

Contents for Hemorrhoids
1. Introduction
2. Chapter1: What are Hemorrhoids
Types of Hemorrhoids
3. Chapter 2: Causes of Hemorrhoids
4. Chapter 3: Symptoms of Hemorrhoid
5. Chapter 4: Hemorrhoid Surgeries
6. Chapter 5: Home Remedies to Cure Hemorrhoid
Top 10 Hemorrhoids Home Remedies
7. Chapter 6: Top 5 Hemorrhoids Myths
The information included in this ebook is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to
be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare
provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any
questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are a disease that most people suffer, but feel embarrassed to talk about in
public. It is only when the situation aggravates, that they seek urgent medical attention
from a medical practitioner. More than half of the adult populations, across the world,
irrespective of geographical boundaries suffer from this condition at some point in their
lives. The disease is more common among aged people, those suffering from
constipation, and pregnant women.
Hemorrhoids are not a modern disease. People have been suffering from this disease
from times immemorial. Even the great French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte suffered
from hemorrhoids. In fact, it is believed that the unbearable pain affected his military
performance and led to his defeat in the historic battle of Waterloo. Many people are of
the opinion that the problem of hemorrhoids is permanent. Luckily it is not so. Diet, body
weight, and exercise play a key role in determining whether a person will suffer from
piles or not.
If a person is suffering from the problem, a positive approach towards the problem is the
best way of dealing with it and finally eliminating it from one’s life.
Diet is an important factor to determine how long a hemorrhoids sufferer will have to
bear with them. If one starts consuming fibers, drinks more fluids, avoids diarrhea, and
constipation, hemorrhoids will vanish and not linger on as a permanent problem
Being active is very important. It is necessary to engage the cardiovascular system and
get the blood to flow in the body. Bathroom habits also play a key role. Giving too much
of pressure while defecating will lead to hemorrhoids. Sitting for long hours also lead to
hemorrhoids because it will pool the blood in the anal region. To know the problem of
hemorrhoids better, it becomes imperative for us to understand the disease in depth and
become aware of its symptoms and remedies to find a proper cure for this malady.
What are Hemorrhoids?
All human beings have hemorrhoids. In normal condition, they are actually vascular
structures, which are located in the rectum and anus region to enable the smooth
movement of stool. However, it becomes a clinical condition called piles when the blood
vessels around the region are distended and cause excruciating pain and irritation to the
More than half the populations above the age of 50 throughout the world suffer from the
problem of Hemorrhoids. This severe condition of Hemorrhoids may lead to bleeding
while passing bowels and in acute cases may cause trouble in controlling bowel
Types of Hemorrhoids
Primarily speaking there are two types of hemorrhoids, which are differentiated by their
position and structure. They are Internal hemorrhoids and External hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids
An internal hemorrhoid is easily diagnosed if the hemorrhoids appear inside the anus
and the beginning of the rectum. They occur when too much pressure is exercised in the
hemorrhoid veins inside the anal canal. Usually internal hemorrhoids are not painful so,
most people remain oblivious that they have this problem. The only time they feel
discomfort is when they bleed while passing bowels and see blood on the toilet paper or
the stool in the toilet bowl. If the problem of internal hemorrhoids is not taken seriously, it
may lead to complications. When the inflamed rectal tissues inside the anus become
excessively large due to consistent straining, they come out of the anus and this causes
the Internal hemorrhoids condition of Prolapsed hemorrhoids.
There are three degrees of Prolapsed hemorrhoids, the second, third and fourth. The
first degree is not taken into account because the internal hemorrhoids do not stick out
of the anus and so is not a condition of prolapsed hemorrhoids.
The second degree is one in which the condition of prolapsed hemorrhoids does not
require any special treatment and goes back to its normal position on its own accord.
The third degree is a little difficult medical condition because the prolapsed hemorrhoids
have to be placed back into the anal passage manually.
The fourth degree is a grave condition in which the prolapsed hemorrhoids cannot be
replaced. They remain permanently hanging out of the anus.
External hemorrhoids
External Hemorrhoids can be easily distinguished from internal hemorrhoids because
the patient can feel them at the opening of the anus. Generally brown in color, they
appear outside the rectum, and are covered with sensitive skin. At times, it may hang out
of the anus. The main cause behind the development of external hemorrhoids is the
straining of veins in the opening of the anus. They cause great discomfort and pain to
the patient.
