PediatriC resourCe direCtorY Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service


PediatriC resourCe direCtorY Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Children’s Hospital & Medical Center
Pediatric Resource
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Your 24-hour link to pediatric specialists for physician-to-physician
consults, referrals, admissions and transport services
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Updated 9/2012
This pediatric resource directory was created by Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center to highlight various specialty services available
to health care providers across the region. It is a quick reference tool
and is not intended to serve as a complete medical staff directory.
A more comprehensive medical staff listing is available online 24/7
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Physician Services
Chief Medical Officer
Carl Gumbiner, M.D....................................... 402-955-4113
Physician Liaison
Peggy Hogan, R.N........................................ 402-955-6956
Cell 402-677-7900
Medical Staff Services
Melissa Johnson............................................ 402-955-3775
Medical Education
Sara Olsen ................................................... 402-955-6070
Medical Records (HIM)
Stephanie Taylor ........................................... 402-955-3800
Physician Recruitment
Brenda Krull ................................................. 402-955-6971
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
This pediatric resource directory was created by Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center to highlight various specialty services available
to health care providers across the region. It is a quick reference tool
and is not intended to serve as a complete medical staff directory.
A more comprehensive medical staff listing is available online 24/7
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
ADMISSIONS to Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center
For referring physicians and mid-level providers requesting hospital admissions or consults:
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service 855-850-KIDS (5437)
Your 24-hour link to pediatric specialists for physician-to-physician consults, referrals,
admissions and transport services
General Pediatric Admissions:
Request to speak with the Hospitalist on-call.
NICU Admissions:
Neonatologist on-call
PICU Admissions:
Intensivist on-call
Surgery Admissions:
Pediatric Surgeon on-call
The following information should be given:
Name, DOB
Referring and Primary Provider
Your call back phone number
Diagnosis or concern
Method of transportation and ETA
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
ADMISSIONS to Children’s Hospital & MEdical Center
For the Medical Staff
Scheduled Admissions.......... 402-955-4035
Fax Pre Authorization.............................. 402-955-4059
Elective or Same Day
Surgery Scheduling................... 402-955-5800
Nursing House Supervisor.......402-955-7901
Urgent or Unscheduled Admissions
Managed by the Hospitalist.................. 855-850-5437
Managed by the
Primary Care Physician.......................... 402-955-4035
Pediatric Resident Teaching Service....... 402-888-8739
ECMO services are provided for both neonatal and pediatric patients with severe respiratory and/or
cardiac insufficiency who are unresponsive to mechanical ventilation and medical therapy. Staff are
available 24/7 for professional consultation, transport or provision of ECMO at 402-955-7901 for
coordination of all unscheduled admissions.
Inpatient Units
4th Floor.................................................................. 402-955-4400................................CNC 955-7904
Surg Units (Newborn – 2 yrs)
5th Floor.................................................................. 402-955-4500................................CNC 955-7905
(Cardiac-IMC, age 2 – 5 ½ yrs)
6th Floor.................................................................. 402-955-4600................................CNC 955-7906
(H/O, age 5 ½ and up)
4th Floor Skywalk Fetal Care Center..... 402-955-8635................................CNC 955-7904
Main........................................................................ 402-955-4200................................CNC 955-7902
4th Floor.................................................................. 402-955-6230................................CNC 955-8074
5th Floor.................................................................. 402-955-6130................................CNC 955-8075
Main......................................................................... 402-955-5801
Scheduling................................................... 402-955-5800
Recovery................................................................ 402-955-4910
CARES..................................................................... 402-955-4777
Emergency Dept............................................................................ 402-955-5150
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
The Anesthesiology Department plays a critical role in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients.
Children’s anesthesiologists specialize in multidisciplinary pediatric and cardiac anesthesiology and are
involved in many aspects of patient care. While the primary focus is the safety of patients before, during
and after surgery, patient care services also are provided outside of the operating room.
• Anesthesia and Sedation
Specialized treatments include:
• Pain Management
Pediatric Anesthesiology.....................................................................................................................402-955-4385
Denise M. Drvol. M.D.
Cynthia A. Ferris, M.D.
Kerri J. George, M.D.
Kimberly A. Hanson, M.D.
Kimberly K. Hissong, M.D.
David Scott Hoy, M.D.
Jane A. Kugler, M.D.
Carol A. Lydiatt, M.D.
Rachel A. Spitznagel, M.D.
Marika A. Stone, M.D.
Cyndi R. Bailey, APRN-NP
Michelle K. Brester, APRN-NP
Daoka Collins, APRN-NP
Laurie J. McMullan, CRNA
Shannon L. Miller, APRN-NP
Joby Varghese, M.D.
Greta Duncan Wiebe, M.D.
Guy P. Williams D.O.
Jeffrey S. Yuskevich, M.D.
Emergency Department
The Emergency Department is the only dedicated pediatric ED in the state of Nebraska. It provides
24/7 care to infants, children and young adults with urgent and emergent medical, surgical and
traumatic conditions. The consulting staff includes:
•Medical and surgical physicians from a broad range of specialties
•Social work professionals
•Foreign language interpreters
All patients are accepted in the Emergency Department from birth through 21 years of age, and those
with chronic illnesses requiring pediatric expertise (e.g., cystic fibrosis or complex congenital heart
disease) are treated at any age, as appropriate.
Emergency Department................................................................................................................ 402-955-5150
Thomas J. Deegan, M.D.
Patrick Doherty, M.D.
Alan G. Fuss, M.D.
Scott S. James, M.D.
Duane M. Jensen, M.D.
Corey S. Joekel, M.D.
Linda K. Matson, M.D.
Arwa Nasir, M.D.
Catherine S. Carrico, APRN-NP
Megan T. Connelly, APRN-NP
Lisa M. Halbur, APRN-NP
William P. Hazell, PA-C
Jamie Protaskey, APRN-NP
Linda J. Wardell, APRN-NP
David M. Tolo, M.D.
Debra J. Tomek, M.D.
Jennifer L. Wang, M.D.
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Hospitalist Service
Community physicians often choose to admit patients through our inpatient care service. The
hospitalists are able to provide continuous attending-level care with general pediatric expertise, while
also having in-house access to the many resources and specialists at Children’s. The hospitalists are
available around-the-clock to deliver efficient, effective care with an emphasis on communication with
referring physicians throughout the child’s hospitalization.
Hospitalists..................................................................................................................................................855-850-KIDS (5437)
M. Dolter, M.D.
Lisa M. Sieczkowski, M.D.
Heidi N. Killefer, M.D.
Joseph T. Snow, M.D.
Gary L. Lerner, M.D.
Sheilah J. Snyder, M.D.
Lauren J. Maskin, M.D.
Sharon R. Stoolman, M.D.
Megan R. Potthoff, APRN-NP
Jessica J. Wollberg, APRN-NP
Cassandra A. Susman, M.D.
Yohanna S. Vernon, M.D.
Nicu (Newborn Intensive Care Unit)
As a regional referral center, our 46-bed NICU provides the area’s only comprehensive medical, cardiac
and surgical management service with all ventilatory modes available. We are the area’s largest ECMO
program with both neonatal and pediatric capabilities. Our team of neonatologists, nurse practitioners,
nurses, respiratory therapists and other professionals support the intricate medical and developmental
needs of premature and sick infants. Our newborn transport service includes a team of NNPs and nurses
with special training in neonatal nursing and pediatric critical care.
Admissions, Transports, Referrals................................................................. 855-850-KIDS (5437)
4th Floor NICU........................................................................................................................................................... 402-955-6230
5th Floor NICU........................................................................................................................................................... 402-955-6130
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Neonatology........................................................................................................................................... 855-850-KIDS (5437)
Nicole Birge, M.D.
John H. Grebe, M.D.
Bonnie J. Lees, M.D.
John W. Sparks, M.D.
Lynne D. Willett, M.D.
Zahi Zeidan, M.D.
