Document 6498393


Document 6498393
Dear Sir/ Madam,
INDO- GERMAN MANAGER TRAINING PROGRAMMEFocus Sector: Mining and Mineral Resources Industry
Selection Interview: 16 June 2014: New Delhi
Training in India: August 2014: New Delhi (To be Confirmed)
Training in Germany: 7 September- 3 October 2014
Last Date: 16 May 2014
A Fit for Partnership
India and Germany recognize the significant role of the small and medium enterprises in furthering the
trade, investment and technology links and agree to facilitate the linkages between the two countries.
Many countries with exhaustive raw material reserves face the challenge to develop their raw material
sector in a sustainable way.
The German mineral resources sector with its globally renowned
reputation is capable and ready to contribute to this development.
Under the motto “Fit for Partnership”, this programme prepares executives to initiate business and
economic partnerships with German firms and institutions from the mineral resources sector.
The programme type "Economic cooperation with focus on Mining and Mineral Resources" offers best
business practices from Germany for the following topics:
Experience in planning and running mines efficiently, safely and environmentally friendly - from
geologic exploration to reclamation;
Employment of save and efficient extraction and conveyor technologies;
Resource preserving exploitation by means of efficient processing technologies;
Occupational safety and health protection in mining;
Experience in mastering long term impacts of mining:
Land rehabilitation of mining areas and concepts for future use
The programme is carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy in
cooperation with German suppliers of products, systems and services of the mineral resources sector.
Based on the success and overwhelming feedback from the completed batches and the plethora of
growth opportunities it bought for participant organizations , the programme was expanded to include a
separate group with focus on MINING AND MINERAL RESOURCES INDUSTRY in Year 2012. Two
Batches have already undergone this programme and have benefited immensely.
Scope of the Training Programme
This advanced training course for senior persons from Mining and Mineral Resources Industry will
focus on practical training and how to do business with Germany, which will include
Training in India
Relevant discussions to facilitate German leg of training programme
Focus on Macro and Micro Economic Factors, Foreign Trade, Cross- Cultural Communications,
Defining personal objectives for the training in Germany
HR Management
Total Quality Management
Economic relations
Experience sharing with previous batch participants
Training in Germany
Intercultural and method - specific aspects of German and Indian corporate culture
Training units will emphasize on different facets to consider when initiating business and
economic partnerships with German firms and institutions from Mineral Resources Sector
Insight into the management of selected German firms
Sharing of experience in planning and running mines efficiently, safely and environmentally
friendly - from geologic exploration to reclamation;
Employment of save and efficient extraction and conveyor technologies;
Resource preserving exploitation by means of efficient processing technologies;
Occupational safety and health protection in mining;
Experience in mastering long term impacts of mining:
Land rehabilitation of mining areas and concepts for future use
First hand information in future individual business meetings
Company Sector
Mining and Mineral Resources
- Mining Companies
- Coal and ore mining companies. Ore mining comprises noble and base
metals and rare earth metals
- Sand and Stone mining companies
Middle or Senior Managers
Language Skills
Good Command of English
Training Objective
Completeness, Comprehensibility, Feasibility
35- 50 (Preferably)
Restriction: Representatives of mineral oil and gas exploiting companies are excluded from participation in
this programme.
Those who have already undergone this or similar Programme of GIZ, Germany are not eligible. However
company can nominate other person for the training.
Objectives of Programme
To enhance the administrative, social, intercultural and professional competencies of Indian
To improve the competitiveness of the enterprises participating in the project
To enhance the foreign economic potential of Indian enterprises by establishing contacts with
German enterprises
To raise the attractiveness of the selected enterprises to foreign investors
In - House Training
Visits to select German firms and institutions from Mining and Mineral Resources Industry
Participation in Seminars, Meetings, etc.
Networking Sessions
Selection Procedure
Eligible participants are requested to submit the duly filled Application Form (attached herewith).
The following documents need to be submitted along with these.
A recent color passport size photograph
Letter of recommendation from the director of the enterprise
Copy of his / her international passport
On the basis of above, the participants will be called for the interview and company presentations with
the members of the MP Selection Committee. The interview will focus on candidate’s training objectives.
Tentative Schedule
of Contact details mentioned
at the end
16- June- 2014
Selection Interviews
New Delhi
August 2014
Initial Mandatory Training in India
New Delhi
Training and Business Tour
(To be Confirmed)
7 September- 3 October 2014
Application Fee
A cheque / demand draft of 6000 INR in favor of, Confederation of Indian Industry, payable at
Chandigarh, along with the duly filled Application Form.
Administrative Charges
Selected candidates will be required to pay INR 18,000 by cheque / demand draft in favor of,
Confederation of Indian Industry, payable at Chandigarh. This fee includes the services provided by CII
Coordination for the mandatory training programme in India
Coordination with Germany for the 4-week training programme
Visa Assistance
Mandatory Training in India
Cost of the training programme in India will be borne by CII but Candidates need to arrange for their
accommodation and conveyance during Indian leg of training. CII will provide assistance in arranging
for affordable accommodation in Delhi.
