How to Read Aroma Shield™ Essential Oil Labels 6 1


How to Read Aroma Shield™ Essential Oil Labels 6 1
How to Read Aroma Shield™ Essential Oil Labels
©Copyright 2011 Aroma Shield LLC
Dilute 1:1 PHOTO-
Premium essential
oil mechanically
expressed from
organic lemon peel
100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
Certified Organic NOP
Aroma Shield, LLC
Salem, UT 84653
Toll Free (855) 873-1553
Citrus limon
15 ml (0.5 fl. oz.)
For topical and
aromatic use.
Cautions: Possible
skin sensitivity. Keep
out of reach of
children and well
away from eye area.
Store in cool, dark
place. If pregnant or
under a doctor’s care,
consult your physician
before use.
Single Oil Label
Dilute 1:3
Premium organic and AROMA
pure essential oils of
eucalyptus, rosemary, 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil
clove bud, orange,
Certified Organic NOP
lemon, cinnamon
bark, oregano and
For topical and
aromatic use.
Cautions: Possible
skin sensitivity. Keep
out of reach of
children and well
away from eye area.
Store in cool, dark
Antiviral, Antifungal, Antibacterial Blend place. If pregnant or
Aroma Shield, LLC
Salem, UT 84653
under a doctor’s care,
15 ml (0.5 fl. oz.)
consult your physician
Toll Free (855) 873-1553
before use.
Triple Shield
Blend Label
1. Dilution Tab: The red tab shows the
dilution amount required to safely avoid skin
sensitivity when applying topically. Since
personal chemistries vary, the dilution
shown is for sensitive skin. A simple skin
patch test will best tell you what your skin
can tolerate. With experience, some may be
able to gradually reduce dilution levels. To
further reduce risk of skin sensitivity, apply
the oils topically only to the soles of the feet.
2. Photosensitivity Tab: The yellow
tab is blank on most oils, but if the oil has
photosensitizing properties (meaning it will
activate UV rays to more rapidly burn the
skin) then the word ‘PHOTO’ appears in this
tab. If the oil is only minimally photosensitizing there is a minus (-) following the word
PHOTO; in one case (Lime) there is a plus
(+) following the word PHOTO, indicating it
is highly photosensitizing. The skin areas
where photosensitizing oils have been applied must be covered and protected from
sunlight and UV rays for at least 24 hours.
3. GRAS Tab: The blue tab provides information on whether the oil is approved by
the FDA as GRAS (Generally Regarded As
Safe) or FA (Food Additive/Flavoring Agent)
for use in food. In blends, the classification
applies to the entire blend, i.e. if the word
GRAS appears in the tab, then every oil
used in the blend is GRAS- approved; if the
word GRAS/FA appears, then every oil in
the blend is either GRAS approved or approved as a Food Additive/Flavoring Agent.
If there is no entry in this tab, then one or tial oils only be ingested under the careful
more oils in the blend is not GRAS or FA. direction of a health professional with licensed experience in prescribing essential
4. Toll-free Phone: For questions or or- oils. Additionally, all essential oils must be
ders, this toll-free number is available from kept out of reach of children, away from
9 to 5, Monday thru Friday, Mountain Time. the eyes and other sensitive body parts
and should not be used by women who are
5. Liquid volume of oil: This indi- pregnant or individuals under a doctor’s
cates the liquid volume of oil inside the care without first consulting a physician.
bottle. For essential oils and blends there
are two sizes, 5 ml and 15 ml. The bottles 8. Common Name/Blend Name:
are filled using carefully calibrated equip- This is the name by which we refer
ment to insure exact amounts. However, to each particular oil. For single oils
our bottles are slightly larger than the fluid it is the common name of the plant
content (8 ml and 18 ml respectively), al- from which the oil is extracted or dislowing for extra space/air in the bottle tilled. For blends, it is the product name.
to prevent leakage due to temperature
and pressure changes during shipping. 9. Botanical Name (Singles): On
every single oil, there is a botanical name
6. Organic Certification State- as well as a common name. This is critiment: Aroma Shield has a strong commit- cal, since some companies use an infement to organic essential oils, but some oils rior species for their oils. For example
are simply not available as certified organic. there are at least 3 species of lavender
The majority of our most popular single oils that are used for lavender oil other than
do carry organic certification as indicated by Lavandula angustifolia, which is the corthis statement just above the name of the oil. rect species for true lavender essential oil.
7. Important Cautions: As stated in
this caution, we recommend our essential
oils specifically for topical and aromatic
use. Because of their complexity and concentration we do not make recommendations for oral use (ingesting) oils. While
many Aroma Shield oils can be used in this
fashion, because of the complex risk factors involved, we recommend that essen-
10. Description (Blends): This subtitle on the blends label describes the purpose of the blend.
11. Website: is
the official Aroma Shield website containing
all products available, including detailed descriptions, pricing and ordering information.