

Chapter 1
Avril Br
eton and Bruce T
Autism is a syndrome consisting of a set of developmental and behavioural
features that must be present for the condition to be diagnosed. The core
features of autism include impairment in three main areas of functioning:
• social interaction;
• communication;
• patterns of behaviour, interests and activities (which become restricted,
repetitive and stereotyped).
Kanner first described these core features in his paper of 1943, in which 11
children with ‘autistic disturbances of affective contact’ showed a distinctive
pattern of symptoms:
• inability to relate to people and situations;
• failure to use language for the purpose of communication;
• obsessive desire for the maintenance of sameness in the environment.
The DSM–IV diagnostic system (American Psychiatric Association, 1994)
emphasises that symptoms may change throughout life and that behaviour
problems can range from mild to severe.
The cause of autism is unknown. It is a biological condition probably due to a
number of causes acting together, rather than one specific cause.
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We do know that children are probably born with autism. It certainly becomes obvious within the first 30 months of life. Autism affects the person
throughout life.
Some histor
In the 1950s and early ’60s some people (e.g. Bettelheim, 1967) argued that
autism was a schizophrenic withdrawal from reality and advocated residential
centres for children, and their removal from their family. Cold and rejecting
parents were said to be causing autistic behaviour in their children, and
residential programmes were seen as a means of undoing autistic behaviours
and establishing appropriate behaviours in their place. The treatment involved
individual psychotherapy with the child with autism, and attempts were made
to change the parent’s attitude and make them acknowledge their role in the
development of the child’s condition. Bettelheim referred to such a child as
the ‘empty fortress’. This ‘psychogenic’ theory and its treatment approaches
fell from favour because they were not supported by evidence from systematic
In the 1970s, new research highlighted basic cognitive deficits and organic
brain dysfunction. This became known as the ‘nature’ theory of causation of
autism and the bulk of the evidence pointed to a neurological (brain) dysfunction in children with autism.
Support for genetic influences on autism came from the research by Folstein
and Rutter (1977), who undertook a study of 21 pairs of same-sex twins, one
or both of whom had autism. This study pointed to the “importance of brain
injuries, especially during the perinatal period, which may operate either by
themselves or in combination with a genetic disposition involving language.
Both mode of inheritance and exactly what is inherited remain uncertain.”
Recent brain rresear
It is assumed that people with autism probably share certain features of abnormal brain function, but the nature of this underlying neural pathology
remains elusive and controversial.
Various findings suggest that autism is a disorder that encompasses both
subcortical and cortical levels of brain processing. Abnormal brain activity and
arousal levels, deficits in the ability to respond accurately to sensory input,
abnormal event-related potentials measured in the brain, impairment of left
hemisphere functioning, pathophysiology of the temporal lobe and specific
structural abnormalities have been investigated.
Current research points to abnormalities in brain systems that are subserved
by brain-stem structures such as the cerebellum and limbic system, and there
is evidence that the brains of people with autism are often underdeveloped
and immature. Some researchers have reported increased head circumference
and brain volume, but these findings have not been linked to clinical features
such as severity of autism or IQ.
Neurotransmitters such as serotonin have also been implicated but abnormalities that have been found have not been shown to be specific to autism;
the only consistent finding is an elevation of whole-blood serotonin levels in
about 25% of individuals with autism. The significance of this is unclear,
although it has been suggested that developmental mechanisms in the brain
might be affected.
Current neurobiological theories postulate single or multiple primary clinical
deficits in higher-order cognitive processing abilities – for example involving
language, social understanding and emotional insight – and the involvement
of the cerebral cortex in the final common pathway for the clinical symptoms.
Future research is needed to define:
• the pathophysiology of the clinical syndrome of autism;
• the developmental pathophysiology of the structural and functional brain
abnormalities that underlie the clinical syndrome;
• the genetic mechanisms that trigger the disruption in brain development
that leads to these abnormalities.
Recent genetic rresear
Recent genetic research has attempted to address the issues of transmission of
vulnerability to autism and the nature of the autistic phenotype. There is now
no doubt that genetic factors play an important, if not central, role in the
causation of autism, although the precise genetic mechanisms have not been
determined. Evidence points to not a single gene but the interaction of at
least three abnormal gene sites.
Autism is three to four times more common in males. The chance of having
a first child with autism is less than 1:1000 but reduces to probably about 1:50
with a second child, particularly if it is male. People with autism have an
increased likelihood of a family history of learning problems, speech delays,
aloofness and social eccentricity, obsessional behaviours and depression.
It is anticipated that advancement in molecular genetics will help in the
understanding of how the genes involved lead to autism, whether there is an
interaction between specific environmental features and genetic susceptibility,
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and why there is variation in the cognitive impairment that is associated with
What we now know about the causes of autism
Research over the past 40 years has clarified a number of issues about the
causes of autism. The psychogenic causation theory of the 1950s has been
found to be lacking in evidence and has been dismissed. Evidence has made it
clear that autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder involving deficits in basic
cognitive and information processing, affection, communication and social
skills. However, many questions remain unanswered regarding the neuropathophysiology of autism and the mode of genetic inheritance.
