Divestment: The How-To Manual


Divestment: The How-To Manual
Divestment: The How-To Manual
By David Meir-Levi
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 20, 2006
Remember that old adage, “When all else fails, read the manual”? Well, Arab enemies of Israel have
turned that concept into a reality. Thanks to a “Divestment Manual,” recently published on an Arab website,
we can now read a step-by-step instruction booklet educating divestment supporters as to how they can
literally franchise divestment movements across the USA and abroad.
And that is exactly what divestment supporters seem to have done. Acting as a hitherto unrecognized fifth column,
insinuating themselves deeply into our society, divestment activists have initiated a series of divestment movements
that pretend to be grassroots opposition to Israeli “oppression.” In reality, these are a top-down implementation of
Arab anti-Israel strategy.
First in universities, then in main line churches, and now in the Green Party, anti-Israel left-wing activists are taking
their instruction from this manual and launching divestment campaigns “by the book.” The almost cookie-cutter
character of these campaigns is strong evidence that their perpetrators have followed the Arab manual’s instructions
step by step. The same is true of the academic boycotts of Israel in the USA and the UK.
This congruence of procedure in these different divestment programs, due to the use of this Arab divestment
manual, shows us a rather grim and dangerous side to the anti-Israel divestment programs. The divestment leaders’
decision to implement, as ‘franchisees’ so to speak, the Arab organized and sponsored divestment program
indicates that these leaders are quite literally in league with the Arab anti-Israel propaganda offices that created and
published the manual. Therefore these leaders are knowingly working to advance the Arab campaign to weaken,
and ultimately to destroy, Israel. The end game of the Arab anti-Israel efforts, as many Arab leaders have made
clear over the past 70 years, is the destruction of Israel and the genocide of its Jews.
So, divestment leaders working with and for Arab anti-Israel forces are not just a 21st century avatar of Lenin’s
“useful idiots.” They are the Arab world’s willing executioners.
The first rule in warfare is: “know thy enemy.”
Most of us who are aware of the fact that we are at war can identify the enemy: Jihadist Imperialist Supremacist
Terrorist Triumphalist Totalitarian Extremist Moslems, hereafter “Terrorist Islam.” [1]
And most of us know that this war is being waged against us in a number of different arenas at once.
Terrorism is the most obvious. But PR and propaganda, fifth column infiltration and its ensuing influence on our
society, on our children’s education, and in our media, and on our government and law enforcement agencies, are
also very important arenas of this war.
What many of us do not know, is the degree to which that fifth column infiltration has been successful. Our failure
in this first rule of warfare is due in part to the sophistication of that infiltration, its use of western operatives of all
religions, and the degree to which those operatives have insinuated themselves into so many aspects of the woof
and warp of our society.
The clearest example of this infiltration is the divestment strategy.
Late in 2000, divestment movements suddenly cropped up at a number of universities in the USA, Canada and the
UK. There was much ado about striking a blow for peace and justice in the Middle East by having university
endowment and retirement plans divest themselves of stock held in companies that did business in Israel. In this
manner, so the movement proponents preached, pressure could be brought upon Israel to end its oppression of the
That movement began to loose momentum after Harvard's president spoke out against it. Now that Israel has
unilaterally disengaged from the Gaza Strip, the divestment movement on campuses is almost dead.
Then, suddenly the Presbyterian churches became a new and very willing driver for the divestment efforts.
Presbyterian divestment activities attracted the attention of other main line churches and soon there was a major
movement in the USA, Canada and the UK to get churches to instruct their retirement fund managers to divest from
Gradually some church leaders began to speak out against divestment because it was a movement that clearly
reflected values and judgments at odds with church ideology. Churches and broader church organizations began to
distance themselves from the movement, withdraw support, vote against divestment, and speak out against the
movement and its cornerstone concepts. Some Christian groups have even organized support-for-Israel movements.
