Document 6509164


Document 6509164
SUNDAY, November 10th
MONDAY, November 11th
Connection Groups
Prayer and Share Time
Anyone desiring prayer—
Please call Winston Laurence @ 601-4995
Sunday evening Bible study/4:00pm in the
Chapel. Communion will be served.
Ladies Workroom
TUESDAY, November 12th
WEDNESDAY, November 13th
The Ladies of WOW: Room 103/10am
Host: Jenny Shannon
Sunday Bible classes for children
Nursery/babies under 2 yrs old
Room 303/2nd grade
Room 310 /2 yrs old
Room 306/3rd grade
Room 313 /3 yrs old
Room 204/4th grade
Room 315/Pre-K and kindergarten
Room 202/5th and 6th grade
Room 302/1st grade
Ladies Bible Class/10am/Chapel
Bible classes/7pm
—Men’s Bible Study—
THURSDAY, November 14th
How to earn GO BUCKS for PIT!!!
Bring your Bible—1 GO BUCK
Get, Set, Mark—1 GO BUCK
Memory verse—5 GO BUCKS
Bring a friend—1 GO BUCK
Giving Project—1 GO BUCK
Weekly Mission Prayer Project—1 GO BUCK
Encouragement Project—2 GO BUCKS
SATURDAY, November 16th
Celebrate Recovery—Dinner/6pm-Group/7pm
If you have any questions please contact
Steve Hopkins @ 831-3598.
Please pray for peace during the
sounding of the noon siren
The memory verse for November:
OU vs OSU Bedlam Food and Winter Clothing Drive
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.”
Psalm 136:1
Beginning November 10th through December 5th!
All food items will go to the Westview Boys’ Home. All coats and winter wear will go to Cross and Crown.
All items will count as 1 point except for coats and they will count 5 points!
Beef Jerkey
Toilet Paper*/Paper towels*
Fruit Snacks
Coats (all sizes and types)
Canned Fruit
Winter hats, gloves and scarves
New or gently used
Sympathy to the family of Rick Reed (brother of Doug Reed). Services for Rick were
last week.
Sympathy to the family of Emmett Carr (father of Amanda Benefield). Emmett passed
away on November 3rd in Ackerman, MS.
Robert Hall has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Robert would really enjoy a
card or a call: 2406 Foliage Dr, Ada, OK 74820, phone # (580) 559-9544.
Jim Walker (husband of Judy Walker) is home now and slowly recovering from lung
surgery. He is still on oxygen and in quite a bit of pain. The family wanted to express their
thanks for all of the prayers lifted up on their behalf. They have brought them much
Martha Ellis (sister of Evelyn Clements) is in a nursing home recovering from a rare skin
disease. If you would like to send Martha a card, her address is: 511 Bent Creek,
Woodward, OK 73801.
Cassandra Breedlove (acquaintance of Margaret Laurence/T.J. Hawk) has been
diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. She was mediflighted to the hospital and given
Chelsea Hartkopp found a lump in her breast. She will undergo tests on November 15th.
Gerald Summers (father of Janet Gilliam) took a bad fall. He suffered facial contusions
and a cracked vertebra in his neck.
Ann Campbell (former member and friend of Evelyn Clements) suffered a heart attack.
She received three stents and is at home recovering. If you would like to send a card, her
address is: 401 N. Waco F3, Russelville, AR, 72801.
Geraldine Haftman has been moved to Grace Living Center (2400 SW 55th, OKC, 73119,
Room 306B).
Jerald Prince (brother of Maple Hurd) has been released from the hospital and is
recovering at home. Please continue to lift Jerald up in prayer.
Pat Cook had surgery to remove a tumor in her lung. Follow-up treatment will begin soon.
Jonathan McFarland (grandson of Chuck and Myrna McFarland) has been diagnosed with
a rare and aggressive form of cancer. He is currently undergoing chemo.
Deanie Davis (friend of Sharon Holcomb) is ICU at Baptist Hospital. She needs prayers
and encouragement.
Glynn Massey has been transferred to Manor Care (5600 S. Walker, OKC, Room 312).
Please keep Glynn’s wife Jan in your prayers as well during this difficult time.
Monty (acquaintance of Michele Armstrong) is in ICU at Mercy Hospital with a brain bleed.
Jerry Summers (brother of Janet Gilliam) is being treated for cancer.
*Keep all items in original packaging, please!!!
The God of the Towel
Knowing the Tender Heart of God
Room 106/Scott Bulmer
Better Together
How Parents Can Partner with Youth
Ministry to Spiritually Grow Our Teens
Room 109/Allen Carr
Christian Case Study
Help Me, I’m In a Pickle!
