Document 6461304


Document 6461304
delegates will visit Los An'geles
To Attend CYAC tiie
and San Francisco. They will accompany the Newark Archiiiocesan
delegation, who will be attendDenver Convention CYO
ing the National CYO Convention,
The Union County Catholic Young
Adult Council announces that its
chairman, Miss Geoi^ia Gurrieri of
Garwood, will attend the National
Catholic Young Adult (CYAC) Convention Nov. 19 to 23 In Denver,
Miss Gurrieri has been an active
Jnember of OYAC for several years
and is past president of St. Anne's
CYAC, Gaiwood. She is a legal
secretary for Bereneson and Kessler, Westfleld law firm.
' Accompanying her will be Miss
Phyllis Griffiths of Gatarood, a
member of St. Aime's CYAC. Miss
Griffith! also will represent Union
County OYAC as a delegate.
Prior to attending the convention,
Author of Many Science Books
For Teenagers to Speak at Tea
Pi Beta Phi
The Northern New Jersey Alumnae Club at Pi Beta Phi will hold
its November lunjeheon meeting at
also to be held in Denver.
12 noon Monday at Mrs. Joseph
Roth's, 56 Spring Brook Road, Mor- Among the authors speaking at
risrtown, when Dean Edwards of the Book and Aulhor Tea Monday,
Mrs, Azen, Mrs. Brown Rutgers-Newark will speak on the Nov. 24, wH'l be M-angarct 0. Hyde
now Ui6an University program. who hes written- more than 20 bcroks
Lead Duplicate Series
on science for teenagers.
'Mrs. Charles Azen with M r s.
Three of her books have been pubHarding Brown repeated last week's
lished bhis year. "The Bantih In Acwin at the Sha'ckafmaxon Duplicate
tion" describes the upheavals of the
8 et 40 Aides
Ghib again on Wednesday and lead
earth; (he vising of mountains,
•Mrs. John (Rush, departmental earthquakes, volcanoes and the
the fall series to date.
They -were followed by -Mrs. Nor- chapeau of ttie N«w Jersey Eight et wearing dawn of hills and also covman Gtaubinger with Mrs. Joseph Fority, 'has made ibe folkwing ap- ers the latest thorjes concerning
Margolin, MIPS. Jerome RosenWum pointments an this area: Scholarship the formation of the earth. "Off Into
with Mrs. Seymour Pulver, Mrs. J. chairman, Mrs. John Fredericks on, Space" dmvws on the experiences of
Friedland ,wWi Mrs. G«orge Ketzen- finance icommittee metriber, Mrs. -today's asitiraniaults la'ti d * NASA's
berg. There was a tie between Mrs. Viola Dunham, bath of Westfield; plans, what it is like to fly today
B. -E. Natelson with Mrs. Murray also, vice-rfiairman sf organizer5, and what tt wttl be like in the near
Siegel and Mrs. Irving Auster with Mrs. George Mowell of Fanwood. future. "Atoms Today ar*f Tormorrow" has dramafeic up^o^tate maMrs. Morttimer Glasofdr.
terial in use far altfcmic power, for
space exploration, for new advances
in medicine and likely uses in the
' future.
Another of Mns, Kyide's books,
"Mind Drugs" toudws on tha vttatty
important subjodt of tine ways several drugs affect our irttncfe and
change our ways oi tiwMtag; lite
book aoswtrs the questions,. "What
do they do to tihe peifttantfUty of the
person taking .fflwm?" "Do, they
harm the heiafoh' of people using
them?" "WBat is the overfall effect
of the drugs especiaiHy on the teen233-2469
age population? "
Mm. Hyde is the wtnwr of the
Thomas Alva Edison Awanl tor the
best children's science book. A gnaidite'te oF Beaver Callage, she received
her M.A. from Columbifa .University
ami has been. oansuSbaflt at Lincoln
S t t o l T&adher's Oofllege at Cottuinbia anid head of the • seiiertce department of the shipley Softool, Brya
Mawr, Pa-.
Also speaking at the tea vM be
Do-. Eric F. k GnJdnna'n, Roftiirw pffO• DRESSES • SPORTSWEAR
fessor of History alt ftirocetinn, aiiCOATS
Ehoir of "The Tragedy Of Lyndon
Johmtswi." A widsily known lntenireACCESSORIES
ter of modem pubHc affeire, his career has combined pnofesatomal writin!^, public appe'^rao-.ces a:nid aoaclemALSO FROM OUR
jc work. For tfhnee yea:ns he was a
JR. BOUTIQUE writer far Time ma^-aaine, &mi he
conllTtrbutes t» sotKi'jarty Jcumiks and
20$. OFF!
Storewide SALE
to papuClsv m'sisafflinies in-dliudintg Hair-
par's, Heyday, bhe N*-* R«f*tflc,
The Refcciter amid Ssitur'day Review.
The third »pe»her \w"-l be'Dr. JaccJb Trapp, autihor of "The Wortt OC
Jewis," "Martin BiAer," "Tb Mai
low Thiis Life," omd "Modem RflMig^
tons1 Poebry," an aottihotogy of 20th
century verse, including 251 povns
by 90 poets.
A-1'30 to be presented will be "The
Gardeiv Chib Oook Book," compilled
by Che Ga.ttten Ok*> of New
Legion Dance to Honor
Past Officers
A buffet dinner dance honoring
past commanders and past presidents will 'be held Saturday toy Martin Wallberg Post # 3, American
Legion, at the post home.
Speaker will be Daniel J. O'Connor, National Americanism chairman of the American Legion. Music
will be provided by Johnny Jay's
Orchestra. Commander Grover C.
Tranor us chairman.