Mari Boulas, APRN-NP
Kami D. Cappelo, APRN-NP
McKenzie Denich, APRN-NP
Elizabeth J. Ehrhardt, APRN-NP
Jennifer B. Friend, APRN-NP
Kim Goracke, APRN-NP
Emily Greisch, APRN-NP
Paige E. Hardy, APRN-NP
Ivette Jackson, APRN-NP
Debra L. Kellberg, APRN-NP
Cori R. Kerr, APRN-NP
Kimberly R. Marsh, APRN-NP
Michele F. Moore, APRN-NP
Angela E. Rojas, APRN-NP
Kindra Smith, APRN-NP
PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)
The PICU is a multidisciplinary intensive care unit that provides care for infants, children and adolescents
who become critically ill or injured. We are the area’s largest ECMO program with both neonatal and
pediatric capabilities. The team of physicians, nurses and allied health care professionals who work in the
PICU possess the knowledge, specialized skills and judgment to provide timely assessment and treatment in
order to achieve the best possible outcome from critical illness or injury.
The pediatric intensivists provide in-house, 24/7 coverage for continuous acute care management.
When a referral to the PICU is appropriate, the critical care staff will make arrangements to
transport the child to Children’s.
Intensivists................................................................................................................................................. 855-850-KIDS (5437)
PICU................................................................................................................................................................ 402-955-4200
Robert N. Chaplin, M.D.
Kelly D. Kadlec, M.D.
Andrew J. Macfadyen, M.D.
Mohan R. Mysore, M.D.
Luke Noronha, M.D.
Bridget M. Norton, M.D.
Jayesh C. Thakker, M.D.
Edward J. Truemper, M.D.
Amy Jorgenson, APRN-NP
Ariann C. Lenihan, PA-C
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
This pediatric resource directory was created by Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center to highlight various specialty services available
to health care providers across the region. It is a quick reference tool
and is not intended to serve as a complete medical staff directory.
A more comprehensive medical staff listing is available online 24/7
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Pediatric Center
Children’s Specialty Pediatric Center provides unique access to the largest group of pediatric
subspecialists in the region. Housing more than 30 specialty clinics, the center features
multi-disciplinary services for pediatric patients from newborn through age 21.
Children’s lab draw station, located on the first floor of the Specialty Pediatric Center, offers
convenient and timely testing for patients. Radiology services are located nearby in the adjacent
hospital building.
Children’s Specialty Pediatric Center was designed with young patients in mind, featuring bold
colors and mural-sized learning walls. The resulting environment is one that is vibrant, welcoming
and comforting to families.
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Specialty Clinics
Specialty Pediatric Center 1st Floor
Access Center
Audiology – Hearing Aid
2nd Floor
Allergy & Asthma
• Cardiology
• Cardiothoracic Surgery
• Children’s Developmental
Clinic (CDC)
• Craniofacial
Cardiac Diagnostics
• Infusion Center
Cystic Fibrosis
• Developmental Behavioral
• Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT)
• Food Hypersensitivity
Gastroenterology (GI)
Helmet Lab
• Infectious Disease
4th Floor
Endocrinology & Diabetes
• Celiac Disease
• Feeding and Growth
• Pulmonary Lab
Quick Reference Guide
Rehabilitation (speech,
occupational & physical
Hand in Hand/
Palliative Care
• Helmet
• Metabolic Management
• NICU Follow-Up
• Plastic Surgery
• Pulmonary Medicine
• Sleep Disorders
• Urology
• Weight Management
Liver Diseases
• Orthopaedic Surgery
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Pediatric Surgery
Specialty Clinics
Complete descriptions on the following pages
Quick Reference Guide
Aerodigestive.................................................................. 402-955-6370............................. 402-955-6427
Allergy & Asthma........................................................ 402-955-6370............................. 402-955-6427
Behavioral Health........................................................ 402-955-3900............................. 402-955-3920
Cardiology......................................................................... 402-955-4350............................. 402-955-4356
Cardiothroacic Surgery........................................... 402-955-4360............................. 402-955-4364
Celiac Disease................................................................. 402-955-5700............................. 402-955-5720
Childrens Development Clinic (CDC)............. 402-955-4160............................. 402-955-4186
Craniofacial...................................................................... 402-955-4168............................. 402-955-4184
Cystic Fibrosis.................................................................. 402-955-5570............................. 402-955-6427
Dentistry.............................................................................. 402-559-6100............................. 402-552-7765
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics.......... 402-955-3841............................. 402-955-4184
Eating Disorders............................................................ 402-955-6190.............................. 402-955-6195
Endocrinology/Diabetes......................................... 402-955-3871............................. 402-955-8738
ENT........................................................................................... 402-955-6370............................. 402-955-6427
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Specialty Clinics
Complete descriptions on the following pages
Quick Reference Guide
Feeding and Growth................................................. 402-955-5700............................. 402-955-5720
Fetal Care Center.......................................................... 402-955-3030............................. 402-955-3031
Food Hypersensitivity............................................... 402-955-6370............................. 402-955-6427
Gastroenterology......................................................... 402-955-5700............................. 402-955-5720
Genetic Arrhythmia.................................................... 402-955-4350............................. 402-955-4356
Genetics................................................................................ 402-559-6418............................. 402-559-5737
Helmet................................................................................... 402-955-4168............................. 402-955-4184
Hematology/Oncology........................................... 402-955-3950............................. 402-955-3972
Infectious Diseases...................................................... 402-955-4005............................. 402-955-3849
Liver Diseases.................................................................. 402-955-5700............................. 402-955-5720
Metabolic Management.......................................... 402-955-4199............................. 402-955-4184
Neurology.......................................................................... 402-955-5372............................. 402-955-5380
Neurosurgery.................................................................. 402 398-9243.............................. 402-398-9253
NICU Follow-Up............................................................ 402-955-6393............................. 402-955-4184
Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV)........................... 402-955-7378............................. 402-955-3693
Opthalmology................................................................. 402-399-9400............................. 402-399-8170
Specialty Clinics
Complete descriptions on the following pages
Quick Reference Guide
Orthopaedics................................................................... 402-955-6300............................. 402-955-6529
Osteogenesis Imperfecta........................................ 402-955-4199............................. 402-955-6529
PENS....................................................................................... 402-955-5700............................. 402-955-5720
Plastic Surgery............................................................... 402-955-4168............................. 402-955-4184
Psychiatry........................................................................... 402-955-3900............................. 402-955-3920
Pulmonary Medicine................................................. 402-955-6370............................. 402-955-6427
Nephrology....................................................................... 402-559-6780............................. 402-559-8803
Rheumatology................................................................. 402-955-4070............................. 402-955-4184
Sleep Disorders.............................................................. 402-955-6370............................. 402-955-3693
Surgery, Pediatric........................................................ 402-955-7400............................. 402-955-7405
Urology................................................................................. 402-955-4002............................. 402-955-4004
Weight Management (HEROES)....................... 402-955-4080............................. 402-955-4078
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
The Aerodigestive Clinic provides coordinated assessment and treatment of infants and children
with disorders of the airway, breathing and eating. Specialty physicians from Pulmonology,
Gastroenterology and Otolaryngology work cooperatively with a dietician and a feeding/swallowing
specialist to meet the needs of these complex patients.
Aerodigestive Clinic............................................................................................................ 402-955-6370
Fax 402-955-6427
John L. Colombo, M.D.
Deborah Goebel, M.D.
Heather M. Thomas, M.D.
Paul H. Sammut, M.D.
Ryan K. Sewell, M.D.
Fernando Zapata, M.D
Allergy & Asthma
Children’s specialists provide high-quality, comprehensive asthma, allergy and immunotherapy.
The program is a recognized referral source for the diagnosis and treatment of asthma and allergies.
Allergic rhinitis
Recurrent infection
• Eosinophilic esophagitis or enteritis
• Chronic
• Immunology
Allergy/Asthma Clinic...................................................................................................... 402-955-6370
Fax 402-955-6427
Russell J. Hopp, D.O.
Specialty Clinics
Fernando Zapata, M.D.
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Behavioral Health
Children’s Behavioral Health staff offers psychological evaluation and counseling services to children
of all ages and their families.  Services can be provided to inpatient, outpatient and emergency room
patients. The Behavioral Health department is staffed by psychologists, mental health practitioners,
psychiatrists and a dietician.