Travel Expenses
The travel expenses will have to be borne by the candidates himself / herself or the Company
nominating him. It will include (flight tickets to and fro +visa). CII will provide visa assistance as
mentioned above. (Visa fee may get waived off by German Government)
EURO 15 per day of stay and EURO 7.5 per day of arrival and departure**. This scholarship / stipend is
designed to cover the expenditure on food, cultural activities and travel, to cover expenses for dinner
during working days and for the expenses on weekends.
The method of scholarship stipend payment is determined by the hosting and training center. (As a rule,
participants of one-month traineeship programmes are paid cash in lump sum).
**The amount may very as per GIZ regulations
Stay in Germany will be fully financed by the German side from the budget of the Federal Ministry of
Economics and Technology. This includes –
Program of further training (Seminars)
Breakfast is mostly included in the accommodation rates (covered by German side); Lunch
sometimes it will be provided by the hosting training centre. You will be provided details before
every training.
Consultation on professional issues and everyday necessities
Payment for accommodation and partial payment for meals during seminars and
accommodation during the traineeship
Local Travel
Participants will be reimbursed limited amount of expenses connected with travel in Germany within the
framework of the programme and with prior approval of Training Centre for the seminar and traineeship
at the enterprise. (Trips for negotiation with the companies; attend/ visit seminar, exhibitions, etc)
Following Expenses will be borne by German Side:
Health insurance coverage
We kindly invite you to take the advantage of this opportunity by nominating concerned Executive from
your organisation through the enclosed Registration Form.
I look forward to receiving your nomination(s).
Yours sincerely
R Narayanan
CII- AVANTHA Centre for Competitiveness for SMEs
Confederation of Indian Industry,
Sector 31-A, Chandigarh 160 030
Tel: 0172-2607228, 2605868
Fax: 0172-2606259, 2614974
Logon to:
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to
create and sustain an environment conducive to the
development of India, partnering industry, Government,
and civil society, through advisory and consultative
CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and
industry-managed organization, playing a proactive role
in India's development process. Founded in 1895, India's
premier business association has over 7200 members,
from the private as well as public sectors, including
SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over
100,000 enterprises from around 242 national and
regional sectoral industry bodies.
CII charts change by working closely with Government
on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and
enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business
opportunities for industry through a range of specialized
services and strategic global linkages. It also provides a
platform for consensus-building and networking on key
Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists
industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship
programmes. Partnerships with civil society organizations
carry forward corporate initiatives for integrated and
inclusive development across diverse domains including
affirmative action, healthcare, education, livelihood,
diversity management, skill development, empowerment
of women, and water, to name a few.
The CII theme of ‘Accelerating Growth, Creating
Employment’ for 2014-15 aims to strengthen a growth
process that meets the aspirations of today’s India.
During the year, CII will specially focus on economic
growth, education, skill development, manufacturing,
investments, ease of doing business, export
competitiveness, legal and regulatory architecture, labour
law reforms and entrepreneurship as growth enablers.
With 64 offices, including 9 Centres of Excellence, in
India, and 7 overseas offices in Australia, China, Egypt,
France, Singapore, UK, and USA, as well as institutional
partnerships with 312 counterpart organizations in 106
countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian
industry and the international business community.
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Vishal Sharma/ Mr. Amit Sanghvi
Mobile: 9815948446 / 9818688719
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Established in 2004, today Chandigarh based CIIAVANTHA Centre for Competitiveness for SMEs is a
single point of reference for meeting the needs of small
and medium enterprises for enhancing SME
competitiveness. With a pan India approach, the Centre
plays role of a guide and mentor for SMEs by its ‘Cluster
Approach’, which enables SMEs to learn through sharing
of knowledge with other Cluster companies. Best
Practices and a detailed road map for enhancing
productivity and efficiency of Cluster companies is
charted and implemented by the seasoned counselors of
the Centre. The Centre works exclusively to enhance the
competitiveness of MSMEs, through interventions in
areas such as Manufacturing Excellence, Energy
Cost Management, Total Employee
Involvement, Corrosion Management etc. Our Pro-active
International Engagements ensure that we are in tune
with the cutting edge of global Competitiveness in order
to transmit the same to the Indian SMEs. More than 220.
Training programmes have been held in the last 3 years,
benefitting more than 3500 delegates.
Services Offered : Service delivery is through a coordinated and participative approach. The Centre works
closely with industry via training, counseling, sharing best
practices, study missions through class room learning
and shop floor approach. The major services offered by
Centre are:
Manufacturing Excellence
Human Resource Management
Energy Audits and Management
Corrosion Management