1-4 Parent Conferences – Students dismissed at 12:45pm


1-4 Parent Conferences – Students dismissed at 12:45pm
Aloha Wilcox Parents and Community:
We have some concerns about the safety of some of our students.
There are four different situations that need to be addressed.
1. Some children are being dropped off very early in the morning.
This can be a dangerous situation, it may be dark at that time and
occasionally there are some suspicious characters hanging around
this area of Lihue. Adult supervision is provided from 7am till
7:30am in the cafeteria. Please make arrangements to have your
children come to school after 7am and before 7:45am.
2. Parents should not be dropping off children in the convention hall
parking lot. County rules prohibit it. It is okay to walk to the school
or back with your child, but please do not just pull up in your car to
let them out or pick them up. This area is unsupervised and there are
no JPO’s on duty before or after school.
3. Students should be picked up after school by 2:15 on M,T,Th,F
and by 1:30 on Wednesdays. We do not have provisions for
supervision after those times.
4. Some of our students go across the street after school and wait in
or near the Lihue Public Library. There is no provision for
supervision in that area. Please do not let your children loiter in the
area outside the Lihue library.
Our top priority is the health and safety of our children.
All students for
College, Career and
Citizenship in the 21stCentury
Terry Proctor, Principal
Parent Conferences – Students
dismissed at 12:45pm
Parent Conferences – Students
dismissed at 12:45pm
Kids Savings Deposit Day 7:00am –
7:45am Cafeteria
PTSA Sponsored Movie Night Cafeteria
NO SCHOOL/Veterans’ Day
PTSA Meeting 5:00pm Library
2nd Grade Math Night Cafeteria
5:30pm – 6:30pm
Laulima Assembly 3rd Grade 8:30am
SCC Meeting / Family Fun Night
Cafeteria 5:30pm – 6:30pm
24-25 NO SCHOOL/Thanksgiving Recess
PSAP Parent Event/Holiday Play
11:45am – 1:15pm; 5pm – 6:30pm
PSAP Parent Event/Holiday Play
11:45am – 1:15pm
Kids Savings Deposit Day 7:00am –
7:45am Cafeteria
PTSA Meeting 5:00 Library
Kuleana Assembly 4th Grade 8:30
19-30 NO SCHOOL/Winter Recess
NO SCHOOL/Winter Break
Students Return
NO SCHOOL/Martin Luther King Day
PTSA Meeting 5:00 Library
Report Cards Go Home
Kokua Assembly 2nd Grade 8:30am
Parent / Teacher conferences will be
held October 28—November 7.
During this time, students will be
dismissed daily at 12:45pm. Please
make arrangements for your children
to be picked up early if they are not in
afterschool programs.
Quarter 2 Bus Payment
If you have not made a payment
for the new quarter, which
started on October 1st, please come by the Office
to make a payment.
For Round Trip riders the cost is $72.00.
For One Way riders the cost is $36.00.
Wheelchair Donations
Our school is in need of gently used
wheelchairs, please drop them off to
Mrs. Ramos, our Health Aide. Thanks!
School Lunch Reminders
The cost of a student lunch is $2.25.
Reminders are sent home on Mondays to
accounts that have a low balance. A student
with a negative (-) balance in his/her account
will not be served a meal. Please pack a home
lunch until money is deposited into his/
her account. Students who misplace or
damage their cards will be charged
$10.00 after the third issued card
(lunch or breakfast).
Discipline Level Determination Guidelines
Wilcox School’s Discipline plan is a 5 level plan progressing from less serious (level 1) to very serious (level 5). Levels one and two are addressed in
the classroom by the teacher. If the number and severity of the infractions
are high then the student would be referred to discipline level 3,4,or 5 and a
school administrator will become involved. These higher levels can involve
other services being offered to the child or family. The first two levels were
printed in last month’s newsletter. Below is our level 3 plan, at this level the
school administration becomes involved and support from additional inschool resources may be necessary. If you would like a copy of the entire
document please inquire at the school office.
Level 3 – Classroom level Administration with Additional
Support from In-School Resources (PSAP, Counselors,
Level Determination Guidelines
- Number and severity of the infractions are high,
most of them minor.
- Focus begins to shift from training and adjustments and behavior corrections.
- Most consequences are given by administrator
through referrals.
- A request for assistance (RFA) form may be submitted at this level.
Action and Responsibility Guidelines
- Teachers are responsible for planning and implementing discipline at this level, however consideration may be given to requesting additional in-school support.