Treatments modalities include:
•Individual Therapy
•Family Therapy
•Group Therapy
•Nutritional Therapy
•Psychological Evaluation
•Psychiatric Assessment & Medication Consultation
Specialty Clinics:
•Anxiety Disorders
Located at 1000 N. 90th St., Suite 200............................................................ 402-955-3900
(corner of 90th & Western)
Fax 402-955-3920
Children’s pediatric cardiologists provide nationally recognized treatment of congenital heart disease.
The program offers comprehensive services including:
• clinical consultations
• electrophysiology procedures
• noninvasive cardiac diagnostics
• interventional cardiac catheterization procedures
Children’s cardiologists subspecialize in interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, genetic arrhythmias,
echocardiography, MRI, CT, transplant assessment and management, pulmonary hypertension,
preventive cardiology, lipid management, fetal assessment and intensive care management. Cardiologists
also conduct outreach clinics in multiple locations throughout Nebraska and South Dakota. (Please refer to
Outreach Clinics section for locations and schedules.)
Cardiology................................................................................................................................. 402-955-4350
Fax 402-955-4356
Cardiac Diagnostic Services......................................................................................... 402-955-4328
Fax 402-955-4357
Jennifer Hickman Cameron, M.D.
David A. Danford, M.D.
Jeffrey W. Delaney, M.D.
Christopher C. Erickson, M.D.
Scott E. Fletcher, M.D.
Carl H. Gumbiner, M.D.
Howard H. Hsu, M.D.
Tamara A. Dolphens, PA-C
Barbara Roessner, PA-C
Britni Stevens, PA-C
Specialty Clinics
John D. Kugler, M.D.
Shelby Kutty, M.D.
Robert L. Spicer, M.D.
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Children’s pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons have demonstrated world-class surgical results in the
treatment of congenital heart disease. Surgeons provide a comprehensive array of surgical
interventions in state-of-the-art facilities with a highly specialized and experienced surgical
team. The surgeons work closely with their colleagues in pediatric cardiology, perinatology,
neonatology, critical care, anesthesia and other disciplines to assure an accurate diagnosis and
optimal plan for surgical intervention.
Cardiothoracic Surgery................................................................................................... 402-955-4360
Fax 402-955-4364
Ibrahim Abdullah, M.D.
Kim F. Duncan, M.D.
James M. Hammel, M.D.
Carman R. DeMare, DNP, APRN-NP
Amy Kenkel, APRN-NP
Tara Goesch, APRN-NP
Christine A. Woell, APRN-PCNS
Peter W. Hunt, PA-C
Rebecca J. Siecke, PA-C
CDC (Children’s Developmental Clinic)
The CDC offers evaluation and ongoing consultation for a variety of developmental disabilities including
spina bifida, hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. The clinic gives families access to a multidisciplinary team
of specialists in orthopaedics, urology, neurology, neurosurgery, developmental pediatrics, psychology,
genetics, metabolic bone disorders, pulmonology, physical occupational and speech therapy, nursing,
nutrition and social work. Recommendations are provided to the primary physician, parents, schools and
other care providers. The average child sees at least a half-dozen of these specialists and medical
professionals every time they visit.
Most CDC patients are seen in a pre-screening clinic prior to their scheduled appointment, so the necessary
tests and lab work can be completed and ready for the specialists to review at their appointment.
Children’s Development Clinic (CDC).................................................................... 402-955-4160
Fax 402-955-4186
Gary S. Lerner, M.D.
Jill I. Bell, APRN-NP
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Celiac Disease
The Celiac Disease Clinic provides comprehensive care for children and adolescents with sensitivities to
gluten (proteins found in wheat, rye and barley). With specialized care from skilled pediatric
gastroenterologists, nurse practitioners, dieticians and nurses, these children will be able to thrive in
their natural environment. The Celiac Disease Clinic helps guide both parents and children in reading
food labels, ensuring compliance with diet and monitoring labs to ensure the child remains healthy.
Celiac Disease......................................................................................................................... 402-955-5700
Fax 402-955-5720
Pablo Palomo, M.D.
Fellow: Ben Infantino, M.D.
Shawnie Davis, LMNT
Megan Enenbach, APRN-NP
The complex Craniofacial Clinic diagnoses and treats infants, children and teens with deformities of the
bones in the skill and face. Children with congenital or acquired craniofacial anomalies are seen by
the multidisciplinary team of experts in craniofacial surgery, neurosurgery, oral surgery, prosthodontics,
orthodontics, genetics, psychology, social work, speech therapy, and nursing.
Craniofacial.............................................................................................................................. 402-955-4168
Fax 402-955-4184
Jason J. Miller, M.D.
Mark J. Puccioni, M.D.
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Cystic Fibrosis
The Nebraska Regional Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Center is the only Cystic Fibrosis Foundation-accredited center
in the region. The center provides diagnosis and treatment for both inpatients and outpatients with pediatric
cystic fibrosis, utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach of specialized care by pulmonologists, nutritionists,
respiratory therapists, social workers, coordinators and research technologists. All staff have extensive training
and experience with cystic fibrosis in children. When appropriate, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, ENT
specialists and pediatric surgeons with expertise in cystic fibrosis are also consulted.
• Promoting normal growth and development
• Slowing the progression of cystic fibrosis (CF) disease
• Preventing and treating complications
• Helping the family integrate even the most complex care regiments into their daily life
• Educating both the family and community care providers
Cystic Fibrosis.......................................................................................................................... 402-955-5570
Fax 402-955-6427
Carrie K. Barker, M.D.
John L. Colombo, M.D.
Toni Blazek, APRN
Paul H. Sammut, M.D.
Heather M. Thomas, M.D.
Pediatric dentists provide comprehensive preventative, diagnostic and therapeutic dental care to children
and adolescents. Care is provided for well patients and the mentally challenged patient or patients with
medical problems or physical conditions requiring specialized dental attention.
PEDIATRIC DENTAL........................................................................................................................402-559-6100
Fax 402-552-7765
Pediatric dentistry at Children’s Specialty Pediatric Clinic is provided by UNMC College of Dentistry.
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
The Developmental Behavioral Pediatric Clinic offers evaluation and treatment for children with a variety
of developmental delays, ADHD, Autism spectrum disorders or school problems.
Developmental Pediatrics.............................................................................................. 402-955-3841
Fax 402-955-4184
Andrea J. Steenson, M.D.
Eating disorders
The Eating Disorders Program is a unique specialty treatment program designed for children, adolescents
and young adults. The program focuses on rapid symptom control, placing top priority on enhancing
development to prevent young people from struggling with eating disorders throughout their lifetime.
The continuum of care includes outpatient services, partial hospitalization and evening outpatient.
The treatment team includes board-certified professionals in child and adolescent psychiatry, child
psychology, licensed mental health clinicians, dieticians, an activity therapist and nurses.
Treatment components include medical management, individual, family and group therapy, nutrition,
recreation and equine therapy.
Eating Disorders..............................................................................................................................402-955-6190
Martin J. Harrington, M.D.
Fax 402-955-6195
Peg M. Miller Evans, M.S.W., Ph.D., Psychologist, Program Manager
Teresa Ryan, R.N., R.N. Clinical Supervisor
Kara Beals, M.S., LIMPH, Mental Health Practitioner
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
The Endocrinology/Diabetes Clinic provides care for children and adolescents with acute and chronic
endocrine disorders. For children who have diabetes, obesity or a growth problem, or who suffer from any
disorder of the endocrine system, our team of doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses and other caregivers offers
hope for a healthier future. In addition to the hospital-based services in Omaha, Children’s endocrinologists
also conduct outreach clinics in multiple locations throughout Nebraska and western Iowa. ((Please refer to
Outreach Clinics section for locations and schedules.)
Endocrinology......................................................................................................................... 402-955-3871
Fax 402-955-8738
Monina S. Cabrera, M.D.
Kevin P. Corley, M.D.
Jean-Claude Desmangles, M.D.
