Google Scholar: the pros and the cons


Google Scholar: the pros and the cons
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Google Scholar: the pros
and the cons
Peter Jacso
University of Hawaii, Manoa, Hawaii, USA
Purpose - To identify the pros and the cons of Google Scholar.
Design/methodology/approach- Chronicles the recent history of the Google Scholar search
engine from its inception in November 2004 and critiques it with regard to its merits and demerits.
Findings - Feels that there are massive content omissions presently but that, with future changes in
its structure, Google Scholar will become an excellent free tool for scholarly information discovery and
Originalitylvalue - Presents a useful analysis for potential users of the Google Scholar site.
Keywords Reference services, Internet, Search engines
Paper type General review
The launch of Google Scholar - not surprisingly - drew much attention and praise,
although not necessarily for the right reasons, both from the popular and the
professional media. Google makes it very easy and free to find scholarly information
about any topic - an important service for those who do not have access to the most
appropriate fee-based indexinglabstracting databases which traditionally have helped
in information discovery. Google Scholar goes beyond information discovery by
leading qualifying users at subscribing libraries to the primary digital documents, and
any users to the millions of open access (free) primary documents offered through
mega-databases of preprint and reprint servers, as well as to the full text digital
collections of several government agencies and research organizations. Google also
deserves credit for introducing - albeit a bit belatedly - advanced options to refine the
search process. On the negative side, the most important problem is that the crawlers
of Google Scholar have not indexed millions of articles, even though they were let into
the digital archives of most of the largest academic publishers and preprint servers and
repositories. The stunning gaps give a false impression of the scholarly coverage of
topics and lead to the omission of highly relevant articles by those who need more than
just a few pertinent research documents. The rather enigmatic presentation of the
results befuddles many users and the lack of any sort options frustrates the sawy
Google deserves credit for making the first step in providing a tool for discovering
Online Information Review
scholarly information, even though access may be limited to very short bibliographic
Vol. 29 No. 2,2005
citations of articles and conference papers in a sizable segment of Google Scholar. Still,
PP. 208214
~ ~ ~ d G r O u p P u b a s h i n g L i m imany
of the records have informative snippets from the full text for any users, and
~ o ~ ~ o . i i w many
o s also offer the abstracts of the articles for anyone. This free service alone is
roughly equivalent to what several of the traditional online indexinglabstracting
databases have been providing for a hefty fee. The big plus is that Google searches the
indexes created from the full text or part of the full text of the primary documents (even
it is shows only a snippet of it), not merely the bibliographic records, abstracts and the
subject terms (if assigned by the author or the publisher to the articles).
The crawlers of Google Scholar were let in the huge databases of the largest and
most well-known scholarly publishers and university presses (such as IEEE, ACM,
Macmillan, Wiley, University of Chicago); their digital hosts/facilitators (such as
Highwire Press, MetaPress, Ingenta); societies and other scholarly organizations and
agencies (such as the American Physical Society, National Institute of
~ a l t hNOAA),
and preprintJreprint servers (such as, Astrophysics Data
System, RePEc, and CiteBase).
Patrons of libraries which have subscription to the digital archives of publishers are
the greatest beneficiaries of Google Scholar, as with a single search they are lead to the
digital full text versions of the articles and their supplements. This is particularly
valuable for those libraries which have no federated search engines, and expect the
patrons to repeat their searches by hopping from one publisher's archive to the other,
finding the query form and resubmitting the same query - which is not the prevailing
attitude. In Google Scholar multiple database search is the default approach, unless the
user specifies the publisher by using its URL. in the site parameter, such as < tsunami > . Once again, any user can see the bibliographic records, the abstract (if
available with the paper), andlor the snippets of the context of the full text matching
the query, and may order the document often at a much lower price than charged by
some of the document delivery services.
The initial launch of Google Scholar in mid-November 2004 did not offer an
advanced search template. In the review of the initial beta version (lacso, 2004), I voiced
my disappointment that Google treats the highly structured records of scholarly
articles the same way as the billions of unstructured web pages, even though the
former have unambiguously and consistently tagged metadata identifying the title, the
author, the journal name, the publication year and many other fields. Laudably, a
month later the advanced template was introduced with good tips for providing
additional search criteria to refine the searches (see Figure 1).Although some of them
(such as the publication year) are not totally reliable, it is a good move by Google. So is
the calculation and display of the "cited by" score, whose credence, however, should be
established by disclosing the sources covered, and by vastly improving their currently
unsystematic, unpredictable and disturbingly fragmentary coverage.
The coverage of Google is impressively broad and includes the most important
scholarly publishers' archives with the notable exception of Elsevier's, the largest
publisher. It is another question that the coverage of many archives is extremely
shallow, which leads me to the cons.
The underlying problem with Google Scholar is that Google is as secretive about its
coverage as the North Korean government about the famine in the country. There is no
information about the publishers whose archive Google is allowed to search, let alone
about the specific journals and the host sites covered by Google Scholar.