In certain cases, a blood clot called thrombosis may develop in external hemorrhoids.
This may lead to bleeding; a hard lump, or an inflamed swelling that may cause pain
when ruptured. Activities like, passing bowels, sitting, walking, and the delicate region
being rubbed by one’s clothes may increase discomfort and pain. In case the blood clot
heals, the additional skin left behind, may at times get irritated, or tingle.
One however should not be dejected. If timely treated, both these types of hemorrhoids
are curable. With the development of science and technology, the removal of some
hemorrhoids has definitely become easier and less painful.
Hemorrhoids can also be classified into two other temporary types they are:
Pregnancy Hemorrhoids
Many women who are pregnant get hemorrhoids particularly during the third trimester.
Hemorrhoids become more prevalent if the woman suffers from constipation. When a
woman is pregnant, the veins in the body have more blood circulating in them. Due to
this, the veins especially in the uterus become expanded. She often suffers from
constipation. Putting too much pressure on these already dilated veins, while passing
bowels, cause hemorrhoids. This leads to bleeding, pain, and discomfort.
Child Hemorrhoids
Children are often not able to understand when they suffer from the problem. Either they
are too small or they are shy to relate their problems to others. Hemorrhoids in children
occur due to constipation, which is in the form of inflammatory bowel disorder. This
happens when the body is not hydrated properly. This results in bleeding, pain, and
discomfort, frequent diarrhea in children also lead to this condition, if no adequate
precautions are taken earlier. Another cause for developing hemorrhoids among children
is the long hours that the children sit in the front of the computer. The action stresses the
anal muscles and veins leading to hemorrhoids.
Individuals who have hemorrhoids discover them in several ways. They may feel a
swelling of an external hemorrhoid when they clean themselves after a defecating, see
drops of blood in the toilet bowl or blood streaks on the toilet paper, and feel a
prolapsing hemorrhoid after bowel movements. Discomfort and itching may occur.
However, hemorrhoids and other conditions of the anal region may occur
simultaneously. For example, many individuals suffering from hemorrhoids also have
anal fissures.
An external hemorrhoid appears as a swelling and/or dark area in the anus area. If the
lump appears soft, it indicates a hemorrhoid that is thrombosed. Any lump needs to be
identified that sticks out from the anus. Doctors perform rectal examination wearing
gloves in their hands to find out an internal hemorrhoid high in the anal canal and rule
out the possibility of cancers in this region. An anoscope is used for a more detailed
examination of internal hemorrhoids. A lubricated anoscope is pushed into the anus,
through the anal passage into the rectum.
As the anoscope is taken out, the area affected by internal hemorrhoids is seen clearly.
Exercising much pressure by the patient, as if they are having a bowel movement, may
make the hemorrhoid(s) more prominent. Anoscopy also is a good way for diagnosing
anal fissures. Therefore, one has to deal with the problem in a delicate manner.
Chapter 2. Causes of Hemorrhoids
There are many factors that can lead to hemorrhoids.
Constipation: Constipation is one of the most important reasons why majority people
develop hemorrhoids. Constant strain in the veins, of the anal region, while relieving
bowels, may lead to hemorrhoids.
Using too much laxatives: People often use laxatives to relieve themselves of the
problem of constipation. An overdose of laxatives can lead to frequent diarrhea and this
may increase the chances of getting hemorrhoids.
Poor diet: People who have exceptionally busy life schedules often compromise with
their eating habits. Instead of eating a wholesome meal or healthy food, they either skip
meals or go in for food that has low fiber content. This results in having difficulty in bowel
movement, leading to straining of the veins in the anal area leading to hemorrhoids.
Alcohol: Having too many glasses of alcohol at one go is not a good proposition.
Alcohol intake should be limited to one or two glasses. It is always better to drink a glass
or two of water to keep the body hydrated or this will lead to hemorrhoids in the long run.
Lack of exercises: Doing regular exercises enable the flow of blood to increase in the
stomach and intestine. This speeds up the digestion process. As a result, regular bowel
movement is possible and there is no fear of constipation. Those people who lead a
sedentary lifestyle and do no exercise suffer from slow digestion process; the bowels get
hard and dry leading to constipation and finally this causes hemorrhoids.
Being overweight: A person who suffers from excess weight in the abdomen and pelvic
region may have difficulty in bowel movement and cause strain to the normal
hemorrhoids in the anal region.