Earline J. Edwards, APRN-NP
Alice A. Jardee, APRN-NP
Peggy A. Struebing, PA-C
The ENT Clinic offers comprehensive services for children with ear, nose, and/or throat health care
needs. Board-certified ENT specialists provide evaluation and treatment of pediatric disorders of the
ear, nose, sinuses, larynx, head and neck, including diseases of the ear, hearing loss, allergic and
non-allergic diseases of the nose and sinuses, apnea, snoring, voice disorders and tumors of the
head and neck.
ENT................................................................................................................................................... 402-955-6370
Fax 402-955-6427
Deborah Goebel, M.D.
Dwight T. Jones, M.D.
Ryan K. Sewell, M.D.
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Feeding and Growth Disorders
The Feeding and Growth Disorders Clinic is one of a few of its kind in the Midwest. It is designed
specifically for infants, toddlers and adolescents who have a variety of feeding and swallowing difficulties,
as well as failure to gain weight appropriately.
Because the needs of children with feeding difficulties can be so complex, Children’s provides a multidisciplinary approach that includes highly-trained pediatric professionals such as speech language
pathologists, a social worker, dietician, behavioral psychologist, G I registered nurse, G I physician and
occupational therapists.
The team works together to help children become medically stable and meet their nutritional needs to
maximize their oral feeding potential and enjoy the social and emotional aspects of meal time.
Feeding and Growth Disorders................................................................................ 402-955-5700
Fax 402-955-5720
Fernando Zapata, M.D.
Mary Enebach, APRN-NP
Kristin Madden, APRN-NP
Fetal Care Center
The Fetal Care Center at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center in affiliation with Alegent Creighton Health
coordinates care – from fetal diagnosis through birth and post-birth treatment – for babies diagnosed
with complex congenital defects before birth. Access to the Fetal Care Center requires a physician
assessment and referral based on a prenatal diagnosis of a complex congenital condition. Anticipated
conditions include (but are not limited to) life-threatening congenital heart defects, chest wall deformities,
anatomical abnormalities, life-threatening airway obstructions and severe cranial facial defects.
The Fetal Care Center’s multidisciplinary team provides optimal planning for delivery and immediate
treatment at birth and beyond, giving babies the best opportunity to survive, grow and thrive.
Fetal Care Center.................................................................................................................. 402-955-3030
Fax 402-955-3031
Mindy Rathe-Hart, APRN-NP, WHMP
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Children’s specialists provide high-quality, comprehensive asthma, allergy and immunotherapy
diagnostics. The program is a recognized referral source for the diagnosis and treatment of
asthma and immunologic diseases.
• Allergic rhinitis • Food allergies
• Recurrent infection • Chronic sinusitis
• Eosinophilic esophagitis or enteritis • Immunology evaluation
Food Hypersensitivity....................................................................................................... 402-955-6370
Fax 402-955-6427
Russell J. Hopp, D.O.
Fernando Zapata, M.D.
The G I Clinic provides consultation and extensive diagnostic procedures as well as specialized clinical
care to treat the full range of gastrointestinal tract and nutritional disorders.
Some of the most common reasons for referral are:
• Abdominal pain
• Hepatitis, jaundice and other liver problems
• Chronic diarrhea
• Failure to thrive
• Constipation-soiling
• Inflammatory bowel diseases
• Feeding and nutritional problems,
• Vomiting and chronic gastroesophageal reflux
particularly related to handicaps,
conducted in cooperation with the CDC
G I...................................................................................................................................................... 402-955-5700
Fax 402-955-5720
Pablo Palomo, M.D.
Ruben E. Quiros, M.D
Megan Enenbach, APRN-NP
Kristin Madden, APRN-NP
Specialty Clinics
Anna K. Trauernicht, M.D.
Fernando Zapata, M.D. Fellows:
Benjamin Infantino, M.D. Richard Lirio, M.D.
Shaija Shelby, M.D.
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Genetic Arrhythmia
The Genetic Arrhythmia Clinic is dedicated to preventing sudden death and other complications
associated with arrhythmia disorders. The clinic provides comprehensive detection, diagnosis and
treatment services and is available for one-time referrals, consultations and long-term evaluation and care.
Genetic Arrhythmia............................................................................................................ 402-955-4350
Fax 402-955-4356
Christopher C. Erickson, M.D.
LuAnn Mill, RN – Genetic Arrhythmia Clinic Nurse Coordinator
The Genetics Clinic, held at the Munroe Meyer Institute (MMI), provides comprehensive services
for patients with genetic and metabolic disorders and their families. Genetic testing is utilized to
diagnose anomalies.
MMI geneticists and genetic counselors assist individuals and families in understanding the diagnosis,
treatment and management of a genetic or metabolic disorder. They offer advice on recurrence risks and
future family implications, in addition to helping parents gain an understanding of what may have caused
the anomaly. Genetic counselors help to identify resources in collaboration with school systems, assist
with treatment plans, navigate insurance coverage and coordinate referrals to other agencies and
support groups associated with a specific diagnosis.
Genetics........................................................................................................................................ 402-559-6418
Fax 402-559-5737
Bruce A. Buehler, M.D.
Lois J. Starr, M.D.
Eric T. Rush, M.D.
Ann H. Olney, M.D.
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
This pediatric resource directory was created by Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center to highlight various specialty services available
to health care providers across the region. It is a quick reference tool
and is not intended to serve as a complete medical staff directory.
A more comprehensive medical staff listing is available online 24/7
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
The Helmet Clinic was established to evaluate, treat and monitor infants between 4 and 12 months of age
with deformational plagiocephaly, torticollis or other acquired head and facial deformities.
Helmet........................................................................................................................................... 402-955-4168
Helmet Lab................................................................................................................................. 402-955-6320
Fax 402-955-4184
Gary S. Lerner, M.D.
Jill I. Bell, APRN-NP
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Hematology/Oncology provides comprehensive treatment for infants, children, teens and young
adults with all forms of malignant disease, as well as rare hematology disorders. In addition to the
hospital-based services in Omaha, Children’s hematologists also conduct an outreach clinic in Lincoln.
(Please refer to Outreach Clinics section for locations and schedules.)
Hematology/Oncology................................................................................................... 402-955-3950
Fax 402-955-3972
Minnie Abromowich, M.D.
Jill C. Beck, M.D.
Peter F. Coccia, M.D.
Linda Belsky, APRN-NP
Don W. Coulter, M.D.
David J. Gnarra, M.D.
Bruce G. Gordon, M.D.
James L. Harper, M.D.
Stefanie R. Lowas, M.D.
Elizabeth I. Thompson, M.D.
Infectious Diseases Infectious disease specialists provide outpatient and inpatient care for infants, children and
adolescents with illnesses of known or suspected infectious etiology.
Infectious Diseases.............................................................................................................. 402-955-4005
Fax 402-955-3849
Shirley F. Delair, M.D.
Kari A. Simonsen, M.D.
Maggie Krejci, PA-C
Jessica N. Snowden, M.D.
Kari A. Neemann, M.D.
Rima Nawaf Khasawneh, M.D.
Pediatric Infectious Diseases....................................................................................... 402-280-4448
FAX 402-280-4448
Archana Chatterjee, M.D.
Meera Varman, M.D.
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
The Liver Clinic provides care for children and adolescents with chronic and acute liver disease. The
team of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, dieticians and other caregivers provides comprehensive
care and innovative treatment to children with liver infections such as:
• Hepatitis B & C
• Metabolic disorders of the liver
• Autoimmune hepatitis
• Neonatal cholestasis
• Liver lesions and obesity-related liver disease
Liver Diseases.......................................................................................................................... 402-955-5700
Fax 402-955-5720
Ruben E. Quiros, M.D.
Metabolic Management
Metabolic Management includes three distinct clinics:
• Metabolic management, dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of children with inborn
errors of metabolism.
• Bone metabolism, dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of children with osteopenia/
osteoporosis arising from a multitude of causes.
• Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), providing a multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and treatment of children with OI.
The team includes a bone metabolic specialist, a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon, a physical therapist,
an occupational therapist, a dietician, an audiologist, a social worker, a dentist and a clinic APRN
and nurse.