Associated medical conditions
There is a frequent association between autism and a number of medical conditions that affect the brain, such as:
tuberous sclerosis and congenital rubella;
pre- and perinatal trauma, and neonatal asphyxia;
certain acquired encephalopathies and brain malformations;
metabolic disorders such as phenylketonuria (PKU), histidinaemia and
Lesch–Nyhan syndrome;
• a number of genetic conditions and chromosomal abnormalities, including
fragile X, tuberous sclerosis, De Lange syndrome, Joubert syndrome,
Williams syndrome and hypomelanosis of Ito.
Most importantly, there is an approximately 30% risk of developing seizures
through childhood to early adulthood. The majority of persons with autism
have non-specific abnormal electrical brain activity shown on an electroencephalogram (EEG).
Some other medical conditions that lead to intellectual disability are rarely
associated with autism, noticeably Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy.
The nature and meaning of the association between autism and these various other neurobiological conditions has yet to be determined.
Prevalence estimates for autism have been gathered for over 30 years. At least
23 prevalence studies were reported between 1966 and 1997. These studies
used varying diagnostic criteria as definitions of autism changed over time,
and their population samples differed in size and type.
Recent studies with the most rigorous ascertainment methods have consistently yielded rates of about 9 per 10,000. Gillberg (1997), who computed a
mean of the numerous studies conducted worldwide since 1985, reported a
prevalence rate for autism of 10–12 per 10,000. These studies all adopted a
broader definition of autism than that used in earlier work. In the most recent
review, of 19 prevalence studies from 10 different countries, covering the
period from 1966 to 1996, Fombonne (1998) estimated that the average figure
is about 5 per 10,000. It has been suggested that the prevalence of autism is
increasing, however; improved community awareness and assessment may have
increased the number of cases identified.
As mentioned above, autism is three to four times more common in males
than females.
Because the cause of autism is unknown, diagnosis relies upon matching
the child’s behaviour patterns and development with the diagnostic criteria.
Autism usually emerges in early infancy but the diagnosis of autism remains
especially difficult before two years of age, when language skills become more
In 1980, the third edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual (DSM–III) introduced the diagnostic term ‘pervasive
developmental disorder’ (PDD) to cover a group of disorders of development,
including autism, that presented with abnormalities and impaired functioning
across the social, cognitive, emotional and language domains. These impairments were present from the first few years of life. The fourth edition, DSM–IV,
includes five categories of pervasive developmental disorder: autism, childhood
disintegrative disorder, Asperger’s disorder, Rett’s disorder and pervasive
developmental disorder – not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS).
Autism spectrum disor
The term ‘autism spectrum disorders’ is also in current use, but its definition
lacks the level of international agreement attached to pervasive developmental
disorders. For some, ‘autistic spectrum disorders’ refers to a group of different
autistic-like conditions, a similar concept to pervasive developmental disorders.
For others, ‘autistic spectrum disorders’ refers to a unitary concept of autism,
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conveying the notion of a spectrum of severity, from the aloof intellectually
delayed child with ‘Kanner-type autism’ at the severe end through to intelligent, less severely disturbed children with Asperger’s disorder (or Asperger
syndrome) at the other end.
The problem with the latter approach relates to what is being defined as
severe to mild. Is it IQ level, or language ability, or obsessional behaviour, or
social impairment? Young people with Asperger’s disorder may have the intelligence on IQ testing of a typical child but may have severe impairment in
social behaviour and crippling obsessions. Therefore, the concept of severity
relates to multiple cognitive, social and behavioural domains and has limited
if any value if applied to a child with a pervasive developmental disorder.
There is now a general international consensus regarding the features and
behaviours that are required to make a diagnosis of autism; these are defined
in both the tenth revision of the World Health Organization’s International
Classification of Diseases (ICD–10) and DSM–IV (see Box 1.1).
It is clear from the DSM–IV diagnostic criteria that the diagnosis requires a
comprehensive, multi-disciplinary assessment, comprising at least:
• developmental and family history;
• observation of the child’s behaviour and interaction with others;
• a medical assessment, including tests for known causes of developmental
delay (e.g. chromosome analysis) and hearing tests;
• a cognitive assessment using appropriate tests, such as the Psychoeducational Profile – Revised (PEP-R; Schopler et al, 1990) and the Wechsler
Pre-school and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Revised (WPPSI-R; Wechsler,
a structured language assessment;
a structured assessment with tools such as the Autism Diagnostic Observational Schedule (Lord et al, 1989), clinician-completed rating scales like
the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS; Schopler et al, 1980), and
parent- or teacher-completed checklists like the Developmental Behaviour
Checklist (DBC; Einfeld & Tonge, 1992);
comprehensive and sensitive feedback to the parents and carers about the
diagnosis as the first step in developing a plan of intervention and services
x 1.1. DSM–IV criteria for autistic disor
A. A total of six (or more) items from (1), (2), and (3), with at least two from (1),
and one each from (2) and (3):
(1) qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of
the following:
(a) marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eyeto-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate
social interaction
(b) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
(c) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing
out objects of interest)
(d) lack of social or emotional reciprocity
(2) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of
the following::
(a) delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of
communication such as gesture or mime)
(b) in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to
initiate or sustain a conversation with others
(c) stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language
(d) lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play
appropriate to developmental level
(3) restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and
activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:
(a) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted
patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
(b) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
(c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping
or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)
(d) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
B. Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with
onset prior to age 3 years: (1) social interaction, (2) language as used in social
communication, or (3) symbolic or imaginative play.
