to - The Rossford Record Journal


to - The Rossford Record Journal
VOLUME 14, NUMBER 27 –JULY 5, 2016
Established 2003
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men
are created equal , that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights , that among these are
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
U.S. Declara tion of Independence, July 4, 1776
Happy Independence Day, America!
Br o ught to yo u by the sponso rs o n page 3.
Penta BOE hires personnel for upcoming school year
In preparation for the
2016-17 school year, the
Penta Career Center board of
education hired several personnel at a special June 28
Evan LaHote and Catherine Manol were hired as adult
education ABLE specialists/
lab technicians, $15 per hour,
effective July 1.
Also hired for adult education was Robert Miller, building, construction and re-
modeling instructor, $20/per
hour, beginning July 1.
Employed as part-time
adult education ABLE instructors at a salary of $20 per
hour were Tammy Bankey,
Jessica Chapman, James
Dornberg, William Ferguson,
Janet French, Cynthia Gallardo, Joanne Goins, Sarah
William Kopaniasz, Erika LaHote, Jennifer
Rochelle Manely, Phyllis
Manton, Sandy Miller, Elisia
Miranda, Mary Passino,
Scheerer, Loretta Sellers, Patricia Senerius, Barbara Szydlowski, Joanne Wolniewicz,
Delores Young, and on an as
scheduled basis, Zachary Kulwicki.
Also hired were Rita Haddad, state tested nursing assistant program coordinator for
the high school and adult education, $23.76/ per hour, ef-
fective July 1; Allison Liverani, special education instructor/intervention
specialist, one-year limited
contract, $43,165, and Jacob
Sturt, half-time academic instructor, one-year limited contract, $20,409
Again this year Scott Carpenter will serve as the High
Schools That Work coordinator for $275 per day as needed
Give blood, Springfield BOE approves 2016-17 staffing
Doug Pearson, OWA specialget Cedar
ist; Jill Lipinski, guidance
counselor; Megan Hujik,
Point tickets
guidance counselor; Todd
This summer, the American Red Cross, Cedar Fair
theme parks, K-100 and
Genoa Bank are partnering
to offer a free Cedar Fair
theme park ticket to those
who donate blood at select
blood drives, while supplies
Donors can enter to win
one of two grand prize packages for four to Knott’s
Berry Farm in California or
Cedar Point.
To participate in the free
ticket campaign donors
should come to a blood drive
on Friday, July 15, from
noon to 6 p.m., McCord
Road Christian Church,
4765 McCord Road, Sylvania.
To donate, download the
American Red Cross Blood
Donor App, visit redcross or call 1-800-7332767 to make an appointment
Superintendent Dr. Michael O’Shea, right, presents Treasurer Ryan Lockwood with a commendation in recognition
of his service on the Ohio Schools Advisory Committee.
By Jane Maiolo
At the June 22 meeting, the
Springfield Board of education approved a number of
staff recommendations for
Michael O’Shea noted that
most are renewal of contracts
and not new positions.
Certified personnel approved are Candace Rothen-
buhler, SHS intervention specialist; Austin Baker, SHS science; Christian Gensen, SHS
math; Ainsley Schwartz, Holland Elementary intervention
specialist; Tori Meyer, SHS
art, and Liza Runyon, Holland
elementary fourth grade.
Awarded auxiliary service
personnel contracts at St.
John’s Jesuit SHS are Mussa
Orra, guidance counselor;
See PERSONNEL page 2➧
Black, guidance counselor;
Julie Zaborowski, school
nurse, $29,249; Katherine McCarty, ASP clerk/assistant superintendent secretary, $22.97
per hour; Inga Wood, guidance secretary, $17.06 per
hour, and Linda Mowat and
Evelyn Schroder, school nurse
as needed basis, $18 per hour.
The board also approved
the following personnel.
•Substitute teachers–Hannah Allison, Cathi Bailey,
Judy Branstutter, Alexis
Condo, Lynn Dona, Mark
Drozdowicz, Shari Hartman,
Anthony Kinner, Summer
Mahlman, Bradley Miller,
Kristin Okulski, Brianna Parton, David Roshong, Terri
Schultz, Michael Thompson,
Matthew Vaillant, Ian Auslander, Karen Bogdan, Bradley
MaryAlice Donofrio, Ronda
Garcia, Monica Hoskins,
Diane Knepper, Katherine
See STAFFING page 3➧
Metroparks awarded grant
funds for habitat management
Please Recycle This Newspaper
By Jane Maiolo
The Metroparks Toledo
commissioners have accepted
a grant that will assist with
habitat management.
At the June 22 meeting,
the commissioners agreed to
accept $278,000 for habitat
management activities on
2,400 acres of park land during fiscal year 2017, which
runs from July 1, 2016 to June
30, 2017.
Under the agreement, the
park system will provide up to
$226,000 of in-kind match,
explained Tim Schetter,
metroparks director of natural
resources, adding that the total
cost is estimated at $504,000.
The Nature Conservancy
and Ohio Department of Natural Resources will receive
the award through the federal
Pittman-Robertson funds of
the U.S. Department of Interior.
$25.00 per year
Work performed under the
grant will be done by the
park’s natural resources division and includes protection,
enhancement and restoration
of land.
“Additionally, during the
grant period, the Nature Conservancy’s
restoration team will perform
habitat management activities
on Metroparks-owned lands
in the Oak Opening Corridor
that were restored under previous grant awards,” Mr.
Schetter said.
Other Business
In other business, the commissioners:
•Contracted with Eco
Painting for $31,000 to paint
Ludwig Mill at Providence
Joe Fasnaugh, chief of operations, said painting of the
exterior and roof represents
See HABITAT page 2➧
Journal readers are everywhere
From there to here, from here to there, Journal readers are
The staff invites readers to submit photos of themselves
or others reading the paper wherever they may travel, whether
it is India or Indiana.
Phyllis Lammon and Kathy Grabel traveled to Reykjavik,
Iceland from June 19 to 23. “It’s a beautiful place to see,”
said Ms. Lammon.
The two went to Blue Lagoon, Hallgrim’s church, Great
Geysir Geothermal area, Golden waterfalls, Thingvellir National Park, Eyjafjallajokull volcano, glacier and black sand
They also visited Viking houses, Old Town Center, Parliament and the modern city hall, University District, Hofoi
House restaurant and the presidential residence at Bessastadir.
The two saw the artwork of Asmundur Sveinsson and Einar
Johnson and enjoyed whale watching,
Readers and advertisers are encouraged to submit photos
of themselves reading the paper. Try to include a familiar
background. For example, Yosemite Falls makes an interesting backdrop for a reader at Yosemite National Park, California.
Photos may be submitted by email to editor@holland or by mail to The Journal, 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551. If photos are sent by mail and need to
be returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Please note the name of the person(s) in the photo and
their hometown/business as well as any other details you may
want to add about the trip.
Sylvania Municipal
Court Report
The following cases were
heard in Sylvania Municipal
Court from June 20 to 24,
2016. Court costs are $98 unless otherwise indicated.
Adam D. Michalak,
Toledo; attempted drug abuse;
fines, $500; 62 days jail, 60
suspended; OVI; fines, $675,
$200 suspended; 68 days jail,
60 suspended; nine month license suspension.
David M. Odonnell, Holland; (3) domestic violence;
fines, $1,500; court costs,
$305; 540 days jail, 435 suspended; pay $836.91 restitution; no contact with victim;
criminal trespass; fines, $250;
court costs, $69; 30 days jail,
29 suspended; pay $436.91
restitution; no contact with
David J. McCormick, Sylvania; domestic violence;
fines, $250; court costs, $125;
30 days jail, 26 suspended.
Anthony Prather, Holland;
OVI; fines, $675, $200 suspended; 43 days jail, 40 suspended; six month license
Nicholas A. Crosby, Holland; DUS; fines, $300; 30
days jail, 29 suspended.
Jacob M. Strezinski, Sylvania; disorderly conduct;
fines, $250; court costs, $163;
30 days jail, 15 suspended.
Richard W. Dudley IV,
Sylvania; physical control;
fines, $900; court costs, $99;
69 days jail, 30 suspended
one year license suspension;
DUS; fines, $400; court costs,
$69; 33 days jail, 30 suspended.
OVI–operating a vehicle
under the influence.
DUS–driving under suspension
FRA–financial responsibility suspension
June 16 to 27, 2016
Thursday, June 16
Theft and criminal damage, 7300 block West Central Avenue; theft, 5600
block Whiteford Road.
Friday, June 17
Burglary, 5800 block
Meade Road; breaking and
entering, 4400 block Merriweather.
Saturday, June 18
Theft, 2600 block Moffat
Monday, June 20
Falsification and theft,
5200 block Monroe Street.
Wednesday, June 22
Theft, 6800 block Blossman Road; attempted breaking and entering, 6200 block
Pembridge Drive.
Saturday, June 25
Breaking and entering
and stalking, 4900 block
Heather Place.
Sunday, June 26
Burglary, 4700 block
Farm Creek.
Monday, May 27
Motor vehicle theft, 3500
block North Holland Sylvania Road.
Sylvania Township
Police Report
Continued from page 1
the final phase of mill renovations.
He reminded the commissioners that work on the historic mill began with
reinforcement of the structure’s foundation followed
earlier this spring by replacement of timber framing, windows and the accessible ramp
at the building entrance.
Commissioner Fritz Byers,
who visited the park over Fathers Day, commended the
chief on the work. “The mill
looks great.”
•Authorized the executive
director and treasurer to provide investment and financial
instructions to financial institutions as needed.
Treasurer Matt Cleland explained that banks are now requiring entities to designate
the person or persons making
banking decisions.
The current authorizations
are for Signature Bank, and
T.D. Ameritrade, he said,
adding that the commissioners
have approved similar authorizations for Fifth Third Bank
and Morgan Stanley.
•Learned that Middlegrounds park in Toledo is
scheduled to open to the public on Saturday, September
•Paid bills totaling $1.89
million for the month of May.
The next commissioners
meeting will be at 8:30 a.m.,
Wednesday, July 20 in the
Macomber Lodge at Pearson
park, and is open to the public.
Down electrical line
forces closure of I-475
A downed electrical line
forced the closure of I-475 in
Sylvania Township last
Lieutenant William Bowers of the Toledo Post of the
Ohio Highway said the incident occurred near the Central Avenue overpass when
construction crews working
on the roadway in the area
struck a utility pole causing
an electrical wire to hang
close to interstate traffic.