Being pregnant or during labor: Hormonal changes during pregnancy and the
increased pressure exerted by the increasing fetus on the veins to blood may cause
hemorrhoids. When a woman is in labor, she might strain the veins in the anal region
while pushing in order to deliver the baby. This may lead to hemorrhoids.
Switching suddenly over to high fiber diet: Those suffering from constipation make
the mistake of suddenly switching over to high fiber diet that has an adverse affect
making the problem of constipation even worse. The intake of fiber should be increased
slowly and one should keep his body hydrated by drinking water and other fluids.
Problems associated with age: As people become aged, the support structure in the
rectum and the surrounding area become weak and maximum people over 50 years
suffer from the problem of hemorrhoids.
Stress: Stress is another important factor that may cause hemorrhoids. Such a problem
may occur in two forms.
Excessive stress may cause the gastrointestinal tract to disrupt. This makes the food to
digest slowly that results in the slow movement of bowels through the large intestine.
The bowels are driven out of their moisture in the large intestine leading to hard bowels
and constipation. The conditions become favorable for the hemorrhoids to occur.
Stress is associated with people who suffer from hypertension and an increase in blood
pressure mat lead to the swelling of the delicate hemorrhoid veins leading to the problem
of hemorrhoids.
Inadequate time for toilet: Toilet habit of not giving sufficient time for passing bowels
can harm the large intestine. If the habit continues for a long time it may rupture the
veins and thereby cause hemorrhoids.
Inadequate fluid intake: People who do not take enough water to keep the body
hydrated suffer from hard stool. While relieving the stool from the body, the sidewalls of
the large intestine is rubbed and this might cause rupture leading to pain and finally
A case of portal hypertension: Portal hypertension also leads to hemorrhoids. This
happens when pressure is exerted on the veins by the blood vessels that are located in
the intestine and the liver. When the strain becomes too much, it creates the problem of
Indulging in anal intercourse: This type of intercourse is harmful for the muscles
situated in and around the anal region. The muscles are not only stretched but they
come under tremendous pressure during such intercourse. This may lead to
Apart from these major causes some other factors that lead to the problem of
hemorrhoids are listed below:
Sneezing or coughing in an incorrect manner.
Trying to lift heavy objects from a low ground level.
Spending a lot of time in the toilet in reading books or newspaper.
Having a problem of chronic colitis or crohn’s disease.
Suffering from liver cirrhosis.
Compelled to sit or stand for long periods because the job demands so.
The problem of hemorrhoids runs in the family
Tumors in the pelvic region exert pressure on the hemorrhoids veins leading to the
problem of hemorrhoids. Incorrect way of cleaning the anal area after passing stool can
cause hemorrhoids. Cleaning the area by wiping the area innumerable times or wiping in
a rough manner may cause rupture to the delicate veins resulting in pain, bleeding, and
Causes of hemorrhoids during Pregnancy
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that appear in the anal region. They sometimes hang out
from the anus. Itchiness, pain, discomfort are the usual sensations. At times, it can also
rupture and bleed. The growing uterus increases the pressure on the veins in the lower
body. This can lead to hemorrhoids. Pregnancy hormones cause the boundaries of the
veins to loosen up. This makes them swell more easily.
Exerting pressure, particularly during hard bowel movements, leads to more blood being
trapped in the already swollen veins. This may lead to painful hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids may hang out from the rectum due to straining. If a woman had
hemorrhoids before, she is more likely to suffer from them again while pregnant. They
may aggravate with the straining of labor.
It is a certainty that hemorrhoids are caused by the pressure on the delicate veins in and
around the anal region but there are so many factors that can lead to such a problem.
Therefore, it is always better to understand which of these above factors can put you in a
risk of suffering from hemorrhoids. Changing your lifestyle accordingly will definitely keep
you safe from the disease.
External hemorrhoids must be examined properly and should not be taken as a
hemorrhoid on face value. This is because at times rare cases of cancers of the rectum
or anus region may appear like an external hemorrhoid.
Chapter 3. Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
There is no age bar for the problem of hemorrhoids to occur, because they are
dependant on the eating habits, pattern of lifestyle, and the kind of job that people do.