C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by Rett’s Disorder or Childhood
Disintegrative Disorder.
Source: American Psychiatric Association (1994: pp. 70–71).
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Assessment instruments
Over the past 40 years various instruments have been developed specifically
to assist in the diagnosis of autism and measurement of associated behaviours.
Because the cause of autism is unknown, diagnosis relies heavily upon behavioural description, observation of the child’s behaviour patterns and history of
development being matched with the diagnostic criteria. Therefore assessment
instruments assist in the screening for autism, standardisation of diagnosis and
measurement of change.
Contemporary assessment instruments are usually administered in one of
three ways: a checklist or rating scale completed by a trained clinician, based
on behavioural observation (e.g. the CARS, Autism Behaviour Checklist); a
structured parent/carer interview administered by a trained clinician (e.g. the
Autism Diagnostic Interview, ADI, or Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule,
ADOS); or a parent/carer-completed questionnaire (e.g. the Developmental
Behaviour Checklist; the Autism Screening Questionnaire).
No one instrument is able to undertake all the tasks of diagnosis, behavioural description, measurement of response to treatment or change over time,
and serve as a screening instrument. At present clinicians and researchers must
evaluate an instrument’s ability to meet a specific purpose and choose the
appropriate psychometrically sound instrument(s) from the range available.
Social impairments
One of the key features of autism is abnormality in interpersonal relationships,
which may include reduced responsiveness to or interest in people, an appearance of aloofness and a limited or impaired ability to relate to others.
Infants with autism do not assume a normal anticipatory posture or put up
their arms to be picked up and often do not seek physical comfort. However,
they do show selective attachments to their primary carers. It is not simply the
case that infants with autism do not develop social relating skills. It is more
true to say that the quality of the relationship is abnormal.
Children with autism show very little variation in facial expression in response to others, generally have abnormal eye contact and tend not to engage
in social imitation such as waving bye-bye and pat-a-cake games.
They rarely develop an age-appropriate empathy or ability to understand
that other people have feelings. Their ability to make friends is absent or
distorted and they are usually unable to play reciprocally with other children.
All children with autism show social impairments; however, the nature of these
impairments can vary and may change as the child grows older. For example,
there may be an increase in interest in other people and the development of
some social skills, although these are often learned in a mechanical or inflexible manner.
Communication skills
Impairments in both verbal and non-verbal communication skills are often
the reason for parents of children with autism to be first concerned and seek
Children with autism usually have markedly delayed and deviant speech;
approximately half fail to develop functional speech. Research supports the
notion that approximately 50% of children with autism will eventually have
useful speech. Children with autism also have an impaired ability to use gesture
and mime.
In those children who do develop language, the pattern of development
and usage is strikingly deviant. Tone, pitch and modulation of speech are often
odd and the voice may sound mechanical and flat in quality, with a staccato
delivery. Some children speak in whispers or too loudly, and some develop an
unusual accent.
Their understanding of spoken language is often literal and they fail to
comprehend underlying meaning and metaphor such as ‘shake a leg’, or ‘pull
your socks up’.
Abnormal use of words and phrases is a common symptom of autism. Echolalia (repetition of language spoken by others) is one of the most noticeably
deviant aspects of speech. It can be either the immediate repetition of what
has just been said, or the delayed repetition of phrases. Some children repeat
advertising jingles or large pieces of dialogue, perhaps days later, for example
from videos, for no apparent reason. Echolalic speech may serve some function.
Children with autism often confuse or reverse pronouns. Kanner (1943)
originally attributed this to echolalia; however, more recent research has found
that this problem relates to the deficits that children with autism have in
understanding the perspective of another, joint attention and difficulty conceptualising the notion of self and other.
Some children have idiosyncratic speech and neologisms such as ‘door go
by’ when asking to go outside, or calling a drink a ‘dorfla’.
Language comprehension (receptive language) deficits in autism are also of
great importance. Poor understanding is probably linked to social difficulties
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and impairments in social understanding. An inability to express needs by
words or gesture, or a significant difference in the child’s ability to use words
compared with their level of understanding of the verbal responses of others,
is a source of frustration and can cause distress or disturbed behaviour.
Even those children with autism who develop a wide vocabulary and expressive verbal skills show difficulty with the pragmatic or social use of language.
They have an impaired ability to initiate conversation, communicate reciprocally
with others and maintain the ‘to and fro’ of a conversation. The child with
autism is more likely to talk at you rather than with you, to intrude and talk
out of context and to use speech as a means to an end rather than engage in a
social conversation. Howlin (1998) described the ‘failure to use communication for social purposes’ as the most characteristic feature of the language
deficit in autism.
Play and imagination
Children with autism usually have rigid and limited play patterns with a
noticeable lack of imagination and creativity. They may repetitively line up
toys, sort by colour, or collect various objects such as pieces of string, special
stones or objects of a certain colour or shape. Intense attachment to these
objects can occur, with the child showing great distress if these objects are
taken away or patterns disrupted.
