How to Read Financial Statements and Understand What They Mean


How to Read Financial Statements and Understand What They Mean
How to Read Financial Statements and
Understand What They Mean
■ 9 APRIL 2014, WED
■ 9.00AM – 5.00PM
■ 15 OCT 2014, WED
Finding difficulty in reading and understanding financial
statements? Do not fret as this programme has been
designed to provide a simple and effective way to read and
understand them, particularly the reasons why many
companies show a healthy profit and yet experience cash
flow problems and working capital shortages.
Get to
understand what a “going concern” problem means.
At the end of the course, participants will be able
to:Learn how to identify and read the principal
financial statements
Build a good foundation in understanding the
purpose of financial statements and what they
Understand how to read the financial statements
and make sense from the information shown
Learn how the interaction between the principal
financial statements show the performance of the
company, including why some companies
experience a “going concern” problem.
What are the Principal Financial Statements?
o The Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive
Income (or Profit and Loss Account or Income
o The Statement of Financial Position (or Balance
o Statement of Changes in Equity
o Cash Flow Statements
o Illustration of the financial statements
Profit & Loss Account (Profit or Loss and
Other Comprehensive Income)
o Why such a complex name for this previously
called Profit and Loss Account or Income
o What is Gross Profit – the “top line” profit,
and how does it come about;
o Revenue and turnover
o Cost of sales – how is this derived;
o Opening and Closing Inventories – what
are they and their impact on the top line;
o The Gross Profit and the Gross Margin
o The Net Profit – the bottom line profit
o Operating expenses – what are they made
up of
A description of the various standard expenses
in the profit or loss
What is depreciation and amortisation?
Interest on borrowed money – why is this
Income taxes – is this an expense of running
the business, or an allocation of profit?
The Net Profit –does this mean this is what we
have actually earned from the business? Not
necessarily – understand why this is so;
What about Net Loss? What does this mean;
Learn why many companies show Net Loss,
but are still in business for several years
without any adverse effect on their operations!
Retained earnings
o Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
o Is this part of the Profit or Loss;
o What does it represent and why the need for it;
The Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial
What are “assets”, “liabilities” and “equity”
Current and Non-current – what are they and
what is their significance
Assets can be Non-current Assets (or Fixed
Assets) or Current Assets
o What are they made up of? An illustration of
the various components
o What is the impact on the business if we
dispose of, or sell non-current assets or
current assets;
Liabilities – what the business owes, can be NonCurrent (or Long Term) Liabilities or Current
o Types of current liabilities
o Types of Non-current liabilities
o Contingent Liabilities
o Share Capital and Retained Earnings
The Statement of Changes in Equity
Purpose of this statement and what it looks like
Share capital, retained earnings, revaluations of
Property Plant & Machinery, etc
Putting it All Together
o Full illustration of Profit & Loss Account, OCI, Statement
of Changes in Equity and Balance Sheet, showing the
interaction between them.
o What is a “Going Concern” problem in relation to a
company and why does it arise?
MAICSA Training Division
Bangunan MAICSA, No. 57 The Boulevard, Mid Valley City
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
Company Directors and CEOs, General Managers, Finance
Directors, Financial Controllers and Treasurers, Chief Risk
Officers and Enterprise Risk Managers, Corporate Executives,
Professional Accountants.
(Aust); B.Com(Acc)NZ.
J Selvarajah is the Partner of a medium sized practice in
Malaysia which is a member of an international network of
professional practices comprising of 400 partners and staff.
He is also the Chairman of Risk Management and Quality
Assurance Committee of the international network, and is
responsible for the review of compliance with ISQC
standards by the independent firms in the network. J
Selvarajah graduated in New Zealand with a B.Com.(Acc)
and he is a member of the Malaysian Institute of
Accountants, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
England & Wales, the New Zealand Institute of Chartered
Accountants and an Associate member of the Chartered Tax
Institute of Malaysia.
He has 42 years of work experience in public practice
particularly in the areas of financial reporting for public and
private entities, corporate governance and risk assessment,
audits, and fraud prevention. He has assisted several
Malaysian and international companies and other
organisations operating in Malaysia and Singapore on
requirements under Malaysian and International corporate
and financial reporting frameworks. He is also internal
auditor for several public listed companies on Bursa
He has also performed several investigative audits on
accounting malpractices, embezzlement and money
laundering. J Selvarajah delivers regular public seminars
and training on International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS), Financial Instruments, Corporate Taxation and as
well as on Fraud and Fraud Detection and Prevention. He is
also a registered trainer with Pembangunan Sumber
Manusia Bhd (HRDF).