The symptoms vary from person to person depending upon their lifestyle and food
The symptoms of hemorrhoids for both internal and external hemorrhoids are more or
less similar. However, hemorrhoids are not a life threatening disease. Some of the
symptoms of hemorrhoids may be similar to certain serious diseases like colon or anal
cancer. It is always advisable to consult the doctor if any of the common symptoms of
hemorrhoids appear. The symptoms that an ill-fated victim feels are determined by the
type of hemorrhoid they have. External hemorrhoids are located outside the anus. They
cause unbelievable irritation, making life very hard when inflammation is high. Pain and
swelling are normally related with the external types. At times, external hemorrhoids
bleed profusely and lock in lots of blood, a mass forms, and this type is called an
external thrombosed hemorrhoid. The symptoms linked with this pain in the butt are also
swelling, inflammation, pain and discomfort.
Internal hemorrhoids are also called bleeders. They inhabit inside the rectum and above
the anus. This type does not feel the usual symptoms, of pain and irritation. However at
times they can be very painful. People have to press harder to pass bowels out of the
body through the anus, as this hemorrhoid partly blocks the anal canal. They can also
start bleeding when stool rubs up harshly against them. When people press too hard, the
hemorrhoid can actually push itself out of the anus and this is termed a prolapsed
hemorrhoid. They are characterized with burning, irritation, bleeding, and pain when
inflammation increases. Some people even have trouble in completing a bowel
movement because with the hemorrhoid enlarging, it clogs the anal canal.
Listed below are some of the common symptoms of hemorrhoids:
Inflammation in the rectum, or the area surrounding it.
Having difficulty in passing stool.
Experiencing itching, in the anal region.
Feeling of blood clots inside the anus when touched.
Compressed lumps from the rectum that is in fact a case of prolapsed
Normally, hemorrhoids grow in three stages.
In the initial stage, it is just a swelling with or without an itching sensation.
In the next stage, a person may feel weak and giddy.
The final stage is one in which there is pain, discomfort, and bleeding.
Symptoms of Internal Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoid symptoms that are inside the rectum are difficult to identify as nothing can
be seen from outside in the region unless of course it is a case of prolapsed
An itching feeling: People who have internal hemorrhoid frequently complain about
itching. The mucus, which trickles out, causes skin irritation and itching.
Experiencing pain, and discomfort: a person might feel the need to go for bowel
movement always. This feeling of discomfort is due to the hemorrhoid, which bulges in
the rear portion of the anal canal. The larger the hemorrhoid more is the discomfort.
Bleeding: blood streaks may be seen on the toilet paper or toilet bowl after completion
of the bowel movement.
Pain: Generally internal hemorrhoids are not painful but enlarged hemorrhoid may
become painful if they become swollen and are squeezed by the muscles controlling the
anus. Severe pain is a symptom to indicate that the hemorrhoid is cut off from any blood
supply. At this stage, treatment must be provided urgently.
Painful Constipation: people who suffer from constipation find it difficult in smooth
bowel movement. Due to hard stool, they experience pain. If this feeling continues on a
regular basis, it becomes a symptom of hemorrhoid,
Besides, other symptoms like bleeding of the rectum, sudden change in the bowel habit
can also be signs of colon anal or rectal cancer. Therefore people who are 50years and
above and have a family history of colon cancer should surely visit the doctor. Anal
fissures, colon polyps, fistulas also have similar symptoms.
Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids are more painful than internal hemorrhoids. If left untreated it may
cause a lot of pain and irritation to the person. The symptoms are similar to internal
hemorrhoids with a few variations.
Painful swelling or lump that is spongy in texture.
Traces of blood on the toilet paper, or blood on the toilet bowl.
Itching, and irritation in the anal area.
A feeling of burning pain while passing stool.
Discomfort in sitting because it hangs from the anus.
Urge to pass stool right after movement of the bowels.
Unable to complete movement of bowels.
The last symptom occurs because of two nerves present in the rectum and the adjoining
area. These two kinds of nerves are somatic nerves and visceral nerves. The former is
located below what is called the dentate line whereas the latter lies above the dentate
line. The somatic nerves pain if they are disturbed. On the other hand, the visceral
nerves instead of paining gives a sensation of pressure.
This makes a person feel the need to go for the movement of bowels and also have a
feeling that the stomach is full even after the activity of bowel movement has been
Hemorrhoid symptoms in Children
Hemorrhoids in children are rare but one should be careful so that children do not suffer
unnecessarily. Small children are not often able to speak out their problems when they
suffer from hemorrhoids. It is the duty of parents and other elders of the family to look
out for signs so that the problem can be nipped in the bud. Some of the telltale signs are:
When the child, is constantly scratching his backside.