- The teacher’s behavior plan is based on behavior corrections and consequences instead of
- If most of the infractions are still minor in nature,
the teacher should start including parents in
supporting the behavior plan.
- A disciplinary referral should be completed.
- Documentation of the teacher’s behavior plan,
student’s discipline history, and courses of
action should be made.
- The SSC will create and maintain formal records
of students for whom RFA’s have been submitted.
- Core meeting may be held to gather data and
put in to place other interventions. Observation by support staff done. (CARE coordinator assigned)
Consequence Guidelines
The following consequences can be given at this
- Oral and/or written warnings
Teacher defined loss of privileges
- In class timeout
Teacher defined classroom service
In school suspension
Out of school suspension
More severe consequences for infractions may
be given by an administrator if justified as
procedure for chronic offenders.
Reminder from the Second Grade Teachers…
The second grade Family Fun Math Night will be
held in the cafeteria Thursday, 17 November, 5:30–
The Second Grade
How time flies! First Quarter is over and we are
still encouraging parents to complete your
membership form to help our PTSA have a
stronger voice for our school and children. PTSA
Membership forms can be requested from your
child's teacher or you may pick one up in the
THURSDAY, 6PM in the School
Cafeteria. Disney's Movie RIO,
Rated G, will be our Featured
Movie. We encourage all to come
and enjoy a FREE family night out.
Light dinner, beverage and movie snacks will be
****We ask that you bring a canned food item
which will be donated to the Kauai Food Bank.****
Note: NO SCHOOL Friday, November 11th....so
come out and enjoy!!!!
Coming Up: Look for ZUMBA Classes to be held in
our School Cafeteria with The Rockstars on
Thursday's from 5:30PM-6:30PM. Come join us on
November 3rd for our first ZUMBA class! Due to
other scheduled school activities, the following
class will be held on December 1st. We'd like to
encourage our Parents and Teachers to keep
healthy and ZUMBA the stress away!
Hope to see you at our next PTSA Sponsored
Third Grade News
Aloha Wilcox Ohana,
The Third Grade is embarking on our study of
Plantation life in Hawai'i. One of our benchmarks is to gather information form primary resources.
So, we would love to have anyone who grew up on
a plantation come in and talk story with us about
what daily life was like on a plantation. The students really get engaged and learn when they are
hearing from people who had the experience. So
please don't be shy, come and talk story with
us! :-)
The Third Grade
4th Graders Participate in
Annual Newell Shearwater
Blessing Event
On Tuesday, October 25, 2011, the fourth graders in Mrs. Miyashiro’s and Ms. Martin’s classes
were part of a special annual event on the island
of Kauai, called ―E Ho’opomaika’i ia e Na Manu
A’o‖~Blessings to the Newell’s Shearwaters.
This was a valuable learning experience for our
students as they got to learn about this endangered species of birds and witness a blessing
offered in Hawaiian as the rescued Shearwaters
were released back into nature. The event took
place at Lydgate Beach Park. After the event
the fourth graders enjoyed lunch and games together at Kamalani Playground. A special thank
you goes out to Ms. Brooke McFarland and the
Kauai Endangered Seabird Recovery Project and
the Kilauea Point Natural History Association
for their support and financial donation which
covered our bus expense.
Our Stop Flu at School event was a
huge success! We had over 450 students and staff participate in the
program this year.
Happy Children Learn…
We will be screening the kindergarten class and your child may be selected to participate in the Primary
School Adjustment Project (PSAP). This early intervention, prevention program provides encouragement and support services to young children in kindergarten through second grade who are having difficulty adjusting to school. PSAP helps children feel more confident and comfortable at school by spending weekly one-on-one time with a PSAP child aide. Children in the primary grades are facing big
changes as they enter the early school years. Increased academic expectations, increased structure,
and working in group situations can make adjusting to school difficult. Some kids begin to feel worried
or overwhelmed, lose confidence or begin to act out with their words or behavior. PSAP can help
smooth over the rough spots by creating a safe, nurturing relationship with a caring adult. It is important that this assistance occur early in a child’s school career, when concerns are still manageable and
relatively minor.
Some of the goals we focus on include: developing friendships by learning to share, cooperate, and being helpful, increasing good social skills, building healthy self concepts, expressing anger appropriately
without hurting others, participating comfortably in group settings, and communicating thoughts and
If you have any questions about the Primary School Adjustment Project, please call the PSAP Room or
school counselor Regina Taylor. The PSAP Telephone number is 241-3771 ext. 182.
