Document 6507189


Document 6507189
rfy^Mdhomf goes modern
«BfattlBf tbanoat
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laaiunant * # 1ft«ft-
^'.v/'laif apnea within • specified
the two-story bouse Alls
tt» ML WfaOo two*taries ooco
Itad a reputation that certain
moderns would label "square"
the newer versions are anything
lbs* old-fashJooed
diwctly from the front hall or
via the laundry entry from the
raar Ion ace. Featined In the
kitchen are the corner pantry
aa Island counter that
the kitchen and extendi around to the laundry
room, and a planning desk
away from the mid-kitchen activity but still within the area.
Ilia windows at the rear are in
the breakfast alcove.
The kitchen is 18** long, but
conceived so thai its size is a
plus instead of a burden to the
bowewife. It can be readied
Full study plan information on this architectdesigned house is included in a 50-cent baby blueprint.
W i t h it in hand you can obtain a contractor's estimate.
You can order also, for $ 1 , a booklet called Y O U R
H O M E — H o w to Build Buy or Sell It. Included in it
are small reproductions of 16 of the most popular
house plan features.
Enclosed is 50c for baby olueprint on design G-95 r~]
Enclosed is $1 for YOUR HOME booklet
"J; ;- v v : %\ ; % ^ :
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rage! Over-all dimensions, including the garage, art 71* I"
by JT 4 \
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Go-ftb students
BOSTON (AP) - Among the
part-time jobs found by .Harvard Student Agencies for HarUpatairs are the four regular vard and Radcliffe students are
bedrooms, with plenty of clos- jobs as go-go dancers for the
ets and two bathrooms. The Radcliffe girls.
master bedroom is especially
One of the ••CliftW said
The family room, just off the impressive, being more than they're good at it, "because we
entrance hall, has a corner fire- 20* long and with its own pri- have personality and spirit and
place and triple-windows look- vate bath and "his" and "hers" integrity. We're vivacious and,
ing out on the terrace. The room closets.
you know, exciting."
also is accessible from the
For the family that needs a
What's more, it's more fun to
kitchen, the terrace and the ga- two-story house hut doesn't like j wiggle than work your way
rage. Obviously, it's a room the old-time layout of this type ; through college.
that will see a lot of use.
of structure, this is a refreshOutdoor dining, partying or ing departure.
About 98 per cent of all checks
lounging are all possihle on the
collected and cleared by the
spacious terrace, not alone beDesign G-95 has a living room, Federal Reserve System are
cause of it size but because it dining room, kitchen, family coded in magnetic ink. which
can be entered from the fam- room, study, laundry and lava- allows high-speed automatic
ily room or from the kitchen- tory on the first floor, with a handling
laundry area.
totid of 1600 square feet. There
An extra on thU floor is a are four bedrooms and t w o
front room which would make baths upstair* totaling 1300
an ideal den or study. Also, be- square feet Both floors have
cause it is to the side of the! ample closet space. There is a I
front entry hall and can be en- i rear terrace and a two-car ga-
Architects are designing twostory homes to fit every taste,
iao that the number of floors no
longer affects the styling. Here
is a two-story that is modern in
every respect, with enough
space downstairs and upstairs
to accommodate a large family.
On the first floor are five rooms,
a laundry, a lavatory, an en*
trance hall, four dosets and a
two-ear garage. There are four
bedrooms, two baths and nine
closets on the second floor. The
dimen •*- of the basic house
are 5
* by 3T 4", with 2V
of fro: ,e added for the garage.
A glance at the artists rendering of the erterior tells its
own story of the difference between the old - fashioned two. ntory house and one that has
been given a creative character,
such as architect Caleb Hombostel has supplied to Design
G-K. Note the sleek roof layout, the distinctive styling of the
bay window, the inviting front
porch and the overall appearance of modernity.
To the left of the entrance
hall Is the living room. In conjunction with the adjacent dining room, it forms an L which
combines to 23* S" across the
Iront and 30' along the side.
Sliding partitions are indicated
to set off the two rooms when
dinner is being served, but the •
flow of available space is excellent when they are used together. The bay window, so interesting from the outride, is
equally dramatic from the in^tjde:
tared without going across any
other room, it would make an
excellent borne office for a professional man or for the housewife who might want to run a
small business of ber own. Then
again, it could be a fifth bedroom.
MODERN TWO-STORY - Hardly fitting iata the oM-fashianed
concept af a two-story bouse, this four-bedroom borne has
aa iavttinf leak far
avoiding a tec-upright
with Its sleek lines
. Note urasual bay window.
How to make a clean
sweep with
Electric Heat
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FLOOR PLANS — Living - dining room comwttfc sliding partitions U divide the
desired, provides large lor-
xnal aectioa: family room bandies Informal
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Living Space: 3 6 7 8 square feet in 8 rooms
Living Space: 2310 square feet in 12 rooms
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