Innovative Sediment Management: How to do more with less Final programme 8th international


Innovative Sediment Management: How to do more with less Final programme 8th international
8th international
SedNet conference
6-9 November 2013
Lisbon, Portugal
Innovative Sediment Management:
How to do more with less
Final programme
8th international SedNet conference | 1
Wednesday 6 November 2013
Opening and welcome
- Marc Eisma, Port of Rotterdam Authority / Chairman SedNet
- Rafaela Matos, Head Water and Environment Unit, LNEC
Sediment management: a Portuguese perspective
Chairman: Marc Eisma, Port of Rotterdam Authority / Chairman SedNet
Sediment management in the context of water policies
António Gonçalves-Henriques, LNEC
Sediment research in estuaries and the coastal zone
Luís Portela, LNEC
Dredging and sediment management in the Port of Lisbon
Paula Sengo, Port of Lisbon Authority
Coffee break
Sediments and ecosystems (and their services)
Chairman: Jos Brils, Deltares, the Netherlands
Sustainable dredged material management
Chairman: Axel Netzband, Hamburg Port Authority,
Small Auditorium
Salt marshes retention capacity for carbon and
nitrogen at Ria de Aveiro lagoon (Portugal)
Ana Sousa, University of Aveiro, Portugal
A ‘Decision Framework for Assessing Options for the
Disposal and Treatment of Contaminated Dredged
Material’ in England and Wales
Chris Vivian, Cefas, UK
Understanding dynamics of ecosystem services
conservation in Pangani river basin Tanzania:
prospects and constraints for payment for watershed
Makarius Lalika, Sokoine University of Agriculture,
Achieving more with less. Lessons learned by the Oslo
harbour case study, Norway
Arne Pettersen, NGI, Norway
Assessment of ecosystem services in dredging and
marine construction works
Cor Schipper, Deltares, the Netherlands
Summary of the Phase I Removal Action in the Lower
Passaic River
Philip Spadaro, The Intelligence Group, USA
Sustainable sediment management in a “rigid” river
basin, a port’s perspective
Eric de Deckere, Port of Antwerp, Belgium
Sustainable disposal of dredged material? An analysis
of the Belgian situation
Gert Van Hoey, ILVO, Belgium
Use of the ecosystem service approach for integrated
estuarine management
Kirsten Wolfstein, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
Risk assessment & management of polluted
sediments in areas with a nautical necessity - A case
study from the Port of Antwerp, Belgium
Agnes Heylen, Port of Antwerp and Toon Moeskops,
Ecorem, Belgium
What can ecosystem services do for you? From
assessments to decisions
Sabine Apitz, SEA Environmental Decisions, UK
SETARMS Project: Sustainable Environmental
Treatment And Reuse of Marine Sediment
Nathalie Dumay, APLM, France
2 | 8th international SedNet conference
Integrated sediment management
Chairman: Richard Eertman, Ministry of Infrastructure
and Environment, the Netherlands
Sustainable dredged material management
Chairman: Andrea Barbanti, ISMAR-CNR/RITMARE,
Small Auditorium
Thoughts on sediment management
Axel Netzband, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
Novel scenarios for sustainable waterway sediments
management deduced from a decision-support tool
Bruno Lemière, BRGM, France
A conceptual model for advancing urban sediment
management: allocating limited finances to deliver a
sustainable outcome
Eric Stern, Battelle, USA
Succesful approach to ‘Keep the sediment navigable’
in Port of Delfzijl
Jannes Kamphuis, Groningen Seaports, the
Usefulness and necessity of asset management and
structural cooperation in sediment management
Guido Ritskes, Durable Blue, the Netherlands
VAMORAS - Valorization of mechanically dewatered
dredged sediments
Liesbeth Horckmans, VITO, Belgium
Sustainability strategies for habitat restoration and
sediment management in the face of global climate
Richard Wenning, ENVIRON, USA
Re-thinking cohesive sediment dredging
management; a combination of fundamental and
pragmatic research
Renaat De Sutter, Antea Group, Belgium
Coffee break
Coffee break
Remediation as a contribution for a sustainable
sediment management in the river Rhine
Vera Breitung, Federal Institute of Hydrology,
A new multidisciplinary approach to dredged
sediment management: Venice industrial channels
and other tests
Giovanni Preda, TREVI SpA, Italy