But even as the Presbyterian movement began to spiral down in gradual deflation, another institution suddenly took
up the cause of divestment from Israel. The Green Rainbow Party, committed to non-violence and legislation for
the protection of the environment, now is the new champion of peace in the Middle East by means of divestment
from Israel. The Wisconsin chapter floated the party’s resolution 190 in a manner that would make the American
Communist Party organizers of the 30’s quite proud. [3] And the leader of the divestment movement in the Green
Party took the liberty of secretly inserting a vitriolic anti-Israel article in the World Economic Forum magazine that
was distributed at the recent World Economic Forum conference at Davos, Switzerland. [4] The article demanded
that world powers divest from Israel and provide it with no economic aid or support. The chairman of the
conference formally apologized to Israel for this unprecedented and unexplained breach of the Forum’s integrity.
The Green Party has still not addressed the effrontery of their representative’s actions.
What seems so strange about this process is that each group becoming the standard bearer for divestment aspires to
missions that are incongruent with the demands of divestment. Moreover, the divestment movement’s
decontextualization of the conflict, such that the glaringly obvious violations of international law and human rights
perpetrated against Israel by its terrorist enemy were ignored and all calumny placed exclusively on Israel, turned
many against it; as they saw that the cornerstone values of their institution were violated by divestment movement’s
inherent support for terrorism.
Why then did each group in turn suddenly become the clarion for divestment, and the staging ground for anti-Israel
activities? The answer to that question comes from a divestment instruction manual, appearing only very recently
on the al-Jazeera website. The manual, written in English, is obviously meant for use by western operatives in the
USA and Canada and the UK. [5]
The rise of these divestment movements in universities, main line churches, and the Green Party, and, perhaps not
coincidentally, the academic boycotts of Israeli universities in the UK which sprang up at about the same time, all
seem to develop just as is outlined in this Arab manual for divestment activism. This congruence implies that
divestment spokespersons in these academic, religious and political venues are quite literally in league with Arab
anti-Israel propaganda offices. It looks like agents provocateurs use the manual to create divestment movements
wherever they can find willing collaborators. Much like starting a franchise, the agents and collaborators use the
step by step instructions to generate interest and enthusiasm in the endeavor, co-opting upper level leadership to
foist the program on the institution from the top down. These collaborators, then, are knowingly working with
Israel’s terrorist enemies, and supporting their goal of destroying Israel.
This manual is detailed. It opens with a long diatribe about the putative injustices that Israel has wrecked upon the
Palestinians. This diatribe serves to give the faux-historical and supposedly moral justifications for divestment, as
well as rhetoric that effectively demonizes Israel and Zionism. The franchisees learn what to say and how to say it.
The next section, on definitions, not only defines critical terminology, it also gives strategic guidance for how to
choose an institution, and how to engage its leaders. This section explains how the justice of the Palestinian cause
can be effectively argued, thus touching the altruistic nerve of people committed to peace, justice and the American
way. It also presents arguments demonstrating how divestment can pragmatically serve the purposes of the
institution, benefiting it financially by its selling off companies that are likely to loose money as the Palestinian
struggle continues, because of their support for Israel.
The section on “Organizational Form and Unified Discourse” bears careful scrutiny.
Proponents of Divestment from Israel aim to make it a mass movement. Mass movements unite
organizations with different trends and persuasion behind a common interest, or a common moral objective.
This movement carries both. The diversity of the movement makes it impossible to centralize or command
with any structure. In fact, proponents of Divestment have agreed that movement’s decentralization will
achieve maximum outcome (so proponents can work with any institution anywhere, just take the manual
and run with it. DML)
The annual conferences (of divestment movement proponents) have given birth to many resources and
organizing manuals. UC Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Duke University and the Palestine
Solidarity Movement (PSM), Rutgers University, Wayne State University, Global Exchange and the
Divestment Resource Center provide an informational model on their websites, similar to the New York
and Los Angeles offices led by ANC activists during the anti-apartheid struggle (in South Africa). We will
list the three most important political points of unity that forge the fabric of this movement, between
student, community member and advocate: (So new franchisees can learn from the successes of past
activists and apply their strategies as needed to each new situation. DML)
1. Divestment….from the State of Israel will continue until the Palestinian people achieve the following
demands….:(Note that the wording of this section means that even if Israel is making concessions toward
peace, the divestment movement will continue to operate. Even if there is an agreement between the
Palestinian leadership and Israel which results in less than these territorial demands, the divestment
movement will continue its anti-Israel activity. DML.
a. the recognition and implementation of the right of return and repatriation for all Palestinian refugees to their
original homes or towns with reparations paid for lost properties and lives; (underlining in the original.