Two semi-trucks traveling southbound came in contact with the electrical line,
and one of them caused the
line to snap, the lieutenant
The electrical line became entangled between the
trailer and cab of the semitruck, and laid across the
southbound lanes and southbound exit ramp to Central
The line also
caused a small grass fire in
the median.
Traffic was shut down on
both sides of the interstate
for about an hour until
Toledo Edison could remove
the electrical line. No damage was sustained to either
vehicle, and no injuries were
The OHP was assisted at
the scene by the Sylvania
Township Police and Fire
Departments, Springfield
Township Fire Department,
Sylvania Police Department,
and the Ohio Department of
In the June 28 issue of the
Journal, the story “Fire and
sheriff’s reports posted for
May” should have said that
the “Springfield Township
trustees agreed to a salary for
a battalion chief who will be
assigned to one of the township fire stations.”
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552
Office: 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg
Phone 419-874-4491
E-mail: [email protected]
Matthew H. Welch, Publisher
Jane Welch-Maiolo, Editor
Matthew H. Welch, Advertising Manager
All news items MUST INCLUDE NAME
further information be needed
News Deadline: Thursday, at 10:00 a.m.
Advertising Deadline: Thursday, at 10:00 a.m.
Liability for errors and/or omissions in publication of any advertisement
by the HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL, whether due to negligence or otherwise, is limited to rerunning without charge that portion of
the advertisement published incorrectly. In case of error or omission, the
publisher will, upon request, furnish the advertiser with a letter stating that
such error or omission occurred. The HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL will not be responsible for errors or omissions in any advertising
beyond the first insertion or for errors in electronically submitted ads.
Other than as stated above. The HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL
assumes no responsibility or liability for any monetary loss or damages
resulting from any error or omission. All copy is subject to the approval of
the publisher, who reserves the right to reject or cancel any submission at
any time. The opinions expressed in paid advertisements and/or letters to
the Editor which are published in The HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD
JOURNAL do not necessarily reflect the opinion or philosophy of The
Continued from page 1
in 2016-17.
The school board renewed
contracts for Aric Christman,
five years; Craig Clark, one
year, and William Fisher, four
In addition, the board accepted the resignations of
Katie Bylow, satellite careerbased intervention, effective
June 30, and Lori Reeves, administrative assistant, July 29,
and the retirement on June 30
of administrative assistant Dianne Welling.
Other Business
In other business, the
•Waived student fees of
approximately $270,000 for
2016-17. For more than 16
calling all
calling all chicks
5:30–9:00 pm
Toledo Botanical Garden
years, the school board has
waived the fees, allowing students whose families may
have limited incomes the opportunity to attend the career
•Approved a student internship for Adame Aurellano
Jr., a Bowling Green State
University student who will
be mentored by Heather
Smith-Nissen in business and
marketing education in the
fall and spring.
•Approved four requests to
attend professional meetings.
The next board of education meeting will be at 7:30
a.m., Wednesday, August 10
in the board meeting room,
9301 Buck Road, Perrysburg,
and is open to the public. No
meeting is scheduled for July.
–Jane Maiolo
chicks '
mix 16
$37 per ticket
($20 for Junior Chicks age 20 and under)
Mom's House
Mom’s House gives young moms the support
they need to reach their educational goals
and become good parents and contributing
members of the community.
For more information on Chicks Mix ’16, please
visit To purchase tickets,
contact Shannon at 419-241-2221
or [email protected].
Continued from page 1
McAuley, Bradley Myers, Anne
O'Leary, Marilyn Peth, Liza
Runyan, Robin Sears, Carol
Treece, Marlene Wainer, Sharon
Badyna, Mark Bonnough,
Chelsea Byrosingh, Becky
Croke, Freda Drake, Lindsay
Goldberg, Kim Inglis, Scott
Lumpkins, Ann McIlhargeyKontur, Randy Norris, Meghan
Parker, Andrew Pezzin, Dayna
Schultz, Andrea Simpson, Debbie Trumbull, and Amy Cook.
•Administrative substitute–
Lester Pierson
Chris Antozewski, bus driver;
Anthony Burroughs, food service, assistant, custodial; Darlene
Clausen, secretary, assistant,
food service; Christine Douglas,
food services, assistant; Kim
Estes, food services, custodial,
assistant; Patsy Evans - assistant, food service; Jimmie
Green, custodian; Marilyn Hall,
aide; Heather Hawk, bus driver
for field trips; Jerri Hodges, bus
driver, assistant, food services;
Stephen Hood, custodial, delivery, food service, assistant; Rebecca Iserman, secretarial, food
service, assistant, library clerk;
Christie Lindzy, food services,
custodial, assistant; Erin Lisenbee, food service assistant; Rita
Materni, assistant, library clerk,
custodial; Susan Nicholson,
custodian; Kelly Obermiller,
secretarial; Bianca Obregon,
custodial, food service; Cynthia
O’Connor, secretary; Susan
Olman, assistant, food service;
Karen Owens, food service, assistant; Karen Reese, assistant,
food service; Liza Runyan, library clerk; Ricky Shoemaker,
bus driver for field trips; Velma
Slatton, assistant, food services;
Samantha Stein, aide, food
services; John Szkudlarek, service tech, bus driver; Marykay
Urbanski, secretarial; Jeffrey
Vandromme, assistant, food
service; Greene Wade - bus
driver; Nancy Walerius, secretary; Tina Watson, secretary;
Kim Werts, food services, assistant, bus driver; Crystal
Williams, secretarial, food service, assistant, library clerk, and
Susan Wyland, custodial.
•Supplemental contracts–
BLT co-chairs at Crissey are
Debbie Crawford, Erin Gibson,
Michael Scroggs, Anjanette
Newcombe, Kim Schrag, Carrie
Young; Crissey safety patrol,
Steve Elliott; Crissey RTI and
SYSOP, Erin Gibson; Crissey
extended days, Anjanette Newcombe and Arlene Carlin;
LPDC members, district, Molly
Davis; Dorr RTI co-chair,
Brandy Bilek; Dorr BLT chair,
Kristy DiSalle and Kelly Kahmann; Dorr SYSOP, Kelly
Kerns; Dorr safety patrol, Brad
Kerns; Dorr BLT music and
LPDC member, Jennifer Mercer; Dorr BLT chair Angie
Rechtine; Dorr RTI co-leader
Amy Zajkowski; SHS LPDC
chair Martin Perlaky; Holland
BLT co-chair Eric Bachar,
Stacey Duncan, Kelly Dick and
Cory Fritch; Holland detention
supervision Mr. Fritch; Holland
Elementary, SYSOP Kelly
Deisher and Kristen Quigley;
Holland safety patrol, Jeff Lowery; Holland RTI Kim Simon;
Holland BLT co-chairs Jennifer
Stonitsch and Kerry Streb; Holloway BLT co-chair Nina Hasemeyer, Paula Kimmet, Cari
Candiello, Mary Ralph, Sarah
Ludwig and Chris Thornton;
Holloway RTI co-chair Annette
Riedel; Holloway safety patrol
Rick Rinestine; Holloway detention supervision Kristine
Walter; Holloway RTI co-chair
Shanda Wright; SMS BLT social studies co-chair Jessica
Bennett; SMS, BLT Special Ed
co-chair Sadie Browne and
Shannon Brazzil; SMS, yearbook co-advisor Amy MerrillWyatt and Patty Feehan; SMS,
BLT science co-chair Ken
Groch and Stephanie Schwind;
SMS RTI Amy Hagan; SMS,
BLT special areas co-chair Lisa
Holden and Ms. Feehan; SMS,
Science Olympiad co-advisor
Jamie Lenox and Bob Steinline;
SMS, Quiz Bowl Advisor
Tucker Lux; SMS, Lego
league/robotics co-advisor Ms.
Merrill-Wyatt and Mr. Steinline; Power of the Pen co-advisor Ms. Merrill-Wyatt and Tom
Mockensturm; SMS BLT English co-chair Mr Mockensturm
and Tracy Roscoe; SMS Math
Counts co-advisor Marty
Pauken and Chris Young; SMS
BLT Math co-chair and SYSOP
Mike Ransford; BLT social
studies co-chair Jamie Schwieterman; SMS BLT math cochair Mr. Young; SHS marching
band director assistant Emily
Starcher; SHS soccer assistant
coach girls Chelsea Nye; SMS,
cross country coach 7/8, Mr.
Ransford; Kristin Grosschedl,
SMS volleyball co-coach seventh grade; SMS, volleyball cocoach seventh grade Stephanie
Schwind; SMS basketball
coach seventh grade boys Rusty
Hanna; SMS basketball coach
eighth grade boys Josh
Pihlblad; SMS, athletic director
Pam Vinkler; SHS football
head coach Patrick Gucciardo;
SHS football assistant co-coach
Sam Arredondo; SMS wrestling
spirit advisor Brittany Potts;
SMS track coach Mr. Hanna,
David Connelly and Chelsea
Nye; SHS BLT applied arts
Sean Abel; SHS African American advisor and BLT business
Bonita Adams; SHS BLT math
chair Michelle Bryan; SHS student government co-advisor
Gina Ciminillo and Jennifer
Harter; SHS BLT health, PE,
JROTC Mr. Connelly; SHS
class co-advisor 2017 Dorianne
Cox and Jeannine Petcoff;
SHS class co-advisor 2019
Sean Enck and Nikki Medjesky; SHS class co-advisor
2020 Ms. Harter; SHS class coadvisor 2018 Matt Kemp and
Zach Smith;
SHS Science
Olympiad advisor Matt Lucas;
SHS Science Olympiad assis-
This is a directory of businesses in this community.
If you wish to be listed, please call 419-874-4491.
Battery Store
6841 Angola Road . . . . . . . . . . . .419-867-7550
Advanced Bookkeeping
7131 Spring Meadows West Drive
Ste. D-3, Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . .419-249-0200
Extra Virgin Food Services
25561 Fort Meigs Road, Suite E
Perrysburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419-874-0431
Childrenʼs Discovery Center
1640 Timberwolf Drive . . . . . . . . .419-861-1060
Dr. Natalie Nechvatal, Light Touch Dental Care
7100 Spring Meadows West Drive, Suite B . . . . . . . . .419-866-4271
Citizen Advisory Group
770 Commerce Drive
Perrysburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419-872-0204
Neville Funeral Home
7438 Airport Highway . . . . . . . . . .419-865-8879
Yoder Machinery Sales
1500 Holloway Road . . . . . . . . . .419-865-5555
Holland-Springfield Journal
Perrysburg Messenger Journal
Point-Shoreland Journal
Rossford Record Journal
117 E. Second Street . . . . . . . . . .419-874-4491
Perrysburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .or 419-874-2528
Welch Publishing Co.