Training Facilities for Rent, please email to [email protected]
for details
***Early Bird
(register &
pay 2 weeks
before the
Group Discount
(for 3 or more
registration from
the same
Non Member
(inclusive of 2 tea breaks, lunch and seminar materials)
* Member’s staff who are sponsored** will enjoy member’s rate and not entitled to
group fee and the early bird fee.
** Sponsoring member is required to indicate his/her name, designation and
membership number in this registration form and the staff must report directly to
him/her in his/her company
*** Normal rate will be applicable if we do not receive payment 2 weeks
before the event.
All registrations MUST be accompanied with full payment. Admittance will not be
permitted unless payment or a letter of guarantee is received.
Completed registration form together with payment must reach MAICSA not
later than five (5) working days prior to the date of the event to facilitate
administrative arrangements. Certificate of Attendance will be released upon full
attendance, receipt of full payment and after completion of the event.
Upon registering, participant(s) are considered successfully registered for the
event. Any cancellation must be in writing. The registration fee will not be
refunded nor allocated to another programme if the participant(s) decides to
cancel the registration less five (5) working days prior to the event date or fails
to attend on the day of the programme, however the seminar notes will be given.
A substitute participant is welcomed. Any difference in fee charges will be
imposed when a non-member is substituted for a participant who is a MAICSA
Cancelled unpaid registrations are also liable for full payment of the
registration fee and the seminar notes will be given upon receipt of
Please fax/email/post this form and submit payment to:MAICSA
Bangunan MAICSA
No. 57, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City,
Lingkaran Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur
Attention: Training Division
Tel No: +(603) 2282 9276
Email: [email protected]
: +(603) 2283 4492
For details of other training events, please visit the MAICSA website at
MAICSA reserves the rights to make amendments to the programme without prior
notice to the participants and to cancel or postpone the session if the minimum
number of participants is not met. This registration form serves as our official
invoice. However if your organisation requires an official invoice, please contact the
MAICSA Training Division. Upon signing the registration form, you are deemed to
have read and accepted the terms and conditions.
MAICSA Training Division
Bangunan MAICSA, No. 57 The Boulevard, Mid Valley City
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
REGISTRATION FORM – How to Read Financial Statement and Understand What They Mean
Please register me for the event (tick √ where applicable):
9 April 2014,Wed (FI09041401)
15 Oct 2014, Wed (FI15101401)
Full Name as per IC (Dato’/Datin/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms)*: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Designation*: __________________________________ MAICSA No.:______________________ Email* : ____________________________________________________________
Address*: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person*:_________________________________________________________ Email*:____________________________________________________________________
Tel*: ___________________________________________________________________ Fax*: ____________________________________________________________________
Sponsoring member (If applicable)
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*compulsory field to complete
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Mailing address:
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03-2282 9276
Fax No. :
03-2283 4492
E-mail address:
[email protected]
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7. MAICSA shall retain your personal data from the date of collection for as long as it is necessary for the fulfillment of the Purposes or for compliance with the law or
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8. Unless otherwise specified by us at the time the personal data is collected, it is obligatory that you supply us the personal data requested for by us. Failure to supply
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9. You undertake and warrant to MAICSA that your personal data is accurate, complete, not misleading and up-to-date. The onus is on you to update MAICSA if your
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10. MAICSA reserves the right to update and amend this Personal Data Notice from time to time. MAICSA will notify you of any changes via announcement on
MAICSA’s website or through other reasonable means of providing notice as MAICSA may deem appropriate. Any changes to this Personal Data Notice will be effective
immediately upon notice to you.
We would like to send you information on future training events organised by MAICSA via email or fax. If you do not agree to being contacted in this way, please tick “X”
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- not applicable to MAICSA members, students and affiliates
Declaration Statement
I hereby consent to the processing of my
personal data for the purposes described in the
Notice above.
Issued by: MAICSA Training Division
Contact Person
MAICSA Training Division
Name:Bangunan MAICSA, No. 57 The Boulevard, Mid Valley City
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
The Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (“MAICSA” atau “kami”) dikehendaki untuk mematuhi Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010
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1. Notis Data Peribadi ini bertujuan untuk memaklumkan anda bagaimana data peribadi anda diproses oleh MAICSA.
2. Data Peribadi anda yang diproses oleh kami mungkin termasuk nama, jawatan, nama syarikat, maklumat perhubungan, alamat emel dan apa-apa data
peribadi lain yang diperlukan untuk tujuan yang dinyatakan dalam perenggan 3 di bawah.