Note that this demand means the destruction of the State of Israel and its replacement demographically
with the state of Palestine. DML)
b. the full decolonization of all land occupied after 1967 of Jewish-Only settlement colonies, which are illegal
under international law; (Israel must dismantle all settlements and return to the 1949 armistice borders.
c. the end of the Israeli military occupation of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem and all
Arab lands; (What does “all Arab lands” mean? Once they have done ‘a’ and ‘b’, what Arab lands are
there for Israel to withdraw from? Is this a coded message that pre-67 Israel is also considered
‘occupied’? DML)
d. an end to the Israeli system of Apartheid and discrimination against the indigenous Palestinian population,
within the green line, in the 1967 territories, and in exile. (They certainly cover all their geographic bases.
West Bank, Gaza Strip, pre-67 Israel and all Palestinians living anywhere in the world. DML)
2. It is not the place of the Divestment movement to dictate the strategies or tactics adopted by the Palestinian
and Arab peoples in their struggle for liberation. (So terrorism is OK a far as this manual is concerned.
3. Just as the Movement condemns the racism and discrimination inherent in Zionism underlying the policies
and laws of the State of Israel, the Movement rejects any form of hatred or discrimination against any
group based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. The Movement’s strength is in the
great diversity of its membership. The Movement welcomes individuals of all ethnic and religious
backgrounds to join in solidarity with the struggle for justice in Palestine. (Very important! No
discrimination. No hatred. No racism. Just the commitment to support the Palestinians, even as they preach
and teach hatred, and practice terrorism against Israeli civilians -- per #2. This type of disclaimer
effectively quells the discomfort of those potential collaborators who truly wish to strive for humanitarian
goals but fail to see the contradiction between #2 and #3. DML).
The manual continues with guidelines for establishing discourse with potential collaborators, for using legal
arguments to demonstrate the evil of Zionism and its effrontery to anyone committed to peace and justice, and for
tailoring the message to the target potential collaborator.
It then goes on to discuss the strategies for evaluating potential collaborators. Arab and Moslem contacts should be
the easiest. “Progressive white” broader audiences can be approached in a variety of ways. Immigrants, African
Americans and Latinos provide a fertile ground if approached correctly. Then there is a long discourse on how to
work with the Jewish communities. Involving Jews in the movement is very important because “…..Jewish
involvement in this campaign disarms the Zionist forces in labeling the targeting of Israel as anti Semitic.” (p. 13)
The last section deals with methodology. First identify your institution and its funds. Then research the institution
to clarify that it has the kinds of assets that are to be targeted. Then “Build the movement” by seeking coalitions
with “peace and justice” communities related to the institution. Hold events, seminars, private and public functions,
and through these identify the supporters. Once there is a critical mass (c. 500 to 1,000 in a 20,000 person
institution) it is time to take action. Go public with the intentions of divestment. Stage public events to demonstrate
the evils of Zionism and the suffering of the Palestinians.
The conclusion is very edifying. The “divest from Israel” movement officially began as an organized movement in
November of 2000. The manual is actually a summary of the methods that generated these unexpectedly successful
first five years. But the need is still great. The authors “…expect a long struggle ahead…and anticipate a 20-year
run. The first five years have been surprisingly successful and prolific in outcome and education. What is
important, however, is maintaining a trend of tangible successes that would eventually accumulate into a total
So it does not matter what happens in the conflict itself. No mention is made of any need to comply with
international directives (the Road Map, inter alia), or with international law (prohibiting the targeting of civilians).