Google Scholar:
the pros and
the cons
eFind ar
Advanced Scholar search
111of the wo rds
ie exad pl
laaax ~ I I U
wnnou t the wordS
where my words Ioccur
Figure 1.
Field-specificindexes for
search criteria
Advanced Search TIPS
I &,
[warning pred~ctlonalert WE
Return articles published between
Another "feature" undisclosed by Google, but reported and well-illustrated among
others by Gary Price specifically for Google Scholar (Price, 2004) is the fact that it
limits the indexing of the collected files to the first 100-120K-bytes of the text
(depending on the file type). The size of the majority of scholarly feature articles are
close to or even exceed 1M-byte.If the search term occurs first beyond Google's limit,
the item would not be found. In fairness, AskJeeves has a similar limit, MSN is slightly
more generous with a 150KB limit, and Yahoo! stops indexing at about 0.5MB
(Sullivan, 2004).
My comparative search results in mid-November 2004 and on 1 January 2005
suggest that the content of Google Scholar has not been updated since its launch. This
is not a major problem yet, but over time the staleness will become more prominent.
Google has not disclosed yet how often it will be updated.
In this column I focus on the gaps still found through test searches in the first days
of 2005 in the coverage of the most prominent archives covered by Google Scholar. The
tests were done by limiting the subject search to specific site names which host the
archives, such as < > for the Nature Publishing Group,
< > for Science magazine and < > for
the Astrophysics Data System, which is maintained by Harvard University among
many other mirror sites. The site limiters are not always obvious, but from scanning
search results the diligent user can figure them out. In some other cases a slightly
different version of the domain name may yield somewhat different results, so one
should proceed carefully (Jacso, 2004). My special polysearch engine which I used for
the test is available for anyone at
The test results were deeply disappointing in Google Scholar in light of what the
native search engines of the sites retrieve for the same query. Through Google the
search for "tsunami" in the title field limited to the site of the Nature Publishing Group
Google Scholar:
the pros and
the cons
lslte nature com lnt~tletsunam~
Results 1 - 1 of 1 from for intitle:tsunami (0.04 seconds)
jsiliferous Lana'l deposits formed bv multiple events rather than a single qiant tsunami
Rub~n,CH Fletcher, C Sherman - C~tedbv 6
\W & Keating, BWThe Hulopoe Gravel, Lana'i, Hawaii: New sedimentological data and
,,,,,r bearing on the "Giant Wave" (mega-tsunami) emplacement hypothesis.
Nature. 2000 - - ncbi.nlm.nih.qov
0 homo
ocuments 1t o 8 of 8 matching the q~
earch query1:Tltle: tsuna
a [ New aL
1. Tsunami-wave
Wayne Thatcher
Description: TSUNAMIS (seismic sea waves) are among the most awesomr
Nature 340,674 - 675 (31 Aug 1989) News and Vlews (from the Nature A
December 1996)
2.Tsunami experts left high and dry
David Swinbanks
Description: Tokyo. As a result of a territorial dispute w ~ t hRussia, the lap;
Nature 372,3 (03 Nov 1994)News (from the Nature Arch~ve:January 198
3.Satellite-linked tsunami warning to avoid Pacific disasters
David Lindley, David Swinbanks
Description: Washington 8: Tokyo ALTHOUGH tsunami is a Japanese word,
330,305 (26 Nov 1987) News (from the Nature Archive: January 1
Figure 2.
T h e hit r a t i o between the
native search engine and
Google Scholar is 8:l
(NPG) yields a single record, while the native search engine finds eight items, all of
them relevant.
Searching for the words "tsunami warning" in the full text using the two alternative
tools shows an even bigger discrepancy; 17 items retrieved by the native search engine
and only one by Google Scholar (see Figure 2).
For verification, the 16 additional hits were searched using the "allintitle" option in
Google Scholar without any site limitations to see if the records may be available
through other sources. One was found in ADS, two in the archive of the National
Institute of Health 0.
For one article there was one minimalist record found labeled
as [CITATION].This follow-up known-item search still resulted in an abysmal hit rate
in Google Scholar (see Figure 3).
Documents 1t
7 matchiri g t h e query.
Search query :Full Text : tsunami warning Phrasing : All
Refine m l s auerv I ~ e auery
1 Satellite-linked tsunami warning to avoid Pacific disasters
David Lindley, David Swinbanks
Description: Washington &Tokyo ALTHOUGH tsunami is a Japanese
word, and the phenomenon ,,....,
-e l s e ~'11 pa'
Nature 331
January 19t
3.Japanese earthquake tests disaster warning networks
David Swinbanks
Description: Tokyo, Last week's major earthquake off the northern
tip of Japan exposed
CONTEXT: exposed both the strengths and weaknesses of
Japan's system for preventing disasters In the aftermath of such
events. Tsunami warnings were broad-cast on television with
lmpresslve speed, and some accurate predlctlons were made.
Nature 371, 549 (13 Oct 1994) News (from the Nature Archive:
January 1987 - December 1996)
Figure 3.
