Title How to Configuring Data Collection for


Title How to Configuring Data Collection for
How to Configuring Data Collection for
ITCAM for SOA When Upgrading IBM BPM
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© Copyright IBM Corporation 2013.
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Background and Challenges
To ensure that environment will not be damaged after upgrading, a worry-free guidance for upgrading is
an important topic. This document provides a step by step solution to configure data collection for ITCAM
for SOA when upgrading IBM BPM.
We should understand the ITCAM for SOA architecture first before starting the solution.
ITCAM for SOA is installed and operates within the management infrastructure of the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring environment. ITCAM for SOA has several components.
Figure 1 . The ITCAM for SOA architecture diagram
Component 1. Data collector
An ITCAM for SOA data collector must be deployed and configured for every monitored runtime
environment. The data collector is installed locally on the runtime environment host. The data collector
saves data in metric files. The monitoring agent uses these files to prepare information for display in the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal. You can also use these files with Web Services Navigator for detailed analysis.
The data collector detects the information flow topology on the runtime environment and tracks the
message traffic within the environment. The data collector collects the following information for every
Source and destination (system name, application server name, service port name, and operation
If the message is a request or a response
Interaction type (synchronous or asynchronous)
The association of a request to its response during an asynchronous interaction
The response time for the message
Whether the message generated a fault
Whether the message is a one-way or a two-way message
Optionally, the actual header and body content of the message itself
A separate data collector is used for monitoring DataPower appliances. It collects the same information by
acting as a proxy between the appliance and other services.
Component 2. ITCAM for SOA monitoring agent
An ITCAM for SOA Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (monitoring agent) interacts with the data collectors.
The monitoring agent is installed on every host that runs one or more runtime environments. It receives
data from the data collectors that are configured for the environments, and transmits it to the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Component 3. ITCAM for SOA SDMS monitoring agent
The ITCAM for SOA SDMS agent is provided with ITCAM for SOA version and later. The agent is
required if you want to view Business Process Management monitoring data in the IBM SmartCloud
Application Performance Management version 7.6 or later. The agent provides minimal user-visible
content in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. No agent-specific Workspaces, situations, or take action
commands are provided. The attribute groups are designed to provide a data interface to the Application
Performance Management UI rather than for use in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
Component 4. Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server infrastructure
The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server infrastructure consists of one or more Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Servers and a Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. It works with various agents, including the ITCAM for SOA
monitoring agent. For more information about this infrastructure, see the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
information center at
doc_6.2.2fp2%2Fwelcome.htm. Use the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to view service-to-service topology
spanning multiple servers, along with detailed information for individual servers.
The Tivoli Monitoring Infrastructure also saves the monitoring information to the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
Use ITCAM for SOA Agent Reports to create predefined and on-demand reports based on the monitoring
information in Tivoli Data Warehouse.
Component 5. Discovery Library Adapters
Discovery Library Adapters (DLAs) run on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. A DLA is a program that
extracts data from a source application and creates XML files to pass to Tivoli Common Object Repository.
Component 6. Tivoli Common Object Repository
Tivoli Common Object Repository (TCORE) runs on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. TCORE stores
information that is received from DLAs in a database and passes the information to the SOA Domain
Management Server. This information enables SOA Domain Management Server to integrate service
registry and business process information with the information about service resources.
Component 7. SOA Domain Management Server
The SOA Domain Management Server runs on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. The management
server aggregates information received from monitored servers and prepares a single view of service-toservice topology. The management server also manages interaction between ITCAM for SOA and several
other products.
Configuring data collection for ITCAM for SOA when upgrading IBM
Before you upgrade from IBM BPM version or later to IBM BPM version 8.0 or later, you must
unconfigure ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere. After you upgrade to IBM BPM version 8.0 or later,
reconfigure the data collector with the same settings. Complete the following steps:
1. Unconfigure ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere from all application server instances that you plan to
migrate. Use the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere Unconfiguration utility to unconfigure the data
collector as below steps:
<1> From a command line, navigate to the DC_home\bin directory on Windows systems or the DC_home/bin
directory on Linux or UNIX systems.
<2> Set the location of the Java home directory before you run the script. For example:
On Windows systems:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Progra~1\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer80\java
On Linux or UNIX systems:
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/AppServer80/java
<3> Run the following command to start the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere Unconfiguration utility.