Older children may develop play that superficially appears to be creative, such
as re-enacting the day at school with dolls and teddies, or acting out scenes from
favourite videos. Observation of this type of play over time often reveals a highly
repetitive, formalised scenario that does not change and cannot be interrupted.
Children with autism rarely involve other children in their play unless they
are given a particular role in a controlled situation. Howlin (1998) drew a
parallel between the pervasiveness of the language disorder in autism and the
child’s inability to develop normal, imaginative play patterns. The stereotypies
seen in language are also observed in the repetitive, non-social and ritualistic
play of children with autism.
Ritualistic and ster
eotyped inter
ests or behaviours
Ritualistic and compulsive phenomena are also common, such as touching
compulsions and rigid routines for daily activities. There is often an associated
resistance to change in routine or the environment, so that the child may
become extremely distressed if, for example, a new route is taken to school, the
furniture in the house is rearranged, or the child is asked to wear new clothes.
Hand and finger mannerisms and repetitive complex body movements of a
stereotyped kind such as hand flapping or tiptoe walking are common. There
is often a fascination with moving objects, such as spinning a plate or wheel.
Close visual scrutiny of the fine detail of an object such as the edge of a table,
or the pattern of the spokes on a wheel, is common, as is the collection of
objects such as buttons or twigs. Many children with autism, especially in
middle to late childhood, have unusual preoccupations, often to the exclusion
of other activities. These may involve a fascination with bus routes or train
timetables in association with repeatedly asking questions to which specific
answers must be given.
Associated featur
Many other abnormalities are associated with autism, such as unusual dietary
habits, sleep disturbance, abnormalities of mood and self-injurious behaviour.
Perceptual abnormalities, such as lack of response to pain, heightened sensitivity to sound and preoccupation with tactile stimulation, are also common.
These associated features are not specific to individuals with autism and may
occur in other children with intellectual disability.
Cognitive abilities and IQ
Although Kanner (1943) stated that children with autism possessed normal
cognitive potential and ‘islets of ability’, it is now clear that the majority of
children with autism have intellectual disability. A recent review of the literature
found that in most epidemiological samples approximately 50% of cases exhibit
severe intellectual disability, 30% mild to moderate disability and the remaining 20% have IQs in the normal range.
Low IQ scores are more likely to be associated with the development of
epilepsy. One-third of intellectually disabled children with autism develop
epilepsy, while only approximately one in 20 of those with normal intelligence
The IQ scores of children with autism often show an unusual and distinctive
pattern of performance on standardised tests of intelligence. Individual profiles
usually show a wide scatter of abilities, with deficits in verbal sequencing and
abstraction skills, while rote memory may be better. Tasks requiring manipulative, visuo-spatial skills or immediate memory, such as block design, object
assembly and the Seguin formboard, may be performed well. These skills may
be the basis of ‘islets of ability’, such as the musical ability shown by a
few children with autism. Around 20% of children with autism have overall
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cognitive abilities in the normal range and are referred to as ‘high functioning’,
but still usually have the pattern of a relatively wide scatter of abilities.
The cognitive deficit is as much social as intellectual and linguistic. Rutter
(1983) contended that these cognitive deficits are basic to the condition of
autism and not secondary features. It has been found that such deficits are
present in virtually all children with autism and that they constitute the most
powerful predictors of functioning in later adolescence and early adult life.
Cognitive deficits are a fundamental aspect of the disability of autism.
Yes, autism does change over time.
Stone (1997) described the classic picture of autism in a pre-school child as
one who exhibits a marked lack of interest in others, failure in empathy, and
absent or severely delayed speech and communication.
Marked resistance to change, restricted interests and stereotyped movements may develop or become more noticeable after three years of age.
The form and degree of features may change markedly as the child grows
older but the core social, communication and behavioural difficulties persist.
Many parents find the pre-school years most difficult to manage, but with
early intervention and education, improvement can be expected.
With education and training, primary-school-aged children usually become
more socially responsive and communication skills increase. Self-stimulatory
behaviours, problems in coping with change and transitions, and disruptive or
compulsive behaviour may increase at this time.
Adolescence can also bring the development of symptoms such as aggressive
and oppositional or obsessive–compulsive behaviour, and an increase in anxiety,
tension and mood disturbance. Depressive illness is not uncommon and is
probably due to a combination of the development of some degree of insight
as well as hormonal and central nervous system (CNS) functional changes.
There is an increased risk of the development of seizures in adolescence. Estimates indicate that 25–40% of people with autism develop epilepsy before the
age of 30. Gillberg and Steffenburg (1987) noted an increased risk for boys.
What is the long-term outcome?
Outcome or follow-up studies of people with autism in later life are few. Venter
et al (1992) studied higher-functioning adolescents and adults to determine
the role of cognitive and behavioural factors in predicting later social-adaptive
and academic achievement. They found that early verbal skills were the best
predictor of both academic functioning and adaptive behaviour later in life.
Gillberg and Steffenburg (1987) followed 46 cases into early adulthood and
found that 60–75% had relatively poor outcomes in social adjustment. Of
these, about half were institutionalised.
During adulthood, the majority of persons with autism are likely to require
some support. For example, one study found that two-thirds of the group were
in day or residential treatment programmes. A minority are able to work and
live independently and have some social contact and friendships. Another
minority deteriorate or otherwise need high levels of care.
