June 6, 2013


June 6, 2013
June 6, 2013
Important news and information
impacting the quality of our health.
Star City Health is a sponsored, weekly feature. This content reprinted with permission from Ezine, ezinearticles.com.
Active Release Technique
at Chiropractic Clinic And Its Benefits
Active Release Technique or simply ART is becoming more and more popular today as an alternative treatment for sports injuries and other repetitive
physical ailments. It is a soft-tissue system / massage-based technique that
helps address problems in muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. This
technique is done in chiropractic clinics and should be done by a licensed chiropractor.
Some compelling reasons why ART should be done in chiropractic clinics
and therefore you can be certain that you are in a right place,
well, of course, provided he is a licensed one.
are readily available
ical doctor in a conventional medical clinic
Treating Migraine Headaches with Chiropractic
Ailments that can be addressed by ART (benefits)
s #ARPAL4UNNEL3YNDROME - an ailment that is caused by compresIn many cases of migraine headaches, the
sion of the median nerve, the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and
origin of pain stems from misalignment of the
movement to parts of the hand, which results tingling, numbness and pain.
s Iliotibial Band Syndrome - refers to an injury that is common to the
knee, acquired during running, cycling, hiking, or weight-lifting. Common
symptoms include stinging sensation above the knee joint, swelling or thickening of the tissue
s Runner's Knee - its medical term is patellofemoral pain syndrome;
this is similar to Iliotibial Band Syndrome in the sense that it is common to
athletes who do activities that require a lot of knee bending such as biking,
jumping, or even walking.
s Plantar fasciitis - is the inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot caused by a variety of reasons such as long-distance running,
sudden weight gain, or when wearing shoes with poor arch support
s Tension Headaches- considered to be the most common headache
affecting adults. Also known as stress headaches, they can occur periodically
or daily (chronic) which could last about 30 minutes.
s 2OTATOR#UFF)NJURY - damage to any of the four muscles (or their
ligaments) that connect muscles and bones; this particular injury is caused by
acute injury, chronic overuse, and gradual aging.
Active release treatment procedures
- in a nutshell
1. A Therapist or chiropractor evaluates a patient, examining
his muscles and nerves - the texture, tightness and movements using his hands.
2. He then identifies the correct and specific problem affecting
the area
3. Then, he treats abnormal tissues using a precise directed
tension; there are about 500 specific moves unique to active release
technique practitioner.
spine's vertebra. This spinal misalignment
can affect nerves traveling to the brain, resulting in chemical imbalances and neurologic
issues that cause migraines.
Spinal manipulation from a chiropractor
is an effective remedy sought by many individuals who experience migraine headaches.
Chiropractic treatment can relieve misalignments and pressure against pinched or
inflamed nerves. Even after one successful
session with a chiropractor, a headache can be
relieved as the vertebra are restored to proper
Chiropractic care is a proven solution for
all types of individuals seeking a holistic
treatment for migraine headaches. In fact,
studies have shown spinal manipulation can
be equally as a effective as preventative drugs
medications for migraine headaches. Many
victims of migraines actually prefer chiropractic treatment because it's a holistic therapy, and when care is provided in a timely
fashion, symptoms can dissipate almost
Medications, fatigue, alcohol, caffeine,
light conditions, and exposure to certain
foods or odors can act as causative factors
that trigger migraines. However in countless
situations, physical misalignment in an individual's spine is the culprit. This is particularly the case for those who experience chronic migraine headaches on frequent bases.
Not only can chiropractic care be beneficial amidst the onset of a migraine, but such
treatment can also help ward-off the cause of
headaches. In addition to providing spinal
manipulation as an immediate remedy, a chiropractor can also prescribe stretches and
exercises to minimize the potential of future
headaches from occurring. Such exercises
might be as simple as doing some spinal
twists while lying on the floor, or do neck
movements to keep the spine loose and supple.
Working with an experienced chiropractor can help to pinpoint likely triggers and
developing strategies to avoid these triggers.