Metabolic Management.................................................................................................. 402-955-4199
Fax 402-955-4184
Paul W. Esposito, M.D.
Richard E. Lutz, M.D.
William B. Rizzo, M.D.
Eric T. Rush, M.D.
Rose Kreikemeier, APRN-NP
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
The Neurology Clinic treats children with headaches, epilepsy and standard neurological disorders
affecting children such as tics and disorders of the developing nervous system. In addition to
hospital-based services in Omaha, Children’s neurologists also conduct outreach clinics in multiple
locations throughout Nebraska and western Iowa. (Please refer to Outreach Clinics section for locations and schedules.)
Neurology.................................................................................................................................. 402-955-5372
Fax 402-955-5380
Paul D. Larsen, M.D. Janice L. McAllister, M.D.
James E. Nelson, M.D.
Young P. Oliver, M.D.
Ivan M. Pavkovic, M.D.
Rhonda R. Wright, M.D.
At Children’s, a multidisciplinary neurosurgery team provides care to infants and children, diagnosing
and treating children with a wide range of neurological problems and disorders. In addition to the
hospital-based services in Omaha, members of the neurosurgery staff conduct an outreach clinic in
Lincoln. (Please refer to Outreach Clinics section for the schedule.)
Neurosurgery.......................................................................................................................... 402-398-9243
Fax 402-398-9253
Bradley S. Bowdino, M.D.
Guy A. Music, M.D.
Specialty Clinics
John S. Treves, M.D.
Mark J. Puccioni, M.D.
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
NICU Follow-up
The NICU Follow-up Clinic provides physical and developmental assessment and evaluation of high-risk
infants who have been hospitalized in the NICU or who have had cardiothoracic surgery. The clinic
is designed to support continuity of care with the primary care physician and assist in coordinating
services within the home community. Infants are seen at three age intervals post-discharge from the
NICU: at 6-9 months, 12-18 months and 2-3 years of age.
NICU Follow-Up.................................................................................................................... 402-955-6393
Fax 402-955-4184
Howard W. Needelman, M.D.
NonInvasive Ventilation (NIV)
The multidisciplinary Noninvasive Ventilation Clinic provides comprehensive management
services for children receiving assisted respiratory support without tracheostomy, using CPAP/
BiPap devices. Team members include a pulmonologist, a respiratory therapist, a nutritionist and
a behavioral psychologist. Appropriate mask fitting for children of various ages and acclimatization
and desensitization treatment protocols are areas of expertise.
NonInvasive Ventilation.................................................................................................. 402-955-7378
Fax 402-955-3693
Casey J. Burg, M.D.
Brett R. Kuhn, Ph.D.
Mark C. Wilson, M.D.
Amber Widstrom, PA-C
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Ophthalmology offers diagnosis and treatment for children with strabismus, amblyopia, nasolacrimal
duct obstruction, congenital cataracts and congenital glaucoma.
Community Physicians:
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Robert N. Troia, M.D., and Sebastian J. Troia, M.D........................... 402-399-9400
Fax 402-399-8170
Carol A. Drake, M.D................................................................................................. 402-354-8111
Fax 402-354-8197
Neuro-Ophthalmology Richard H. Legge, M.D., and Shannon C. Lynch, M.D..................... 402-397-1626
Fax 402-397-1286
Oculoplastic Surgery
Jeffrey C. Popp, M.D.................................................................................................. 402-391-4558
Fax 402-391-7401
Children’s specialists provide services that focus on cerebral palsy, club foot, congenital hand and foot
deformities, gait abnormalities, hip dysplasia, Legg-Calve’ Perthes disease (hip abnormality), scoliosis,
spina bifida, sport injuries, orthopaedic trauma, general orthopaedics, fractures, dislocations and
amputees. In addition to the hospital-based services in Omaha, the surgeons also conduct outreach
clinics in Lincoln. (Please refer to Outreach Clinics section for locations and schedules.)
Orthopaedics........................................................................................................................... 402-955-6300
Fax 402-955-6529
Paul W. Esposito, M.D.
Brian P. Hasley, M.D.
M. Layne Jensen, M.D.
Susan A. Scherl, M.D.
Bridget A. Burke, PA-C
Angela Hill, PA-C
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
OsteogenEsis Imperfecta
The Osteogenesis Imperfecta Clinic is recognized internationally for its leadership in treating children
with brittle bone disease. Children’s multi-disciplinary team includes specialists in pediatric genetics,
endocrinology and metabolism, pediatric orthopaedics and clinical genetics, in addition to physical
and occupational therapists, an audiologist, dietician, nurse practitioner, dentists, registered nurses and
radiology technologists.
Taking a highly personalized approach to patient care, each treatment protocol is frequently adjusted
based on pain and fracture potential, age, growth and other key factors. Physical and occupational
therapies progress along with each child’s development.
Collaboration with primary care providers and health agencies in the patient’s hometown is key to
ensuring safe administering of medication and other therapies. O I clinic staff also work with insurance
companies to stress the role that early prevention care plays in lessening the cost of care for
osteogenesis imperfecta.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Rare Bone Disease..................................... 402-955-4199
Fax 402-955-6529
Richard E. Lutz, M.D.
Rose Kreikemeier, APRN-NP
Paul W. Esposito, M.D.
Eric T. Rush, M.D.
The Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Support Clinic (PENS) is designed for infants, children and
adolescents who require some form of nutrition support regardless of their diagnosis. This clinic offers
a multi-disciplinary approach that includes a gastroenterologist, pediatric dietitian, registered nurse
and social worker.
Patients can be referred to the PENS Clinic from:
• Surgery
• Feeding & growth clinic
• Primary care physician
• Aerodigestive clinic
Children’s development clinic
Children’s inpatients
PENS .............................................................................................................................................. 402-955-5700
Fax 402-955-5720
Ruben E. Quiros, M.D.
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Plastic Surgery
The clinic provides a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon with advanced fellowship training
in pediatric plastic surgery and craniofacial surgery. Specializing in surgical services to children and
adolescents with vascular malformations and other reconstructive traumatic and surgical problems,
treatment is provided in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.
Plastic Surgery....................................................................................................................... 402-955-4168
Jason J. Miller, M.D.
Fax 402-955-4184
Children’s psychiatrists work in collaboration with the Behavioral Health department to provide
diagnostic evaluations and medication management for children and families with mental illness.
The psychiatrists are board-certified in child and adult psychiatry. Additional areas of expertise
include ADHD, eating disorders, anxiety, depression and providing treatment for children with chronic
and serious illnesses.
Behavioral Health................................................................................................................ 402-955-3900
Fax 402-955-3920
Martin J. Harrington, M.D.
Kara Antoniak, APRN-NP
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Pulmonologists provide treatment for common to complex conditions, including evaluation and
management of respiratory, non-respiratory or behavioral sleep disorders in children.
• Congenital and acquired airway problems
• Cystic fibrosis
• Recurrent cough
• Home mechanical ventilation
• Infant apnea
• Breathing problems in neuromuscular disease
Pulmonary Medicine......................................................................................................... 402-955-6370
.............................................................................................. Fax 402-955-6427
Carrie K. Barker, M.D.
Casey J. Burg, M.D.
John L. Colombo, M.D.
Luke Noronha, M.D. Toni
A. Blazek, APRN-NP
Jacqueline Hanks, APRN-NP
Jamie Protaskey, APRN-NP
Paul H. Sammut, M.D.
Heather M. Thomas, M.D. Mark C. Wilson, M.D.
Pulmonary Lab....................................................................................................................... 402-955-5570
RSV Prevention....................................................................................................................... 402-955-5599
Fax 402-955-5543
Sleep Lab..................................................................................................................................... 402-955-7378
The Nephrology Clinic provides diagnosis and treatment for children with kidney disease, including
hypertension, congenital urinary tract anomalies, nephrotic syndrome, prenatal abnormalities,
enuresis, glomerulonephritis, hemolytic uremic syndrome and cystic kidney disease.