Room 103/104 ~ Tim Hunt
Financial Peace University
Room 110
Chris and Maria Lambert
November 17th
The Encourager Training Class
Room 104
Mark Morris
Animate Faith
The Well (FLC ) (young adults)
Allen Carr
My Gospel: Sharing the Good News
Room 106
The Harrell’s and The Weaver’s
Genesis: Abraham and the
Story of Faith
C. Clifton/S. Smith/K. Hughes
Upcoming events:
November 10—Bedlam food/coat drive
November 16—Ladies Day
November 24—Mission Sunday
November 27—No Bible classes
December —Westview Boys’ Home truck
December 5— Ladies Christmas Exchange
December 15—Oakcrest blood drive
November dates to remember:
November 6 through December 18—Parents of Teens class
TODAY—Small groups
November 14—Lunch with Moore High School
November 17—Small groups service project
November 21—Lunch with Westmoore High School
November 24—Small groups
January 17-19—Winterfest ~ cost is $100 (if paid before
December 1st; cost is $110 if paid after that date). Please
sign up online.
(A limited number of scholarships are available for Winterfest)
Crystal Place
Meadowlake Estates, 959 SW 107th, OKC, 73170
400 SW 79th, OKC, 73139
Ruby McFarland, Room 211A
Glenda Estep
Rheka Russell (mother of Sherryl Edmonds)
Grace Living Center, 940 SW 84th, OKC, 73139
Gaye Cox, Room 402A (mother of Bob Cox)
Jo Thompson, Room 101 (mother of Caren Ligon)
SW Mansions, 9900 S Western, OKC, 73139
Martha Brickman #95 237-7895
Grace Living Center
201 48th Ave SW, Norman, 73072
Ruby Glover #73 237-7873
Lola Crawford, Room 307 (mother of Dennis Crawford)
Josephine “Jo” Mauldin #35 (mother of Mary Johnston)
Grace Living Center
Tealridge Retirement Community
Parky Espolt #53 237-7853
Wynefred Patterson #16 237-7816
November 13th
Are you a college age student or college age adult looking
for a class or group to hang-out with? Then you
need to become FUSED!
Join us for class every Sunday morning in the Fused
Classroom (Room 102) at 9:00am.
2400 SW 55th, OKC, 73119
2100 NE 140th, Edmond, OK 73013
Geraldine Haftman, Room 306B
Joe and Charlotte Dodson, Apt. 305B, 478-0931
Village on the Park Retirement Center
1515 Kingsridge Dr, OKC, 73170
Legend at Rivendell
Velma Jackson, Room 207 (mother of Debbie Magill)
13200 S. May, OKC, 73170
Windsor Hills Nursing Home 2416 N Ann Arbor, OKC, 73127
Vera Dick, Apt. 113 (mother of Glen Dick)
Mary Lacy, Room 315
Coming soon!!!
at Oakcrest. This will be a memorable
family journey for December 2013 in
coordination with adult, children and
teen Bible classes. Stay tuned for
more information!
In honor of Annalisa Hodges
Room 103/104
This is a diaper and gift card shower!
Annalisa and Scott are expecting a
girl - Hallie Sue!!!
We want to thank the church for all the
prayers, cards and expressions of love during
this difficult time. I’m not sure we could
make it through without our Oakcrest family.
The Merritt’s
Ladies Fellowship
Saturday, November 16th
Sign up to bring Salads &/or
Desserts at the info booth.
November 17th
My Gospel: Sharing the Good News
Facilitators will be:
Gary and Jamie Harrell
Jim and Ashley Weaver
Thanks to our church family for all the
love and support you have shown us
before and after my surgery. The food
has been a wonderful thing as I was not
supposed to cook. Thank you all for the
cards, calls and most of all for the
prayers. We love each of you.
Betty and Harvey Porter
Thank you so much for the cards and all of
your kind expressions of sympathy following
Larry’s health decline and death. Special
thanks to Neal and Shirley! Love,
Ramona Hannah
Ken, Patty, Amy and Kendra Hubble
The winners of the Trunk or Treat
decorating contest are:
1st place: The Laurence’s and the Hill’s
2nd place: WOW
Don Porter (requested by Grandson Devlin Ballew)
Dave Williams (friend of Teri Shover)
Sandy Kelly (daughter of Jimmy and Linda Jones)
Merle Singleton (friend of Pam Tumblson)
Desmond Ford (friend of Bud Primeaux)
James Carmen (husband of Holly Carmen)
Chandler Davidson (son of Tim Davidson)
Kathy Cowert (friend of Pam Tumblson)
Myrtle Davidson (mother of Marvin Davidson)
Francis Weger (sister of Nora Price)
Sharon Richardson
Vaudie Irving (mother of Lea Morse & Penny Dowling)
Jennifer Richey (daughter of Barbara LaBeth)
Terry Lawson (co-worker of Carol Tarkington)
Dortha Cheshier (Michele Armstrong)
Kimberly Williams (Michele Armstrong)
Geraldine Haftman
Leo and Wilma Hise
Marta Phillips
Jim & Mary Marshall
Chuck McFarland
Don Mooney
Glynn and Jan Massey
Ron and Nancy Falcon
Nancy Bryan
Penny Dowling
Susan Cavin (niece of Othel Cavin)
Ann Campbell (former member)
Melanie Bailey (Michele Armstrong)
The fourteen ladies that work with the
Ladies Sewing Room Ministry presented
22 quilts to Westview Boy’s Home. Thank
you ladies for your time and commitment
to serving the community. You are such a
blessing to so many!