117 E. Second Street . . . . . . . . . .419-874-4491
Perrysburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .or 419-874-2528
Proclaim FM 102.3
7112 Angola Road . . . . . . . . . . . .419-865-5551
RE/MAX Preferred Associates
Arlene Gerig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419-283-9654
Ev Harris
Sulphur Springs Realty . . . . . . . .419-345-0685
1351 S. Reynolds Road . . . . . . . .419-865-3072
Josina Lott Residential & Community Services
120 S. Holland-Sylvania Road . . .419-866-9013
Renewal by Anderson of Northwest Ohio
13200 Eckel Junction Road . . . . .419-931-6970
Ev Harris Insurance Agency
7902 Airport Highway . . . . . . . . . .419-865-3072
Holland Branch of the ToledoLucas County Public Library
1032 South McCord Road . . . . . .419-259-5240
tant and BLT science chair
Stephanie Mahoney; SHS
drama director fall and spring
plays and theatre manager Kory
Meinhart; SHS BLT English
chair Susan Muller; SHS Latino
Club co-advisor Amy Neal;
SHS BLT special education
and RTI Emily Nixon; SHS
system operator, pep band and
SHS theatre manager, as needed
$13 per hour Travis Pennell;
SHS yearbook advisor Barb
Pitsinger; SHS BLT foreign
language and foreign language
club advisor Linda Post; SHS
guidance director Tim Reiser;
SHS BLT social studies
McKenna Reitz; SHS National
Honor Society advisor Andrew
Screptock, SHS Latino Club
co-advisor Zach Smith; SHS
athletic assistant director
George Clark; SHS athletic assistant director Mr. Screptock,
SHS baseball head coach
David Whitmire; SHS basketball assistant coach girls Brad
Konrad; SHS basketball assistant coach Boys Zac Taylor;
SHS basketball head coach
boys Kyle Linehan; SHS basketball assistant co-coach boys
Mr. Arredondo; SHS cross
country head coach Mr. Perlaky; SHS cross country coach
assistant Michelle Bryan; SHS
golf coach boys Brad Kerns;
SHS soccer JV coach Boys
Sean Enck; SHS soccer coach
head boys Mr. Screptock; SHS
Tennis coach boys Mr. Kerns;
SHS track coach head Jim
Howe; SHS track coach, assistant co-coach Ms. Bryan; SHS
volleyball JV coach Shannon
Thompson; SHS volleyball assistant coach Dianne Brown;
SHS volleyball head coach girls
McKenna Reitz.
Pupil activity contracts–
Diane Gajewski, district, resi-
dent educator; Michael Gresko,
SHS soccer head coach girls;
Megan Cantu, SHS cheerleading coach; Jennie Rosario,
SMS, cheerleading coach;
William Dodson and Mike
Fink, SMS football coach seventh grade; SMS football coach
eighth grade James Olivier and
Craig Long; SMS basketball
coach eighth grade girls Roger
Bucher; SMS Basketball coach
seventh grade girls Chandler
Harris; SMS wrestling coach
William Dodson and Jeff Altman; SHS football assistant
coach Jim Eberly; SHS football
assistant co-coach John Willis,
Brad Leestma, Garrett Barga
and Tyler Shy; SHS JROTC
head coach, exhibition/regulation drill team Ricky Thomas;
SMS volleyball coach eighth
grade Sheena Thomas; SHS
football assistant co-coach Nate
Bernard Crawford, Michael
Whitson, Daniel Garcia, Nick
Chappetta; SHS drama assistant
director fall and spring and
SHS Homecoming advisor Carrie Wcislek; SHS swim coach
Lianna Mikesina.
•Leave of absences–Carolyn
Cole, custodian from July 1,
2016 to December 31, 2016.
Sarah Ettore, Holloway fourth
•Volunteer supplemental positions–Tim McDaniel and
Jeannine Petcoff, SHS Anime
The next meeting of the
board of education will be a
study session on Wednesday,
July 13 and the next regular
meeting will be on Wednesday,
July 27. Open to the public, the
meetings are held at 5 p.m., at
the administration building,
6900 Hall Street.
With schools closed for the
summer, families in need can
still take advantage of a free
meal program for children.
In the Holland/Springfield
area, the Summer Food Service Program is offered at Community Homecoming Park,
Angola Road.
Meals are served from
noon to 1 p.m. Monday to Friday, through August 12.
All children ages 1 through
18 are eligible to receive free
meals during the summer
months at participating program sites.
Individuals ages 19 through
21 who have been identified as
having mental or physical disabilities and are following individualized
programs (IEPs) through their
current enrollment in educational programs also are eligible for free summer meals.
Wendi Huntley, spokesperson for Summer Meal Partners
of Northwest Ohio and director of development at Feed
Lucas County Children Inc.,
said the program has helped
feed thousands of children
across the state.
In 2015, more than 50,000
Ohio children received free
daily meals at more than 1,700
sites run by local program
sponsors, the Ohio Department of Education and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The Summer Meal Partners
of Northwest Ohio is a collaboration of community organizations dedicated to fighting
childhood hunger.
The group emphasizes data
collection and analysis to ensure that summer sites’ locations can effectively serve
children in need.
In 2015, the group provided 264,680 meals and
snacks to children in the
greater Toledo area.
This year, they will support
150 meal sites in Toledo–an
increase from 86 in 2014.
“The Summer Food Service Program helps to fill the
gap for so many of our most
vulnerable residents–hungry
children,” Ms. Huntley said.
“It is during the summer
months when those who especially rely on breakfast and
lunch during the school year,
stand in need of our help.”
U.S. Senator
Brown, a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, is
urging families in need to utilize the service.
For many parents, he noted
that summertime “means
stress over how to care for
children while parents work,
or how to feed children nutritious meals without the school
lunches they count on throughout the rest of the year.
“That’s why every year we
work to get the word out about
the Summer Food Service Program so that families know the
end of the school year doesn’t
mean an end to food services
for their children. Because
summer break shouldn’t mean
going hungry.”
For more information
about the food programs, call
1-866-3-HUNGRY (486479).
Summer food site
offered for children
Area teens challenged at Penta robotics camp Join Us In Worship
For dozens of area teens
who love technology, their
skills were put to the test June
20-22 during a VEX Robotics
Camp at Penta Career Center.
Open to any student residing in Penta’s 16 member
school districts which includes Springfield, the camp
was geared to teens entering
seventh through 12th grade.
On day one of the camp,
teams of two were formed
with the goal of assembling
robotic units that resemble
lunar vehicles. The robots
were constructed from a standard kit provided by VEX Robotics, which produces the
materials to introduce students to the field of robotics.
Participants used the VEX
Robotics design system to
build a frame and base for
their robots, interchange
wheels, create geared armatures and engineer wiring.
On the second day, teams
modified their robots in
preparation for competition.
Working together, the students adapted their vehicles
for user-piloted challenges
and obstacles, as well as au-
tonomous robot challenges
that required programming.
On day three, participants
spent the morning tweaking
their designs before competing against each other in the
This year’s contest consisted of displacing and moving as many yellow stars,
above, as possible to their opponents’ side. They also maneuvered their vehicles to
keep the opponent from pushing any stars back across the
A challenge facing teams
occurred at the start of the
contest. They were required to
program the system to drive
itself for the first 15 seconds
before manual control resumed.
Some of the vehicles
strayed off course, frustrating
the youthful engineers.
The field of play changes
each year, allowing students
who take the camp annually
to face new challenges, explained Mike James, a camp
counselor and Ohio Northern
University student.
Campers were clearly en-
gaged in the competition,
jumping and calling out advice to the teammate controlling the vehicle as the contest
Two teams prevailed and
were proclaimed overall winners. They are the team of
Eric Rine from Bowling
Green High School and
Daemien Cunningham-Wagner, Perrysburg High School,
Adamski of Maumee High
School and Hope Santangelo
of BGHS.
The primary goal of the
camp is to educate students in
robotics through trial and
error, explained Mark Robinson, instructor.
“This is STEM education,” he said, adding that
much of the learning is hands
For the students, building
the robotic vehicles goes beyond science, technology, engineering and math. The
game is fun and intense as
they try to outdo the competition.
The camp also allows students to employ STEM con-
cepts on the playing field,
while learning teamwork,
leadership, communications
and more.
Presented by the Robotics
Education and Competition
Foundation, the VEX robotics
contest can be taken well beyond the camp environment.
Worldwide, teams of students design and construct robots to play against other
teams in a game-based engineering challenge.
Tournaments are held
year-round at local, state and
national levels, and local
champions have the opportunity to compete against the
best in the world at the VEX
Robotics World Championship held each spring.
Penta Career Center is one
of a handful of districts
statewide to offer robotic
camps this summer.
The camp is sponsored by
the Robotics Advanced Manufacturing Technical Engineering
(RAMTEC) of which Penta is
one of nine career center partners in Ohio.
–Jane Maiolo
Putts Fur Mutts golf outing, putt putt event set for July 9
On Saturday, July 9, area
golfers will hit the course at
Bedford Hills Golf Club to
spend the day enjoying one of
their favorite hobbies and participating in a friendly competition. The morning, however,
will have much more significance than a typical day on
the greens because these
golfers will be participating in
the “Putts Fur Mutts” Golf
Outing and Putt Putt Event to
benefit the Puppy Rescue
“I have great respect for
our brave military men and
women. They make so many
sacrifices to serve our country, but no soldier should ever
be faced with the decision to
leave a beloved stray animal
behind in Afghanistan or
other war zones or places
Borkowski, event co-chair. “I
think about the lives our
adopted pets have lived and
wish a safe, spoiled, carefree
life for all dogs and cats. Our
dogs Belle and Bailey and our
cat Oreo all passed within the
last 19 months; I cannot think
of a better way to honor them
than to help give animals in
war zones a loving, forever
home with the U.S. soldiers
who bond with and rescue
The “Putts Fur Mutts”
event is presented by Paws &
Remember of Northwest
Ohio and will include 18
holes of golf with cart and
range balls or 18 or 36 holes
of Putt Putt, prizes for the top
three golf teams, a goodie
bag, donuts, bagels and Biggby coffee, a dessert bar, contests, a 50/50 raffle, and
The cost for golf is $340
per team or $85 per individual
(teams and individuals wel-
come for golf).