When the child is not in his usual jovial mood. Appears to be cranky and refuses
to go to the toilet.
If the problem of constipation continues for more than three weeks, a doctor
should be consulted.
Streaks of blood on his/her underwear.
Small abrasions in the anal area.
Proper diagnose of the symptoms in a patient will enable the doctors to decide the line of
Chapter 4. Hemorrhoid Surgeries
The treatment of hemorrhoids involves relieving the patients of the symptoms of
hemorrhoids and to prevent their reoccurrence. An advanced treatment of hemorrhoids
is required for those who suffer from third and fourth degree. Third degree is one in
which the prolapsed hemorrhoid has to be pushed back manually. On the other hand
fourth degree is one in which the hemorrhoid cannot be reduced. It is believed that less
than 10% people will need surgery if the problems of hemorrhoids are treated early.
Surgeries of hemorrhoids are the best way of getting relief from hemorrhoids
permanently. Surgeries become inevitable when:
The hanging hemorrhoid cannot be reduced.
Continuous bleeding.
When blood clots form frequently in the external hemorrhoids.
Types of Surgeries
Ligation: In this a rubber band is tied around the bottom of the hemorrhoid to stop the
flow of blood that leads to the shriveling of the hemorrhoids. It is called hemorrhoid
banding or Rubber Band Ligation.
Rubber band ligation is one of the most regular hemorrhoid surgeries to cure the
patients suffering from the first and second degree of hemorrhoids. A tiny rubber band of
diameter 1 millimeter (about 1/25 of an inch) -- is fixed onto particular gun-like
equipment. On pulling the trigger, the rubber band bounds onto the base of the
No anesthesia is required in this surgery as there are no nerve endings in the rectum.
The hemorrhoid takes a week or two to heal.
Doppler Ligation: Today, doctors in place of rubber band treatment use Doppler ligation
Doppler ligation: An illuminated anoscope with a Doppler search that clearly measures
the blood flow makes it easy for the doctors to spot the particular artery that fills the
hemorrhoid veins. The doctor then ties off the artery. This leads to the hemorrhoid to
become smaller. The Doppler ligation is however expensive than rubber band ligation
Stapling: An Italian found out a cure to hemorrhoids called Hemorrhoid Stapling. It is
also known as PPH, which means Procedure for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids. An instrument
shaped like a pipe is inserted into the anus to dilute it. Once the instrument is pushed up,
the hemorrhoids are held up against the wall of the anus. The hemorrhoids are stapled
around the anus wall and the extra tissue is cut off. The patients feel relieved as they do
not have to undergo extreme pain and they can recover faster. However, the patient has
to stay in the hospital for a day.
Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy is a surgery wherein an injection containing a chemical
solution is injected around the blood vessel to reduce the size of the hemorrhoid. Initially
there is inflammation but subsequently scaring takes place, finally eliminating the
symptoms of hemorrhoid. Small hemorrhoids are treated through this surgery. It is also
performed on aged people who are too delicate and weak to be able to endure any other
surgical procedures. Bleeding may take place once the hemorrhoid falls off. Generally,
doctors advice sitz bath, to heal the tissue.
Infrared Coagulation: Infrared coagulation is another surgical method to treat
hemorrhoids. A special device widely used for gynecology, dermatology, and ent,
surgery is also used in dentistry, and to cure hemorrhoids as well.
An Infrared light is created through a special instrument that burns the base of the
hemorrhoid, thus curing it. A very strong and hot ray of infrared light is aimed at the base
of the hemorrhoid, leading to a scar in the tissues in the area. This ultimately stops the
blood to flow that feeds the hemorrhoid. The hemorrhoid perishes and only the scar
remains. This treatment needs to be done very carefully. Only one hemorrhoid can be
treated at a time.
The course of action is done in the doctor’s rooms, so hospital costs are not required.
The machine that is used for the treatment is costly, so the treatment is expensive.
Hemorrhoidectomy: Removal of hemorrhoids through hemorrhoidectomy is reserved
for patients suffering from third or fourth degree hemorrhoids. During hemorrhoidectomy,
both internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids are cut out. The wounds left are
stitched together or left open. The outcome of both the techniques are same.
Sometimes, a proctoplasty may be done. A proctoplasty process removes tissues higher
into the anal canal in order that the prolapsing anal lining also is removed. A
hemorrhoidectomy requires the patient to a stay in the hospital and the patient may
recovery after several weeks.