Nephrology............................................................................................................................... 402-559-6780
Fax 402-559-8803
Helen B. Lovell, M.D.
Teri Jo Mauch, M.D.
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Rheumatology The Rheumatology Clinic provides comprehensive coordinated care to children with arthritis and
rheumatic diseases (SLE, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, rheumatic fever and various vasculitic
syndromes). Diagnostic evaluations of children with musculoskeletal pain and symptoms of
inflammation are also provided. In addition to the hospital-based services in Omaha, Children’s
rheumatologist also conducts an outreach clinic in Lincoln. (Please refer to Outreach Clinics section
for the schedule.)
Rheumatology......................................................................................................................... 402-955-4070
Fax 402-955-4184
Adam L. Reinhardt, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center
The multidisciplinary Sleep Disorders Center provides comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic services
for children of all ages, from infancy through adolescence, with a wide range of medical and behavioral
sleep disorders.
Obstructive sleep apnea
Behavioral sleep problems •Parasomnias
Home mechanical ventilation
Restless leg syndrome
Circadian rhythm disorders
• Infant apnea
Sleep Disorders...................................................................................................................... 402-955-6370
Fax 402-955-3693
Casey J. Burg, M.D.
Brett R. Kuhn, Ph.D.
Mark C. Wilson, M.D.
Amber Widstrom, PA-C
Sleep Lab..................................................................................................................................... 402-955-REST (7378)
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Surgery, PEdiatric
The pediatric surgeons provide a full range of services for premature babies through adulthood. The
department has four board-certified pediatric surgeons. They offer special expertise in minimally
invasive surgery, cancer surgery and neonatal surgery. In addition to the hospital-based services in
Omaha, Children’s surgeons also provide outreach clinics in Lincoln. (Please refer to Outreach Clinics section for
the schedule.)
Pediatric Surgery.................................................................................................................. 402-955-7400
Fax 402-955-7405
Shahab F. Abdessalam, M.D.
Kenneth S. Azarow, M.D. Robert A. Cusick, M.D.
Stephen C. Raynor, M.D.
Oliver Lao, M.D.
Lesa J. Grovas, APRN-NP
Sheila A. Horak, APRN-NP Michelle Brewster, APRN-NP
Comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic services are offered for diseases of the urinary and genital
tract. Treating children from birth to age 21, urologists help children and their families address issues
such as bedwetting, urinary tract infections and complex genital and urinary tract disorders. Sometimes
pediatric urology disorders require surgery.
Common outpatient surgeries include:
• Hernias and hydroceles • Undescended testicles • Hypospadias • Vesicoureteral reflux • Phimosis
Meatal stenosis
Urology......................................................................................................................................... 402-955-4002
John M. Donovan, M.D. Fax 402-955-4004
Urodynamics............................................................................................................................ 402-955-4002
Specialty Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Specialty Clinics
Healthy Eating with Resources, Options and Everyday Strategies
HEROES is a multi-disciplinary medical management clinic for children and adolescents with
weight-related illnesses. A patient must have BMI >85th percentile in addition to a weight-related
illness, or BMI > 95th percentile and be referred by physician to meet the clinics criteria.
The HEROES program has educational classes for nutrition and behavior modification, as well as
fitness classes.
A referral is required. Referral forms can be printed from the HEROES home page at
HEROES ....................................................................................................................................... 402-955-4080
Fax 402-955-4078
Cristina Fernandez, M.D.
Peg M. Miller Evans, M.S.W., Ph.D.,
Psychologist, Program Manager
Mary Jane Hawkins, BSN
Krystal Hartmann, BSN
Monica Klahn, CTRS
Shana Romero, LCSW
This pediatric resource directory was created by Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center to highlight various specialty services available
to health care providers across the region. It is a quick reference tool
and is not intended to serve as a complete medical staff directory.
A more comprehensive medical staff listing is available online 24/7
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Complete descriptions on the following pages
Quick Reference Guide
Audiology Services.......................... 402-955-3993 Pathology................................................. 402-955-5500
Cardiac Diagnostic........................... 402-955-4328 Pediatric Research Office............ 402-559-2511
Child Advocacy................................... 402-955-5414 Pulmonary Lab.................................... 402-955-5570
Fetal Care Center............................... 402-955-3030 Radiology/Pediatric Imaging...... 402-955-5600
Financial Counselor......................... 402-955-6051 Rehabilitation....................................... 402-955-8350
Home Health Care
Rainbow House.................................. 402-955-7815
Nursing, Rehabilitation Equipment, Pharmaceutical or Respiratory services
Sleep Lab.................................................. 402-955-7378
Omaha............................................. 402-734-6741 Social Work............................................ 402-955-5414
Lincoln.............................................. 402-486-1511 Telehealth................................................. 855-850-5437
Infusion Center.................................... 402-955-3953 Transport.................................................. 855-850-5437
Interpreter............................................... 402-955-5418 Urgent Care Centers
Neurodiagnostics Lab.................... 402-955-5360
Val Verde............................................. 402-955-7200
Nursing Case Management...... 402-955-4198
West Village Pointe..................... 402-955-8300
Pallative Care....................................... 402-955-5428 Urodynamics.......................................... 402-955-4002
The Audiology Clinic offers a full spectrum of hearing aid services to pediatric patients from infant to
age 21. It offers diagnostic hearing evaluations, including infant hearing tests and Auditory Brainstem
Response (ABR) testing with and without sedation. Children who have been identified as having a
hearing loss can have their hearing aids fitted and customized in Children’s Audiology Department.
With the use of Audioscan Verifit, our verification equipment, hearing aids are programmed and tested
to ensure all parts of speech are audible.
Listing of services:
Comprehensive ageappropriate behavioral
• Otoacoustic Emissions
(OAE) testing
Analysis of middle ear
problems (Tympanograms
and Impedence)
• Ototoxicity Monitoring
Education and counseling
Information on area services
and programs
Audiology................................................................................................................................... 402-955-3993
Fax 402-955-6359
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Cardiac Diagnostic Services and Testing
Cardiac diagnostic services are dedicated to finding the source of cardiac problems so that we can
determine the most appropriate and effective treatments.
Services include:
• Cardiac Catheterization
• Echocardiography
• Holter
• Cardiac
• Electrophysiology
• Event
• Electrocardiogram
• Exercise
ECG, ECHO, HOLTER and EVENT RECORDER REPORTS........................ 402-955-4328
Fax 402-955-4357
Child Advocacy
The Child Advocacy Team is an in-house multidisciplinary child protection team. The purpose of the
team is to assess, identify and make referrals on suspected cases of child abuse/neglect at the hospital,
specialty clinics and Emergency Department. The team is led by Dr. Suzanne Haney, a board-certified
child abuse pediatrician and a social work coordinator.
Child Advocacy Team....................................................................................................... 402-955-5414
Fax 402-955-3271
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Fetal Care Center
The Fetal Care Center at Children’s Hopital & Medical Center in affiliation with Alegent Creighton
Health includes a high-risk infant delivery service dedicated to serving newborns that will need
immediate access to pediatric specialists at Children’s (including neonatologists, cardiologists,
cardiothoracic surgeons, board-certified pediatric surgeons, pediatric anesthesiologists and others)
and Children’s Newborn Intensive Care Unit.
The location of delivery – Children’s, Bergan Mercy Medical Center or home hospital – will be
determined on a case-by-case basis, rooted in what is best and safest for mother and baby. However,
deliveries coordinated through the Fetal Care Center will be rare; this service is intended for the sickest
newborns and the healthiest moms.
Fetal Care Center.................................................................................................................. 402-955-3030
Fax 402-955-3031
Mindy Rathe-Hart, APRN-NP, WHMP
Financial Counselor
The Financial Counseling Service is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The
service offers patient financial counselors, as well as a representative who works with self-pay families
to complete Medicaid and financial assistance applications – both inpatient and outpatient. Requests
for families seeking care or who are concerned about anticipated cost may be directed to the
financial counselors for additional assistance. Referrals can also be made to assist in setting up
payment arrangements or to assist with billing concerns.
