A Breath of Fresh Air  


A Breath of Fresh Air  
A Newsletter of WV Birth To Three Regional Administrative Unit 7
Early Intervention….Building Bridges for a Bright Future
A Breath of Fresh Air Submitted by Karen Lawson, Regional Tobacco Prevention Coordinator‐Region H Children have no choice about the quality of air that they breathe. If their care givers smoke then the children are forced to breathe in cancer causing chemicals like arsenic, ammonia, polonium‐210, and many more. Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or cancer‐causing. According to a Surgeon General’s Report almost half of U.S. nonsmokers still have detectable levels of cotinine, a biomarker of secondhand smoke exposure. In addition it states that 60% of U.S. children aged 3‐11 are exposed to secondhand smoke. Dangers of secondhand smoke to children include the following: pneumonia, asthma attacks, bronchitis, and increased risk of ear infections, weaker lungs, and sudden infant death syndrome. Ventilation cannot be relied on to control health risks from secondhand smoke exposure according to The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air‐Conditioning Engineers, the preeminent US body on ventilation issues. Eliminating smoking inside protects nonsmokers from exposure to secondhand smoke. Protect the people in your life by giving them “A Breath of Fresh Air.” Help is available to you if you would like to quit using tobacco. Call the West Virginia Tobacco Quitline at 1‐877‐966‐8784. If you are not willing to quit for yourself please quit for those around you. Help others to breathe fresh air and help to protect them from increased risks of breast cancer, lung cancer, and heart disease. Smoking kills more Americans than homicides, suicides, car wrecks, fires, alcohol use, drug use, HIV, and AIDS combined. The Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Children Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, or ETS, is a combination of exhaled cigarette smoke (mainstream smoke)and the smoke that comes from the end of a smoldering cigarette (sidestream smoke). It is a nasty mixture of more than 7,000 chemicals, 250 of which have been identified as poisonous, and upwards of 70 that are carcinogenic. According to the 2006 report of the Surgeon General, The Health Consequences of Invol‐
untary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, there is no safe level of expo‐
sure to secondhand smoke. Children face a greater risk than adults of the negative effects of secondhand smoke. When the air is tainted with cigarette smoke, young, developing lungs receive a higher concentration of inhaled toxins than do older lungs because a child's breathing rate is faster than that of adults. Adults breathe in and out approximately 14 to 18 times a minute, and newborns can breathe as many as 60 times a minute. Up until a child is about 5 years old, the respiratory rate is quite fast. Excerpts taken from: http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/secondhandsmoke/a/smokeandkids.htm Earl D. Smith, Executive Director
Melissa Saddler, Program Director
Vicky Hodges, Interim Service Coordinator
Lisa McCune, Interim Service Coordinator
Joanna Bare, Interim Service Coordinator
Tracie Scott, Interim Service Coordinator
Tammy Fleshman, Parent Partner/Editor
Lisa East, Clerical
Lucinda Asbury, Clerical
People First Language
Describing People with Disabilities
What Should You Say?
Be sensitive when choosing the words you use. Here are a few guidelines on appropriate language.
Recognize that people with disabilities are ordinary people with common goals for a home, a
job and a family. Talk about people in ordinary terms.
Never equate a person with a disability — such as referring to someone as retarded, an epileptic or quadriplegic. These labels are simply medical diagnosis. Use People First Language
to tell what a person HAS, not what a person IS.
Emphasize abilities not limitations. For example, say a man walks with crutches, not he is
Avoid negative words that imply tragedy, such as afflicted with, suffers, victim, prisoner and
Recognize that a disability is not a challenge to be overcome, and don't say people succeed in
spite of a disability. Ordinary things and accomplishments do not become extraordinary just
because they are done by a person with a disability. What is extraordinary are the lengths
people with disabilities have to go through and the barriers they have to overcome to do the
most ordinary things.
Use handicap to refer to a barrier created by people or the environment. Use disability to
indicate a functional limitation that interferes with a person's mental, physical or sensory
abilities, such as walking, talking, hearing and learning. For example, people with disabilities
who use wheelchairs are handicapped by stairs.
Do not refer to a person as bound to or confined to a wheelchair. Wheelchairs are liberating
to people with disabilities because they provide mobility.
Do not use special to mean segregated, such as separate schools or buses for people with
disabilities, or to suggest a disability itself makes someone special.
Avoid cute euphemisms such as physically challenged, inconvenienced and differently abled.
Promote understanding, respect, dignity and positive outlooks.
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between
lightning and the lightning bug." Mark Twain
Excerpts taken from: http://www.txddc.state.tx.us/resources/publications/pfanguage.asp
of People First Language
Say This
Not This
people with disabilities
the handicapped, the disabled
people without disabilities
normal, healthy, whole or typical people
person who has a congenital disability
person with a birth defect
person who has (or has been diagnosed with)...
person afflicted with, suffers from, a
victim of...
person who has Down syndrome
Downs person, mongoloid, mongol
person who has (or has been diagnosed with) autism
the autistic
person with quadriplegia, person with paraplegia, person diagnosed with a physical disability
a quadriplegic, a paraplegic
person with a physical disability
a cripple
person of short stature, little person
a dwarf, a midget
person who is unable to speak, person who uses a comdumb, mute
munication device
people who are blind, person who is visually
the blind
person with a learning disability
learning disabled
person diagnosed with a mental health condition
crazy, insane, psycho, mentally ill,
emotionally disturbed, demented
person diagnosed with a cognitive disability or with an mentally retarded, retarded, slow, idiot
intellectual and developmental disability
student who receives special education services
special ed student, special education
person who uses a wheelchair or a mobility chair
confined to a wheelchair; wheelchair
accessible parking, bathrooms, etc.
handicapped parking, bathrooms, etc.
Excerpts taken from: http://www.txddc.state.tx.us/resources/publications/pfanguage.asp
Diseases Passed on to Children with Smoking Parents
According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, mothers who smoke cigarettes produce less breast milk and have
children with lower birth weights. The AAO further states
that children exposed to environmental tobacco smoke or second-hand cigarette smoke are also at a higher risk of the
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, SIDS, the major cause of
death in infants under one year old.
The Surgeon General's report on effects of exposure to second hand smoke states that children of smoking parents may
be at increased risks for cancers particularly leukemia, lymphoma and brain tumors.
Children of smoking parents prove more likely to suffer from
hyperactivity and some degree of intellectual impairment,
says the AAO. According to the World Health Organization,
WHO, children who grow up with smoking
parents are about two times more likely to start
smoking than other children.
Excerpts taken from: http://www.livestrong.com/article/142409-diseasespassed-children-with-smoking-parents/
WV Birth to Three/RAU 7
PO Box 5650
Princeton, WV 24740
Mailing Label
WV Birth to Three services and supports are provided under Part C of
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and administered
through the West Virginia Department of Health and Human
Resources, Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health.
Regional Administrative Units VI and VII are coordinated by
MountainHeart Community Services, Inc.