The above surgeries help to cure hemorrhoids. However, patients must abide by the
doctors advice to have a speedy recovery and get back to their normal routine of life.
Chapter 5.Home Remedies to cure Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are a very common disease that affects 50% of the human population
throughout the world. Often people get panic stricken when the first symptoms of
hemorrhoids appear. There are some exceptional home remedies that can be tried in
order to get relief. Most often, it is cured. However, if the problem persists or it is a case
of severe hemorrhoids, it is best to consult a doctor. There are several home remedies
that can be applied to the problem of hemorrhoids to avoid them from aggravating which
ultimately makes medical treatment or surgery imminent.
10 easy hemorrhoids home remedies that are intended for immediate and long lasting
relief of your hemorrhoids symptoms.
Maintaining Proper toilet habits anal hygiene: Whenever one feels the urge to go to
the toilet, he/she should not delay or postpone it for a later time, because that will harden
the stool. Further, once defecating is complete do not sit unnecessarily in the toilet
reading books or newspaper. Toilet paper might be too coarse for the tender rectal area
and might only worsen your hemorrhoid symptoms. Using clean water to wash after
bowel movement, or using baby wipes is a much better option. Make sure to gently pat
your bottom with a soft cloth or towel.
Squatting Position: Going to the bathroom and sitting in a squatting position puts the
correct pressure on the intestines and it smoothly forces waste matter out without having
to exercise excessive straining while defecating.
Warm water and Cold compress: Warm water can relieve the pain. It will help to
loosen up the sphincter muscle that is related with protrusions. A person can fill the
water bath with warm water up to a level of 3-4 inches and stay in the tub for at least 15
minutes. To be more comfortable it is advisable to rest on a cushion that is shaped like
a doughnut or use a soft folded towel. This can be repeated many times in a day. A sitz
bath can also provide quick relief from pain. To reduce swelling and inflammation in the
anal region a cold compress or an ice pack must be applied three or four times a day.
Applying petroleum Jelly: and Aloe Vera: Applying zinc oxide paste or petroleum jelly
in the anus region using a clean cotton wool is a good hemorrhoid treatment. One
should avoid using scented toilet paper, scented soap, or body wash because that may
cause irritation to the skin. The more the area is dry and clean the better it is for the skin.
Aloe Vera also gives fast relief to the swelling and painful hemorrhoids. It can be straight
away applied to that part of the anus area affected by hemorrhoids.
Eating food that is high in fiber and drinking plenty of fluid: Fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains are rich in fibers. Prunes can also be added to the diet because it softens
the stool and constipation can be avoided. Increasing the intake of such food will soften
the stool and thus the hemorrhoid veins will not be strained while bowel movement.
Increasing fiber intake by 20 to 35 g in a day is fine. Fiber should be increased slowly to
avoid formation of gas. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water will keep the body
hydrated. This will soften the stool and increase the bulk thereby preventing the
occurrence of hemorrhoids.
Witch Hazel: An astringent named witch hazel does wonders to reduce the itching,
swelling, and bleeding that are associated with hemorrhoids. If the concentrated solution
causes irritation, it can be diluted when applying. A baby wipe or cosmetic pad soaked in
the diluted solution can be used to wipe the anal region after every bowel movement is
Doing regular exercise: Leading an active lifestyle solves many problems. Doing
regular exercise is good for the all round development of our health because exercises
help to improve flow of blood in the body. Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Taking
short breaks, stretching, and walking will help in good digestion that will in turn help in
the smooth bowel movement.
Apple Cider Vinegar: If you mix a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in an eightounce glass of water and then drink it, it will give fast relief from the painful hemorrhoids.
Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper is good for treating bleeding hemorrhoids. Mix
together half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water. Drinking this mixture,
twice a week is beneficial. The mixture should be taken until the bleeding stops or the
hemorrhoid disappears.
Horse Chestnut: Aescin is actually an extract got from the horse chestnut tree that
grows primarily in northern Greece and Asia. This tree however also grows in North
America and Europe. One can apply creams, having two percent aescin on the area that
is affected by hemorrhoids three or four times a day, to get relief from itching and
burning sensation.
Apart from all these above top home remedies, certain restrictions must be maintained in
the diet to avoid the hemorrhoids from appearing or to aggravate the problem, those who
have it. They are as follows:
Avoiding white bread and flour items like cakes, pastries pies, and so on.
Avoid drinking beverages that have alcohol content.