It is irrelevant for the manual’s author that by the end of 2005 Sharon had already announced the Israeli unilateral
withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and had formally committed to the creation of a Palestinian state. No mention is
made of what to do if/when Israel and the PA reach a peace agreement on terms other than those defined as
acceptable in the manual. Efforts to advance the divestment agenda must continue apace, perhaps for the next 20
This instruction manual is intended for use by western activists who accept the premise that Israel must be replaced
by “Palestine,” and that a terror war is an acceptable way to do that. These activists moved first, sometime after
November of 2000, onto university campuses and followed the instructions, co-opting the participation of students,
faculty and governance. They were indeed successful as agents provocateurs. But when the campus movement
began to flag, they simply moved on to the next promising institution: the Presbyterian churches. After initial
successes there began to turn sour, they moved on to the Green Party. With or without success there, they will
continue to move on to other receptive groups, much as parasites move from one host body to another.
It is important to understand that divestment is not the goal. “Success” is not in manipulating an institution to
actually divest. The goal is to use divestment movements as vehicles for continued diatribe against Israel. Their
thinking is long-term. They have Josef Goebbels as their model. Repeat the same lie often enough and people will
eventually believe it. Thus, later, maybe 20 years later, American society will be psychologically prepared for,
accept, even welcome, the destruction of Israel.
A most chilling but candid confession of this strategy was expounded for western audiences on a University of
Michigan student-run radio show where one divestment conference organizer, Amer Zahr (a U. Mich. Arab.
“student activist”) explained:
“What we want is not actual economic divestment from Israel. Everyone knows that the US will never pull
investments out of Israel like that. Instead, we are looking to shift the dialogue to whether or not to divest
from Israel, without extraneous discussion of the basics. We hope that in 10, 20 years the public will just
take for granted the premises that Israel is an apartheid state, and then we can move from there.” [6]
This revealing statement is indicative of the divestment movement’s long term goals which have nothing to do with
peace or justice, and nothing to do with the factual, nature of the state of Israel and its society. The divestment
campaign is meant to alter American society’s perception of Israel over a long period of time so that later, 20 years
from now, the anti-israel forces can lobby against Israel in an atmosphere in which it is ….”taken for granted that
Israel is an apartheid state.”
In other words, it does not matter whether or not Israel is an apartheid state (…the facts being “extraneous
discussion of basics”). What matters is for divestment operatives to lay the groundwork for getting the big lie
accepted without discussion of those pesky basics.
By maintaining a high level of propaganda pressure in any receptive venue, western society is constantly inundated
with an endless barrage of anti-Israel diatribe cloaked in the faux mantles of human rights, justice, peace, or support
for the Palestinian victims of Israeli aggression. The goal is for the western world eventually to acquiesce to the
anti-Israel ideological cornerstone: the demonization of Israel such that Israel is defined as a rogue state, the
world’s worst violator of human rights, a state that does not have the right to exist. Thus will the terrorists’ ultimate
destruction of Israel be not just justified, but actually welcomed.
They do not want peace. They want Israel destroyed
But a major question remains unanswered. Who or what is the author of this movement?
It seems clear that the origins of this infiltration are in the Arab world. And as a successful part of TI’s war against
the West, the organizers of the western agents provocateurs are part of TI’s PR and propaganda professionals.
While it may still be impossible to definitively prove a link between these divestment agents and any one specific
Arab institution, there is some very compelling evidence to indicate that at least one of the originators of the
divestment movement is the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, based in Jerusalem and headed by
Na’im Ateek. [7] Sabeel was founded by Anglican Canon Naim Ateek in 1989. It espouses Marxist leaning
liberation theology in the service to the Palestinian cause.
Sabeel describes itself as "an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians",
which "hopes to connect the true meaning of Christian faith with the daily lives of all those who suffer under
occupation, violence, discrimination, and human rights violations". However, according to Brigitte Gabriel, Naim
Ateek and other Sabeel acolytes devote themselves to promoting hatred of Jews and Israel. [8]
The Sabeel Center and Naim Ateek, are believed by NGO Monitor to be among the major sources of the divestment
campaign. Sabeel's record clearly demonstrates its central goal of delegitimizing and dismantling the State of Israel.