Patient Financial Counselors....................................................................................... 402-955-6051
Toll Free........................................................................................................................................ 866-535-3412
Fax 402-955-6445
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Home Health Care
Home Health Nursing....................................................................................................... Omaha402-734-6741
Fax 402-926-2722
Fax 402-738-6856
Pediatric nurses provide intermittent home visits for skilled intervention and/or assessment of physical,
psychosocial, educational and environmental needs and appropriate post-hospitalization follow-up.
Visit types include phototherapy, enteral nutrition/formula, intravenous/infusion medications, injectable
medications and well-baby checks. Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m./On-Call 24 hours
In-Home Private Duty Nursing.................................................................................. Omaha 402-734-6741
Care for medically fragile and/or technologically dependent infants and children in their homes.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m./On-Call 24 hours
Home Health Care
Rehabilitation Equipment............................................................................................... Omaha402-734-6741
A complete line of rehabilitation equipment to meet the needs of pediatric patients, including manual
wheelchairs, beds, bath chairs, standers, crutches, lifts, strollers, walkers and more.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m./On-Call 24 hours
Children’s World........................................................................................................................................402-926-2322
A licensed respite and child care center that provides care to medically fragile and/or technologically
dependent infants and children. Located at 78th Street and Farnam Drive, Children’s World provides
center-based, skilled nursing care while incorporating educational, developmental and socialization skills
to help children reach their maximum potential.
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Home Health Care
Pharmaceutical Services................................................................................................. Omaha 402-734-6741
Lincoln 402-486-1511
Pediatric-trained pharmacists provide consultation and injectable medications and infusions specifically
compounded for pediatric patients including antibiotics, hydration, parenteral nutrition and more.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m./On-Call 24 hours
Respiratory Services.......................................................................................................... Omaha 402-734-6741
Pediatric respiratory therapists provide patient and parent education along with support for apnea monitors,
nebulizers, ventilators, oxygen concentrators, oximeters, oxygen and more.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m./On-Call 24 hours
The Pediatric Infusion Center is a family–centered unit, designed to provide services for children living with
a diagnosis that requires infusions as part of their treatment. The Infusion Center promotes interactions of
children with similar diagnoses.
Treatment & Procedures performed in the Infusion Center include:
• PICC/Central Line/
• IM/SQ Injections
Infusaport Lab Draws
• IV Hydration
Blood/Platelet Transfusions
IV Steroids/Hormones
The Infusion Center is located on the first floor of Children’s Hospital & Medical Center’s Scott Pavilion.
Hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Infusion Center....................................................................................................................... 402-955-3953
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Interpreter Services
Interpreter services are available for hospitalized and clinic patients, including interpretation for
foreign languages and for the deaf/hard of hearing. Interpreters are available upon request.
Telephonic interpreting services are also available. The hospital, clinics and Emergency Department
have 24/7 coverage available by staff Spanish Interpreters. Interpreter Services............................................................................................................ 402-955-5418
Spanish Interpreters........................................................................................................... 402-955-5427
The Neurodiagnostics lab offers multi-modality Neurodiagnostics testing on pediatric patients
ranging from neonates to age 21, along with routine, sleep-deprived EEGs. When ordered by one
of the pediatric neurologists, long-term, audio-video in-patient EEGs are provided.
We also offer EMGs/Nerve Conduction Studies, ERGs (electroretinography) and visual evoked
potentials to evaluate the central and peripheral nervous system as well as visual pathways.
Neurodiagnostics................................................................................................................. 402-955-5360
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Nursing Case Management services are available to all patients receiving acute care. Nurse Case
Managers are responsible for care coordination, facilitation of the interdisciplinary team and the
discharge plan. The team utilizes clinical pathways and evidence-based practice in assessing and
monitoring the continued movement along the healthcare continuum. The team also works with
insurance companies to secure reimbursement for provided services.
Nursing Case Management......................................................................................... 402-955-4198
Palliative Care
Hand in Hand is a palliative care program for families of children diagnosed with a life-threatening
or life-limiting illness. Team members work together with families in decision-making and support for
physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. The program seeks to prevent and relieve distress, and
promote the best quality of life for patients and their families throughout the course of the illness.
Palliative Care......................................................................................................................... 402-955-5428
Fax 402-955-3271
Andrew J. Macfayden, M.D.
Coordinator, Sue Bace, L.I.C.S.W.
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
The Department of Pathology provides inpatient and outpatient laboratory diagnostic services.
Board-certified pathologists – with subspecialization in pediatric pathology, hematology, chemistry,
microbiology and cytology – provide consultation in clinical and anatomic pathology. The pathologists 
are available to facilitate effective test ordering and result interpretation. A full spectrum of tests is
available, including specialized tests that are not available elsewhere in the region.  
Pathology.................................................................................................................................... 402-955-5500
Fax 402-955-5536
Deborah A. Perry, M.D.
George B. Bedrnicek, M.D.
Pediatric Research Office
The Pediatric Research Office offers enhanced support to physicians who would like to become more
involved with research projects. The research office provides administrative resources and experience
throughout the clinical research process. Experienced nurse coordinators assist with protocol
preparation, study performance, data collection and reporting in order to help projects run more
efficiently for physician investigators.
Pediatric Research............................................................................................................... 402-559-2511
William B. Rizzo, M.D.
Program Coordinator, Melanie Schrack Services
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
A full service diagnostic facility staffed with Registered Respiratory Therapists. The Pulmonary Lab
provides the following procedures:
Pulmonary Function Testing
(all but infant Plethysmography)
• Stress Testing
• Methacholine Challenges
Pentamidine Treatments
Multi-Channel Pneumograms
• Viral Panel Testing
Please call for additional diagnostic procedures if not listed.
Multi-channel Pneumograms are available upon request during nights, weekends and holidays.
Pulmonary Lab....................................................................................................................... 402-955-5570
Radiology and Pediatric Imaging
The Department of Radiology provides complete radiology and imaging services for the evaluation of
pediatric disease. CT doses are “child size” to decrease the long-term cancer risk to children.
The team also provides alternatives to CT, such as MRI and ultrasound. 
Services provided include:
•Digital fluoroscopy
•Radiography with digital •Ultrasound
•Nuclear medicine studies
•CT scans
•Bone densitometry
Radiology................................................................................................................................... 402-955-5600
Sandra M. Allbery, M.D.
Anne M. Hubbard, M.D.
Travis D. Kruse, M.D.
Terri Love, M.D.
Bruce A. Schroeder, M.D.
John D. Wendel, M.D.
Lisa M. Wheelock, M.D.
West Village Pointe (110 N. 175th Street)...................................................... 402-955-8350
Diagnostic Imaging
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Rehabilitation Services
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Feeding and Dysphagia Therapy
The Rehab Services team is dedicated to meeting the unique therapy needs of children birth to age 21.
Whether the condition or diagnosis impacting the child’s abilities is congenital, neurologic, orthopedic,
new onset, acute or chronic in nature, our goal is to understand the concerns, uncover the strengths and
challenges, develop a collaborative plan and then provide one-on-one services appropriate to the needs
and expected outcomes.
Children’s team specializes in adaptive equipment evaluation and selection, including such things as:
• Specialty walkers
• Lifts
• Adaptive standers
• Specialty beds
• Wheelchairs, specialty strollers, power mobility, • Splints and braces
• Car Seats/Transportation devices for individuals scooters
• Adaptive bath chairs, shower chairs, toilet systems
with special medical conditions
West Village Pointe
Specialty Pediatric Center
110 N 175th Street
84th St and W Dodge Road
402-955-8350 402-955-7396 (Fax)
402-955-5368 (Fax)
Rainbow House
The Carolyn Scott Rainbow House is a significant resource for Children’s families, providing a comfortable
and welcoming housing option for the duration of a child’s time in the hospital. Located at 7815 Harney
Street, the Rainbow House is just six blocks away from the hospital, with convenient shuttle service
throughout the day and evening (car seats are required for children).
Families living further than 60 miles from Omaha are welcome to stay at the facility which accommodates
up to 30 families. Stays are limited to immediate family members; however, if extended family members
need lodging, the Rainbow House staff can assist in providing information on discounted hotels in the area.
