Multi- Lead Bob Page, AAS,


Multi- Lead Bob Page, AAS,
Bob Page, AAS,
Continuing Education
I-65 @ 21st Street
PO Box 1367
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1367
Bob Page is an internationally known speaker,
instructor, author and paramedic. He has presented seminars across the United States, Canada and in the United Kingdom. He is recognized for his energetic, humorous and motivational style. Bob takes ordinarily dry and hard to
teach topics and transforms them into a fun,
learning experience.
Bob's presentations are accompanied by exciting AV support from PowerPoint programs with
graphics, animation, audio and video clips. He
has been dubbed "The Master of PowerPoint” by
many educators across the nation.
Bob has been an instructor for over 3 decades
teaching a variety of adult education courses
from customer service to advanced medical
care. He is a nationally registered paramedic
and a critical care paramedic. He has been involved in EMS since 1978 when he became a
CPR instructor. Bob is the Director of Emergency
Care Education at St. John's Regional Health
Center in Springfield, Missouri. He is the lead
instructor for the paramedic program and has
taught at all levels of EMS and nursing. He has
earned a faculty appointment at the University
of Maryland, Baltimore County and also is a
guest instructor at Southwest
College of Nursing.
for Acute and Critical
Care Providers
Discover the strength at
Baptist University's
12-Lead ECG Interpretation
April 14, 2011
Primo West
Plainfield, Indiana
Multi-Lead ECG Registration
Lesson Focus
Learning Objectives
12-Lead ECG—If anyone told you that you could take a
Describe the difference between monitoring and assessing a patient using an ECG machine.
Demonstrate proper lead placement for 12 and 15Lead ECG.
Using a simple chart and leads I, II, III, determine electrical axis and the presence of fascicular blocks
12-lead class and have fun, would you believe them?
Presented by Bob Page, Author of the book 12-Lead
ECG for Acute and Critical Care Providers, this 8 hour,
highly motivating, non-stop interactive course on 12Lead ECG, presented internationally, includes proper
lead placement, axis and hemiblock determination,
bundle branch blocks, differentiating wide complex
tachycardia and myocardial infarction recognition. Also
cludes a workbook and handy charts for rapid use in
the field. This course is the perfect filler to pick up
where ACLS and Experienced Provider courses left off!
Date & Time
April 14, 2011
Registration from 8—8:30 am
Continuing Education
Indiana University Health, Indianapolis (ISNA No. CNEP
10-01,6/1/13) is an approved provider of continuing
nursing education by the Indiana State Nurses Associa-
Using lead V1 (MCL-1), determine bundle branch
Describe the clinical significance of hemiblocks and
bundle branch blocks in the cardiac patient.
Describe a strategy for identifying V-Tach in wide complex tachycardia.
On a 12, 15 or Multi–Lead ECG, identify ST and T wave
changes relative to myocardial ischemia, injury and
Describe a systematic “assessment” of a 12-lead ECG.
Describe possible complications of various infarct
Daytime Telephone: ________________________________
Employer Name: ___________________________________
Business Address: __________________________________
Position: ________________ Unit: ____________________
Email Address: ____________________________________
IU Health Employees:
Employee # _______________________________________
IU Health Email: ____________________________________
Space is limited
Registrations will not be accepted after April 8th , 2011
Make Check Payable to: Continuing Education
Mail To: Marcy Strine, Continuing Education
I-65 @ 21st Street, PO Box 1367
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1367
evaluation are required to obtain contact hours.
The Need for Multi-Lead/Placement
Bundle Branch/ Bifascicular Blocks
Axis and Hemiblocks
1 hr
1.5 hr
$100.00 Fee includes folder, handouts, lunch and
break refreshments. We will be unable to hold or re-
Ventricular Tachycardia
1 hr
serve application without fee or purchase order.
Acute Coronary Syndromes
1 hr
Case Studies
1.5 hr
.25 hr
For further information, assistance, or to cancel, call
__Check __Mastercard __VISA __Discover __Money Order
1 hr
Lunch and Breaks
EMT License # _____________________________________
IU Health Methodist Hospital
Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Attendance at the entire event and submission of an
Nursing License # ___________________________________
tion, an accredited approver by the American Nurses
Nurses will be granted 7.25 contact hours.
Address: _________________________________________
included is the use of a 15-lead ECG. The course in-
Credit Card #
Expiration Date
the Continuing Education Office at 317.962.8078.
Refunds will be made if cancellation is received by April
11, 2011. No refunds will be made after that time.
© 2011 Indiana University Health
Fax registrations to: 317.962.8977.

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