Sabeel is active in promoting an extreme anti-Israel agenda in Protestant churches in both North America and
Europe . Sabeel's efforts have promoted the campaign to isolate and delegitimize Israel through the divestment
movement, which was originally adopted by the World Council of Churches, the Anglican Church in Britain, the
Presbyterian Church, and others. Many of these Church statements are actually paraphrases or even verbatim quotes
from Sabeel's publications. Therefore, it may well be that the divestment campaign, the latest form of political
warfare against Israel, can be attributed to the efforts of Na’im Ateek and his staff at Sabeel. [9]
So, while there is no definitive proof that the Sabeel Center began the divestment movement, it is clear that the
Center supports and promotes divestment as part of its international campaign to demonize and disenfranchise
This being the case, those American, Canadian, and British collaborators, students, faculty, Church leaders, and
political leaders, who are co-opted and manipulated by TI’s agents provocateurs, are the 21st century’s reincarnation of Lenin’s “useful idiots.” Ignorant, or ignoring, they have become Terrorist Islam’s “willing
executioners.” What they do not seem to grasp, is that in their work against Israel, they are working against their
own countries, their own religions, their own civilization as well.
1.) We also understand that it is important to distinguish between TI and its terrorist Moslem practitioners on one
hand, and other forms of Islam as practiced by most Moslems throughout the world who have no desire to destroy
Israel, no designs on world conquest, and no intention of cooperating with their co-religionist TI terrorists. This
essay deals only with TI and its agents.
2.) Cf. David Meir-Levi, Divestment Fraud, Front Page Magazine, 7/13/05, and Ibid, Mainline Christian AntiSemitism, 3/15/05
3) Cf. Roz Rothstein, “Hate Goes Green,” Front Page Magazine, Jan. 9, 2006
4) Plocker, Sever, Anti-Zionism at Davos Conference: World Economic Forum booklet features malicious, hateful
anti-Israel article YNET news, 1/26/06
5) “Divestment from Israel in Its Fifth Year: A History and Method for US and European Activists” (al-Jazeerah,
6.) Roth, Rachel, CAMERA: On Campus, Vol. 13, #1: spring 2003, “Directing Campus Discussion: A Case
Study,” pp. 2ff.
7.) NGO Monitor, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Institute for Contemporary Affairs, founded jointly with the
Wechsler Family Foundation, www.ngo-monitor.org , July 10, 2005, “Sabeel - An Ecumenical Facade To Promote
8.) Gabriel, Brigitte, Roderick, Keith, Gordan, Jerry, Belman, Ted, “Canada’s unholy Alliance,” Front Page
Magazine, November 7, 2005
9.) NGO Monitor.
David Meir-Levi lectures in English, Hebrew, and Spanish and is a contributor to Frontpagemag.com.
Divestment: The How-To Manual
By: David Meir-Levi
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2/20/2006 2:09:26 PM
Thank you for bringing
this article to light
Dear Mr. Meir-Levi,
Thank you for bringing
this obscure article to
light. It should be
reprinted in many main
stream media outlets
but it's pretty safe to
assume it will be
ignored. During the
last five years, I've
read bits and pieces of
what Eyad Kishawi
wrote but never in one
complete document. It
is nothing less than a
"how to" instruction
manual for sedition.
Worse -- a "how to"
manual of how to
destroy our country
and Western
I've often used Lenin's
term of "Useful Idiots"
in describing those
among us who
unknowingly assist in
the destruction of our
country others wish for
us. I've thought a better
term was needed to
better describe those of
today who are literally
inundated with the
truth but ignore it
nonetheless. "Willing
Executioners" is a
harsh term but I can't
think of anything less
harsh to properly
describe them. Thank
you for "coining" this
new term.
The name Eyad
Kishawi was familiar
to me but I couldn't
remember why or how.