Is My Child Sick? Should I Send my Child to School?
Your Child Should be Kept From School if He/She Has:
FEVER - A temperature of 100 degrees or more. Your child should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning
to school.
COLD, SORE THROAT, COUGHING, YELLOW OR GREEN MUCUS - A child with a moist cough and / or a
runny nose with yellow or green mucus should stay home. If your child has a sore throat but no other
symptoms, he/she may go to school. If the sore throat continues for more than 3-4 days - CALL YOUR
STOMACH ACHE, VOMITING, DIARRHEA - A child with vomiting should be kept home until he/she can keep food down and the
vomiting stops. A child with diarrhea should be kept home. Call your doctor if your child’s stomach ache is severe enough to restrict
his/her activity or if other symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea continue for more than 24 hours or get worse.
OTHER HEALTH CONCERNS - Earache/Drainage from the ear-see doctor as soon as possible; Headache - no other symptoms,
can come to school, but longer than 24 hours, call your doctor; Toothache - see your dentist as soon as possible; Rash - May be the
first sign of illness in your child - take your child to the doctor and ask when your child can return to school; Pediculosis/Lice/Ukus keep your child home - we have a no nits policy which means no ukus and no eggs.
Contact our School Health Aide, Kimi Ramos, at 274-3150 x 106 for more information.
Lost and Found
Is your child missing something? Jackets, slippers, bags… and numerous other items are in
our overflowing Lost and Found box outside the office. Please come by and pick up any items
your child may have left at school. Any items left at the end of each quarter and at the end
of the school year will be donated to charity.
Kids Savings Project Open to All Students
Do you want your children to develop the habit of saving and didn’t know how
to begin? Join the K-3 students who are part of the Kids Savings Project
which provides $25.00 to start a savings account with our financial partner,
KCFCU. Sign up is simple. All you need to do is bring the required documents
to the Lihue branch of Kauai Community Federal Credit Union on Hardy Street
and your child will have their very own savings account! If your child has a savings account at
KCFCU, another account will be opened in his/her name.
Your child may also deposit funds monthly at our Kids Savings Deposit Day held on the second
Thursday of each month in the school cafeteria from 7:00 – 7:45 am.
Here is a list of the required documents.
Your child’s
1. original birth certificate
2. Social Security Card
Adults who DO NOT have an account with KCFCU
1. Valid government issued photo ID (Driver’s license, State ID or passport)
2. Original social security card or letter from the Social Security Administration verifying your SSN
3. If your street address is not on your photo ID, bring an utility bill or rental agreement that lists your physical address
Adults who DO have a KCFCU account will only need to bring
A valid government issued photo ID (Driver’s license, State ID or passport)
Don’t wait. Accounts will be opened on a first come, first served basis.
Notes from A+
A+ will be having extended care during the winter break, December 16 - 31, 2011 and
January 2 - 3, 2012. Cost is $325.00 for the thirteen days or $30.00 per day. Minimum of
15 students required.
Also, please call the A+ office at 274-3158 if your child is not going to attend A+ because of school
absence, if they were sent home during the school day or for any other reason.
First Grade Aloha Peace lessons are in full swing. Mahalo again to our Peace volunteers, Aunty Lois, Aunty Linda, Aunty Ingrid,
and Aunty Naomi. Students have learned so far the importance of showing respect, the many languages of peace, and that
friends can look different and still be friends.
The Career/Halloween Parade brought out a lot of interesting costumes. Students in grades K-3 displayed what they want to be
when they grow up. Some want to be superheroes, princesses, athletes, ninjas, and of course the traditional doctor, nurse, fireman and policeman. The students had fun showing us their beautiful ―wares.‖
As we approach the Thanksgiving season take time to reflect on how thankful we are to have our keikis who bring us much joy!
Children are a heritage!
Mrs. R. Taylor, K-2 Counselor
Career Day was a huge success! Thanks to all our Career Day presenters for demonstrating pride in their profession, high standards and community spirit. Your participation, enthusiasm and expertise made a very positive impact on our students.
Thank you to all our teachers and students for providing lei’s, showing aloha, and being great listeners.
Mahalo to our student council and JPO’s for escorting and greeting our guest speakers.
A big MAHALO to our Principal Terry Proctor and our Vice Principal Paul Zina, counselors Regina Taylor and Jonel Elias, our librarian Marlene Morimoto and Aida Riofta, Michael Akama and cafeteria staff, William Silva and custodial staff, our PCNC Janet
Koors, and front office staff Malia, Deb, Karin, Yoko and Jamery.
