo. El Cristiano
salvado por este sacrificio debe participar en El con la entrega de si mismo para la salvacion
eterna de los hermanos.
Las Bienaventuranzas
1. Bienaventurados los Pobres, por que de Ellos es el Reino de Dios.
2. Bienaventurados los mansos por que Ellos poseeran la Tierra.
3. Bienaventurados los que Lloran , por que ellos seran consolados.
4. Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed de Justicia, por que ellos seran Saciados.
5. Bienaventurados los Misericordiosos, por que ellos alcanzaran la misericordia.
6. Bienaventurados los limpios de Corazón por que ellos verán a Dios.
7. Bienaventurados los Pacificos por que ellos seran llamados hijos de Dios .
8. Bienaventurados los perseguidos por causa de la Justicia, por que ellos es el reino de los Cielos.
9. Bienaventurados los perseguidos por causa de la justicia, por que de ellos es el reino de lo
10. Bienaventurados series cuando por causa mia, os insulten y digan toda clase de calumnias
contra ustedes, alegrense y regocijense, por que su recompensa sera grande en los cielos.
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St. Athanasius Church
Youth Ministry Bowling League
Calling all youth, any age, do you like to bowl?
Going pro or just learning? Every other Friday in
the late afternoon at Shell Lanes, we have a youth
league, with teams of all ages desired. Have
some friendly competition and be part of a team!
Program just restarted so if you want to join call/
email Frank Morale at (917)566-0768 or [email protected] for more information and to register. This program is fully supported by the Bensonhurst Cluster Youth Ministry program.
Calling all confirmed Youth!
Have you received your confirmation last year,
year before or more? Looking to learn more,
share more with your faith? Then we need you
and you need us, join the NEWLY formed Post
Confirmation Youth Group!
If you know someone who was confirmed remind
them they need to be more involved in the
church, that is what they confirmed with the
bishop, now time to live it.
Calling all young adults…
Are you 18-40, looking for an experience of
God like you never had before? Like to
travel and to discover new things? Then
maybe you are being called to attend the
World Youth Day in July 2013 in Rio, Brazil.
To learn more about the different packages,
approach your Pastor and send us a text at
Pick-up Sat., Nov. 17th from
10 a.m.—12 noon
In order to pick up a basket you MUST OBTAIN A COUPON from Fr. Ron in November.
No one will receive a basket without one.
Please note there is only one basket per
family and only the person who’s name appears on the coupon will receive it.
November 11, 2012
Bensonhurst Youth Ministry
Youth Center - Every Tuesday from 6:309:30PM at St. Frances Cabrini. For youth 6th
grade through high school. Come where faith
and fun are one! Soul Team - Meets every first and third
Wednesday at St. Frances Cabrini . This is a
High School and College Leadership Team.
Youth Mass - at St. Athanasius and meets
either the 2nd or 4th Sunday. Afterwards a
post confirmation youth group, and confirmation leaders group will meet from 7-9PM.
Faith Formation: Youth and Adult Lead sessions. meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at
St. Simon and Jude from 7-9PM.
Passion Players: Youth drama group meets
on Tuesday evenings at the Youth Center
SYP- Saturday Youth program meets
every 1st and 3rd Saturday at St. Athanasius
from 10:30-2PM.
Open Gym/Youth Center at St. Simon and
Jude meets every first and third Friday from
The St. A’s Scouting Program meets every
Wednesday night in the school auditorium at
7:00 p. m. All boys ages 7-18. Boys and
Girls 14-21 can join the Venturing Crew.
Come and learn skills that will last a lifetime.
Saint Margaret Parish
& Msgr. Steven Aguggia
March 4 to March 14, 2013
Call Doug at 718.326.1911 for information
Sisters in Faith will hold their next meeting on
November 14th at 7:00PM in the Nazareth Institute. Our topic for this meeting will be Faithful
Simplicity. With the holiday season approaching we will discuss ways to refocus and prioritize
our lives. Please join us for fellowship and faith
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St. Athanasius Church
Faith Sharing Question of the Week
We encourage you to talk about the readings & reflection question in the car on the way home from Mass, at
dinner on Sunday, or at parish meetings. Faith sharing
opens the door for us to meet, know & walk with Christ
in our everyday lives.