Sediment management in the Dutch Rhine: an
integrated approach for navigation, safety against
flooding and ecology
Pol Hakstege, Ministry of Infrastructure and
Environment, the Netherlands
A check on the efficiency of an air bubble screen
through the use of an artificial tracer: a test in the
Port of Genoa (Italy)
Marco Capello, University of Genoa, Italy
An example of researchers-stakeholders collaboration:
the Observation network of the Loire river basin
sediments (“Réseau O.S.L.A.”, France)
Lauren Valverde, University of Tours, France
In situ sediment immobilization treatment: from
demonstration to full-scale implementation
Rebecca Gardner, Anchor QEA, USA
Welcome reception, Poster Session and Exhibition
- Opening by Marc Eisma, Port of Rotterdam Authority / Chairman SedNet
- Introduction to Poster Session, by Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- SedNet Working Groups initiative, by Jos Brils, Deltares, the Netherlands
Musical intermezzo by the LNEC-choir
8th international SedNet conference | 3
Thursday 7 November 2013 - morning
Plenary session with keynote presentations
Chair: Christophe Mouvet, BRGM, France / Vice-Chairman SedNet
Opening by session chair
The EU Blueprint for water; implications for sediment management
Claire McCamphill, DG Environment
The Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe: from national policy setting to RTD needs identification
Dominique Darmendrail, Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe
Towards practicle guidance for sustainable sediment management using the Sava River as a showcase
Damir Beki´c, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Coffee break
Sediment quality issues
Chairperson: Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
The combination of chemical contamination, toxicity and in situ sediment structure is responsible for the low
biodiversity of Lake Rummelsburg (Berlin)
Georg Reifferscheid, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany
Development of an experimental method for the assessment of contaminated natural sediment
Catrina Cofalla, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Nematode-related criteria for sediment quality assessment
Marvin Brinke, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany
A sensitive integrated approach to assess sediment quality: application to a low contamination case study
(Minho River)
Joana Raimundo, IPMA, Portugal
Spatially-explicit bioaccumulation modeling to support human health and ecological risk assessments in a
decision analytic context
Katherine von Stackelberg, E Risk Sciences, LLP, USA
Sediment characterization of the Augusta harbour (Sicily, Italy): modern benthic foraminifera in relation to
grain-size and sediment geochemistry
Elena Romano, ISPRA, Italy
Assessment of sediment contamination in an impacted estuary: differential effects and adaptations of sentinel
organisms and implications for biomonitoring
Pedro Costa, IMAR, Portugal
4 | 8th international SedNet conference
Thursday 7 November 2013 - morning (Parallel Session)
ECSA Special Session: Changing hydrodynamics of estuaries and tidal river systems
Chairperson: Kate Spencer, Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA) and Queen Mary University of
Tidal and fluvial hydrodynamics and the interactions between these flows change in the estuarine environment
over a range of time-scales (i) in response to human management interventions, e.g. tidal barrages, weirs,
restoration and flood management/storage schemes and (ii) over longer time-scales associated with predicted
changes to the frequency and magnitude of coastal storm surges, river discharge extremes and sea level rise.
This will have impacts for: sediment (sand and mud) dynamics including the redistribution of contaminated
sediment; water quality and the physico-chemical environment; and the ecological status of estuarine, tidal
freshwater and lower river systems.
This special session, hosted by speakers from ECSA, will outline current knowledge and tools for understanding
and predicting changing hydrodynamics in estuarine systems and explore the implications this may have for
contaminant/nutrient cycling and ecological status. This will be followed by a discussion of gaps in knowledge
and management implications over short to medium time-scales.