The cost for Putt Putt is
$25 per person, and children
are welcome.
Golf will be a shotgun
start at 8 a.m., with Putt Putt
starting at 10 a.m. Golfers and
Putt Putt players will meet-up
for lunch donated by Outback
Steakhouse Toledo and a
silent auction.
Some of the auction items
will include:
•A four-day/three-night
stay in the Royal Towers at
Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas.
•The chance to watch batting practice on the field prior
to a Cleveland Indians home
•A “trip to Orlando” including two nights at the
Hampton Inn & Suites–Orlando South Lake Buena
Vista, passes to SeaWorld Orlando and Aquatica Orlando,
Walt Disney World Park Hopper passes and golf at Reunion Resort
•Boston Red Sox tickets,
the chance to watch batting
practice on the field, a stadium tour and a one night stay
at the Onyx Hotel.
•$150 worth of Target gift
•Baseball tickets with
hotel stays (Cincinnati Reds,
Chicago White Sox, Baltimore Orioles, Washington
Phillies, Houston Astros)
•An American flag previously flown over the U.S.
•University of Toledo football, BGSU football and Mud
Hens tickets.
memorabilia and more.
To register or inquire
about hole sponsorships, contact Ms. Borkowski at 419367-6828 or jill.borkowski@
The registration form, a
full list of auction items and
regular updates are available
7001 Angola Road - Holland, Ohio
Sundays at 9:45 a.m.
Pastor David L. Carpenter, Jr.
(Disciples of Christ)
Corner of Garden
and Holloway Roads
Holland, Ohio 43528
Sunday School: 9 a.m.
Worship: 10 a.m.
(419) 867-1535
1240 Columbus Ave.
Holland, OH 43528
Pastor: Jared Groose
10:30 a.m. - Sunday morning Worship Service
6:00 p.m. - Potluck.
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We are just like you.
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the Church
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Join us Sunday morning
at 10 a.m.
Classes for the kids.
8131 Airport Highway
(corner Albon and Airport)
Holland, Ohio 43528
(419) 865-4548
5:00 p.m. - Contemporary
9:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship
10:30 a.m. - Praise Service
with Faith Trek for the kids
10:00-10:30 a.m. - Coffee,
cookies and fellowship for all!
Communion Every Sunday.
“Come Grow With Us”
209 S. King Rd
(between Angola
and Hill Avenue)
Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
Pastor: Regena J. Mangrum
Prayer for the Nation
event set for July 16
A Prayer for the Nation
event will be held Saturday,
July 16, at 10 a.m., at CedarCreek Church, 2600 West Sylvania Avenue, Toledo.
The community is invited
to attend this non-denominational program.
The free gathering will be
hosted by Associate Pastor
Josh Brossia of CedarCreek
The purpose of the gather-
ing is to stir the hearts of the
community to unite and draw
closer to God.
There will be a time of
prayer for the nation, state,
leaders, homes and more.
The event is not political in
nature and will not be used to
promote any candidate.
For more information,
send an email to Sandy Stewart
Check us out on the web:
Wednesday, July 20th, at 6:00 p.m.
Stautzenberger College in Arrowhead Park, Rm. 126
1796 Indian Wood Circle, Maumee, OH 43537
Hello, my name is James Poling and I host this
Medicare Educational Seminar every month for anyone
that will soon be eligible for Medicare and has questions.
It is critical that you understand your options!! We will discuss Medicare Part A&B, when and how to enroll, and the basics of Medicare Supplement plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Medicare Part D Plans.
This is an Educational Event NOT a Sales Event.
No specific carrier or plan materials will be presented or sold.
There is no cost to attend. There is no obligation in attending.
Walk-ins are welcome. RSVP is optional. Individual appointments
are available if you prefer. Call 419-872-0204 with any questions.
(Not affiliated with Medicare or any government agency.)
Citizen Advisory Group
770 Commerce Drive • Perrysburg, OH 43551
From the desk of
Dr. Michael O’Shea,
Superintendent of Springfield Schools
Sisters of St. Francis install new leadership team
The Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, installed the 2016–20 leadership team on Sunday,
June 26, at a special liturgy in Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel on the Motherhouse
grounds in Sylvania. The five-member team will oversee congregational governance and
the day-to-day operation of the Sylvania Franciscans. From left are Sister Theresa Darga,
assistant congregational minister; Sister Rachel Marie Nijakowski, councilor; Sister
Sharon Derivan, councilor; Sister Mary Jon Wagner, congregational minister, and Sister
Shannon Schrein, councilor.
The perilous state of the
district’s finances was punctuated in January 2015, when
representatives from the Ohio
Department of Education informed members of the Board
of Education and administration that Springfield Local
Schools had been assigned to
the classification of “fiscal
caution.” Since that time, the
district has continued its wellpublicized efforts to increase
operational efficiencies and reduce spending in all areas. As
promised, more than a year
later, those practices continue–all possible ways to reduce expenses are identified
and put into practice. In addition, the district has remained
true to promises made during
levy campaigns to remain
transparent by providing detailed reports each month during board of education
At the time the district was
placed in the “fiscal caution”
classification, the community
learned that the Auditor of
State’s office would fund and
conduct a full performance
audit. The audit was extensive
and examined every facet of
district operations. Reviewed
were: finances, human resources/staffing, transportation, food service and facilities.
When results were presented to the community, few
could fault the efforts employed by the district. These
efforts were validated by the
audit. The audit revealed that
the only means available to
further reduce costs would result in the total decimation of
the district’s K-12 academic
programs. Athletics, extracurricular and performing arts
programs also were at risk.
Thankfully, the audit results
motivated a rallying cry
throughout the community and
the district’s $3.9 million fiveyear emergency operating levy
That was 14 months ago
and Treasurer P. Ryan Lockwood, III and I have remained
true to the promises made to
“right the ship.” While there is
always more to be done, actions that took place at the June
22 board of education meeting,
when David Michel from the
Ohio Department of Education
returned, show that progress
has been made.
Effective immediately, the
Ohio Department of Education
has removed the district from
its fiscal caution status.
This does not signify an
end to the district’s efforts to
identify operational efficiencies. It does not signify an end
to the district’s transparency or
efforts to maintain strong communication with the community.
It does, however,
recognize significant progress
towards restoring financial stability.
While some expressed concern that passage of the fiveyear emergency levy would
restore a “business as usual”
mentality, members of the
board of education, Mr. Lockwood and I assure that is not
the case.
As one example, during the
next several months, residents
will learn more details of the
district’s Energy Optimizer
project that is projected to save
on energy consumption, resulting in a significant reduction in
payments and anticipated savings on costs associated with
HVAC and lighting.
In addition, negotiations
with the labor unions representing both certified and noncertified staff demonstrated
cooperation and a mutual commitment to reduce expenditures in all areas of district
The definition of #spring
fieldstrong will continue to be
Included are many points of
pride–highlighted by a school
district where families choose
to send their students; student
spirit is high thanks to rigorous
co/extra-curricular programs
that are unmatched.
Soccer referee training
course to be held in July
Referees are needed for
high school soccer games in
northwest Ohio.
Anyone age 18 and older
who loves the game is invited to consider becoming a
A course for beginners
will be held in Toledo on
July 16, 17, 23 and 24.
Upon completion of the
course, participants will be
certified to referee high
school games this fall.
During their first year, beginning referees are paired
with experienced referees for
all matches.
For more information
about the program, contact
Greg Kuehnle, soccer official
[email protected] or 419-
283-0009 or Karen Raszka,
OHSAA NW Ohio game assignor,
rasassign@ or 419-466-7953.
Send your news
item to
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Dumpster Days to be
offered July 8 and 9
Springfield Township building, 7617 Angola Road,
Dumpsters Days will be offered from 8 a.m. to noon, on
the following Fridays and
Saturdays in 2016:
• July 8 and 9,
•September 9 and 10, and
•November 4 and 5.
Drop-offs are limited to
one pick-up truckload of
waste per day. Nothing above
the natural sides of the pickup truck. (No plywood sides.)
This service is not for
commercial, industrial or
business use.
No raw garbage, leaves,
grass, tree stumps, computers, roofing materials, tires,
batteries, ammunition, chemicals, explosives, toxic materials, hazardous waste,
vehicle bodies or engines will
be accepted.
No asphalt, rocks, bricks,
concrete, stone or sand will
be accepted.
No refrigerators, air conditioners or any appliances
containing freon will be accepted.
Paint cans, barrels, drums
and tanks must be empty with
lids removed.
Brush and tree limbs are
accepted, but must be kept
separate from other waste.
Mulch is available free of
All loads will be inspected, and residency in
Springfield Township will be
Showing proof of residency, residents will be issued a wallet-sized card on
their first visit.
The card will be good for
up to three visits per house-
hold address in 2016.
Each time a resident visits, the card will be hole
punched and the name and
address recorded on a tracking sheet. Residents will not
be issued another card after
they have used their three visits.
The only exception to the
policy will be for events held
at the township that are not
affiliated with dumpster days.
Those include the Lucas
County sponsored paint and
tire recycling event and electronic waste recycling.
For a list of where to
safely and properly recycle or
dispose of items, visit the
website for Keep Toledo/
Lucas County Beautiful,
Call the township office at
419-865-0239 for more information.
Founder of Daughter Project
receives National Jefferson Award
Jeff Wilbarger, founder of
the Daughter Project, was recognized by the Jefferson
Awards Foundation, at the institute’s annual gala in Washington D.C. last month. The
Daughter Project is the first
group recovery home for girls
rescued out of sex trafficking
in Ohio.
Mr. Wilbarger is among
hundreds of adults and youth
honored for the powerful positive impact they make to society.
The Jefferson Awards
Foundation recognized students, companies and individuals for their efforts to make
a difference both in their communities and the nation. The
gala also honored former U.S.
Secretary of Education Arne
Duncan, Silicon Valley philanthropist and entrepreneur
Sean Parker, First Book President and CEO Kyle Zimmer
and Yale student Sophia
Mr. Wilbarger of Bowling
Green was among local award
winners who were celebrated
for the significant impact they
have in their communities.
He also was one of five
local leaders to be surprised at
the ceremony with the
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
award for outstanding public
service benefiting local communities.