It is usually those adults who have higher levels of cognitive and communication skills who are able to live independently and remain in employment;
however, some difficulties with social interaction remain. The majority of
people with autism will experience behavioural, emotional and social problems
throughout life, but nevertheless will make some developmental improvement
and progressively become more independent.
Unfortunately, in the young child with autism, there is no way of knowing
with confidence what the developmental trajectory will be.
Children and adolescents with autism have high levels of anxiety and mood
disturbance, disruptive and self-absorbed behaviour as well as communication
disturbance and social relating problems. The high levels of emotional and
behavioural disturbance persist throughout childhood and adolescence.
Antisocial behaviour
Antisocial behaviours that require social intention and awareness, such as
lying, stealing, hiding, lighting fires and refusing to go to school or work, are
seldom seen in autism, as they require a degree of social knowledge and skill
beyond the ability of most young people with autism. However, behaviour
perceived by others as antisocial may occur in persons with autism, particularly
in those with higher intellectual abilities, as a manifestation of an obsessional
preoccupation or self-stimulatory activity without social intent or understanding of the impact on others. For example, one young man regularly set fire to
the hay shed on the family farm because he enjoyed the sight, sound and smell
of the flames.
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Disruptive behaviour
Disruptive behaviour, such as tantrums, noisiness, abusiveness, impatience,
aggression, self-injury and stubbornness, is problematic for clinicians, family
and teachers alike.
In the school setting, disruptive behaviour has been found to relate directly
to a loss of productive learning time. Disruptive behaviours are also likely to
contribute to failure of integrated placement in a mainstream school and the
need for more restricted placement in a special school. High levels of disruptive
behaviour also contribute to parental burden and are the main reason for
placement of children into respite care or residential care.
Young people with autism often have a high level of anxiety. The symptoms of
anxious behaviour include fear of separation from familiar people, specific fears
or phobias (e.g. of certain sounds, smells, objects, animals), resistance to change
(e.g. new clothes, food, routines), panic and emotional distress for little or no
apparent reason, tenseness, shyness and irritability. These comorbid symptoms
of anxiety, apart from the distress they cause the child, have the potential to
disrupt education, further impair social interaction, and create management
problems and stress for the parents and carers.
The identification of anxiety in a child with autism creates an opportunity
for management. Psychological treatments, particularly cognitive and behavioural approaches, are effective. Pharmacological treatments, such as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants, may also
reduce anxiety in children. Psychological treatments may need some modification in order to compensate for language impairment, and the effectiveness
of pharmacological treatments needs to be confirmed using baseline and
follow-up records of target symptoms.
These comorbid emotional and behavioural problems are not confined to
young children with autism, but remain a challenge for parents and carers at
least into adolescence. Further follow-up studies are required to follow the
changes in psychopathology into adult life.
Adolescents with autism are at increased risk of suffering depression and mood
disturbance, with associated symptoms of irritability, sleep and appetite disturbance
(inducing weight loss), obsessional thoughts and preoccupations, compulsive
behaviours, psychomotor retardation, and thoughts of suicide with a potential
to act on these thoughts. These symptoms of mood disorder are likely to impair
their education and school adjustment, further handicap their already compromised social interactions and interfere with the quality of their family life.
Depression responds to psychological treatments such as cognitive therapy,
relaxation training, and pleasant events scheduling, modified according to the
intellectual ability of the young person. Rewarding experiences, reduction of
stress at home and school, and attention to parental mental health are helpful.
Antidepressant medication may also be necessary if the depression is severe or
Attention deficit hyperactivity disor
Distractibility, lack of concentration, impulsiveness, poor planning ability, disorganised behaviour, fidgetiness and motor overactivity are common symptoms
in young people with autism but may decrease with maturity. Management
requires a broad approach, including planned, structured, time-limited activities in simple steps, limitation of the amount of environmental stimulation,
planning for change, communication programmes (e.g. visual systems), behaviour modification, relaxation and perhaps medication.
There is no cure for autism. Many treatment approaches and therapies have
been reported during the past four decades, often without strong empirical
evidence of benefit. Many of these were based on specific theories of causation.
Some came and went quickly, such as swimming with dolphins. Others slowly
became outdated, such as aversive therapies, as knowledge increased and social
approaches to disability and ethics changed.
Current treatment usually consists of well-designed, multi-disciplinary,
structured treatment programmes that incorporate developmental approaches
with early intervention, special education, behavioural management, social and
communication skills training, and psychotropic medication when indicated.
Treatment must be a collaborative approach between the family/carers and
the professionals involved in the child’s care.
Behavioural appr
Behavioural approaches to the education, treatment and management of young
people with autism have been successfully used for the past three decades. It
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is now clear that behaviour management techniques lead to a reduction in
difficult behaviour and may increase social, communicative and cognitive skills
in some people with autism.
