How to Prepare a Contribution to the Amasis’04 Workshop Proceedings
How to Prepare a Contribution to the Amasis’04 Workshop Proceedings
How to Prepare a Contribution to the Amasis’04 Workshop Proceedings Jens A. Griepentrog∗ Abstract This documentation gives a detailed description of how to write a contribution to the Amasis’04 Workshop Proceedings and to fine-tune text, mathematics, references, and to deal with illustrations and tables. Key words and phrases. Modeling and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices, Mathematical Typesetting with LATEX. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 35K45; Secondary 45K05, 47J35, 35D10. 1 Introduction This documentation is not a general introduction to TEX or LATEX. For this we refer to [1, 2, 3]. Instead, this template has been set up for authors who are familiar with the basics of LATEX. Should we refer in this template to standard tools or packages that are not installed on your system, please, consult the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN) at [4, 5, 6]. To write a contribution to the Amasis’04 Workshop Proceedings, please, download the template file example.tex and logo.eps (only needed for Fig. 1) from our web page . Copy these files to your working directory and run LATEX to get your own example.dvi file; rename the template file as you see fit and use it for your own input. For a detailed description of how to fine-tune text, mathematics, and references, to deal with illustrations, and to set up tables, see the following author instructions. 2 Author Instructions The following sections give you detailed instructions on how to set up your file and meet our layout requirements. Please, try to adhere to these standards right from the beginning. However, if you have already begun, please, use them as a checklist before you submit your ready-to-print manuscript printout or data. ∗ Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Mohrenstrasse 39, D-10117 Berlin, Germany, [email protected] 1 2.1 Initializing Class To format the document use \documentclass[10pt]{article}, i.e. the default font sizes is 10 pt and the default language is English. 2.2 Packages Below we list and comment on a selection of recommended packages. They are invoked by the \usepackage{} command. For figures use graphicx.sty which is a powerful tool for including, rotating, scaling and sizing graphics files (preferrably high-quality encapsulated PostScript1 files). For mathematical typesetting and individual text structures such as theorems, definitions, and examples, the template provides a number of predefined environments which conform with the AMS layout requirements. We use amsmath.sty, amsopn.sty and amsthm.sty, and additionally the font packages amssymb.sty, amsfonts.sty and eucal.sty to set, e.g. nice blackboard and calligraphic letters with \mathbb{} and \mathcal{}, respectively. 2.3 Top Matter Use the command \title{} to typeset a heading of your contribution. For your name(s) use the command \author{} with an enclosed \footnote{} command for your affiliation(s). Please, make sure to include your e-mail address here. Always give your first name in full. If there is more than one author, the names should be separated with \and. Use the command \maketitle to complete the header of your contribution. Please, type the header of your contribution immediately after the \begin{document} command. For including an abstract use the abstract environment \begin{abstract} . . . \end{abstract} after the \maketitle command. Please, make sure to add your keywords and/or subject classification within the abstract environment. 2.4 Fine-Tuning Text As a general rule, text is typed using the standard LATEX commands. The standard sectioning commands can be used. Always give a \label{} where necessary and use \ref{} for cross-referencing to sections, theorems, figures and tables, etc. In contrast to any hard-coded references these soft-coded crossreferences can automatically be converted to hyperlinks in any electronic version. Headings. We adopt the English convention, i.e. all words of a heading have a leading capital letter except for articles (a, an, the), conjunctions and prepositions of up to four letters (e.g. on, of, at, to, by, and, or, but, from, with). If a heading needs more than one line, please, break the line at an appropriate place and position the binding word (conjunction, preposition, article, . . . ) at the beginning of the new line, rather than the end of the previous line. 1 PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. 2 Emphasizing Text. Please, use the command \emph{} to emphasize words in italics and \textsc{} to set names of authors in small capitals. Environments. For individual text structures such as theorems, definitions, and examples, the template provides predefined environments which conform with the AMS layout requirements. Each built-in environment gets its own counter without any chapter or section prefix and is counted consecutively throughout the article. Use, e.g. the environment command \begin{theorem} . . . \end{theorem} for your theorems. Predefined environments with upright text are conjecture, corollary, lemma, proposition, and theorem as well as definition, example, note, problem, proof, and remark. Special Expressions. If a special, e.g. non-English, expression is used repeatedly, please, spell it consistently throughout the contribution. Please, make sure to add hyphenation rules if necessary. Abbreviations. Particular terminology that is abbreviated should be defined on first usage. Dashes. We differentiate between three types of dashes, which have to be coded individually: To produce a simple hyphen, used to connect or separate dependent