I did some checking
and refreshed my
memory. Mr. Kishawi
is active in "fighting
discrimination against
Muslims" in many
organizations. Actual
instances are so hard to
find he has many times
made up "what if"
discrimination to rail
against. Following "the
best defense is a good
offense" provides him
excellent "cover" for
his activities and the
goal of the destruction
of Israel as well as a
world-wide caliphate
also known as "WorldWide Jihad". That he is
able to do as he wishes
in our country is
partially due to the
personal freedom we
all enjoy but, in my
opinion, is mostly due
to the acceptance and
support of those
among us who
unknowingtly seek
self-destruction for all
of us. It's been said
many times we are too
strong to be defeated
from without but we
can be defeated from
within. This was
always true and will
remain so. Our
enemies know we can
only destroy ourselves
and their real activities
are to guide those who
will carry this out on
their behalf. Our
enemies know this and
this "how to"
instruction manual is
testament to the fact.
Even reading absolute
proof such as this that
they are all but pawns
to those they should
oppose would make no
difference. Lenin could
have added "once an
idiot, always an idiot".
In case you're not
familiar with Eyad
Kishawi, here is a brief
"bio" on him taken
from a list of the
speakers at a recent
anti-Israeli conference
held in California.
Eyad Kishawi - Eyad
Kishawi is an activist
with the Free Palestine
Alliance and works
with the AmericanArab AntiDiscrimination
Committee in San
Francisco to create the
Divestment Resource
Center, a central
provider of services to
divestment activists
Also, the owner of the
Web site
www.aljazeera.info is
Hassan A. El-Najjar.
Professor of sociology
at Dalton State
University in Dalton,
Georgia. Just like Mr.
Kishawi, his name
often shows up to "cry
wolf" at the slightest
opportunity where
discrimination to
Muslims or the Islamic
religion can be made
up to appear real even
for the moment. He
runs the "Aljazeera
Information Center" at
the university and is an
important figure in the
"Fifth Column" within
our country guiding
those Lenin described
as Useful Idiots and
you call Willing
Executioners. A brief
"bio" on Mr. El-Najjar
Hassan Ali El-Najjar is
an Arab American who
was born in Gaza,
Palestine, in 1950. He
received his Ph.D. in
Sociology in 1993 and
his Master's degree in
Anthropology, in
1988, from the
University of Georgia.
He is an Associate
Professor at Dalton
State College where he
has been working since
1991. He teaches three
introductory courses to
Sociology, and
Marriage and Family.
In another time, many
of his documented
activities and speeches
could only be called
sedition. But, with so
many willing
followers, it is not only
not called sedition but
defended and actually
promoted. Will enough
people wake up before
it is too late? Articles
such as yours helps
and would help much
more if read by those
who now blindly
follow those who wish
to kill them and kill all
of us. Thanks to you,
we now have one place
to point doubters to
read the point by point
details of the suicidal
cause they
unknowingly serve. It
should give us some
hope that the millions
among us who
willingly aid and
support our enemies
will wake up before it
is too late. Thank you
Best regards,
Gary Yantis
Posted by Patriot on Sunday, 13 July 2003 (10:29:03) CDT
Contributed by Patriot
Taking a look at the new Al Jazeerah English 'Mirror' website at
www.aljazeerah.info (keep in mind that the 'official' English site is
supposed to be at http://english.aljazeera.net but has never appeared)
several things stand out that bother me. AJ is obviously biased against the
West and in many intelligence circles has been labled as a mouthpiece for
many terrorist groups at best and at worst a method of communication
between these same groups. Read on to see what our investigation turned
Ok, first we do a 'whois' lookup to see who owns the domain name, a
couple of things stand out:
Domain ID:D1411816-LRMS
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Created On:24-Jan-2002 19:57:31 UTC
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Sponsoring Registrar:R141-LRMS
Registrant ID:C1695329-LRMS
Registrant Name:Hassan A. Elnajjar
Registrant Organization:Hassan A. Elnajjar
Please take a
second and
vote for this
Registrant Street1:Social Sciences Division
Registrant Street2:r.
Registrant City:Dalton
Registrant State/Province:GA
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Admin ID:C1695326-LRMS
Admin Name:Hassan Elnajjar
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Admin Organization:Aljazeerah Information Center
Admin Street1:Social Sciences Division
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1. Registrant Name:Hassan A. Elnajjar
Registrant Organization:Hassan A. Elnajjar
Registrant Street1:Social Sciences Division
Registrant Street2:r.