Also honored were:
•Dr. Ted Goodfriend of
Madison, Wisconsin, founder
of the MEDiC program,
which offers seven free clinics
in Madison;
•Skyler James of Mattoon,
Illinois, for her advocacy with
the Safe Haven Law and her
work with Project Cuddle and
the Period Project;
Rochester, New York, for cofounding and serving as vice
president of Refugees Helping Refugees, a non-profit organization
Rochester’s refugee community, and
•Rafael Sarango of Houston, Texas, for developing the
Young Adult Resource Center, which offers assistance to
homeless youth.
Two individuals involved
in the Jefferson Awards Foundation’s Champions program
received Outstanding Public
Service by an Employee
awards. They are Dr. Patricia
Curtin of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania and Priscilla Puente
of Houston, Texas.
Additionally, 12 schools
involved in the Jefferson
Awards Foundation’s Students In Action program were
honored. The winners of the
Students In Action National
Competition were Greenville
Technical High School, South
Carolina region; Clearview
Regional High School, New
Jersey region, and El Camino
High School, San Francisco
Bay Area region
“The Jefferson Awards
Foundation recognizes the
truly significant impact grassroots public service has on
communities,” said Hillary
Schafer, executive director.
“The individuals driving these
efforts deserve to be celebrated for their ability to create positive change in the
lives of those in need on the
local level.”
The Jefferson Awards
Foundation powers others to
have maximum impact on the
things they care about most.
Through celebration, they inspire action. With programs
and partnerships, they drive
Americans to change their
communities and the world.
To learn more about the
foundation, visit Jefferson
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Twp. trustees amend zoning request
By Jane Maiolo
At the June 16 meeting,
the Springfield Township
trustees approved an amendment to a zoning change.
The request to rezone
7371 and 7405 West Bancroft
Street from RA-4 rural residential to R-1 single family
planned unit development
(PUD) was approved by the
trustees last September.
According to township administrator Leslie Kohli, consulting engineer George
Oravecz was informed by
Lucas County officials that
the development is required
to follow subdivision regulations which require a minimum spacing of 800 feet for
new roads.
As a result, there is insufficient space for the
ingress/egress roads.
The township appealed
the decision to the Lucas
County engineer’s office. “It
is the board’s preference to
have two drives rather than
just one for safety concerns,”
wrote Ms. Kohli in a letter to
Kyle Warner of the engineer’s
office. “Even if it was not life
threatening but rather an obstacle to travel such as an accident or a down tree, this
would give residents an alternate route.”
In the amendment to the
PUD, the county waived the
800 feet spacing but is requiring that the roads be built to
county specifications and
pass inspection by the county
Other Business
In other business, the
•Authorized the installa-
tion of no parking signs
along both sides of Pilliod
Road from Gunn to Sudbury
•Learned that Lucas
County has removed its portion of Geiser Road from the
county highway system and
established it as a township
The township is now responsible for maintaining
Geiser from Eber to Kieswetter roads, approximately 1.85
•Accepted a Lucas County
estimate of $6,887 to microsurface Byrnwyck West and
Fenwyck roads.
•Announced that an issue
with county permits for a
maintenance carport have
been resolved with the county
agreeing to waive the permit
In May, public services director Mike Hampton said the
county notified the township
it would need to pay $400 for
a permit.
Ms. Kohli contacted them
for a waiver, and reminded
county officials that when
they came to the township
several years earlier to construct facilities on McCord
Road, the township waived
permit fees in excess of $400.
She said county officials
agreed to a one-time fee
waiver. “In the future, they
won’t, so we won’t,” she
•Announced that new
chairs have arrived and are
being used at the township
hall. “They have come in
very handy,” Ms. Kohli said.
•Revised a contract with
Thomson Reuter West, trimming service.
Ms. Kohli said by reducing the level of service to include only National Public
Records search and Ohio
case law and statutes only, the
township will save $1,446 annually. Additionally, the
three-year contract calls for
increases of 3 percent per
year in the second and third
years instead of the current 5
•Announced that the Ability Center currently has
Lucas County community development block grants available for county residents not
residing in Toledo or Oregon
who need to make home access modifications. For more
information, call 419-8855733.
•Paid bills from June 7 to
16, totalling, $58,781 and
electronic payments from
June 3 to 15 of $86,530.
The next trustees meeting
is at 7 p.m., Tuesday, July 5,
at the township meeting hall,
7617 Angola Road, and is
open to the public.
Have a news tip?
Do you have an idea for a good story in the Holland/Springfield community?
Call the Journal at 419-874-4491 or send an email with your news to [email protected].
13th Annual Toledo Lighthouse Waterfront Festival
Maumee Bay State Park
July 9 • 10-7 & July 10 • 11-5
Concert July 9 at 7 p.m., House of Rhythm – Summer Favorites
ODNR Paddle Palooza July 10th, 11-4
Free Kayak, Paddle Board, Canoe Rides
Weather Permitting Lighthouse Boat Rides – Sat. 10-4/Sun. 11-4
$30 around the lighthouse $40 to go in – Check website for updates
Nautical Arts & Crafts Village – Featuring Over 50 of the area’s
finest nautical artists and crafters..
Children’s Activities- Arts/Crafts/Games
Lighthouse Photo Contest…
Silent Auction –100’s of Items Ends Sunday, July 10 at 4 p.m.
Saturday Live Entertainment July 9
Island Music Dick McCarthy
Genoa American Legion Band
Award Winning Andrew Martin Magician
Local Favorite Johnny Rodriguez
4:30 Bob Wurst Band
Summer Favorite Songs Concert by Rhythm Blues
Sunday Live Entertainment July 10
Genoa American Legion Band
12:15 Andrew Martin Magician
1:15 Buffet and More Kapt Kurt
Toledo School of the Arts Steel Drums
Silent Auction Ends
Great Food - Freshwater Perch - Seafood, Roasted Corn,
Latte Coffee, Tom’s, Funnel Cakes, Toft’s
EgglestonMeinertPavley, Genoa Bank, C&W Tank, Dunn Chevy Buick
Gas cap testing, replacement
program offered by TMACOG
The City of Toledo and
Toledo Metropolitan Area
Council of Governments
(TMACOG) are protecting
air quality and saving gas for
drivers with the Gas Cap
Testing and Replacement
Motorists are invited to
drive cars and light trucks in
to scheduled locations for a
quick compression test on
their gas cap.
If the gas cap is found to
be leaking, the cap will be re-
placed on the spot, at no
The program will be held
in Holland on Thursday, July
28, from 1 to 3 p.m., at Circle K, 8154 Airport Highway. There also will be a live
radio remote broadcast during the event.
Gasoline vapors contribute to air pollution including ground level ozone.
A leaky cap can cost a motorist up to two tanks of gas
per year.
Daylily Expo set for July 10
The annual Daylily Expo,
hosted by the Black Swamp
Hosta and Daylily Society,
will be held on Sunday, July
10, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the
Toledo Botanical Garden Conference Center, 5403 Elmer
Drive, Toledo. The event is
free and open to the public.
This year the society is focusing on their members who
are daylily (Hemerocallis) hybridizers. On display will be
some of their creations and
hundreds if not more blooms
from member gardens.
The program will consist
of a short discussion on what
is hybridizing at 2 p.m., a
daylily division clinic at 2:30
p.m., and a tour of Toledo
Botanical Garden’s two nationally recognized display
gardens at 3 p.m. that are supported and maintained by
Black Swamp.
The expo also will have
free raffles of daylily plants,
salad and soup made of
daylilies, floral displays, and
an opportunity for visitors to
pick their favorite daylily.
Business News
Wendy’s is supporting adoption locally, one brick at a
time. From July 1 through 31, select Wendy’s restaurants in
northwest Ohio are striving to raise thousands of dollars. The
cost to adopt one child into a loving and permanent family
is $5,000. To reach this goal, local Wendy’s restaurants are
selling paper “sandcastle bricks” for $1. All proceeds will
benefit the Adopt America Network, located in Toledo.
During the month of July, customers can visit any of the
25 participating Wendy’s in Toledo, Oregon, Fostoria, Bowling Green, Perrysburg, Rossford, Swanton, Holland,
Maumee, Sylvania, and Adrian and Tecumseh, Michigan, to
purchase a “sandcastle brick,” sign their name on it and have
it displayed in the restaurant to show their support of adoption.
Adopt America is a nonprofit organization committed to
improving the lives of adoptable children throughout the
United States, who are in the foster care system, by placing
them with permanent, loving families.
“Our Wendy’s restaurants have always been proud to support Adopt America Network, since adoption was Dave
Thomas’ favorite charitable cause,” said franchise owner
Becky Williams.
“Every year we raise money to help defray the cost to a
family wanting to adopt a child. By selling the bricks we are
able to involve the community.”
Wendy’s founder, Dave Thomas, was adopted as a child.
He was an advocate for children in foster care and was committed to raising awareness of children who are waiting for
permanent homes and loving families in North America. He
founded the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, a nonprofit public charity dedicated to increasing adoptions of
children in North America’s foster care system.
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption works in collaboration locally with the Adopt America Network to increase the number of adoptions in northwest Ohio and
southeast Michigan.
July Safety Town
registration under way
Registration is under way
for the Safety Town summer
children’s program, sponsored by the Springfield
Township Fire Department
and Holland Police Department.
The program is designed
only for children entering
kindergarten in the fall.
It will be offered from
July 18 to 29, at Holloway
Elementary, 6611 Pilliod
Class times are 9 to 11
a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m.
Safety Town is a free program consisting of nine twohour sessions, meeting Monday through Friday.
The program teaches
safety practices that children
can use, especially when they
are away from home or
alone. Fire department personnel will focus on safety rules
through hands-on activities,
such as crafts.
Elementary teachers will
reinforce safety rules through
songs and books.
Holland police personnel
also will teach students
safety rules using props
and the miniature Safety
Town and sidewalks. Township and village residents will be placed in the
on a firstcome, first-served basis.
Children are permitted to attend the program only once. Applications are available
at the local elementary
schools, fire stations, township hall and village police
department or online at
Pre-registration is required, and there is no firstday enrollment.
For more information,
contact the Holland Police
Department at 419-865-7105
or Springfield Township Fire
Department at 419-8653959.
Red Cross blood drive July 11
The American Red Cross
will hold a blood drive at the
Swanton Alliance Church
Epic Center, 124 North Main
Street, Swanton, on Monday,
July 11, from noon to 6 p.m.
The drive is sponsored by
St. Richard’s Catholic Church.