ONLINE GIVING is an option through the Oakcrest Website!
It is easy to sign-up and easy to use. You can contribute to missions and you
can set up your contribution to be automatically debited from your account.
Oakcrest Website:
Bulletin/WIFI Password: oakcrest13
This is the day
the Lord has made;
let us rejoice
and be glad in it!
Psalm 118:24
Jerry Summers (Janet Gilliam’s brother)
Dorthey Kimbrell
Dana Harris (step-dad of Kathy Walden)
Beverly Thomas
Sam Kuhlman (brother of Sue Sixkiller)
L.C. Bingham
Jennifer Kiely (mother of guest, Richard Kiely)
Lucy Austin (mother of Kent Chancellor)
Jimmy McCleskey (friend of Debbie Roberson)
Laura Collinsworth (sister of Vicki Nelson)
Bob Bennett (b-i-l of Janet Jaworski)
Donna Prough
Martha Sadler (friend of Nancy Davenport)
Mike Stephens (son-in-law of Marvin & Phyllis Davidson)
Jerry Clark (nephew of Betty Nelson)
Robin Gagel (friend of Lafreda Stowe)
Growing a family of believers by
joyously seeking God,
“Firm Foundation”
sharing Christ, and serving one
Welcome and Prayer
Office Phone: 631-5534
Office Fax: 631-5270
Church website:
Church Email: [email protected]
Baptisms ................................................. 18
Placed Membership ................................. 90
Bible Class…………………………..…….
We still have lots of baskets
that need to be filled for Cross
Danny Benefield ....................... 324-0563
Scott Bulmer ............................. 392-3652
Carroll Clifton…………………….691-8885
Bob Cox .................................... 378-3445
Bruce Dawson .......................... 387-4703
James Dawson…………………..837-8375
John Harp………………………..392.4922
Gary Harrell……………………...703-2809
Dwight Herron ........................... 387-2276
Kelly Kindrick…………………….692-0509
Ted Merritt….. ………………… 210-5441
Danny Minor ............................. 392-2691
Mark Morris ............................... 735-3035
Bob Shannon ............................ 691-9119
Connie Sixkiller ......................... 691-3914
Bill Sledge ................................. 793-1068
Steve Smith .............................. 794-8310
Roy Stevens ............................. 692-0569
Christian Service Center
Jack Grimes...236-5956
[email protected]
achieve our goal of feeding 250
Contribution .................... .……..$17,880.67
Baskets are due November 17th!!!
Scott Bulmer - 392-3652, [email protected]
(Associate Minister)
Allen Carr—662-6674, [email protected]
(Family Minister)
Tina Dean - 623-0457, [email protected]
(Children’s Minister - 1st-6th grade)
Ben Glover - 227-3757, [email protected]
(Senior Minister)
Jennifer Grimes - 326-1106, [email protected]
(Children’s Minister - 0-Kdg.)
Tim Hunt - (325) 665-3764, [email protected]
(Spiritual Formation Minister)
Ariel Kennedy - (479) 595-3088,[email protected]
(Associate Children’s Minister)
Levi Peck - 990-3687, [email protected]
(Youth Minister)
Howard Vanover - 692-9368, [email protected]
(Worship Minister)
Missionary Families
Ricardo Neves (Portugal) Courtney Matthews (Honduras)
Ivan Karadza (Croatia)
Luke Whitmire (Cross and Crown)
Prayer for Contribution
“As the Deer Thirsts”
Scripture: Acts 11:19-26 NIV
(Kids dismissed for Wee Worship and Kids Praise)
GOAL: $140,000
Missions ...........................................$2,490
Prayer for Bread & Cup
Song #315 “When I Survey the Wondrous
families for Thanksgiving!
AM Worship …………………....…….......497
+ 160 at the Family Retreat
Hymns of Praise
Allen Carr
“Shout Hallelujah”
Song #718 “We Shall Assemble”
and Crown. Please help us
Sunday Schedule
9:00 am Bible Classes
10:00 am Worship Service
4:00 pm Worship Service
Wednesday Schedule
7:00 pm Bible Class
November 10, 2013
another in love.
3rd place: The Baldwin Family
The Dean Family (tie)
“Wonderful Merciful Savior”
Message: Being a Contagious Church
Ben Glover
Mission Sunday
November 24
“Listen to Our Hearts”
Shepherd’s Prayer: James Dawson
Please help support our mission work
around the world!
“Lord Reign in Me”
If this is your first time to worship with us, please
know that we are thrilled to share in your journey
of faith. We invite you to join in the singing of
praises, praying, studying from God’s Word; to
enjoy the warmth of just being together with
fellow seekers. Our prayer is that you will feel the
love & grace of God during your worship
experience this morning. We are honored to have
you as our guest today and look forward to
meeting you after our worship assembly. May God
bless you richly & deeply!
Connection Groups will meet today.
Call the church office for more information
regarding the Connection Groups, or you can
attend our Sunday evening Bible study
at the building. (4:00pm in the Chapel)
Communion will be served.
A handout listing all of the Connection
Groups is available at the Information Booth.