Small Auditorium
Kate Spencer, ECSA and Queen Mary University of London
Invited talk:
Impact of natural and antropogenic changes on hydro- and sediment dynamics in tidal estuaries
Henk Schuttelaars, TU Delft, the Netherlands
New shallow water area in Hamburg in the frame of the Tidal Elbe Concept
Manfred Meine, Hamburg Port Authority, Germany
Tracking the turbidity maximum zone in the Gironde estuary (SW France) based on continuous monitoring and
Sabine Schmidt, CNRS, France
How the tides changed in the Schelde-estuary under influence of natural changes and human interference
Yves Plancke, Flanders Hydraulics, Belgium
The management of sediments near infrastructures founded on mobile beds
João Rocha, LNEC, Portugal
8th international SedNet conference | 5
Thursday 7 November 2013 - afternoon (Parallel Sessions)
Parallel Special Sessions and Working Group Initiatives
This afternoon session is dedicated to Special Sessions and meetings of new initiatives – brought forward by the
network – on sediment research and management.
The new initiatives will assemble as Working Group meetings and may focus on any topic in the field of
sediment research and sediment management. Any conference participant who would like to brainstorm
with his fellow-sediment-specialists is given the opportunity to organise such a Working Group meeting. The
meetings are open for any conference participant to join and thus contribute to the discussion. The outcome of
these Working Group meetings will be presented briefly in a plenary session at the end of the conference.
The most promising Working Group initiatives may get some support from SedNet to kick-off the execution of
activities that they propose.
ECSA Special Session: Changing hydrodynamics of estuaries and tidal river systems
14.00-14.05 | Introduction
Kate Spencer, ECSA and Queen Mary University of London
14.05-14.35 | Invited talk: Changing hydrodynamics and its impact on contaminant remobilisation from
estuarine sediments
Andrew Turner, University of Plymouth, UK
14.35-15.05 | Invited talk: Coastal geomorphology and ecohydrology
Andy Plater, University of Liverpool, UK
15.05-16.00 | Workshop
Small Auditorium
Special Session: Mechanics of sediment transport (14.00-18.00)
Detailed programme: see next page
Special Session: Relationships between sediment and biota in transitional water ecosystems and harbours
Organisers: Monia Renzi, Alberto Basset, Maurizio Pinna, University of Salento, Italy
This Special Session will outline current knowledge and tools for understanding principal factors controlling
sediment-biota relationships in transitional water ecosystems and harbours after the occurrence of different
human management actions (i.e. sediment dredging) or environmental crisis (i.e. dystrophy). This will be
followed by a discussion of gaps in knowledge and future research fields on these themes.
Sala/Room 2
Working Group: Strengthening the connection between science and policy for improved sediment
management (14.00-18.00)
Organisers: Adriaan Slob, TNO, the Netherlands, and Jos Brils, Deltares, the Netherlands
The interface between science and policy is essential for the development of sediment management within
European directives as it should provide the evidence base for the interventions and new management
opportunities (governance approaches). Instruments for an improved connection between science and policy
have been developed in several EU-projects.
A goal of this session is to find out if there is interest in the SedNet-community to start a specific SedNet
Working Group on science-policy interfacing for sediments and - if yes - to draft a proposal for that Working
Sala/Room 4
And other Working Group meetings, brought forward by the conference participants (14.00-18.00)
Coffee break for all Special Sessions and Working Group meetings (16.00-16.30)
Conference dinner at the Aura Lounge Café, Praça do Comércio, 1100-038 Lisbon (next to the Tourist Office;
metro Terreiro do Paço)
6 | 8th international SedNet conference
Special Session: Mechanics of sediment transport
Mário J. Franca, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Rui M.L. Ferreira, CEHIDRO, Instituto Superior Técnico – TULisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
This special session is devoted to mechanics of sediment transport in oceans, rivers or reservoir environments,
including grain-scale mechanics of sediment transport, river and estuarine morphology, suspended load,
cohesive sediments, interaction with turbulence, interaction with structures or ecological considerations.