The ratio is far worse for
full-text searching
4 . Wave devastated Seattle area
Tom Clarke
SUMMARY: Ancient tsunami provides clues t o future threat, ...
-1 nIl-t.r,o.arcl;mn- t c ~ ~ n a rrnl m
i ua+t;rtdkhm-.
Google Scholar:
the pros and
the cons
Apparently Google did not fully index the current eight-year collection, let alone the
archive of Nature (which includes all the issues between 1987-1996)and the other 64
journals of NPG, all of which are hosted on the site. The native search
engine at the NPG site finds nearly 87,000 records for items published in Nature alone
between January 1987 and December 2004; Google Scholar finds only 13,700 records
from the entire site. Using Google Scholar to search for the exact phrase
"tsunami warning" in the Nature retrieves one hit for a 1993 article from the ADS
database of Harvard and none from Nature's archive (see Figure 4). The native search
engine finds seven matching records.
The ADS record provides a link to the Nature archive, but the otherwise excellent
ADS collection is not a substitute for Nature's 18 years of digital coverage at its home
site. In addition the test searches revealed that Google Scholar also has a puny
coverage of ADS itself. The native search engine of the ADS database finds 32 records
with the exact phrase "tsunami warning" in the abstract, while Google Scholar
retrieves a mere nine records for the same query from the ADS database. It is quite
telling about the shallowness of coverage that Google finds only 268,600 of the more
than 4.1 million indexinglabstracting records in ADS.
A similar pattern is found when searching the ten-year archive of Science magazine
(October 1995-December 2004) by the native search engine (nearly 40,000 records)
versus Google Scholar with the site:sciencemag.orgparameter (11,800records). For the
exact phrase "tsunami warning" Google Scholar retrieved a single record with this site
limiter parameter, while the native search engine found three articles. Although Google
Scholar does not always reproduce the same number of hits even when repeated within
one hour intervals, these hit figures did show up consistently (see Figure 5). This was
not the case when searching the site of the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS),which retrieved 12,900hits in late November, but 300 fewer records
on 1January 2005. I can only speculate that Google dynamically assigns the server to
answer the query and the query-servers may not mirror their content exactly. The
above three periodicals are among the most cited and most respected scholarly journals
in their respective fields. If Google Scholar finds only 10-30 per cent of the records
Results I Iof Ifor "tsunami warning" (0.01 seconds)
T I ~Try removlng quotes from your search to get more results
:. .....................................................................................
bvith subducted sedimenti
H Kanamuri, M Kikuchi - Cited by 23
...American plates. Tsunami warning systems based on long-period waves are
essential for hazard reduction from such quakes. Reference ...
Nature, 1993 -
Figure 4.
A record for a Nature
article retrieved only from
the ADS database
through its native search
engine and Google Scholar
1 WO
%N ~ t ~ T s = H = - d M d t + n ~
r Xa4AGZTPMS21A0268W
WdancS A.hdprtP
Figure 5.
Search results from ADS
S C ~ O ~Results
U 1 - 3 of3 tan adsabs.hamrd.~dufor 'Isut
T n Try remowng quotes from your search to gel more results
Mechanism of tsunaml earthquakes
.! W
Mdmrmto.H , M U H
Car H Kanarnon Cned b J I
lhe delematton $tho 8UecIrm moment al various oenod,
made by a simple
procedure, thts method could be ~ncorporatedIn the tsunami
Phrs Earth Planet Inter 1972 adsabs heward edu
S t e . k o w l r t u m s Dbsrmddths 20
Fmds PaclH M d h n g m Nsar-Real T m f
aTsmtarm Warmng Appbcatmm
05~g F
A n a a ~ l m d ~ o f t ~ ~ n m t h s o p n m m n
O ~ O M
H ~ I WTW ~
GPS ard- ~ o m
which are available through using the sophisticated, still intuitive, native search
engines, users would remain unaware of many potentially important articles.
These days, when scientists, administrators, politicians and financial experts need
to find comprehensive and high quality scholarly information about the state of the art
in tsunami warning systems to implement a feasible solution for the devastated Indian
Ocean region, many will turn to Google Scholar to discover only a fragment of the
scholarly literature. They also miss out on many scholarly papers which are open
access (sometimes after an embargo of 3-12 months), as is the case with the
poorly-covered papers published in the top-cited PNAS. Google has kept the beta label
as a "shield" for some of its services for years The fact that Google Scholar is in beta
version is not a good excuse for the massive content omissions. Google has used the
beta "shield" for some of its services for over two years after their launch. Hopefully,
Google Scholar will come out from its beta in a much shorter time, disclose the sources
covered and fill the gaps to provide an excellent free tool for scholarly information
discovery and retrieval.
J a d , P. (2004), "Peter's digital ready reference shelf - Google Scholar", (web-only document),
available at:
Price, G. (2004), "Google Scholar documentation and large PDF files", (web-only document),
available at:
Sullivan, D. (2004), "Search engine size war erupts", (web-only document), available at: http://