Kindergarten Presenters:
Walter Batangan & Florencio Tabalno,
Tabalno's Auto Body Shop
Mele Brewer, Kauai Humane Society
Kaleo Carvalho & associate, Kauai Bus
Jasmine Doria, Kapaa Nail & Tanning
Haku Rivera & Kaleo Smith & Randal Takenaka,
Aloha Equipment Rentals
Justin Shinn, AMR Ambulance
Bobby & Kristen Valenti, Bobby V's Pizza
Darin Yoshioka, Kauai Gas Company
First Grade Presenters:
Frank & Gale Bejo, Graphic Artists/
Custom Airbrushers
Milton Ching & Lawrence Fernandes &
Jeff Garcia & Otis Ingram & Glen Tanaka, DLNR
Jeff Mexia, Kauai Community College
Ginny Pia, Kauai Police Department
Lenny Rapozo, Parks & Recreation
Michael Sterioff, Passion Bakery Café
Art Umezu, Kauai Film Commission
Second Grade Presenters:
Paul Applegate & Kenneth Carvalho, Kauai
Police Department
Jennifer Ballard & Donna Owen, Kauai
Medical Clinic Orthopedics
Capt. Daryl Date, Kauai Fire Department
Ken Koors, Raytheon Solipsys
Second Grade Presenters (cont.):
Sher Morioka, Macy's Hair Dresser
Liana Soong, Jailhouse Pub & Grill
Kim Tennberg, Singer/Songwriter
Third Grade Presenters:
Phil Anderson, Solar Engery
David Bown and students, Financial Strategies for Life
Tiffany Dodge, Aloha Dance Studio
Leah Tamara Harry, YWCA
Kay Koenig & Tiffany Naumu, State Farm Insurance
John Olson, Jack Harter Helicopters
Fourth Grade Presenters:
Keith Horton, Dow Agrosciences
Lynn Heusinkveld, Attorney
Jody McCune, Business Owner
David Pacanas & Nicole, JJ’s Broiler
April Raymond, Fitness Instructor
Dawn Ushio, Kauai Humane Society
Fifth Grade Presenters:
Heath Akau & Roger Caires, Land Surveyors
Liz Cervantes, Kauai Marriott
Suzanne Kashiwaeda and Cherish Mexia, Social Workers
Melissa Kemp, Lab Health Care
Christina Martiney, Mc Gruff TID
Lani Nagao, McKenna Recovery Center
Boyd Phillips, Lani and Boyd Upholstery
Matt Takata, Title Guaranty
In November, the third graders will be presenting the Laulima Assembly. Laulima literally means
―many hands‖ which extends in meaning to many people working together in the spirit of
cooperation and collaboration. Laulima makes our tasks easier and more enjoyable. The entire
family, immediate and extended, help to build a hale (house) or plant kalo (taro), or pound the wauke
bark to make tapa for clothing, or hukilau (gather the food from the sea).
On the school poster, the symbol for laulima is the kukui nut because of its many uses (hands)
needed for harmonious living. It was used for light, medicine, polish, dyes and necklaces.
As a school, members of the Wilcox `Ohana (teachers, school staff, parents, grandparents,
students, community volunteers, and many others) are the many hands which work together to
create a friendly and inviting learning environment. To help the environment and community, we all
laulima to recycle, collect phone books and plastics, and make leis for Memorial Day. Many hands
―laulima‖ at the White House to grow the hydroponic lettuce for students and their families.
In the classroom, students are encouraged to laulima (work together in small groups) and are
constantly reminded of GLO#2 – Laulima: Understanding that working together and becoming a
community contributor is important.
Please join us on November 18, at 8:30 A.M., as we celebrate LAULIMA and sing our Laulima song
Laulima Song
Our hands go sha la la la la
Sha la la Laulima
Whoa oh sha la la la la
We can all work together.
If we can work in harmony
Things will seem so much easier.
Whoa oh sha la la la la
Everybody come let’s Laulima
In the morning, noon, and night, kokua all day
At work, at home , at school, and even at play
With many hands together, there’ll be no fuss
So come along, join in, come sing laulima with us.
The street School
Speed Limit is 15mph
while children are in
school. Remind your
family & friends!
Please refrain
from cell phone
use while driving
in our school
zone. Mahalo!