To schedule an appoint-
ment, visit the website at and
enter sponsor code swanton
community. Walk-ins also are
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Notre Dame Academy inducts three into Hall of Fame: Women of Vision
In recognition of their
community and professional
leadership, three Notre Dame
Academy alumnae have been
added to the School’s Hall of
They are: Lois Laplante
Tate, Class of 1948; Marcy
Gross McMahon, 1967, and
Dr. Laura Miller-Graff, 2004.
They joined the 64 previous
inductees inducted to the Hall
of Fame since 1989.
Ms. Tate was born in
Toledo and was one of six
children. She grew up in east
Toledo and attended St. Louis
Grade School where she first
met the Sisters of Notre
The Sisters at St. Louis
helped her obtain a scholarship to attend Notre Dame
Academy for high school
where she joined her older sister, Joanne.
Ms. Tate remembers Sr.
Mary Luanne who was her
typing teacher and helped her
get her first job as secretary at
the Catholic Club. This position at the Catholic Club also
led to another life-changing
opportunity–meeting her husband, Robert, who was the
first athletic director of the
Toledo Council of Catholic
This year they are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary.
As her family grew to include three children and now
four grandchildren, she continued her work at the
Catholic Club and became the
secretary to Monsignor
Jerome Schmidt, the director
of the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) and the director
of the Diocesan Youth Department.
Her professional work also
took her to St. Charles Hospital, where she worked as a
Ms. Tate has been a member of Epiphany of the Lord
parish in East Toledo for more
than 60 years, where much of
her service has been focused.
For years, she has organized
and cooked for the annual
parish fish fry, participated in
numerous activities of the
Altar Rosary Society, and has
helped plan and carry out the
annual Homecoming Festival.
A particular focus of the
parish activities is outreach to
the community at large, and
Ms. Tate’s service has extended to persons who are
under served and in need.
She was nominated by her
granddaughter, Sarah Bremer,
a 2010 graduate of Notre
Dame Academy. Fr. Michael
Geiger, pastor of Epiphany of
the Lord Parish, wrote a letter
of support for her nomination.
Ms. Gross McMahon was
born in Toledo and, as a student at the former Ladyfield
School, first came under the
instruction of the Sisters of
Notre Dame. She remembers
that the Sisters of Notre Dame
treating child and partner violence.
She was nominated by her
sister and NDA alumna Carolyn Miller-Byard.
Kent State posts
honors lists
Lois Laplante Tate, right, was nominated for the Hall of
Fame by her granddaughter Sara Bremer, middle. Ms.
Tate’s daughter Patricia Bremer is at left.
were an important part of her
family growing up. Her
mother, Donna Munson Gross
Teipel, also was a graduate of
NDA. As a child, Ms. Gross
McMahon recalls coming
with her mother to Alumnae
Association meetings and
events at NDA.
Catholic education was
important to her family. Her
sister, Mary Jacqueline, attended NDA, and her two
brothers attended St. Francis
de Sales.
Ms. Gross McMahon especially remembers Sr. Mary
Genevra, long-time art instructor at Notre Dame Academy, who taught about values
and life as well as color and
After graduation from
NDA, she attended the University of Toledo and received
her bachelor of fine arts degree.
Marcy married her husband, Brian, and as a wife and
eventually a mother to Brittany, a 2000 NDA grad, chose
to begin her involvement in a
number of charitable and philanthropic causes over the next
She has reached out to
other women as a mentor,
support and example of faith.
She became involved in a
number of non-profit and
philanthropic organizations as
a way to share her gifts and
improve the lives of others.
Over the last 40 years, she
has dedicated herself to the
Girl Scouts of America, Partners for Clean Streams,
Bethany House, the Ability
Center of Greater Toledo, the
Toledo Opera Guild, and
Women in Philanthropy at the
University of Toledo. Of special note is her work with the
Make-A-Wish Foundation. In
2014, she received the prestigious Jefferson Award for pioneering the 12th local
chapter of the Make-A-Wish
She was nominated to the
NDA Alumnae Hall of Fame
by her friend and NDA
alumna Deborah Ayres Budd.
Dr. Miller-Graff is part of
a large, extended family with
deep roots in the Toledo Community. She has five aunts and
We never stop moving!
4349 Talmadge Rd.
Toledo, Ohio 43623
Haynes Real
Estate, Inc.
is one of four sisters who have
or will graduate from Notre
She was valedictorian of
her class and graduated from
the University of Notre Dame,
where she received a bachelor of arts degree, majoring in
psychology and minoring in
Mediterranean and Middle
Eastern studies. After graduation, she studied for a semester at the American University
in Cairo, then attended graduate school at the University of
Michigan, where she received
her master’s degree in clinical
science psychology. She then
received her Ph.D. in clinical
Marcy McMahon
science psychology.
Dr. Miller-Graff focuses
her research and study in an
effort to assist families, and
particularly children, who
have been exposed to the
trauma of family or intimate
partner violence.
She has authored or co-authored more than 50 articles,
book chapters and research
During her studies at the
University of Michigan, Dr.
Miller-Graff received numerous grants to assist with her
research and studies, including several from the Notre
Dame Institute for Scholar-
Dr. Laura Miller-Graff
ship in the Liberal Arts and
the Notre Dame International
Global Collaboration Initiative.
After completing her studies at UM, she returned to the
University of Notre Dame as
a joint assistant professor in
the Department of Psychology and the Department of
Peace Studies, where she
teaches Introduction to Peace
Studies, Psychology of Peace,
and Introductory Psychology
She is a speaker and lecturer at various community
and professional organizations on understanding and
Four Holland residents
were among the 8,714 students who received honors
for the spring semester at
Kent State University.
Students named to the
dean’s list were Abigail Day,
Savannah Laney and Brittany
To be named to the dean’s
list, a student must achieve a
grade point average of 3.40
or greater and must have
completed at least 12 lettergraded credit hours.
Allie Lindke was named
to the president’s list.
To be named to the president’s list, a student must
achieve a grade point average
of 4.0 and have completed at
least 15 letter-graded credit
Place your
ad today!
Fur Mutts”
Golf Outing
& Putt Putt
o benefit the Puppy Rescue Mission
Soldiers Saving Puppies. Puppies Saving Soldiers.
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east R
R Golf R Putt Putt
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Rveggie burger
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R6 oz sirloin steak R
east R
R Golf R Putt Putt
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Please mail completed form with your check made payable to Jill Borkowski to:
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2124 McIntosh Drive
Holland, OH 43528
Hole sponsorships available for $100 each. Please contact Jill Borkowski at 419-367-6828 or [email protected].
information and updates.
isit www
m/puttsfurmutts for mor
e detailed
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING—first 10 words $5.50, 30 cents per word thereafter. Display classified section, $9.50 per column inch. All garage/estate sales must be prepaid, by cash,
check or credit card. Classified ads mailed in should be accompanied by payment; ads phoned in should be paid promptly. DEADLINE IS EACH THURSDAY BY 10:00 A.M. THE
HOLLAND-SPRINGFIELD JOURNAL, P.O. Box 267, 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552-0267, or visit our website at
CALL 419-874-2528 or visit
Call today to get your trees and your
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ALL GARAGE SALE AD2008 Dutchman Travel Trailer Model 28L-GS
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and entertainment center w/TV
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Excursions for
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10 a.m.-4
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everything needed
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Will offer 2002 Silverado 2500HD / gas with towing package,
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July 7-9, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
4441 N.(419)
Contact Ray, 419-392-4812
5940 Glasgow
Toledo, OH(Night)
Trains, antiques, tools,
elry, vintage toys and board
Park. 4 burial plots for sale in height with leaf, 4 chairs.
Come, find your treasures!!
section block “Garden of Geth- Good quality, $599. 419-367Temple doll, dolls and accessemane” Call 419-509-5326.
sories, bedding, vintage cloth-
Flea Market
by 2.5”
HELP1 col.
$47.25/week for all 4,
workers. Work
outdoors, cusdiscount
tomer service, handy is a
plus. Great work environment
and water.
Box 5184, Toledo,
JULYOhio 43611.
Storage Facility
Located at 8959 Airport
Hwy., Holland, Ohio, (between Crissey & Albon).
Must be able to work 15-20
hrs. per week, plus two
Saturdays per month.
$10/hr. Must have computer skills, good communication skills and be a
people person.
Email resume with
references to Dawn @
ing, Longaberger baskets,
glassware, holiday decorations,
furniture, dishes, CRAFTS,
fabric, sewing machine, railroad shovels and misc., DVDs
& VHS tapes, phonographs,
records, slide projectors, old
transistor radios, books, vinyl
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Excursions for up to 12419-944-0102
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link, vinyl and metal.
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25 years experience.
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Senior Discount
Special prices for seniors. Call
HOUSE CLEANING. Honest, thorough, reliable, great
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Check us out
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Humane Ohio Pet Food Bank
welcomes pet food donations
to help meet the demand.
Dry and wet dog and cat food can be
any condition. Also
dropped off at Humane Ohio (3131Tremainsville)
and earlier military items.
from 7:30 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday.
dian artifacts. Rob, 419-340Excursions for up to
5808, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
12 personsWe are a non-profit organization.
items from
419-266-5607 •
garages. Vehicles, motorcy(419)
cles, tools, mowers,
etc. 419870-0163.
(Night) Toledo Area Humane Society’s
and and
Call us
us today
at yourhome
home the
day to
a free
Build your career with an award winning, positive and
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individuals to represent our firm. Not physical work
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charitable company. 20-24 hours per week speaking
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and service. Must be assertive with strong
communication skills and the drive to be successful.
We work within a team environment.
If you have experience within the call center field,
collection field or similar field this would be for you.
Hourly pay plus generous weekly bonus potentials.
[email protected] or stop into
2930 Centennial Rd., Toledo (419) 841-6055
Meet Max and
Molly. This dynamic
duo comes as a complete set. These two
dogs are in love with
each other–they came
to the Humane Society
together on May 31,
and are hoping to go
home together. They
were surrendered by
their owners because
they were moving and
couldn’t take this pair
with them.
Max, above, is an 8year-old
Spaniel, and Molly,
below, is a 5-year-old
chocolate Lab. They are
both mellow, relaxed,
and laid back.
If you live a quiet
life and are looking for
some good, loving companionship this pair will
be perfect for you. They
both enjoy going for walks together and are well behaved
on their leashes. They get along well with other dogs and
love their playgroups here at the shelter. They were raised
as outdoor hunting dogs, so don’t let their ages fool you,
they still have some “get up and go” in them. Stop by and
see if this team is the right fit for you.