What inspires you to be generous?
The Morning Scripture Reflection & Faith Sharing
Meets every Thursday, after the 9a.m. Mass, in the Nazareth Institute to discuss the upcoming Sunday's Scriptures.
Join Lay Pastoral Leader Joe Barbieri for spirited discussions on next Sunday’s readings.
Golden Age Club
Meets every Wednesday at 12:45pm in the School
(During the school year)
All Golden Agers are welcome to join us.
Figlia Maria SS Addolorata
Join them every First Friday to pray
the Rosary in the Nazareth Institute at 8pm.
During May the Rosary is prayed on
Mon., Wed. & Fri. at 8pm
Charismatic Prayer Group
Meets every Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. in the
Lower Church.
The St. Athanasius Respect Life Ministry
Rosary and Prayers for an end to abortion. Every Saturday
after the 9:00am Mass. .
“We thank Jesus for closing the 3rd Ave. Abortion Mill
and pray that by this miracle, everyone reallze the
power of prayer.”
Community Outreach Program
Where there is despair, let us bring hope. Volunteers are
needed to serve food to the poor and the homeless on Saturday Mornings. For more information, please call Fred
Rubino at (718) 236-0264 or Dawn Aiello at (718) 232-3113
Food Pantry
Our St. Vincent de Paul Food Panty is requesting donations
of the following items:
Cereal, canned vegetables, soups, peanut butter & jelly,
tomato sauce & pasta.
Leave all donations in front of the St. Joseph Altar. We
thank you in advance for helping the needy of our Parish.
November 11, 2012
Rosary Society
The Rosarians welcome all women of the Parish. The
Society is dedicated to the Blessed Mother, the growth of
the love of God through Mary. We honor the Blessed
Mother by the constant and reverent praying of the rosary in our daily life.
We are involved in all Parish activities, liturgical and social – and keep informed about civic community activities.
Spiritual activities include an Annual Retreat, Annual
Communion Breakfast and Baby Shower for Unwed
Mothers. The Society raises money to help our Church
continue outreach efforts. The fundraisers include:
Christmas Fair, Basket Night, Chinese Auction.
We attend the 10:00am Mass on the Third Sunday of the
month (except July & August) followed by a meeting &
light breakfast in the School.
If interested, please call Palma @ 718-837-1752 or just
come to the Mass & meeting.
Holy Name Society
New members are welcome to help with our community
service work. The Society is a spiritual organization, a fraternity of the Catholic Church, spreading devotion to the
Name of Jesus. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!
The present Holy Name Society members dedicate themselves to corporal works in helping our Parish Organizations
and School, with various fundraising. The Holy Name meets
every second Sunday of each month (after the 10 a.m.
Mass), except for July & August.
Men of all ages are welcome, especially the fathers of children attending St. A’s School and Catholic War Veterans
are cordially invited to attend. For more info., call Ed DiGiacomo at:718-836-7917
Make a difference in your community.
Join the Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus are looking for Catholic men, 18
years of age and older, who are committed to making their
community a better place, while supporting their Church.
Whether it’s doing charitable deeds, making new friends, or
supporting your church, the Knights of Columbus may be
right for you.
Find out more by visiting or call
APARTMENT FOR RENT: one bdrm, 2nd fl—
rear in a four family. Near transportation & shopping 59 St. between 18/19 Ave. No smoking.
Call: 1-347-866-4091
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St. Athanasius Church
The District Attorney’s Office is located in the Rectory
Conference Room on Wednesdays from 9 - 4. Call
The Neighborhood Office is an extension of the District Attorney’s Office’s Citizen Action Center. You can discuss
problems that concern you and our community with their
staff members.
Every Thursday in the Auditorium.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Admission $3.
Game starts at 7:30 p.m.