Traditional appr
In traditional behaviour management the target behavioural problem is studied,
then the environment is manipulated in such a way as to increase, decrease or
maintain the behaviour. This is referred to as the ‘ABC approach’. The target
Behaviour to be managed is described and then either the Antecedents or the
Consequences (or both) of the behaviour are manipulated. For persons with
autism the treatment programme comprises a set of procedures designed to
reduce behavioural excesses (e.g. self-stimulation, obsessions, self-injurious
behaviour) and to increase behavioural competencies (e.g. attention to task,
language and social skills). Current behaviour management combines the
teaching of new skills with the suppression of undesirable behaviours. There
are several ways of encouraging and increasing new behaviours. Some commonly used methods are described below.
Positive reinforcement
This is the easiest and most often used method of strengthening a behaviour.
By following the target behaviour with a pleasant event, we are increasing the
likelihood of that behaviour occurring again. One of the trickiest things here
is to work out what the child actually finds pleasant! We must not assume that
others, particularly children with autism, will share what we find pleasant and
rewarding. For example, we may find attention in the form of a hug and a kiss
very pleasant, but for the child with autism this may actually be experienced
as unpleasant and overwhelming.
Time out
This strategy is widely known and used to decrease undesirable behaviours in
young children. The underlying principle is that most people like to be rewarded with attention or some other positive feedback when a behaviour has
occurred. If that behaviour is met with no positive reinforcement, and the
child is actually removed from any opportunity for attention, the behaviour is
less likely to happen again. The child may be taken to another room or merely
sent to another part of the room and ignored for a short time. This method
does rely on the child being able to link the two events, that is no attention
because of what the child has just done. For some children with autism, the
removal to a quiet and empty space may actually be rewarding and lead to an
increase in some behaviour in order to achieve isolation.
Time out can be effective as a ‘circuit breaker’ for both child and parent
when a break or separation is needed to stop a situation from escalating: it
may give the parent and child time to cool down, and the parent a chance to
think through how best to respond. Time out is best used in conjunction with
methods that teach new or replacement behaviours.
This is a procedure that is used when the required behaviour does not exist at
all. The child is guided to perform the response. There are a number of ways
to prompt a child.
Physical prompts are literally ‘hands on’ attempts to encourage the new
behaviour. For example, if the new behaviour required is for the child to eat
using a fork rather than fingers, the physical prompt will involve putting your
hand over the child’s on the fork and helping to stab the food and lift it to the
Verbal prompts involve telling the child what to do, for example, ‘Stab your
food with the fork’. Verbal prompts need to be very explicit and concrete at
first. It is not sufficient to say ‘Use your fork’, as it does not tell the child
exactly what to use the fork for (e.g. not to poke the cat!).
Pointing can also be used to prompt the correct response.
Eventually the prompt will fade and become unnecessary. At first a combination of prompts is usually required. For example, a physical prompt will be
combined with a verbal prompt that clearly tells the child what to do as the
child is doing it. As the behaviour improves, the physical prompt may be
dropped and a point and verbal prompt used instead.
Subtle prompts can be used very successfully with older children where a
new behaviour has been learnt but the child still needs just a little cue or
reminder of what to do. For example, in the classroom, a child who continually
shouted out enthusiastically to contribute to the class had to learn to put up
his hand and wait for the teacher to say his name. The cue he continued to
need was simply the teacher raising a finger to indicate that he needed to raise
his hand. The benefit of a small cue is that it helps the child without being
obvious to everyone else.
This method involves encouraging and reinforcing successive approximations
of the new behaviour until the behaviour is learnt. For example, if the child is
unable to wave bye-bye, any attempt to raise a hand or arm in response to
your waving bye-bye is rewarded. It may begin with only a slight movement.
As the child gets better at raising an arm and moving a hand, you wait until
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both occur before giving the reinforcer. The child learns that more is expected,
in gradual steps, until the whole wave is learnt.
Shaping is a useful method to use with young children at any developmental
level. It does not require the child to have an existing level of speech or comprehension of speech. Shaping can be used without spoken instructions, although
praise and encouragement through words usually accompany the reinforcer. It
does require some ability in the child to attend and imitate an action.
This is a useful way of teaching a more complex behaviour or task and involves
breaking it down into small steps. The steps are then taught one at a time. As
each step is learnt, the next is taught. You cannot miss steps, or teach them
out of logical order.
Self-help skills, such as dressing, are often taught using this method, for
example pulling up pants. The task has a lot of different steps that need to be
thought about and written down. If you are forward chaining, you start with
the first step, which may be picking the pants up in both hands. The next step
may then be lifting one leg to step into the pants, and so on. If you are using
backward chaining, you teach the other way around and start with the last
step, which would be the final pulling up of the pants.
Chaining breaks down the task into tiny steps that do not overwhelm the
child and you work through one step at a time until the whole task has been
learnt. Success builds on success as each step is mastered. This method is very
successful when teaching young children with few skills and little language.
Understanding the communicative function of difficult behaviour
More recent approaches try to understand the function or purpose of particular
behaviour and what the person is trying to tell us, that is, the communicative
function of the behaviour. Current behaviour management programmes for
persons with autism take into account more than the ABC approach, by considering: individual variables, environmental factors and how the ability to
communicate is affecting behaviour.
For example, disruptive behaviours such as aggression, self-injury and stereotypies may have as many as five communicative functions:
to indicate the need for help or attention;
to escape from stressful situations or activities;
to obtain desired objects;
to protest against unwanted events/activities;
to obtain stimulation.