For more information, visit the Toledo Area Humane Society,
827 Illinois Avenue, Maumee or call 419-891-0705.
All adoptable animals can be viewed by visiting the website
For Rent
including utilities,
located between
Crissey & Albon Rd.,
at 8959 Airport Hwy.
Holland, Ohio.
Call Dawn
at 419-861-5014
All real estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which
makes it illegal to advertise “any
preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial
status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference,
limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children
under the age of 18 living with
parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing
custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for
real estate which is in violation of
the law. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity
basis. Call the Fair Housing Center, 243-6163, before you run
your advertisement. To complain
of discrimination call HUD tollfree at 1-800-669-9777. The tollfree telephone number for
the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275.
NDA offers athletic, academic camps
Notre Dame Academy invites girls to register for
Sports and Academic Camps
in July and August. Registration and details for NDA’s
Summer Academy Camps
can be found at
There are a variety of athletic
and academic opportunities
for girls entering grades
kindergarten through grade
12 in the fall 2016.
The NDA Eagles, 13-time
all-sports champs, will host a
variety of sport camps in July
and August that will include
volleyball, basketball and
rowing. The schedule follows:
•Basketball Camp, July
11-13; grades 1 to 4 from 10
a.m. to noon; grades 5 to 8,
from 1 to 3 p.m.
•Volleyball Camp, July 18
to 21, grade 9, from 12:30 to
3 p.m.
•Volleyball Camp (advanced), July 18 to 21, grades
7 to 8, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
This camp is for players who
have significant volleyball experience and skill for their
ages. Players should be able
to serve overhand consistently, know the three-step approach
rotations and free ball defensive positioning.
•Rowing Camp, August 1
to 5, grades 7 to 9, from 5 to
6:30 p.m.
High school students can
Olivia Ullery named new
rowing coach at Notre Dame
Notre Dame Academy
(NDA) announces Olivia
Ullery as its new head rowing
She is a 2010 NDA graduate, as well as an undergraduate of the University of
Dayton and the University
of Toledo, where she recently received a master’s
This past year, Coach
Ullery was NDA’s novice
coach in the fall and spring,
and she also assisted in training with the JV4+ boat for nationals.
Coach Ullery also rowed
for both NDA and the University of Dayton.
strong paragraph in a short
period of time. For math, emphasis will be placed on
strengthening “mental math”
skills in multiplication and integers. Problem-solving and
“short cuts” will be reviewed
to prepare students for Algebra.
•ACT PREP, August 1 to
5, grades 9 to 12, from 10
a.m. to noon. This five-day
ACT prep course will be
taught by Yale University
graduate Greg Owens. He has
been successfully preparing
students for the ACT since
2000. After taking and reviewing dozens of ACT tests,
he has recognized patterns in
the test that allow students to
earn “easy” points. He not
only teaches these patterns
and other standard test-taking
strategies, but he also focuses
on developing the underlying
skill set that the ACT aims to
measure. This is an intensive,
five-day prep process, with
full pre- and post-tests given
the first and final days of the
course. Students should expect to be in class from 10
a.m. to 1:15 p.m., Monday
and Friday; two hours on
Tuesday through Thursday.
Holland chamber plans
26th annual golf outing
The Holland Springfield
Chamber of Commerce will
host its 26th annual golf outing on August 15, at Stone
Oak Country Club, 100
Stone Oak Boulevard, Holland.
golfers will come together
this year for a four-person
scramble. All participants will
receive a complimentary
goodie bag and also will be
given the opportunity to win
prizes throughout the day.
Registration begins at
7:30 a.m., followed by tee off
at 9 a.m. The outing will fea-
ture hole-in-one, closest to
the pin, longest drive and putting green contests. And by
popular demand, Fantasy
Golf will be offered again
this year.
After the outing, golfers
are invited to attend the
awards luncheon.
To register to golf, call
Abbey Hall at 419-865-2100
or send an e-mail to
[email protected].
Businesses interested in
becoming a sponsor or donating items for the goodie bags
also are asked to contact Ms.
The Toledo Lucas County
Public Library’s Board of
Trustees unanimously approved a resolution during its
regular board meeting on
June 23, requesting that the
Lucas County Board of Commissioners place an operating
levy on the November 2016
The levy provides more
than half of the operating
“Strong libraries build
strong communities, and the
library demonstrates value by
continuously delivering a
strong return on investment*.
This decision further shows
our commitment to growing
futures, creating opportunity,
and transforming lives,” said
Clyde Scoles, director of
Toledo Lucas County Public
With the approval of the
library’s Board of Trustees,
the resolution will be delivered to the Lucas County
Board of Commissioners for
them to place a 3.7 mill, fiveyear operating levy on the
November 8 ballot.
The 2.9 mills would renew
the existing levy and the 0.8
mill would be additional. The
current levy, which was approved by voters in 2012, was
a 2.9 mill referendum, which
expires on December 31,
The additional 0.8 mill is
expected to restore what library patrons lost due to funding cuts and state funding.
Mr. Scoles, who also serves
as the library’s fiscal officer,
further remarked.
“We would not come to
our customers for assistance
Olivia Ullery
single parents to achieve educational goals and providing the tools and resources
needed to become effective
parents. Funds raised from
Chicks for Charity will enable Mom’s House to expand its current programs
and provide more single parents and their children with
the help and support they
need to succeed and become
productive members of the
community. Thanks to last
year’s Chicks Mix, Mom’s
House was able to implement new programs, including
program to help engage and
empower young fathers in
the lives of their children.
Already this year, Mom’s
House has helped six moms
and three preschoolers graduate from school.
Tickets for the Chicks Mix
are $37 each and $20 for Junior Chicks (ages 20 and
younger). To purchase tickets,
visit or
call 419-241-2221.
in passing this levy unless it
was absolutely necessary.
This levy represents more
than half of the library’s operating budget, with the state’s
public library fund contributing the rest. The state contribution
substantially, and we are currently operating at 1997 funding levels. We need to
improve upon this to continue
the library service the residents of Lucas County have
long enjoyed and depend on.”
For the owner of a
$100,000 home, the 0.8 mill
increase amounts to 8 cents a
day. Currently, the homeowner pays $87.50 per year
based on the present 2.9 mill
levy renewal. With the additional 0.8 mill increase, for a
proposed 3.7 mills total, a
homeowner will pay $116.81
“We’re doing great things
to help restore vitality to the
many and diverse communities in Toledo and northwest
Ohio–our branch libraries are
iconic in the neighborhoods
they serve and represent beacons of hope. With 68 percent
of the population being proud
card holders, this levy is essential to protecting and
growing their investment,”
said Mr. Scoles.
*A recent study conducted
for the library by Dr. Howard
Fleeter, a noted economist
from Columbus, Ohio, found
that the library provides an
economic value of nearly $4
in benefits for every $1 invested. See more details at
w w w. t o l e d o l i b r a r y. o rg /
Brent Valley/Heritage Green
block watch to meet July 19
The Brent Valley/Heritage Green Block Watch
meeting will be held Tuesday, July 19, at the Christian
Chicks Mix set for July 13
Chicks for Charity will
host its 11th annual Chicks
Mix event on Wednesday,
July 13, from 5:30 to 9 p.m.,
at the Toledo Botanical Garden. The event is open to the
public, and women and girls
of all ages are invited to attend an evening of socializing
and celebrating another year
of giving back to the northwest Ohio community.
A variety of raffle baskets
and silent auction items donated by Chicks and local
businesses will be available,
including a Vera Bradley basket, Chicago getaway and a
coffee lover’s basket. Heavy
appetizers will be served, and
local firefighters will be on
hand as volunteer bartenders.
All proceeds from the event
will benefit Mom’s House,
Chicks for Charity’s designated philanthropy for 201516.
Mom’s House of Toledo
strives to break the cycles of
poverty and welfare for local
women by guiding at-risk
take credit and non-credit academic camps in which girls
can explore math and “tune
up” writing skills or improve
study skills. One of the area’s
top ACT coaches, Greg
Owens from STARS Test
Prep, will teach an ACT prep
course. The schedule follows:
•Study Skills Bootcamp,
August 1 to 4, grades 9 to 12,
from 9 a.m. to noon. This
course is designed to help students improve classroom
skills including note taking,
reading from textbooks and
creating good outlines. Students also will focus on writing effective notecards,
learning new test preparation
strategies and study time
management. Finally, participants will focus on test taking
skills and building confidence
in academics.
•Math/Writing Tune-Up,
August 1 to 4, grades 7 and 8,
from 1 to 4 p.m. This session
is geared, primarily, to rising
eighth graders, although ambitious seventh graders are
welcome. Special emphasis
will be placed on developing
a good outline from prompt,
supporting thoughts with details and on how to write a
Library takes action to place
levy on November 8 ballot
Advertise your home in the classifieds—419-874-2528
Fellowship Church on Pilliod Road at 7 p.m.
Residents may share this
information with neighbors
and encourage them to attend to promote an active
block watch community.
Contact Janet Kimble at
419-297-8423 for further information and questions.
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117 E. SECOND STREET, PERRYSBURG, OH • Email: [email protected]
Community Calendar
Holland Springfield
To include your organization’s activities in this calendar, drop off the details in the Journal’s
drop box at the Holland Branch Library, or mail them to the Journal, 117 East Second Street,
PO Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Or send an e-mail, with the date, time and location to
[email protected]. The deadline for the weekly calendar is Thursday at noon.
Wednesday, July 6
10:00 a.m. Low Vision Support Group at Heatherdowns Library, 3265
Glanzman Road, Toledo. See or call 419-867-8007.
11:00 a.m. Compass Club at the Black Pearl, 4630 Heatherdowns Boulevard. New
members welcome, new program every week. Call 419-865-5795 or 419841-8889 or visit
Thursday, July 7
11:30 a.m. Boomers Resource Network at Uncle John’s Restaurant, 3131 Secor Road.
See for details or call 419-865-8503.
5:30 p.m. CedarCreek’s South Toledo Campus hosts the Community Care Free
Medical Clinic at 2150 South Byrne Road, Toledo, until 8 p.m. Call 419482-8127 for information.
Friday, July 8
11:00 a.m. Free Silver Sneakers strength and balance classes for seniors 65 and older
at Studio Fitness, 1413 Bernath Parkway. Zumba Gold classes at 1 p.m.