On Windows systems:
On Linux or UNIX systems:
The utility searches for all server instances that are monitored by the ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere.
Application server instances must be running during the unconfiguration procedure.
For Network Deployment environment, the Node Agent and Deployment Manager must also be running.
The utility prompts you to select one or more application server instances from the list of configured servers:
Choose one or more servers to unconfigure for data collection:
Application Servers configured by the current version:
1. co098170Node01Cell.co098170Node01.server1(AppSrv01)
Enter a number or numbers separated by commas, or enter * to select all.
<4> Enter the number that corresponds to the application server instance to unconfigure for data collection or enter an
asterisk (*) to unconfigure data collection for all application server instances. To specify a subset of servers,
enter the numbers, separated by commas, that represent the servers. For example: 1,2,3.
<5> The utility prompts you to specify whether you want to create a backup of your current WebSphere Application
Server configuration:
Do you want to backup current WebSphere configuration? [1 - YES, 2 - NO]
[default is: 2]:
Enter 1 to create a backup of the current configuration. Otherwise, enter 2 and skip to step 7.
<6> The utility prompts you to specify the directory in which to store the backup of the configuration. For example:
On Windows systems:
Enter backup directory [default is: C:\IBM\ITM_DC\dchome\\data]:
On Linux or UNIX systems:
Enter backup directory [default is: /opt/IBM/ITM_DC/dchome/]:
Specify a directory in which to store the backup of the configuration or accept the default directory.
<7> The utility displays the name of the WebSphere home directory and the
WebSphere profile for which a backup is created. For example:
On Windows systems:
WebSphere Home:C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
WebSphere Profile:AppSrv01
On Linux or UNIX systems:
WebSphere Home:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01
WebSphere Profile:AppSrv01
<8> The utility indicates whether WebSphere Global Security is enabled for the WebSphere Application profile that
you specified:
WebSphere Global Security is enabled.
If global security is not enabled, skip to step 10.
<9> The utility prompts you to specify whether to retrieve security settings from a client properties file:
Do you want to retrieve security settings from a client properties file (soap.client.props or sas.client.props)?
[1 - YES, 2 - NO] [default is: 2]:
The data collector communicates with the WebSphere Administrative Services using the RMI or the SOAP protocol. If
global security is enabled for a profile, you must specify the user ID and password of a user who is authorized to log
in to the IBM WebSphere Application Server administrative console for the profile. Alternatively, you can encrypt the
user name and password and store them in client properties files before configuring the data collector. You must
use the sas.client.props file for an RMI connection, or the soap.client.props file for an SOAP connection.
Enter 1 to allow the utility to retrieve the user name and password from the appropriate client properties file and skip
to step 11. Otherwise, enter 2 to enter the user name and password.
Enter WebSphere admin user name:
Enter WebSphere admin user password:
<10> If you selected the option to back up the current WebSphere configuration, the utility starts backing up the
configuration. For example: On Windows systems:
Backing up profile: AppSrv01 home: C:\Program Files
(x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin ... Backup file
is successfully created
On Linux or UNIX systems:
Backing up profile: AppSrv01 home: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin ...
Backup file /opt/IBM/ITM_DC/dchome/
WebSphereConfig_20120716161102.zip is successfully created. And A status message is displayed to indicate that
the data collector was successfully unconfigured.
2. Migrate from IBM BPM version or later profile to IBM BPM version 8.0 or later profile. To
maintain the historical data view for data that was collected for IBM BPM version or later, migrate
the application servers to a profile that has the same node name. In a Network Deployment environment,
migrate the deployment manager and node profile.
3. Verify that the application server instances are migrated and started. In a Network Deployment
environment, make sure that the Deployment Manager and Node Agent are migrated and started.
Tip: If you migrated the WebSphere profile to a different host, install ITCAM for SOA version 7.2 on the
target machine.
4. Reconfigure the data collector for all application server instances using the configuration utility. Specify
the same parameters values that were used for IBM BPM version or later. Use the ITCAM Data
Collector for WebSphere configuration utility to configure the data collector as below steps.
<1> In the command line, navigate to the DC_home\bin directory
on Windows systems or the DC_home/bin directory on Linux or UNIX systems.
<2> Set the location of the Java home directory before you run the utility. For
on Windows systems:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Progra~1\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer80\java
on Linux or UNIX systems:
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/IBM/AppServer80/java
<3> Run the following command to start the configuration utility.