parts of a word such as prefixes, or in compound adjectives, please, enter a single keyboard hyphen without any space on either side, but not an em-dash. To typeset the slightly longer em-dash – to denote, e.g. an insertion within a sentence – please, enter two hyphens with a space on either side. To produce an en-dash, enter two single hyphens with no space on either side, to stand in place of “ to ” in ranges, as in 1987–89, Fig. 3a–c or in the range 10–20 eV, or to connect two names or words that are independent of each other, such as Hartree–Fock or the electron–photon interaction. However, double-barrelled names like Levi-Civita are connected with simple hyphens. Quotation Marks. To create English language quotation marks as in “ word ”, please, use the command ‘‘word’’. Cross-References Within Text. Please, always give a \label{} where necessary and use \ref{} for cross-referencing. The \cite{} and \bibitem{} mechanism for bibliographic references is also obligatory. Cross-references to particular figures, tables, sections and so on (always followed by a space and then a number) should be written in full when they stand at the beginning of a sentence, but in any other position within the text they should be abbreviated as follows: Sect./Sects. for sections, Fig./Figs. for figures and p./pp. for pages. Exceptions: Table/Tables should always be written out in full – at the beginning of a sentence as well as within it. For referring to numbered equations, please, use the command \eqref{} without the abbreviations Eq./Eqs. Use the word Equation before the number only in front of a sentence. For citations use the \cite{} command with a \label{} referring to the bibliography. Do not use the abbreviations Ref./Refs. in the middle of a sentence; at the beginning of a sentence you should write the word Reference. 3 2.5 Fine-Tuning Mathematics As a general rule, formulae are typed using the standard LATEX commands. The template provides a number of predefined mathematical environments which conform with the AMS layout requirements. Always give a \label{} where necessary and use \eqref{} for numbers in mathematical environments. Please, set mathematical expressions and formulae within the running text in math mode, i.e. $...$, such that spaces are set automatically. Displayed Formulae will automatically be centered. Set your formulae always with the \begin{equation} . . . \end{equation} environment. For the unnumbered version use the equation* or the displaymath environment. If you need to emphasize an individual displayed formula you may put a simple box around it. Please, do not use double-lined borders. Equation Arrays. In order to get a readable layout for your equation arrays we recommend that you use the eqnarray or align environment. This will automatically use optimal line spaces and line breaks. If an equation spans more than one line place the equals sign at the beginning of the subsequent line(s); binary operators such as +, −, etc. should also appear at the beginning of the subsequent line(s) of an array, and the line should be indented to the right of the equals sign in the line before. Please, punctuate mathematical expressions and formulae in the same way as any other written statement and make sure to insert \, before the punctuation mark to add a little extra space. Multiplication. Where a multiplication sign is essential use \times instead of the \cdot command. The \cdot is reserved for vector dot products. Abbreviations such as Ord, Var, Ker, const., etc. should be set upright, e.g. by using the command \mathrm{}. Physical units (and their prefixes) should correspond to the SI standards and be set upright. Always put a fixed space \, between a number and its unit, and between elements of units. Both styles 3 km s−1 and 3 km/s are acceptable, but, please, settle for one choice and use it consistently. Please, use % without a space, e.g. 100%, and use the degree sign without a space, e.g. 100◦ C. Variables should be represented by a unique single character and always be used in math mode, i.e. be set in italics as in v = 3 km s−1 . Exponential terms with long exponents or with exponents containing subscripts or superscripts should be set using the \exp{} command. Subscripts and superscripts should always appear upright when they are abbreviations. Using \mathrm{} the font size will automatically be adjusted. The differential d, exponential e and imaginary i should be set upright. Fractions in displayed equations should be coded with \frac{}{}. When they appear within exponents, running text or narrow tables, they should be set with a slash. Otherwise the font size will be too small to be easily read. Delimiters should be large enough to enclose their content completely – but not larger. We recommend using dynamic LATEX input commands, e.g. \left{ and \right}, \langle and \rangle, \left| and \right|, etc. 4 2.6 Figures, Tables and Their Captions In general, figures and tables are typed using the standard LATEX commands. Always give a \label{} where necessary and use \ref{} for cross-referencing. Use the LATEX graphicx.sty package to include your graphics files (see [7]). Figures. Save your figures in encapsulated PostScriptr format with fonts embedded. Please, save without preview and with the so-called bounding box adjusted to the actual content of the figure. Use the commands \centering and \includegraphics[]{} inside the \begin{figure} . . . \end{figure} environment to center and include your figures. Overwide figures should be reduced to the normal page width, e.g. by setting the optional parameter width (not greater than \textwidth). Please, make sure that every figure is followed by a caption. By default figure captions are centered. Should a figure consist of several parts, please, set the names of the parts within round brackets inside the caption. As an example, \begin{figure}[hb] \centering \framebox{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{logo.eps}} \quad\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{logo.eps} \caption{\label{logo} Amasis logo: (a) with a frame box; (b) without a frame box.