If the communicative function of the behaviour can be determined, then it is
possible to teach a substitute behaviour that helps the person to get the message across more appropriately.
Early inter
There have been numerous approaches to early intervention for children with
autism. These include: home-based and school-based programmes; integrated
and specialist autism settings; length of intervention varying from 4 to over 40
hours per week. Most treatments have been reported to lead to gains in symbolic play, language and social interaction. Early intervention programmes
employ both behavioural and special education techniques. Professional teaching support is vital for those family members and carers who are working on
treatment programmes at home, as they are generally intensive and demanding.
Recent claims that highly intensive behaviourally based interventions (over
40 hours per week, for two years or more) lead to recovery or normal functioning
are controversial. Behavioural interventions probably lead to improvements,
particularly in scores on IQ tests; however, suggestions that initial benefits are
maintained over time require replication. Longer-term evaluations are needed,
particularly those that measure social communication and interaction, conceptual
abilities, obsessional and ritualistic behaviours, and the additional emotional
and behavioural problems associated with autism.
The specific effects of early intervention require further study, particularly
the effects of different treatments and the responses of subgroups of children
with autism, such as lower- and higher-functioning children.
Teaching and special education
Special educational programmes for children with autism are individually designed by teachers using a problem-solving approach to address specific needs.
These programmes aim to provide predictable, consistent and highly organised
teaching situations in the classroom. The child’s specific cognitive profile needs
to be considered; for example, the use of visual-based rather than verbal instruction will improve the outcome for a child with good visual-motor skills.
The response to teaching is related to the severity of intellectual and language
impairment; however, most children make some gains when behavioural
methods and special educational approaches are used.
The move to integrate children with autism into as normal a learning situation as possible is generally appropriate. Placement in mainstream or special
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education schools generally depends upon the child’s intellectual level.
Integration is desirable in principle, but some children with autism will have
difficulty without close supervision and support. Without adequate special
resources and teaching, children with autism are at risk of becoming more
isolated and unoccupied, or may become more disruptive and disturbed.
Communication skills pr
It is not possible to put appropriate intervention programmes (either language
or behavioural) in place without careful assessment of the person’s current
level of cognitive and language functioning. Lower-functioning or non-verbal
people with autism also require assessment of possible communicative intent
in their behaviour (e.g. the child who hits himself when he wants an activity
to stop). For those who have speech, it is also important to assess pragmatic
(social) speech abilities. Recently, more attention has been paid to the effects
of communication problems on behaviour in order to replace inappropriate
behaviour with more effective communication, such as a picture system.
Augmentative communication
Augmentative communication helps those who are non-verbal to communicate by using other systems. These systems are called ‘augmentative’ because
they augment or increase the strength of the person’s power to communicate.
Visual systems using simple pictures and line drawings, signing systems and
also photographs are often used to augment communication for children with
autism. People must be carefully assessed to determine which system will suit
them best. The choice of system to help improve communication will depend
upon level of cognitive and language ability.
Systems frequently used are signing, the Compic (computer-generated pictures) system, and also photographs and objects.
Signing was probably the first alternative system used with non-verbal children
with autism. At first, the signing systems used by the deaf were taught, but these
are complex systems that include finger spelling of words and the use abstract
concepts. In the early 1980s, a simpler system called Makaton was devised to
use with children with intellectual disability. This system has varying degrees of
difficulty, but at its easiest level the signs learnt are simple and concrete and
there is no use of difficult finger spelling. Many of the first signs learnt use only
one hand. For example, the sign for ‘drink’ uses one hand in the shape of a cup
that is lifted to the mouth and tilted as if the child were having a drink.
One advantage of signs is that they are very portable and do not require the
child to carry around equipment. Another advantage of establishing a signing
system is that it has been found to encourage speech in children, rather than
what many parents fear – that it will reduce the chance of their child talking.
However, signing is not widely understood in the community and the child
may not always be well understood outside the circle of those who can sign.
Signing does also require that the child can attend to the person teaching the
signs and also imitate an action.
Compic (computer-generated pictures)
This system is used successfully in many teaching programmes. Compics are
very simple and clear line drawings that represent a wide range of objects,
actions, feelings and so on. They can be used initially at a very simple but
practical level with young children, who learn to point at the picture or show
the picture to indicate their needs. When children are familiar with a number
of these pictures, they can be put into a wallet of pictures that the child carries
around and takes out to indicate particular needs. Children gradually build up
a vocabulary of pictures to meet their own special needs. Compic programmes
are widely available in computer software format and as loose-leaf books.
Compic pictures are easily understood by everyone and do not require the
child to learn and remember complex actions, as does signing. Children who
have low cognitive skills can generally use a picture system in a simple way to
communicate more effectively.
Photographs of objects and people in the child’s world can be used effectively
with lower-functioning children who cannot master the use of symbols or line
drawings. Use of photographs usually requires that the child first learns to match
an object with a photograph of that object. The child learns that the photograph
represents the object. The photograph must be simple, clear and uncluttered.
After the child has learnt to match photographs and objects, the more complex
concept of matching photographs and activities or actions can be taught.