ADams 3-3213
Business Established by F. B, McDowell —1928
R is illustrated by Mrs. - C. Fred
Sitflcr a* •MatimainskJe, w*K) WM discuss it.
Mrs; AJittiony J. Stark Jr., former
president of blie Woman's Club of
We&tfield. will introduce the authors.
Through Che cooperation of John Liafferfcy of the Town Book Sbore, che
books wiM be on sale and an o-pporU«?ity wVA be g^ven guEsts to have
their books autographed.
The program in the Parish House
of tfre Presbyterian Chu-rdh begina
zil % p.m. ]£ will be followed by tea
served under the direction oi Mrs.
J. F. Zimmerman, ohurcfti hostese.
ajin>uia'l Beak an-d Au-tiluor Tea
sponsored by the loteriatnire aind
depaintment elf the Womman's
Ch* of WestfiaM. Tickets may be
from Mrs. Harrifi'an dory,
Mrs. "Lloyd O'Neal, or oifoer mem
bers of the depar>tmeTjt.
Parenthood League
Adds Directors,
Clinic Doctor
Two raw directors were named to
the board of the Planned Parenthood Tri Gounity League at its meeting Monday night in the home of
th« president, Ainthur Kammemvan,
1 Stanley Oval. T^ey are Mrs. Helen
Egan of PiainrfieW end Dr. Waikins
John oi Cranford.
U was announced that Dr. Elizabdbh Ludwig of Scotch Plains has
mad staff doxftor of the Trl
LMRUe'fl Olinic on Fir sit St.,
S2>e is wt^tl experienced
jjn<! has been
A Week ki ttie
- ^rnological <; 11 n i c ci
Kings Courtty Hospital, New York
tirl llourk at Westifield, treasurer, rapofied thM &man4 for servkrss and use of the League's two
family planning clinics, that in Ellfaftflth and tht ottier at 345 Park St.,
PlainftaM. continue to grow. Recfor <!h*« year ahaw thai bhe patient load is running almost 25 per
•cent above that of 1968. He emphasized thaft new sources of funds
must be found to mee'i these demands.
Mrs. Page P. Stephens of Westfield and Mrs. Albert B. Diss of
Plairtfiekl spoke on the Planned
PftiWhart Work! Population annual
mevtlng and conference in New
York City vrtiich they attended as
Siiterhood to $••
J#wlih Art Ob|#cti
"A Gallery of Jewkh Objete d'Anl.e" wJU be preserJte'd £<3 a special
pro^nam wf t(he ffiflleih-cod of Ternp)& Eantarw-El at iitts me&liwg Wed-
•fttf IfNMMif. $• §9, on o f lew
on •Afro touch of glomewr, \n
nes 'Hi tin* sooiiail ba-Jl.
The pffttSfain, mwfd&rffted by Mrs.
Ohsirtes Krclioff, wall feiaiure a- large
Jevntfi art a:id cei-emofc**isLr.t5 to members
of flto MgngaitidHft fiVvn tJheir own
1h*y will b* bmigfrt to t-iw
by fhe tadlv&ua'l members
who wttl expJaii'n fiht'iir use amid history.
Included among t)h« objects to be
w?e m antique siOvei' and
m»at2r;ih Imay, a-Miqu* brass
a 9abtva>tih
tfteti iMfcsi'a, I-.
lo^ih iamps, imusiwvl s-iivc-r wine
a amaii'l-st^t-ui' of i\ ni'y.t b'^win^ thy
csre'BWfti'a'I rv.:n'^ hc.n S.-oia-r, 'Msa
many pe;. •••.s t- :l ciclv-.n^s with
ffOm «vr bf^Wkint now col-
locfion. Oof tof to thine horo. whoro
spirit of porfaetiort
You wiH turn info mn
enchontress in fhia
delectable frock ©f
10G% chiffon polyesf&r
w i t h matching lining.
Your choice of
sophisticated light grey
or b r own,
Sizes 5-15 - Only $3'5
Revolutionary! A suit woven of 100^poly
esl#r fibers in a completely unique
Amble knit, the suit expands and
with every body movement
. . . holds its shape even in a solid
tarnpour . . . stays wrinkle free.
?Jnn$mdlv lidit on the shouM<>rs. Wear
k round
1 1 5 . 0 0 . Men's Clotl:in;i. 'lcppt't-'s
Amoiug coniipj^H u s to :he umimial
, oxllibJt o'i'a Mi*-i:iu.!:f-s Ii-viiig Nei' bent-. Atai* <rray, &wni
Street Floor, Pluinfiel 1 i\\\A
Sfcort Hills Mail. AM a
' Kafcn, S.jrj.'jrd Rcdss. HaroM Was.sli I',11!, Beiij^.r .i Suurrman and
i+jr fashions only.
• Skirts •Slacks
Chwrchwomen to r+eor
Terfk on Urbcifi Crisis
• Sweerters
Plain fie Id Maternities
A program, "Women's Role in
the Urban Crisis" will be presented
by Mrs. Roijer W. Plantikow and
Mrs. Jay K Rochlin ;>: 8:15 p.m.
Tuesday for the Women's Sociuty of
rhns.'ian of the Fii-! United ilffoLhodist Church, ll will be
held in tho Fellowship Koo.n.
Wohien of the Wasleyau UuiW of
Trinity Church. NVw:irk. will !>*•
Mrs. Doris Williams,
diwhr^.^ati EdnccitLon Viiere, will'
iho rlork
Blue or hro-wn-. Rejruhir^. \ou«* ;in.l .-horts.
Jewfrift Aismes.
on<rtre shop devoted
the CHlenihir. n u n r l
P*ge 3