
Compliments of Dr. Sam Sample
News from the office of:
Dr. Sam Sample
It’s summer – the season of bright, white
t-shirts and smiles to match! If your smile
isn’t summertime bright, please call us
to find out how easy it can be to lighten
up, with fast, safe and effective dentistsupervised teeth whitening.
Many patients find that the summer is
a great time to squeeze in that dental
appointment they didn’t have time for
earlier in the year. Households with
children on summer holidays especially
appreciate scheduling in dental and
other appointments for the kids, not
having to interrupt school time.
Whether you’re due for a regular re-care
appointment, have a specific dental
concern you’d like us to look at, or if
you’ve been wondering about cosmetic
improvements — from tooth whitening
to a complete smile makeover — please
call us. We’ll be pleased to answer all
your questions.
See you soon!
All the best,
Sam Sample
Dr. Sam Sample and Team
With an increase in the number of both men and women
seeking the assistance of plastic surgery to achieve a younger
appearance, it’s worth highlighting another, less invasive way
to turn back the clock: cosmetic dentistry.
Anti-aging dentistry can
entail something as simple
as bringing back the color of
your teeth from its current
yellowed or darkened hue to
the youthful whiteness that
characterizes a younger smile,
or can be as involved as a
complete smile makeover.
Years of staining foods and
drinks, with perhaps a tobacco
habit to contribute to the
cause, may have resulted in
your teeth losing their fresh,
white color. In addition, your
teeth may have worn down
or even shifted over time, or
your gums may have receded,
resulting in a “long in the tooth”
appearance. These common
imperfections can all contribute
to an overall older impression.
Depending on your current
dental condition, we can help
change your smile – and take
years off your appearance –
with teeth whitening, dental
veneers, crowns and dental
implants – even replacing your
old metal fillings with new white
ones can reveal a modern,
improved look. If it’s crooked or
misaligned teeth that are the
reason you may not feel you
look your best, we can compare
orthodontic options including
“invisible” braces versus dental
veneers or other cosmetic
alternatives, depending on the
degree of change you need.
Whether it’s one procedure
or a combination of different
techniques, you’ll be amazed
at how a visit to your dental
office can turn a dull, aged smile
into a beautiful, youthful one
that can shave years off your
appearance. Please call us today
to find out all your options!
Good oral health and a beautiful smile make a difference
in so many ways – physically, psychologically, socially
and professionally. To perfect your dental health however,
you need to maintain a regular schedule of dental visits,
where we have open and honest conversations about
your dental needs, wants and concerns.
If you haven’t seen a dentist in a while or you haven’t
visited our office as frequently as you should, we’d
like to find out why. Could it be for one of the
following reasons?
You haven’t been to the dentist for so long, you’re
now afraid you’ll get “in trouble”!
Some patients steer clear of the dentist because they
think we might chastise them for neglecting their
mouths for so long. If you fear my reaction to the
condition of your teeth and gums, please relax. My job
isn’t to judge you and your dental history, it’s to bring
your mouth back to health and to restore your smile.
And believe me, your smile can be fixed, no matter
how bad you think it is!
You break out in a cold sweat at the thought of
even entering the dental office.
If the mere thought of having dental work done
causes your heart to pound and your palms to sweat,
rest assured that you’re not alone!
There are no hard statistics on it, but it’s estimated
that millions of North Americans are so fearful of going
to the dentist that they simply don’t go. And of course,
the trouble with dental problems is that they don’t go
away – and usually get worse – if you ignore them.
We encourage you to share your anxieties with us.
Getting your concerns out in the open will let us
adapt any treatments to your needs. In fact, there are
methods that may not have been around when you
last went to the dentist, that make dentistry more
comfortable than you can imagine!
You’re embarrassed about your bad breath.
We welcome you, and your halitosis too! In fact,
your dental office should be your first stop for any
breath concerns.
We’ll discuss all the possible causes of halitosis, and
what we can do to address it. The first step towards
fresher breath is to make an appointment to talk
about it today.
You have less-than-stellar dental hygiene habits.
If brushing and flossing aren’t regularly-scheduled
events on your daily calendar, come in so we can talk
about different dental techniques that might make
them more inviting. For example, we can demonstrate
flossing aids that you may find easier and more
effective than what you’ve tried in the past.
Your lifestyle is reflected in your smile.
A big fan of red wine? A heavy smoker? Have an
eating disorder? Multiple oral piercings? Many daily
habits and lifestyle issues can affect not only the color
and condition of your teeth, but the condition of your
gums too. Please allow us to evaluate the effects of
your lifestyle on your teeth, and take steps to repair
any damage already done, fix up your teeth and gums,
and take steps to prevent further damage.
Dentistry is not cheap, that’s a fact. However, the
longer you leave dental problems, the bigger – and
more expensive – they could be to eventually fix. We’ll
be happy to work on a payment plan that will allow
you to regain your beautiful, healthy smile without
breaking your budget.
Have we missed the reason that might be
in-between you and your decision to call for a
dental appointment? If so, please let us know!
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Despite expectations of a paperless society by now, there seems to be
more paper than ever these days. But whether it’s a printed form or an
online version, you’ve no doubt been asked to complete a medical history
form. Why is this type of paperwork so important in a dental office?
The answer is twofold:
1. T
o recognize the mouth-body connection and the impact
your general health – and the medications you’re taking
to maintain your health – take on your oral health; and
2. T
o allow us to attend to our patients with the safest,
most effective treatments with minimized risk of
possible side-effects.