Once the child is able to recognise a number of photographs, a photo vocabulary can be built up in the same way as a Compic vocabulary. Photographs
can be used to help the child understand timetables or the steps involved in
completing an activity. For example, the classroom may have photographs of
the day’s activities pinned to the wall. When each activity finishes, the child
may put away that photograph. Similarly, when the child is required to get
dressed, the steps involved may be pinned to the bedroom door in the correct
sequence so that they can be easily followed.
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Objects can be used in a similar way to photographs with children who have
difficulty understanding photographs. Object timetables are useful. Objects that
represent activities can be laid out or stuck on the wall to show the child what
happens next. For example, a crayon may mean work at the table, and the next
object may be a juice box straw that represents that snack time comes after work.
A great advantage of photographs and objects is that children can attend to
them for as long as they need to, and can also return to them to refresh their
memory. This is not possible with a sign, where, once the sign has been
demonstrated, it has gone.
Social skills pr
Social impairment in autism affects most aspects of the person’s functioning.
The approaches used to treat social difficulties vary according to the needs of
each person with autism, particularly the level of cognitive ability, age and the
nature of the social impairment. For example, the young child with autism
who is aloof and withdraws from social contact requires a very different programme to an older, more able adolescent who attempts to join in with others
but shows little empathy or reciprocity. Areas covered may include social
isolation, understanding about friends and strangers, social play skills, interacting with peers, understanding rules and when they may be broken, understanding emotions, and increasing imaginative and social imitative play.
Treatment for young children with autism initially involves the teaching of
social skills according to specific, inflexible rules that can be learnt in specific
situations, such as ‘You only talk to people you know, not strangers’. As
children grow older, social skills training may include the use of:
• Picture scripts. These are drawings that represent social situations and how
to handle them. They are used to rehearse social situations and teach a
range of appropriate responses.
Social stories. These help children to understand social situations and
routines, and to make judgements about a social situation on an individual
basis. Details are gathered about a problem situation (the target), the person’s
abilities, interests and responses, and others involved. These details are
used to form a story. The person is given information about the situation
and how to respond. Stories can be written, or presented as videotapes or
audiotapes for those who cannot read.
Social skills groups. The involvement of competent peers can be helpful to
teach social interaction skills. Role-play activities and the use of videotapes are
helpful in teaching and practising social interaction skills and enable people
with autism to observe their own behaviour and practise correct responses.
The use of medication should occur only as part of a comprehensive management plan that includes approaches to improving communication, behaviour
management, education, social skills training, structuring of daily routine and
parent support.
There is empirical evidence of variable quality regarding the effectiveness
of drugs in the treatment of various behaviours, symptoms and psychopathological disorders associated with autism.
Drugs should be used only after assessment and diagnosis have defined the
symptoms or disorder. To some extent, the use of any treatment is experimental; therefore when using drugs it is necessary to record baseline and
follow-up descriptions of the target symptoms, for example the use of a behaviour checklist in order to demonstrate change. Baseline assessment of abnormal
movements helps distinguish these from any later drug-induced movements.
Regular enquiry regarding possible side-effects is also necessary. Compliance
with treatment is improved when the family or carers and the person with
autism are involved in regular reviews of management.
• Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) (e.g. imipramine) but not when there is a
history of heart disease, due to potential cardiotoxic effects, or epilepsy.
• SSRIs (e.g. fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline). Excitation, disinhibition,
nausea and headache may be troublesome side-effects.
• Neuroleptics (e.g. haloperidol, risperidone, phenothiazines) in low dose, but
only as a last resort, because of potential neurological side-effects (dystonia,
akathisia, dyskinesias), weight gain and, rarely, blood disorders.
• Buspirone. There is some limited evidence for its efficacy.
• SSRIs.
• TCAs for older adolescents.
Obsessive–compulsive symptoms
• SSRIs.
• TCAs, particularly clomipramine and imipramine, but these may unmask
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Frustration, rage, aggr
ession, disr
uptive behaviour and withdrawal
• Neuroleptics (haloperidol is the drug of choice).
• Naltrexone – may reduce self-injurious behaviour and hyperactivity. Monitor
liver function.
• Anticonvulsants (e.g. valproate, carbamazepine) may improve learning.
Monitor liver function.
Cycling mood disor
• Lithium – requires regular monitoring of serum drug level and renal function. Avoid dehydration. Lithium may also reduce self-injurious behaviour
and aggression.
• Anticonvulsants (as above).
Attention deficit hyperactivity disor
der symptoms
• Stimulants (e.g. dexamphetamine). Symptoms need to be unequivocal. Fre-
quent side-effects (mood disturbance, irritability, worsening hyperactivity,
withdrawal and stereotypies, insomnia and tics) limit usefulness.
TCAs (see above).
Some points to rremember
emember about tr
• Detailed assessments and behaviour, language, cognitive and social skills
baselines must be completed before any treatment programme can begin so
that change can be documented.
Intervention must be sensitive to the realities of the development and skills
of each child with autism if it is to be effective. For example, the use of
signing is not indicated if the child is unable to imitate or use gesture.
Given our current state of knowledge, there is not necessarily only one way
to manage a child with autism: there may be a variety of ways of approaching management.
A multi-modal approach to treatment is more likely to promote development, improve behaviour and reduce stress experienced by the child and
When treating behavioural problems it is important to understand and deal
with the underlying causes, antecedents and consequences.