3. MAICSA bakal menggunakan data peribadi anda untuk tujuan berikut (secara keseluruhan merujuk kepada “Tujuan”):
(a) untuk memproses borang pendaftaran anda untuk program latihan (termasuk persidangan) yang dianjurkan oleh MAICSA dan anjuran kerjasama
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4. Data peribadi anda dikumpul dari pelbagai sumber maklumat, termasuk maklumat yang telah anda berikan kepada kami, maklumat daripada pihak-pihak
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5. Anda mungkin boleh mengakses dan meminta untuk pembetulan data peribadi anda. Sila hubungi kami melalui maklumat perhubungan yang dinyatakan
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Perjawatan orang yang boleh dihubungi
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No. Telefon:
No. Faks:
Alamat Emel
Pengurus, Divisyen Latihan
Bangunan MAICSA, No. 57, The Boulevard, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
03-2282 9276
03-2283 4492
[email protected]
Selaras dengan Akta:
a) MAICSA mungkin mengenakan bayaran sehingga RM10 (untuk data peribadi) dan RM30 (untuk data peribadi yang sulit) untuk memproses permintaan anda
untuk mengakses data peribadi anda; dan
b) MAICSA boleh menolak permintaan anda untuk mengakses atau membuat pembetulan kepada data peribadi anda.
6. Data Peribadi anda mungkin didedahkan:
i) kepada pembekal luar (dari segi alamat emel) bagi tujuan penghantaran emel (eblast) kepada anda bagi pihak MAICSA- digunapakai untuk ahli
MAICSA, pelajar dan affiliate sahaja;
ii) kepada entiti-entiti yang lain yang menganjurkan program latihan bersama MAICSA, dari segi nama peserta untuk pengeluaran sijil kehadiran seperti
yang dinyatakan di perenggan 3(a); dan
iii) dimana pendedahan maklumat itu perlu atau diberi kuasa oleh undang-undang atau atas perintah Mahkamah.
7. MAICSA akan menyimpan data peribadi anda dari tarikh data dikumpul selama ia perlu bagi mematuhi Tujuan diatas atau mengikut keperluan undangundang atau obligasi undang-undang MAICSA. MAICSA akan menghentikan pemprosesan Data Peribadi anda, apabila anda mengemukakan
permintaan secara bertulis kepada MAICSA melalui maklumat perhubungan di perenggan 5 di atas untuk menarik balik kebenaran anda.
8. Sekiranya tidak dinyatakan sebaliknya oleh kami pada masa pengumpulan data peribadi, adalah wajib bahawa anda membekalkan data
peribadi anda yang diminta oleh pihak kami. Kegagalan untuk membekalkan kami dengan data peribadi anda, boleh menyebabkan Tujuan di atas tidak
dapat dilaksanakan.
9. Anda akur dan memberi akuan kepada MAICSA bahawasanya data peribadi anda adalah tepat, lengkap, tidak mengelirukan dan terkini. Adalah menjadi
tanggungjawab anda untuk mengemaskini MAICSA dengan maklumat peribadi terkini jika ada apa-apa perubahan.
10. MAICSA mempunyai hak untuk mengemaskini dan mengubah Notis Data Peribadi dari masa ke semasa. MAICSA akan memberitahu sebarang
perubahan melalui laman sesawang MAICSA atau melalui sebarang langkah yang munasabah yang ditentukan MAICSA. Sebarang perubahan pada
Notis Data Peribadi akan berkuatkuasa selepas notis dikeluarkan kepada anda.
Kami ingin menghantar maklumat tentang program latihan anjuran MAICSA pada masa akan datang melalui emel atau faks. Sekiranya anda tidak bersetuju untuk
dihubungi dengan cara ini, sila tandakan “X” pada kotak ini
- tidak digunapakai untuk ahli MAICSA, pelajar dan affiliate
Saya membenarkan pemprosesan data perbadi
saya bagi tujuan yang dinyatakan dalam Notis
Orang yang dihubungi
Dikeluarkan oleh: Divisyen Latihan MAICSA
Payment Details (Please Tick)
I/We enclose Cheque / Bank Draft No.________________________ for amount of RM________________ (non-refundable) and made payable to ‘MAICSA’.
[Please indicate participant and company’s name and event code on the reverse side of the cheque].
RM _______________
(non-refundable) to my credit card/debit card:
Master (tick √ where appropriate)
Card No: ______________________________________ Expiry Date : ___________________Bank : _________________________________________
Name on the card:__________________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________________________
(Signature must correspond with the specimen signature on card)
MAICSA Training Division
Direct bank-in: Please bank-in to RHB Bank Berhad, Mid Valley
Bangunan MAICSA, No. 57 The Boulevard, Mid Valley City
Account number: 2-64094-0000-4232
Account name: MAICSA.
Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
Please email the bank-in slip/EFT payment advice to [email protected] or fax to 03-2283 4492.