Registrant City:Dalton
Registrant State/Province:GA
Dalton, GA eh? In the Social Sciences Division of who? Reading a little
further down we see his email address is [email protected]
which is Dalton State University, http://www.daltonstate.edu.
2. Billing Name:Technical Support
Billing Organization:Affinity Internet, Inc.
Billing Street1:3rd Floor
Billing Street2:101 Continental Boulevard
Billing City:El Segundo
Billing State/Province:CA
Billing Postal Code:90245
Billing Country:US
Billing Phone:+310.5243000
Billing Email:[email protected]
Hosted by Affinity Internet, which in this case is Value Web. How about a
(first several hops removed for security)
What is interesting is that after a few traceroutes I was no longer able to
access their content, the server was accessible as I was getting a 403
(access not permitted) so it wasn't a firewall rule blocking me. I wonder if
someone hacked the site or if it was just technical issues?
So who is Hassan Elnajjar?
Hassan Ali El-Najjar is an Arab American who was born in Gaza,
Palestine, in 1950. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology in 1993 and his
Master's degree in Cultural Anthropology, in 1988, from the University of
Georgia. He is an Associate Professor at Dalton State College where he
has been working since 1991. He teaches three introductory courses to
Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, and Marriage and Family.
Even though he is teaching Sociology and Anthropology it looks as if Dr.
Elnajjar has some radical views.
Was (or is?) the Webmaster for the Lebanese Student Association at the
University of Michigan.
Letter written by him on his views about U.S. politics towards the Middle
East: http://www.aljazeerah.info/Hassan%20ElNajjar/american_foreign_policy_in_the_m.htm
An article written by him while at the University of Georgia, Athen in
1993: http://www.cicred.ined.fr/rdr/rdr_a/revues/revue67-68/11-6768_a.html do a search for 'Hassan' and it will scroll to the article.
You can Google 'Hassan Elnajjar' and find that he tends to bounce from
school to school and his views are definately, let's say, Pro Arab.
Contact Info:
Dr. Elnajjar:
Office: LIA 246
Phone: (706) 272-2674
Fax: (706) 272-2698
E-mail: [email protected]
President Dr. James Burran
Dalton State College
[email protected]
Some may ask 'so what?', 'freedom of speech applies'. While I agree that
freedom of speech applies and that Dr. Elnajjar has the right to speak his
mind I have to wonder if his background and connections with various
groups don't put him beyond freedom of speech and involve him directly
with certain Terror groups. Only our Intelligence Agencies would know
for sure.
Why is it that our Universities are breeding grounds for subversive types
of dialogue and activities today? I realize they are staunch proponents for
freedom of speech but one has to wonder if they don't take things too far
by providing a platform for those that may not be true educators but rather
for those that would take advantage of their positions to further their
'causes' instead of their 'teachings'. What better mouthpiece could
Hizbollah, Islamic Jihad or the PLO have than a 'respected' University
Proffesor in the U.S. to mold public opinion via the young minds that
have entered our Universities and Colleges? Keep in mind that the
'proffessors' and 'mullahs' are often one in the same in the Middle East.
Are our Universities peforming sufficient 'due diligence' in vetting the
Proffesors to make sure they are educating and not just being a
mouthpiece to further causes for groups that mean to do harm to
Should Dalton State and Dr. Elnajjar be harrassed? No, not just yet. But I
would like to see what they have to say about much of the content on
aljazeerah.info as there is an abundance of not just anti-American content
but subversive content as well.
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U.S. (Score: 1)
by neverquit on Sunday, 13 July 2003 (23:40:45) CDT
(User Info | Send a Message)
Freedom of speech is fine by me. However, I'm not sure I
followed the trace correctly. Is this domain a part of Dalton
State, if the domain is registered in their name? I wonder
what the good people of the State of Georgia would think
about their tax dollars being unwittingly used to forward a
foreign news site pf the nature of AJ?
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