Malama Awards
The Malama Awards were presented to students for being people who are
caring towards people and things that surround them. Congratulations to
these students:
Pre-school: Saigejah Wong
Kindergarten: Kiara Johnson, Talen Macugay, Kimana Cabinatan, Adam
Bueno, Luke Morales, Kaimaila Michael-Reyes, Crislen Padilla, Shelby
Guerrero, Christopher Rey Dela Cruz, Sage Javinar, Leann Vegas, Mailani
Yamamoto, Caleb Paden, Asia Balbin, Charles Lee
First Grade: Emma Burgess, Grant Yoshida, Kate Nakamura, Mason
NacNac, Ambrie Rocha, Kaikoa Carvalho-Kiilau, Angeline Nizo, Erika Hall,
Xhayeanni Camarillo, Jayden Celebrado, Khiani Garcia, Elise Yukimura, Emi
Sakamoto, Jaley Medeiros
Second Grade: Brody Soong, Reyna Arellanes, Clarence Motilla, Nova
Ross, Jaydon Sembrano, Daelynn Keale, Lily Oldham, Braden Peralta,
Shanelle Hamura, Vincent Javinar, Piper Lagundino, Gian-Carlo Panoy, Mia
Matsunaga, Hakalau Bungula-McCarthy
Third Grade: Serena Torres Lopez, Carter Chihara, Taylor Kusaka, Yuna
Ong, Jim Ehia III, Hailey Silva, Tai Panit, Napua Canales, Lilli Morita,
Brayden Robia, Kannon Banquel, Kamalei Tanaka
Fourth Grade: Brent Torres, Jordan Galiza, Thaine Ochoco, Derek
Soong, Jaeden Pantil, Vivian Gayle Padilla, Eryka Napoleon, Giordyn Riopta,
Tavia Rapozo, Keith Sagayaga, Hi’i Chow, Mariefe Dasalla
Fifth Grade: Navaeh Cabebe-Yamamoto, Mayumi Fulgencio, Jonathan
Benitez, Elle Tadaki, Justice Funamura-Sasil, Benzelle Bersamira, Bryanna
Perreira, Yhanessa Anne Sales, Bryden Kaauwai, Kayla Kawamura, Mary
Claire Constantino, Alvin Calma, Brandon Marcos, Sierra Ganotisi
Ho’oponopono Awards
The Ho’oponopono Awards were presented to students for being able to help
solve problems, for those around them and for themselves. Congratulations
to these students:
Pre-school: Maya Lambert
Kindergarten: Ryan Chang, Keoni Villon, Isabella Coffey, Kyrus Domingsel,
Nethaniel Visitacion, Kaleb Gonzalez-Sanchez, Joseph Sims, Kaila Duncan,
Zaden Oliveira, Taylor Visaya, John Sibuma, Jada Doria, Margaret McLeod,
Blaze Arzadon, Chloe Inouye
First Grade: Rona Mae Alicante, Tayden Beadle, Ian Raquel, Naiana Cummings, Austin Renaud, Ashlee Nagahiro, Chloe Kealoha, Driver Panetta, Kelsen
Rapozo, Sianni Sakai, Ian Rapozo, Janessa Haydee Parallag, Jenny Nezbeda,
Rayden Solano`Hawelu
Second Grade: Tyrus Duran, Paige Sakai, Dominic Agrade, Lexi Haruki,
Joshua Pappas, Kaye Tadaki, Maiya Oshima, Jonathan Morales, Eleiah Gouveia
McCarthy, Kyson John Cabinatan, Kahealani Numazawa-Pacanas, Shylah-Ann
Almeida-Kaohi, Hayley Ramos, Michael Gasca
Third Grade: Sarijah Sanchez, Kaimani Villon, Jordyn Chong Tim, Edilyn
Marquez, Robert Edward Abigania, Herenui Punua, Lorin Probasco, Brennen
Omoto, Leonila Fulgencio, Micah Agtunong, Taylor Nishimoto, Ayden Quinn
Fourth Grade: Kiana Xayaseang, Rebekah Corpuz, Dalson Cua, Marissa
Layosa, Kyanna Sales-Asuncion, Joshua Hamura, Keane Tibon, Angel Gungab,
Troyson Alpeche, Tia Fulks, Desiree Cadiente, Joshua Galiza
Fifth Grade: Kehela Ventura, Triton Lombardo, Kalyssa Tanihiro, Matthew
Passi, Dallas Albao, Cheyann Fujii, Hailey Gabina, Nainoa Nishikawa, Eva Wilson, Jai Alapai, Jake Gushikuma, Jessica Herman, Haiden GenegabuasHirakawa, Nicole Omoto