It’s imperative that you answer the questions on your
medical history honestly, even if they seem to have no
obvious connection to your dental health. Some questions
may include:
• How is your current health? Do you have any allergies?
Are you pregnant? Have you had surgery or been
hospitalized since your last visit?
• What medications, vitamins, supplements (even
if they’re herbal supplements), skin treatment
medications, etc. – are you taking?
• W
hat is your family history of periodontal disease,
diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.?
• H
ave you been advised to take antibiotics before
receiving dental treatment?
Please take the time to complete your medical history
form in full, and keep us updated on your medical
condition(s) and any treatments or drugs you are on. Some
drugs can interact with medications that we may need to
prescribe for your dental work, so it’s important that we
know which drugs you are taking and in what doses.
By keeping us updated on any changes to your medical
status, we’ll be able to treat your dental needs safely and
appropriately. Have any further questions? Don’t be shy –
call us anytime!
Tobacco, whether smoked (cigarettes, cigars, pipes), chewed or even filtered
through a hookah water pipe, is associated with a multitude of health issues, but
did you know that it is also linked to the following specific dental health problems?
• Oral cancer.
• G
um disease, receding gums, tooth decay and
hot/cold sensitivity.
• Bad breath.
• Lengthier healing following dental surgery.
• Diminished sense of taste and smell.
• Reduced success with periodontal treatments.
• Greater risk of tooth loss.
• Lower chance of dental implant success.
Smoking also takes a toll on your outward appearance,
in many cases aging you prematurely. Smoking will:
• D
arken your teeth. Once tobacco stains seep into the
pores of your teeth, no amount of cleaning will help.
You’ll need to have your teeth professionally whitened,
or even consider the application of porcelain veneers
to cover up the deep stains.
• C
reate a “long in the tooth” appearance. Smokers
experience an increased risk of the formation of
calculus, which can lead to deep pockets between teeth
and gums. These pockets let in bacteria that can destroy
tissue and bone, making teeth look longer while also
contributing to potential tooth loss.
• W
rinkle your skin. Smoking reduces collagen
formation in the face while nicotine reduces skin
thickness, resulting in reduced skin elasticity and the
appearance of premature aging.
We’d be happy to support you in your plans to quit
smoking. In the meantime, please come in and let us
evaluate your dental condition, conduct an oral cancer
exam and suggest ways to halt the effects of tobacco on
your oral and overall health.
1-2-3, SMILE!
Not happy with your smile? The
solution is as easy as choosing
which cosmetic dentistry option will
turn your frown upside down!
1. Problem: Stained, discolored or
dull-looking teeth
Tooth enamel is the body’s hardest substance — the reason dental
records are often consulted when identifying trauma victims — but it
isn’t invincible. Acids from bacteria in your mouth, sweet foods and
starches, certain medications and acid reflux can all eat away at tooth
enamel, causing erosion, sensitivity and tooth decay as well as an overall
thinning of the tooth surface that reflects the color of your teeth. And
even though drinks pass through your mouth quickly, the destructive
effects of juice, wine and other acidic drinks can also cause real damage.
Follow these tips to help avoid
the destructive effects of acid
on your tooth enamel:
• R
educe or eliminate drinking
carbonated drinks.
• If you do enjoy an occasional
carbonated or acidic drink, don’t
sip it over an extended period
of time and use a straw, when
possible, to reduce the liquid’s
exposure to your teeth.
• R
inse your mouth with water
after consuming an acidic
drink and wait an hour before
brushing, to allow the enamel
to remineralize. Always choose
a toothbrush with soft bristles.
Once you have any existing tooth
decay addressed and resolved,
we can talk about what your
best options are for regaining the
esthetic appeal of your teeth.
Dental veneers are often the best
solution for solving shape, size and
color issues on visible front teeth,
while the strength and durability of
dental crowns is usually necessary
for the hard-working back teeth.
We look forward to helping you
regain your bright, beautiful,
complete smile!
Solution: In-Office or Take-Home
Teeth Whitening
Whether your teeth are discolored due
to tobacco use, staining foods or drinks
or simply as a result of the natural aging
process, we have simple options that
will whiten and brighten your smile.
2. Problem: Gaps, chips or slightly
crooked teeth
Solution: Veneers
Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin
porcelain shells that are bonded onto
individual teeth to cosmetically correct
their shape, size, color and other
3. Problem: Gummy smile
Solution: Gum reshaping
Too much gum covering your front
teeth making them look short and your
smile too “gummy”? Uneven gums
making your teeth look like they’re
different lengths? One visit to our
office for simple gum contouring will
set you straight!
Please call to discuss our many other
smile solutions, and what’s involved
in creating the whiter, straighter, more
beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of.
Main Street Dental
Dr. Sam Sample
25 Main Street West
Suite 202
City, State, ZIP
Phone: (000) 555-1234
Fax: (000) 555-5678
Christine Dental Hygienist
Dr. Sam Sample
Caitlin Dental Assistant
Gwen Treatment Coordinator
Office Hours:
Mon. – Thurs.: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Fri.: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Sat.: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Our Services Include:
• General Dentistry
• Emergency Dental Care
• Bad Breath Advice & Treatment
• Tooth Whitening
• Cosmetic Dentistry
• Denture Fittings
• Dental Implants
• Bonding & Veneers
• Crowns & Bridges
The information contained in this newsletter is not designed as dental advice, but rather as a means to encourage interest in your dental health and communication with your dentist. Whole or partial reproduction of this newsletter is
forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. © Market Connections Inc. 2014, Phone: (800) 795-8021, Website: www.dentalhealthnews.org