12:00 p.m. Holland-Springfield Rotary at Lutheran Village at Wolf Creek, 2001
Perrysburg-Holland Road.
5:00 p.m. All-you-care-to-eat fish dinner and more at Conn-Weissenberger American
Legion, 2020 West Alexis Road, until 7 p.m.
8:00 p.m. Glass City Singles dance party at Holland Gardens, 6530 Angola Road,
Holland. Visit for information.
Monday, July 11
7:00 p.m. Springfield Township Zoning Commission at the township hall, 7617
Angola Road.
Tuesday, July 12
10:00 a.m. Free Silver Sneakers chair Zumba for seniors 65 and older at Studio Fitness,
1413 Bernath Parkway. Call Karen at 419-870-2318 for more information.
11:00 a.m. Lucas County Commissioners at the Lucas County Office Building, One
Government Center, Toledo.
6:30 p.m. Real Estate Investors Association of Northwest Ohio at the Knights of
Columbus, 4256 Secor Road, Toledo. Call 419-283-8427 or 419-699-1532.
7:30 p.m. Holland Village Council at the Municipal Building meeting room, 1245
Clarion Avenue.
Glass City Burger Battle set for July 15 and 16
The Home Builders Association of Greater Toledo is
proud to present the Glass City
Burger Battle, a community
event being held July 15 and
16, at Centennial Terrace, Sylvania.
The event, sponsored by the
HBA, 13abc and Aspen Dental, is open to the public, and a
portion of the proceeds will
benefit the Fisher House Foundation, a program that provides
a “home away from home” at
no cost for families of patients
receiving medical care at major
military and VA medical centers.
The event will feature five
local restaurants serving their
specialty burgers and sides,
live music all weekend long, a
kids’ zone and more. Restaurants participating in the event
are Barr’s Public House,
Berger’s Bar and Grill,
Chubby’s American Grill,
Sidelines Sports Eatery and
Pub and Smokehouse Bistro.
One restaurant will be crowned
“Glass City Burger Champ” by
a panel of judges and the “People’s Choice Award” by attendees.
Bands will include the Bradberries (Friday night), the
Twenty-Fives (Saturday afternoon), and featured performers, Air Margaritaville on
Saturday night.
Bring the whole family—
there’s something for everyone. Enjoy fun and educational
activities all weekend long in
the kids’ zone with Hero’s the
Party Experience, Learning
Express, strolling magic and
balloons by Eli, summer science activities with Imagination Station, painting and
cookies with Wine and Canvas,
face painting by Ms. Jackie and
much more.
Children’s activities are
sponsored by the Toledo Home
Pros and will be available Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturday,
3 to 7 p.m.
Event hours are Friday, 5 to
11 p.m. and Saturday 3 to 11
p.m. Tickets are $6 for adults,
$4 children 5-12, age 4 and
under are free.
Tickets Saturday after 7 p.m.
are $10 for adults, $6 children
5 through 12. Tickets are available online at www.GlassCity or at the gate
the days of the event.
The Glass City Burger Battle event honors veterans, retired and active military
personnel with free admission.
For more information, visit
w w w. G l a s s C i t y B u r g e r
Following is the program
schedule at the Holland Branch
Library, 1032 South McCord
Road. Library hours are Monday through Thursday, from 9
a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Friday and
Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 5:30
For more information, call
419-259-5240 or visit the website
Summer Reading
On Your Mark, Get
Set...READ! The Summer
Reading Challenge began June
1. Earn points for reading or
listening to books, completing
learning challenges, attending
programs, finding secret codes
and more. Stop in or call for
more information.
Babytime for children ages
6 to 24 months, with an adult,
is offered on Mondays, at 10
a.m., through August 1. Have
fun with stories, rhymes and
music while discovering ways
to develop early literacy skills
in your young child.
Join us for a book program
designed just for the littlest
learners. Please register and include the name and age of each
child in the “notes” area.
Have fun at this interactive
storytime for children 2 to 3
years old and their favorite
grown-up on Wednesdays,
through August 3, at 9:30 a.m.
Talk, sing, read, write and play
together as we share books,
songs, rhymes and movement.
Please register and include the
name and age of each child in
the “notes” area.
Preschool Storytime
Have fun at this special Preschool Storytime program designed for children ages 2 to 5
with their favorite adult,
Wednesdays, through August
3, at 10:30 a.m. Storytime
helps prepare your child for
kindergarten. Talking, singing,
reading, writing and playing
are the five essential early literacy practices. Please register
and write the name and age of
each child in the “notes” area.
Aegela and the
Joy of Dance
Join Aegela as we learn
about Middle Eastern dance,
music and culture. Come experience this expressive art form
and participate in a rhythmic
musical session on Thursday,
July 7, from 7 to 8 p.m. Registration is open.
Body Art By Jen
Henna is a plant used for
centuries to create intricate
temporary body art.
Get your own henna design
on Wednesday, July 13, from
10:30 to 11:30 a.m., and learn
from the artist about henna’s
fascinating history, how it really works, and how to avoid
dangerous chemical imposters.
This program is for teens in
grades 6 to 12.
Morningstar and Value Line
Do you want to learn more
about your investments or
about investing in general? A
librarian from the Main Library’s Business Technology
Department will be on hand on
Saturday, July 16, from 10 to
11:30 a.m., to provide an indepth look at two of the library’s outstanding investing
databases–Morningstar and
Value Line. Registration is
Homework Helper
Watch for the return of our
Homework Helper in the fall,
just in time for another great
school year.
Book Discussion
Join us on Wednesday, July
20, at 1 p.m., for a lively and
enlightening discussion of the
book “Under the Wide and
Starry Sky,” by Nancy Horan.
Copies of the book are now
available at the Holland Branch
Library. New members are always welcome.
GED and Adult Basic
Literacy Education Classes
Penta Career Center is offering GED and Adult Basic
Literacy Education classes at
the Holland Branch Library on
Mondays and Wednesdays,
from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information or to register, call
Penta at 419-661-6184.
Attention All Veterans
Looking for new proud members to join
our post, if you have served in the military.
Would be glad to discuss eligibility.
Contact VFW Post 6409—Rossford Post
Commander Doug Austin—707-673-6316
Quartermaster Al Espen—419-340-5240
Post email - [email protected]
Pizza Palooza to be held July 22, 23 at Centennial Terrace
Shannon O’Hearn
on dean’s list
at Hillsdale College
Sylvania YMCA/JCC, Salon
Institute TIGI Creative
School, Bouncy Thing and
Over the Rainbow Learning
Admission is adults, $6;
children 5 to 12, $4, and children 4 and under, free. Vendors will sell pizza for $1.50
to $2 per slice with the option
to purchase whole pie. Advance tickets are available at
Metamora State Bank and the
Sylvania Area Chamber of
Commerce office.
Shannon O’Hearn has
been named to the dean’s list
for the spring semester at
Hillsdale College, Hillsdale,
Michigan. She is a senior majoring in exercise science.
To be named to the dean’s
list, a student must achieve a
grade point average of 3.4 or
Shannon is a 2012 graduate of Central Catholic High
School. She is the daughter of
Patrick and Erin O’Hearn of
The Sylvania Area Chamber of Commerce will host
the sixth annual Pizza Palooza
on Friday, July 22 and Saturday, July 23 at Centennial
Terrace, 5773 Centennial
Palooza hours are Friday, 5 to
11:30 p.m., and Saturday, 4 to
11:30 p.m.
Presented by Bobby Jorgensen’s Kistler Ford, Pizza
Palooza will feature 10
restaurants vying for the best
pizza title in northwest Ohio.
Participating are Amie’s
Pizza, Bambino’s Pizza,
Charlie’s Pizza, J-Cups Pizza,
Jet’s Pizza, Jo-Jo’s Pizzeria,
Mama Mary’s, Pizza Papalis
of Toledo, PizzAroma and
Vito’s Pizza.
About 12,000 visitors are
expected to attend and will
vote for their favorite restaurant. Awards will be presented
in two categories–people’s
choice and judge’s choice.
For the second year, voting
will be done using a voting
app created by chamber member Don Miller of GroundSpeed.
Attendees can vote via the
app which can be downloaded
to their mobile device by
searching Sylvania Chamber
in the app store or through a
polling station on the premises.
In addition to pizza, there
will be a caricature artist to
create portraits for visitors
plus musical entertainment.
The schedule of performers
•Friday–5 to 7 p.m., Arctic
Clam; 7 to 9 p.m., Grape
Smugglers, and 9 to 11 p.m.,
Last Born Sons.
•Saturday–5 to 7 p.m.,
Boffo; 7 to 9 p.m., Eight Fifteens and 9 to 11 p.m., Fuji
featuring the Booyah!
Children’s activities, sponsored by Over the Rainbow
Early Learning Center, will
take place each day from 5 to
9 p.m. and will feature Imagination Station, Soccer Shots,
“Think Local First”
Join Your Neighbors
and Friends
for these Great
7902 Airport Hwy
‘Samson’ Sight and
Sound, Lancaster, PA
July 19-21
‘Crazy For You,’ musical, Amish Acres,
Nappanee • July 28
Miniature Golf Tour and Contest • August 11
‘Tecumseh!’ Ohio’s outdoor drama
August 30
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•One of Ohio’s largest and most unique stores
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Maximize Your Social Security Benefits
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The difference between a good Social Security decision
and a poor one can cost you.
Join us for a complimentary, no obligaon workshop
on maximizing your Social Security income.
We want to help you have a worry free rerement.
Upcoming Educaonal Event Dates:
Presented by:
Tuesday, July 26
Thursday, July 28
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Mancy’s Italian Grill
5453 Monroe St.
27 Broadway St.
Toledo, OH 43623
Toledo, OH 43604
Reservaons Required: 419­872­0204
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All reservations must be confirmed by Citizen Advisory Group. These special events tend to fill up quickly and are
reserved exclusively for the general public. Please… no children, brokers, licensed advisors or insurance agents.
Investment Advisory Services are offered through Alphastar Capital Management, LLC, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor.
Alphastar Capital Management, LLC and Citizen Advisory Group, Ltd. are independent entities.
Include your business here!
Only $50 for a 3.25” x 3” ad including color
Deadline is the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month.
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This special page comes out the 1 & 3rd Tuesday of every month and also appears on-line!
Thurs. 10-7
Sat. 9-1
Closed Sun.
& Mon.
Michele Topor
7131 Spring Meadows West Dr.,
Ev Harris
Support local businesses to enhance
the quality of our community