St. Athanasius is Going Green
Msgr. Cassato invites all parishioners and ministries
to support our parish-wide Fundraiser with Viridian
Energy. Viridian Energy is licensed by New York
State in the Con Edison and National Grid Markets.
Parishioners can save money on their electric and gas
utility bills, and St. Athanasius makes money from
Msgr. Cassato is the Fundraising Director, along with
parishioners Billy & Christiane Valentine.
Viridian Energy has a Sustainability Report, that has
been audited by Ernst & Young to validate the company’s information.
Further info. call Billy Valentine at 917-885-0874
Home Assistance
We are happy to announce that two members of our
Parish have now opened:
In Home Care and Assistance
7102 20th Ave.
1-347-554-8400 - Asst. Ruby
November 11, 2012
Do you need a Minister of Caring? Is someone in your
family ill, homebound, hospitalized or in a care facility
(assisted living or nursing home) & wishes a visit or a phone
call from a Minister of Caring, please call Bensonhurst
Cluster Lay Minister Palma Parmese at 718.837.1752.
Support Groups at St. A’s
Bereavement Support meets in the Nazareth Institute
with Sr. Barbara Murtha, C.S.J. on Mondays, Sept. to
June, at 7:30pm. Meet: Nov. 12,19; Dec. 3,10,17.
Divorced & Separated Support Group will meet in the
Nazareth Institute from 7:30-9:30p.m. on Tuesdays.
Meet: Nov. 13, 27; Dec.11; Jan. 8, 22; Feb. 5, 19; Mar. 5,
19; Apr 2, 16, 30; May 14, 28; June 11, 25.
Call Enza at: 917-613-3959 for more information (after 7
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women
who share their experience, strength and hope with each
other that they may solve their common problem and help
others to recover from a gambling problem. Meeting every
Friday night at 7:30p.m. in the Nazareth Institute.
Overeaters Anonymous members talk about their struggles with compulsive eating. Meeting every Wednesday
night at 8:00p.m. in the Nazareth Institute.
Is your life effected by someone who is drinking? To help
them, you must first help yourself. Al-Anon helps families
and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living
with the problem drinking of a relative or friend.
Our Al-Anon Group meets in the Nazareth Institute every
Friday 8-9:30p.m. & Saturday 7:30-9:30p.m.
Flea Market
The Knights of Columbus Council #4884 will have a monthly Flea Market
on the second Saturday of every month.
Next Flea Market is Dec. 8th, at our Council from 9am-4pm.
Vendors are welcome to call Chairman Bob at: 347-874-2792.
Our Council is located at 7211 20th Ave. Our Hall is for Hire for special
occasions. For more information about rental call (732) 861-1297 or (718)
In order for designated Parish Ministries & Organizations to reserve one of our rooms at St. A’s, we require you to fill out our Parish Calendar & Room Request Form. The form is available in the rectory or can be downloaded from our website. We even
have an E-form so you complete this form without writing. Just e-mail it back to us, or print it out and drop it off. All Requests
must be made using our form. E-mail completed form to AnnaMarie Scuteri at [email protected]. This is the ONLY
way to reserve a room here at St. A's. The group listed on the parish calendar is the group that has the right to use that
space. If you are not a designated ministry of our parish, permission must be granted from our Pastor, Msgr. Cassato, a rental
fee is paid, and a lease agreement completed in order to use space.
Sunday Bulletin Deadlines The Sunday Bulletin must be e-mailed to our printer by 10a.m. Monday. All announcements must be
submitted in WRITTEN form only (handwritten, typed, computer, fax, e-mailed, etc) by 3p.m. Friday. Announcements received
after the deadline will be published the following week. No one on the parish staff will assume the responsibility for your ministry’s
articles. Include your bulletin articles in your advance planning for your event. All Flyers need to be approved by a staff member
and submitted by Email only to [email protected].
Our Printer Requires all Black or Grayscale Print, Clip Art & Graphics. If you submit color graphics, the printer will NOT print
your flyer. Please email announcements to [email protected] no other email addresses!
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St. Athanasius Church
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November 11, 2012