It's important during your chiropractic
assessment that the chiropractor understands
your history with migraines. Additionally, it
is best to discuss the nature of your headaches (such as the frequency, duration, area of
pain and severity) along with other symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to light or
certain odors.
The initial assessment will primarily surround the musculoskeletal system, focusing
on aspects like an individual's posture and
muscular asymmetries. The chiropractor will
most likely check the muscles of the neck for
tension or spasm. In most cases, restricted
motion in the neck is symptom likely causing
chronic migraines, and will thus be of primary focus for chiropractic treatment.
Lifestyle considerations are a major component to a chiropractor's approach to both
short-term and long-term treatment. In addition to visiting a chiropractor for migraine
relief, it's recommended that migraine suffers
receive at least 7-8 hours of sleep, exercise
regularly, limit consumption of caffeine and
alcohol, staying hydrated, and evaluate their
current diet.
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June 6, 2013
Important news and information
impacting the quality of our health.
Star City Health is a sponsored, weekly feature. This information collected from NIH News in Health and ahrq.gov.
Screenings for
men any age:
1. What is the test for?
The Prostate Prognosis
Don’t Ignore an Uncomfortable Problem
Most men probably don’t like
thinking about their prostates, but
it’s worth doing once in a while.
Problems with the small gland are
common in men past the age of
50. The good news is that most
prostate conditions can be successfully treated.
The prostate is about the size of
a walnut. It wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine
out of the bladder. During sexual
climax, or ejaculation, the prostate
adds fluid to sperm to create
semen, which also leaves the body
through the urethra.
For men under 50, the most
common prostate problem is prostatitis. It can cause a burning feeling when you urinate or an urge
to urinate more often. You might
have a fever or just feel tired.
Prostatitis is caused by the
prostate becoming inflamed or
irritated. Some kinds of prostatitis
are caused by bacteria. If you
have bacterial prostatitis, your
doctor can spot it by looking at
your urine through a microscope.
Bacterial prostatitis can usually be
treated with an antibiotic.
But most of the time, there’s no
clear cause for prostatitis.
Researchers have yet to identify a
clearly effective treatment when
Star City Health is
published every
Thursday and educates
105,000 readers about
medical news and
information impacting the
quality of our health.
the cause is unknown. You may
have to work with your doctor to
find a treatment that works for
you. Changing your diet or taking
warm baths may help. No single
solution works for everyone.
For men over 50, the most common prostate problem is prostate
enlargement, or benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH). The prostate
naturally grows larger as you get
older. As it grows, it squeezes the
urethra. The pressure can affect
bladder control.
BPH can lead to more serious
problems, such as urinary tract
infections. In rare cases, the constant urination problems can lead
to kidney damage.
Several treatments are available for BPH. In recent years, scientists have developed medicines
that can shrink or relax the prostate to keep it from blocking the
bladder opening. Researchers
have also developed devices that
allow doctors to remove parts of
the prostate without major surgery. The procedures can usually
be done in a clinic or hospital
without an overnight stay. More
invasive surgery is also an
The symptoms of prostate cancer, in which cancer cells form in
the tissues of the prostate, can be
similar to those of BPH. However,
most of the time patients are diagnosed with prostate cancer after
results from a blood test prompt a
prostate biopsy.
Prostate cancer is the most
common cancer in American men
after skin cancer. But most men
with prostate cancer don’t die
from it. Many prostate cancers
never even cause symptoms or
become a serious threat to health.
That’s because prostate cancer
tends to grow more slowly than
many other cancers. A prostate
tumor may grow for 30 years
before it gets large enough to
cause symptoms. Several treatment options are available.
Certain risk factors have been
linked to prostate cancer—for
example, eating a high-fat diet.
NIH-funded scientists are now
looking at how prostate cancer
can be prevented. NIH also has
many research programs aimed at
finding treatments for BPH and
other prostate problems.
See your doctor right away if
something doesn’t seem right to
you down there. And if you can’t
urinate at all, get medical help
For more information
on Star City Health please
contact Suzanne at