There is a $10 per night suggested donation, but no family is turned away if they are unable to pay.
Rainbow House..................................................................................................................... 402-955-7815
Toll Free........................................................................................................................................ 800-642-8822 ext. 7815
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
The Sleep Lab is a full service diagnostic facility providing Polysomnograms (including CPAP titrations),
Ventilatory management, Multiple Sleep Latency Testing and In-Patient Polysomnograms. It is fully
staffed with Registered Polysomnography Technologists who are also Registered Respiratory Therapists.
Sleep studies are available Monday – Thursday....................................... 402-955-REST (7378)
Social Work
Social workers are available to see patients throughout the campus. Services include supportive
counseling, financial and community referrals, psychosocial assessments and child abuse assessment
and referrals. Support groups for cancer patients and their families are led by a social worker.
Social Work............................................................................................................................... 402-955-5414
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Telehealth consults utilize videoconferencing equipment to enhance communication between referring
hospitals and Children’s Hospital & Medical Center. Telehealth consults assist in the evaluation of pediatric
patients and may be initiated for any situation when the referring provider determines that the patient may
benefit from the enhanced video communication.
Physicians’ Priority Line....................................................................................................... 855-850-KIDS (5437)
Newborn and pediatric transport
To schedule a transport call the Physicians’ Priority Line................... 855-850-KiDs (5437)
Children’s team of critical care nurse practitioners and specially trained transport nurses provide the
most advanced, cutting edge care for both newborn and pediatric patients in the transport environment.
Designed to bridge the gap between Children’s Hospital & Medical Center and other medical facilities,
the medical control team at Children’s includes a neonatologist or pediatric intensivist who communicates
with the team upon their arrival and provides assessment to develop a plan of care for each patient. They
are always available to board the transport vehicle as needed.
Intake work
Medical Center
Hospital &
Arrange a
on and to
For Admissi
IDs (5437)
Thank you
for allowing
us to assist
in the care
of your patient.
To initiate
services, please
as much of
Referral Facility
to calling.
Referral Unit/Room
Referring Facility:
possible prior
this form as
Office Phone:
Referring Physician:
Hospital &
Medical Center
Sex:  F NPO
 Allergies
Current Weight:
Patient Name:
You can activate the 24/7 transport team with one call to 855-850-KIDS (5437).
Based on your patient’s needs, transport can be arranged via helicopter, fixed-wing or
Children’s ground service.
Reason for
: Airway
Primary Assessment
 Alert□
Neuro Status:
IV Lines:
Imaging: 
 Verbal (responds
to verbal stimuli)
 Cardiac
 Abd
 Other
 Unresponsi
to painful stimuli)□
 Painful (responds
 Other
 CT
 Head US
Labs: CBC
VS: Temp
Is a newborn
 Induced
 O2 only
 None
Maternal Hx:
 Maternal
Prenatal Hx:
If the patIent
 Elective
 Mask
 Hypertensio
 Emergency
 Infection
 Forceps
 Meds:
 Prolonged
To download a printable transport referral intake worksheet,
go to
D/In progess:
tIons complete
855-850-KiDs (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport service
Urgent Care Centers
only pediatric Urgent Care Centers in the area
pediatricians and pediatric nurses
•Digital X-ray and lab services
of cuts and lacerations
injuries, minor injuries and illness
•No appointment necessary
Val Verde..................................................................................................................................... 402-955-7200
9801 Giles Road #1
6 p.m. – 10 p.m. Monday – Friday
Noon – 10 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
West Village Pointe............................................................................................................. 402-955-8300
110 North 175th Street
6 p.m. – 10 p.m. Monday – Friday
Noon – 10 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
Michael Dulac, M.D.
Susan Fellman, M.D.
Jay Hinkhouse, M.D.
Cindy Olson, M.D.
Emily Vuchetich, M.D.
The Urodynamics procedure area is utilized to perform urodynamic studies for the purpose of diagnosing
alterations in the bladder function.
URODYNAMICS..................................................................................................................... 402-955-4002
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
This pediatric resource directory was created by Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center to highlight various specialty services available
to health care providers across the region. It is a quick reference tool
and is not intended to serve as a complete medical staff directory.
A more comprehensive medical staff listing is available online 24/7
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Regional OUTreach clinics
David Danford, M.D.................................... Grand Island, NE..............................................................308-382-1100
................................................... Hastings, NE......................................................................402-463-6828
................................................... Rapid City, SD...................................................................605-341-7337
Jeffrey Delaney, M.D................................Rapid City, SD...................................................................605-341-7337
Christopher Erickson, M.D.....................Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-955-4339
................................................... Rapid City, SD...................................................................605-341-7337
................................................... Sioux Falls, SD...................................................................402-955-4339
Scott Fletcher, M.D.....................................Columbus, NE ............................................................ 402-955-4339
................................................... Kearney, NE................................................................ 402-955-4339
................................................... Norfolk, NE.........................................................................402-844-8000 ext. 4020
Howard Hsu, M.D......................................Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-955-4339
................................................... Rapid City, SD...................................................................605-341-7337
John Kugler, M.D........................................Lincoln, NE........................................................................ 402-955-4339
................................................... North Platte, NE.......................................................... 308-534-9230
................................................... Rapid City, SD............................................................ 605-341-7337
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
Outreach Clinics
OUtreach clinics
Regional OUTreach clinics
CARDIOLOGY continued
Robert Spicer, M.D........................................ Rapid City, SD...................................................................605-341-7337
Monina Cabrera, M.D.............................. Sioux City, IA................................................................... 402-955-3871
Kevin Corley, M.D......................................... Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
................................................... Hastings, NE......................................................................402-463-6858
................................................... North Platte, NE..............................................................308-534-9230
................................................... Norfolk, NE.........................................................................402-644-7132
Jean-Claude DesMangles, M.D.......... Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
Peg Struebing, PA-C..................................... Sioux City, IA.....................................................................402-955-3871
Earline Edwards, APRN, CPNP................. Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
................................................... Hastings, NE......................................................................402-463-6858
................................................... North Platte, NE..............................................................308-534-9230
Alice Jardee, APRN, CPNP..................... Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
................................................... North Platte, NE..............................................................308-534-9230
Regional OUTreach clinics
David Gnarra, M.D...................................... Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
Young Oliver, M.D........................................ Sioux City, IA.....................................................................402-955-5372
Ivan Pavkovic, M.D....................................... Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
Mark Puccioni, M.D....................................... Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
Brian Hasley, M.D......................................... Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
Layne Jensen, M.D........................................ Lincoln, NE...........................................................................402-486-1500
Outreach Clinics
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
OUtreach clinics
Regional OUTreach clinics
Mark Wilson, M.D........................................ Sioux City, IA..................................................................................402-955-5570
Lincoln, NE........................................................................................402-486-1500
John Colombo, M.D..................................... Lincoln, NE........................................................................................402-486-1500
Paul Sammut, M.D......................................... Lincoln, NE........................................................................................402-486-1500
Adam Reinhardt, M.D................................. Lincoln, NE........................................................................................402-486-1500
Shahab Abdessalam, M.D...................... Lincoln, NE........................................................................................402-486-1500
Kenneth Azarow, M.D................................ Lincoln, NE........................................................................................402-486-1500
Robert Cusick, M.D....................................... Lincoln, NE........................................................................................402-486-1500
Stephen Raynor, M.D.................................. Lincoln, NE........................................................................................402-486-1500
This pediatric resource directory was created by Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center to highlight various specialty services available
to health care providers across the region. It is a quick reference tool
and is not intended to serve as a complete medical staff directory.
A more comprehensive medical staff listing is available online 24/7
855-850-KIDS (5437)
Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service
This pediatric resource directory was created by Children’s Hospital
& Medical Center to highlight various specialty services available to
health care providers across the region. It is a quick reference tool
and is not intended to serve as a complete medical staff directory.
A more comprehensive medical staff listing is available online 24/7
at /FindADoctor
8200 Dodge Street • Omaha, Nebraska
855.850.KIDS (5437) Physicians’ Priority Line & Transport Service