Restricting the intake of beverages like coffee and aerated drinks.
Not indulging in having delicious dishes of pasta.
Avoiding spicy and oily food
Beans, spinach, broccoli, whole grain bread, papaya, peas, potatoes, oranges, apples,
oats, bran, raisins, prunes, grains etc can be included in the diet to avoid having
Chapter 6.Top Five Hemorrhoid Myths
Hemorrhoids is a very common disease no doubt but most people are either unaware of
its distinctive features, cause and treatment or are a victim to the various rumors that
circulate through the mouth or the Internet. This makes the common people become
panic stricken of the disease and this leads to a lot of confusion regarding the cause,
symptoms, and cure of the disease.
Myth 1. Aged people are the only ones who are affected by hemorrhoids: it is a
wrong notion to think that only old people suffer from hemorrhoids. It is true that older
people are affected but it can occur to any person irrespective of sex and age. In
younger people incorrect toilet habits, faulty eating, sedentary life style, constipation may
lead to hemorrhoids. As a person grows older, the hemorrhoid veins tend to become
weak and that makes them more prone to the problem of hemorrhoids.
Myth 2 Sitting on hard surface or hard objects lead to hemorrhoids: it is often
believed by people that if they sit on hard surfaces like the sidewalks on the roads, they
are sure to get hemorrhoids as they will strain the hemorrhoid veins in the anal area.
This is totally a wrong idea.
Myth 3. The only way to cure hemorrhoids is through surgery: Surgery is only used
as a last resort when other methods fail, that too in very serious conditions. To believe
that surgery is the only method to cure hemorrhoids is very incorrect. With the
advancement of science and technology, many medicines have come up. These can be
tried which cures hemorrhoids successfully. Moreover, various home remedies are there
that heals the hemorrhoids without much pain or the side effects of medicinal drugs.
Myth 4. Diet is not a cause for hemorrhoids: People who cannot restrict themselves
from eating spicy or unhealthy food believe that diet has no connection with piles or
hemorrhoids. Eating food that is low in fiber will cause the stool to become hard. This will
strain the hemorrhoid veins during bowel movement causing hemorrhoids. Some others
are of the opinion that it is not necessary to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water to keep the
body hydrated. This is a myth. Water is very important for the body. It not only keeps the
body hydrated to perform all functions and activities but also increases the bulk of
bowels and helps its smooth passage out of the body through the anus.
Myth 5 Hemorrhoids are incurable: It is absolutely a myth. Hemorrhoids can be cured
through different disciplines, like allopathic medicines and surgeries, homeopathic
treatment, ayurvedic medicine and last but not the least the miracle of natural herbs and
innumerable home remedies. It is true that some products and treatments promise and
make tall claims. However, they cannot live up to their reputation because the product
does not work to cure or heal the hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is always necessary not to
go by gimmicks but buy products that not only make tall claims but also give a guarantee
for the same.
From the above it becomes clear that people should not go by what others say or do but
try to find out for themselves the truth about hemorrhoids.
The detailed explanation of hemorrhoids, their causes, symptoms, and treatment in the
preceding pages will surely give the reader an in-depth knowledge of what hemorrhoids
is all about. The problem of hemorrhoids does not occur all of a sudden. It is very
important to keep a watch on one’s diet. Added to this is the pattern of life that a person
leads. Hemorrhoids if detected early can be treated quickly and the patient may not have
to undergo days and months of unbearable pain and suffering.
Well, the people who are already suffering from hemorrhoids need not have the fear that
hemorrhoids cannot be treated completely. A little patience, timely medical attention and
of course abiding by the doctor’s directions and following a healthy diet is the key
towards being free from the pain, suffering, and discomfort that one experiences as a
patient of hemorrhoids. It is natural that human beings are susceptible to various
diseases, but there is no question of leading a life of a pessimist. Life has its problems
and we have to find ways to make ourselves happy. Hemorrhoids are not a life
threatening disease. Symptoms of hemorrhoids vary from people to people. No two
persons may have the same symptoms but it is always advisable to get it checked by a
medical practitioner. There are plenty of home remedies to choose from. If a person is
lucky, he may use these remedies and get cured without having to visit a doctor. The
idea of course is to nip the problem in the bud. That is the answer to a complete cure of
hemorrhoids. This very notion should motivate people to overcome their fears; shame,
doubts, and suspicions, and come forward for a treatment of this disease.
The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied
to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her
healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or
if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.