} \end{figure} gives the following figure: ’04 ’04 AMaSiS AMaSiS Figure 1: Amasis logo: (a) with a frame box; (b) without a frame box. Color Figures. Despite the fast technical progress in digital printing the reproduction of color figures still is very costly. In general, please, use highquality black and white figures or gray halftones. Illustrations. If you can supply illustrations (graphics, photos and drawings) in digital form, this will simplify production, provided you follow a few basic rules. For scanned line figures the minimum resolution in the final print size is 800 dpi. For scanned photos, 400 dpi in the final size is sufficient. In any case for illustrations the use of vector graphics and drawings is always preferred, e.g. files in encapsulated PostScriptr format (see Fig. 1). Image Processing. If illustrations are to appear in grayscale or black and white, do not produce them in color. Color fields often convert to screens that are almost indistinguishable from one another. Instead of screens, whenever 5 possible, please, use cross-hatching, stippling, and other dot and line patterns to differentiate among elements in an illustration. If screens must be used, they must be between 15% and 60%. Screens must be differentiated from one another by at least 15%. The lowest line weight is 0.5 pt in the final print size. Grids and details within the figures must be clearly readable, and a fortiori they should not overlap. Lettering. To add lettering, it is best to use the default text font. The font size should be 8–10 pt in final print. Avoid effects such as shading, outline letters, etc. Lettering should not be added until after scanning, i.e. it should be added to the graphics file. In any case, it is recommended to use embedded PostScriptr fonts. Please, do not insert any figure legends or figure headings in your illustration file. Tables. Please, use the declaration \centering and the \begin{tabular} . . . \end{tabular} environment inside the \begin{table} . . . \end{table} environment to typeset your tables. Overwide tables should be reduced to the normal page width. The layout of your tables should not contain any vertical lines. The header and the footer of the table can be emphasized by a bold line (see Table 1). Please, make sure that every table is preceded by a caption. By default, table captions are centered. Do not put a period at the end of the last sentence of a table caption. As an example, Table 1: The names of some trees in different languages German Ahorn Birke Eiche English maple birch oak French ´erable bouleau chˆene Italian acero betulla quercia can be produced using the commands \begin{table}[hb] \centering \caption{\label{trees} The names of some trees in different languages} \setlength{\doublerulesep}{\arrayrulewidth} \begin{tabular}{llll} \\ \hline\hline German & English & French & Italian \\ \hline Ahorn & maple & \’{e}rable & acero \\ Birke & birch & bouleau & betulla \\ Eiche & oak & ch\^{e}ne & quercia \\ \hline\hline \end{tabular} \end{table} 6 2.7 References The list of references is set as an unnumbered section at the end of your contribution and numbered with ordinal numbers in square brackets. The references themselves may be listed sequentially in order of citation or in alphabetical order. In mathematical texts references are often labelled as author-year acronyms. In order to achieve this simply give this argument to the \bibitem{} command. Always use \cite{} for cross-referencing. When producing your bibliography, please, ensure the completeness of the data (name and initial of author(s) in small capitals, book title or journal name with volume number in italics, publisher’s name and place, year of publication and page numbers), e.g. as in [8]. Please, make sure that, in the individual reference citations, the initials of names do not stand alone. Please, connect them to their surname with the help of the tilda ~ so that they will not be separated from each other when LATEX breaks the line. The same applies to volume or page numbers. 3 Manuscript Submission If you have finished your contribution send this material including the source files (*.tex, *.eps, etc.) by e-mail to the address [email protected]. Please, direct any queries concerning the layout, LATEX coding, figures, etc. of your contribution to the contact address given above. We will respond directly or pass your query to the experts in charge. References [1] L. Lamport, LATEX: A Document Preparation System. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison–Wesley, 1994. [2] M. Goossens, F. Mittelbach, A. Samarin, The LATEX Companion. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison–Wesley, 1994. [3] D. E. Knuth, The TEX book. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison–Wesley, 1986. [4] TEX Users Group, [5] Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TEX e.V., [6] UK TEX Users Group, [7] M. Goossens, S. Rahtz, F. Mittelbach, The LATEX Graphics Companion. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison–Wesley, 1997. [8] S. Storbeck, Sch¨ oner Lesen – gut lesbare und optisch ansprechende Texte durch gute Typographie. Die TEXnische Kom¨ odie, Heidelberg, Germany: Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TEX e.V., 3/2000, 6–30 (2000). 7
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