On Windows systems:
On Linux or UNIX systems:
<4> The utility starts and displays the IP addresses of all network cards that are found on the local computer system.
The utility prompts you to specify the interface to use for the data collector:
List of TCP/IP interfaces discovered:
Enter a number [default is: 1]:
<5> Enter the number that corresponds to the IP address to use.
The utility searches for WebSphere Application Server home directories on the computer system and prompts you to
select a home directory:
On Windows systems:
List of WebSphere Application Server home directories discovered:
1. C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
Enter a number or enter the full path to a home directory
[default is: 1]:
On Linux or UNIX systems:
List of WebSphere Application Server home directories discovered:
1. /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
Enter a number or enter the full path to a home directory
[default is: 1]:
<6>. Enter the number that corresponds to a WebSphere Application Server home
The utility searches for all profiles under the specified home directory and
prompts you to select a profile:
List of WebSphere profiles discovered:
1. AppSrv01
Enter a number [default is: 1]:
<7> Enter the number that corresponds to the WebSphere Application Server profile that you want to configure.
The utility indicates whether WebSphere Global Security is enabled for the WebSphere Application profile that you
WebSphere Global Security is enabled.
If global security is not enabled, skip to step 9
<8> The utility prompts you to specify whether to retrieve security settings from a client properties file:
Do you want to retrieve security settings from a client properties file
(soap.client.props or sas.client.props)?
[1 - YES, 2 - NO] [default is: 2]:
The data collector communicates with the WebSphere Administrative Services using the Remote Method Invocation
(RMI) or the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) protocol. If global security is enabled for a profile, you must
specify the user ID and password of a user who is authorized to log in to the IBM WebSphere Application Server
administrative console for the profile.
Alternatively, you can encrypt the user name and password and store them in client properties files before configuring
the data collector. You must use the sas.client.props file for an RMI connection, or the soap.client.props file for
an SOAP connection.
Enter 1 to allow the utility to retrieve the user name and password from the appropriate client properties file and skip
to step 9. Otherwise, enter 2 to enter the user name and password.
Enter WebSphere admin user name:
Enter WebSphere admin user password:
<9> The utility searches for all application server instances under the specified profile. The utility displays all servers
that are not configured yet for data collection and all servers that are configured to use the current version of
ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere.
The utility prompts you to select one or more application server instances from the list:
Choose one or more servers to configure for data collection:
Application servers not yet configured:
1. co098170Node01Cell.co098170Node01.server1(AppSrv01)
Enter a number or numbers separated by commas, or enter * to select all:
For a stand-alone environment, application server instances must be running during the configuration.
For a Network Deployment, WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, or WebSphere Compute Grid environment, the Node
Agent and Deployment Manager must be running.
Ensure that the application server instances that you select are the actual servers that host the applications
or services that you want to monitor.
<10> Enter the number that corresponds to the application server instance to configure for data collection or enter an
asterisk (*) to configure all application server instances for data collection. To specify a subset of servers, enter the
numbers, separated by commas, that represent the servers. For example: 1,2,3.
<11>. In the Integration with ITCAM for SOA Agent section, the utility provides an option for integrating the data
collector with the ITCAM for SOA agent.
Do you want to integrate with an ITCAM for SOA Agent? [1 - YES, 2 - NO]
[default is: 2]:
You must install and configure the ITCAM for SOA Agent and its application support files, and optionally configure
topology support to complete the installation and configuration of the ITCAM for SOA agent. For more
information about installing and configuring the ITCAM for SOA Agent, see IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager
for SOA Installation Guide.
Enter 1 to integrate the data collector with the ITCAM for SOA Agent. Otherwise, enter 2 and you can see the status
message to indicate that the configuration of the data collector for the profile is complete.
<12>. After configuring the data collector to monitor application server instances, you must restart the instances as
directed by the utility. The data collector configuration takes effect when the application server instances are restarted.
Data collection is configured for the specified application server instances.
5. Verify that the application servers are functioning correctly. Verify the connection from the data
collector to the ITCAM for SOA monitoring agent and ITCAM for Transactions, as required.
Introduction to Authors
Ellen Chen has rich experience in Globalization project management. She's led and delivered over 100
testing projects. Her areas of expertise include globalization verification testing, translation verification
testing, and translation management.
Peter Chen is a experienced globalization test lead and has been working on globalization testing for
ITCAM for SOA for several releases.
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