The NEMEAU® process
Mickaël Bertrand, SEDIGATE, France
Spatial-scale considerations when evaluating sediment transport model performance
Carl Kirk Ziegler, Anchor QEA, USA
Advancements in assessment of contaminated sediment remobilization risks in unnavigable watercourses in
Flanders, Belgium
Thomas Van Hoestenberghe, Antea Group, Belgium
A natural-scale analysis of Estuarine Cohesive Sediments: the EsCoSed Project
Matteo Postacchini, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
An hydraulic monitoring system on a bridge over river Po
Francesco Ballio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Mathematical modelling of transport of coal stockpiles by tsunami at Sines port
Daniel Conde, CEHIDRO, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Long-wave-induced flows of stratified cohesive sediments
Yong Sung Park, University of Dundee, UK
Modelling and numerical aspects of fluid-saturated granular materials: application to shear flows
Christos Varsakelis, IMMC, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Coffee break
Sediment suspension events and structures at the transition between flow acceleration and stabilization
Fereshteh Bagherimiyab, University of Waterloo, Canada
Flow structure and bed morphology interactions in discordant bed channel confluences with different
confluence angles
Sebastián Guillén, CEHIDRO, Portugal / LCH, Switzerland
Sediment transport within submerged model canopies under oscillatory flow
Marianna Soler, University of Girona, Spain
The role played by the feed texture on the bed adjustments in sediment feed experiments
Carles Ferrer-Boix, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Questions, discussion and closure
8th international SedNet conference | 7
Friday 8 November 2013
Sediment quality and quantity issues
Chairman: Eric de Deckere, Port of Antwerp, Belgium
ARCH Special Session: Management of multiple
pressures on estuaries and lagoons in a changing
Chairman: Gijs Breedveld, NGI, Norway
Small Auditorium
The geochemistry of sediments at the catchment scale
Multi isotope characterization (Pb-Zn-Cd-Hg) of the
suspended sediments from the Loire River Basin
Philippe Négrel, BRGM, France
Keynote presentation:
Ecosystem service in transitional and marine waters
Francesca Somma, European Commission, DG JRC Water Resources Unit
Occurrence and mobility of metals in sediments from
mountainous catchments: a case study in the River
Douro basin (Northen Portugal)
Anabela Reis, University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto
Douro / University of Coimbra, Portugal
ARCH: Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple
pressures on lagoons
Amy Oen, NGI, Norway
Modelling sediment supply towards, and
sedimentation processes in unnavigable watercourses
in Flanders, Belgium
Thomas Van Hoestenberghe, Antea Group, Belgium
From four “hotspot” lagoons to pan-European lagoons
management: Lessons learnt so far from the FP7
LAGOONS project
Ana Isabel Lillebø, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Sediment quality management in the Netherlands:
measures and prevention
Marieke Prins, Rijkswaterstaat Centre for Water,
Traffic & Environment, The Netherlands
Evolutionary resilience and adaptation to climate
change in European coastal regions
Elizabeth Brooks, Newcastle University, UK
The relevance of sediments in eutrophic systems: a
comparison of two European coastal lagoons (Óbidos
and Lesina)
Carlos Vale, IPMA, Portugal 11.20-11.40
Coffee break
Coffee break
Interaction between fluvial, estuarine and coastal
Chairman: Carlos Vale, IPIMAR, Portugal
ARCH Special Session (continued)
Model supported monitoring of SPM in the Dutch
coastal zone
Katherine Cronin, Deltares, the Netherlands
Ecosystem services of sediments in marine spatial
Ilona Kami´nska, University of Gdansk, Poland and
Jacek Zaucha, University of Gdansk and Maritime
Institute in Gdansk, Poland
Influence of internal versus diffuse sources on
nutrients and trace elements in water: the case study
of a eutrophic coastal lagoon
Patricia Pereira, IPMA, Portugal
Sea meets land
Ingela Isaksson, County Administrative Board, Västra
Götaland, Sweden
Sediment and biota monitoring of an offshore
dredged-material disposal site in the German Bight Assessment by means of the OSPAR-criteria
Uwe Hentschke, Federal Institute of Hydrology,
Stakeholder communication on sediment issues –
a waste of time? Experiences from the Elbe Estuary
Ivonne Stresius, Hamburg University of Applied
Sciences, Germany
8 | 8th international SedNet conference
Small Auditorium
Multiple pressures on the Götariver, Sweden,
management by stakeholder involvement
Marie Haeger-Eugensson, IVL, Sweden
How to proceed with sediment research and management?
Chairman: Marc Eisma, Port of Rotterdam Authority / Chairman SedNet
Wrap-up of conference sessions
by session chairpersons
Results of Working Group sessions
by initiators of Working Groups
Plenary discussion: What’s new? How to proceed with sediments?
Discussion leader: Christophe Mouvet, BRGM, France / Vice-Chairman SedNet
SedNet Poster Prize 2013
Susanne Heise, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Closing and adjourn
Drinks and snacks
Saturday 9 November 2013
Excursion by boat along the Tagus estuary to view several facilities of the Port of Lisbon, waterfront
developments at Parque das Nações (including a marina designed to cope with heavy siltation), extensive
intertidal flats of the Tagus estuary nature reserve in the upper estuary, hotspots of sediment contamination at
former industrial locations in the middle estuary, and the historic area of Belém in the lower estuary.
Gathering at the Ferry Terminal Terreiro do Paço (metro station Terreiro do Paço, exit “Barcos”)
On board
Start cruise in Tagus estuary
End cruise, back at Ferry Terminal
Note: your luggage can be stored on board during the cruise
8th international SedNet conference | 9
Conference Venue
The event is hosted at LNEC, the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, in Lisbon, Portugal (
Location: Avenida do Brasil 101, 1700-066 Lisboa. Bus: 717, 731, 744, 750, 783.
Metro: Alvalade (900 m). GPS: 38º45’34’’N, 9º08’28’’W.
The conference language will be English. No translation facilities will be provided.
Conference Fee
Regular fee:
400 euro
100 euro
The fee includes admission to the whole conference programme, social (dinner) events on the evenings of 6 and 7 November 2013
and an excursion on 9 November. The fee excludes VAT.
For the conference registration form see
Deadline for registration is 25 October 2013.
Hotel accommodation
Suggestions for hotels can be found on the conference webpage on
Conference dinner 7 November 2013
20.00-22.00 Aura Lounge Café, Praça do Comércio, 1100-038 Lisbon (next to the Tourist Office; metro Terreiro do Paço)
Excursion 9 November 2013
09.30-12.30 Ferry Terminal Terreiro do Paço (metro station Terreiro do Paço, exit “Barcos”)
10 | 8th international SedNet conference
Aura Restaurant
8th international SedNet conference | 11
SedNet Secretariat
PO Box 85467
3508 AL Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 651286087
E-mail: [email protected]
SedNet is the European network which aims to incorporate sediment issues and knowledge into
European strategies to support the achievement of good environmental status and to develop new
tools for sediment management. Its focus is on all sediment quality and quantity issues at the river
basin scale, ranging from freshwater to estuarine and marine sediments. SedNet brings together
experts from science, administration, industry and consultants. It interacts with the various
networks in Europe that operate at national or international level or that focus on specific fields
(such as science, policy making, sediment management, industry, education). Special attention was
devoted in recent years to the integration of sediment management in the WFD implementation
process, and particularly in the recently published River Basin Management Plans.
For further information about SedNet see
12 | 8th international SedNet conference